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Document 32019D0806

Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/806 of 17 May 2019 amending Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria


OJ L 132, 20.5.2019, p. 36–46 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

Legal status of the document In force




Official Journal of the European Union

L 132/36


of 17 May 2019

amending Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria


Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 29 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,



On 31 May 2013 the Council adopted Decision 2013/255/CFSP (1).


On 28 May 2018 the Council adopted Decision (CFSP) 2018/778 (2), extending the restrictive measures set out in Decision 2013/255/CFSP until 1 June 2019.


On the basis of a review, the Council decided that the restrictive measures should be extended until 1 June 2020.


The entries for 59 persons subject to restrictive measures as set out in Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP should be amended.


Nine entries should be deleted from the list of designated persons and entities.


Following the judgments of the General Court of 31 January 2019 in Case T-667/17, Alkarim for Trade and Industry v Council, and in Case T-559/17, Abdulkarim v Council, Alkarim for Trade and Industry and Mouhamad Wael Abdulkarim are not included in the list of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures in Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP.


Decision 2013/255/CFSP should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1

Decision 2013/255/CFSP is amended as follows:


Article 34 is replaced by the following:

‘Article 34

This Decision shall apply until 1 June 2020. It shall be kept under constant review. It may be renewed, or amended as appropriate, if the Council deems that its objectives have not been met.’;


Annex I is amended as set out in the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Done at Brussels, 17 May 2019.

For the Council

The President


(1)  Council Decision 2013/255/CFSP of 31 May 2013 concerning restrictive measures against Syria (OJ L 147, 1.6.2013, p. 14).

(2)  Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/778 of 28 May 2018 amending Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria (OJ L 131, 29.5.2018, p. 16)


Annex I to Decision 2013/255/CFSP is amended as follows:


Part A (‘Persons’) is amended as follows:


the following entries replace the corresponding entries in the list:



Identifying information


Date of listing


Muhammad (

Image 1

) Dib (

Image 2

) Zaytun (

Image 3

) (a.k.a. Mohammed Dib Zeitoun; a.k.a. Mohamed Dib Zeitun)

Date of birth: 20.5.1951;

Place of birth: Jubba, Damascus province, Syria;

Diplomatic passport No D000001300;

Gender: male

Head of General Security Directorate; involved in violence against demonstrators.



Amjad (

Image 4

) Abbas (

Image 5

) (a.k.a. Al-Abbas)

Gender: male

Former head of Political Security in Banyas, involved in violence against demonstrators in Baida. Promoted to the rank of Colonel in 2018.



Jamil (

Image 6

) (a.k.a. Jameel) Hassan (

Image 7

) (a.k.a. al-Hassan)

Date of birth: 7.7.1953;

Place of birth: Qusayr, Homs province, Syria;

Head of Syrian Air Force Intelligence;

Gender: male

Officer of the rank of Major-General in the Syrian Air Force in post after May 2011. Head of Syrian Air Force Intelligence in post after May 2011. Responsible for violent repression against the civilian population in Syria.



Brigadier General Mohammed Bilal (a.k.a. Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Bilal)

Gender: male

As a senior officer in the Air Force Intelligence Service of Syria, he supports the Syrian regime and he is responsible for the violent repression against the civilian population. He is also associated with the listed Scientific Studies Research Centre (SSRC).

Head of Tartus police since December 2018.



Bassam (

Image 8

) Al Hassan (

Image 9

) (a.k.a. Al Hasan)

Born: 1961

Gender: male

Presidential Advisor for Strategic Affairs; involved in violence against the civilian population.



Major General Tawfiq (

Image 10

) (a.k.a. Tawfik) Younes (

Image 11

) (a.k.a. Yunes)

Gender: male

Former head of the Department for Internal Security of the General Intelligence Directorate; involved in violence against the civilian population.



Nizar (

Image 12

) al-Asaad (

Image 13

) (a.k.a. Nizar Asaad)

Gender: male

Leading Syrian businessperson with close ties to the regime. Cousin of Bashar Al-Assad, and associated with the Assad and Makhlouf families.

As such, has been participating in, benefitting from or otherwise supporting the Syrian regime.

Leading oil investor and previously head of the ‘Nizar Oilfield Supplies’ company.



Ali (

Image 14

) Douba (

Image 15


Born: 1933;

Place of birth: Karfis, Syria;

Gender: Male

Special Advisor to President Al-Assad.

As Special Advisor, participates in, benefits from, and supports the Assad regime. Has been involved in violently repressing the civilian population in Syria.



Samir (

Image 16

) Hassan (

Image 17


Gender: male

Leading businessperson operating in Syria, with interests and/or activities in multiple sectors of Syria's economy. He holds interests in and/or has significant influence in the Amir Group and Cham Holdings, two conglomerates with interests in the real estate, tourism, transport and finance sectors. From March 2014 until September 2018, he held the position of Chairman for Russia of the Bilateral Business Councils following his appointment by Minister of Economy, Khodr Orfali.

Samir Hassan supports the regime's war effort with cash donations.

Samir Hassan is associated with persons benefitting from or supporting the regime. In particular, he is associated with Rami Makhlouf and Issam Anbouba, who have been designated by the Council and benefit from the Syrian regime.



Fares (

Image 18

) Chehabi (

Image 19

) (a.k.a. Fares Shihabi; Fares Chihabi)

Son of Ahmad Chehabi;

Date of birth: 7.5.1972;

Gender: male

President of Aleppo Chamber of Industry; Chairman of the Federation of Chambers of Industry since 16.12.2018. Vice-chairman of Cham Holding. Provides economic support to the Syrian regime. Member of Syrian Parliament since 2016.



Issam (

Image 20

) Anbouba (

Image 21


President of Anbouba for Agricultural Industries Co.;

Born: 1952; Place of birth: Homs, Syria;

Gender: male

Providing financial support for the repressive apparatus and the paramilitary groups exerting violence against the civil population in Syria. Providing property (premises, warehouses) for improvised detention centers. Financial relations with high Syrian officials. Co-founder and member of the board of Cham Holding.



Colonel Lu'ai (

Image 22

) (a.k.a. Louay, Loai) al-Ali (

Image 23


Place of birth: Jablah, Latakia Province;

Gender: male

Head of Syrian Military Intelligence, Dara'a Branch. Responsible for the violence against protesters in Dara'a.



Major General Ali (

Image 24

) Barakat (

Image 25


Gender: male

103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard Division. Military official involved in the violence in Homs. Promoted to Major General in 2017.



Major General Talal (

Image 26

) Makhluf (

Image 27

) (a.k.a. Makhlouf)

Gender: male

Former commander of the 105th Brigade of the Republican Guards. Former commander general of the Republican Guards. Current commander of the 2nd Corps. Member of the Syrian Armed Forces of the rank of Major General in post after May 2011. Military official involved in the violence in Damascus.



Major General Mohamed (

Image 28

) (a.k.a. Mohammad, Muhammad, Mohammed) Khaddor (

Image 29

) (a.k.a. Khaddour, Khaddur, Khadour, Khudour)

Commander of the 106th Brigade, Presidential Guard;

Gender: male

Gave orders to troops to beat the protesters with sticks and then arrest them. Responsible for repression of peaceful protestors in Douma.



Mohamed (

Image 30

) (a.k.a. Mohammad, Muhammad, Mohammed) Heikmat (

Image 31

) (a.k.a. Hikmat, Hekmat) Ibrahim (

Image 32


Gender: male

As former Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, was responsible for detention and torture of detainees.



Brigadier General Burhan (

Image 33

) Qadour (

Image 34

) (a.k.a. Qaddour, Qaddur)

Gender: male

Former head of Branch 291 (Damascus) of the army's intelligence service. Responsible for the torture of opponents in custody.



Brigadier General Suhail (

Image 35

) (a.k.a. Suheil) Al-Abdullah (

Image 36

) (a.k.a. Al-Abdallah)

Gender: male

Head of the Latakia Branch of the air force's intelligence service. Responsible for the torture of opponents in custody.



Major General Hussam (

Image 37

) (a.k.a. Husam, Housam, Houssam) Luqa (

Image 38

) (a.k.a. Louqa, Louca, Louka, Luka)

Born: 1964;

Place of birth: Damascus;

Gender: male

From April 2012 to 2.12.2018, was head of the Homs branch of the Political Security Directorate (succeeded Brig. Gen. Nasr al-Ali). Since 3.12.2018, head of the Political Security Directorate. Responsible for the torture of opponents in custody.



Ahmed (

Image 39

) (a.k.a. Ahmad) al-Jarroucheh (

Image 40

) (a.k.a. Al-Jarousha, Al-Jarousheh, Al-Jaroucha, Al-Jarouchah, Al-Jaroucheh)

Born: 1957;

Gender: male

Former head of the foreign branch of General Intelligence (branch 279). As such, responsible for General Intelligence arrangements in Syrian embassies.



Dr. Hazwan (

Image 41

) Al Wez (

Image 42

) (a.k.a. Al Wazz)

Gender: male

Former Minister of Education, appointed in July 2016.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Bishr Riyad Yazigi

Born: 1972;

Gender: male

Advisor to the President of Syria. Former Minister of Tourism. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Hilal Hilal (a.k.a. Hilal al-Hilal) (

Image 43


Born: 1966;

Gender: male

Member of the regime-affiliated militias known as ‘Kataeb al-Baath’ (The Baath Party militia). Vice-Chairman of the Baath Party. Supports the regime through his role in the recruitment and organisation of the Baath Party militia.



Bishr al-Sabban (a.k.a Mohammed Bishr Al-Sabban; Bishr Mazin Al-Sabban)

Born: 1966;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic;

Gender: male

Former Governor of Damascus, who was appointed by, and is associated with, Bashar al-Assad. Supports the regime and is responsible for the violent repression against the civilian population in Syria, including engaging in discriminatory practices against Sunni communities within the capital.



Ahmad Sheik Abdul-Qader

(a.k.a Ahmad Sheikh Abdul Qadir; Ahmad al-Sheik Abdulquader) (

Image 44

Gender: male

Former Governor of Quneitra, associated with and appointed by Bashar al-Assad. Previously Governor of Latakia. Supports and benefits from the regime, including by public support for the Syrian Armed Forces and pro-regime militia.



Dr Ghassan Omar Khalaf (

Image 45


Gender: male

Former Governor of Hama, who was appointed by, and is associated with, Bashar al-Assad. He also supports and benefits from the regime. Ghassan Omar Khalaf is closely associated with members of a regime-affiliated militia in Hama known as the Hama Brigade.



Khayr al-Din al-Sayyed (a.k.a Khayr al-Din Abdul-Sattar al-Sayyed; Mohamed Khair al-Sayyed; Kheredden al-Sayyed; Khairuddin as-Sayyed; Khaireddin al-Sayyed; Kheir Eddin al-Sayyed; Kheir Eddib Asayed) (

Image 46


Gender: male

Former Governor of Idlib, associated with and appointed by Bashar al-Assad. Benefits from and supports the regime, including by providing support for Syrian Armed Forces and pro-regime militia. Associated with the regime's Minister of Awqaf, Dr Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al-Sayyed, who is his brother.



Atef Naddaf (

Image 47


Born: 1956;

Place of birth: Damascus Countryside;

Gender: male

Minister of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection.

Appointed in November 2018.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Hussein Makhlouf (a.k.a. Makhluf) (

Image 48


Born: 1964;

Place of birth: Lattakia;

Gender: male

Local Administration Minister.

Appointed in July 2016.

Former Governor of Damascus Governorate.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.

Cousin of Rami Makhlouf.



Ali Al-Zafir (

Image 49


Born: 1962;

Place of birth: Tartus;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Communications and Technology. As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Ali Ghanem (

Image 50


Born: 1963;

Place of birth: Damascus;

Gender: male

Minister for Petroleum and Mineral Resources.

Appointed in July 2016.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Mohammed (a.k.a. Mohamed, Muhammad, Mohammad) al-Ahmed (a.k.a. al-Ahmad) (

Image 51


Born: 1961;

Place of birth: Lattakia;

Gender: male

Culture Minister.

Appointed in July 2016.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Ali Hamoud (a.k.a. Hammoud) (

Image 52


Born: 1964;

Place of birth: Tartus;

Gender: male

Transport Minister.

Appointed in July 2016.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Mohammed Zuhair (a.k.a. Zahir) Kharboutli (

Image 53


Place of birth: Damascus;

Gender: male

Electricity Minister.

Appointed in July 2016.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Maamoun (a.k.a. Ma'moun) Hamdan (

Image 54


Born: 1958;

Place of birth: Damascus;

Gender: male

Finance Minister.

Appointed in July 2016.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Nabil al-Hasan (a.k.a. al-Hassan) (

Image 55


Born: 1963;

Place of birth: Aleppo;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Water Resources.

Appointed in July 2016.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Abdullah al-Gharbi (a.k.a. al-Qirbi) (

Image 56


Born: 1962;

Place of birth: Damascus;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection.

Appointed in July 2016.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Abdullah Abdullah (

Image 57


Born: 1956;

Gender: male

State Minister.

Appointed in July 2016.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Salwa Abdullah (

Image 58


Born: 1953;

Place of birth: Quneitra;

Gender: female

State Minister.

Appointed in July 2016.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Rafe'a Abu Sa'ad (a.k.a. Saad) (

Image 59


Born: 1954;

Place of birth: Habran village (Sweida province);

Gender: male

State Minister.

Appointed in July 2016.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Wafiqa Hosni (

Image 60


Born: 1952;

Place of birth: Damascus;

Gender: female

State Minister.

Appointed in July 2016.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Rima Al-Qadiri (a.k.a. Al-Kadiri) (

Image 61


Born: 1963;

Place of birth: Damascus;

Gender: female

Minister for Social Affairs (since August 2015).

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Duraid Durgham

Gender: male

Former Governor of the Central Bank of Syria.

Was responsible for providing economic and financial support to the Syrian regime through his functions as the Governor of the Central Bank of Syria, which is also listed.



Ali Wanus

(a.k.a.: Ali Wannous) (

Image 62

Date of birth: 5.2.1964;

Title: Major General;

Gender: male

Holds the rank of Major General, in post after May 2011.

As a senior military officer he is responsible for the violent repression against the civilian population and involved in the storage and deployment of chemical weapons.

He is also associated with the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Centre, a listed entity.



Mohamed Mazen Ali Yousef (

Image 63


Date of birth: 17.5.1969;

Place of birth: Damascus countryside;

Gender: male

Former Minister of Industry. Appointed in January 2018.

As a former Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Jamal Eddin Mohammed Nazer (a.k.a.

Image 64

; Nazir Ahmad, Mohammed JamalEddine)

Gender: male;

Position: Cofounder and majority shareholder of Apex Development and Projects LLC and founder of A'ayan Company for Projects and Equipment;

Date of birth: 2.1.1962;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic;

Nationality: Syrian;

Passport number: N 011612445, issue no. 002-17-L022286 (place of issue: Syrian Arab Republic);

ID Number: 010-30208342 (Place of issue: Syrian Arab Republic)

Leading businessperson operating in Syria with significant investments in the construction industry, including a controlling 90 % stake in Apex Development and Projects LLC, which has entered into a USD 34,8 million joint venture for the construction of Marota City, a regime-backed luxury residential and commercial development. Through his participation in the Marota City development, Jamal Eddin Mohammed Nazer benefits from and/or supports the Syrian regime.



Hayan Kaddour (a.k.a. Hayyan Kaddour bin Mohammed Nazem; Hayan Mohammad Nazem Qaddour)

Gender: male;

Position: Primary Shareholder of Exceed Development and Investment Company;

Date of birth: 14.7.1970 or 24.7.1970;

Place of birth: Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic;

Nationality: Syrian, Swiss;

Passport number: No X4662433 (Place of issue: Switzerland); N 004599905 (place of issue: Syrian Arab Republic)

Leading businessperson operating in Syria, who holds a 67 % stake in Exceed Development and Investment, which has entered into a USD 17,7 million joint venture for the construction of Marota City, a regime-backed luxury residential and commercial development. Through his participation in the Marota City development, Hayan Mohammad Nazem Qaddour benefits from and/or supports the Syrian regime.



Major General Mohammad Khaled al-Rahmoun

Born: 1957;

Place of birth: Idleb;

Gender: male

Minister of Interior.

Appointed in November 2018.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Mohammad Rami Radwan Martini

Born: 1970;

Place of birth: Aleppo;

Gender: male

Minister of Tourism.

Appointed in November 2018.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Imad Muwaffaq al-Azab

Born: 1970;

Place of birth: Damascus Countryside;

Gender: male

Minister of Education.

Appointed in November 2018.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Bassam Bashir Ibrahim

Born: 1960;

Place of birth: Hama;

Gender: male

Minister of Higher Education.

Appointed in November 2018.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Suhail Mohammad Abdullatif

Born: 1961;

Place of birth: Lattakia;

Gender: male

Minister of Public Works and Housing.

Appointed in November 2018.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Iyad Mohammad al-Khatib

Born: 1974;

Place of birth: Damascus;

Gender: male

Minister of communications and Technology.

Appointed in November 2018.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



Mohammad Maen Zein-al-Abidin Jazba

Born: 1962;

Place of birth: Aleppo;

Gender: male

Minister of Industry.

Appointed in November 2018.

As Government Minister, shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.



the following entries are deleted:


Lt. General Fahid Al-Jassim;


Brigadier General Ahmed Yousef Jarad;


Brigadier General Mohsin Makhlouf;


Major General Suheil Salman Hassan;


Omran Ahed Al Zu'bi;


Mohammed Turki Al Sayed;


Isam Zahr Al-Din;


entries 264 to 269 are renumbered as follows:

Name of person

Current entry number

New entry number

Anas Talas



Jamal Eddin Mohammed Nazer



Mazin Al-Tarazi



Samer Foz



Khaldoun Al-Zoubi



Hussam Al-Qatirji




in Part B (‘Entities’), the following entries are deleted:


Drex Technologies Holding S.A;


DK Group.
