Are you a young woman from Costa Rica, Panama, or Mexico ready to expand your leadership? Apply now for cohort 5 of the Voices that Inspire Program, an initiative empowering young women across Latin America who are passionate about social impact and change. By joining the #VoicesThatInspire Program, you will: 🤝 Complete a 7-week Vital Voices Leadership Journey course to build key leadership skills. 🤝 Access one-on-one mentorship to support your specific goals. 🤝 Join Vital Voices’s global network of 20,000+ women leaders. 🤝 Have the opportunity to apply for a small grant to support your social impact project. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to connect, grow, and become a driving force for change. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Apply today here: ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ¿Eres una joven de Costa Rica, México, o Panamá lista para expandir tu liderazgo? ¡Inscríbete ahora para la cohorte 5 del programa Voces que Inspiran, una iniciativa que empodera a mujeres jóvenes de toda América Latina apasionadas por el impacto social y el cambio! Al participar en el Programa #VocesQueInspiran, podrás: 🤝 Completar el Vital Voices Leadership Journey, un curso virtual de 7 semanas para desarrollar habilidades esenciales de liderazgo. 🤝 Recibir mentoría personalizada para apoyar tus metas. 🤝 Formar parte de la red global de Vital Voices que incluye a más de 20.000 mujeres líderes de todo el mundo. 🤝 Tener la oportunidad de solicitar una pequeña subvención para apoyar tu proyecto de impacto social. Esta es una oportunidad única para conectarte, crecer y convertirte en una fuerza de transformación. Las solicitudes se aceptan de forma continua:
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Looking back today after approximately 10 years as we started to strengthen the third path of the civil society by building the leadership capacities of the youth, I knew that our approach then had been directed towards the needs and challenges of the society that governed the future in a good way regardless of the current circumstances. We crafted our programs toward an emerging desire for genuine leaders who commit themselves together with their peers to the improvement of governance and the creation of ambitious plans for giant social impact. Among them are those young leaders who are currently in the limelight of achievement on the basis of their INGOs, Entrepreneurship, politics and social research through the top scholarships outside the country. Leadership programs can differ from each other in the target audiences, as well as in the contexts and methodology, but the aim in any case remains the creation of new leaders who are sincere and true to themselves and through this process to make the world better. Thus, we maintain our hope for our societies and, therefore, work towards it. This is a film that was made , which is speechless about the third batch of our youth leadership program in 2017. It would become obvious as 60% percent of the participants are women as we were concentrating on creating the next generation of women leaders who would be able to influence the whole decision making level. Our organization is involved in creating the movie along with the songs played in the film. و لو ما نحن............. مين للبلد و الناس مين البداوي جرحنا و مين البحفر الساس #women_empowerment #youth_leadership #yalla_nbadir #third_path #impact_investing
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El #liderazgo en #Colombia está en transición. Mientras el empresarial inspira y motiva, el político enfrenta desconfianza por su desconexión y fragmentación. Surge un cambio hacia modelos colaborativos y horizontales, donde las habilidades socioemocionales y la autenticidad son clave. Este enfoque más humano resalta el potencial del país para construir un futuro inclusivo y próspero, basado en confianza y colaboración.
A recent comprehensive study on #leadership in #Colombia explored the types of leadership Colombians exercise, need, and value. Using the #SenseMaker tool between May and November, this in-depth analysis highlighted that entrepreneurial and business leadership is the country's primary source of inspiration and motivation. In contrast, there is clear rejection and distrust of political leadership, which is seen as fragmented and lacking the ability to unite and inspire. 🌟 The study also reveals a significant degree of empowerment and agency among Colombians, reflecting a shift in power dynamics from traditional vertical leadership to a more horizontal, collective model. It emphasizes the importance of socio-emotional skills in practising authentic and effective collaborative leadership. This approach aligns with the country's aspirations for a more inclusive and prosperous future. Juanita Uribe conducted the study with Sonja Blignaut and Marietjie Vosloo. The findings were recently featured on the front page of El Tiempo, Colombia's largest newspaper, inviting reflection on the crucial role of business leaders and the transformative leadership the nation needs. 🤜 Source Here: Note: The article is in Spanish. The website requires you to create a login to access the full article; however, only your name and email address are required.
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A pretty eye-opening excerpt from some research on women and lack of sponsorship... 👇 “One reason women have less sponsorship may be due to the lack of women currently at the top of an organization. If men and women naturally gravitate to people like themselves (which is called Affinity Bias) for mentorship, women are less likely to luck into the power structure. Research also shows that male leaders in power, who often treat women with kindness and offer encouragement, too often fail them as vocal sponsors. Without sponsors, women are shut out of the leadership pipeline.” (World Economic Forum) It's important to point out the difference between a mentor and a sponsor. Mentors provide guidance, advice, and support based on their own experiences and expertise. They can be within your organization or outside of your organization. Sponsors actively endorse you for promotions, high-profile projects, or other career-enhancing opportunities. They are within your organization and are typically in higher positions, so their recommendations carry a lot of weight and have a lot of influence. A simplistic way to differentiate the two – mentors talk TO you, sponsors talk ABOUT you. Do you have a sponsor? Something to think about... Follow me, Lisa Hinz, CPC, for insights on women's leadership. #womeninleadership #advancingwomen #leadershipcoach
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🚀 ¡Estoy emocionado de presentarles una increíble oportunidad para el crecimiento profesional y empresarial! 🚀 El #WOBIMembership, una membresía exclusiva que ofrece acceso continuo a una variedad de recursos, contenido de calidad y eventos globales que potenciarán su desarrollo como líderes empresariales. ¿Qué incluye el WOBI Membership? ✨ Acceso al World Business Forum 2025 – Una de las principales conferencias de liderazgo y gestión empresarial, con ponentes de renombre mundial. 🎓 Contenido digital exclusivo – Más de 300 horas de masterclasses, ponencias y sesiones sobre las últimas tendencias en el mundo de los negocios. 🌍 Oportunidades de networking – Conexiones con líderes y expertos de diferentes industrias a nivel global. 🤝 Comunidad ejecutiva global – Un espacio para compartir experiencias y aprender de los mejores. Como #WOBIAmbassador, puedo ofrecerles acceso a esta membresía de manera exclusiva. Si están interesados en expandir sus horizontes y conectar con una red global de líderes, ¡esta es su oportunidad! #WOBIMembership #Liderazgo #Networking #DesarrolloProfesional #CrecimientoEmpresarial #WorldBusinessForum #Oportunidades #Innovación #Empresas
WOBI Membership - Inspiring Leaders. Every Day of the Year
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🚀 Si eres una mujer buscando crecer en el sector de manufacturing y aún no sabes lo que es Strada… ¡Apúntate a uno de sus workshops y descúbrelo por ti misma! Strada busca desarrollar con sus participantes las habilidades y la confianza que necesitan para dar un impulso a sus carreras en el sector de manufacturing. En cada uno de estos cuatro talleres online, podrás aprender de los mejores del sector sobre liderazgo, una de las cuatro principales habilidades que se desarrollan en el programa. ➡️ No te lo pienses más y apúntate en este formulario: ⬅️ -- Are you a woman looking forward to thriving in manufacturing and you have not heard of Strada yet? Sign up for one of its workshops and get to discover it first hand! Strada aims to give participating women the skills and confidence they need to grow and accelerate their careers in manufacturing. In the case of these four workshops, you will be able to learn from the best in the sector about leadership, one of the main four skills in which the program focuses. Don’t overthink it and fill out the forms hereunder: #formacion #strada #training #manufacturing #workshop #skills
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New review for CWIB! I especially recommend Brooke Markevicius' book for female entrepreneurs. It's empowering, encouraging, and practical (and you don't always get all three in one book!).
"Between my own interests, book reviews, and research for Elise Crawford Gallagher's and my new book, my bookshelves are overflowing with business books aimed at women. And yet I can’t get enough. I recently added three to my shelf—one aimed at women interested in becoming influential and innovative leaders within global organizations and two aimed at female entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs. Together, they provide encouragement, inspiration, and advice for women who want to make an impact through business leadership." Read more from the three books reviewed by Taryn DeLong - Trio of New Books Offer Inspiration and Advice for Female Business Leaders. Books Reviewed: 👉 Take the Lead: How women leaders are driving success through innovation - written by Anne-Valérie Corboz (dean and professor at HEC Paris Executive Education), Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj (associate professor at HEC Paris in Qatar), and Delphine Mourot-Haxaire (an executive coach and director of HEC in the UK) 👉 The Future Built by Women: Creating a Brighter Tomorrow Through Tech and Innovation - written by Brooke Markevicius 👉 Female Founders’ Playbook: Insights from the superwomen who have made it - written by Anne Boden Read the full reviews here: #bookreview #catholic #leaders #business #businessleaders #catholicreview #review #blog #cwib #catholicwomeninbusiness
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✨ 𝗩𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝗹𝗮 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗹 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗽 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗽𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 ✨ Estoy participando en el Bootcamp Female Leadership Development y cada día estoy aprendiendo herramientas prácticas y estrategias clave para desarrollar mi liderazgo. Esta experiencia es increíblemente enriquecedora porque me conecta con mujeres extraordinarias Carmenza Smith Daniela Maulén Mireya Aranda Pino Sugey De Jesús Ives Wendolin Camacho Melissa Galeana Chaira Almeida muchas más, llenas de ideas, energía y determinación por transformar el mundo. Ser líder no se trata solo de dirigir; se trata de inspirar, colaborar y empoderar a otros, especialmente en contextos donde las mujeres enfrentamos retos únicos. Cada sesión me impulsa a construir confianza, tomar decisiones asertivas y liderar desde un lugar de autenticidad y propósito. 💡 Lo que más me impacta: • La importancia de las herramientas prácticas que aplico de inmediato, como la inteligencia emocional, la comunicación efectiva y la gestión del cambio. • El poder de la comunidad: Estoy compartiendo con mujeres talentosas, cada una con su propia historia y visión, y esto me llena de inspiración y aprendizaje. • La idea de que el liderazgo femenino es un movimiento colectivo. Estoy convencida de que lo que hacemos juntas abre oportunidades y espacios para muchas más. 🌍 Estoy viviendo esta experiencia con el firme propósito de seguir creciendo como líder y de contribuir al cambio en mi entorno. Estoy convencida de que el liderazgo se cultiva, y depende de las acciones que tomo cada día para ser mi mejor versión. #FemaleLeadership #EmpoderamientoFemenino #LiderazgoFemenino #AprendizajeContinuo #ComunidadFemenina
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Are some of the most capable and promising women still afraid to take that plunge into leadership? For any hardworking individual, being in a leadership position is at the height of their ambitions. Many, including women, aspire to be such leaders who can be impactful and powerful decision-makers. But then again, why do most women hesitate to create that opportunity for themselves? Some feel that they aren’t good enough and need more skills. Others feel that they might have the skills but lack the confidence. But a common factor that holds them all back is lack of representation. Even today female leaders are heavily underrepresented in the public and internally in workplaces. Traditionally men are viewed in leadership roles, and the lack of mentorship makes many women wonder if they will be capable of handling the responsibility. Nobody can become a leader without taking that first step by themselves. But with enough mentorship and support that initial step becomes easier. This further demonstrates why women leaders need more representation. When more women leaders are brought under the spotlight, they are paving the way for many others who can be inspired by them. There exists among us many potential women who can turn into incredible leaders, but they just need that push. 🔴 At Draupadi on the Dais, we aim to make every event more inclusive. We provide an easy-to-access database of women speakers across multiple industries, available for speaking opportunities. Do you wish to see more female leaders represented? Share your thoughts below. Credit: Nina Tresa Alex #WomenInLeadership #womenleaders #inspiring #motivation #leadership #mentor #career
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Harvard Business Publishing publicó un estudio basado en una encuesta a más de 1.100 profesionales de grandes empresas en más de 15 países, donde se destaca que entre las capacidades de liderazgo más importantes para el mundo empresarial se encuentran conectar a los empleados con el propósito organizacional, desarrollar inteligencia emocional y social, gestionar conflictos entre los miembros del equipo, así como manejar el estrés y el burnout de los colaboradores, entre otras. En BDO Interaméricas BDO en Colombia también consideramos esencial desarrollar habilidades en los siguientes ámbitos: ● Transformación digital: Comprender las tendencias digitales y guiar a los equipos a través de las transformaciones tecnológicas. ● Gestión del cambio: Manejar eficazmente las transiciones organizacionales. ● Gestión de riesgos: Tomar decisiones efectivas y asumir la responsabilidad de los resultados. ● Pensamiento estratégico: Desarrollar estrategias a largo plazo y evaluar críticamente las tendencias del mercado. Los programas de desarrollo de liderazgo dentro de las organizaciones deben implementarse de manera regular y personalizada. Como destaca el estudio, también es importante considerar la escalabilidad para extender los beneficios de estos programas a un mayor número de colaboradores dentro de las organizaciones. Les animo a explorar los hallazgos del informe arriba mencionado, y a integrar nuevas perspectivas en sus estrategias de fortalecimiento de habilidades para la planeación estratégica de 2025. #LiderazgoEstratégico #TransformaciónDigital #DesarrolloOrganizacional
2024 Global Leadership Development Study - Harvard Business Publishing
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Even after 77 years of independence, a staggering 68% of our productive workforce— married women—are sitting at home, their dreams and ambitions stifled. Without a concerted effort to change this trajectory, we risk losing the next generation of women leaders. We will fail to embrace equity in the future of work for women, neglecting to bring those lost to the workforce back into productive roles. True freedom comes from the economic liberation of women and bringing them back into the workforce, where their potential can drive our nation forward. At Udayan Shalini Fellowship Program, we refuse to let this be the narrative for the next generation of women. Our pioneering program has been a beacon of hope, empowering adolescent girls from resource-poor communities to pursue higher education and build a life of their choosing. 🌟 By providing access to education, mentorship, and leadership training, we’re not just shaping futures and challenging the status quo - we're empowering them. Our heartfelt gratitude to for being part of this change and helping to shift the narrative. Together, we are creating a world where every woman can gain ground in the boardroom and beyond. #FutureOfWork #EqualityInAction #ShareTheChange Kiran Modi DEEPAK SHARMA Anjali Hegde Sanjjana Bhowmicck Prashant Singh Arun Kumar Anupam Mittal Leena Prasad Swati Roy Prasad Chaitanya Modi Akansha Arora Pooja Mehra Naveen Narayanan Madhuri Gada
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