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Document 32005D0931
2005/931/EC: Commission Decision of 21 December 2005 releasing Finland and Sweden from the obligation to apply to Council Directive 68/193/EEC on the marketing of material for the vegetative propagation of the vine (notified under document number C(2005) 5469)
2005/931/EC: Commission Decision of 21 December 2005 releasing Finland and Sweden from the obligation to apply to Council Directive 68/193/EEC on the marketing of material for the vegetative propagation of the vine (notified under document number C(2005) 5469)
2005/931/EC: Commission Decision of 21 December 2005 releasing Finland and Sweden from the obligation to apply to Council Directive 68/193/EEC on the marketing of material for the vegetative propagation of the vine (notified under document number C(2005) 5469)
OJ L 340, 23.12.2005, p. 67–67
(ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)
OJ L 349M, 12.12.2006, p. 708–708
No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 09/11/2010; Repealed by 32010D0680 The end of validity date is based on the date of publication of the repealing act taking effect on the date of its notification. The repealing act was notified but the date of notification is not available on EUR-Lex – the date of publication is used instead.
23.12.2005 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 340/67 |
of 21 December 2005
releasing Finland and Sweden from the obligation to apply to Council Directive 68/193/EEC on the marketing of material for the vegetative propagation of the vine
(notified under document number C(2005) 5469)
(Only the Finnish and Swedish texts are authentic)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Council Directive 68/193/EEC of 9 April 1968 on the marketing of material for the vegetative propagation of the vine (1), and in particular Article 18a thereof,
Having regard to the requests submitted by Finland and Sweden,
(1) |
Directive 68/193/EEC sets out certain provisions for the marketing of material for the propagation of the vine. This Directive also provides that, subject to certain conditions, Member States may be wholly or partly released from the obligation to apply this Directive. |
(2) |
Material for the propagation of the vine is not normally reproduced or marketed in Finland and Sweden. In addition the growing of vine is of minimal economic importance in the abovementioned countries. |
(3) |
As long as those conditions remain, the relevant Member States should be released from the obligation to apply the provision of Directive 68/193/EEC to the material in question. |
(4) |
The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Seeds and Propagating Material for Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry, |
Article 1
Finland and Sweden are hereby released from the obligation to apply Directive 68/193/EEC, with the exception of Article 12(1) and Article 12a.
Article 2
This Decision is addressed to the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden.
Done at Brussels, 21 December 2005.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
(1) OJ L 93, 17.4.1968, p. 15. Directive as last amended by Commission Directive 2005/43/EC (OJ L 164, 24.6.2005, p. 37).