This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Document 52001XC1228(04)
The visual characteristics of the euro coins
The visual characteristics of the euro coins
The visual characteristics of the euro coins
OJ C 373, 28.12.2001, p. 1–30
(ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)
The visual characteristics of the euro coins
Official Journal C 373 , 28/12/2001 P. 0001 - 0030
The visual characteristics of the euro coins (2001/C 373/01) The first sentence of Article 106(2) of the Treaty establishing the European Community allows Member States to issue coins subject to approval by the ECB of the volume of the issue. According to Article 106(2) second sentence, the Council is entitled to adopt measures to harmonise the denominations and technical specifications of all coins intended for circulation to the extent necessary to permit their smooth circulation within the Community. On 3 May 1998 the Council adopted Regulation (EC) No 975/98 on denominations and technical specifications of euro coins intended for circulation(1), laying down technical specifications of the euro coins as regards face value, diameter, thickness, weight, shape, colour, composition and form of edge. That Regulation was amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 423/1999 of 22 February 1999(2). On 3 May 1998 the Council adopted Regulation (EC) No 974/98 on the introduction of the euro(3) providing, inter alia, that the euro coins shall be the only coins which have the status of legal tender in all the participating Member States. As regards the design of the euro coins, the Florence European Council, on 21 June 1996, indicated its wish to have one common face and one face with a national design. Accordingly a competition was organised at European level for the design of the common face of the euro coins and, on 16 June 1997, the Amsterdam European Council decided on and made public the winning series. The responsibility for the national faces lies with the Member States, which however had to comply with several common characteristics. Based on Declaration No 6 on monetary relations with the Republic of San Marino, the Vatican City and the Principality of Monaco, annexed to the final Act of Maastricht, the Council on 31 December 1998 adopted three Decisions on the position to be taken by the Community regarding an agreement concerning the monetary relations with the Principality of Monaco(4), the Republic of San Marino(5) and the Vatican City(6), dealing, inter alia, with the introduction the euro coins in these States. In line with these Decisions, Monetary Agreements were concluded between Italy on behalf of the European Community and the Republic of San Marino, as well as the Vatican City, allowing those States, inter alia, to issue euro coins(7). A similar agreement is currently being finalised between France on behalf of the European Community and the Principality of Monaco. Together with the characteristics of the euro coins as described in the Council Regulations, the designs of the common face and of the national faces will be essential for the recognition of the euro coins. Photographs of the common face and the national faces of the euro coins, together with a brief factual description of the design, are hereby published with a view to establishing a reference. >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.000401.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.000501.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.000601.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.000701.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.000801.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.000901.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.001001.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.001101.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.001201.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.001301.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.001401.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.001501.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.001601.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.001701.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.001801.TIF"> >PIC FILE= "C_2001373EN.001901.TIF"> 1. COMMON FACE OF THE EURO COINS 1 EURO CENT - 2 EURO CENT - 5 EURO CENT On the 1 cent, 2 cent and 5 cent coins, the numeral, representing the value of the coin, appears on the left-hand side of the common face. Horizontally, to the upper right of the numeral, appear the words "EURO CENT", the latter placed below the former. The word "CENT" is written in bigger letters with a major capital "C". Below the numeral, six straight lines run diagonally between the lower left-hand side and the upper right-hand side of the face. There are 12 stars superimposed on these lines, one just before the ends of each line. On the lower right-hand side of the face, the globe is superimposed on the mid-section of these lines. The European Union is highlighted on the globe. The initials "LL" of the engraver appear under the last star on the far right hand edge of the coin. 10 EURO CENT - 20 EURO CENT - 50 EURO CENT On the 10 cent, 20 cent and 50 cent coins, the numeral, representing the value of the coin, appears on the right-hand side of the common face. Horizontally, below the numeral, appear the words "EURO CENT", the latter placed below the former. The word "CENT" is written in bigger letters with a major capital "C". Six straight lines run vertically between the lower and upper left hand side of the face. There are 12 stars superimposed on these lines, one just before the ends of each line. Superimposed on the mid- and upper- section of these lines, is a representation of the European Union, on which the 15 Member States are shown separately. The initials "LL" of the engraver appear between the numeral and the edge of the coin, on the right-hand side. 1 EURO - 2 EURO On the 1 euro and the 2 euro coins, the numeral, representing the value of the coin, appears on the left-hand side of the common face. Six straight lines run vertically between the lower and upper right-hand side of the face. There are 12 stars superimposed on these lines, one just before the ends of each line. On the right-hand side of the face is a representation of the European Union, where the borders between Member States are marked with a thin line. The right-hand part of the representation is superimposed on the mid-section of the lines. The word "EURO" is superimposed horizontally across the middle of the right-hand side of the face. Under the "O" of EURO, the initials "LL" of the engraver appear near the right-hand edge of the coin. 2. NATIONAL FACES OF THE EURO COINS - EURO AREA 2.1. BELGIUM ALL COINS Effigy of His Majesty Albert II, King of the Belgians, in profile facing to the left, encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union with the royal monogram to the right, and below it the year. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: 2 **, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. 2.2. GERMANY 1 EURO CENT - 2 EURO CENT - 5 EURO CENT The coins depict a German oak twig surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. Underneath and to either side of the twig are the mint mark on the left and the year of issue on the right. 10 EURO CENT - 20 EURO CENT - 50 EURO CENT The coins depict the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. Below the Gate are the mint mark and the year of issue, one above the other. 1 EURO - 2 EURO Surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union is the federal eagle, the traditional symbol of German sovereignty. Below the eagle is the year of issue in the middle and the mint mark to the right. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT and the design of the federal eagle. 2.3. GREECE 1 EURO CENT An Athenian trireme (an ancient Greek warship) surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. The number 1 and the word ΛΕΠΤΟ (cent) appear below the ship. The year of issue appears top left, with the mint mark (anthemion) immediately below it. 2 EURO CENT A corvette ("dromon", a sailing ship used during the Greek war of independence in 1821) surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. The number 2 and the word ΛΕΠΤΑ (cent) appear below the ship. The mint mark is to the left of the number, with the year of issue at top right. 5 EURO CENT A modern commercial vessel (tanker) is depicted, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. The number 5 and the word ΛΕΠΤΑ (cent) appear above the ship, with the year of issue directly underneath. The mint mark appears on the bottom left, below the ship. 10 EURO CENT Rigas Velestinlis is depicted, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union, three of which are engraved on the lower part of the portrait. The name ΡΗΓΑΣ ΦΕΡΑΙΟΣ (Rigas Fereos) are engraved on the bust above these stars in a semicircle. The year of issue is to the left of the head. The mint mark is positioned top right. The number 10 and, directly below it, the word ΛΕΠΤΑ (cent) appear under the mint mark. 20 EURO CENT Ioannis Capodistrias is depicted, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union, two of which are engraved on the lower part of the portrait, one in the middle and one on the left. Above these stars, the name Ι. ΚΑΠΟΔΙΣΤΡΙΑΣ (Ι. Capodistrias) is engraved on the bust in a semi-circle. To the left of the head, the mint mark appears at the top and, below it, the year of issue. On the right-hand side, the number 20 appears with the word ΛΕΠΤΑ (cent) directly below it. 50 EURO CENT Eleftherios Venizelos is depicted, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union, three of which are engraved on the lower part of the portrait, one in the centre and two on the right. The words ΕΛ. ΒΕΝΙΖΕΛΟΣ (El. Venizelos) are engraved on the bust above these stars in a semi-circle. To the left of the head, the number 50 appears with the word ΛΕΠΤΑ (cent) directly below it, and the year of issue below that. The mint mark is to the right of the head. 1 EURO The inner part of the coin depicts the ancient Athenian 4 drachma coin featuring an owl (a coin within a coin), surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union positioned around the outer circle. The year of issue is written in split form around the star positioned bottom centre, as follows: 20 * 02. The mint mark appears at the top, above the edge of the ancient coin. The number 1 is engraved to the right of the owl (on the ancient coin) with the word ΕΥΡΩ (euro) immediately below it; the final letter (Ω) is in relief on the very edge of the ancient coin. 2 EURO The inner part of the coin depicts a scene from classical mythology: Europa being abducted by Zeus in the shape of a bull, taken from a mosaic in Sparta, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union positioned around the outer circle. The year of issue is written in split form around the star positioned bottom centre, as follows: 20 * 02. The word ΕΥΡΩΠΗ (Europe/Europa) appears in a semi-circle top left. The mint mark appears top right. Below the image, there is the figure 2, its bottom left corner extending slightly onto the outer ring, and next to it the word ΕΥΡΩ (euro). Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ * (HELLENIC REPUBLIC). 2.4. SPAIN 1 EURO CENT - 2 EURO CENT - 5 EURO CENT The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela is pictured in the centre with, on the left, in a semi-circle reading from bottom to top the word ESPAÑA; the mint mark is on the right and the year of minting is shown between the towers. The whole design is encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union, five of which (those in the 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 o' clock positions) stand out in relief in a section of the circle. 10 EURO CENT - 20 EURO CENT - 50 EURO CENT The bust of Don Miguel de Cervantes is pictured to the right of centre; the name CERVANTES appears on the left in a semi-circle, alongside a schematic quill. This is topped by the word ESPAÑA, written horizontally. The year of minting is under the bust of Cervantes and the mint mark to the left of the date. The whole design is encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union, four of which (those in the 12, 1, 2 and 3 o' clock positions) stand out in relief in a section of the circle. 1 EURO - 2 EURO The bust of His Majesty King Juan Carlos I is pictured in the centre with, to the left, a semi-circle standing out in relief and bearing the word ESPAÑA; below this semi-circle is the mint mark. The design is encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union, four of which (those in the 1, 2, 3 and 4 o' clock positions) stand out in relief in a section of the circle. The year of minting again appears at the bottom of the coin, with the four digits separated into two groups by a central star. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: 2 * *, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. 2.5. FRANCE 1 EURO CENT - 2 EURO CENT - 5 EURO CENT The 12 stars of the European Union surround the new Marianne, signed by F. Courtiade, an engraver at the Paris Mint, and to the right from top to bottom are the initials of the French Republic (RF), the mint marks of the Paris Mint and the year. 10 EURO CENT - 20 EURO CENT - 50 EURO CENT Following the tradition of Oscar Roty's sower created in 1898, the coin depicts a modern sower, redesigned by L. Jorio, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union against a background of diagonal lines; to the left are horizontal lines and the year, to the right, vertical lines and the initials of the French Republic (RF), and at the bottom, the mint marks of the Paris mint. 1 EURO - 2 EURO Within a hexagon surrounded by the motto "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité", the tree signed by J. Jimenez puts out its roots and branches, sheltering the initials of the French Republic (RF), towards the 12 stars of the European Union on the ring, which also depicts, within intersecting lines, the mint marks of the Paris Mint at the top and the year at the bottom. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: 2 * *, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. 2.6. IRELAND ALL COINS The Irish coin shows the harp, between the word Éire on the left and the year of issue on the right, ringed by the 12 stars of the European Union. The form of the harp is that which has appeared on all Irish coins since the first issue in 1928. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: 2 * *, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. 2.7. ITALY 1 EURO CENT Reproduction of Castel del Monte, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. On the upper side 2002, on the bottom centre overlapping letters "R" and "I"; on the bottom left the letter "R"; on the bottom right the author's initials, the overlapping letters "ED". 2 EURO CENT Reproduction of Mole Antonelliana, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the left the overlapping letters "R" and "I"; on the right 2002 above the letter "R"; and on the bottom the author's initials, the overlapping letters "LDS". 5 EURO CENT Reproduction of the Coliseum in Rome, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the upper left letter "R"; on the upper right the overlapping letters "R" and "I"; on the bottom 2002, and the author's initials "ELF". 10 EURO CENT Reproduction of a detail of Sandro Botticelli's "Nascita di Venere", surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the left the overlapping letters "R" and "I" and 2002; on the right the letter "R"; on the bottom left the author's initials "CM". 20 EURO CENT Reproduction of Umberto Boccioni's sculpture "Forme uniche di continuità nello spazio", surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the left the overlapping letters "R" and "I"; on the right the letter "R" and 2002; on the bottom the author's initials "MAC". 50 EURO CENT Reproduction of Michelangelo's paving of Campidoglio square, with Marco Aurelio's equestrian statue in the middle, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the upper right the overlapping letters "R" and "I"; on the upper left the letter "R"; on the bottom centre 2002, on the bottom right the author's initial "m". 1 EURO Reproduction of Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the top the overlapping letters "R" and "I"; on the left the letter "R"; on the right 2002; on the bottom left the author's initials, the overlapping letters "LC". 2 EURO Dante Alighieri's portrait, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the left overlapping the letters "R" and "I", and 2002; on the bottom left the letter "R"; under the portrait the author's initials, "MCC". Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: 2 * *, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. 2.8. LUXEMBOURG 1 EURO CENT - 2 EURO CENT - 5 EURO CENT In the classical style and signed with the engraver's initials "GC", the effigy of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Henri, in profile facing to the right, is surrounded above by the 12 stars and below by the word LËTZEBUERG and the year 2002, between the two mint marks. 10 EURO CENT - 20 EURO CENT - 50 EURO CENT In the traditional linear style and signed with the engraver's initials "GC", the effigy of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Henri, in profile facing to the right, is surrounded to the left by the word LËTZEBUERG and to the right by the 12 stars. The year 2002, between the two mint marks, is on the left. 1 EURO - 2 EURO The coin is divided in two by a vertical line. The 12 stars, in between which are inserted the engraver's initials "GC", surround the centre where, on the left, from bottom to top, between the two mint marks, are the year 2002 and the word LËTZEBUERG. On the right is the effigy of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Henri, in profile facing to the right, in "new style" linear graphics. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: 2 * *, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. 2.9. THE NETHERLANDS 1 EURO CENT - 2 EURO CENT - 5 EURO CENT 10 EURO CENT - 20 EURO CENT - 50 EURO CENT The portrait of Her Majesty the Queen can be seen surrounded by dots and 12 stars. Around the edge, beginning to the left of the centre, the following can be seen: the words "BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN" ("Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands"), the mark of the Royal Dutch Mint, the year and the mark of the National Mint Director. 1 EURO - 2 EURO The portrait of Her Majesty the Queen can be seen to the left of the centre. Twelve stars can be seen at the left side of the edge. On the right side there are three vertical lines reading "BEATRIX", "KONINGIN DER" "NEDERLANDEN", all of which are underlined. Between the three lines, near the lower edge, are the marks of the National Mint Director and the Royal Dutch Mint. The year appears horizontally under the name "BEATRIX". Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: GOD * ZIJ * MET * ONS * ("God be with us"). 2.10. AUSTRIA 1 EURO CENT The coin depicts the gentian surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. Below the alpine flower is the heraldic representation of the Austrian colours, red-white-red, and above it to the right, the year of issue. The encircling lettering reads "EIN EURO CENT". 2 EURO CENT The coin depicts the edelweiss surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. To the left of the alpine flower's stalk is the heraldic representation of the Austrian colours, red-white-red, and above it, the year of issue. The encircling lettering reads "ZWEI EURO CENT". 5 EURO CENT The coin depicts the primula surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. Behind the flower's stalk is the heraldic representation of the Austrian colours, red-white-red, with the year of issue to the right. The encircling lettering reads "FÜNF EURO CENT". 10 EURO CENT The coin depicts a view of the spires of St Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. To the left is the lettering "10 EURO CENT" and underneath it the heraldic representation of the Austrian colours, red-white-red, with the year of issue to the right. 20 EURO CENT The coin depicts the Belvedere Palace in Vienna and its wrought iron gate surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. Beneath it is the figure "20", the heraldic representation of the Austrian colours, red-white-red, and the year of issue. The lettering "EURO CENT" forms an arch above the gate. 50 EURO CENT The coin depicts the Secession exhibition building in Vienna surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union. The lettering "50 EURO CENT", the year of issue and, next to it, the heraldic representation of the Austrian colours, red-white-red, form an arch above the dome. 1 EURO The 12 stars of the European Union surround the portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with his signature at shoulder level. To the left is the year of issue, and to the right from top to bottom is the figure "1", the word "EURO" and the heraldic representation of the Austrian colours, red-white-red. 2 EURO The 12 stars of the European Union surround the portrait of Bertha von Suttner, Austrian winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (1905). To the right is the year of issue, and to the left, one above the other, are the figure "2", the word "EURO" and the heraldic representation of the Austrian colours, red-white-red. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: 2 EURO ***, repeated four times, alternately upright and inverted. 2.11. PORTUGAL ALL COINS The centrepieces of the designs for the 1 and 2 euro, the 10, 20 and 50 cent and the 1, 2 and 5 cent coin series are three royal seals of the first King of Portugal, Dom Afonso Henriques, encircled by castles and coats of arms facing each of the stars of the European Union. On the upper part of the inner circle appears the word "PORTUGAL", and on the lower part the year of issue. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: five coats of arms and seven castles equally spaced. 2.12. FINLAND 1 EURO CENT - 2 EURO CENT - 5 EURO CENT 10 EURO CENT - 20 EURO CENT - 50 EURO CENT These coins depict the Finnish heraldic lion. The year appears to the left of the lion just below its left paw. There is a letter "M" below the sword hilt, which is directly below the lion's legs. The design is encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union. 1 EURO This coin depicts two swans flying over a Finnish landscape. The year appears on the right-hand side of the coin in front of a hill. There is a letter "M" on the left-hand side of the coin just above the landscape. The design is circled by the 12 stars of the European Union. 2 EURO This coin depicts cloudberries and cloudberry flowers. The year appears under the flowers and there is a letter "M" on the right-hand side of the coin just below the stem of the flowers. The design is circled by the 12 stars of the European Union. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: SUOMI FINLAND * * *, where the * stands for a lion head. 3. NATIONAL FACE OF THE EURO COINS - THIRD STATES 3.1. MONACO 1 EURO CENT - 2 EURO CENT - 5 EURO CENT The inner part of the coin depicts the coat of arms of the Sovereign Princes of Monaco. "MONACO" is engraved around the top circumference, and the year around the bottom, between the mint marks of the Paris Mint on the left and the Engraver General on the right, while the 12 stars are depicted on the sides, six on the left and six on the right. 10 EURO CENT - 20 EURO CENT - 50 EURO CENT The inner part of the coin depicts the Prince's seal. "MONACO" is engraved around the top circumference and the year around the bottom, between the mint marks of the Paris Mint on the left and the Engraver General on the right, while the 12 stars are depicted on the sides, six on the left and six on the right. 1 EURO The inner part of the coin shows a double portrait of Prince Rainier III and Prince Albert, in profile facing to the right. "MONACO" is engraved around the top circumference and the year around the bottom, between the mint marks of the Paris Mint on the left and the Engraver General on the right, while the 12 stars are depicted on the sides, six on the left and six on the right. 2 EURO The inner part of the coin depicts His Highness, Prince Rainier III, in profile facing to the right. "MONACO" is engraved around the top circumference and the year around the bottom, between the mint marks of the Paris Mint on the left and the Engraver General on the right, whilst the 12 stars are depicted on the sides, six on the left and six on the right. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: 2 **, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. 3.2. SAN MARINO 1 EURO CENT The Third Tower, Montale, with, on the left, the date 2002 and the letter "R" and, on the right, the legend "SAN MARINO" and the designer's initials "CH"; encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the bottom right, the engraver's initials "ELF" and the abbreviation "INC". 2 EURO CENT The Statue of Liberty with, on the left, the legend "SAN MARINO" and the designer's initials "CH" and, on the right, the letter "R" and the date 2002; encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the bottom right, the engraver's initials "ELF" and the abbreviation "INC". 5 EURO CENT The First Tower, Guaita, with, at the top, the date 2002, the legend "SAN MARINO", the letter "R" and the designer's initials "CH"; encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the bottom right, the engraver's initials "ELF" and the abbreviation "INC". 10 EURO CENT The Basilica of Saint Marino with, at the top, the legend "SAN MARINO", the date 2002 and the designer's initials "CH" and at the bottom the letter "R"; encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the bottom right, the engraver's initials "ELF" and the abbreviation "INC". 20 EURO CENT The Saint Marino based on a canvas of the Guercino school with, on the left, the designer's initials "CH" and the legend "SAN MARINO" and, on the right, the date 2002 and the letter "R"; encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the bottom right, the engraver's initials "ELF" and the abbreviation "INC". 50 EURO CENT The Three Towers; (Guaita, Cesta and Montale) with, at the top, the date 2002 and the legend "SAN MARINO", and the designer's initials "CH" and the letter "R"; encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the bottom right, the engraver's initials "ELF" and the abbreviation "INC". 1 EURO The Republic's official coat of arms with, at the top, the date 2002 and the letter "R" and, at the bottom, the legend "SAN MARINO" and the designer's initials "CH"; encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the bottom right, the engraver's initials "ELF" and the abbreviation "INC". 2 EURO The Government Building (Palazzo Pubblico) with, on the left, the date 2002 and the letter "R" and, on the right, the legend "SAN MARINO" and the designer's initials "CH"; encircled by the 12 stars of the European Union; on the bottom right, the engraver's initials "ELF" and the abbreviation "INC". Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: 2 *, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. 3.3. VATICAN 1 EURO CENT - 2 EURO CENT - 5 EURO CENT Effigy of His Holiness John Paul II, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, in profile facing to the left. "CITTÀ DEL VATICANO" is engraved around the top circumference, and the year 2002 at the bottom, whilst the 12 stars are depicted on the sides, six on the left and six on the right. The letter "R" is placed above the year of issue and the designer's initials "GV" and the engraver's initials "UP" appear between the second and fourth stars at the bottom right. 10 EURO CENT - 20 EURO CENT - 50 EURO CENT Effigy of His Holiness John Paul II, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, in profile facing to the left. "CITTÀ DEL VATICANO" is engraved around the left circumference, and the year 2002 at the bottom, whilst the 12 stars are depicted around the right circumference. The letter "R" is placed above the year of issue and the designer's initials "GV" and the engraver's initials "UP" appear between the third and fifth stars at the bottom right. 1 EURO - 2 EURO Effigy of His Holiness John Paul II, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, in profile facing to the left. "CITTÀ DEL VATICANO" followed by the year 2002 is engraved around the bottom of the outer part, whilst the 12 stars are depicted around the top. The letter "R" is placed above the year of issue and the designer's initials "GV" and the engraver's initials "UP" appear at the right-hand edge of the inner part. Edge lettering of the 2 euro coin: 2 *, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted. (1) OJ L 139, 11.5.1998, p. 6. (2) OJ L 52, 27.2.1999, p. 2. (3) OJ L 139, 11.5.1998, p. 1. (4) Decision 1999/96/EC (OJ L 30, 4.2.1999, p. 31). (5) Decision 1999/97/EC (OJ L 30, 4.2.1999, p. 33). (6) Decision 1999/98/EC (OJ L 30, 4.2.1999, p. 35). (7) Monetary Agreement between the Italian Republic, on behalf of the European Community, and the Republic of San Marino (OJ C 209, 27.7.2001, p. 1); Monetary Agreement between the Italian Republic, on behalf of the European Community, and the Vatican City (OJ C 299, 25.10.2001, p. 1).