Publicación de Blanca Rodriguez

Ver el perfil de Blanca Rodriguez, gráfico

Licenciada en Psicología Industrial Organizacional | Ejecutiva de selección de personal | Generalista de RRHH | Asistente de Dirección | Talent Hub | Distribuidora Parasol


Ver el perfil de Monica Najera, gráfico

Presidenta del Consejo de Administración de Golden Talent

Hello there, future Marketing Development Representative! 🚀 We are looking for someone like you to join a team as a Marketing Development Representative. Your passion for strategy, creativity, and ability to connect with people are exactly what we need to take a brand to the next level. Imagine every interaction as an opportunity to inspire and captivate the audience, and you are the master who turns each contact into a growth opportunity. Send your resume to: and join in the mission to drive growth and achieve new goals. 🌟 It's time to put your skills into practice and make a difference in the world of marketing!

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