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Document L:2000:308:TOC

Official Journal of the European Communities, L 308, 08 December 2000

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Official Journal
of the European Communities
ISSN 0378-6978

L 308
Volume 43
8 December 2000
English editionLegislation

ContentsI Acts whose publication is obligatory
*Council Regulation (EC) No 2676/2000 of 4 December 2000 amending the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 2042/2000 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of television camera systems originating in Japan 1
*Council Regulation (EC) No 2677/2000 of 4 December 2000 amending Regulation (EC) No 1349/2000 establishing certain concessions in the form of Community tariff quotas for certain agricultural products and providing for an adjustment, as an autonomous and transitional measure, of certain agricultural concessions provided for in the Europe Agreement with Estonia 7
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2678/2000 of 7 December 2000 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables 11
*Commission Regulation (EC) No 2679/2000 of 7 December 2000 establishing unit values for the determination of the customs value of certain perishable goods 13
*Commission Regulation (EC) No 2680/2000 of 7 December 2000 prohibiting fishing for herring by vessels flying the flag of Sweden 19
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2681/2000 of 7 December 2000 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in Regulation (EC) No 1701/2000 20
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2682/2000 of 7 December 2000 fixing the maximum export refund on common wheat in connection with the invitation to tender issued in Regulation (EC) No 2014/2000 21
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2683/2000 of 7 December 2000 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in Regulation (EC) No 2317/2000 22
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2684/2000 of 7 December 2000 concerning tenders notified in response to the invitation to tender for the export of rye issued in Regulation (EC) No 1740/2000 23
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2685/2000 of 7 December 2000 fixing the maximum export refund on oats in connection with the invitation to tender issued in Regulation (EC) No 2097/2000 24

II Acts whose publication is not obligatory
*Council Decision of 4 December 2000 appointing an Austrian alternate member of the Committee of the Regions 25
*Rules of Procedure of the Commission (C(2000) 3614) 26
*Commission Decision of 30 November 2000 approving the programmes for the monitoring of BSE presented for 2001 by the Member States and fixing the level of the Community's financial contribution (notified under document number C(2000) 3448) 35
*Commission Decision of 30 November 2000 approving the programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases and for the prevention of zoonoses presented for the year 2001 by the Member States (notified under document number C(2000) 3639) 39
Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.
The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
