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ethio telecom

ethio telecom


Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa 122,394 followers

Ethio telecom is an integrated telecommunications solutions provider operating in Ethiopia. #Ethiopia #Ethiotelecom

About us

We are Africa’s pioneering telecom company with more than 130 years of immense experience. Today, here we are standing bold and BIG yet for another golden milestone leading Ethiopia and Ethiopians towards a bright future. We are always on the front line to streamline the overall effort of our people, carry their vision and support them in any way to transform their lives. Please visit our website: to learn more about us. • For any of your enquiries related with our product and services, our social media advisors are ready to assist you via DM/Inbox or comments. • For any of your account related queries, please reach us via inbox/DM. If you have a general query on any of our product and services, you can send us via DM/Inbox or comment. We highly value any of our customers’ feedback and believe it will serve as the most important input to improve our service delivery, enhance their experience and develop our business afterwards. Last but not least! Let us be clear about the terms and conditions that you shall respect and be obliged to! As our page embraces more than 1 million followers, we believe we have now more than 1 million soul, personality and character from various corners of the world with a variety of backgrounds that needs a proper protection from being offended, humiliated and be prejudiced. Thus, as a responsible company aspiring to become a world class telecom operator, we need to make sure every interaction is being managed and exercised based on the highest moral standards. Consequently, any comment with racial, religious, nation and nationality, group, political and/or sexual orientation abuse will never be tolerated. Users exercising these prohibited acts will automatically be banned/blocked from our page once and for all. We want to say thank you for stopping by to read about us!

Company size
10,001+ employees
Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa
Government Agency
telecom service and telecom service provider


Employees at ethio telecom


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    Ethio telecom Launches Cloud-based Solutions to Empower Enterprises and Institutions Empowering Enterprises with Smart Solutions! Going beyond connectivity, our company delivers large-scale digital solutions that drive meaningful societal transformation and economic growth. As a leader in Ethiopia’s digital transformation, we are fostering financial inclusion and accelerating the country’s journey toward a fully digital economy. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, we empower enterprises with superior digital experiences, modernize operations, and enhance overall efficiency. Today, we are excited to introduce seven enterprise solutions, powered by our robust cloud infrastructure. Designed to streamline institutional operations and elevate customer service, these solutions position companies for sustainable success in the digital era. Our latest offerings include: 🐄 Digital Livestock Tracking – Enhancing agricultural efficiency and traceability 📻 tele Push-to-Talk/Video (PTT/V) – Enabling seamless and secure communication 🏦 Core Banking Solution – Transforming financial services through cloud-based core banking 📚 Education Management System – Optimizing learning environments and administration 🤝 One-Office Collaboration and Productivity Solution – Driving team efficiency and connectivity 👥 tele Contact Center – Enhancing customer engagement and support services 📊 ERP Solutions – Empowering businesses with integrated enterprise resource planning These cloud-based solutions provide enterprises with scalable access to servers, databases, software, networks, and secure data storage—all delivered over a reliable connection. By eliminating the need for on-premises infrastructure, businesses can focus on their core operations, foster innovation, enhance competitiveness, and maximize productivity. Read More: #RealizingDigitalEthiopia #DigitalAfrica #GSMA #ITU #WorldBank #OECD #G6countries #HOPR #HoF

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  • በሁሉን አቀፍ ዲጂታል የትምህርት አስተዳደር ሶሉሽናችን አሰራርዎን ያዘምኑ! 🚀👨👩👧👦 የትምህርት ተቋም የአስተዳደርን፣ ከመምህራን፣ ተማሪዎች እና ወላጆች ጋር የተቀናጀ ትስስር ለመፍጠር የሚያስችል 📊 🔄 የተማሪዎችን ውጤት ክትትል፣ የመረጃ ልውውጥ፣ የተማሪ-ወላጅ-መምህር ተሳትፎን በማጎልበት እንዲሁም የዲጂታል ቤተ-መጻሕፍት በማቅረብ የትምህርትን ጥራት በእጅጉ የሚያሳድግ 💳⏩ የክፍያ ሂደቶችን በቴሌብር በማቀናጀት የወላጆችን ጊዜና ጉልበት በመቆጠብ የትምህርት ተቋማትን አስተዳደራዊ ቅልጥፍና የሚያሳድግ ትምህርትን ያሳድጉ፣ አስተዳደርን ያመቻቹ፣ ጠንካራ ግንኙነቶችን ዛሬውኑ ይገንቡ! 📍የድርጅት የአገልግሎት ማዕከሎቻችንን ይጎብኙ! ለተጨማሪ መረጃ: #SmartEducation #EducationAdministrationSolution #Ethiotelecom #telebirr #DigitalEthiopia #RealizingDigitalEthiopia

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  • የላቀ ፍጥነት ያለውን የ4ጂ ሞባይል ኔትወርክ አገልግሎት በአገራችን የተለያዩ አካባቢዎች ነባር ኔትወርካችንን በማሳደግና አዳዲስ ግንባታ በማከናወን ማድረሳችንን ቀጥለናል! የላቀ ፍጥነትን በተቀላቀሉት በቦዲቲ፣ በዴሳ፣ አረካ፣ ሀዴሮ፣ ላሾ ማዞሪያ፣ ሞሌ፣ ጉኑኖ፣ ሙዱላ፣ ቱንቶ፣ ቢጠና፣ ዲምቱ፣ ፋራቾ፣ ዋጅፎ፣ ብርብር፣ ሁምቦ ጠበላ ከተሞች የነበረን ደማቅ ቆይታ ይህን ይመስላል #ዲጂታል_ኢትዮጵያን_እውን_በማድረግ_ላይ #4GLTE #Ethiotelecom #DigitalAfrica #DigitalEthiopia #RealizingDigitalEthiopia

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    📞💬 Effortless communication, wherever you are! For schools, hospitals, construction, and public safety, or any team environment Push-to-Talk (PTT) and Push-to-Video (PTV) services keep your team connected and efficient. 💁♂️ Quick, simple and intuitive! Feature-rich app, designed for compatibility with all smartphones 📍Visit our business centers! Read more: #PTT #PTV  #StayConnected #Ethiotelecom #telebirr #DigitalAfrica #SmartAfrica #DigitalEthiopia #RealizingDigitalEthiopia

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  • ኢትዮ ቴሌኮም 2 ዘመናዊ ኤሌክትሪክ መኪኖችን እና 5  ባለ 3 እግር ተሽከርካሪዎችን ለዕድለኞች በሽልማት አበረከተ! ኩባንያችን 130ኛ ዓመት ክብረ-በዓሉን ምክንያት በማድረግ ከመስከረም 12 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም. ጀምሮ ለደንበኞች ባዘጋጀው የኢትዮ 130 ሜጋ ፕሮሞ እና ኢትዮ 131 ላኪ ስሎት ሽልማት መርሃግብር ልዩ ልዩ ሽልማቶችን እያበረከተ መሆኑ ይታወቃል፡፡ በዛሬው ዕለትም በሦስተኛው ዙር ዕጣ ለወጣላቸው የአዲስ አበባ እና አዳማ ዕድለኞች 2 ዘመናዊ የቢ.ዋይ.ዲ የኤሌክትሪክ መኪኖችን እንዲሁም 5 ባለ 3 እግር ተሸከርካሪዎች 2 ለአርባ ምንጭ እና ከፋ እንዲሁም 3 ለአዲስ አበባ ዕድለኛ ደንበኞቻችን ሸልመናል፡፡ ኩባንያችን 130ኛ ዓመት ክብረ-በዓሉን በማስመልከት ባለፉት 5 ወራት 2 ዘመናዊ የኤሌክትሪክ መኪኖችን የአዲስ አበባ እና ወሊሶ እንዲሁም 3 ባለ 3 እግር ተሸከርካሪ ለሀረር፣ ለአርሲ ኔጌሌ እና ለሆሳእና ዕድለኞች  ቁልፍ ማስረከቡ የሚታወስ ነው፡፡ 141 ዘመናዊ ስማርት ስልኮችን፣ በየቀኑ እና በየሳምንቱ በድምሩ 10.56 ሚሊዮን ብር የቴሌብር ኤሌክትሮኒክስ ገንዘብ እንዲሁም 1.18 ሚሊዮን የሞባይል ጥቅሎችን በአጠቃላይ ዛሬ የሚወጡትን ሽልማቶች ሳያካትት ከ 49.45 ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ ዋጋ ያላቸውን ሽልማቶች አበርክቷል፡፡ መርሃ ግብሩ በቀጣይ ለ1 ወር የሚዘልቅ ሲሆን፣ ለዕድለኛ ደንበኞች ተጨማሪ ዘመናዊ የኤሌክትሪክ መኪና እና ባለ 3 እግር ተሽከርካሪዎችን ጨምሮ በየቀኑ እና በየሳምንቱ ልዩ ልዩ ሽልማቶችን ባለ እድል የሚያደርጋቸዉ ይሆናል። ለተጨማሪ መረጃ፡ ይጎብኙ! #130_ዓመታትን_በጽናት_ታላቅ_አገርና_ሕዝብ_በማገልገል_ላይ #Ethiotelecom #telebirr #DigitalEthiopia #RealizingDigitalEthiopia

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  • ኢትዮ ቴሌኮም 2 ዘመናዊ ኤሌክትሪክ መኪኖችን እና 5 ባለ 3 እግር ተሽከርካሪዎችን ለዕድለኞች በሽልማት አበረከተ! ኩባንያችን 130ኛ ዓመት ክብረ-በዓሉን ምክንያት በማድረግ ከመስከረም 12 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም. ጀምሮ ለደንበኞች ባዘጋጀው የኢትዮ 130 ሜጋ ፕሮሞ እና ኢትዮ 131 ላኪ ስሎት ሽልማት መርሃግብር ልዩ ልዩ ሽልማቶችን እያበረከተ መሆኑ ይታወቃል፡፡ በዛሬው ዕለትም በሦስተኛው ዙር ዕጣ ለወጣላቸው የአዲስ አበባ እና አዳማ ዕድለኞች 2 ዘመናዊ የቢ.ዋይ.ዲ የኤሌክትሪክ መኪኖችን እንዲሁም 5 ባለ 3 እግር ተሸከርካሪዎች 2 ለአርባ ምንጭ እና ከፋ እንዲሁም 3 ለአዲስ አበባ ዕድለኛ ደንበኞቻችን ሸልመናል፡፡ ኩባንያችን 130ኛ ዓመት ክብረ-በዓሉን በማስመልከት ባለፉት 5 ወራት 2 ዘመናዊ የኤሌክትሪክ መኪኖችን የአዲስ አበባ እና ወሊሶ እንዲሁም 3 ባለ 3 እግር ተሸከርካሪ ለሀረር፣ ለአርሲ ኔጌሌ እና ለሆሳእና ዕድለኞች ቁልፍ ማስረከቡ የሚታወስ ነው፡፡ 141 ዘመናዊ ስማርት ስልኮችን፣ በየቀኑ እና በየሳምንቱ በድምሩ 10.56 ሚሊዮን ብር የቴሌብር ኤሌክትሮኒክስ ገንዘብ እንዲሁም 1.18 ሚሊዮን የሞባይል ጥቅሎችን በአጠቃላይ ዛሬ የሚወጡትን ሽልማቶች ሳያካትት ከ 49.45 ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ ዋጋ ያላቸውን ሽልማቶች አበርክቷል፡፡ መርሃ ግብሩ በቀጣይ ለ1 ወር የሚዘልቅ ሲሆን፣ ለዕድለኛ ደንበኞች ተጨማሪ ዘመናዊ የኤሌክትሪክ መኪና እና ባለ 3 እግር ተሽከርካሪዎችን ጨምሮ በየቀኑ እና በየሳምንቱ ልዩ ልዩ ሽልማቶችን ባለ እድል የሚያደርጋቸዉ ይሆናል። ለተጨማሪ መረጃ፡ ይጎብኙ! #130_ዓመታትን_በጽናት_ታላቅ_አገርና_ሕዝብ_በማገልገል_ላይ #Ethiotelecom #telebirr #DigitalEthiopia #RealizingDigitalEthiopia

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  • የድኅረ ክፍያ የሞባይል ጥቅል ለድርጅትዎ በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ! 💁♂️ በወር ከ270 ብር ጀምሮ በብዙ አማራጭ ቀርበዋል፤ የ2 ዓመት ውል በመግባት እስከ 45% የሚደርስ ተጨማሪ ስጦታ ያግኙ። 📍 በአቅራቢያዎ ወደሚገኝ የድርጅት አገልግሎት ማዕከል ጎራ ይበሉ! ለተጨማሪ መረጃ ይጎብኙ! #Ethiotelecom #telebirr #DigitalAfrica #SmartAfrica #DigitalEthiopia #RealizingDigitalEthiopia

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  • 🐄💡 Revolutionize Your Livestock Management with Our Digital Cattle Tracking Solution! High tech-driven approach to managing livestock. 🐄✨ 🐄 Real-time Monitoring: track your animals' location and health instantly! 🤝 Financial Inclusion: easy access to loans & insurance with verified livestock data. ✅ Seamless Claims: faster insurance claims and reduced disputes. 📊 Data Insights: valuable information for better decision-making. 💸 Effortless payments via telebirr. Elevate your herd management with affordable, reliable, and user-friendly technology. 📍Available on our business centers! Read more: #LivestockTech  #LivestockManagement #Ethiotelecom #telebirr #telebirrSuperApp #DigitalEthiopia #DigitalAfrica #RealizingDigitalEthiopia

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    Today at MWC Barcelona, the GSMA Africa team led high-impact discussions with industry leaders, addressing the key challenges and opportunities shaping Africa’s digital future. The CEOs of Airtel Africa, AXIAN Group, ethio telecom, MTN, Orange, and Vodacom came together to reaffirm their commitment to accelerating Africa’s digital transformation. Through strategic partnerships, regulatory advocacy, and sustainable solutions, they are driving action to close the connectivity gap and unlock new growth opportunities for the continent. In collaboration with ATU-African Telecommunications Union we hosted a roundtable on Universal Service Fund (USF) reforms, tackling clear objectives, strategic project selection, and transparent fund management. While USFs aim to bridge Africa’s 60% mobile internet usage gap, many remain underutilized. With $700 billion in potential GDP gains by 2030, urgent reforms are needed. Through regional deep dives, we are selecting one market per sub-region to pilot transformative USF reforms that will drive real impact. We also engaged with government delegations and the Mobile Network Operators from Ghana, focusing on closing the digital divide, bridging the investment gap, and aligning energy access with broadband infrastructure to lower costs and increase connectivity. It is important for stakeholders to continue working together to shape a connected and inclusive Africa. Keep up with updates on our policy and Advocacy work in Africa here: Angela Wamola O.G.W Philippe GOABGA Linus Melly Caroline Mbugua,MBA,HSC. Nomonde Gongxeka - Seopa Kenechi Okeleke

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