Te enfrentas a una interpretación vocal de alto riesgo. ¿Cómo calmarás tus nervios?
Antes de una gran actuación vocal, controlar la ansiedad es clave para dar lo mejor de ti. Pruebe estas estrategias:
- Practica ejercicios de respiración profunda para reducir el ritmo cardíaco y relajar el cuerpo.
- Visualiza una actuación exitosa, imaginando los detalles de la entrega de cada nota sin problemas.
- Calienta tu voz suavemente, concentrándote en escalas lentas para generar confianza y control.
¿Cómo calmas los nervios antes de una actuación? Comparte tus experiencias.
Te enfrentas a una interpretación vocal de alto riesgo. ¿Cómo calmarás tus nervios?
Antes de una gran actuación vocal, controlar la ansiedad es clave para dar lo mejor de ti. Pruebe estas estrategias:
- Practica ejercicios de respiración profunda para reducir el ritmo cardíaco y relajar el cuerpo.
- Visualiza una actuación exitosa, imaginando los detalles de la entrega de cada nota sin problemas.
- Calienta tu voz suavemente, concentrándote en escalas lentas para generar confianza y control.
¿Cómo calmas los nervios antes de una actuación? Comparte tus experiencias.
Knowing your song is the best way I've learned to calm my nerves about my performance. I practice a lot. I go over the words many times. I spend time on how I want it to sound. Meditations and breathing exercises before the performance can also help keep your mind off your nerves and the worry someone may feel. Enjoying a laugh with other performers before your song can also keep your mind calm. Reminding yourself that you know your song can also help. But the biggest thing to remember is this: Most people in the audience won't know your song as well as you do or at all and if you don't physically show you messed up or stop singing they will enjoy your performance. So calm down. Do your best and enjoy your song and so will your audience.
The day before start reducing all your engagements and slow down. The day of the performance, I like to do as little as possible. However, others like to do their regular routines. I like maybe take a nice walk in the morning. Do some Hatha Yoga for 15 minutes. Meditate or chant for another 30 minutes. Depending on when the performance is, I will plan my day to include at least 2 hours of dressing, makeup and relaxing afterwards. Along with at least 2 vocal warmups -- one after breakfast, and another in the afternoon-- totally no more than 45 minutes of warmup. You should have prepared and had your professional coaching session with your pianist or voice teacher at least once within the 7 days of your performance.
I am at my best when I started practicing on time so there can be no doubt about that part of the delivery. Also I make sure I feel confident with what I wear to the performance. I like my outfits to be a bit of a statement, especially with a big show. When the performance is nearing more I try to only focus on a slow rhythm of my breathing. Ultimately I tell myself that I should enjoy it as much as I can! As a perfectionist I think that's the best thing to focus on. Smile an enjoy the fruits of the hard work I put in :-).
Have a glass of water,teke deep breaths,tell yourself that everything will be fine,but if we will take that on our nerves,then it will be more difficult to handle.
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