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Document 52012SC0138
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from expsoure to ionising radiation
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from expsoure to ionising radiation
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from expsoure to ionising radiation
/* SWD/2012/0138 final - NLE 2011/0254 */
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from expsoure to ionising radiation /* SWD/2012/0138 final - NLE 2011/0254 */
Accompanying the document COUNCIL DIRECTIVE laying down basic safety standards
for protection against the dangers arising from expsoure to ionising radiation 1. Problem definition 1.1. Introduction Exposure to ionising radiation results in a
health detriment. In normal situations doses are very low so that there is no
clinically observable tissue effect, but there still is a possible late effect,
cancer in particular. It is assumed that any exposure, however small, can be
the cause of cancer later in life. This calls for a specific approach in
radiation protection, which has been established for many decades by the
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). The need to protect health as well as the
environment has been recognised in the Euratom Treaty (1957) and there are
specific provisions laid down in Chapter III, Health and Safety, addressing
these concerns. Article 31 of the Treaty calls for uniform Basic Safety
Standards to be established. Article 31 of
the Euratom Treaty also lays down the procedure for the establishment of these
Standards, in particular that the Commission shall seek the opinion of a Group
of Experts ("Article 31 Experts"). In general, new legislation is
drafted jointly by the Commission services and the Experts. The Community legislation has always followed
the recommendations of ICRP. This highly respected scientific organisation has
recently issued new guidance on the system of protection (Publication 103,
2007) reflecting latest scientific findings on radiation risks and defining the
system of radiological protection. 1.2. Problem definition The current system to protect workers and the
public from the effects of ionising radiation does not respond to the latest
scientific findings and new societal and technological developments. In detail: –
Health protection of workers and the public does
not respond to latest scientific progress –
Protection of workers in NORM industries and in
specific professional groups such as Outside Workers and interventional
radiologists is insufficient –
Health protection of patients and the public
does not respond to latest advances in technologies –
Health protection of the public from natural
radiation sources is insufficient –
The risk of ionising radiation for non-humans
species, or the environment as a whole, is not explicitly addressed, contrary
to international recommendations –
The current legal framework for radiation
protection is too complex. In the light
of these developments the Commission undertook a comprehensive review of the
Community radiation protection legislation and asked the "Article 31
Experts" to provide guidance on this matter. In February 2010, the Experts
issued an opinion on the possible revision of Community legislation, on the
basis of a draft Directive. 2. Subsidiarity According to Article 2(b) of the Euratom
Treaty "…the Community shall, as provided in this Treaty ….establish
uniform safety standards to protect the health of workers and of the general
public and ensure that they are applied". Accordingly, in the Treaty's
preamble, the Member States declare that they are "resolved to create the
conditions necessary for the development of a strong nuclear industry" and
also "anxious to create conditions of safety necessary to eliminate
hazards to the life and health of the public". The Community is mandated
to "establish uniform safety standards to protect the health of workers
and of the general public and ensure that they are applied." Therefore,
the competence of the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) to regulate in
the field of health protection against ionizing radiation is explicitly
recognised by the Euratom Treaty. The exclusive nature of the Euratom
Community's legislative powers under Articles 30 and 31 of the Euratom Treaty
does not in principle require the application of the principle of subsidiarity.
On the other hand these Articles require the Commission to seek for its
legislative proposals the opinion of a Group of Experts nominated by the
Euratom Scientific and Technical Committee and working as independent experts
for the benefit of the Community. 3. Main policy objectives The general objective of the initiative is to
ensure a high level of protection of workers, members of the public and
patients against the health detriment caused by exposure to ionising radiation,
as well as to protect the environment. This general objective is translated into four
specific objectives: 1.
to introduce the necessary subject matter
amendments in order to respond to the latest scientific data and operational
experience, 2.
to clarify the requirements and to ensure
coherence within the body of Community legislation, 3.
to ensure coherence with the international
standards and recommendations, 4.
to cover the whole range of exposure situations
and categories of exposure. 4. Policy options After thorough analysis of different
solutions to the identified problem areas, and consideration of different
solutions in terms of the extent of simplification, update and scope of the
legislation, the following options were chosen for further assessment: Option 1: Maintaining the status quo of
existing legislation, Option 2: Revision of Basic Safety
Standards and Medical Directive, Option 3: Revision and consolidation of
Basic Safety Standards and Medical Directive, and integration of the Outside
Workers Directive, the Public Information Directive and the High Activity
Sealed Sources Directive, Option 4: Revision of the Basic Safety
Standards Directive and broadening the scope to cover public exposure to
natural radiation, Option 5: Revision of the Basic Safety
Standards Directive and broadening the scope to cover protection of non-human
species, Option 6: Revision and consolidation of the
Basic Safety Standards Directive and Medical Directive, integration of the
Outside Workers Directive, the Public Information Directive and the High
Activity Sealed Sources Directive and broadening the scope to cover public
exposure to natural radiation and protection of non-human species. 5. Assessment of impacts 5.1. Option 1: Maintaining the
status-quo of existing legislation This option obviously does not fully meet the
specific objectives of this initiative. The Basic Safety Standards Directive
adopted in 1996 was a guarantee for adequate protection of workers and members
of the public, in the same way as the Medical Directive in 1997 was a milestone
in the protection of patients. However, science and society have evolved since,
operational experience has shown a need for updating certain requirements,
technological developments challenge the adequateness of the existing
legislation and there are new societal expectations with regard to the coherent
management of natural and man-made radiation sources as well as with regard to
the protection of the environment. Within this
option an analysis was made to what extent the international Basic Safety
Standards (IBSS) could fill the gap. The IBSS have a different purpose,
however: they are non-binding and have a lower level of ambition in view of
their application by developing countries. In the light of the Community's
obligations in the Treaty, corresponding new national law should be based on
Community legislation. 5.2. Option 2: Amendment of the
main affected Directives This option considers how the two main pieces
of legislation could be amended separately in the light of operational
experience and new developments. The amendments could address most of the
identified problems: A) In the Basic Safety Standards Directive: – introduction of the new ICRP methodology for the assessment of
doses, and reduction of the organ dose limit for the lens-of-the-eye; – a coherent approach to the management of NORM (i.e. naturally
occurring radioactive material) industries; – a graded approach to regulatory control, commensurate with the
effectiveness of such oversight, including uniform clearance levels (e.g. for
materials arising from the dismantling of decommissioned nuclear installations); B) In the Medical Directive: – strengthened requirements for the protection of patients as well as
on risk assessment, reporting and response to accidental exposures especially
in radiotherapy; –
a new approach to "medico-legal
exposures" to allow for the growing use of devices for security
screening, now regarded as public exposures under the Basic Safety Standards
Directive. The above amendments would have an important
impact within the following areas: ·
Economic impact:
While it is not possible at this stage to make a quantified economic
assessment, NORM industries will benefit from the harmonisation of the
requirements between Member States. The introduction of uniform clearance
levels may in addition have a considerable impact on reducing the cost of
dismantling of nuclear installations; ·
Social and health impact: The social impact relates to providing adequate protection to
workers in NORM industries. The health impact will be most notable with regard
to medical exposures, in particular to prevent that frequent CT-scans of young
patients would show up through an increased cancer incidence many years later.
Specific professional groups (for instance cardiologists) will benefit from the
reduction of the dose limit to the lens-of-the-eye and avoid the occurrence of
cataract. ·
Regulatory burden: While the principle of Optimisation of protection, calling for
doses to be "As Low As Reasonably Achievable" (ALARA), taking social
and economic factors into account, is very instrumental in ensuring a proper
cost-benefit balance of operational radiation protection, the new concept of a
“graded approach” extends this principle to enhance the effectiveness of
regulatory oversight and reduce the administrative burden to industries. 5.3. Option 3: Revision and
consolidation of Basic Safety Standards and Medical Directive, and integration
of the Outside Workers Directive, the Public Information Directive and the High
Activity Sealed Sources Directive. This option offers a revision of the BSS
Directive, extending the requirements to medical exposure, public information,
outside workers exposure and high-activity sealed sources. Within this policy
the BSS Directive 96/29 and the related legislative acts would merge. This
option relies on non-legislative measures for solving the problems related to
the protection from natural radiation sources and the risks of ionising
radiation to non-human species. In addition to the changes considered in option
2, this option would include the following amendments: ·
harmonisation of the definition of High Activity
Sealed Sources (HASS) with the international standards; ·
specific requirements for the protection of
Outside Workers with a clear definition of the responsibilities of their
employer and of the undertakings conducting the practices in which they are
exposed; ·
requirements for informing the public before and
in case of an emergency, within the overall revised scope for the management of
emergency exposure situations. Merging the five Directives would be a
major achievement in terms of the coherence of Community legislation. The
restructuring required to accommodate this broader scope of the BSS Directive would
further benefit to the clarity of the text and to better operational
implementation of the requirements. While option 3 conserves the economic,
social and health benefits of option 2, and increases the impact in some of
these aspects for instance through better protection and enhanced mobility of
outside workers, the main benefit of option 3 lies with the simplification of
Community legislation and corresponding reduction of the regulatory burden,
both in terms of transposition in national law and in operational terms. Guidance
on establishment of national action plans for reducing the risks from indoor
radon exposure will again draw the attention of the Member States to this
problem and possible actions for solving it. However this action will have
added value only if Member States follow the proposed advice, which in the
absence of binding requirements is probably not the case. 5.4. Option 4: Revision of the
Basic Safety Standards Directive and broadening the scope to cover public
exposure to natural radiation The new recommendations of ICRP allow a
more coherent management of exposures to natural radiation sources, defining reference
levels for indoor radon concentrations and for external exposure from building
materials. As underlined
by WHO, the health impact of binding requirements for radon in dwellings should
be very important. Member States will be required to establish a comprehensive
and transparent Action Plan, adjusted to national needs and to the geological
features of different regions. The implementation and enforcement of the
national Action Plan are the responsibility of member States. Harmonised requirements
on building materials will permit further standardisation under the EC
Construction Products legislation (Council Directive 89/106/EEC). This will
however also represent a cost to the industry. While consumers and the building
professions will benefit from the monitoring and labelling of the materials,
the administrative burden to the industry will be kept to a minimum by the
proper choice of the reference level and through the list of types of
materials deemed to be of concern. 5.5. Option 5: Revision of the
Basic Safety Standards Directive and broadening the scope to cover protection
of non-human species ICRP now
offers a methodology for the assessment of exposure to biota. The incorporation
of relevant requirements in the Euratom BSS (as well as in the new
international BSS) allows Member States to incorporate this in national
environmental policies, in a way which is coherent with current approaches to
health protection against ionizing radiation. The environmental impact of this
expanded scope of Community legislation should be essentially in terms of a
better understanding of the absence of any impact in normal situations, and the
prevention of environmental damage in case of a nuclear accident. The
requirements for the protection of the environment are not very demanding at
this stage. In addition to the methodology for the assessment of exposures to
biota (Publication 108), ICRP will provide guidance on the application of a
radiation protection system in 2011-2012. So there would still be time, before
adoption of the Directive by the Council, to include harmonised criteria on
this basis. The Article 31 Experts therefore recommended to include the
requirements already now in the Commission proposal, rather than adding another
piece of legislation a few years later, which would be contrary to the
simplification policy of the Commission. 5.6. Option 6: Revision and
consolidation of the Basic Safety Standards Directive, the Medical Directive
and integration of the Outside Workers Directive, the Public Information
Directive and the High Activity Sealed Sources Directive, and broadening the
scope to cover public exposure to natural radiation and protection of non-human
species This option
includes all the elements of Option 3. The revision of the Basic Safety
Standards includes all identified issues, and broadens the scope to include the
whole range of exposure situations, including indoor public exposure to radon
and to building materials, and all categories of human and non-human exposures. 6. Comparison of the options The different options have been compared on
the basis of their effectiveness, efficiency and their coherence with other
legislation. Option 1 partially satisfies the general objective of the action.
It is included as a baseline scenario for the comparison of the other options.
Option 2 fully responds to the first objective and improves to some extent the
coherence of Euratom radiation protection legislation and is also coherent with
international standards, thus meeting three of the specific objectives. Option 3
fully meets the objective of coherence and clarity. It also meets the Commission's
policy of simplification. Options 4 and 5 fully meet the objective of
coherence with international recommendations. These options broaden the scope
of current legislation and this may imply a certain administrative and economic
cost. Option 6 combines Options 4 and 5, thus covering, together, the whole
range of issues in radiation protection. Option 6 consolidates also all
legislation in the same way as Option 3. In conclusion, with Option 6 all the
objectives are reached effectively through a set of efficient measures. It is
also the option which offers the best possible coherence with other
legislation. Summary comparison table is given in Annex 1. 7. Monitoring and evaluation ·
Under Article 33 of the Euratom Treaty, Member
States will submit draft legislation and administrative provisions to the
Commission so that it can ensure the harmonisation of the approaches. The
correct transposition of the Directive in national law will be a key indicator
for its success in terms of clarity and simplification. Annex 1 Summary of the comparison of options 2 to 6 Impact || Option 2 || Option 3 || Option 4 || Option 5 || Option 6 Economic || (+) || (+) || (+) || (+) || (+) Functioning of the internal market || (+) || (+) || (+) || (+) || (+) Administrative burden on businesses || (+) || (+) || (+)(-) || (+) (-) || (+)(-) Regulatory authorities || (-) || (+) || (-) || (-) || (+)(--) Environment || (+) || (+) || (+) || (++) || (++) Protection of the environment || (+) || (+) || (+) || (++) || (++) Social and Health || (+) || (++) || (++) || (+) || (++) Health and safety at work || (+) || (++) || (+) || (+) || (++) Mobility of workers and experts || (+) || (+) || (+) || (+) || (+) Protection of patients || (+) || (+) || || || (+) Protection of the public || (+) || (+) || (++) || (+) || (++) Coherence and clarity of legislation || (+) || (++) || (+) || (+) || (++) International coherence || (+) || (+) || (+) || (+) || (++) Overall impact || + || ++ || ++ || + || +++