Triodos Bank

Triodos Bank


Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Utrecht 82.145 seguidores

Your money has the power to change the world.

Sobre nosotros

Triodos Bank is a leading expert in sustainable banking. Our mission is to make money work for positive change. We are more than a bank. We are a community. Get to know us and join the movement for change. We finance companies, institutions and projects that add cultural value and benefit people and the environment, with the support of depositors and investors who want to encourage corporate social responsibility and a sustainable society. Our mission is * To help create a society that promotes people’s quality of life and that has human dignity at its core. * To enable individuals, institutions and businesses to use money more consciously in ways that benefit people and the environment, and promote sustainable development. * To offer our customers sustainable financial products and high quality service.

Tamaño de la empresa
De 1.001 a 5.000 empleados
Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Utrecht
De financiación privada
Sustainable banking


Empleados en Triodos Bank


  • 🏡 Goed nieuws: de subsidies voor het isoleren van je huis gaan omhoog in 2025! En als je het slim aanpakt en een isolatie combineert met een andere verduurzamingsmaatregel, kan je het subsidiebedrag voor isolatie zelfs verdubbelen. 🏡 🏡 ⚒️ €400 subsidie voor dakisolatie wordt €800, als je het combineert met (bijvoorbeeld) de installatie van een warmtepomp. ⚒️ De subsidie voor de warmtepomp komt daar dan nog bovenop. ⚒️ Isoleer je met milieuvriendelijke, biobased materialen, dan krijg je ook daar extra subsidie voor. 💡 Meer tips voor het slim inzetten van subsidies in 2025 (ook voor een huurhuis!) 👇 #isoleren #biobased #subsidies2025 #verduurzamen #duurzamehypotheek

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  • Triodos Bank ha compartido esto

    Im Rahmen der Intersolar 2024 haben wir als Triodos Bank Deutschland unsere Kooperation mit aream zur Finanzierung von Solar C&I veröffentlicht. Seither schreiten wir bei mehreren Projekten mit großen Schritten voran. Da das Finanzierungskonzept auch für Gemeinden und Städte relevant ist, untermauern wir unsere Ambitionen in „der gemeinderat“. Das Besondere ist, dass wir bereits Portfolien ab 3 Mio. Euro finanzieren und damit die Energiewende dezentral voranbringen. Akteure, die sich mit Photovoltaik nicht so gut auskennen, bekommen Unterstützung von unserem Partner aream bei der Planung, dem Bau, dem Betrieb und bei Bedarf auch beim Eigenkapital. Kontaktanfragen für neue Finanzierungen gerne direkt an Maximilian Klein, Tobias Panofen und Simon Koch.

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    Yesterday, Jacco Minnaar, our Chief Commercial Officer, joined a We Don't Have Time panel discussion on shifting financing away from fossil fuels to clean energy. He brought into memory that we have a lot of international agreements on what we should do, for instance when reducing greenhouse gas emissions or developing renewable energy, but no agreement whatsoever on what we shouldn’t do, like investing in fossil fuels. “We need a plan to phase out fossil fuel, including the element of what we tax and what we incentivize. Without this missing link in international governance, we won’t get the system right.” #MoveTheMoney #WeDontHaveTime #COP29 #climatechange #sustainability COP29 Azerbaijan

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    Highlights from COP29 Azerbaijan 14 November - #MoveTheMoney to Fossil Free Banks The International Energy Agency, IEA, calculates that investments in clean energy need to triple to $4.5 trillion annually by 2030. We have this money, but we are currently investing it in problems instead of solutions. The world spent $7 trillion subsidizing fossil fuels in 2022 alone. At the same time, pension funds and other institutional investors hold investments in fossil fuels totaling $3.03 trillion. How can we shift these investments from supporting problems to financing solutions in time and at scale? How can banks and other financial institutions rid themselves of oil, coal and gas and offer fossil-free banking? This session builds on the impactful global Move the Money campaign, launched by We Don’t Have Time together with the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP, Exponential Roadmap Initiative, and the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. Speakers: Ivan Frishberg, Chief Sustainability Officer, Amalgamated Bank Jacco Minnaar, Chief Commercial Officer, Triodos Bank Anderson Lee, Research Associate, World Resources Institute Eriel Tchekwie Deranger, Executive Director, Indigenous Climate Action Organizers: We Don't Have Time Global Alliance for Banking on Values Watch the full session here: or Follow all sessions on:

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    82.145 seguidores

    As the world has gathered for COP29 Azerbaijan, Triodos Bank views this summit as a pivotal moment to transform climate promises into concrete action. At Triodos Bank, we believe the financial sector has a unique responsibility to confront the climate crisis — not by simply pledging, but by reshaping the economy to be resilient, sustainable, and equitable. 🛢 End Fossil Fuel Financing: Despite significant climate goals, the financial flows to fossil fuels reached €650 billion in 2023. We are proud supporters of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, which calls for a phase-out of fossil finance. Redirecting capital towards renewable energy is both possible and profitable, as Triodos Bank has demonstrated for >30 years. We must insist that fossil fuels are replaced, not supplemented, by renewables to secure a future within planetary limits.   〽 Drive Real, Systemic Change: Current economic growth models are too dependent on fossil fuels, entrenching us in unsustainable practices. It’s time to kick our addiction to growth and reshape the economy to prioritize long-term sustainability over short-term gains. Financial institutions must move beyond carbon reduction targets alone to shift capital away from sectors that risk undermining climate goals altogether.   💰 Close the Financing Gap: Addressing the climate crisis cannot rest on public funding alone. Private institutions must step up by adopting clear, actionable targets that phase out fossil financing and bolster emissions reductions across all sectors. We need policies that prevent shadow banking and unregulated sectors from carrying forward unsustainable activities unchecked. Government consistency on climate policy is critical, as subsidies and loopholes continue to fund fossil projects.   As a financial community, let’s move financial flows towards climate solutions that support a just and resilient economy. Together, we can drive systemic changes that honor climate justice, ecological integrity, and societal well-being. Join us in supporting the call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty: #COP29 #climate #cleanenergy #renewablefuture #financechange #climateaction (Photo: UN Climate Change - Kamran Guliyev)

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    82.145 seguidores

    As the world has gathered for COP29 Azerbaijan, Triodos Bank views this summit as a pivotal moment to transform climate promises into concrete action. At Triodos Bank, we believe the financial sector has a unique responsibility to confront the climate crisis — not by simply pledging, but by reshaping the economy to be resilient, sustainable, and equitable. 🛢 End Fossil Fuel Financing: Despite significant climate goals, the financial flows to fossil fuels reached €650 billion in 2023. We are proud supporters of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, which calls for a phase-out of fossil finance. Redirecting capital towards renewable energy is both possible and profitable, as Triodos Bank has demonstrated for >30 years. We must insist that fossil fuels are replaced, not supplemented, by renewables to secure a future within planetary limits.   〽 Drive Real, Systemic Change: Current economic growth models are too dependent on fossil fuels, entrenching us in unsustainable practices. It’s time to kick our addiction to growth and reshape the economy to prioritize long-term sustainability over short-term gains. Financial institutions must move beyond carbon reduction targets alone to shift capital away from sectors that risk undermining climate goals altogether.   💰 Close the Financing Gap: Addressing the climate crisis cannot rest on public funding alone. Private institutions must step up by adopting clear, actionable targets that phase out fossil financing and bolster emissions reductions across all sectors. We need policies that prevent shadow banking and unregulated sectors from carrying forward unsustainable activities unchecked. Government consistency on climate policy is critical, as subsidies and loopholes continue to fund fossil projects.   As a financial community, let’s move financial flows towards climate solutions that support a just and resilient economy. Together, we can drive systemic changes that honor climate justice, ecological integrity, and societal well-being. Join us in supporting the call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty: #COP29 #climate #cleanenergy #renewablefuture #financechange #climateaction (Photo: UN Climate Change - Kamran Guliyev)

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    5 spannende Abende und 5 Podiumsdiskussionen mit renommierten Gästen erwarten Sie auf der FAIR FINANCE WEEK vom 4. bis 8. November. Seien Sie dabei. Live in Frankfurt oder online zugeschaltet. Am Dienstag geht es um digitalen Fortschritt und Nachhaltigkeit: Digitale Entwicklungen und künstliche Intelligenz (KI) sind auf dem Vormarsch. Sind sie geeignet, um die nachhaltige Transformation durch Effizienzgewinne zu beschleunigen? Oder sind die Risiken für den Menschen am Ende größer als die Chancen? Und: Wie fair ist KI in der Finanzbranche? Ist digital das neue „profitabel“ oder das neue „nachhaltig“? Oder beides zugleich? FAIR FINANCE WEEK Programm und Anmeldung unter:

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  • 🌍 Stimmen zum COP16: Hadewych Kuiper, Managing Director Triodos Investment Management: Da im letzten halben Jahrhundert bereits 73 % der wildlebenden Tiere und Pflanzen verloren gegangen sind, bleiben uns nur noch wenige Jahre, um die notwendigen Investitionen zu tätigen. Das unerbittliche Profitstreben des Finanzsektors hat es den Agrarunternehmen ermöglicht, den Planeten in weit größerem Umfang auszubeuten und zu zerstören. Genauer gesagt, die intensive Abholzung, der Einsatz von Pestiziden und die Bodendegradation, die mit der großflächigen Landwirtschaft einhergehen. Wir müssen aufhören, Unternehmen zu finanzieren, die unseren Planeten zerstören. Führende Player im Finanzwesen haben die Pflicht und das Privileg, dies wieder in Ordnung zu bringen. 🌱 Das gesamte Statement lesen Sie unter #COP16 #Biodiversität #Nachhaltigkeit #Umweltfinanzierung 🌿

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    FAIR FINANCE WEEK - 4. November 2024, 19.00 Uhr Kostet die Transformation wirklich unseren Wohlstand - oder rettet sie ihn? Die nachhaltige Umgestaltung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ist eine Jahrhundertaufgabe, die enorme Investitionen erfordert und viele Kräfte bindet. Angefangen bei der Energiewende über den Umstieg auf einen sparsameren Verbrauch planetarer Ressourcen bis hin zur Schaffung eines Impact-gesteuerten Finanzsystems. Dies alles muss fast gleichzeitig geschehen, ohne dass soziale Ungleichheiten und die gesellschaftliche Spaltung weiter zunehmen. Aber wie gelingen notwendige Veränderungen für eine zukunftsfähige Wirtschaft und eine gerechte Gesellschaft, die alle Menschen gleichermaßen mitnimmt, ohne weiter zu spalten und unseren Wohlstand zu gefährden? Grußworte: Bastian Bergerhoff (Kämmerer der Stadt Frankfurt)  Videobotschaft: Sven Giegold (Staatssekretär im Bundeswirtschaftsministerium) Podiumsdiskussion mit: Dr. Katharina Reuter, Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Martin Tillich – utopia, Chefredakteur, utopia GmbH Moderation: Martin Hock, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Sponsor und Organisator: Triodos Bank Ort: Haus am Dom, Domplatz 3, Frankfurt oder online Anmeldung unter Mehr Infos zum Livestream und Programm der ganzen Woche, siehe unter

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    La troisième soirée des HERA Awards - Foundation for Future Generations - a récemment eu lieu, lors de laquelle notre team lead spécialiste en crédits durables Nicolas Goffin a eu le plaisir de remettre le HERA Award Sustainable Food Systems et confirmer une nouvelle fois notre partenariat et notre soutien au nom de la Banque Triodos 🌱🏆   Félicitations aux primé·es pour leurs efforts et leur engagement remarquables ! 🎉👏    #AlimentationDurable #HERAawards #developpementdurable #triodosbank

    ✨ Retour sur la soirée des partenaires des HERA Awards 2025 ✨ Jeudi passé, nous avons vécu un moment riche en échanges et en convivialité à l'occasion de la soirée des partenaires des #HERAAwards 2025 de la Foundation for Future Generations. Ce fut une soirée unique, pleine d'inspiration, de belles rencontres et de discussions constructives autour de nos engagements communs. 💡 Une ambiance chaleureuse où chacun et chacune a pu partager ses idées, ses expériences et sa vision pour un avenir plus durable. 🤝 Merci à nos partenaires et invité·es qui étaient présent·es et leur enthousiasme. Ensemble, nous continuons à bâtir une réseau fort et engagé pour soutenir nos jeunes et leurs idées inspirantes à 360°. 📸 Retour en images sur cette belle occasion Marcel Miller, Anne FILY, Financité, Monique Dekkers, Hakim Benbouchta, Marie Scohier, Adrien Berlandi, Diane THOMAS, UMONS, Rhadija Salimi, Eric Bosly, Lionel Dumoulin, Heidi Jacobs, Jonathan Willocq, COSUCRA, Philippe Greiner, Technord, Evy Ceuleers, Innoviris, Nicolas Goffin, Triodos Bank, Guillaume Hollanders #partenaires #partenariat #développementdurable #recherche #awards #changemakers

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  • Triodos Bank performed well during the first half of 2024. We enabled positive impact, achieved good financial results and made good progress on strategic topics.        Thanks to the ongoing support from our clients, we were able to grow our funds entrusted and loan portfolio, enabling us to accelerate on our five transition themes, being energy, food, resources, society and wellbeing.       Some highlights from the first six months of this year:      💸 We provided 650 million euros in new loans to impactful social entrepreneurs who put these themes into practice.  🏡We financed the production of hemp in the Netherlands for insulation of houses. ☀ We co-financed solar plants in Brazil that benefit local communities. 🎥In Belgium, we financed a movie about the introduction of women’s voting rights just 75 years ago.    🌳 We also financed 10 projects that restore nature to absorb CO2, deliver biodiversity and social benefits.         Find out more about our performance in this video with Jeroen Rijpkema, CEO of Triodos Bank.      #triodosbank #financechange #changefinance #impact  

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