Publicación de AQUADAT

The Global Commission on the Economics of Water ha simulado lo que ocurrirá con el #PIB si no actuamos colectivamente para estabilizar el ciclo del #agua. Los resultados son claros: la situación no hará sino empeorar, con consecuencias económicas, medioambientales y humanitarias devastadoras. El coste de la inacción supera con creces el coste de actuar hoy y la oportunidad que supondrá. #BeWater

How does the #watercrisis impact global #GDP? The results are pretty stark: 💰 The combined effects of changing rainfall patterns and rising temperatures due to #climatechange, together with declining Total Water Storage and lack of access to clean water and sanitation, could see the median GDP in high-income countries shrink by 8% by 2050. 📈 Lower-income countries, faced with the combined effects of climate change and dwindling water resources, could face an even steeper drop in GDP of between 10% and 15%. This will cause massive cascading disruptions to the global economy. Find out more in our new #EconomicsOfWater report:

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