🎓 Congratulations to Dr. María Ruiz de Gopegui Aramburu on successfully completing his PhD at BC3 and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona! Her research on #climate justice in urban public space adaptation marks a key step toward equitable and sustainable cities. It has been supervised by Dr Marta Olazabal (BC3) and Prof. Vanesa Castan Broto (Urban Institute). Well done!👏 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dqNmaG4G
BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change
Servicios de investigación
Leioa, Bizkaia 8581 seguidores
We advance knowledge in the causes and impacts of #climatechange to support better-informed policy-making
Sobre nosotros
The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) is an international and multidisciplinary research institute based in Bilbao, Spain. Created in 2008 by the Basque Government and the University of the Basque Country, BC3 is devoted to co-producing scientific knowledge relevant to decision-making for sustainable development by integrating the environmental, socioeconomic, and ethical dimensions of climate change.
- Sitio web
Enlace externo para BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change
- Sector
- Servicios de investigación
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 51 a 200 empleados
- Sede
- Leioa, Bizkaia
- Tipo
- Organización sin ánimo de lucro
- Fundación
- 2008
- Especialidades
- Research on Climate Change, Low Carbon, Integrated Modelling, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Marine Ecosystems, Adaptation, Mitigation, Environmental Economics, Cryosphere, Climate Policy, Climate Governance, Health and Climate, Agriculture and Land Use y Forestry
Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Campus of the University of the Basque Country
Leioa, Bizkaia 48940, ES
Empleados en BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change
Kurt Kratena
Dr. at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Enrico Girotto
Senior software developer en BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change: Klima Aldaketa Ikergai
Philip Martin
Forest management and restoration | evidence synthesis and use | environmental decision-making
Steven Wohl
Software Developer at BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change: Klima Aldaketa Ikergai
🎓 👏 Congrats to Kayin Venner on his PhD thesis defence at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona! His research on spatial inequities in EU urban #climateadaptation finance highlights the need for more equitable and cohesive funding strategies. As one of BC3’s first Fundación ”la Caixa” Inphinit fellows, Dr. Venner explored the socio-political factors influencing the accessibility and allocation of #climate adaptation finance, focusing on the challenges faced by smaller municipalities and marginalized communities. Well done! 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dMMpeVEs
🗣️ #BC3aldia2024 | BC3k #zientzia eta kultura biltzen dituen astearen bigarren edizioa ospatzen du gaurtik abenduaren 3ra arte. Egun hauetan, #hizkuntza eta zientzia elkartzen diren topagune bihurtuko da zentroa hainbat ekimenen bitartez. Gehiago jakin nahi?👇 - 🗣️ #BC3aldia2024 | BC3 celebra desde hoy hasta el 3 de diciembre la segunda edición de una semana que reúne #ciencia y cultura. Durante estos días, el centro se convertirá en el punto de encuentro entre #euskera y ciencia a través de diferentes iniciativas. ¿Quieres saber más? 👇 🔗 https://lnkd.in/gsxAJezZ
🍃 🌏 Violeta Furlan BC3ko ikertzaileak #IntegrateNbS proiektu europarraren aurrerapenak aurkeztu zituen Pez Estudiok koordinatutako tailer batean. Ekimenak #natura|n oinarritutako hiri-esku-hartzeen diseinuan jakintza praktikoak, balio kolektiboak eta bidezko estrategiak integratzeko eta orekatzeko gai den metodologia diseinatzea du helburu. info+ ⬇️ - 🍃 🌏 La investigadora de BC3 Violeta Furlan presentó en un taller organizado por Pez Estudio, los avances del proyecto europeo #IntegrateNbS. La iniciativa busca diseñar una metodología capaz de integrar y equilibrar saberes prácticos, valores colectivos y estrategias justas en el diseño de intervenciones urbanas basadas en la #naturaleza. +info ⬇️ https://lnkd.in/g_gXBzUu
🔜 Our scientific director Maria José Sanz will present the MAIA Resilience EU project, led by BC3, in Madrid at the event ‘Adaptation to Change’. An opportunity to discover how #ClimateAdaptation generates new opportunities and business models. 🗓️ 27/11/2024 ⏰ 17:30 Register here 👇 - 🔜 Nuestra directora científica Maria José Sanz presentará el proyecto MAIA Resilience EU, liderado por BC3, en Madrid en el evento “Adaptación al Cambio”. Una oportunidad para descubrir cómo la #AdaptaciónClimática genera nuevas oportunidades y modelos de negocio. 🗓️ 27/11/2024 ⏰ 17:30 Registrate aquí 👇 🔗 https://lnkd.in/gwJsiCSa
🟣 #N25 | BC3 joins Emakunde to stop the violence against women. We support the campaign promoted this year with the claim “Denying the violence against women is a way to support it. Let’s all join together to stop it”. Read more here 👇 - 🟣 #A25 | BC3k Emakunde|rekin bat egin du emakumeen aurkako indarkeriari amaiera emateko. Aurtengo “Emakumeen aurkako indarkeria ukatzea kanpaina babesteko modu bat da. Elkartu gaitezen denok geldiarazteko” kanpainarekin bat egiten dugu. Info gehiago 👇 - 🟣 #25N | BC3 se une a Emakunde para poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres. Apoyamos la campaña “Negar la violencia contra las mujeres es una forma de apoyarla. Unámonos todos para detenerla”. Más info 👇 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dYVv82WY
🔛 Nuestra compañera María Victoria Román de Lara ofrece este viernes en el Auditorio del Colegio Mercedarias de Leioa una charla divulgativa sobre #cambioclimático organizada por Sare Berdeak. 📆 22/11/2024 🕛 10:30 - 12:30 🔸 El aforo es limitado +info👇 - 🔛 Gure lankidea den Maria Victoria Román de Larak,#aldaketaklimatikoa|ri buruzko hitzaldia eskainiko du ostiral honetan Leioako Mercedarias Ikastetxeko Auditorioan, Sare Berdeak erakundeak antolatuta. 📆 2024/11/22 🕛 10:30 - 12:30 🔸Edukiera mugatua da +info👇 https://lnkd.in/dmeWRaVT
🔙 Rubén Crespo Ceballos, #datascientist de BC3, presentó un caso de estudio de la IA desarrollado en ARIES: ARtificial Intelligence for Environment & Sustainability en el marco de #GlobalInnovationDay2024. 125 estudiantes universitarios y de formación profesional participaron en un taller con el foco en la #sostenibilidad medioambiental. +info👇 - 🔙 Ruben Crespok, BC3ko datu zientzialariak, ARIES: ARtificial Intelligence for Environment & Sustainabilityko testuinguruan garatutako AAren azterketa kasu bat aurkeztu zuen #GlobalInnovationDay2024|aren esparruan. Unibertsitateko eta lanbide-heziketako 125 ikaslek parte hartu zuten tailer batean, ingurumenaren #jasangarritasuna ardatz hartuta. info+👇 https://lnkd.in/djTgNThq
GLOBAL INNOVATION DAY 2024 - Video Resumen de la jornada
🗣️ In the upcoming #BC3Seminar, Juliette Blevins will present The Natural Wonders of #Euskara: Bees, Trees, and Prickly Plants as Windows on the #Basque Past. This fascinating talk uncovers connections between Proto-Basque and Proto-Indo-European words, shedding light on ancient cultural relationships between language, plants, and animals in the #BasqueCountry. Join us this Thursday at 12:00 PM and do not miss it! 👇 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dAZr6VSK #BC3aldia
🆕 📄 A new #BC3Paper finds that collaboration between scientists, environmental justice advocates, and health professionals can significantly enhance #climatechange adaptation efforts with a focus on social equity. The research team, led by our coworker Pablo Herreros, developed the Milwaukee Flood-Health Vulnerability Assessment (FHVA), an innovative tool for Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA), pinpointing priority areas, and advancing solutions to address the impacts of climate change. Learn more here 👉 https://lnkd.in/diwjPzdX #climatechange #flooding #environment #climate