The work of art total, that's the meaning of the term Gesamtkunstwerk, a German concept that La Culture House (LCH) makes its own to define its proposal, a cultural project in where LedsC4 is involved with its identity vision of light. LCH encourages multidisciplinary creativity and in this context light, as a transformer of perception and sensations in space, plays a fundamental role. We are proud to participate in a living space of accessible and expansive culture, as defined by its director and founder Helena Agustí Sanahuja. Images 1, 2, 3 - Beginings of the project. Simone Marcoli. Images 4, 5 - A Dialogue between Seoul and Barcelona. Daniel Sancho. Image 6, 7 - Cadence of togetherness: Celebrating the beauty of darkness. Flavia Ribeiro. Image 8, 9 - Salto al Vacío. Mariona Calathea. #LightingProjects #CreativeLighting #LightingDesign #LedsC4