Black Friday is just around the corner and many brands are already rolling out your best offers, but.... Are you ready to reach all your customers? 72% of consumers prefer to buy brands that speak their language, so don't let the language barrier make you miss out on opportunities. At SIENS we make sure your message engages with your target audience, no matter what language they speak. Fast, accurate and on-time translations ready to make your brand shine this Black Friday. Contact us today and ensure the success of your campaign! #ProfessionalTranslation #GlobalConnection #BlackFriday #BoostYourBusiness - El Black Friday está a la vuelta de la esquina y muchas marcas ya estáis lanzando vuestras mejores ofertas, pero... ¿estás preparado para llegar a todos tus clientes? El 72% de los consumidores prefiere comprar marcas que hablen su idioma, así que no dejes que la barrera lingüística te haga perder oportunidades. En SIENS hacemos que tu mensaje conecte con tu público, hable el idioma que hable. Traducciones rápidas, precisas y listas justo a tiempo para que tu marca brille este Black Friday. ¡Ponte en contacto con nosotros hoy y asegura el éxito de tu campaña! #TraducciónProfesional #ConexiónGlobal #BlackFriday #ImpulsaTuNegocio
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Black-Fraude vs. Black Friday: Reflexiones del día 🛍️⚡ Hoy he recibido un aluvión de comunicaciones de Black Friday de muchas marcas, y me ha llamado mucho la atención la diversidad en sus enfoques. 🔍 Ofertas con sustancia: Algunas marcas realmente están ofreciendo descuentos atractivos, mientras que otras parecen caer en el ya conocido "Black-Fraude". Y es que, como consumidores, cada vez somos más conscientes y exigentes. 📚 Aportando valor, no solo descuentos: Me ha encantado ver a empresas que, en lugar de enfocarse exclusivamente en promociones, han optado por diferenciarse. Ofrecer ebooks, guías o recursos de valor a cambio de un correo es una estrategia que aporta más que una simple venta: construye relaciones. 🎯 Creatividad que marca la diferencia: Quiero destacar campañas como la de Worten España, con su acción de los 20.000 € y el mega Excel. Una idea fresca y original que va más allá de lo típico, y que consigue captar la atención de una manera diferente. El Black Friday no ha terminado y aún queda mucho por ver. ¿Qué tipo de comunicación o estrategia te ha llamado más la atención hoy? 🤔✨ #blackfriday #email #marketing #comunicaciones
Worten Black Friday 2024
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🇵🇱 How many Poles will take part in Black Friday this year❓ 🗂️ A report from UCE Research and Offerista Group shows that almost 65%❗ ⬆️ This is almost 1 percentage point more than last year. ⚫ A clear lack of interest in Black Friday shopping was indicated by only 18.9% of the people asked. The remaining group are the undecided, who can make purchases on impulse, without prior planning to take advantage of the ubiquitous promotions. ➡️ This result is clear evidence that Polish consumers love to take advantage of promotions and discounts. ➡️➡️ Interestingly, Black Friday is more popular among men. 66.8% of them plan to make purchases on this occasion (and for comparison – 61.8% of Polish women). 🗓️ As every year, the most active will be those aged 18–43. This trend is visible in the activities of brands and retail chains. During this period, they focus most intensively on communication aimed at young customers. 🌐 When it comes to communication platforms, it is therefore worth focusing primarily on online activities, especially on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. The former is a great medium for contacting millennials; the latter, on the other hand, has been experiencing a real boom among Generation Z representatives for several years now. ➡️➡️➡️ When planning such a campaign, it is also worth paying attention to the earnings of potential customers. 🗃️ According to the report, the greatest fans of Black Friday in Poland are people earning around the national average or slightly above. Very affluent Poles will probably be less interested in this promotional campaign. --- Since 2006, we have been active in PR for global brands in Poland. --- Any needs or challenges with your PR in Poland? • DM and we will reply within 48 hours. • Call us on 0048 788 252 651 • Or email us on --- #PolishPRAgency #PolishMarket #BlackFriday
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✋Stop scrolling and start taking action ❌ Black Friday? It’s already crossed off the list... but don’t worry, the next big opportunities are just around the corner! We’re here to help your business shine with tailored strategies that blend expert branding, marketing, and automation 📈✨ 💬 Reach out to us today and let’s create a plan that delivers real results 👉 … ✋ Deja de scrollear y comienza a actuar ❌ Ya no llegas al Black Friday... ¡pero no te preocupes, las próximas grandes oportunidades están a la vuelta de la esquina! Estamos aquí para ayudar a que tu negocio brille con estrategias personalizadas que combinan branding, marketing y automatización 📈✨ 💬 Contáctanos hoy mismo para crear un plan con resultados reales #DigitalMarketing #BusinessGrowth #MarketingStrategy #Branding #Automation #BlackFriday #Christmas #CyberMonday #TheOffice #Meme #Humor
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🇵🇱 How many Poles will take part in Black Friday this year❓ 🗂️ A report from UCE Research and Offerista Group shows that almost 65%❗ ⬆️ This is almost 1 percentage point more than last year. ⚫ A clear lack of interest in Black Friday shopping was indicated by only 18.9% of the people asked. The remaining group are the undecided, who can make purchases on impulse, without prior planning to take advantage of the ubiquitous promotions. ➡️ This result is clear evidence that Polish consumers love to take advantage of promotions and discounts. ➡️➡️ Interestingly, Black Friday is more popular among men. 66.8% of them plan to make purchases on this occasion (and for comparison – 61.8% of Polish women). 🗓️ As every year, the most active will be those aged 18–43. This trend is visible in the activities of brands and retail chains. During this period, they focus most intensively on communication aimed at young customers. 🌐 When it comes to communication platforms, it is therefore worth focusing primarily on online activities, especially on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. The former is a great medium for contacting millennials; the latter, on the other hand, has been experiencing a real boom among Generation Z representatives for several years now. ➡️➡️➡️ When planning such a campaign, it is also worth paying attention to the earnings of potential customers. 🗃️ According to the report, the greatest fans of Black Friday in Poland are people earning around the national average or slightly above. Very affluent Poles will probably be less interested in this promotional campaign. --- Since 2006, we have been active in PR for global brands in Poland. --- Any needs or challenges with your PR in Poland? • DM and we will reply within 48 hours. • Call us on 0048 788 252 651 • Or email us on --- #PolishPRAgency #PolishMarket #BlackFriday
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We’re getting a head start on Black Friday! 🎉 This year, you don’t have to wait to grab amazing deals: from today until the end of the month, you’ll find exclusive discounts on a special selection of products. 🎁🛒 To make sure you don’t miss out and to be the first to know about our best offers, don’t forget to follow us on social media. 📲 - ¡Nos adelantamos al Black Friday! 🎉 Este año, no tendrás que esperar para aprovechar ofertas increíbles: desde hoy y hasta fin de mes, podrás encontrar descuentos únicos en una selección especial de productos. 🎁🛒 Para no perderte ninguna oferta y ser el primero en enterarte de las mejores oportunidades, recuerda seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales. 📲 . . . #BlackFriday2024 #Descuentos #OfertasEspeciales #ComprasInteligentes #AhorraConNosotros #OfertasExclusivas #DescuentosIrresistibles #ShoppingDeals #VentasDeTemporada #Promociones
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🇵🇱 How many Poles will take part in Black Friday this year❓ 🗂️ A report from UCE Research and Offerista Group shows that almost 65%❗ ⬆️ This is almost 1 percentage point more than last year. ⚫ A clear lack of interest in Black Friday shopping was indicated by only 18.9% of the people asked. The remaining group are the undecided, who can make purchases on impulse, without prior planning to take advantage of the ubiquitous promotions. ➡️ This result is clear evidence that Polish consumers love to take advantage of promotions and discounts. ➡️➡️ Interestingly, Black Friday is more popular among men. 66.8% of them plan to make purchases on this occasion (and for comparison – 61.8% of Polish women). 🗓️ As every year, the most active will be those aged 18–43. This trend is visible in the activities of brands and retail chains. During this period, they focus most intensively on communication aimed at young customers. 🌐 When it comes to communication platforms, it is therefore worth focusing primarily on online activities, especially on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. The former is a great medium for contacting millennials; the latter, on the other hand, has been experiencing a real boom among Generation Z representatives for several years now. ➡️➡️➡️ When planning such a campaign, it is also worth paying attention to the earnings of potential customers. 🗃️ According to the report, the greatest fans of Black Friday in Poland are people earning around the national average or slightly above. Very affluent Poles will probably be less interested in this promotional campaign. --- Since 2006, I have been active in PR for global brands in Poland. Sharing raw stories and insights from my experience as a POLISH PR agency director. --- Any needs or challenges with your PR in Poland? • DM me and I will reply within 48 hours. • Call me on 0048 788 252 651 • Or email me on --- #PolishPRAgency #PolishMarket #BlackFriday
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Sobreviví a Black Friday un año más… ¡y sin añadir más canas! 😅 Este ha sido mi primer Black Friday en Calconut, y aunque no era mi primera vez enfrentándome a la locura de esta campaña, siempre hay nuevos retos que te ponen a prueba. Porque, admitámoslo, Black Friday es como un maratón: necesitas preparación, resistencia y algo de café (o mucho). ☕ Desde las semanas previas (y meses previos) hasta el gran día, fue una montaña rusa de planificación, creatividad y análisis. Y lo que más disfruté fue el reto de coordinar equipos, resolver imprevistos sobre la marcha y asegurar que todo estuviera perfecto para el gran momento. Pero en nut&me, la experiencia fue aún más especial porque trabajamos con un enfoque que mezcla innovación, sostenibilidad y excelencia. Este no es un simple “Black Friday”, es el Black Friday hecho con propósito. 💡 Lo que aprendí entre campañas y clics: 1️⃣ La anticipación es clave: Planificar cada detalle es esencial, pero la verdadera magia está en saber adaptarse cuando surgen sorpresas (porque siempre surgen, no nos engañemos 😅). 2️⃣ La colaboración hace milagros: Cuando todo el equipo rema en la misma dirección, incluso las jornadas más intensas se hacen más ligeras. Y es con buen humor y risas todo se lleva mejor. 3️⃣ Los datos son tu brújula: En un entorno tan dinámico, los números te dicen qué funciona, qué ajustar y cómo mejorar al instante. La capacidad de análisis y adaptación es clave. Ahora, toca dejar descansar los dashboards (al menos un rato), reflexionar sobre lo aprendido y empezar a pensar en cómo hacerlo aún mejor el próximo año. Porque en Calconut, siempre buscamos superarnos, sin perder de vista nuestros valores. 🌱 ¿Y vosotros? ¿Algún truco, anécdota o aprendizaje de este Black Friday que queráis compartir? 😄 #BlackFriday #MarketingConPropósito #Innovación #Sostenibilidad #TrabajoEnEquipo #EstrategiaDigital #DataDriven
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🇵🇱 How many Poles will take part in Black Friday this year❓ 🗂️ A report from UCE Research and Offerista Group shows that almost 65%❗ ⬆️ This is almost 1 percentage point more than last year. ⚫ A clear lack of interest in Black Friday shopping was indicated by only 18.9% of the people asked. The remaining group are the undecided, who can make purchases on impulse, without prior planning to take advantage of the ubiquitous promotions. ➡️ This result is clear evidence that Polish consumers love to take advantage of promotions and discounts. ➡️➡️ Interestingly, Black Friday is more popular among men. 66.8% of them plan to make purchases on this occasion (and for comparison – 61.8% of Polish women). 🗓️ As every year, the most active will be those aged 18–43. This trend is visible in the activities of brands and retail chains. During this period, they focus most intensively on communication aimed at young customers. 🌐 When it comes to communication platforms, it is therefore worth focusing primarily on online activities, especially on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. The former is a great medium for contacting millennials; the latter, on the other hand, has been experiencing a real boom among Generation Z representatives for several years now. ➡️➡️➡️ When planning such a campaign, it is also worth paying attention to the earnings of potential customers. 🗃️ According to the report, the greatest fans of Black Friday in Poland are people earning around the national average or slightly above. Very affluent Poles will probably be less interested in this promotional campaign. --- Since 2006, we have been active in PR for global brands in Poland. --- Any needs or challenges with your PR in Poland? • DM and we will reply within 48 hours. • Call us on 0048 788 252 651 • Or email us on --- #PolishPRAgency #PolishMarket #BlackFriday
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𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐈’𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞: 𝐈’𝐦 𝐞𝐱𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐧-𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 “𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲” 𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚 😡 Why do brands celebrate Black Friday here anyway? The term has no cultural significance for Indians. In America, it’s a chaotic shopping phenomenon born in 1950s sunny Philadelphia. Police used this term to describe the chaotic Saturday after Thanksgiving when tourists flooded the city to watch a football game. The chaos inevitably led to traffic jams, overworked officers, and opportunistic shoplifting. But in India? There’s no similar cultural or historical context here. In India, Black Friday feels less like an annual shopping event and more like a seasonal marketing gimmick. Here’s what I see happening: 📈Prices are often doubled before being “slashed” to create an illusion of discounts. 📈Consumers are bombarded with ads promising 50-70% off, pressuring even those who prioritize underconsumption to splurge. 📈The result? Overconsumption rises, bank balances dip, and credit card debt soars. It’s a far cry from the original Black Friday ethos of real, deep, mad discounts. So, dear reader, as the holiday season approaches, I know we’re all tempted to buy gifts for ourselves and others. But here’s a thought. Before hitting “add to cart,” ask yourself two questions: Is this something I genuinely want/need and is it also a good deal? 𝑶𝑹 is it just another number on a brand’s revenue sheet? Decide. Discern. And let your honest, hard-earned money go to something that works for you. Not the other way around. #culture #blackfriday #overconsumption #holidayshopping #brands
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🎭✨ Black Friday FANScinante: Porque nutrirse siempre está de moda ✨🎭 ¿Qué es lo que te hace diferente? Tus conocimientos, tus ideas, tu capacidad de crear experiencias únicas. Este Black Friday quiero que ese poder sea más accesible que nunca, para que conviertas tus habilidades en herramientas que cautiven, emocionen y transformen. 🌟 🖤 Por eso, te traigo una oportunidad irrepetible: participar en alguno de nuestros cursos/certificaciones estrella con un descuento especial. ¡Una puerta abierta al mundo de la FANScinación! 🚪 👉 Más allá del Customer Experience: 👉 Certificación en Diseño y CX: 👉 Curso de Emociones y Ventas FANScinantes: 🛠️ Y no solo eso: Todos incluyen la exclusiva FANScination Magic Box, diseñada para activar tu creatividad con 4 ejes poderosos que cambiarán tu forma de pensar y hacer. ⏳ Esta oferta especial estará disponible solo hasta el viernes 29 de noviembre. Desde 90 EUROS, invierte en tí y crea la mejor versión de tus proyectos. 📝 Escríbeme a si necesitas ayuda. Porque este Black Friday no se trata de descuentos, se trata de lo que puedes aprender, lograr y crear. 🌟 #BlackFriday #FANScinación #AprenderConEmoción #CustomerExperience #VentasFANScinantes #Estrategia
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