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Document C2000/071/08
List of grants given in 1999 following the call for proposals with a view to obtaining grants in the field of transport (OJ C 41 of 16 February 1999)
List of grants given in 1999 following the call for proposals with a view to obtaining grants in the field of transport (OJ C 41 of 16 February 1999)
List of grants given in 1999 following the call for proposals with a view to obtaining grants in the field of transport (OJ C 41 of 16 February 1999)
OJ C 71, 11.3.2000, p. 19–23
(ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)
List of grants given in 1999 following the call for proposals with a view to obtaining grants in the field of transport (OJ C 41 of 16 February 1999)
Official Journal C 071 , 11/03/2000 P. 0019 - 0023
List of grants given in 1999 following the call for proposals with a view to obtaining grants in the field of transport (Official Journal of the European Communities C 41 of 16 February 1999) (2000/C 71/08) The information about each grant recipient will be given below in the following order: - the recipient's name; - the recipient's full address (town/city and country of the registered or main office); - title of the operation for which a grant was given; - amount of the grant given; - rate of financing as a percentage of the total allowable costs; - date on which the grant agreement was signed. Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobilclub e.V. (ADAC) München, Deutschland Video on young drivers and alcohol 147500 EUR 50 % 15.12.1999 Alpha Consulting Paris, France Etablissement et traitement de données socio-économiques pertinentes pour les registres des États membres 15415 EUR 50 % 20.10.1999 Association des constructeurs européens de motocycles (ACEM) Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique/België In-depth investigation of motorcycle accidents — Phase 1999 191885 EUR 50 % 30.9.1999 Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BAST) Bergisch Gladbach, Deutschland Organisation and carrying out of a workshop on intelligent speed management 13000 EUR 50 % 19.11.1999 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) Heerlen, Nederland Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in the Netherlands 29000 EUR 39 % 8.9.1999 Central Statistics Office (CSO) Cork, Ireland Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in Ireland 19000 EUR 17 % 11.11.1999 Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Gatwick Airport South, United Kingdom Human factors associated with changes in the organisation of airlines 93000 EUR 50 % 29.12.1999 Department of the environment, transport and the Regions London, United Kingdom Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in the United Kingdom 89224 EUR 50 % 15.10.1999 Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (DVR) Bonn, Deutschland Proceedings of the European congress on road safety compaigns and confrontation in road safety work 16290 EUR 50 % 18.10.1999 Erasmus Forum — Erasmus University Rotterdam Rotterdam, Nederland Mare Forum 99 — A decisive dialogue on economic incentives for quality shipping — Amsterdam 21-22 June 1999 30000 EUR 12 % 29.6.1999 Erasmus Forum — Erasmus University Rotterdam Rotterdam, Nederland 1st global ship scrapping summit — Amsterdam 23 June 1999 10000 EUR 9 % 29.6.1999 Eurocontrol Brussel/Bruxelles, België/Belgique Validating air traffic flow management (ATFM) priority options 100000 EUR 48 % 3.12.1999 European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique/België Workshop on safety and quality assessment for the transport of chemicals by rail in Europe 6249 EUR 10 % 29.12.1999 European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA) Brussel/Bruxelles, België/Belgique Study on registration conditions in Member States' ship registers 54745 EUR 50 % 1.12.1999 European New Car Assessment Programme (EuroNACP) Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique/België A training course for EuroNCAP inspectors 52431 EUR 50 % 21.6.1999 European New Car Assessment Programme (EuroNACP) Brussel/Bruxelles, België/Belgique Phase 7 a EuroNCAP — Safety rating of super mini cars and city cars 401127 EUR 30 % 21.6.1999 European New Car Assessment Programme (EuroNACP) Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique/België Phase 7 b EuroNCAP — Safety rating of super mini cars and city cars 397449 EUR 42 % 5.11.1999 European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) Brussel/Bruxelles, België/Belgique Programme of activity to identify and promote effective transport safety measures in the European Union 473890 EUR 50 % 20.9.1999 Freie Hansestadt Hamburg — Umweltbehörde Hamburg, Deutschland Instruments for environmentally acceptable sea transportation — International congress on the dissemination of information and best practice 26400 EUR 16 % 19.11.1999 Fundación de los ferrocarriles espagnoles (FFE) — Direccion de estudios y programas Madrid, España Bilingual edition of a book on private-public partnership risks management for big transport projects 19471 EUR 49 % 29.12.1999 Gemeinsame Kommission für historische Wasserfahrzeuge (GSHW) Hamburg, Deutschland Quality shipping and operation of traditional ships in European waters — Development of a common European approach and code of best practice 27350 EUR 50 % 17.12.1999 George Washington University Washington, United States of America Global summit on international aviation infrastructure — Institutional challenges: open skies and infrastructure problems/environmental issues — Washington 1st November 1999 24520 EUR 50 % 15.11.1999 Guild of European Travel Agents (GEBTA) Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique/België Cost of air products distribution study 69200 EUR 40 % 9.12.1999 Instituto nacional de estatistica (INE) Lisboa, Portugal Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 on road transport statistics in Portugal 21200 EUR 3 % 30.9.1999 Instituto nacional de estatistica (INE) Lisboa, Portugal Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in Portugal 10000 EUR 24 % 25.10.1999 International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association (ICHCA) London, United Kingdom Translation and publication of the manual of safe packing and securing of cargo in cargo transport units 5812 EUR 50 % 5.11.1999 International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) Msida, Malta Sponsorship for post-graduate training and research in international law for students from developing countries 71036 EUR 15 % 5.11.1999 International Maritime Organisation (IMO) London, United Kingdom Research to establish the nature and extent of unlawful practices associated with certificates of competency 25000 EUR 45 % 29.12.1999 International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA) Brussel/Bruxelles, België/Belgique Electronically controlled systems on vehicles 300000 EUR 50 % 31.8.1999 International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA) Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique/België Improvements to emission testing at periodic and other inspections 50000 EUR 50 % 31.8.1999 International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA) Brussel/Bruxelles, België/Belgique Second programme of studies on emission testing at periodic and other inspections 309000 EUR 50 % 29.12.1999 Istituto nazionale di statistica (ISTAT) Roma, Italia Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 on road transport statistics in Italy 54200 EUR 45 % 1.12.1999 Istituto nazionale di statistica (ISTAT) Roma, Italia Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in Italy 84735 EUR 20 % 29.12.1999 Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) Hoofddorp, Nederland Programme for safety assessment of foreign aircraft (SAFA) 206450 EUR 50 % 29.12.1999 Koninklijke Nederlandse Toeristenbond (ANWB) s'-Gravenhage, Nederland Model guideline for a directional signing system 256675 EUR 50 % 20.12.1999 Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt Flensburg, Deutschland Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 on road transport statistics in Germany 55800 EUR 42 % 8.11.1999 Kuratorium für Schutz und Sicherheit Wien, Österreich Analysis of driver rehabilitation programmes 190725 EUR 50 % 21.12.1999 Ministère de l'équipement, des transports et du logement Paris, France Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 on road transport statistics in France 30000 EUR 50 % 7.9.1999 Ministère de l'équipement, des transports et du logement Paris, France Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in France 93000 EUR 43 % 1.12.1999 Ministère des affaires économiques — Institut national de statistique Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique/België Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in Belgium 33000 EUR 32 % 3.12.1999 Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat — Directie Luchtvaartinspectie Hoofddorp, Nederland Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) approach procedure design forum 15348 EUR 41 % 3.6.1999 Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat — Projectorganisatie Hogesnelheidslijn-Zuid Utrecht, Nederland Information centre for Hogesnelheidslijn (HSL)/Transeuropean transport network (TEN-T) 100000 EUR 29 % 5.11.1999 National Statistical Service of Greece (NSSG) — Methodology and Programme Directorate Athina, Ellas Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in Greece 41000 EUR 49 % 6.9.1999 National Statistical Service of Greece (NSSG) — Methodology and Programme Directorate Athina, Ellas Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 on road transport statistics in Greece 18500 EUR 25 % 30.9.1999 Oresundskonsortiet København, Danmark European information activities in the field of the new Transeuropean link between Denmark and Sweden 100000 EUR 19 % 25.10.1999 Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt (ÖSTAT) Wien, Österreich Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 on road transport statistics in Austria 18400 EUR 1 % 20.12.1999 Puertos del Estado Madrid, Espagña Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in Spain 14491 EUR 50 % 30.9.1999 Royal Institution of naval architects (RINA) London, United Kingdom International collaborative formal safety assessment study into the safety of dry bulk shipping (FSA of bulk carriers) 500000 EUR 48 % 21.12.1999 Statistics Denmark København, Danmark Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 on road transport statistics in Denmark 15600 EUR 4 % 30.9.1999 Statistics Denmark København, Danmark Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in Denmark 64000 EUR 50 % 19.11.1999 Statistics Finland Helsinki, Suomi Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 on road transport statistics in Finland 16300 EUR 36 % 2.9.1999 Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden, Deutschland Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in Germany 75000 EUR 32 % 30.9.1999 Swedish Institute for Transport and Communication Analysis (SIKA) Stockholm, Sverige Implementation of Council Regulation (EC) 1172/98 on road transport statistics in Sweden 16700 EUR 25 % 29.12.1999 Swedish Institute for Transport and Communication Analysis (SIKA) Stockholm, Sverige Implementation of Council Directive 95/64/EC on maritime transport statistics in Sweden 16000 EUR 50 % 3.9.1999 Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA) Borlänge, Sverige Feasibility of a common approach for enforcing certain provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) 3820/85 398400 EUR 50 % 22.12.1999 The Amsterdam group (TAG) London, United Kingdom The Bob compaign 365742 EUR 50 % 21.12.1999 TNO Automotive Delft, Nederland Development of a test procedure for energy-absorbing front underrun protection systems for trucks 120000 EUR 50 % 21.6.1999 TÜV Kraftfahrt GmbH Köln, Deutschland Symposium 2 and 3 December 1999 — World-wide harmonisation of crash test programs 10000 EUR 11 % 23.8.1999 Union internationale des chemins de fer (UIC) Paris, France Revenues from marginal social cost pricing 132000 EUR 50 % 7.12.1999 Union internationale des chemins de fer (UIC) Paris, France Transeuropean network capacity analysis (as continuation of the EU/UIC joint project database on the Transeuropean railway network) 50000 EUR 50 % 1.12.1999 US Department of Transportation — Federal Highway Administration (US DOT-FHWA) Washington, United Kingdom 3rd US/EU intermodal freight forum — New York 3-5 November 1999 33617 EUR 39 % 5.11.1999 Vakopleiding transport en logistiek Alphen a/d Rijn, Nederland Truck and coach driver training survey 78855 EUR 50 % 5.11.1999 World Maritime University (WMU) Malmö, Sverige World Maritime University fellowship program 114546 EUR 4 % 23.8.1999 --------------------------------------------------