In a few hours, our colleague Kurosh_ Dabbagh_ Escalante_ will talk at EuskalHack about call stack spoofing to hide the execution of implants from memory. #ESCVII ➡️ Read more:
BlackArrow (Tarlogic)
Seguridad de redes y sistemas informáticos
Madrid, Europe 1474 seguidores
BlackArrow - Offensive driven defense
Sobre nosotros
BlackArrow is the Tarlogic cyber security unit specialized in offensive driven tactics learned through the experience of years providing red team services.
- Sitio web
Enlace externo para BlackArrow (Tarlogic)
- Sector
- Seguridad de redes y sistemas informáticos
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 51 a 200 empleados
- Sede
- Madrid, Europe
- Tipo
- Empresa propia
- Fundación
- 2019
- Especialidades
- Red Team, MDR, TLPT, Threat Hunting, Incident Response y Tiber
Calle de Quintanavides, 13-23
Madrid, Europe 28050, ES
Empleados en BlackArrow (Tarlogic)
Are you aware of this technique for achieving fileless persistence? Find out how it works and how to detect it. ➡️