It is official! See you at the Aquatech show in Amsterdam from March 11th to 14th, where we will share all about our equipments. We will be at stand number 12.206, Entrance C. Come visit us! #wastewatertreatment #aquatechshow #aquatech #thisistoroequipment
Toro Equipment
Fabricación de maquinaria
Villavaquerin, Valladolid 2360 seguidores
Equipos parta tratamiento de aguas residuales. Máquinas y tanques en PRFV para que tenga éxito en sus proyectos.
Sobre nosotros
Somos una empresa española con ámbito internacional especializada en el diseño, fabricación y puesta en marcha de equipos de alta calidad para el tratamiento de aguas residuales industriales y urbanas, aguas de proceso, aguas de abastecimiento, reutilización de aguas y tratamiento de lodos. Desde principios de los 90, hasta la actualidad, hemos trabajado con pasión, fuerza, dedicación y con un equipo heterogéneo que han hecho posible que día a día mejoremos la calidad de los productos y la atención a los clientes. Prueba de ello es la presencia de Toro Equipment en más de 70 países del mundo. Hablar de Toro Equipment es hablar de personas y de familia, de compromiso con el medio ambiente y el planeta, de calidad e innovación, de tecnología e ingeniería, de objetivos y eficiencia; en definitiva, hablar de Toro Equipment es hablar de futuro y progreso.
- Sitio web
Enlace externo para Toro Equipment
- Sector
- Fabricación de maquinaria
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 51 a 200 empleados
- Sede
- Villavaquerin, Valladolid
- Tipo
- De financiación privada
- Fundación
- 1989
- Especialidades
- dissolved air flotation, Filter Press, Rotary screen, W-Tank, Grease separator, Compactor screw, Skid mounted WWTP, Compact Treatment Plant, settling tank, biogas y Modular GRP tanks
Carretera Nacional VP-3302 Km 11
Villavaquerin, Valladolid 47329, ES
Ronda del Sauce
Cistérniga, Castilla and Leon 47193, ES
Empleados en Toro Equipment
Eduardo Pérez Escribano
Central & North America Sales manager
Roberto Fukumaru
Proprietário e Diretor Comercial na SANCOTEC - SANEAMENTO, CONSTRUÇÕES E TECNOLOGIA | Fornecimento de reservatórios
David Gomez Garcia
Responsable de Fabricación y diseño en Toro Equipment
Barbara Palotta Ullmann
Purchasing Officer
Lamellar clarifier under construction. Now, in our factory, we are manufacturing two clarifiers. The production will be ready in the next days. The clarifier function consist of separate the solids from the liquids and it is common used in the wastewater system, usually in primary clarifing. #lamellarclarifier #clarifier #wastewatertreatment #wastewaterindustry #thisistoroequipment #underconstruction
Toro Equipment ha compartido esto
Simplesmente sensacional. Outro grande projeto de nosso parceiro TORO.
Different aerial view points of a gasometer. This W-TANK it is use for made the anaerobic digestion of organic materials. The deposit has 12 plates, 8.6 meters of diameter and a a high of 11 meters. It includes a stainless steel stairs with a platform. The tank was made in GRP, a resistant material to corrosion and to extreme environmental conditions. #biogasplants #wtank #grp #grptanks #thisistoroequipment
Toro Equipment ha compartido esto
Grandes profesionales
Different aerial view points of a gasometer. This W-TANK it is use for made the anaerobic digestion of organic materials. The deposit has 12 plates, 8.6 meters of diameter and a a high of 11 meters. It includes a stainless steel stairs with a platform. The tank was made in GRP, a resistant material to corrosion and to extreme environmental conditions. #biogasplants #wtank #grp #grptanks #thisistoroequipment
Toro Equipment ha compartido esto
Nouvelle révolution en terme de réservoirs, disponible jusqu’à 12 500 m3 et même pré-isolé au besoin. #reservoir #decanteur #digesteur #mabarex
Drinking water tank with NSF® Certification and capacity of 2,206 m³. The tank consists of 26 plates and stands 8 metres tall. Our W-TANK® are high-quality GRP tanks, corrosion-resistant, easy to assemble and easy to transport. From our factory in Villavaquerín, we deliver worldwide. +100 countries, since 1990. #thisistoroequipment #GRP #WTank
Different aerial view points of a gasometer. This W-TANK it is use for made the anaerobic digestion of organic materials. The deposit has 12 plates, 8.6 meters of diameter and a a high of 11 meters. It includes a stainless steel stairs with a platform. The tank was made in GRP, a resistant material to corrosion and to extreme environmental conditions. #biogasplants #wtank #grp #grptanks #thisistoroequipment
Toro Equipment ha compartido esto
1.8 megalitre TORO fiberglass reinforced polyester tank for SBR project. This system was for a food and beverage application.
Toro Equipment ha compartido esto
💧A tecnologia de tanques metálicos surgiu como uma grande inovação. Hoje quase não se pensa mais em construir tanques de concreto visto o ganho de economia e velocidade que os tanques metálicos trazem. Contudo estão sempre surgindo novos novos materiais e novas tecnologias. Uma delas é o tanque feito de PRFV. Dentre as vantagens estão: ✔️ Leveza: Facilita o transporte e a montagem. ✔️ Resistência à corrosão: Ideal para armazenar água potável e substâncias químicas. ✔️ Durabilidade: Excelente performance em condições extremas. ✔️ Facilidade de instalação: Reduz o tempo e o custo de implantação.
Drinking water tank with NSF® Certification and capacity of 2,206 m³. The tank consists of 26 plates and stands 8 metres tall. Our W-TANK® are high-quality GRP tanks, corrosion-resistant, easy to assemble and easy to transport. From our factory in Villavaquerín, we deliver worldwide. +100 countries, since 1990. #thisistoroequipment #GRP #WTank
Toro Equipment ha compartido esto
Ta-Daaaa. Love mining jobs. Thanks for the photo Karthikram Rajesh. 5m3/h DAF unit with all the “bells and whistles”. I posted some factory photos a few weeks ago for those that want to go back and dig them out.
Anaerobic reactor in a food industry in Honduras. This instalation is the perfect process for an ecological and efficiency organic waste management , thus we reduce the pollution and generating energy through biogas. Upflow anaerobic reactor is a process that needs a high tank. This is an example of a deposit with 22 meters high. It is made with 9 plates and has a capacity of 686m3. The wastewater gets inside the reactor from the bottom and flows up, creating the biogas on the top of the tank. #biogas #anaerobicreactor #ecological #efficiency #slaughterhouse #wtank #grptanks #grp