Many fantastic things happen at CICLOPE Festival. One of my personal highlights in 2024 was seeing the Music Video jury, filled with industry luminaries, captivated by the work of a young, then independent director unknown to everyone in the room. That day, Tanner K Williams won three Gold awards for Madge's "Shiversucker". I recently asked him why he decided to enter his film into CICLOPE and this was his answer:
"The entire team that worked on 'Shiversucker' knew what the potential of even getting shortlisted would mean for our careers, so we sent in our entries and just crossed our fingers. Other music video festivals came and went but really all we cared about was getting into Ciclope. Also, because the blind judging eliminates a lot of the industry politics, we felt like our small, donated-time production would have a higher chance of creating waves".
Loved it.
magna studios
We had a wonderfully insightful chat with the CICLOPE 2024 Gold winner of New Talent in Music Videos, Tanner K Williams.
They spoke about the impact of creative peers supporting each other, how a background in photography shaped his directorial debut, and next steps now that they're newly signed with magna studios.
"I know the music video industry has gone downhill - or at least changed significantly - due to TikTok-ification. BUT I think [music videos are] still one of the most accessible ways to bring art to the masses and influence pop culture and thereby culture more broadly. I genuinely believe this art form has the power to shift things."
Read the full interview at Behind The Craft:
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