Coaching de un CEO resistente a la retroalimentación sobre el estilo de liderazgo. ¿Estás preparado para afrontar este reto de frente?
Cuando te enfrentas a un CEO que se resiste a la retroalimentación, tu enfoque debe ser estratégico y sensible. Considere estas tácticas:
- Enmarcar la retroalimentación en términos de resultados comerciales para alinearla con sus objetivos.
- Utiliza datos y ejemplos para respaldar tus puntos, haciéndolos tangibles.
- Fomentar la autorreflexión haciendo preguntas abiertas que promuevan el pensamiento crítico.
¿Qué estrategias te han funcionado cuando entrenas a alguien que se resiste a la retroalimentación?
Coaching de un CEO resistente a la retroalimentación sobre el estilo de liderazgo. ¿Estás preparado para afrontar este reto de frente?
Cuando te enfrentas a un CEO que se resiste a la retroalimentación, tu enfoque debe ser estratégico y sensible. Considere estas tácticas:
- Enmarcar la retroalimentación en términos de resultados comerciales para alinearla con sus objetivos.
- Utiliza datos y ejemplos para respaldar tus puntos, haciéndolos tangibles.
- Fomentar la autorreflexión haciendo preguntas abiertas que promuevan el pensamiento crítico.
¿Qué estrategias te han funcionado cuando entrenas a alguien que se resiste a la retroalimentación?
When a CEO resists feedback on their leadership style, I don’t shy away—I lean in. I start by showing empathy, acknowledging their position and past accomplishments, and then gently introduce the idea that feedback is fuel, not a threat. I tailor my approach: sharing real examples and small case studies of leaders who benefited from a mindset shift. I also use curiosity-driven questions—“How do you think your team perceives this approach?”—to get them reflecting rather than defending. Slowly but surely, I help them see that growth and refinement are marks of strength, not weakness. “Because the best leaders never stop leveling up.”
When coaching a CEO who is resistant to feedback, it is critical to understand the importance of challenging perspectives. CEO’s, regardless of their demeanor, are responsible for driving the vision and forward direction of their organization. This means that they must get extremely good at making high-impact, high-valued decisions. This skill they have honed leads to a greater sense of confidence in their abilities, right or wrong. The most effective way around that brick wall of confidence is by challenging their perspectives. When they are in a position of defending their ideas, they are also immediately pushed to flex that skill of seeing further down the road. That tends to lead to clarity and understanding when done correctly.
When a CEO resists feedback, it’s essential to address the resistance with curiosity rather than confrontation. Resistance often stems from fear—fear of vulnerability, fear of appearing weak, or fear of losing control. For many leaders, their style is deeply tied to their identity and experience, making feedback feel like a threat to their competence or authority. Emphasize that feedback isn’t about fixing flaws but unlocking their full leadership potential. Identifying the “why” behind their resistance paves the way for meaningful breakthroughs.
Coaching a CEO is not an easy task. CEOs are generally bold figures, disbelievers in "miracle" techniques, value their time a lot and are very objective and specific. Understanding a CEO's world model and the main challenges on their table can be a good start on how to challenge them. As the top of the corporate chain, it is important to understand that giving feedback to a CEO must be very objective, evidence-based. However, where can your skills as a Coach add value? CEOs generally cannot stand receiving suggestions on how to do things (they are alpha people, understand that) and so you should provoke them instead of trying to tell them which path to follow.
I’d approach this by first building a strong rapport and trust with the CEO which involves active listening, empathy, and demonstrating genuine respect for their position and accomplishments. I’d then carefully explore their perspective on feedback, understanding their concerns and identifying any underlying fears. Once I have a deeper understanding of their resistance, I’d introduce the concept of feedback as a valuable tool for growth and development. I'd frame feedback as an opportunity for self-reflection and continuous improvement, rather than a criticism of their character or abilities. Throughout the coaching process, I’d maintain a non-judgmental and supportive approach, encouraging self-discovery.
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