BRQ Business Research Quarterly

BRQ Business Research Quarterly

Publicaciones en línea

Peer-reviewed journal of the Spanish Academy of Management (ACEDE), offering innovative, relevant research. JCR and ABS

Sobre nosotros

BRQ Business Research Quarterly is the official journal of ACEDE (Spanish Academy of Management). It is a peer reviewed, Open Access journal with no Article Processing Charges which provides widespread coverage of high quality research in a broad range of topics such as human resource management, organization theory, strategic management, corporate governance, managerial economics, marketing, finance, accounting and operations management. BRQ is widely known for pushing authors to maximize the relevance and scientific originality of their problem statements, as well as by estimulating methodological approaches that reflect multidisciplinary, diverse and plural efforts. The journal’s main concern is that articles have strong theoretical foundations, meet the highest analytical standards, and provide new insights that contribute to the better understanding of managerial phenomena. As a leading and innovative journal, BRQ is indexed by Clarivate JCR and ABS-AJG, among others.

Publicaciones en línea
Tamaño de la empresa
De 2 a 10 empleados
Institución educativa
Business y Management


Empleados en BRQ Business Research Quarterly


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