This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Document 31998L0046
National transposition measures communicated by the Member States concerning:
Council Directive 98/46/EC of 24 June 1998 amending Annexes A, D (Chapter I) and F to Directive 64/432/EEC on health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine
OJ L 198, 15/07/1998, p. 22–39
(ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV) This document has been published in a special edition(s)
(CS, ET, LV, LT, HU, MT, PL, SK, SL, BG, RO, HR)
The member states bear sole responsibility for all information on this site provided by them on the transposition of EU law into national law. This does not, however, prejudice the results of the verification by the Commission of the completeness and correctness of the transposition of EU law into national law as formally notified to it by the member states. The collection National transposition measures is updated weekly.
Zákon č. 29/2000 Sb., o poštovních službách a o zmene nekterých zákonu (zákon o poštovních službách)
Bekendtgørelse om kvaegtuberkulose nr. 306 af 3 maj 2000; SG(2001)A/4787 du 23/04/2001
Sibente Verordnung zur Änderung der Binnenmarkt-Tierseuchensschutzverordnung.
Bovine Tuberculosis (Attestation of the state and general provisions) order, 1996.
Décision ministérielle n° 308 FEK N° 252, 16/11/2000 (page 3681)01,
Real Decreto 1716/2000 de 13-10-2000
Pravilnik o veterinarskim uvjetima za stavljanje u promet goveda i svinja
Veterinārās prasības govju un cūku apritei
1995. évi XCI. törvény az állategészségügyről
65/2002. (VIII. 9.) FVM rendelet a gümőkór elleni védekezésről
Ustawa z dnia 11 marca 2004r. o ochronie zdrowia zwierząt oraz zwalczaniu chorób zakaźnych zwierząt
Ustawa z dnia 29 stycznia 2004 r. o Inspekcji Weterynaryjnej.
Decreto-lei n° 378/99 de 21 de setembro Diario, 21/09/1999, n° 221, 6564. SG(1999)A/13833
Decreto-lei n° 211/99 de 14 de junho.
The Tuberculosis (England and Wales) Order 1984.
Bovine Leucosis Order (Northern ireland) 1995. SI n° 369, 30/10/1995. SG(1999)A/13930