

Fabricación de equipo médico

Mataro, Catalunya 1460 seguidores

Soluciones para la salud cognitiva

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Braingaze desarrolla soluciones de salud digital para detectar, diagnosticar y tratar trastornos cognitivos y enfermedades como el TDAH y la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Nuestras soluciones aprovechan los circuitos cerebrales que conectan pequeños movimientos oculares involuntarios como marcador y habilitador del procesamiento cognitivo. A este movimiento ocular lo llamamos vergencia cognitiva; cuyo uso ha sido patentado a nivel mundial. Las soluciones Braingaze se han utilizado durante años en clínicas líderes que buscan mejores resultados para sus pacientes. Braingaze está impulsado por un equipo internacional e interdisciplinario de científicos (expertos clínicos, matemáticos e inteligencia artificial), así como desarrolladores de productos y empresarios.

Fabricación de equipo médico
Tamaño de la empresa
De 2 a 10 empleados
Mataro, Catalunya
De financiación privada
mental healthcare diagnosis, advanced neuroscience, Psychiatry diagnostics, educational testing, cognitive testing, adhd, screening y assessments


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    Avinguda Ernest Lluch 32

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    Mataro, Catalunya 08302, ES

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    1460 seguidores

    👫 Diferencias de género en el TDAH: un desafío en el diagnóstico ¿Sabías que el TDAH se manifiesta de manera diferente en niños y niñas? Varios estudios demuestran que mientras los niños suelen mostrar hiperactividad e impulsividad, las niñas tienden a presentar inatención y síntomas más sutiles, como desorganización o dificultad para concentrarse. 🙇🏻♀️ Esto, sumado a los estereotipos de género y estrategias de compensación que desarrollan muchas niñas, hace que sean subdiagnosticadas o diagnosticadas tardíamente. Como resultado, las niñas no diagnosticadas pueden enfrentar mayores dificultades en la adolescencia y adultez, como baja autoestima, problemas académicos y emocionales, así como un mayor riesgo de trastornos comórbidos como ansiedad y depresión. 🧠 En Braingaze, trabajamos para superar estos desafíos con una plataforma que utiliza un marcador neurobiológico basado en micromovimientos oculares involuntarios. Nuestro enfoque proporciona un diagnóstico objetivo y rápido, evitando sesgos y estereotipos que pueden influir en la identificación de trastornos como el TDAH. En Braingaze, estamos comprometidos con la equidad en la detección y el tratamiento de trastornos del neurodesarrollo. La tecnología puede ser una poderosa herramienta para cerrar las brechas y dar a cada persona el apoyo que necesita. 📚 Lee más sobre el estudio por Lorenzo y Gemma de la Universidad de Oviedo (2024): #SaludMental #TDAH #DiagnósticoObjetivo #Innovación #Neurociencia #Braingaze

    Revisión de las diferencias diagnósticas del TDAH en niños y niñas: posibles causas

    Revisión de las diferencias diagnósticas del TDAH en niños y niñas: posibles causas

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    📣 Braingaze is thrilled to announce our participation in GIANT Health 2024 - just under two weeks away! Representing Braingaze at this leading event will be Laszlo Bax, CEO and Co-Founder, and Chandanee Mistry, UK Lead. If you’re a clinician looking for innovative ways to: ✅ Streamline your diagnostic operations ✅ Enhance accuracy and efficiency in ADHD evaluations ✅ Spend less time on administrative tasks and more time with patients We’d love to connect! Discover how Braingaze is transforming ADHD care with cutting-edge neurocognitive technology designed to simplify and elevate your practice. 📅 Reach out to book a meeting with us during the event! #GIANTHealth2024 #HealthTech #ADHDClinicians #StreamlineDiagnostics #Braingaze #MentalHealthInnovation #NeurocognitiveResearch

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    As many of you are aware, the national shortage of ADHD medications has left countless individuals and families struggling to access the support they need. Recent data highlights a 22% rise in adults and a 7% rise in children receiving ADHD prescriptions in England, contributing to ongoing supply challenges. Patients are often forced to ration medications, impacting productivity, education, and mental health. At Braingaze, we believe such crises demand innovation. Could solutions lie in technology, neuroscience, or fresh treatment approaches? Our team is working on something that could change the game. Watch this space 👀 Interested in learning more? Contact us at #ADHD #MentalHealth #Innovation #Braingaze #HealthcareSolutions #NHS Link: BBC News

    ADHD medication shortage: ‘We’re rationing meds to get by’

    ADHD medication shortage: ‘We’re rationing meds to get by’

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    🧠Juegos Controlados por la Mirada: Innovación en el Diagnóstico y Tratamiento del TDAH y DCL 📌Avances emocionantes en la investigación del TDAH continúan perfeccionando nuestra comprensión y enfoques de atención. Estudios recientes revelan que las tecnologías de seguimiento ocular son herramientas viables y más objetivas para diagnosticar el TDAH en comparación con métodos tradicionales. Estos enfatizan que los biomarcadores del movimiento ocular pueden distinguir el TDAH de otras condiciones del desarrollo neurológico, ofreciendo una vía de diagnóstico eficiente y no invasiva. 👀Un estudio piloto reciente por Maria Solé y colegas de nuestro equipo en Braingaze, probó si los videojuegos controlados con la mirada podrían mejorar el comportamiento cognitivo en pacientes con deterioro cognitivo leve (DCL). Después de jugar por 2 a 3 semanas, los pacientes mostraron mejoras cognitivas significativas en el dominio visuoespacial MoCA y la prueba de procesamiento rápido de información visual CANTAB. Además, se mejoraron las respuestas de la pupila y la vergencia a los estímulos objetivo. Por el contrario, el grupo de control no mostró mejoras significativas. Los resultados sugieren que los juegos controlados con la mirada pueden ofrecer beneficios cognitivos a los pacientes con deterioro cognitivo leve. 💻En Braingaze, estamos orgullosos de estar a la vanguardia de esta innovación. Al integrar conocimientos de seguimiento ocular con análisis avanzados de IA, estamos allanando el camino para diagnósticos precisos del TDAH e intervenciones terapéuticas personalizadas. Este enfoque se alinea con la creciente demanda de soluciones basadas en datos que unen la precisión clínica y la accesibilidad. A medida que continuamos con nuestra misión, creemos que estos avances transformarán la forma en que se apoya a las personas con TDAH, brindándoles herramientas para un futuro mejor. 🔗 Lea el estudio completo: #TDAH #Braingaze #Innovación #Diagnóstico #Terapia #Investigación

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    📢💡🧠 Exploring the Link Between Autism and ADHD Recent research, as highlighted by The Telegraph, reveals a growing awareness of AuADHD—a term used to describe the overlap between Autism and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Studies suggest that 50–70% of individuals diagnosed with Autism also exhibit traits of ADHD, highlighting the significant crossover between these conditions. AuADHD encompasses shared traits such as social challenges, inattention, impulsivity, hyperfocus, sensory differences, stimming, and difficulties with emotional regulation. What’s the impact? Living with AuADHD can lead to challenges such as burnout, mental health issues like anxiety and depression, and difficulties in relationships and daily functioning. At the same time, it may also foster unique strengths, such as enhanced problem-solving abilities and crisis management skills. However, diagnosing AuADHD is particularly complex. Overlapping traits, coupled with a fragmented healthcare system, make it challenging for individuals to access timely and accurate diagnoses. Many people turn to private specialists and self-education as they navigate this journey. This underscores the importance of understanding the complexities of neurodiversity. The article calls for improved testing, more nuanced understanding, and systemic support to help individuals living with these conditions thrive. At Braingaze, our work with ADHD inspires us to further explore the intersection of these two conditions and contribute to advancing research and support in this field. Link to article: #autism #ADHD #diagnosis

    Why so many people have both autism and ADHD

    Why so many people have both autism and ADHD

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    Is being busy good for those with ADHD? For some, staying busy might be the secret to managing ADHD Sophie Didier, diagnosed at 15, found that juggling school, sports, and extracurriculars helped her stay focused and organised. A recent study from the University of Washington supports this, showing that people with ADHD often experience symptom relief during high-demand periods like full-time work or school. Researchers suggest that having a packed schedule can create urgency, which boosts focus and reduces symptoms. However, experts caution that this approach isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s crucial to align activities with your strengths to avoid burnout. The takeaway? Finding the right mix of structure, routine, and downtime can help those with ADHD thrive. #ADHD #MentalHealth #FocusAndRoutine

    Is Being Busy Good for People With A.D.H.D.?

    Is Being Busy Good for People With A.D.H.D.?

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    📢 Descubriendo las Fortalezas de la Dislexia 🧠  La dislexia es comúnmente conocida por las dificultades de lectura y procesamiento de información escrita que genera, pero recientes investigaciones están destacando también sus fortalezas únicas. 🔍 Las personas con dislexia poseen un sesgo hacia la exploración de lo desconocido, algo que podría haber sido crucial para la supervivencia, adaptabilidad y creatividad de nuestra especie. Aunque las personas con dislexia suelen enfrentar retos en el ámbito académico, también suelen tener una ventaja en el pensamiento holístico y la resolución de problemas complejos. Estas habilidades son muy valoradas en entornos laborales modernos que requieren innovación y pensamiento “fuera de la caja”. 🎨🧠 Un estudio reciente de la Universidad de Plymouth (2024) descubrió que las personas con dislexia y discalculia muestran menos sesgo implícito, particularmente al realizar evaluaciones rápidas y no verbales. Esto puede deberse a que sus cerebros procesan la información de manera más deliberada y creativa, lo que aporta una perspectiva fresca y ayuda a reducir prejuicios inconscientes en contextos sociales y profesionales. Importancia del Diagnóstico Temprano y Preciso de la Dislexia: 🏫 Mejor Desempeño Educativo: Un diagnóstico temprano permite intervenciones y apoyos personalizados, como tecnologías asistivas y adaptaciones, que ayudan a mejorar habilidades de lectura y escritura y evitar que se queden atrás en el aprendizaje. 🧠 Mejora de Autoestima y Salud Mental: Al conocer la causa de sus dificultades, las personas con dislexia comprenden mejor sus fortalezas y limitaciones, reduciendo frustración y fomentando una autoimagen positiva que disminuye el riesgo de ansiedad o depresión. ↗ Desarrollo de Habilidades Laborales: El diagnóstico también guía a las personas hacia carreras que aprovechen sus fortalezas creativas, maximizando su potencial en áreas como el diseño, la tecnología y la resolución estratégica de problemas. #Inclusión #Neurodiversidad #Dislexia #Innovación #Braingaze Para saber más visite:

    People with dyslexia or dyscalculia are less biased: Results of a preregistered study from over 450,000 people on the implicit association test - Liam Cross, Gray Atherton, Roderick I Nicolson, 2024

    People with dyslexia or dyscalculia are less biased: Results of a preregistered study from over 450,000 people on the implicit association test - Liam Cross, Gray Atherton, Roderick I Nicolson, 2024

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    📢 #Movember, also known as Men’s Health Awareness Month 🧠, sheds light on critical health issues faced by men, particularly mental health and suicide prevention. This month is a chance to break down barriers, challenge the stigma, and empowering men to take control of their health and seek the help they need. In honour of #Movember, it’s the perfect time to explore how the delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis of ADHD in adults can be associated with poor mental health, particularly in men.  A new study, featured in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, explores the clinical implications of ADHD in adults and what new data on diagnostic trends, and treatment barriers tell us. It explores the need for more efficient diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, and the consequences of a delay in diagnosis in adults. Historically, ADHD has been recognised as a condition primarily affecting children but is now considered to be one of the most common mental health conditions in adults, presenting in both men and women.  Key Takeaways:  💡 The research shows that ADHD, when left untreated, can be associated with increased morbidity, poor physical health, and elevated comorbid mental health conditions 💡 Untreated adult ADHD is often complex and can be comorbid with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, insomnia, substance abuse disorders, and trauma-related conditions 💡 There are common treatment barriers when it comes to ADHD, including limited access to available care, delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis, systemic inequities in marginalised communities, and limited education in the medical community regarding the persistent nature of ADHD in adulthood.  This study highlights the importance of early and accurate diagnosis of ADHD in both children and adults to prevent the risk of developing additional mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders. Men are statistically more likely to avoid seeking help for mental health issues due to stigma, which increases their vulnerability to co-occuring conditions if ADHD continues to manifest undiagnosed. Embracing these insights during #Movember creates more awareness of how an early diagnosis can empower men to understand and work with their neurological differences, with the right support. 🤝 #Movember #MensMentalHealthAwarenessMonth #ADHD #Neurodiversity #MentalHealth  Link:

    Clinical Implications of Adult ADHD: What New Data Tell Us

    Clinical Implications of Adult ADHD: What New Data Tell Us

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    🧠 New Study Highlights How Stress Can Help People with ADHD Thrive 🧠 In honor of Stress Awareness Week, it’s the perfect time to explore how stress impacts mental health - and even how it can be harnessed as a positive force. A recent study, featured in The Guardian, challenges common assumptions about ADHD, revealing that for some individuals with ADHD, high-stress situations can actually enhance focus and productivity. Conducted by Dr. Maggie Sibley at the University of Washington, the research explored how ADHD symptoms fluctuate across different life stages and circumstances, showing that people with ADHD may experience symptom relief in high-demand environments. Key Takeaways: 🔹 Hyperfocus Under Pressure: Many individuals with ADHD thrive under pressure, using the urgency to channel their focus and skills in unique ways. 🔹 Anxiety as a “Protective Factor”: Anxiety, often present alongside ADHD, can act as a natural “brake” on impulsivity, helping individuals pause and consider their actions more carefully. 🔹 Personalised Coping Strategies for Stress Relief: In light of Stress Awareness Week, it’s especially important to note that people with ADHD benefit from tailored relaxation methods—whether through exercise, socializing, or creative outlets—showing that managing stress in individualized ways is key to well-being. This research serves as a reminder of the resilience and adaptability within the ADHD community. Embracing these insights during Stress Awareness Week helps us all reflect on how stress affects us uniquely and how we can create supportive environments that leverage the strengths of neurodivergent individuals. #StressAwarenessWeek #ADHD #Neurodiversity #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Resilience #InclusiveWorkplaces #StrengthUnderPressure Link:

    Some people with ADHD thrive in periods of stress, new study shows

    Some people with ADHD thrive in periods of stress, new study shows

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    🚨 New UK Parliament Report on Support for Neurodivergent Children & Young People 🚨 On October 24, 2024, the UK Parliament released a landmark report addressing the urgent need for improved support for neurodivergent children and young people. This report shines a spotlight on the challenges faced by young individuals with conditions such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and other neurodivergent traits, and calls for transformative change in education, healthcare, and support systems. Key Findings: 🤝 Inconsistent Support Across Regions: Access to diagnosis, educational support, and mental health services varies significantly across the UK, creating a postcode lottery for families. 👩🏫 Need for Teacher Training: Many educators express a desire for better training and resources to create inclusive classrooms tailored to neurodivergent needs. 🖇 Early Diagnosis & Intervention: The report underscores that timely support can make a life-changing difference but highlights delays in the assessment process that can impact educational outcomes and well-being. 🧠 Mental Health: Neurodivergent children and young people often face mental health challenges and struggle to access adequate support in both educational and healthcare settings. What’s Next? The report calls for immediate action, including increased funding, policy changes, and cross-sector collaboration to create an environment where neurodivergent children can thrive. This is a crucial step toward creating a society that values and supports diverse minds. #Neurodiversity #Inclusion #EducationReform #MentalHealth #SupportForAll

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