Coinciding with the wake-up call from Mario Draghi's report on "EU Competitiveness: Looking Ahead," we had the privilege of attending an inspiring breakfast meeting titled "The New Industrial Law and the Challenge of Net-Zero Emissions: An Opportunity for Spain," organized by Grupo Español para el Crecimiento Verde at Esade, supported by Breakthrough Energy and Cleantech for Iberia. The event brought together executive representatives from Iberian cleantech and finance sectors, with discussions focusing on how Spain can become Europe’s leading #cleantech hub through the implementation of targeted policies and investments, the importance of pilot projects and project de-risking, as well as the challenges and opportunities of the new Industrial Law in the broader European context.
During the panel on “The Role of Innovation in the #Reindustrialization of Spain,” Michael Geyer, Managing Director of Malta Iberia, emphasized Malta’s innovative long-duration energy storage solution and its critical role in replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy. He outlined why Malta has established itself in Spain, highlighting the country's expertise in thermal salt storage and the significance of the Malta-D project, which is supported by a #PPA under development with BBVA. As part of this discussion, Michael also stressed the need for Spain to strengthen its industrial capabilities and foster a favorable environment for cleantech #innovation.
The event served as a critical forum for exploring the synergies between public and private #investment, and how Spain, with its vast renewable resources and technical expertise, is uniquely positioned to lead Europe in achieving its zero-emissions goals. BBVA, in particular, showcased its commitment to cleantech through its dedicated unit, established earlier this year in BBVA’s White Paper on Cleantech Bankability in the Iberian Peninsula: The ongoing collaboration between BBVA and Malta is a testament to the progress being made in this space:
A big thank you to the organizers and participants for their shared commitment to advancing clean energy solutions.
Mario Lara, Antoni BALLABRIGA, Alberto Toril Castro, Juan Antonio Tébar, Bianca Dragomir, Irene Gálvez, Sonia Zorrilla Varela, Joaquín Coronado Galdos, Iker Marcaide, Sofía Muñoz, Carmen Navarro Gomez, Luis martí, Mariano García Hoyos, Antonio Javier de Francisco Rodriguez, Carlos Ruiz, Carlos Martinez
#EnergyStorage #LDES #TES