Cash is Dead; Long Live Cash! The cost of living crisis in the UK (and elsewhere) continues to affect people´s habits. For the 2nd year banknotes and coins were used in 20% of transactions in 2023, up from 18.8% in 2022. As this article in Finextra reports, "Cash remains a vital form of payment for a sizeable minority of the population, particularly for its role in budgeting." For consumers and small businesses alike having access to cash and banking services is key to managing finances effectively. While bank branches are expensive to maintain, the ARPPA Technologies Banking Terminals can offer all services by a remote agent in just 7m² and for much less than you would imagine. Uses AI and is very suitable for the elderly and all disabled. #customerservice #vulnerablecustomers #banking
ARPPA Technologies
Tecnología, información e internet
Oviedo, Asturias 230 seguidores
We offer a patented solution of terminals and remote agents to address a need for sales/service staff where needed.
Sobre nosotros
ARPPA Technologies has a patented solution for companies in the service sector (including banks, rail and coach transport companies, telemedecine providers, local government etc.) to offer effective point of sales piloted terminals serving customers from a remote point whilst still enabling customers and agent to see each other and for the agent to serve the customer without any need for the customer to do anything other than request the service. With no menu-driven system a customer touches a screen on the terminal/kiosk to open a session with an agent who can provide information, ticket sales, or any service normally offered by a sales or service representative, or in the case of a bank, offer services normally offered in a branch but from a smaller footprint and at a much lower cost. Our offering is OPEX so no capital investment up-front. After over 14 millions transaction there has never ever been any complaint of the service and average ratings for the quality of service are much higher than for staff in a sales office or branch. We offer a normalised, secure, productive service for clients wherever costs are an issue but service cannot be compromised.
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- Tecnología, información e internet
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 11 a 50 empleados
- Sede
- Oviedo, Asturias
- Tipo
- De financiación privada
Calle Ponte Llano
No. 28, bajo
Oviedo, Asturias 33011 , ES
Avenida de la Industria
Alcobendas, Madrid, ES
Empleados en ARPPA Technologies
Digital banking is great, yet for some services customers like to speak to a real person, according to this article in Fintech Nexus. The irony is that those under 40 - the most digitally literate - want in-person financial advice. With branches closing there is no alternative. However, there is a solution that can replace branches at a low cost, and enable customers to speak to a bank employee for financial advice in a safe and secure environment: all sessions are recorded and analysed using AI. Additionally customers can access all services normally delivered in a branch. The solution is ARPPA Banking Terminals. Contact us for further information. #customerservice #vulnerablecustomers #banking
More young bank customers want in-person financial advice
Next Wednesday, 18th September, government legislation will give the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK new powers to ensure consumers can withdraw and deposit cash despite branch closures. According to Which?, this will ensure that banks provide options for cash access, which could include banking hubs, ATMs or Post Office facilities. There is, however, another alternative, developed by ARPPA Technologies which can offer the same services as a bank branch, is ultra secure, uses AI, suitable for the elderly and all disabled customers, fits in a small footprint, where customers are served by a real person (remote) and costs less than having a single employee! Too good to be true? DM us for more information. #customerservice #vulnerablecustomers #banking
Watchdog uses new powers to protect access to cash - Which? News
Every year carries out the U.S. Retail Banking Satisfaction Study. It measures satisfaction across 7 dimensions: trust; people; account offerings; allowing customers to bank how and when they want; saving time and money; digital channels; and resolving problems or complaints. Conclusions for 2024 were: Bank customer satisfaction was flat, trust declining; customer loyalty at risk; account fees and poor customer experiences drag on loyalty; back to basics of customer engagement. According to the report, "Every contact and every interaction influences customers’ experiences and their satisfaction". An ATM or off-shored call centre cannot deliver on these. ARPPA Technologies Terminals and remote agents achieve a customer score approaching 3.98/4, showing that engagement, speed, efficiency and experience can help banks improve customer satisfaction. Talk to us about how we can help raise this fundamental bar and serve old, young and all disabled alike. #customerservice #vulnerablecustomers #banking
2024 U.S. Retail Banking Satisfaction Study
En España en los últimos 15 años se han cerrado la mitad de las sucursales de banca. En su intervención en la jornada sobre "la brecha digital como obstáculo al consumo inclusivo", (organizada por Cermi Estatal y OCU) Javier Ruperez, Presidente de Plataforma Denaria confirmaba que "la gestión del modelo presencial al tecnoló ha llegado a todos y sigue siendo necesario que se asegure una red de oficinas presenciales de proximidad". A pesar de los esfuerzos de las entidades financieras sigue habiendo una demanda alta para acceder al efectivo para personas mayores, jóvenes y otros grupos marginados. La mejor solución para el acceso al efectivo y otros servicios bancarios sigue siendo ARPPA Technologies, ofrecido en OPEX, fácil de instalar, productivo y a un coste mensual económico. #clientesvulnerables #banca #españavaciada #servicioalcliente
Denaria advierte de la necesidad ineludible de oficinas presenciales de proximidad en toda España - Denaria
While it is often claimed that cash is going out of fashion, recent reports suggest the contrary. Worryingly, according to this article in The Telegraph, "free-to-use cash machines are vanishing at an “alarming” rate with more than 15,000 withdrawn in the past five years". This loss of ATMs is forcing customers to drive many miles to access money, which is bad for the environment - to say nothing of service to customers - but is justified on the grounds that people are using less cash. The truth is that cash is used less as access to it is made more difficult by the unavailability of ATMs or other devices. ARPPA Technologies has a solution of remotely managed terminals that give customers (including the elderly, disabled and other vulnerable groups) cash and access to ALL other branch services at a low cost. The "bank branch in a box" is now a reality. #customerservice #accesstocash #vulnerablecustomers #banking
The British towns fast becoming free cash machine deserts
We are very pleased that Forbes in Spain has recently covered our project with Renfe. The focus of the article is that Renfe has had the Ares Terminals (supplied and operated by ARPPA Technologies) validated by the Spanish Confederation of Families of Deaf People-Fiapas. This service offers remote agent assistance in train stations and uses a simple, inclusive operation with a magnetic loop for deaf people. Renfe commemorated World Hearing Day with this technology that has been installed throughout Spain and adding real support in the "España Vaciada" - the abandoned Spain which has been emptied of life and soul. This technological solution solves customer service needs and ticket sales through a passenger service with physical agents located remotely in a 'contact centre'. We are very proud of how we are helping to restore service to these areas of Spain and in particular to people with disabilities and those who are vulnerable. #vulnerable #customerservice #españavaciada
Renfe invierte en la mejora de la comunicación remota para los viajeros con discapacidad auditiva - Forbes España
Bank branch closures impact many people, but especially those with disabilities, older people and in rural areas. An Age UK survey in 2023 estimated that 4m people did not manage their money online. While vulnerable groups are most affected the issue of no bank branches affects others: for 4/10 small businesses, cash is the main method of payment. BBC Radio 4 yesterday (16th April 2024), did some investigating for its consumer programme You and Yours and came up with interesting stories. Listeners liked branches, and social function, but in particular when dealing with an issue (fraud, theft, loan etc.) face-to-face is essential. ARPPA Technologies Terminals allow banks to serve customers for EVERYTHING they need. #customerservice #accesstocash #vulnerablecustomers #banking
You and Yours - Call You and Yours - Bank Branch Closures - Call You and Yours - Bank Branch Closures - BBC Sounds
Banks the world over are moving to digital platforms which bring many advantages, but is also a form of disintermediation to customers. ATMs have long been part of the move to self-service, and manufacturers have tried to add personality to their machines, by adding an "Assisstance" button. However, using employees to deal in-person with a customer is the best, most complete and satisfactory solution that no ATM can provide. With ARPPA Technologies this is possible in just 7m² of space. All services can be offered (including card replacement) and all the customer has to do is ask for whatever service they want. This is the easiest, most cost-effective way to deliver a fully personalised banking service without the need for a branch and is particularly suitable for the elderly and disabled. Message us for a leaflet on our system. #customerservice #accesstocash #vulnerablecustomers #banking
La aceptación de la solucion ARPPA en RENFE por parte de sus clientes está siendo aún más exitosa de lo que pensábamos: aporta un buen servicio, ahorra costes y es muy apta para la gente mayor y los discapacitados.
Renfe comenzó a instalar un nuevo canal de atención al cliente en estaciones, que actualmente no cuentan con personal. El servicio, a través de atención personal en remoto, facilitará la información y compra de billetes en un total de 24 estaciones de Castilla y León: Arévalo, Astorga, Sahagún, Matallana, San Feliz, Boñar, La Vecilla, Guardo y Cistierna, Matapozuelos, Osorno, Pozaldez, Puebla de Sanabria, Dueñas, Briviesca, Peñaranda de Bracamonte, Aguilar de Campoo, Almazán-Villa, Valdestillas, Valladolid Universidad, Venta de Baños, Viana de Cega, Navalperal y Las Navas del Marqués.