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Document 32020R0688
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/688 of 17 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards animal health requirements for movements within the Union of terrestrial animals and hatching eggs (Text with EEA relevance) (Text with EEA relevance)
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/688 of 17 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards animal health requirements for movements within the Union of terrestrial animals and hatching eggs (Text with EEA relevance) (Text with EEA relevance)
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/688 of 17 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards animal health requirements for movements within the Union of terrestrial animals and hatching eggs (Text with EEA relevance) (Text with EEA relevance)
OJ L 174, 3.6.2020, p. 140–210
(BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)
In force: This act has been changed. Current consolidated version: 04/12/2023
3.6.2020 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 174/140 |
of 17 December 2019
supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards animal health requirements for movements within the Union of terrestrial animals and hatching eggs
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health (‘Animal Health Law (1)’), and in particular the second subparagraph of Article 3(5), Article 125(2), Article 131(1), Article 132(2), Article 135, Article 136(2), Article 137(2), Article 140, Article 144(1), Article 146(1), Article 147, Article 149(4), Article 154(1), Article 156(1), Article 160, Article 162(3) and (4), Article 163(5)(b) and (c) and Article 164(2) thereof,
(1) |
Regulation (EU) 2016/429 lays down rules for the prevention and control of animal diseases that are transmissible to animals or humans. In Chapters 3-5 of Title I of Part IV, it lays down the animal health requirements for movements within the Union of kept and wild terrestrial animals and germinal products thereof. The Regulation also empowers the Commission to adopt rules to supplement certain non-essential elements of that Regulation by means of delegated acts. It is therefore appropriate to adopt such rules in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the new legal framework established by Regulation (EU) 2016/429. |
(2) |
The rules and risk mitigation measures laid down in this Regulation are required to supplement the animal health requirements laid down in Chapters 3-5 of Title I of Part IV of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 as regards the movements within the Union of kept and wild terrestrial animals and of hatching eggs, to ensure that those commodities do not pose a significant risk of spread of listed diseases referred to in Article 5(1) and Annex II of the same Regulation, as amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1629 (2) and categorised in accordance with Article 9(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 (3). Regulation (EU) 2016/429 aims to provide a simpler and more flexible regulatory framework comparing to the one applying prior to its adoption, while at the same time ensuring a more risk-based approach to animal health requirements, and improved animal disease preparedness, prevention and control. It also aims to collect the rules on animal diseases in a single act, rather than their being scattered over a number of different acts. The rules laid down in this Regulation concerning certain germinal products, notably hatching eggs, follow the same approach. The content of the rules is substantively linked, since they are to apply to all operators moving kept or wild terrestrial animals or hatching eggs. In the interests of simplicity and transparency, as well as to facilitate the application of the rules and avoid duplication, they should be laid down in a single act rather than in a number of cross-referenced separate acts. |
(3) |
Article 5(1) and Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2016/429, as amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1629, provide the list of animal diseases of special relevance for Union intervention, while Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 categorises them on the basis of the specific measures to apply to them, and lists the animal species to which those rules should apply. Category D diseases are considered to pose a considerable risk of spread when animals are moved between Member States. |
(4) |
Eradication programmes exist for the eradication of category B or C diseases. The rules for these programmes are laid down in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 (4). These eradication programmes apply to an establishment, zone or Member State, depending on the disease in question, and the measures required include certain animal health guarantees for movements of animals. The Delegated Regulation mentioned above also sets out the rules for the recognition of disease-free Member States and zones following the successful completion of the respective eradication programme. This Regulation should therefore also provide for such animal health guarantees in respect of movements of animals to other Member States or zones carrying out eradication programmes or having a recognised disease-free status. |
(5) |
To mitigate the risk of spread of disease between Member States, it is necessary to lay down in this Regulation supplementary animal health requirements concerning the diseases referred to in recitals (3) and (4) above, the animal species listed for the respective disease in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 and eradication programmes and disease-free status. The relevant standards recommended in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) should be taken into account. |
(6) |
Article 125 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 sets out the required disease prevention measures in relation to transport of animals, and empowers the Commission to lay down supplementary requirements for cleaning and disinfecting means of transport of kept terrestrial animals and biosecurity measures to mitigate the possible risks arising from animal transport operations within the Union. It is necessary, therefore, to lay down in this Regulation more detailed rules on structural requirements for means of transport and containers and more detailed biosecurity requirements for animal transport operations, and to provide for certain exemptions. Similar rules also apply to operators engaged in the transport of certain germinal products, notably hatching eggs of poultry and captive birds, and such rules should also be laid down in this Regulation on the basis of Article 157(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429. |
(7) |
Requirements for cleaning and disinfection of means of transport and biosecurity measures to mitigate the possible risks arising from certain animal transport operations were laid down in the rules that applied prior to Regulation (EU) 2016/429, in particular Council Directives 64/432/EEC (5), 91/68/EEC (6), 2009/156/EC (7) and 2009/158/EC (8) for transport operations of bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine animals, poultry and hatching eggs. Those requirements have proven to be effective in preventing the risk of spread of animal diseases within the Union through transport operations. It is therefore appropriate to maintain the substance of those requirements and adapt them to transport operations of all kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs. |
(8) |
Article 132(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires that the Commission determines a maximum timeframe within which the operator of a slaughterhouse receiving kept ungulates and poultry for slaughter from another Member State should ensure that those animals are slaughtered. This Regulation should therefore provide for such a maximum timeframe within which animals should be slaughtered, to ensure that their health status would not compromise the health status of the animals at the place of destination. Regulation (EU) 2016/429 also lays down rules for the movement of consignments of ungulates susceptible to infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24), which may have a specific risk of spread due to the vector-borne transmission of the disease. This Regulation should therefore lay down certain specific provisions on the slaughtering of those animals. |
(9) |
In respect of movements to other Member States of kept ungulates and poultry, Article 131(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 empowers the Commission to lay down rules concerning residency periods, the period of time necessary to limit the introduction of kept ungulates or poultry into establishments prior to movement, and supplementary animal health requirements to mitigate the risk of spread of listed diseases as referred to in Article 9(1)(d) thereof. It is therefore necessary to lay down appropriate measures in this Regulation to safeguard the health of animals and prevent the spread of disease through movements of ungulates, poultry and captive birds. These measures should take account of the rules that applied prior to the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429. Such rules for ungulates, poultry and captive birds were laid down in Council Directives 64/432/EEC, 91/68/EEC and 2009/158/EC, 2009/156/EC and, in part, Council Directive 92/65/EEC (9). Where relevant, those rules should introduce new or different requirements, in particular to take account of new scientific developments and standards or the list of diseases provided for in Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1629 and the diseases’ categorisation subject to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882. |
(10) |
Similarly, Articles 160(2) and 164(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 empower the Commission to adopt delegated acts laying down animal health requirements for movements to other Member States of germinal products of poultry and captive birds, i.e. hatching eggs. This Regulation must also therefore provide for those rules. |
(11) |
As a baseline, movements of terrestrial animals to another Member State should take place from the establishment of origin directly to the place of destination in that Member State. By way of derogation, however, this movement may be interrupted, and animals may undergo assembly operations. These operations represent a specific risk for spreading animal diseases. Article 135 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires the Commission to adopt delegated acts laying down rules supplementing those provided for in Articles 133 and 134 thereof for assembly operations in respect of kept ungulates and poultry, where those animals are being moved to another Member State. It is therefore necessary to lay down such requirements in this Regulation. |
(12) |
Under the rules applicable prior to Regulation (EU) 2016/429, set out in Directives 64/432/EEC, 91/68/EEC and 2009/156/EC, some consignments of ungulates did not move directly from an establishment of origin to an establishment of destination. Dealers, assembly centres and marshalling centres grouped animals of the same health status, which had arrived in consignments from different establishments, for dispatch to their respective destinations. The rules laid down in those Directives have proven effective in preventing the spread of transmissible animal diseases within the Union. Accordingly, the main substance of those rules should be maintained, but updated to take account of experience gained in their application and current scientific knowledge. Account should be taken of Article 133 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, which provides that operators may subject kept ungulates and poultry to a maximum of three assembly operations during a movement from a Member State of origin to another Member State. |
(13) |
In addition, derogation from the rules on assembly operations should be provided under Article 140(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for ungulates participating in exhibitions and sporting, cultural and similar events, as alternative risk-mitigation measures in place reduce the risk that those operations pose in terms of spreading listed diseases. These derogations are provided for in this Regulation. |
(14) |
Article 136(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 empowers the Commission to lay down detailed rules for the movement between Member States of certain kept terrestrial animals other than ungulates and poultry. |
(15) |
Prior to the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, Union rules for movement between Member States of certain kept terrestrial animals including primates, captive birds, honeybees and bumble bees, dogs, cats and ferrets were laid down in Directive 92/65/EEC. Those rules have proven to be effective in minimising the risk of spread of listed diseases between Member States. Accordingly, the main substance of those rules should be maintained in this Regulation, but updated to take account of the practical experience gained in their application. In addition, this Regulation should provide possibilities for derogations in cases where alternative risk-mitigation measures are put in place. |
(16) |
Article 3(5) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 empowers the Commission to lay down rules to ensure that Part IV thereof is correctly applied to movements of pet animals, other than non-commercial movements. This Regulation, therefore, must provide for certain such rules. |
(17) |
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 lists the species of carnivores posing a considerable risk of spread of Echinococcus multilocularis and of rabies virus when they are moved between Member States. Supplementary animal health requirements should therefore be provided for other carnivores to mitigate the risk of the spread of those diseases between Member States. |
(18) |
Article 137(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires the Commission to lay down detailed rules in addition to those referred to in Article 137(1) thereof for movements of kept terrestrial animals into confined establishments and for movements of kept terrestrial animals into those confined establishments, where risk-mitigation measures are in place to guarantee that such movements do not pose a significant risk to the health of kept terrestrial animals within that confined establishment and the surrounding establishments. |
(19) |
Prior to the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, Union rules for movements of terrestrial animals kept in approved bodies, institutes or centres were laid down in Directive 92/65/EEC. Articles 95 and 137 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 establish the concept of a ‘confined establishment’ corresponding to an ‘approved body, institute or centre’ referred to in Article 2(1)(c) of Directive 92/65/EEC. Accordingly, the main substance of those former rules should be maintained, but should be updated to take account of the practical experience gained in their application. Account should also be taken of the relevant standards recommended for primates in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the OIE. |
(20) |
Article 138(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 empowers the Commission to lay down rules for the granting of derogations by the competent authority of the place of destination, supplementing those referred to in Article 138(1) and 138(2) thereof, in relation to movement of kept terrestrial animals for scientific purposes. Prior to the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, Directive 92/65/EEC provided that dogs, cats and ferrets which are to be moved for scientific purposes to another Member State do not have to be vaccinated against rabies, and dogs do not have to have been treated against infestation with Echinococcus multilocularis where such animals were destined for approved bodies, institutes or centres. This Regulation should provide for a similar derogation. |
(21) |
Article 140(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 empowers the Commission to lay down specific requirements supplementing the rules laid down in Articles 126 to 136 thereof for movements of kept terrestrial animals intended for circuses, exhibitions and sporting events. |
(22) |
Prior to the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, Union rules for movements of terrestrial animals kept in circuses and animal acts were laid down, based on Directive 92/65/EEC, in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1739/2005 (10) repealed by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 (11) as from 21 April 2021. Given that those animals are currently moved to other Member States without an accompanying animal health certificate when the circus or animal act to which they belong travels, the present Regulation should maintain the possibility of such intra-Union movements. It is therefore appropriate to lay down in this Regulation the animal health requirements for movements to other Member States of terrestrial animals kept in travelling circuses or animal acts and to provide for a derogation from the animal health certification requirements as provided for in Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429. |
(23) |
Prior to the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, Union rules for movements of captive birds intended for exhibition in another Member State were laid down in Directive 92/65/EEC and other acts. |
(24) |
To prevent the risk of spread of listed diseases relevant to the movements of captive birds between Member States, it is appropriate in this Regulation to maintain Union rules for movements of captive birds intended for exhibition in another Member State. In addition, this Regulation should also lay down specific provisions for birds of prey attending flight hunting exhibitions in another Member State and for racing pigeons to be moved to sporting events in other Member States. |
(25) |
Article 144(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 empowers the Commission to grant derogations from animal health certification requirements, provided for in Article 143(1) thereof, for kept terrestrial animals moved between Member States. |
(26) |
Currently, in accordance with the rules laid down in Directive 2009/156/EC, registered equine animals may be moved without an accompanying animal health certificate between Member States which, on a reciprocal basis, have implemented an alternative control system providing relevant animal health guarantees equivalent to those laid down in the animal health certificate. This Regulation should provide for a similar derogation. However, special conditions should be established for movement of those animals, including the consent of the Member State of destination. |
(27) |
Article 144(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 empowers the Commission to lay down the requirements for animal health certification for movements to other Member States of kept terrestrial animals other than ungulates, poultry and animals intended for confined establishments in cases where an animal health certificate is imperative in order to ensure that the movement in question complies with the animal health requirements provided for in Articles 124 to 142 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429. This Regulation should therefore establish requirements for animal health certification which would allow movements to other Member States of consignments of captive birds, honeybees, bumble bees (except bumble bees from approved environmentally isolated bumble bee production establishments), primates, dogs, cats, ferrets and other carnivores. |
(28) |
Article 164(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 also empowers the Commission to lay down the animal health certification and notification requirements for movements to other Member States of germinal products of kept terrestrial animals other than bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine animals and germinal products of poultry. This Regulation should therefore establish requirements for animal health certification which would allow movements to other Member States of consignments of hatching eggs of captive birds. |
(29) |
Movements to other Member States of carnivores other than dogs, cats and ferrets should also be allowed in cases where there is no authorised anti-rabies vaccine for those carnivores in the Member State of origin and the vaccination is carried out in accordance with Article 10(1) of Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (12) which provides for the use of medicinal products outside the terms of the marketing authorisation. |
(30) |
Article 146(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 requires the Commission to lay down detailed rules and additional information on the content of animal health certificates for different species and categories of kept terrestrial animals and for specific types of movements. Article 162(3) of the same Regulation requires the Commission to adopt delegated acts concerning the information to be contained in the animal health certificate for movements between Member States of hatching eggs, taking into account the minimum information which must be included in that animal health certificate pursuant to Article 162(1). Therefore it is necessary to establish the content of the certificates that are to accompany consignments of kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs when those consignments are moved to another Member State. |
(31) |
Article 147 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 empowers the Commission to adopt delegated acts concerning specific measures derogating from, or supplementing, the obligation of operators to ensure that animals are accompanied by an animal health certificate for the particular types of movements of kept terrestrial animals. This Regulation should therefore lay down rules for animal health certification for movements of ungulates and poultry through establishments carrying out assembly operations provided for in Article 133 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 prior to reaching their final place of destination. |
(32) |
To ensure that kept terrestrial animals certified for export to a third country and being transported through another Member State to the external border of the Union fulfil the animal health requirements for movement within the Union, operators should ensure that consignments of those animals are accompanied by animal health certificates providing attestations at least as strict as those required for the movement of kept ungulates or poultry intended for slaughter in the Member State where the exit point is located. |
(33) |
Article 149(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 empowers the Commission to adopt delegated acts laying down rules on the documentary, identity and physical checks and examinations to be carried out by the official veterinarian in relation to different species and categories of kept terrestrial animals in order to verify compliance with the animal health requirements. Taking into account the scope of this Regulation, which extends to hatching eggs, this Regulation therefore needs to apply this provision by establishing the necessary rules for this purpose, including the timeframes for carrying out such checks and examinations and for the official veterinarian’s issuing of animal health certificates prior to the movement of consignments of kept terrestrial animals and of hatching eggs, and the duration of the validity of animal health certificates, including conditions for its extension. |
(34) |
Articles 152, 153 and 163 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 require operators to inform the competent authority in their Member State of origin in advance of the intended movement to another Member State of kept terrestrial animals and of hatching eggs, and to provide all the necessary information to enable that competent authority to notify the movement of kept terrestrial animals and of hatching eggs to the competent authority of the Member State of destination. Therefore, this Regulation should lay down detailed rules concerning the requirements for advance notification by operators, the information necessary to notify such movements and the emergency procedures for such notifications. |
(35) |
Articles 153(2) and (4), 154(1)(c) and 163(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 provide for the use of the ‘Traces’ system for notification purposes when consignments of kept terrestrial animals and of hatching eggs are intended to be moved to other Member States. Traces is the integrated computerised veterinary system as provided for in Commission Decisions 2003/24/EC (13) and 2004/292/EC (14). Since Article 131 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council (15) provides for the establishment of an information management system for official controls (IMSOC), which will incorporate functions of the Traces system, this Regulation should refer to IMSOC instead of Traces. |
(36) |
Article 155 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 sets out the conditions for the movement of wild terrestrial animals from a habitat in one Member State to a habitat or an establishment in another Member State. This Regulation should lay down the animal health, certification and notification requirements for such movements in accordance with the powers laid down in Article 156(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429. |
(37) |
This Regulation should be applicable from 21 April 2021 in accordance with the date of application of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, |
Article 1
This Regulation supplements the rules for the prevention and control of animal diseases transmissible to animals or to humans laid down in Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 as regards movements within the Union of kept terrestrial animals, wild terrestrial animals and hatching eggs.
Article 2
1. This Regulation shall apply to:
(a) |
kept and wild terrestrial animals and hatching eggs; |
(b) |
establishments where those animals and hatching eggs are kept or undergo assembly operations; |
(c) |
operators keeping those animals and hatching eggs; |
(d) |
operators transporting terrestrial animals and hatching eggs; |
(e) |
competent authorities of Member States. |
2. Part II shall apply to movements of kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs only when occuring between Member States, with the exception of Articles 4 to 6 and Article 63, which shall in addition apply to movements of kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs within a Member State.
Article 3
For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) |
‘means of transport’ means road or rail vehicle, vessels and aircrafts; |
(2) |
‘container’ means any crate, box, receptacle or other rigid structure used for the transport of animals or eggs which is not the means of transport; |
(3) |
‘environmentally isolated production establishment’ means an establishment where its structures together with its strict biosecurity measures, ensure an effective isolation of the production of animals from the associated facilities and from the environment; |
(4) |
‘bovine animal’ means an animal of the species of ungulates belonging to the genera Bison, Bos (including the subgenera Bos, Bibos, Novibos, Poephagus) and Bubalus (including the subgenus Anoa) and the offspring of crossings of those species; |
(5) |
‘establishment free from “disease” ’ means an establishment granted the disease-free status in accordance with the requirements set out in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; |
(6) |
‘status free from “disease” ’ means a disease-free status of a Member State or a zone thereof as approved by the Commission in accordance with Article 36 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429; |
(7) |
‘ “disease” ’ has not been reported’ means that no animal or group of animals of relevant species kept on the establishment has been classified as a confirmed case of that disease and any suspect case of that disease has been ruled out; |
(8) |
‘ “animals” intended for slaughter’ means kept terrestrial animals to be transported, either directly or after undergoing an assembly operation, to a slaughterhouse; |
(9) |
‘approved quarantine establishment’ means an establishment granted the approval in accordance with Article 14 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035; |
(10) |
‘approved eradication programme’ means a disease eradication programme implemented in a Member State or zone thereof as approved by the Commission in accordance with Article 31(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429; |
(11) |
‘ovine animal’ means an animal of the species of ungulates belonging to the genus Ovis and the offspring of crossings of those species; |
(12) |
‘caprine animal’ means an animal of the species of ungulates belonging to the genus Capra and the offspring of crossings of those species; |
(13) |
‘porcine animal’ means an animal of the species of ungulates belonging to the family Suidae listed in Annex III to Regulation (EU) 2016/429; |
(14) |
‘equine animal’ means an animal of species of solipeds belonging to the genus Equus (including horses, asses, and zebras) and the offspring of crossings of those species; |
(15) |
‘camelid animal’ means an animal of the species of ungulates belonging to the family Camelidae listed in Annex III to Regulation (EU) 2016/429; |
(16) |
‘cervid animal’ means an animal of the species of ungulates belonging to the family Cervidae listed in Annex III to Regulation (EU) 2016/429; |
(17) |
‘other kept ungulates’ means kept ungulates other than bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, equine, camelid and cervid animals; |
(18) |
‘vector protected establishment’ means part or all facilities of an establishment that are protected against attacks from Culicoides by appropriate physical and management means, with a status of vector protected establishment granted by the competent authority in accordance with Article 44 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689. |
(19) |
‘vector-free period’ means in a defined area the period of inactivity of Culicoides determined in accordance with Section 5 of Chapter 1 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689. |
(20) |
‘breeding poultry’ means poultry 72 hours old or more, intended for the production of hatching eggs; |
(21) |
‘productive poultry’ means poultry 72 hours old or more, reared for the production of meat, eggs for consumption or other products or for restocking supplies of game birds; |
(22) |
‘flock’ means all poultry or captive birds of the same health status kept on the same premises or in the same enclosure and constituting a single epidemiological unit; in housed poultry, this includes all birds sharing the same airspace; |
(23) |
‘day-old chicks’ means all poultry less than 72 hours old; |
(24) |
‘specified pathogen-free eggs’ means hatching eggs derived from ‘chicken flocks free from specified pathogens’, as described in the European Pharmacopoeia (16) and which are intended solely for diagnostic, research or pharmaceutical use; |
(25) |
‘registered equine animal’ means:
(26) |
‘primates’ means animals of the species belonging to the order Primates excluding humans; |
(27) |
‘honeybee’ means an animal of the Apis mellifera species; |
(28) |
‘bumble bee’ means an animal of the species belonging to the genus Bombus; |
(29) |
‘dog’ means a kept animal of the Canis lupus species; |
(30) |
‘cat’ means a kept animal of the Felis silvestris species; |
(31) |
‘ferret’ means a kept animal of the Mustela putorius furo species; |
(32) |
‘other carnivores’ means animals of the species belonging to the order Carnivora other than dogs, cats and ferrets; |
(33) |
‘travelling circus’ means an exhibition or fair that includes animals or animal acts which is intended to move between Member States; |
(34) |
‘animal act’ means any act featuring animals kept for the purpose of an exhibition or fair, and which may form part of a circus; |
(35) |
‘racing pigeon’ means any pigeon transported or intended for transport from its pigeon house to another Member State in order to be released to fly back to the Member State of origin; |
General requirements for movements of kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs within the Union
Article 4
General requirements regarding means of transport
Operators, including transporters, shall ensure that the means of transport used for transporting kept terrestrial animals or hatching eggs, with the exception of the means of transport for the terrestrial animals referred to in Article 6, are:
(a) |
constructed in such a way that
(b) |
cleaned and disinfected as soon as possible after every transport of animals, hatching eggs or any item representing an animal health risk, and, if necessary, cleaned and disinfected again and in any case dried or allowed to dry before any new loading of animals or hatching eggs. |
Article 5
Requirements regarding containers in which kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs are transported
1. Operators, including transporters, shall ensure that containers in which kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs are transported, with the exception of the containers for the terrestrial animals referred to in Article 6:
(a) |
comply with the requirements in Article 4(a); |
(b) |
contain only animals or hatching eggs of the same species, category and type, and of the same health status; |
(c) |
2. In the case of poultry and hatching eggs, operators, including transporters, shall ensure that containers in which kept poultry and hatching eggs are transported in the means of transport bear the following indications:
(a) |
for day-old chicks and hatching eggs:
(b) |
for breeding poultry and productive poultry, the approval or registration number of the establishment of origin. |
3. In the case of queen honeybees transported under derogation provided for in Article 49, operators, including transporters, shall ensure that containers or the entire consignment are covered with fine mesh of not more than 2 mm in pore size immediately after the visual examination for the health certification by the official veterinarian.
4. In the case of bumble bees from environmentally isolated production establishments for bumble bees, operators, including transporters, shall ensure that they are isolated during the transport in separate epidemiological units with each colony in a closed container which was new or cleaned and disinfected before use.
Article 6
Exemptions from the requirements regarding means of transport and containers in which kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs are transported
1. The requirements set out in Articles 4 and 5 shall not apply to the transport of:
(a) |
terrestrial animals kept in travelling circuses and animal acts; |
(b) |
animals of the species listed in Part A of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 in numbers exceeding those authorised in accordance with Article 246(1) and (2) of that Regulation, if they are transported for non-commercial purposes; |
(c) |
animals of species listed in Part B of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 transported for non-commercial purposes in numbers exceeding those set for those species where rules setting the maximum number of pet animals of the species concerned have been adopted in accordance with Article 246(3). |
2. The requirements set out in Article 4(b) and in Article 5(1)(b) and (c) shall not apply to the transport of equine animals within a Member State, unless those equine animals are intended for slaughter.
3. The competent authority may decide that the requirements set out in Article 4(b) shall not apply to the transport:
(a) |
within an establishment when
or |
(b) |
between establishments within the Member State when
4. The requirements set out in Articles 4 and 5(1) and (2) shall not apply to the transport of honeybees and bumble bees.
Article 7
Requirements for movements of terrestrial animals and hatching eggs to another Member State in relation to vaccination against category A diseases
In case the Member State of origin has introduced vaccination against a category A disease, operators shall only move terrestrial animals or hatching eggs to another Member State when those animals and hatching eggs fulfil the specific conditions laid down in accordance with Article 47 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for the relevant category A disease and animals of listed species for that disease.
Article 8
Maximum timeframe within which kept ungulates and poultry from other Member States have to be slaughtered
Operators of slaughterhouses shall ensure that kept ungulates and poultry received from another Member State are slaughtered at the latest within 72 hours of arrival at the slaughterhouse.
Article 9
Supplementary risk mitigating measures for operators of slaughterhouses
1. Operators of slaughterhouses shall ensure that animals of listed species for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) are slaughtered at the latest within 24 hours of arrival at the slaughterhouse when they come from another Member State and do not fulfil at least one of the following criteria:
(a) |
they fulfil at least one of the requirements for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24) set out in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; or |
(b) |
they fulfil the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 that were agreed by the competent authority of the Member State of destination. |
2. In addition to the requirements laid down in paragraph 1, when animals of the species listed for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) are transported through another Member State and do not fulfil at least one of the conditions laid down in Article 32(1)(a) to (c) or in Article 32(2), operators of slaughterhouses shall ensure that such animals are slaughtered at the latest within 24 hours of arrival at the slaughterhouse.
Supplementary animal health requirements for movements of kept ungulates to other Member States
Article 10
Requirements for movements of kept bovine animals to other Member States
1. Operators shall only move kept bovine animals to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals have been continuously resident in the establishment for at least 30 days prior to departure, or since birth, if they are younger than 30 days of age, and during this period they have not been in contact with kept bovine animals of a lower health status or subject to movement restrictions for animal health reasons or with kept animals coming from an establishment which did not fulfil the requirements set out in point (b); |
(b) |
any animals entering the Union from a third country or territory during the last 30 days prior to the departure of the animals referred to in point (a), and introduced into the establishment where those animals were resident, are kept separate so as to prevent direct and indirect contact with all other animals on that establishment; |
(c) |
the animals come from an establishment free from infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis without vaccination regarding bovine animals, and one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
(d) |
the animals come from an establishment free from infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis), and at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
(e) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(f) |
the animals come from an establishment situated in an area of at least 150 km radius around that establishment in which infection with epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus has not been reported in kept animals of listed species for that disease during the last 2 years prior to departure; |
(g) |
the animals come from an establishment in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(h) |
the animals come from an establishment in which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure, and in case they come from an establishment in which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has been reported during the last 2 years prior to departure, following the last outbreak the affected establishment has remained under movement restrictions until:
(i) |
except in the case of kept bovine animals referred to in Articles 11(4), 12(4) and Article 13, the animals fulfil at least one of the requirements for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24) set out in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; |
(j) |
the conditions set out in Articles 32 and 33 are fulfilled where applicable. |
2. The provisions in paragraph 1 shall not apply to kept bovine animals intended for slaughter as referred to in Article 14.
Article 11
Supplementary requirements for movements of kept bovine animals to other Member States or zones thereof with disease-free status for specific diseases
1. Operators shall only move kept bovine animals to another Member State or zone thereof with the status free from enzootic bovine leukosis when the animals are in compliance with the requirements set out in Article 10 and provided that the requirements in either point (a) or point (b) are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals come from an establishment free from enzootic bovine leukosis; or |
(b) |
if the animals come from an establishment that is not free from enzootic bovine leukosis, then enzootic bovine leukosis has not been reported in that establishment during the last 24 months prior to departure, and
2. Operators shall only move kept bovine animals to another Member State or zone thereof with the status free from infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis when the animals are in compliance with the requirements set out in Article 10, they have not been vaccinated against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis and provided that the requirements in either point (a) or point (b) are fulfilled:
(a) |
if the animals come from an establishment free from infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis, either
(b) |
if the animals come from an establishment not free from infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis, they have been kept in an approved quarantine establishment for at least 30 days prior to departure and have been subjected to a serological test for the detection of antibodies against whole BoHV-1, with one of the diagnostic methods provided for in Part 5 of Annex I, with a negative result, carried out on a sample taken not less than 21 days after commencement of the quarantine. |
3. Operators shall only move kept bovine animals to another Member State or zone thereof with the status free from bovine viral diarrhoea when the animals are in compliance with the requirements set out in Article 10, they have not been vaccinated against bovine viral diarrhoea and provided that the requirements in either point (a) or point (b) are fulfilled:
(a) |
if the animals come from an establishment free from bovine viral diarrhoea,
(b) |
if the animals come from an establishment not free from bovine viral diarrhoea, they have been subjected to a test for bovine viral diarrhoea virus antigen or genome with one of the diagnostic methods provided for in Part 6 of Annex I, carried out with negative results, and either
4. By way of derogation from Article 10(1)(i), the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of kept bovine animals which do not fulfil at least one of the requirements laid down in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 to another Member State or zone thereof with the status free from infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689.
5. The provisions in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall not apply to kept bovine animals intended for slaughter as referred to in Article 14.
Article 12
Supplementary requirements for movements of kept bovine animals to other Member States or zones thereof with approved eradication programmes for specific diseases
1. Operators shall only move kept bovine animals to another Member State or zone thereof with an approved eradication programme for enzootic bovine leukosis when the animals are in compliance with the requirements set out in Article 10 and provided the requirements in either point (a) or point (b) are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals come from an establishment free from enzootic bovine leukosis; or |
(b) |
if the animals come from an establishment that is not free from enzootic bovine leucosis, enzootic bovine leukosis has not been reported in that establishment during the last 24 months prior to departure of the animals, and
2. Operators shall only move kept bovine animals to another Member State or zone thereof with an approved eradication programme for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis when the animals are in compliance with the requirements set out in Article 10 and provided that the requirements in either point (a) or point (b) are fulfilled:
(a) |
if the animals come from an establishment free from infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis, either
or |
(b) |
if the animals come from an establishment not free from infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis, they have been kept in an approved quarantine establishment for at least 30 days prior to departure and have been subjected to a serological test for the detection of antibodies against whole BoHV-1 with one of the diagnostic methods provided for in Part 5 of Annex I, with a negative result, on a sample taken not less than 21 days after commencement of the quarantine. |
3. Operators shall only move kept bovine animals to another Member State or zone thereof with an approved eradication programme for bovine viral diarrhoea when the animals are in compliance with the requirements set out in Article 10 and provided that the requirements in either point (a) or point (b) are fulfilled:
(a) |
if the animals come from an establishment free from bovine viral diarrhoea,
(b) |
if the animals come from an establishment not free from bovine viral diarrhoea, they have been subjected to a test for bovine viral diarrhoea virus antigen or genome with one of the diagnostic methods provided for in Part 6 of Annex I, carried out, with negative results, and
4. By way of derogation from Article 10(1)(i), the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of kept bovine animals which do not fulfil at least one of the requirements laid down in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 to another Member State or zone thereof with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689.
5. The provisions in paragraph 1 to 4 shall not apply to kept bovine animals intended for slaughter as referred to in Article 14.
Article 13
Derogations for movements of kept bovine animals to other Member States or zones thereof without a disease-free status and without an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus
By way of derogation from Article 10(1)(i), the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of kept bovine animals which do not fulfil at least one of the requirements laid down in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 to another Member State or zone thereof without a disease-free status and without an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised. If the Member State of destination sets conditions for the authorisation of such movement, those conditions must be any one of the conditions referred to in points 5 to 8 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689.
Article 14
Derogation for movements of kept bovine animals intended for slaughter to other Member States
By way of derogation from the requirements set out in Articles 10, 11 and 12, operators may move kept bovine animals intended for slaughter to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals either
(b) |
the animals either
(c) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(d) |
the animals come from an establishment in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(e) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure. |
Article 15
Requirements for movements of kept ovine and caprine animals to other Member States
1. Operators shall only move kept ovine and caprine animals to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals have been continuously resident in the establishment for at least 30 days prior to departure, or since birth, if they are younger than 30 days of age, and during this period they have not been in contact with kept ovine or caprine animals of a lower health status or subject to movement restrictions for animal health reasons, or with kept animals coming from an establishment which did not fulfil the requirements set out in point (b); |
(b) |
any animals entering the Union from a third country or territory during the last 30 days prior to the departure of the animals referred to in point (a), and introduced into the establishment where those animals were resident, are kept separate so as to prevent direct and indirect contact with all other animals on that establishment; |
(c) |
except when they are moved in accordance with Article 16, they come from an establishment free from infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis without vaccination regarding ovine and caprine animals, and either
(d) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(e) |
the animals come from an establishment situated in an area of at least 150 km radius around that establishment in which infection with epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus has not been reported in kept animals of listed species for that disease during the last 2 years prior to departure; |
(f) |
the animals come from an establishment in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(g) |
the animals come from an establishment in which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure, and in case they come from an establishment in which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has been reported during the last 2 years prior to departure, following the last outbreak the affected establishment has remained under movement restrictions until:
(h) |
except when the animals are moved in accordance with Article 17, they fulfil at least one of the requirements for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24) set out in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; |
(i) |
the conditions set out in Articles 32 and 33 are fulfilled where applicable. |
2. Operators shall only move kept ovine animals to another Member State when in compliance with the requirements set out in paragraph 1 and they come from an establishment in which infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) has not been reported during the last 42 days prior to departure.
3. Operators shall only move kept caprine animals to another Member State when in compliance with the requirements set out in paragraph 1 and they come from an establishment in which surveillance for infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) has been carried out on the caprine animals kept on the establishment in accordance with point 1 and point 2 of Part 1 of Annex II during at least the last 12 months prior to departure, and during this period
(i) |
only caprine animals from establishments applying the measures provided for in this paragraph have been introduced in the establishment referred to in paragraph 1(a); |
(ii) |
in case infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) has been reported in caprine animals kept on the establishment, measures were taken in accordance with Part 1(3) of Annex II. |
4. Operators shall only move kept uncastrated male ovine animals to another Member State when in compliance with the requirements set out in paragraph 1 and 2 and provided that the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals come from an establishment in which ovine epididymitis (Brucella ovis) has not been reported during the last 12 months prior to departure; |
(b) |
the animals have been subjected to a serological test for ovine epididymitis (Brucella ovis), carried out, with negative results, on a sample taken during the last 30 days prior to departure. |
5. The provisions of paragraph 1 to 4 shall not apply to kept ovine and caprine animals intended for slaughter as referred to in Article 18.
Article 16
Derogation for movements of kept ovine and caprine animals to other Member States or zones thereof without the status free from infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis
By way of derogation from the requirements set in Article 15(1)(c), operators may move kept ovine and caprine animals to another Member State or zone thereof without the status free from infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis regarding ovine and caprine animals if they come from an establishment free from infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis with vaccination regarding ovine and caprine animals.
Article 17
Derogations for movements of kept ovine and caprine animals to other Member States or zones thereof regarding infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24)
By way of derogation from Article 15(1)(h), the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of kept ovine and caprine animals which do not fulfil at least one of the requirements laid down in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 to another Member State or zone thereof
(a) |
with a disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; |
(b) |
without a disease-free status and without an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised. If the Member State of destination sets conditions for the authorisation of such movement, those conditions must be any one of the conditions referred to in points 5 to 8 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689. |
Article 18
Derogation for movements of kept ovine and caprine animals intended for slaughter to other Member States
By way of derogation from the requirements set out in Article 15, operators may move kept ovine and caprine animals intended for slaughter to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals are either individually identified in accordance with Article 45 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035, or alternatively, they have been continuously resident in the establishment for at least 21 days prior to departure, or since birth, if they are younger than 21 days of age; |
(b) |
the animals either
(c) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(d) |
the animals come from an establishment in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(e) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure.. |
Article 19
Requirements for movements of kept porcine animals to other Member States
1. Operators shall only move kept porcine animals to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals have been continuously resident in the establishment for at least 30 days prior to departure, or since birth, if they are younger than 30 days of age, and during this period they have not been in contact with kept porcine animals of a lower health status or subject to movement restrictions for animal health reasons, or with kept animals coming from an establishment which did not fulfil the requirements set out in point (b); |
(b) |
any animals entering the Union from a third country or territory during the last 30 days prior to the departure of the animals referred to in point (a), and introduced into the establishment where those animals were resident, are kept separate so as to prevent direct and indirect contact with all other animals on that establishment; |
(c) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(d) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(e) |
the animals come from an establishment in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(f) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis in porcine animals has not been reported during the last 42 days prior to departure, and in which during at least the last 12 months prior to departure either
2. The provisions in paragraph 1 shall not apply to kept porcine animals intended for slaughter as referred to in Article 21.
Article 20
Supplementary requirements for movements of kept porcine animals to Member States or zones thereof with disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus
1. Operators shall only move kept porcine animals to another Member State or zone thereof with the status free from infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus when in compliance with the requirements set out in Article 19, not vaccinated against infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus and provided that the requirements in either point (a) or point (b) are fulfilled:
(a) |
if the animals come from an establishment free from infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus, either
(b) |
if the animals come from an establishment not free from infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus, the following requirements are fulfilled:
2. Operators shall only move kept porcine animals to another Member State or zone thereof with an approved eradication programme for infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus when in compliance with the requirements set out in Article 19 and provided that the requirements in either point (a) or point (b) are fulfilled:
(a) |
if the animals come from an establishment free from infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus, either
(b) |
if the animals come from an establishment not free from infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus the following requirements are fulfilled:
3. The provisions in paragraph 1 and 2 shall not apply to kept porcine animals intended for slaughter as referred to in Article 21.
Article 21
Derogation for movements of kept porcine animals intended for slaughter to other Member States
1. By way of derogation from the requirements set out in Article 19, operators may move kept porcine animals intended for slaughter to another Member State when those animals come from an establishment
(a) |
in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(b) |
in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure. |
2. By way of derogation from the requirements set out in Article 20, operators may move kept porcine animals intended for slaughter to another Member State or zone thereof with the status free from infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus when in compliance with the requirements in paragraph 1 and the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(b) |
the animals are transported directly to the slaughterhouse in the Member State of destination without undergoing any assembly operations in that Member State or zone thereof, or any Member State or zone thereof of passage with the status free from infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus. |
Article 22
Requirements for movements of equine animals to other Member States
1. Operators shall only move equine animals to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals come from an establishment in which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure, or in case they come from an establishment in which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has been reported during the last 2 years prior to departure, following the last outbreak the affected establishment has remained under movement restriction until:
(b) |
the animals come from an establishment in which dourine has not been reported during the last 6 months prior to departure, or in case they come from an establishment in which dourine has been reported during the last 2 years prior to departure, following the last outbreak the affected establishment has remained under movement restriction until:
(c) |
the animals come from an establishment in which equine infectious anaemia has not been reported during the last 90 days prior to departure, or in case they come from an establishment in which equine infectious anaemia has been reported during the last 12 months prior to departure, following the last outbreak the affected establishment has remained under movement restriction until:
(d) |
the animals come from an establishment in which Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis has not been reported during the last 6 months prior to departure, or in case they come from an establishment situated in a Member State or zone thereof in which Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis has been reported during the last 2 years, they comply with the conditions in point (i) and the conditions in either point (ii) or point (iii):
(e) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(f) |
the animals come from an establishment in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(g) |
the animals have not been in contact with kept animals of listed species for the diseases referred to in points (a) to (f) which did not comply with the requirements in points (a) to (e) during the last 30 days prior to departure, and with the requirement in point (f) during the last 15 days prior to departure. |
2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1(a), (b) and (c), the movement restrictions referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) and (c) shall apply for at least 30 days after the last animal on the establishment of listed species for the respective disease referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) and (c) was either killed and destroyed or slaughtered, and the premises were cleaned and disinfected.
3. On request by the competent authority, the operator requesting the animal health certificate referred to in Article 76 shall provide the address details of any establishment keeping equine animals on which the equine animals to be moved were kept during the 30 days preceding the intended movement to another Member State.
Article 23
Requirements for movement of kept camelid animals to other Member States
1. Operators shall only move kept camelid animals to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals have been continuously resident in the establishment for at least 30 days prior to departure, or since birth, if they are younger than 30 days of age, and during this period they have not been in contact with kept camelid animals of a lower health status or subject to movement restrictions for animal health reasons, or with kept animals coming from an establishment which did not fulfil the requirements set out in point (b); |
(b) |
any animals entering the Union from a third country or territory during the last 30 days prior to the departure of the animals referred to in point (a), and introduced into the establishment where those animals were resident, are kept separate so as to prevent direct and indirect contact with all other animals on that establishment; |
(c) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(d) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis in camelid animals has not been reported during the last 42 days prior to departure, and they have been subjected to a test for infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis with one of the diagnostic methods provided for in Part 1 of Annex I, carried out, with negative results, on a sample taken during the last 30 days prior to departure, and in the case of post-parturient females taken at least 30 days after parturition; |
(e) |
the animals come from an establishment in which surveillance for infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) has been carried out on the camelid animals kept on the establishment in accordance with point (1) and point (2) of Part 2 of Annex II during at least the last 12 months prior to departure, and during this period
(f) |
in case the animals are moved to a Member State or zone thereof with disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis in bovine animals, they come from an establishment in which infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis in camelid animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(g) |
the animals come from an establishment situated in an area of at least 150 km radius around that establishment in which infection with epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus has not been reported in any establishment during the last 2 years prior to departure; |
(h) |
the animals come from an establishment in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(i) |
the animals come from an establishment in which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure, and in case they come from an establishment on which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has been reported during the last 2 years prior to departure, following the last outbreak the affected establishment has remained under movement restriction until:
(j) |
except when the animals are moved in accordance with Article 24, they fulfil at least one of the requirements for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24) set out in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; |
(k) |
the conditions set out in Articles 32 and 33 are fulfilled where applicable. |
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to kept camelid animals intended for slaughter as referred to in Article 25.
Article 24
Derogations for movements of kept camelid animals to other Member States or zones thereof regarding infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24)
By way of derogation from Article 23(1)(j), the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of kept camelid animals which do not fulfil at least one of the requirements laid down in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 to another Member State or zone thereof
(a) |
with a disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; |
(b) |
without a disease-free status and without an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised. If the Member State of destination sets conditions for the authorisation of such movement, those conditions must be any one of the conditions referred to in points 5 to 8 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689. |
Article 25
Derogation for movements of kept camelid animals intended for slaughter to other Member States
By way of derogation from the requirements set out in Article 23, operators may move kept camelid animals intended for slaughter to another Member State or zone thereof when those animals come from an establishment
(a) |
in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(b) |
in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure. |
(c) |
in which infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure. |
Article 26
Requirements for movement of kept cervid animals to other Member States
1. Operators shall only move kept cervid animals to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals have been continuously resident in the establishment for at least 30 days prior to departure, or since birth, if they are younger than 30 days of age, and during this period they have not been in contact with kept cervid animals of a lower health status or subject to movement restrictions for animal health reasons, or with kept animals coming from an establishment which did not fulfil the requirements set out in point (b); |
(b) |
any animals entering the Union from a third country or territory during the last 30 days prior to the departure of the animals referred to in point (a), and introduced into the establishment where those animals were resident, are kept separate so as to prevent direct and indirect contact with all other animals on that establishment; |
(c) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(d) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis in cervid animals has not been reported during the last 42 days prior to departure; |
(e) |
the animals come from an establishment in which surveillance for infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) has been carried out on the cervid animals kept on the establishment in accordance with point (1) and point (2) of Part 3 of Annex II during at least the last 12 months prior to departure, and during this period
(f) |
in case the animals are moved to a Member State or zone thereof with disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis in bovine animals, they come from an establishment in which infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis in cervid animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(g) |
the animals come from an establishment situated in an area of at least 150 km radius around that establishment in which infection with epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus has not been reported in any establishment during the last 2 years prior to departure; |
(h) |
the animals come from an establishment in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(i) |
the animals come from an establishment in which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure, and in case they come from an establishment on which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has been reported during the last 2 years prior to departure, following the last outbreak the affected establishment has remained under movement restriction until:
(j) |
except when they are moved in accordance with Article 27, they comply with at least one of the requirements for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24) set out in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; |
(k) |
the conditions set out in Articles 32 and 33 are fulfilled where applicable. |
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to kept cervid animals intended for slaughter as referred to in Article 28.
Article 27
Derogations for movements of kept cervid animals to other Member States or zones thereof regarding infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24)
By way of derogation from Article 26(1)(j), the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of kept cervid animals which do not comply with at least one of the requirements laid down in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 to another Member State or zone thereof
(a) |
with a disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; |
(b) |
without a disease-free status and without an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised. If the Member State of destination sets conditions for the authorisation of such movement, those conditions must be any one of the conditions referred to in points 5 to 8 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689. |
Article 28
Derogation for movements of kept cervid animals intended for slaughter to other Member States
By way of derogation from the requirements set out in Articles 26, operators may move kept cervid animals intended for slaughter to another Member State or zone thereof where those animals come from an establishment
(a) |
in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(b) |
in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(c) |
in which no infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) has been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure. |
Article 29
Requirements for movement of other kept ungulates to other Member States
1. Operators shall only move other kept ungulates to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals have been continuously resident in the establishment for at least 30 days prior to departure, or since birth, if they are younger than 30 days of age, and during this period they have not been in contact with other kept ungulates of a lower health status or subject to movement restrictions for animal health reasons, or with kept animals coming from an establishment which did not fulfil the requirements set out in point (b); |
(b) |
any animals entering the Union from a third country or territory during the last 30 days prior to the departure of the animals referred to in point (a), and introduced into the establishment where those animals were resident, are kept separate so as to prevent direct and indirect contact with all other animals on that establishment; |
(c) |
in the case of other kept ungulates of listed species for infection with rabies virus, the animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(d) |
in the case of other kept ungulates of listed species for infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis, they come from an establishment in which infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis in other kept ungulates of listed species for this disease has not been reported during the last 42 days prior to departure; |
(e) |
in the case of other kept ungulates of listed species for infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis), they come from an establishment in which infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in kept animals of listed species for this disease has not been reported during the last 42 days prior to departure; |
(f) |
in the case of other kept ungulates of listed species for infection with epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus, the animals come from an establishment situated in an area of at least 150 km radius around that establishment in which infection with epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus has not been reported in any establishment during the last 2 years prior to departure; |
(g) |
the animals come from an establishment in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(h) |
in the case of other kept ungulates of listed species for surra (Trypanosoma evansi), they come from an establishment in which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure, and in case they come from an establishment on which surra (Trypanosoma evansi) has been reported during the last 2 years prior to departure, following the last outbreak the affected establishment has remained under movement restriction until:
(i) |
in the case of other kept ungulates of listed species for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), they fulfil at least one of the requirements for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24) set out in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689. This point shall not apply to other kept ungulates referred to in Article 30. |
(j) |
the conditions set out in Articles 32 and 33 are fulfilled where applicable. |
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to other kept ungulates intended for slaughter as referred to in Article 31.
Article 30
Derogation for movements of other kept ungulates to other Member States or zones thereof regarding infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24)
By way of derogation from Article 29(1)(i), the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of other kept ungulates of listed species for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24) which do not fulfil at least one of the requirements laid down in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 to another Member State or zone thereof
(a) |
with a disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; |
(b) |
without a disease-free status and without an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised. If the Member State of destination sets conditions for the authorisation of such movement, those conditions must be any one of the conditions referred to in points 5 to 8 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689. |
Article 31
Derogation for movements of other kept ungulates intended for slaughter to other Member States
By way of derogation from the requirements set out in Article 29, operators may move other kept ungulates intended for slaughter to another Member State or zone thereof
(a) |
when those animals come from an establishment in which anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the last 15 days prior to departure; |
(b) |
in the case of other kept ungulates of listed species for infection with rabies, when those animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure; |
(c) |
in the case of other kept ungulates of listed species for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24), when those animals come from an establishment in which infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure. |
Article 32
Biosecurity and risk-mitigating measures for transport operations to another Member State or zone thereof with the status free from, or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24)
1. Operators shall only move kept animals of listed species for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) to another Member State or zone thereof with the status free from, or with an approved eradication programme for that disease, where at least one of the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the transport takes place in a Member State or zone thereof with the status free from infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24); |
(b) |
the animals are protected from attacks by vectors; and
(c) |
the animals
(d) |
the animals are intended for slaughter. |
2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of kept animals if the competent authority of the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 and one of the following conditions is fulfilled
(a) |
the animals fulfil the specific animal health requirements defined by the competent authority of destination to ensure the animals, prior to departure, have sufficient immunological protection as regards all serotypes of Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) reported in the Member State or zone thereof of passage during the last two years prior to departure; or |
(b) |
the animals fulfil the requirements laid down in point (a) of this paragraph or in point (c) of paragraph 1 in order to ensure they are protected against the serotypes of Bluetongue virus reported in the Member State or zone thereof of passage during the last two years prior to departure and not reported in the Member State or zone of destination during the same period. |
Article 33
Biosecurity and risk-mitigating measures for transport operations through another Member State or zone thereof with the status free from, or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24)
1. Operators shall only move animals of listed species for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) through another Member State or zone thereof of passage with the status free from, or with an approved eradication programme for that disease, where at least one of the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals fulfil at least one of one of the requirements set out in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; or |
(b) |
the means of transport where the animals are loaded have been protected from attacks by vectors during transport; and
2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movements of animals of listed species for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) through another Member State or zone thereof of passage with the status free from, or with an approved eradication programme for that disease, if the Member State of passage has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions laid down in Article 43(2)(a), (c) and (d) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689.
Supplementary animal health requirements for movements of poultry and hatching eggs to other Member States
Article 34
Requirements for movements of breeding poultry and productive poultry
1. Operators shall only move breeding poultry and productive poultry to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals have been continuously resident in one or more approved establishments keeping poultry:
(b) |
the animals come from a flock in which infection with Salmonella Pullorum, S. Gallinarum and S. arizonae has not been reported and those animals come from establishments which, in case of confirmation of infection with Salmonella Pullorum, S. Gallinarum and S. arizonae during the last 12 months prior to departure have applied the following measures:
(c) |
the animals come from a flock in which avian mycoplasmosis (Mycoplasma gallisepticum and M. meleagridis) has not been reported and those animals come from establishments which in case of confirmation of avian mycoplasmosis (Mycoplasma gallisepticum and M. meleagridis) during the last 12 months prior to departure have applied the following measures: either
(d) |
the animals come from flocks which show no clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(e) |
the surveillance provided for in Article 3(1)(a) and (b)(ii) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 has not detected any confirmed case of infection with low pathogenic avian influenza viruses in the flock of origin of the animals during the last 21 days prior to departure; |
(f) |
in the case of productive poultry for restocking supplies of game birds, the animals have had no contact with birds of lower health status during the last 21 days prior to departure; |
(g) |
in the case of ducks and geese, the animals have been subjected to a test for highly pathogenic avian influenza according to Annex IV, with negative results; |
(h) |
the relevant requirements related to vaccination as provided for in Article 41 and 42 for the specific category of poultry. |
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to the movement of less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratites moved in accordance with Article 37.
Article 35
Requirements for movements of poultry intended for slaughter
1. Operators shall only move poultry intended for slaughter to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals have been continuously resident in a registered or approved establishment keeping poultry:
(b) |
the animals come from flocks which show no clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(c) |
the relevant requirements related to vaccination as provided for in Article 41 and 42 for the specific category of poultry. |
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to the movement of less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratites moved in accordance with Article 37.
Article 36
Requirements for movements of day-old chicks
1. Operators shall only move day-old chicks to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals come from an approved hatchery; |
(b) |
the animals have been hatched from hatching eggs which:
(c) |
the relevant requirements related to vaccination as provided for in Article 41 and 42 for the specific category of poultry. |
2. In the case of day-old chicks hatched from hatching eggs which have entered into the Union from a third country or territory or zone thereof, the competent authority of the Member State of origin of those day-old chicks shall inform the competent authority of the Member State of intended destination that the hatching eggs had entered the Union from a third country.
3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to the movement of less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratites moved in accordance with Article 37.
Article 37
Derogation for movements of less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratites
By way of derogation from the requirements set out in Articles 34, 35 and 36, operators may move less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratites to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals come from flocks which have been continuously resident in a single registered establishment since hatching or for at least 21 days prior to departure; |
(b) |
the animals come from flocks which show no clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(c) |
the surveillance provided for in Article 3(1)(a) and (b)(ii) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 has not detected any confirmed case of infection with low pathogenic avian influenza viruses in the flock of origin of the animals during the last 21 days prior to departure; |
(d) |
the animals have had no contact with newly-arrived poultry or with birds of lower health status during the last 21 days prior to departure; |
(e) |
in the case of ducks and geese, except those intended for slaughter, the animals have been subjected to a test for highly pathogenic avian influenza according to Annex IV, with negative results; |
(f) |
the animals have been subjected to tests for infection with Salmonella Pullorum, S. Gallinarum and S. arizonae and for avian mycoplasmosis (Mycoplasma gallisepticum and M. meleagridis) in accordance with Annex V, with negative results; |
(g) |
the relevant requirements related to vaccination as provided for in Article 41 and 42 for the specific category of poultry. |
Article 38
Requirements for movements of hatching eggs of poultry
Operators shall only move hatching eggs of poultry to another Member State when those eggs fulfil the following requirements:
(a) |
they come from an approved establishment; |
(b) |
they come from flocks which have been continuously resident in one or more approved establishments keeping poultry since hatching or for at least the last 42 days prior to the collection of the eggs; |
(c) |
they come from animals which fulfil the requirements in Article 34(1)(b), (c) and (d); |
(d) |
they are individually marked with the approval number of the establishment of the flock of origin referred to in Article 21(a) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035; |
(e) |
they have been disinfected; |
(f) |
the relevant requirements related to vaccination as provided for in Articles 41 and 42. |
Article 39
Derogation for movements of less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratites
By way of derogation from the requirements set out in Article 38, operators may move less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratites to another Member State when those eggs fulfil the following requirements:
(a) |
they come from a registered establishment; |
(b) |
they come from flocks which:
(c) |
the relevant requirements related to vaccination as provided for in Article 41 and 42. |
Article 40
Derogation for movements of specified pathogen-free eggs
By way of derogation from the requirements set out in Article 38, operators shall only move specified pathogen-free eggs to another Member State when those eggs fulfil the following requirements:
(a) |
they come from an approved establishment keeping poultry; |
(b) |
they come from flocks which are free from specified pathogens as described in the European Pharmacopoeia and the results of all tests and clinical examinations required for this specific status have been favourable; |
(c) |
they are marked individually with the approval number of the establishment of origin referred to in Article 21(a) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035. |
Article 41
Requirements in relation to vaccination against infection with Newcastle disease virus
In the case where poultry, hatching eggs of poultry or the flocks of origin of hatching eggs or day-old chicks have been vaccinated against infection with Newcastle disease virus with other than inactivated vaccines, the vaccines administered shall satisfy the criteria of Annex VI.
Article 42
Additional requirements for movements of poultry and hatching eggs of poultry to a Member State or zone thereof with the status free from infection with Newcastle disease virus without vaccination
Operators shall only move poultry and hatching eggs of poultry from a Member State or zone thereof which does not have the status free from infection with Newcastle disease virus without vaccination to a Member State or zone thereof which has the status free from infection with Newcastle disease virus without vaccination when those animals and hatching eggs, in addition to the requirements of Sections 1 to 3 for the specific commodity, fulfil the following requirements as regards infection with Newcastle disease virus:
(a) |
in the case of breeding poultry and productive poultry, they:
(b) |
in the case of poultry intended for slaughter, those animals come from flocks which either:
(c) |
in the case of day-old chicks, they:
(d) |
in the case of hatching eggs of poultry, they:
Assembly operations in respect of kept ungulates and poultry
Article 43
Specific rules for assembly operations of kept ungulates and poultry
1. During the movement of kept ungulates and poultry from the establishment of origin to an establishment in the Member State of destination, operators shall ensure that the animals are not subjected to more than three assembly operations and that those assembly operations are carried out on establishments approved for assembly operations or on means of transport in accordance with Article 44 under the following conditions:
(a) |
each of the kept ungulates and poultry subjected to those assembly operations is moved to their final place of destination in another Member State at the latest within 20 days after the date of leaving the establishment of origin; |
(b) |
the period of time between the date of departure of each of the kept ungulates and poultry from its establishment of origin and the date of its departure from the establishment approved for assembly operations in the Member State of origin to another Member State shall be no longer than 14 days. |
2. On request by the competent authority, the operator requesting the animal health certificate in order to comply with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 shall provide a movement history, including all assembly operations, of the animals forming the consignment since their departure from the establishment of origin.
3. By way of derogation from paragraph 1(a), in the case of transport by waterway/sea of animals, the period of 20 days laid down in paragraph 1(a), may be extended by the duration of the journey by waterway/sea.
Article 44
Specific rules for assembly operations taking place on means of transport
Operators of the establishments keeping ungulates or poultry intended to be assembled on the means of transport before being moved to another Member State shall ensure that the loading is carried out on the establishment without the means of transport entering the premises in which animals are kept.
Article 45
Detailed rules for biosecurity measures for assembly operations
1. Operators of establishments approved for assembly operations shall ensure that
(a) |
the establishment or epidemiologically separate animal accommodation areas within the establishment are emptied of animals and cleaned and disinfected at regular intervals not exceeding 14 days of uninterrupted occupation; |
(b) |
the tyres of the means of transport, from which animals are unloaded or onto which animals are loaded, are disinfected before leaving the establishment. |
2. Operators carrying out assembly operations of kept ungulates or poultry on means of transport shall ensure that the tyres of the means of transport are disinfected before leaving the establishment of origin.
Article 46
Derogations for movements of ungulates for exhibitions and sporting, cultural and similar events
1. The conditions laid down in Articles 126(2) and 134(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and in Articles 43, 44 and 45 of this Regulation shall not apply to the movement of kept ungulates to another Member State for the purpose of participating in exhibitions and sporting, cultural and similar events.
2. The permission by the Member State referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 133(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 shall not be required when individually certified registered equine animals share a means of transport in order to be transported to another Member State to participate in any of the activities referred to in paragraph 1.
Requirements for movements of kept terrestrial animals other than kept ungulates and poultry, and for movements of hatching eggs of captive birds to other Member States
Article 47
Requirements for movements of primates to other Member States
Operators shall only move primates to another Member State when the animals
1. |
have been kept in a confined establishment and are transported to a confined establishment in the Member State of destination in accordance with the requirements in Article 64(1); or |
2. |
come from an establishment other than a confined establishment and are transported to a confined establishment in the Member State of destination in accordance with the requirements of Article 63(2)(b). |
Article 48
Requirements regarding the movement of honeybees to other Member States
Operators shall only move honeybees in any stage of their lifecycle, including honeybee brood, to other Member States when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals and the hives of origin do not show signs of American foulbrood, infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle) or infestation with Tropilaelaps spp.; |
(b) |
they come from an apiary situated in the centre of a circle of at least:
Article 49
Derogation for the movement of queen honeybees to other Member States
By way of derogation from Article 48(b)(ii), operators may move queen honeybees where those animals fulfil the requirements of Article 48(a), (b)(i) and (iii) and the following requirements:
(a) |
in the apiary of origin infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle) has not been reported and that apiary is situated at a distance of at least 30 km from the limits of a protection zone of at least 20 km in radius established by the competent authority around a confirmed occurence of infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle); |
(b) |
the apiary of origin is not located in a zone restricted by protective measures established by the Union due to the confirmed occurence of infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle); |
(c) |
the apiary of origin is situated in an area where annual surveillance for the detection of infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle) by the competent authority is ongoing to provide a confidence level of at least 95 % of detecting infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle) if at least 2 % of the apiaries were infested; |
(d) |
the apiary of origin is inspected every month during the production season by the competent authority with negative results to provide a confidence level of at least 95 % of detecting infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle) if at least 2 % of the hives were infested; |
(e) |
they are caged individually with a maximum of 20 accompanying attendants. |
Article 50
Additional requirements as regards infestation with Varroa spp. for the movement of honeybees to other Member States
Operators shall only move honeybees in any stage of their lifecycle, including honeybee brood, to another Member State or zone thereof with the status free from infestation with Varroa spp. when in compliance with the requirements set out in Article 48 and provided that the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
they come from a Member State or zone thereof with the status free from infestation with Varroa spp.; |
(b) |
they are protected from infestation with Varroa spp. during transport. |
Article 51
Requirements for the movement of bumble bees to other Member States
Operators shall only move bumble bees to other Member States when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
they do not show signs of infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle); |
(b) |
they come from an establishment situated in the centre of a circle around the establishment of at least 100 km radius, where infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle) has not been reported and which is not restricted due to a suspected case or confirmed occurrence of infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle). These requirements shall not apply to bumble bees from environmentally isolated production establishments moved in accordance with Article 52. |
Article 52
Derogation for the movement of bumble bees from environmentally isolated production establishments for bumble bees to other Member States
By way of derogation from Article 51(b), operators may move bumble bees from environmentally isolated production establishments for bumble bees to other Member States when in compliance with Article 51(a) and provided the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
they have been bred isolated in separate epidemiological units with each colony in a closed container which was new or cleaned and disinfected before use; |
(b) |
regular surveys on the epidemiological unit carried out in accordance with written standard operating procedures has not detected the infestation with Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle) within the epidemiological unit. |
Article 53
Requirements for the movement of dogs, cats and ferrets to other Member States
Operators shall only move dogs, cats and ferrets to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals are individually identified: either
(b) |
the animals are accompanied by an individual identification document as provided for in Article 71 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 which documents that
Article 54
Derogation from the requirements regarding anti-rabies vaccination and treatment against infestation with Echinococcus multilocularis
1. By way of derogation from Article 53(b)(i), operators may move dogs, cats and ferrets less than 12 weeks old and which have not received an anti-rabies vaccination, or between 12 and 16 weeks old which have received an anti-rabies vaccination, but do not yet meet the validity requirements set out in Part 1 of Annex VII to another Member State provided that:
(a) |
the Member State of destination has authorised such movements in general and has informed the public on a dedicated website that such movements are authorised; and |
(b) |
one of the following conditons is fulfilled:
2. By way of derogation from Article 53(b)(i) and (ii), operators may move dogs, cats and ferrets not vaccinated against rabies, and dogs not treated against infestation with Echinococcus multilocularis by direct transport to a confined establishment.
Article 55
Pet keeper’s obligation for movements of dogs, cats and ferrets other than non-commercial movements
When a non-commercial movement of dogs, cats or ferrets kept as pet animals in households cannot be carried out in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 245(2) or Article 246(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, pet keepers shall only move dogs, cats and ferrets kept as pet animals in households to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals are individually identified: either
(b) |
the animals are accompanied by an individual identification document as provided for in Article 71 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 which documents that
Article 56
Derogation from the anti-rabies vaccination requirement for movements of dogs, cats and ferrets other than non-commercial movements
By way of derogation from Article 55(b)(i), pet keepers may move dogs, cats and ferrets less than 12 weeks old which have not received an anti-rabies vaccination, or dogs, cats and ferrets between 12 and 16 weeks old which have received an anti-rabies vaccination, but do not yet meet the validity requirements set out in Part 1 of Annex VII, kept as pet animals in households to another Member State, provided that
(a) |
the Member State of destination has authorised such movements in general and has informed the public on a dedicated website that such movements are authorised; and |
(b) |
one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
Article 57
Information obligation of competent authorities as regards derogation from anti-rabies vaccination requirements for dogs, cats and ferrets
Member States shall make available to the public information on the acceptance in general of dogs, cats and ferrets less than 12 weeks old which have not received an anti-rabies vaccination, or dogs, cats and ferrets between 12 and 16 weeks old which have received an anti-rabies vaccination, but do not yet meet the validity requirements set out in Part 1 of Annex VII referred to in Article 54(1)(a) and in Article 56(a) coming from other Member States.
Article 58
Requirements for the movement of other carnivores to other Member States
1. Operators shall only move other carnivores to another Member State when those other carnivores fulfil the following requirements:
(a) |
the animals are either individually identified or identified as a group of animals of the same species kept together during the movement to destination; |
(b) |
the animals come from an establishment in which infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30 days prior to departure, |
(c) |
the animals have received a complete primary course of anti-rabies vaccination at least 21 days prior to departure, or have been re-vaccinated against rabies in accordance with the validity requirements set out in Part 1 of Annex VII; |
(d) |
in case of canidae, the animals have been subjected to the risk-mitigation measures for infestation with Echinococcus multilocularis in accordance with Part 2(2) of Annex VII within the required period set out therein prior to entering a Member State or zone thereof eligible to require the application of those measures; |
(e) |
insofar as measures were adopted pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for an infection other than rabies listed for carnivores or certain carnivore species, the animals of the species included in those measures have been subjected to the risk-mitigation measures in accordance with of Part 2(3) of Annex VII for those carnivore species within the required period set out therein prior to entering a Member State or zone thereof eligible to require the application of those measures to animals belonging to those carnivore species. |
2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1(c) and (d), operators may move other carnivores not vaccinated against rabies and canidae not treated against infestation with Echinococcus multilocularis when the animals are transported directly to
(a) |
a confined establishment; or |
(b) |
an establishment where these animals are kept as fur animals as defined in point (1) of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 (17). |
Article 59
Requirements for movements of captive birds
1. Operators shall only move captive birds other than psittacidae to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the animals have been continuously resident in a registered or a confined establishment since hatching or for at least 21 days prior to departure; |
(b) |
the animals come from flocks which show no clinical sign or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(c) |
the animals show no clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(d) |
in case the animals have entered the Union from a third country or territory or zone thereof, they have been quarantined in accordance with the requirements for entry into the Union in the approved quarantine establishment of destination in the Union; |
(e) |
in the case of pigeons, the animals are vaccinated against infection with Newcastle disease virus and come from an establishment where vaccination against infection with Newcastle disease virus is carried out; |
(f) |
the relevant requirements related to vaccination as provided for in Articles 61 and 62. |
2. Operators shall only move psittacidae to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the conditions provided for in paragraph 1 are fulfilled; |
(b) |
the animals come from an establishment on which avian chlamydiosis has not been confirmed during the last 60 days prior to departure and which in case avian chlamydiosis has been confirmed during the last 6 months prior to departure has applied the following measures:
(c) |
in case the animals have been in contact with captive birds from establishments on which avian chlamydiosis has been diagnosed during the last 60 days prior to departure, they are found negative to laboratory testing for avian chlamydiosis performed at least 14 days after contact; |
(d) |
the animals are identified in accordance with Article 76 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035. |
Article 60
Requirements for movements of hatching eggs of captive birds
Operators shall only move hatching eggs of captive birds to another Member State when those eggs fulfil the following requirements:
(a) |
they come from a registered or confined establishment; |
(b) |
they come from flocks which have been kept in a registered or confined establishment; |
(c) |
they come from flocks which show no clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(d) |
they fulfil the relevant requirements related to vaccination as provided for in Articles 61 and 62. |
Article 61
Requirements in relation to vaccination against infection with Newcastle disease virus
In the case where captive birds, hatching eggs of captive birds or the flocks of origin of the hatching eggs have been vaccinated against infection with Newcastle disease virus with other than inactivated vaccines, the vaccines administered shall satisfy the criteria of Annex VI.
Article 62
Requirements for movements of captive birds and hatching eggs of captive birds to a Member State or zone thereof with the status free from infection with Newcastle disease virus without vaccination
Operators shall only move captive birds of galliformes species and hatching eggs of captive birds of galliformes species from a Member State or zone thereof which does not have the status free from infection with Newcastle disease virus without vaccination to a Member State or zone thereof which has the status free from infection with Newcastle disease virus without vaccination when the requirements of Articles 59 to 61 for the specific commodity are fulfilled and those animals and hatching eggs fulfil the following requirements as regards infection with Newcastle disease virus:
(a) |
in the case of captive birds:
(b) |
in the case of hatching eggs of captive birds, they:
Requirements for movements of kept terrestrial animals into confined establishments
Article 63
Requirements for movements of kept terrestrial animals from establishments other than confined establishments into a confined establishment
1. Operators shall only move kept terrestrial animals other than primates coming from establishments other than a confined establishment into a confined establishment in compliance with the following requirements:
(a) |
the animals are subjected to quarantine for a period appropriate for the diseases listed for the species to be moved and in any case of at least 30 days and during this period they are kept: either
(b) |
the animals show no clinical signs or suspicion of diseases listed for the species at the time of movement; |
(c) |
the animals fulfil the requirements for identification laid down in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 relevant for the species; |
(d) |
the animals fulfil the requirements for vaccination, treatment or testing laid down in this Regulation applicable for the movement of the animals. |
2. Operators shall only move kept primates to a confined establishment in compliance with rules that are at least as strict as those referred to in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Edition 2018, in Articles 5.9.1 to 5.9.5 with regard to quarantine measures applicable to primates and in Article 6.12.4 with regard to quarantine requirements for primates from an uncontrolled environment, and such movement has been authorised
(a) |
in the case of movement within a Member State, by the competent authority of that Member State, or |
(b) |
in the case of movement to another Member State, by an agreement of the competent authority of Member State of origin and the competent authority of Member State of destination. |
Article 64
Requirements for movements of kept terrestrial animals from confined establishments into confined establishments in other Member States
1. Operators shall only move kept terrestrial animals from a confined establishment to a confined establishment in another Member State if those animals do not pose a significant risk to the spread of diseases for which they are listed, based on the results of the surveillance plan covering those animals.
2. Operators shall only move kept animals belonging to the families of Antilocapridae, Bovidae, Camelidae, Cervidae, Giraffidae, Moschidae or Tragulidae to another Member State or zone thereof in compliance with at least one of the requirements for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24) set out in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689.
3. By way of derogation from paragraph 2, the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of such animals which do not fulfil at least one of the requirements laid down in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 to another Member State or zone thereof
(a) |
with a disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; or |
(b) |
without a disease-free status and without an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised. If the Member State of destination sets conditions for the authorisation of such movement, those conditions must be any one of the conditions referred to in points 5 to 8 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689. |
Special rules and exemptions
Article 65
Special rules for movement of travelling circuses and animal acts to other Member States
1. Operators of travelling circuses and animal acts shall only move their circuses and animal acts to another Member State when the following requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
they provide the competent authority in the Member State where the travelling circus or animal act is situated with an itinerary of their intended movement to another Member State at least 10 working days before departure; |
(b) |
the movement document referred to in Article 77 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 accompanying all animals to be moved is duly updated, and
(c) |
during the last 12 months prior to departure:
(d) |
all the animals of travelling circuses and animal acts were inspected by the official veterinarian during the period of 10 working days prior to departure of the travelling circus and animal act and were found clinically healthy for the listed diseases as applied to listed species or to categories of animals. |
2. Operators of travelling circuses and animal acts shall only move kept animals belonging to the families of Antilocapridae, Bovidae, Camelidae, Cervidae, Giraffidae, Moschidae or Tragulidae to another Member State or zone thereof in compliance with at least one of the requirements for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24) set out in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689.
3. By way of derogation from paragraph 2, the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of such animals which do not fulfil at least one of the requirements laid down in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 to another Member State or zone thereof
(a) |
with a disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; or |
(b) |
without a disease-free status and without an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised. If the Member State of destination sets conditions for the authorisation of such movement, those conditions must be any one of the conditions referred to in points 5 to 8 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689. |
Article 66
Obligation of the competent authority in relation to movement of travelling circuses and animal acts to other Member States
The competent authority of the Member State of origin shall sign and stamp the itinerary referred to in Article 65(1)(a) provided that:
(a) |
the travelling circus or animal act is not subject to any animal health restriction relating to a disease listed for the species of an animal kept in the travelling circus and animal act; |
(b) |
the animal health requirements set out in Article 65 are complied with; |
(c) |
all the identification documents accompanying the animals during the movement of the travelling circus and animal act are duly updated and the animals fulfil the requirements for vaccination, treatment or testing laid down in this Regulation applicable for the movement of the relevant species. |
Article 67
Requirements for movements of captive birds intended for exhibitions
1. Operators shall only move captive birds to an exhibition in another Member State when those animals fulfil the conditions set out in Article 59.
2. The operator of the exhibition, excluding flight hunting exhibitions for birds of prey, shall ensure that:
(a) |
the entry into the exhibition of animals is limited to captive birds registered in advance for the participation in the exhibition; |
(b) |
the entry into the exhibition of birds originating from establishments situated in the Member State where the exhibition takes place does not jeopardise the health status of birds participating in the exhibition by either
(c) |
a veterinarian
3. Operators shall ensure that captive birds moved to an exhibition in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 are only moved from such exhibitions to another Member State when they fulfil one of the following requirements:
(a) |
the animals are accompanied by an animal health certificate in accordance with Article 81; or |
(b) |
in the case of captive birds others than birds of prey which have taken part in a flight hunting exhibition, the animals are accompanied by a declaration issued by the veterinarian referred to in paragraph 2(c) stating that the health status of the birds as attested in the original animal health certificate in accordance with Article 81 has not been compromised during the exhibition, as well as by the valid original animal health certificate in accordance with Article 81 issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin for the movement of the captive birds to the exhibition annexed to that declaration; or |
(c) |
in the case of birds of prey which have taken part in a flight hunting exhibition, the animals are accompanied by the valid original animal health certificate in accordance with Article 81 issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin for the movement of the birds of prey to the flight hunting exhibition, provided they are moved back to the Member State of origin. |
4. The veterinarian referred to in paragraph 2(c) shall only issue the declaration referred to in paragraph 3(b) provided:
(a) |
the animals are moved back to the Member State of origin; |
(b) |
arrangements have been made that the intended movement of the captive birds to the Member State of origin will be completed within the period of validity of the original animal health certificate in accordance with Article 81 issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin for the movement of the captive birds to the exhibition; |
(c) |
the conditions in paragraph 2(b) have been fulfilled. |
Article 68
Specific requirements for movements of racing pigeons to sporting events in another Member State
Operators shall only move racing pigeons to sporting events in another Member State when those animals fulfil the conditions in Article 59.
Animal health certificates and movement notification
Article 69
Derogation for movements of kept equine animals to other Member States
The animal health certification requirements provided for in Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 shall not apply to the movement of registered equine animals to another Member State, provided:
(a) |
the competent authority of the Member State of origin has authorised the derogation; |
(b) |
the competent authority of the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in point (c) and point (d); |
(c) |
equine animals kept and moved on the respective territories of the Member State of origin and of the Member State of destination fulfil at least the animal health requirements for movement of kept equine animals to other Member States, and in particular with the additional animal health requirements laid down in Article 22; |
(d) |
the competent authority of the Member State of origin and the competent authority of the Member State of destination have systems in place to ensure traceability of kept equine animals moved under the conditions of this Article. |
Article 70
Derogation for movements of terrestrial animals of travelling circuses and animal acts to other Member States
The animal health certification requirements provided for in Article 143(1) to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 shall not apply to the movement of terrestrial animals of travelling circuses and animal acts to another Member State.
Article 71
Animal health certificate for certain kept terrestrial animals
1. Operators shall only move captive birds, honeybees, bumble bees except bumble bees from approved environmentally isolated production establishments, primates, dogs, cats, ferrets or other carnivores to another Member State if they are accompanied by an animal health certificate issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin.
2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, operators may move captive birds from exhibitions back to the Member State of origin of the birds in accordance with Article 67(3).
3. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the animal health certificate issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin for the movement of birds of prey from the establishment in the Member State of origin to a flight hunting exhibition in another Member State may accompany these birds of prey during their return from that exhibition to the Member State of origin, provided the movement takes place within the period of validity of that certificate.
Article 72
Animal health certificate for hatching eggs of captive birds
Operators shall only move hatching eggs of captive birds to another Member State if they are accompanied by an animal health certificate issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin.
Article 73
Details on content of animal health certificate for kept bovine animals
1. The animal health certificate for kept bovine animals, except those kept bovine animals referred to in paragraph 2, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 10, and for those in Articles 11, 12 and 13 where applicable.
2. The animal health certificate for kept bovine animals being moved either directly or after undergoing an assembly operation to a slaughterhouse in another Member State for immediate slaughter, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 14.
Article 74
Details on content of animal health certificate for kept ovine and caprine animals
1. The animal health certificate for kept ovine and caprine animals, except those kept ovine and caprine animals referred to in paragraph 2 and 3, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for:
(a) |
in case of ovine animals except uncastrated male ovine animals, in Article 15(1) and (2); |
(b) |
in case of caprine animals, in Article 15(1) and (3); |
(c) |
in case of uncastrated male ovine animals, in Article 15(1), (2) and (4); |
(d) |
in Article 17 where applicable. |
2. The animal health certificate for kept ovine and caprine animals moved to another Member State or zone thereof with an approved eradication programme for infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for:
(a) |
in Article 15(1)(a), (b) and (d) to (h); |
(b) |
in either Article 15(1)(c) or Article 16; |
(c) |
in Article 17 where applicable. |
3. The animal health certificate for kept ovine and caprine animals being moved either directly or after undergoing an assembly operation to a slaughterhouse in another Member State for immediate slaughter, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 18.
Article 75
Details on content of animal health certificate for kept porcine animals
1. The animal health certificate for kept porcine animals, except those kept porcine animals referred to in paragraph 2, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 19, and for those in Article 20 where applicable.
2. The animal health certificate for kept porcine animals being moved either directly or after undergoing an assembly operation to a slaughterhouse in another Member State for immediate slaughter, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 21.
Article 76
Details on content of animal health certificate for kept equine animals
1. The animal health certificate for kept equine animals, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 22.
2. The animal health certificate referred to in paragraph 1
(a) |
shall be issued for an individual equine animal; or |
(b) |
may be issued for a consignment of equine animals
Article 77
Details on content of animal health certificate for kept camelid animals
1. The animal health certificate for kept camelid animals, except those kept camelid animals referred to in paragraph 2, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 23, and for those in Article 24 where applicable.
2. The animal health certificate for kept camelid animals being moved either directly or after undergoing an assembly operation to a slaughterhouse in another Member State for immediate slaughter, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 25.
Article 78
Details on content of animal health certificate for kept cervid animals
1. The animal health certificate for kept cervid animals, except those kept cervid animals referred to in paragraph 2, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 26, and for those in Article 27 where applicable.
2. The animal health certificate for kept cervid animals being moved either directly or after undergoing an assembly operation to a slaughterhouse in another Member State for immediate slaughter, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 28.
Article 79
Details on content of animal health certificate for other kept ungulates
1. The animal health certificate for other kept ungulates, except those other kept ungulates referred to in paragraph 2, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 29, and for those in Article 30 where applicable.
2. The animal health certificate for other kept ungulates being moved either directly or after undergoing an assembly operation to a slaughterhouse in another Member State for immediate slaughter, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 31.
Article 80
Details on content of animal health certificate for poultry
The animal health certificate for poultry, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for:
(a) |
in the case of breeding poultry and productive poultry, in Article 34 and in Articles 41 and 42 where applicable for the specific category of poultry; |
(b) |
in the case of poultry for slaughter, in Article 35 and in Articles 41 and 42 where applicable for the specific category of poultry; |
(c) |
in the case of day-old chicks, in Article 36 and in Articles 41 and 42 where applicable for the specific category of poultry; |
(d) |
in the case of less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratites, in Article 37 and in Articles 41 and 42 where applicable for the specific category of poultry. |
Article 81
Details on content of animal health certificate for captive birds
1. The animal health certificate for captive birds, except those referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 71(1), shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 59, and for those in Articles 61 and 62 where applicable for the specific category of birds.
2. The animal health certificate for captive birds intended for exhibitions, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 71(1), shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 67(1).
3. The animal health certificate for racing pigeons, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 71(1), shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 68.
Article 82
Details on content of animal health certificate for hatching eggs of poultry
The animal health certificate for hatching eggs of poultry, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 161(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 2 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for:
(a) |
in case of hatching eggs of poultry, except those referred to in points (b) and (c), in Article 38, and in Articles 41 and 42 where applicable for the specific category of eggs; |
(b) |
in case of less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratites, in Article 39 and in Articles 41 and 42 where applicable for the specific category of eggs; |
(c) |
in case of specified pathogen-free eggs of poultry, in Article 40. |
Article 83
Details on content of animal health certificate for hatching eggs of captive birds
The animal health certificate for hatching eggs of captive birds, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 72, shall contain the general information provided for in point 2 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 60 and in Articles 61 and 62 where applicable for the specific category of eggs.
Article 84
Details on content of animal health certificate for honeybees and bumble bees
1. The animal health certificate for honeybees, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 71(1), shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 48, and in Articles 49 and 50 where applicable.
2. The animal health certificate for bumble bees, except bumble bees from approved environmentally isolated production establishments, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 71(1), shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 51.
Article 85
Details on content of animal health certificate for primates
The animal health certificate for primates, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 71(1), shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 47.
Article 86
Details on content of animal health certificate for dogs, cats and ferrets
1. The animal health certificate for dogs, cats and ferrets, except those dogs, cats and ferrets referred to in paragraph 2, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 71(1), shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 53, and in Article 54 where applicable.
2. The animal health certificate for dogs, cats and ferrets kept as pet animals, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 71(1), shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII, an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 55, and in Article 56 where applicable, and a link to the identification document referred to in Article 71 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035.
Article 87
Details on content of animal health certificate for other carnivores
The animal health certificate for other carnivores, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 71(1), shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 58.
Article 88
Details on content of animal health certificate for terrestrial animals moved from a confined establishment to a confined establishment in another Member State
The animal health certificate for terrestrial animals moved from a confined establishment to a confined establishment in another Member State, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 or in Article 71(1) of this Regulation, shall contain the general information provided for in point 1 of Part 1 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 64.
Article 89
Animal health certification for movement of ungulates and poultry through establishments carrying out assembly operations
The competent authority shall issue the animal health certificate referred to in Articles 73 to 80 for the movement to another Member State of ungulates and poultry subject to assembly operations as follows:
(a) |
the documentary, identity and physical checks and examinations referred to in Article 91(1) are carried out before issuing the first animal health certificate referred to in Articles 73 to 80 either
(b) |
the animal health certificate referred to in Articles 73 to 80 is completed based on official information:
Article 90
Animal health certification for kept ungulates and poultry intended for export to third countries during their movement from the Member State of origin through the territory of other Member States to the external border of the Union
Operators shall ensure that kept ungulates or poultry intended for export to a third country that are being transported to the external border of the Union through another Member State are accompanied by health certificates in which it is attested that:
(i) |
the animals comply at least with the requirements in accordance with this Chapter for the movement of kept ungulates or poultry intended for slaughter in the Member State where the exit point is located; and |
(ii) |
in case of animals of the species listed for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24), the animals comply at least with Article 33 when the exit point is located in a Member State or zone thereof with a disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24). |
Article 91
Responsibility of the competent authority for animal health certification
1. Before signing an animal health certificate, the official veterinarian shall carry out the following types of documentary, identity and physical checks and examinations in order to verify compliance with the requirements:
(a) |
in relation to kept ungulates, an identity check and a clinical examination of the animals of the consignment for the purpose of detection of clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(b) |
in relation to breeding poultry, productive poultry and less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratites, a documentary check of the health and production records kept at the establishment, an identity check of the animals of the consignment and a clinical inspection of the flock of origin and of the animals of the consignment for the purpose of detection of clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(c) |
in relation to poultry intended for slaughter, a documentary check of the health and production records kept at the establishment, an identity check of the animals of the consignment and a clinical inspection of the flock of origin for the purpose of detection of clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(d) |
in relation to day-old chicks, a documentary check of the health and production records kept at the establishment of the flock of origin for the purpose of detection of clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(e) |
in relation to captive birds:
(f) |
in relation to hatching eggs of poultry, a documentary check of the health and production records kept at the establishment of the flock of origin and where applicable the records kept at the hatchery of dispatch, an identity check of the hatching eggs and either
(g) |
in relation to hatching eggs of captive birds, a documentary check of the health and production records kept at the establishment, an identity check of the hatching eegs and a clinical inspection of the flock of origin for the purpose of detection of clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(h) |
in relation to honeybees and bumble bees an identity check and either
(i) |
in relation to primates, a documentary check of the health records, an identity check and a clinical examination, and where this is not possible, a clinical inspection, of the animal(s) of the consignment for the purpose of detection of clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(j) |
in relation to dogs, cats, ferrets and other carnivores, an identity check and a clinical examination, and where this is not possible, a clinical inspection, of the animals of the consignment for the purpose of detection of clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species; |
(k) |
in relation to terrestrial animals from a confined establishment moving to a confined establishment in another Member State, a documentary check of the health records, an identity check and a clinical examination, and where this is not possible, a clinical inspection, of the animals of the consignment for the purpose of detection of clinical signs or suspicion of listed diseases relevant for the species. |
2. The official veterinarian shall carry out the documentary, identity and physical checks and examinations as provided for in paragraph 1 and issue the animal health certificate:
(a) |
within the last 24 hours before departure from the establishment of origin, or where applicable the establishment approved for assembly operations, in relation to kept ungulates except equine animals; |
(b) |
within the last 48 hours before departure from the establishment of origin in relation to equine animals, or, in the case of equine animals referred to in Article 92(2), on the last working day before departure; |
(c) |
within the last 48 hours before departure from the establishment of origin, in relation to breeding poultry, productive poultry, less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratites and captive birds; |
(d) |
within the last 5 days before departure from the establishment of origin, in relation to poultry intended for slaughter; |
(e) |
within the last 24 hours before departure from the establishment of origin in relation to day-old chicks; |
(f) |
in relation to hatching eggs of poultry:
(g) |
within the last 48 hours before departure from the establishment of origin, in relation to hatching eggs of captive birds: |
(h) |
within the last 48 hours before departure from the establishment of origin, in relation to honeybees and bumble bees and within the last 24 hours before departure from the establishment of origin, in relation to queen honeybees to be certified under derogation; |
(i) |
within the last 48 hours before departure from the establishment of origin, in relation to primates; |
(j) |
within the last 48 hours before departure from the establishment of origin, in relation to dogs, cats, ferrets and other carnivores; |
(k) |
within the last 48 hours before departure from the establishment of origin, in relation to terrestrial animals from a confined establishment to a confined establishment in another Member State. |
3. The animal health certificate shall be valid for 10 days from the date of issuing, without prejudice to the derogations established under Article 92.
Article 92
Derogation from the duration of validity of the animal health certificate
1. By way of derogation from Article 91(3), in the case of transport by waterway/sea of animals, the period of 10 days for the validity of the animal health certificate may be extended by the duration of the journey by waterway/sea.
2. Also by way of derogation from Article 91(3), the certificate for equine animals referred to in Article 76(2)(a) shall be valid for 30 days provided:
(a) |
the equine animal to be moved is accompanied by its single lifetime identification document as provided for in Article 114(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 which includes a validation mark issued by the competent authority, or the body to which this activity was delegated, for a period not exceeding 4 years, to document that the animal is habitually resident in an establishment recognised by the competent authority as an establishment of low health risk due to frequent animal health visits, additional identity checks and health testing and the absence of natural breeding on the establishment, except in dedicated and separated premises; or |
(b) |
the registered equine animal to be moved is accompanied by its single lifetime identification document as provided for in Article 114(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 which includes a license issued for a period not exceeding 4 years either for the participation in equestrian competitions by the national federation of the Fédération Equestre Internationale or for the participation in races by the competent racing authority, and which documents at least two visits per year by a veterinarian, including those necessary to carry out regular equine influenza vaccinations and examinations required for movements to other Member States or third countries. |
3. During the period of validity, the certificate referred to in paragraph 2 shall be sufficient for
(a) |
multiple entries into other Member States; |
(b) |
the return to the establishment of departure indicated therein. |
Article 93
Advance notification by operators of movement of bumble bees from approved environmentally isolated production establishments between Member States
In the case of bumble bees from approved environmentally isolated production establishments being moved to another Member State, the operator of the establishment of origin shall notify the competent authority of the Member State of origin in advance of the departure of those bumble bees.
Article 94
Advance notification by operators of travelling circuses and animal acts when they intend to move kept terrestrial animals between Member States
In the case of travelling circuses and animal acts being moved to another Member State, the operator of the travelling circuses and animal acts shall notify the competent authority of the Member State of origin at least 10 days before the departure of those travelling circuses and animal acts.
Article 95
Advance notification by operators of movements of hatching eggs of captive birds between Member States
In the case of hatching eggs of captive birds being moved to another Member State, the operator of the establishment of origin shall notify the competent authority of the Member State of origin in advance of the intended movement of those germinal products.
Article 96
Information obligation of operators concerning the notification of movements of kept terrestrial animals to other Member States
The operators notifying the competent authority in their Member State of origin as provided for in Article 152 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall provide the competent authority with the information concerning each consignment of kept terrestrial animals to be moved to another Member State provided for in:
(a) |
points 1(a) to (d) in Part 1 of Annex VIII concerning kept terrestrial animals except bumble bees from approved environmentally isolated production establishments to be moved to another Member State; |
(b) |
part 2 of Annex VIII concerning bumble bees from approved environmentally isolated production establishments. |
Article 97
Information obligation of the competent authority concerning the notification of movements of kept terrestrial animals to other Member States
The competent authority of the Member State of origin notifying the competent authority of the Member State of destination in accordance with Article 153(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall provide the information concerning each consignment of kept terrestrial animals to be moved to another Member State provided for in:
(a) |
points 1(a) to (d) in Part 1 of Annex VIII concerning kept terrestrial animals except bumble bees from approved environmentally isolated production establishments to be moved to another Member State; |
(b) |
part 2 of Annex VIII concerning bumble bees from approved environmentally isolated production establishments. |
Article 98
Notification of movements of hatching eggs to other Member States
The operators notifying the competent authority in their Member State of origin in accordance with Article 163 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and Article 95 of this Regulation, shall provide the competent authority with the information provided for in points 2(a) to (e) in Part 1 of Annex VIII concerning each consignment of hatching eggs to be moved to another Member State.
Article 99
Emergency procedures
In the event of power cuts and other disturbances of IMSOC, the competent authority of the place of origin of the kept terrestrial animals or hatching eggs to be moved to another Member State shall comply with the contingency arrangements established pursuant to Article 134(d) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
Article 100
Designation of regions for the management of notifications of movements
When designating regions for the management of notifications of movements provided for in Article 97 and 98, Member States shall ensure that:
(a) |
all parts of their territory is covered by at least one region; |
(b) |
each designated region falls within the responsibility of a competent authority designated for animal health certification in that region; |
(c) |
the competent authority responsible for the designated region has access to IMSOC; |
(d) |
the personnel of the competent authority responsible for the designated region possess the appropriate ability and knowledge, and have received specific training, or have equivalent practical experiences in the use of IMSOC for production, handling and transmission of the information provided for in Articles 97 and 98. |
Article 101
Requirements for movement of wild terrestrial animals to other Member States
1. Operators shall only move wild terrestrial animals from their habitat of origin by loading them directly onto a means of transport to be taken to a habitat or an establishment in another Member State without the animals entering any establishment in the Member State of origin.
2. Operators and transporters shall ensure that the means of transport used for transporting wild terrestrial animals, except honeybees and bumble bees, are:
(a) |
constructed in such a way that
(b) |
cleaned and disinfected immediately after every transport of animals, or any item representing an animal health risk, and, if necessary, disinfected again and in any case dried or allowed to dry before any new loading of animals. |
3. Operators and transporters shall ensure that containers in which wild terrestrial animals, except honeybees and bumble bees, are transported:
(a) |
comply with the conditions in point 2(a); |
(b) |
contain only wild animals of the same species coming from the same habitat; |
(c) |
are marked to detail species and number of animals; |
(d) |
are either unused purpose-designed disposable containers to be destroyed after first use or cleaned and disinfected after use and dried or allowed to dry before any subsequent use. |
4. Operators shall only move wild terrestrial animals from their habitat of origin to a habitat or an establishment in another Member State when the following additional requirements are fulfilled:
(a) |
the majority of the animals of the consignment have been resident in the habitat of origin for at least 30 days prior to departure, or since birth, if they are younger than 30 days of age, and during this period they have not been in contact with kept animals of a lower health status or subject to movement restrictions for animal health reasons or with kept animals coming from an establishment which did not fulfil the requirements set out in point (b); |
(b) |
any animals entering the Union from a third country or territory during the last 30 days prior to the departure of the animals referred to in paragraph 1, and introduced into an establishment situated in the habitat where those animals were resident, are kept separate so as to prevent direct and indirect contact with all other animals on that establishment and in the habitat; |
(c) |
those animals come from a habitat in which the following diseases and infections have not been reported during the stipulated timeframes:
(d) |
when those animals belong to the families of Antilocapridae, Bovidae, Camelidae, Cervidae, Giraffidae, Moschidae or Tragulidae, the habitat of origin shall be in compliance with at least one of the requirements for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24) set out in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; |
(e) |
those animals are not known to have been in contact with wild terrestrial animals which did not fulfil the requirements set out in point (c) during the last 30 days prior to departure. |
5. By way of derogation from paragraph 4(d), the competent authority of the Member State of origin may authorise the movement of wild terrestrial animals which do not fulfil at least one of the requirements laid down in points 1 to 3 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 to another Member State or zone thereof:
(a) |
with a disease-free status or with an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised under the conditions referred to in Article 43(2) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689; or |
(b) |
without a disease-free status and an approved eradication programme for infection with Bluetongue virus (serotype 1-24), if the Member State of destination has informed the Commission and the other Member States that such movements are authorised. If the Member State of destination sets conditions for the authorisation of such movement, those conditions must be any one of the conditions referred to in points 5 to 8 of Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Part II of Annex V of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689. |
Article 102
Details on content of animal health certificate for wild terrestrial animals
The animal health certificate for wild terrestrial animals, that is issued by the competent authority of the Member State of origin in accordance with Article 155(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall contain the general information provided for in point 3 of Annex VIII and an attestation of compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 101(4), and those in Article 101(5) of this Regulation where applicable.
Article 103
Rules concerning the responsibility of the competent authority for animal health certification for movements of wild terrestrial animals to other Member States
1. Before signing the animal health certificate provided for in Article 102 for the movement of wild terrestrial animals, the official veterinarian shall carry out the following types of identity check and examinations:
(a) |
an examination of available information demonstrating that the requirements provided for in Article 101(4) are fulfilled; |
(b) |
an identity check; |
(c) |
a clinical examination, and where this is not possible, a clinical inspection of the animals of the consignment for the purpose of detection of clinical signs or suspicion of listed or emerging diseases relevant for the species. |
2. The official veterinarian shall carry out the documentary, identity and physical checks and examinations as provided for in paragraph 1 and issue the animal health certificate within the last 24 hours before departure of the consignment from the habitat.
3. The animal health certificate shall be valid for 10 days from the date of issuing.
4. By way of derogation from paragraph 3, in the case of transport by waterway/sea of wild terrestrial animals, the period of 10 days for the validity of the animal health certificate may be extended by the duration of the journey by waterway/sea.
Article 104
Requirements for advance notification by operators of movements of wild terrestrial animals to other Member States
Operators other than transporters moving wild terrestrial animals to another Member State shall notify the competent authority of the Member State of origin at least 24 hours before the departure of the consignment.
Article 105
Obligation of operators concerning the notification of movements of wild terrestrial animals to other Member States
For the purposes of the notification referred to in Article 155(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, operators other than transporters moving wild terrestrial animals to another Member State shall provide the competent authority in the Member State of origin with the information provided for in Article 145(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and in points 3(a) to (d) in Part 1 of Annex VIII concerning each consignment of those animals to be moved to another Member State.
Article 106
Responsibility of the competent authority concerning the notification of movements of wild terrestrial animals to other Member States
The competent authority of the Member State of origin notifying the competent authority of the Member State of destination in accordance with Article 155(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, shall provide the information provided for in points 3(a) to (d) in Part 1 of Annex VIII concerning each consignment of wild terrestrial animals to be moved to another Member State.
Article 107
Emergency procedures
In the event of power cuts and other disturbances of IMSOC, the competent authority of place of origin of wild terrestrial animals shall comply with the contingency arrangements established pursuant to Article 134(d) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
Article 108
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply as of 21 April 2021.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 17 December 2019.
For the Commission
The President
(2) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1629 of 25 July 2018 amending the list of diseases set out in Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health (‘Animal Health Law’) (OJ L 272, 31.10.2018, p. 11).
(3) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 of 3 December 2018 on the application of certain disease prevention and control rules to categories of listed diseases and establishing a list of species and groups of species posing a considerable risk for the spread of those listed diseases (OJ L 308, 4.12.2018, p. 21).
(4) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 of 17 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards rules for surveillance, eradication programmes, and disease-free status for certain listed and emerging diseases (see page 211 of this Official Journal).
(5) Council Directive 64/432/EEC of 26 June 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine (OJ L 121, 29.7.1964, p. 1977/64).
(6) Council Directive 91/68/EEC of 28 January 1991 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in ovine and caprine animals (OJ L 46, 19.2.1991, p. 19).
(7) Council Directive 2009/156/EC of 30 November 2009 on animal health conditions governing the movement and importation from third countries of equidae (OJ L 192, 23.7.2010, p. 1).
(8) Council Directive 2009/158/EC of 30 November 2009 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in, and imports of third countries of, poultry and hatching eggs (OJ L 343, 22.12.2009, p. 74).
(9) Council Directive 92/65/EEC of 13 July 1992 laying down animal health requirements governing trade in and imports into the Community of animals, semen, ova and embryos not subject to animal health requirements laid down in specific Community rules referred to in Annex A (I) to Directive 90/425/EEC (OJ L 268, 14.9.1992, p. 54).
(10) Commission Regulation (EC) No 1739/2005 of 21 October 2005 laying down animal health requirements for the movement for circus animals between Member States (OJ L 279, 22.10.2005, p. 47).
(11) Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 of 28 June 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards rules for establishments keeping terrestrial animals and hatcheries, and the traceability of certain kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs (OJ L 314, 5.12.2019, p. 115).
(12) Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products (OJ L 311, 28.11.2001, p. 1).
(13) Commission Decision 2003/24/EC of 30 December 2002 concerning the development of an integrated computerised veterinary system (OJ L 8, 14.1.2003, p. 44).
(14) Commission Decision 2004/292/EC of 30 March 2004 on the introduction of the Traces system and amending Decision 92/486/EEC (OJ L 94, 31.3.2004, p. 63).
(15) Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products, amending Regulations (EC) No 999/2001, (EC) No 396/2005, (EC) No 1069/2009, (EC) No 1107/2009, (EU) No 1151/2012, (EU) No 652/2014, (EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Regulations (EC) No 1/2005 and (EC) No 1099/2009 and Council Directives 98/58/EC, 1999/74/EC, 2007/43/EC, 2008/119/EC and 2008/120/EC, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 854/2004 and (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 89/608/EEC, 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 96/23/EC, 96/93/EC and 97/78/EC and Council Decision 92/438/EEC (Official Controls Regulation) (OJ L 95, 7.4.2017, p. 1).
(16) (latest edition).
(17) Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 of 25 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and implementing Council Directive 97/78/EC as regards certain samples and items exempt from veterinary checks at the border under that Directive (OJ L 54, 26.2.2011, p. 1).
Infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis
1. |
Serological tests for bovine, ovine, caprine and camelid animals:
2. |
Serological tests for porcine animals:
3. |
Brucellin skin test (BST) for ovine, caprine and porcine animals |
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis)
1. |
Tuberculin skin tests:
2. |
Test available for blood samples:
Surra (Trypanosoma evansi)
Serological tests:
(a) |
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for trypanosomiasis; |
(b) |
card agglutination test for trypanosomiasis (CATT) at a serum dilution of 1:4. |
Enzootic bovine leukosis
Serological tests:
(a) |
tests for blood samples:
(b) |
test for milk samples:
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis
Methods: |
Non-vaccinated bovine animals |
BoHV-1 I-ELISA (1) |
gB B-ELISA (2) |
Bovine animals vaccinated with a gE-deleted vaccine |
gE B-ELISA (3) |
Bovine viral diarrhoea
1. |
Direct methods:
2. |
Serological tests:
Infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus
Methods: |
Porcine animals |
Aujeszky’s disease virus (ADV) ELISA (4) |
Porcine animals less than 4 months old born to dams vaccinated with a gE-deleted vaccine |
gE ELISA (5) |
Complement fixation test for dourine, at a serum dilution of 1:5.
Equine infectious anaemia
Serological tests:
(a) |
agar gel immuno-diffusion test (AGID); |
(b) |
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for equine infectious anaemia. |
Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis
1. |
Serological tests:
2. |
Direct method:
reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the detection of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus genome. |
(1) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of antibodies against BoHV-1 whole virus.
(2) ELISA for the detection of antibodies against BoHV-1-gB protein. When referred to tests for the detection of antibodies against whole BoHV-1, this method may also be used.
(3) ELISA for the detection of antibodies against BoHV-1-gE protein.
(4) ELISA for the detection of antibodies against whole ADV, ADV-gB protein or ADV-gD protein. For batch control of ADV-gB kits and ADV-gD kits or whole ADV kits, Community reference serum ADV 1, or sub-standards, must be scored positive at a dilution of 1:2.
(5) ELISA for the detection of antibodies against ADV-gE protein. For batch control, Community reference serum ADV 1, or sub-standards, must be scored positive at a dilution of 1:8.
Minimum requirements for a pre-movement programme as regards infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in caprine animals
1. |
The pre-movement surveillance programme to detect infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in an establishment for the purpose of movement to another Member State of kept caprine animals as referred to in Article 15(3) must at least include the following elements:
2. |
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the annual testing provided for in point 1(d) does not have to be required if the competent authority, based on a risk assessment, considers the risk of infection as negligible in the Member State or zone, and the following conditions are fulfilled:
3. |
If infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in caprine animals kept on the establishment has been reported, such animals may be moved to another Member State only when all caprine animals older than 6 weeks kept on the establishment have been tested, with negative results. These tests must be carried out on samples collected no earlier than 42 days after the removal of the last confirmed case and of the last animal which tested positive using a diagnostic method. |
Minimum requirements for a pre-movement programme as regards infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in camelid animals
1. |
The pre-movement surveillance programme to detect infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in an establishment for the purpose of movement to another Member State of kept camelid animals as referred to in Article 23(1)(e) must at least include the following elements:
2. |
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the annual testing provided for in point 1(d) does not have to be required if the competent authority, based on a risk assessment, considers the risk of infection as negligible in the Member State or zone, and the following conditions are fulfilled:
3. |
If infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in camelid animals kept on the establishment has been reported, such animals may be moved to another Member State only when all camelid animals older than 6 weeks kept on the establishment have been tested, with negative results. These tests must be carried out on blood samples collected no earlier than 42 days after the removal of the last confirmed case and of the last animal which tested positive using a diagnostic method. |
Minimum requirements for a pre-movement programme as regards infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in cervid animals
1. |
The pre-movement surveillance programme to detect infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in an establishment for the purpose of movement to another Member State of kept cervid animals as referred to in Article 26(1)(e) must at least include the following elements:
2. |
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the annual testing provided for in point 1(d) does not have to be required if the competent authority, based on a risk assessment, considers the risk of infection as negligible in the Member State or zone, and the following conditions are fulfilled:
3. |
If infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in cervid animals kept on the establishment has been reported, such animals may be moved to another Member State only when all cervid animals older than 6 weeks kept on the establishment have been tested on two occasions, with a minimum interval of 6 months, for infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis), with negative results. The first test must be performed on cervid animals or samples collected from cervid animals no earlier than 6 months after the removal of the last confirmed case and of the last animal which tested positive using a diagnostic method. |
1. |
The pre-movement surveillance programme to detect infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B suis in an establishment for the purpose of movement to another Member State of kept porcine animals, as referred to in Article 19(1)(f)(ii), must at least include the following elements:
2. |
By way of derogation from point 1, the animal health visit referred to in point 1(a) and the survey provided for in point 1(b) does not have to be required if the competent authority, based on a risk assessment, considers the risk of infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis as negligible in the Member State or zone thereof, and the following conditions are fulfilled:
3. |
If infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis in porcine animals kept on the establishment has been reported, such animals may be moved to another Member State only when all porcine animals kept on the establishment have been subjected to a test on two occasions, with negative results. The first test must be carried out on samples collected no earlier than 3 months after the removal of the infected animals and the animals which tested positive using one of the diagnostic methods provided for in Part 1(2) of Annex I. The second test must be carried out on samples collected no earlier than 6 months and no later than 12 months after the first test. |
During the week prior to the time of loading for dispatch, ducks and geese must have tested negative in a virological examination for highly pathogenic avian influenza, either by virus isolation or by molecular testing at a level which gives 95 % confidence of detecting infection at 5 % prevalence.
1. |
Consignments of less than 20 heads of poultry other than ratites or less than 20 hatching eggs of poultry other than ratites must have tested negative in accordance with point 2 for the following disease agents for the relevant listed species:
2. |
Live attenuated vaccines against infection with Newcastle disease virus must be prepared from a Newcastle disease virus strain for which the master seed has been tested and shown to have an intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) of:
(a) |
less than 0,4 if not less than 107 EID50 (50 % Embryo Infectious Dose) are administrated to each bird in the ICPI test; or |
(b) |
less than 0,5 if not less than 108 EID50 are administered to each bird in the ICPI test. |
Validity of anti-rabies vaccinations for dogs, cats, ferrets and other carnivores
The validity requirements for vaccination against infection with rabies virus referred to in Articles 53(b)(i), 55(b)(i) and 58(1)(c) are those set out in Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1).
Where no anti-rabies vaccine is authorised in a Member State for carnivores other than dogs, cats and ferrets, anti-rabies vaccination carried out in accordance with Article 10(1) of Directive 2001/82/EC must be deemed valid.
Risk-mitigating measures for diseases other than rabies
1. |
The risk-mitigating measures for infestation with Echinococcus multilocularis referred to in Articles 53(b)(ii) and 55(b)(ii) are those laid down in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/772 (2) in combination with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/878 (3). |
2. |
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the treatment referred to in Article 58(1)(d) of canidae other than dogs against infestation with Echinococcus multilocularis must be carried out and documented no earlier than 48 hours prior to entry into a Member State or zone thereof listed in the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/878. |
3. |
The risk-mitigating measures for diseases other than infection with rabies virus and infestation with Echinococcus multilocularis referred to in Articles 53(b)(ii) and 55(b)(ii) are the preventive health measures applicable to the relevant species of carnivores adopted in accordance with Article 19(1) of Regulation (EU) No 576/2013. |
(1) Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on the non-commercial movement of pet animals and repealing Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 (OJ L 178, 28.6.2013, p. 1).
(2) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/772 of 21 November 2017 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to preventive health measures for the control of Echinococcus multilocularis infection in dogs and repealing Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1152/2011 (OJ L 130, 28.5.2018, p. 1).
(3) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/878 of 18 June 2018 adopting the list of Member States, or parts of the territory of Member States, that comply with the rules for categorisation laid down in Article 2(2) and (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/772 concerning the application of preventive health measures for the control of Echinococcus multilocularis infection in dogs (OJ L 155, 19.6.2018, p. 1).
Information to be contained in the animal health certificate for terrestrial animals and hatching eggs moved to another Member State
1. |
The animal health certificate for the kept terrestrial animals referred to in Article 143(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and in Article 71(1) of this Regulation moved to another Member State must contain at least the following information:
2. |
The animal health certificate for hatching eggs referred to in Article 161(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and in Article 72 of this Regulation moved to another Member State must contain at least the following information:
3. |
The animal health certificate for wild terrestrial animals referred to in Article 155(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 moved to another Member State must contain at least the following information:
Information in the notification of movements for certain terrestrial animals for which animal health certificate is not required
The notification for moving bumble bees from approved environmentally isolated production establishments to another Member State must contain at least the following information:
(a) |
the name and address of the consignor and the consignee; |
(b) |
the name, address and unique approval number of the establishment of dispatch; |
(c) |
the name and address of the establishment of destination, and
(d) |
the species, category and quantity and size of colonies; |
(e) |
the date of dispatch. |