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Document 32003R0542
Council Regulation (EC) No 542/2003 of 21 January 2003 concerning the export of certain steel products from the Czech Republic to the Community for the period from the date of entry into force of this Regulation to the date of accession by the Czech Republic to the European Union (extension of the double-checking system)
Council Regulation (EC) No 542/2003 of 21 January 2003 concerning the export of certain steel products from the Czech Republic to the Community for the period from the date of entry into force of this Regulation to the date of accession by the Czech Republic to the European Union (extension of the double-checking system)
Council Regulation (EC) No 542/2003 of 21 January 2003 concerning the export of certain steel products from the Czech Republic to the Community for the period from the date of entry into force of this Regulation to the date of accession by the Czech Republic to the European Union (extension of the double-checking system)
OJ L 81, 28.3.2003, p. 1–4
(ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)
No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 01/05/2004
Council Regulation (EC) No 542/2003 of 21 January 2003 concerning the export of certain steel products from the Czech Republic to the Community for the period from the date of entry into force of this Regulation to the date of accession by the Czech Republic to the European Union (extension of the double-checking system)
Official Journal L 081 , 28/03/2003 P. 0001 - 0004
Council Regulation (EC) No 542/2003 of 21 January 2003 concerning the export of certain steel products from the Czech Republic to the Community for the period from the date of entry into force of this Regulation to the date of accession by the Czech Republic to the European Union (extension of the double-checking system) THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 133 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, Whereas: (1) The Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Czech Republic, of the other part(1), entered into force on 1 February 1995. (2) The Parties decided by Decision No 1/2003(2) of the Association Council to extend the double-checking system introduced by Decision No 3/97(3) of the Association Council for the period from the date of entry into force of this Regulation to the date of accession by the Czech Republic to the European Union. (3) It is consequently necessary to extend the Community implementing legislation introduced by Council Regulation (EC) No 87/98 of 19 December 1997 concerning the export of certain ECSC and EC steel products from the Czech Republic to the Community for the period from 1 January to 31 December 1998 (double-checking system)(4), HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: Article 1 Regulation (EC) No 87/98 shall continue to apply for the period from the date of entry into force of this Regulation to the date of accession by the Czech Republic to the European Union, in accordance with the provisions of Decision No 1/2003 of the Association Council between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Czech Republic, of the other part. Article 2 Regulation (EC) No 87/98 shall in consequence be amended as follows: 1. in the title, preamble and Article 1(1) and (4) references to the period "1 January to 31 December 2002" shall be replaced by references to "7 April 2003 to the date of accession by the Czech Republic to the European Union"; 2. Annex I to that Regulation shall be replaced by the text contained in Annex I; 3. Annex IV to that Regulation shall be replaced by the text contained in Annex II. Article 3 Goods shipped to the Community from 1 January 2003 to the date of entry into force of this Regulation shall be excluded from the scope of this Regulation. Article 4 This Regulation shall enter into force on the 10th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 21 January 2003. For the Council The President N. Christodoulakis (1) OJ L 360, 21.12.1994, p. 2. (2) See page 43 of this Official Journal. (3) OJ L 13, 19.1.1998, p. 99. (4) OJ L 13, 19.1.1998, p. 43. ANNEX I "ANNEX I CZECH REPUBLIC List of products subject to double-checking Cold-rolled sheet 7209 15 00 7209 16 90 7209 17 90 7209 18 91 7209 18 99 7209 25 00 7209 26 90 7209 27 90 7209 28 90 7211 23 10 7211 23 51 7211 29 20 Welded tubes Complete CN heading 7306" ANNEX II "ANNEX IV LISTA DE LAS AUTORIDADES NACIONALES COMPETENTES/LISTE OVER KOMPETENTE NATIONALE MYNDIGHEDER/LISTE DER ZUSTÄNDIGEN BEHÖRDEN DER MITGLIEDSTAATEN/ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΡΧΩΝ ΕΚΔΟΣΗΣ ΑΔΕΙΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΡΑΤΩΝ ΜΕΛΩΝ/LIST OF THE COMPETENT NATIONAL AUTHORITIES/LISTE DES AUTORITÉS NATIONALES COMPÉTENTES/ELENCO DELLE COMPETENTI AUTORITÀ NAZIONALI/LIJST VAN BEVOEGDE NATIONALE INSTANTIES/LISTA DAS AUTORIDADES NACIONAIS COMPETENTES/LUETTELO TOIMIVALTAISISTA KANSALLISISTA VIRANOMAISISTA/FÖRTECKNING ÖVER BEHÖRIGA NATIONELLA MYNDIGHETER BELGIQUE/BELGIË Ministère des affaires économiques Administration des relations économiques Services licences Rue Général Leman 60 B - 1040 Bruxelles Fax (32-2) 230 83 22 Ministerie van Economische Zaken Bestuur van de Economische Betrekkingen Dienst Vergunningen Generaal Lemanstraat 60 B - 1040 Brussel Fax: (32-2) 230 83 22 DANMARK Erhvervsfremme Styrelsen Økonomi- og Erhvervsministeriet Vejlsøvej 29 DK - 8600 Silkeborg Fax: (45) 35 46 64 01 DEUTSCHLAND Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) Frankfurter Straße 29-35 D - 65760 Eschborn 1 Fax: (49-61 96) 9 42 26 ΕΛΛΑΣ Υπουργείο Εθνικής Οικονομίας Γενική Γραμματεία Διεθνών Σχέσεων Διεύθυνση Διεθνών Οικονομικών Ροών Κορνάρου 1 GR - 105 63 Αθήνα Φαξ: (30-210) 328 60 94 ESPAÑA Ministerio de Economía Secretaría General de Comercio Exterior Paseo de la Castellana, 162 E - 28046 Madrid Fax: (34) 915 63 18 23/(34) 913 49 38 31 FRANCE Service des industries manufacturières DIGITIP 12, rue Villiot - Bâtiment Le Bervil F - 75572 Paris cedex 12 Fax (33-1) 53 44 91 81 IRELAND Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Import/Export Licensing, Block C Earlsfort Centre Hatch Street Dublin 2 Fax: (353-1) 631 28 26 ITALIA Ministero delle Attività produttive Direzione generale per la Politica commerciale e per la gestione del regime degli scambi Viale America 341 I - 00144 Roma Fax: (39) 06 59 93 22 35/06 59 93 26 36 LUXEMBOURG Ministère des affaires étrangères Office des licences BP 113 L - 2011 Luxembourg Fax (352) 46 61 38 NEDERLAND Belastingdienst/Douane centrale dienst voor in- en uitvoer Postbus 30003, Engelse Kamp 2 9700 RD Groningen Nederland Fax: (31-50) 526 06 98 m.i.v. 18.1.2002 Fax: (31-50) 523 23 41 ÖSTERREICH Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit Außenwirtschaftsadministration Landstrasser Hauptstraße 55-57 A - 1030 Wien Fax: (43-1) 711 00/83 86 PORTUGAL Ministério das Finanças Direcção-Geral das Alfândegas e dos Impostos Especiais sobre o Consumo Rua Terreiro do Trigo, Edifício da Alfândega de Lisboa P - 1140-060 Lisboa Fax: (351-21) 881 42 61 SUOMI Tullihallitus PL 512 FIN - 00101 Helsinki F. (358-9) 614 28 52 SVERIGE Kommerskollegium Box 6803 S - 103 13 Stockholm Fax (46-8) 30 67 59 UNITED KINGDOM Department of Trade and Industry Import Licensing Branch Queensway House, West Precinct Billingham, Cleveland TS23 2NF Fax: (44-1) 642 53 35 57 United Kingdom"