Servicios de investigación

Rapid Detection and control system for Antimicrobial Resistance

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The RaDAR project aims to address the European urgent need of a rapid detection and effective infection control system for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the implementation of a value-based cross-border collaborative procurement of innovative solutions. The common identification of the needs by a cross-border group of 4 procurement organisations (from ES, FR and IT) will promote an increased impact of the adopted innovation and will collaboratively give response to the current AMR problem affecting the European Union (EU). During COVID-19 pandemic situation, the market, and specially SMEs, have demonstrated a great capacity to rapidly give response to the health and societal needs. Due to their intrinsic flexibility, adaptability and capacity to develop technology and generate knowledge, they are currently playing a key role in the rapid and efficient development of innovative solutions to overcome the threat of AMR. RaDAR will leverage from these advances to adopt innovative solutions that will: respond to the AMR increasing problem; provide SMEs access to public tenders/contracts; bring value to the Health system and foster its digital; transformation; contribute to decision making of public authorities in alignment with EU Health policies and European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA); contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project has received funding from the COSME Programme of the European Union (Grant Agreement N° 101036228 under the Call for Proposal “Co-financing of public procurement of innovation consortia COS-PPI-2020-2-04”)

Servicios de investigación
Tamaño de la empresa
De 2 a 10 empleados
Organización sin ánimo de lucro



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