ABB se asocia con el World Green Building Council para impulsar edificios sostenibles y energéticamente eficientes en toda Europa. #ABB #EdificiosInteligentes #SmartBuilding #Unase ABB Electrification
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🏨 Rethinking the way we build and use buildings is essential achieving a sustainable future. The construction and use of buildings is responsible for almost 40% of CO2 emissions and 35% of energy consumption in the world. One of the efforts to reduce the impact on the environment is sustainable construction, that which uses renewable methods and materials. At De Castro Group | Regenerative hospitality group we carry out sustainability data monitoring: We measure hard and soft sustainability metrics (water consumption, waste, electricity, gas, employee policies, etc.) to provide meaningful analysis. ✅ We set strong 2030 targets for wellness and hospitality, responsible resource use, industrial reuse and recycling. We have a strong social commitment to our employees and local communities. Thank you BBVA for this very relevant and important article. ➡ Don't forget that De Castro Group | Regenerative hospitality group is a group of companies specialized in regeneration and working in the hospitality and wellness sector. #regeneration #wellnes #construction #sustainability #environment
Cómo la innovación sostenible ha cambiado la construcción
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Los 10 #edificios más #sostenibles Los edificios más sostenibles ayudan a reducir las #emisiones y promover una vida sostenible y alcanzar el objetivo del Acuerdo de París de #cero #emisiones #netas para 2050 para evitar un #CambioClimático catastrófico. Todas las organizaciones y personas utilizan los edificios para trabajar y relajarse, pero estos pueden tener un #impacto negativo en el #medioambiente. En todo el mundo, las #innovaciones en las #tecnologías de #construcción están marcando una diferencia en la forma en que las empresas y las personas pueden existir en #armonía con la #naturaleza. La #TorreReforma, en la #CDMX, entra en este Top 10. AGORA_SmartCity
Top 10: Most Sustainable Buildings
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¿Será que el compromiso con la sostenibilidad está limitado a un solo enfoque? Este año, el Greenbuild International Conference & Expo celebrado en #Filadelfia, organizado por el U.S. Green Building Council, nos recordó que el cambio es colectivo y que diversificar el involucramiento es clave para generar impacto. En su conferencia, Don Cheadle, nos dejó un mensaje muy importante: "Get in where you fit" donde refuerza la idea de que el compromiso con la sostenibilidad no está limitado a grandes soluciones, sino que puede adaptarse y reflejarse en muchas formas y niveles de acción. 🌿 Desde la posición de la construcción, en esta edición de Greenbuild, hubo varias conclusiones importantes: • El financiamiento sostenible y las taxonomías verdes están impulsando el desarrollo urbano sostenible. • La versión LEED v5 introduce avances enfocados en la reducción del carbono incorporado, la resiliencia climática y el impacto positivo en la salud y la equidad. • La plataforma ARC, PERFORM y LEED Volume de USGBC serán clave para acelerar la adopción de prácticas alineadas con la descarbonización y la implementación de LEED O+M v5. Este evento fue un espacio invaluable para intercambiar ideas con personas que forman parte de una red global comprometida con el cambio hacia un futuro más #sostenible. Enrique Motolá Sandra Soto Andrés Pardo Espinoza #Sostenibilidad #Descarbonización #LEEDv5 #LiderazgoAmbiental #ConstruccionSostenible
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🍃 🏢 #GreenBuilding Certifications or #SustainableBuilding Certifications are used to assess and recognise buildings which meet certain sustainability requirements or standards. Learn more about nationally adopted and recognized forms of green certification for buildings in #Spain such as #VERDE, #BREEAM, #LEED and many more! #SmartFM #IoTForGood #SmartBuildings #ESGReporting #LowCarbonEmissions World Green Building Council Green Building Council España (GBCe) Brice Corrieu Elena Arroyo Sarmiento Manuel Alvarez Frank FISCHER
Cuáles son las certificaciones de sostenibilidad necesarias en España - UnaBiz Spain
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💨 As soon as I saw this post yesterday I sought to share it. It takes me a while. Just before I was going to post I lost the whole thing. Taking a deep breath I was going to reconstruct in 30 minutes. Life took over. Hopefully this is not too late ... ⚡ Knowing my profile and reading below you will understand why I was excited! ❣️ It seems that when Tom Bosschaert speaks he will be talking about many of the things I deeply care about. 🏞️ It is interesting to me how people can 'graduate' to similar positions from 'different' backgrounds. Tom Bosschaert may say he was only 19 when he began. At the time he had not yet finished his training; and that was fundamentally in a design field. 🧬 My own background is in science and #systemic thinking. When did that begin? Formally at around the same age as Tom. Informally much younger. And my 'design training' also began before I was 8; can't exactly remember how young! 🧒🏼 What am I saying in all this? Fundamentally I believe, those of us who appear to have a holistic vision of 'how things work', I am looking forward to meeting Tom but have not yet done so, seem to have been influenced along those lines from early developmental experiences, whatever the so-called 'discipline'. 📚 My own perspective is that so long as we maintain the perspective of being life-long learners, again one of those caveats I claimed long before it was 'fashionable' to do so just because it is authentically me, we may come to an understanding of matters that are similar to those of people from very different disciplines. 🫶 The 'beauty' of our different backgrounds is that we can each bring fresh perspectives on each others work so through our joint #connections the effectiveness of the work will grow. This is surely the iterative wisdom of #Nature where everything works in harmony? 🌳 In today's world where #regeneration is SO needed, surely every and any way we can work together to achieve #regeneration more effectively we should take. What do you think? #regeneration #systemic thinking #food #Nature #connection
Net Positive Cities. On this week's Planet Positive, (Tues 9th July, 9am PST, 5pm BST) we will meet Tom Bosschaert founder of Orchid City. Join here: Tom is a Dutch architect, innovator, entrepreneur, and systemic sustainability advocate. In 1999, at age 19, he founded Except Integrated Sustainability, one of the world's first systemic sustainability consultancy and design offices. With Except's team of researchers, designers, and developers, Tom has worked on hundreds of projects globally, focusing on sustainable cities, transformative organizations, circular industries, regenerative agriculture, and governance. Notable projects include Salesforce Park in San Francisco, the Symbiosis in Development (SiD) framework, Polydome, and Serenity Farms in Saudi Arabia. Tom has also led global industry transition strategies for Heineken and IKEA. See Tom will present Orchid City, his latest self-initiated and self-funded project. Orchid City began as an exploration of the performance, impact, and business model of a fully self-sustaining, affordable city integrating sustainable technologies. After three years of research, leveraging solutions from Except's 25 years of work and contributions from two dozen partner organizations, the project has shown potential for a 140% climate footprint reduction, creating a net-positive living environment. Orchid City also addresses urban issues such as mobility, job creation, food production, water and waste management, social programs, education, and elderly care, promising an abundant, regenerative future accessible to a wide demographic. The Orchid City model can adapt to local contexts, climates, and sizes. Monette Stephens, Paul Cayford, Jonathan Greenwald, Hannah Apricot Eckberg, 🌟Dr Candy💥 Leighton I Keynote speaker I Panelist I Advisor, Antoinette Vermilye (she/her), Gunnlaugur Erlendsson, Marco Frazier, Roy C. Vella, Sammy Leslie, Edward Thorne, Bertrand Deleuse, George Orbelian, Rani Singh, Urs Riggenbach #netzerocities, #sustainablecities -
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El entorno construido, que comprende los edificios, hogares y ciudades donde vivimos, genera alrededor de un tercio de las emisiones de carbono del mundo. Al unir estos datos, la ciencia es clara: los edificios sustentables son cruciales para nuestra salud y para minimizar el cambio climático. En el corazón de muchos edificios comerciales se encuentran los sistemas de automatización de edificios (BAS) que monitorean y controlan funciones como el HVAC, iluminación y seguridad. La integración de estos sistemas es necesaria para lograr la certificación verde, pero esta integración por sí sola no es suficiente para ser sostenible a largo plazo. Para que un edificio sea sostenible, el edificio verde necesita más. El Arte de la Sostenibilidad en la Construcción de Reliable Controls proporciona nueve elementos para ayudarte a reducir la huella de carbono de tu edificio y disminuir el consumo de energía. Descúbrelos en el siguiente video 👇🏻 Para más información: #ReliableControls #Sostenibilidad #BAS #EdificiosInteligentes
The ART of Building Sustainability
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🏆 At Positive Organizations we are excited to share that today the Città di Lugano has published its first Sustainability Report. It represents an important milestone in its journey to become a more sustainable City, every day. 📃 The Report provides a thorough overview of the sectoral policies and measures promoted by the City Administration to guide the City's progress according to the principles of sustainable development. The Report was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Reporting Standards - a premiere for a Swiss city - emphasizing the City's commitment to producing an objective and rigorous Report based on the most widely used international guidelines. 🌿 Cities like Lugano are drivers of innovation and play a key role in the push for sustainable development models: this #Report clearly demonstrates a commitment to balancing economic development with protection of the environment, to caring for the communities that live and work in Lugano, and to being a leading employer. 💫 For us Positive Organizations , this collaboration has been an exciting and rewarding project, and we are happy to have contributed to the achievement of this important milestone for our own City. Thank you Città di Lugano for your trust! The Sustainability Report is available on the City of Lugano website at this link #PositiveOrganizations #CittàdiLugano #GRI #SustainabilityReport #ESG
La Città di Lugano presenta il primo Rapporto di sostenibilità |
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🌿 𝐂𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐨́𝐧 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐞: 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨 𝐥𝐨 𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐫 🌿 En el contexto actual, no basta con enfocarse solo en la eficiencia energética de nuestros edificios. 🏢🌍 Para mejorar el medio ambiente y reducir el cambio climático, debemos: 1️⃣ Identificar todos los impactos negativos de nuestros edificios. 2️⃣ Cuantificar esos impactos. 3️⃣ Tomar medidas para reducirlos, más allá de la eficiencia energética. Las herramientas VERDE del Green Building Council España (GBCE) nos permiten evaluar integralmente nuestros edificios, identificando y reduciendo diversos impactos negativos. VERDE facilita una edificación sostenible en todos los sentidos, no solo eficiente. 💡🏠 🔍 ¿𝐐𝐮𝐞́ 𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐚 𝐂𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐨́𝐧 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐞? Es un proceso voluntario que verifica la sostenibilidad de una edificación, considerando no solo la eficiencia energética, sino también factores como: Además, hay herramientas similares a VERDE a nivel global como 𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐲 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐀𝐌, próximamente os explicáremos que son. 🌎🏆 Conoce más sobre las ventajas y el proceso de certificación en nuestro blog: #Sostenibilidad #EdificaciónVerde #CertificaciónVERDE #CambioClimático #MedioAmbiente #GreenBuilding
Certificación verde: todo lo que debes saber
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011h remains one of the most ambitious #Construction #Technology #Startups (#Contech’s), we know of. Their #Integral #Approach to current #building #industry #challenges (#netzero, #co2absorption, #productivity, #industrialization), is very interesting indeed and very much worth following. #growth #strategy #strategies #growthlevers #organicgrowth #sales #marketing #export #exports #internationalization #multinationalization #internationalbusiness #innovation #consolidation #mergerandacquisitions #tradepolicy #tradepromotion #investmentpromotion #foreigninvestment #foreigndirectinvestment #geopolitics #geopoliticalrisk #geopolitical #buildingmaterials #constructionmaterials #architecture #interiordesign #innovationinconstruction #greenbuilding #c2c #sustainability #contech #bathrooms #bathroom #bathroomdesign #ceramics #sanitaryware #fittings #baths #showers #furniture #plumbing #ceramic #tiles #ceramictiles #porcelain #stone #naturalstone #quartzstone #sinteredstone #engineeredstone #crecimiento #palancasdelcrecimiento #estrategia #comercial #ventas #marketing #exportación #exportaciones #internacionalización #multinacionalización #consolidacion #negociosinternacionales #materialesdeconstruccion #arquitectura #interiorismo #innovacionenlaconstruccion #construcciónsostenible #sostenibilidad #baño #sectorbaño #sanitarios #griferia #bañeras #duchas #mueblesdebaño
El Periódico pointed out that "The construction sector currently represents 40% of Europe's energy demand, 80% of which comes from fossil fuels." With the aim of helping to resolve this situation, which has not changed in over half a century, Lucas Carné Carcas and Jose Manuel Villanueva, along with other partners, founded 011h. As the article explains "The solution proposed by 011h aims to reduce by 70% the emissions of a conventional building throughout its entire life cycle; by 80%, the consumption of non-renewable energy; by 30%, water consumption; and by 80%, waste generation. At the moment, there are about 200 homes already built or at least in the project phase in #Barcelona, #L’Hospitalet, #Calonge, #Alicante, #Málaga, and #Valencia". Thank you to El Periódico for recognizing us as the "+ Sustainable Company" and for giving visibility to our project! #sustainableconstruction #reducecarbonfootprint
011h: edificios de madera que almacenan CO2 y minimizan el coste energético
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Nos unimos a la Iniciativa Global de Edificación Verde 🌍 En la Semana Mundial de la Edificación Sostenible, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con los principios clave para una construcción más verde: ♻️ Reducir: Menos uso de energía y recursos, más tecnología para ahorrar. 💡 Electrificar: Cambiemos a electricidad y energía renovable, eliminemos combustibles fósiles. 🔄 Adaptarse: Nuestros edificios deben resistir el cambio climático, sin dejar a nadie atrás. Nos unimos a los Consejos de Construcción Verde de todo el mundo en #BuildingTheTransition hacia un futuro mejor. Argentina Green Building Council (AGBC)
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