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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Document 62016CA0253

Case C-253/16: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 15 March 2017 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Cour d’appel de Bruxelles — Belgium) — FlibTravel International SA, Léonard Travel International SA v AAL Renting SA and Others (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Article 96 TFEU — Applicability — National legislation prohibiting taxi services from offering individual seats — National legislation prohibiting taxi services from predetermining their destination — National legislation prohibiting taxi services from touting for custom)

OJ C 151, 15.5.2017, p. 13–14 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



Official Journal of the European Union

C 151/13

Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 15 March 2017 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Cour d’appel de Bruxelles — Belgium) — FlibTravel International SA, Léonard Travel International SA v AAL Renting SA and Others

(Case C-253/16) (1)

((Reference for a preliminary ruling - Article 96 TFEU - Applicability - National legislation prohibiting taxi services from offering individual seats - National legislation prohibiting taxi services from predetermining their destination - National legislation prohibiting taxi services from touting for custom))

(2017/C 151/18)

Language of the case: French

Referring court

Cour d’appel de Bruxelles

Parties to the main proceedings

Appellants: FlibTravel International SA, Léonard Travel International SA

Respondents: AAL Renting SA, Haroune Tax SPRL, Saratax SCS, Ryad SCRI, Taxis Bachir & Cie SCS, Abdelhamid El Barjraji, Abdelouahab Ben Bachir, Sotax SCRI, Mostapha El Hammouchi, Boughaz SPRL, Sahbaz SPRL, Jamal El Jelali, Mohamed Chakir Ben Kadour, Taxis Chalkis SCRL, Mohammed Gheris, Les délices de Fes SPRL, Abderrahmane Belyazid, E.A.R. SCS, Sotrans SPRL, B.M.A. SCS, Taxis Amri et Cie SCS, Aramak SCS, Rachid El Amrani, Mourad Bakkour, Mohamed Agharbiou, Omar Amri, Jmili Zouhair, Mustapha Ben Abderrahman, Mohamed Zahyani, Miltotax SPRL, Lextra SA, Ismail El Amrani, Farid Benazzouz, Imad Zoufri, Abdel-Ilah Bokhamy, Ismail Al Bouhali, Bahri Messaoud & Cie SCS, Mostafa Bouzid, BKN Star SPRL, M.V.S. SPRL, A.B.M.B. SCS, Imatrans SPRL, Reda Bouyaknouden, Ayoub Tahri, Moulay Adil El Khatir, Redouan El Abboudi, Mohamed El Abboudi, Bilal El Abboudi, Sofian El Abboudi, Karim Bensbih, Hadel Bensbih, Mimoun Mallouk, Abdellah El Ghaffouli, Said El Aazzoui

Operative part of the judgment

Article 96(1) TFEU must be interpreted as not applying to restrictions, such as those at issue in the main proceedings, imposed on taxi operators.

(1)  OJ C 260, 18.7.2016.
