A un paso de su finalización, nos enorgullece compartir la noticia que nuestro cliente ABF Sugar ha publicado sobre la planta de azúcar de Kilombero, Tanzania. Este proyecto, la actuación española de mayor envergadura en el país, pone de manifiesto la apuesta de TSK Electrónica y Electricidad por el desarrollo del continente, disminuyendo la huella del carbono y ayudando a la comunidad local a cubrir la necesidades de suministro con una nueva fuente renovable de generación eléctrica.
This is a really big year for our team at Kilombero Sugar Company Limited, with the largest capital project across our division nearing completion. This transformative sugar expansion project includes the construction of a new state-of-the-art sugar mill (K4), packing facility and finished goods warehouse on site at Kilombero, set to double production capacity. This increased production will serve local demand and is in support of Tanzania’s industrialisation agenda to achieve self-sufficiency. This project has been years in the making, I am proud to share we are now 95% complete and on track for commissioning mid-2025. K4 will be a highly automated, efficient facility that will generate enough power to supply the entire estate and then export energy to the national grid. The project will also drive an increase in alcohol production for our distillery, meeting growing regional demand. A huge thank you to the many, many people involved, including our own teams, partners, contractors and growers. Your work and dedication has been instrumental in making this project a reality. Best of luck for the upcoming months as we focus on operational readiness to safely commission our new facility.