Case C-361/14 PCourt of Justice
ClosedCase on which the appeal is based:
- Title
- Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 14 June 2016. European Commission v Peter McBride and Others. Appeal — Resource conservation
measures and restructuring of the fisheries sector — Requests for increased safety tonnage — Annulment by the European Union
judicature of the decision initially rejecting those requests — Article 266 TFEU — Repeal of the legal basis on which that
initial decision was founded — Competence and legal basis to adopt new decisions — Annulment by the General Court of new decisions
rejecting the requests — Principle of legal certainty. Case C-361/14 P.
- ECLI identifier
- ECLI:EU:C:2016:434
- Applicant
- European Commission, EU institutions and bodies
- Defendant
- Individual
- Judge-Rapporteur
- Borg Barthet
- Type of procedure
- Appeal - unfounded,Action for annulment
- Complementary documents:
- Title
- Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston delivered on 19 January 2016. European Commission v Peter McBride and Others. Appeal
— Resource conservation measures and restructuring of the fisheries sector — Requests for increased safety tonnage — Annulment
by the European Union judicature of the decision initially rejecting those requests — Article 266 TFEU — Repeal of the legal
basis on which that initial decision was founded — Competence and legal basis to adopt new decisions — Annulment by the General
Court of new decisions rejecting the requests — Principle of legal certainty. Case C-361/14 P.
- ECLI identifier
- ECLI:EU:C:2016:25
- Advocate General
- Sharpston