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Document L:2021:300:TOC

Official Journal of the European Union, L 300, 24 August 2021

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ISSN 1977-0677

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 300

European flag  

English edition


Volume 64
24 August 2021



II   Non-legislative acts







Information relating to the entry into force of the Agreement between the European Union and Antigua and Barbuda amending the Agreement between the European Community and Antigua and Barbuda on the short-stay visa waiver







Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1384 of 13 August 2021 on the request for registration of the European citizens’ initiative entitled ‘ReturnthePlastics: A Citizen’s Initiative to implement an EU-wide deposit-system to recycle plastic bottles’ pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/788 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021) 5953)




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1385 of 17 August 2021 renewing the authorisation for the placing on the market of feed and products other than food and feed containing or consisting of genetically modified oilseed rape GT73 (MON-ØØØ73-7) pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021) 5992)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1386 of 17 August 2021 authorising the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified soybean DAS-81419-2 pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021) 5993)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1387 of 17 August 2021 authorising the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified soybean DAS-81419-2 × DAS–44406–6, pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021)5994)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1388 of 17 August 2021 authorising the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified maize 1507 × MIR162 × MON810 × NK603 and genetically modified maize combining two or three of the single events 1507, MIR162, MON810 and NK603, pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021)5995)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1389 of 17 August 2021 authorising the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified cotton GHB614 × T304-40 × GHB119 pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021)5996)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1390 of 17 August 2021 authorising the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified maize MZIR098 (SYN-ØØØ98-3), pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021)5997)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1391 of 17 August 2021 authorising the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified oilseed rapes Ms8 × Rf3 × GT73, Ms8 × GT73 and Rf3 × GT73 pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021)5998)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1392 of 17 August 2021 renewing the authorisation for the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified maize Bt 11 (SYN-BTØ11-1) pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021)5999)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1393 of 17 August 2021 renewing the authorisation for the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified maize MON 88017 × MON 810 (MON-88Ø17-3 × MON-ØØ81Ø-6) pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021)6001)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1394 of 17 August 2021 authorising the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified maize MON 87427 × MON 87460 × MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 87411 × 59122 and genetically modified maize combining two, three, four or five of the single events MON 87427, MON 87460, MON 89034, 1507, MON 87411 and 59122, pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2021)6002)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1395 of 20 August 2021 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/641 concerning emergency measures in relation to outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (notified under document C(2021) 6253)  ( 1 )




Decision (EU) 2021/1396 of the European Central Bank of 13 August 2021 amending Decision ECB/2014/29 on the provision to the European Central Bank of supervisory data reported to the national competent authorities by the supervised entities pursuant to Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) No 680/2014 and (EU) 2016/2070 (ECB/2021/39)







Decision No 1/EC/2021 of 28 July 2021 of the Joint Committee set up under the Agreement on Mutual Recognition between the European Community and Japan related to the registration of a conformity assessment body under the Sectoral Annex on Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and Radio Equipment [2021/1397]




(1)   Text with EEA relevance.


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
