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Document 42024Y03527

Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on the European Union Work Plan for Sport (1 July 2024 — 31 December 2027)


OJ C, C/2024/3527, 3.6.2024, ELI: (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)


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Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on the European Union Work Plan for Sport

(1 July 2024 — 31 December 2027)




RECALLING Article 6 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), according to which sport is an area where action at European Union (EU) level should support, coordinate and supplement the actions of Member States.


RECALLING Article 165 (1) TFEU, according to which the Union shall contribute to the promotion of European sporting issues, while taking account of the specific nature of sport, its structures based on voluntary activity and its social and educational function.


RECALLING Article 165 (2) TFEU, according to which Union action shall be aimed at developing the European dimension in sport, by promoting fairness and openness in sporting competitions and cooperation between bodies responsible for sports, and by protecting the physical and moral integrity of sportsmen and sportswomen, especially the youngest sportsmen and sportswomen.


RECOGNISING that sport could help to achieve the EU’s overall political priorities, and in particular the goals of other policy areas such as education, health, youth, culture, social affairs, inclusion, equality, gender equality, urban and rural development, transport, environment, tourism, employment, innovation, sustainability, digitalisation and the economy; and that those policy areas could support the promotion of sport based on cross-sectoral cooperation.


UNDERSCORING that, in accordance with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, sport is also an important enabler of sustainable development (1) and can therefore help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


ACKNOWLEDGING the Revised European Sports Charter of the Council of Europe which aims to enable every individual to participate in sport and, in particular, ensures that everyone has the opportunity to take part in sport in a safe, secure and healthy environment (2).


RECALLING the resolutions of the Council on the European Union Work Plans for Sport 2011-2014 (3), 2014-2017 (4), 2017-2020 (5) and 2021-2024 (6).


WELCOMING the outcomes of the implementation of the EU Work Plan for Sport 2021-2024, as well as the Commission report on its implementation and relevance.


NOTING the results of the Special Eurobarometer 525 on ‘sport and physical activity’ (7), the recommendations of the High-Level Group on Gender Equality in Sport (8), the outcomes of the expert groups on green sport and on strengthening the recovery and the crisis resilience of the sports sector during and in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the ongoing work on the harmonisation of sport statistics and data in the European Union.


UNDERLINING the global challenges that also impact sport, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, and geopolitical tensions influencing sports competitions.


NOTING the legal cases before the European Court of Justice which are increasing the visibility and relevance of the European dimension in sport.


WELCOMING the introduction of the Key Action 1 under the Erasmus+ sport actions related to the mobility of staff working in sports organisations, primarily in grassroots sports, who are given the opportunity to improve their competences and qualifications and to acquire new skills by spending a period of time abroad.


ACKNOWLEDGING the need for continuous cooperation with other EU institutions and bodies, the sports movement and other relevant stakeholders, as well as with competent international governmental and non-governmental organisations, such as the Council of Europe (CoE), the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).


1 JULY 2024 TO 31 DECEMBER 2027


The EU Work Plan focuses on the following priority areas:

Integrity and values in sport.

Socio-economic and sustainable dimensions of sport.

Participation in sport and health-enhancing physical activity.

The specific key topics, themes, goals, working formats, possible outcomes, target dates and responsibilities are set out and explained in Annexes I and II to this document.


The GUIDING OBJECTIVES of this European Union Work Plan for Sport (hereinafter, the EU Work Plan) are to:

In terms of EU sport policy,

Strengthen safe sport, integrity and value-based sport in the EU.

Support a sustainable and evidence-informed sports policy.

Increase participation in sport and health-enhancing physical activity at all ages and improve accessibility for vulnerable groups, in order to promote an active and environmentally-friendly lifestyle, social cohesion and active citizenship.

Support voluntary-based grassroots sport in order to increase such participation in sport and health-enhancing physical activity.

Support, further explore and continue on-going discussions on the key features of a European Sport Model.

Strengthen and promote good governance in sport.

Encourage investment in the sports sector, including in sustainable and accessible sports and sports-recreational infrastructures, including with a view to limiting the carbon footprint of the sector.

Promote, through cross-sectoral cooperation, awareness of sports tourism which can play a key role in the sustainable development of the sector and in building its resilience.

Support work on innovation and digitalisation in sport as a driver for health, performance, economic development and a sustainable sports sector.

Strengthen the resilience of the sports sector for future challenges and crises, following the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ensure, through cross-sectoral cooperation, the awareness of other EU policy domains of the important contribution that sport can make to Europe’s social and sustainable growth, to European citizens’ health, and to achieving the SDGs, while in the meantime also considering the impact that other EU policies can have on the sports sector.

Support and enable, as appropriate, the full implementation of the Erasmus+ programme in the field of sport.

In terms of governance and cooperation,

Strengthen the application and implementation of the EU structured dialogue on sport, in line with the 2017 Council resolution and its main structures (9):


the EU Sport Forum;


the EU high-level structured dialogue in the margins of the meeting of the Council of the EU;


the EU operational-level structured dialogue on sport in the margins of the meeting of the EU Sports Directors or other informal Presidency events.

Strengthen the international dimension of the EU sport policy, especially through exchanges and collaboration on current sports policy issues and challenges also with governments and stakeholders outside the EU, and through increased cooperation with the Council of Europe.

Ensure continuity and provide a follow-up to the previous four EU Work Plans for Sport and to other sports-related EU documents, such as Council conclusions and resolutions.

Reinforce the exchange of knowledge and experience between the EU Member States and the Commission.


This EU Work Plan is a flexible instrument. Subsequent changes or amendments may become necessary to respond in a timely manner to upcoming or unexpected developments and to pressing issues in the field of sport and physical activity, while taking into account the priorities of future presidencies of the Council.



Engage in the implementation of this EU Work Plan and, where appropriate, contribute with their expertise and experience to the various working formats.


Take into account the knowledge and outcomes achieved in the implementation of this EU Work Plan when developing sports or other relevant policies at national and sub-national level, while respecting the principle of subsidiarity and the autonomy of sport.


Inform, and where appropriate, cooperate with the national sports movement and other relevant stakeholders on the progress of the implementation of this EU Work Plan and disseminate the outcomes, in order to ensure the relevance and visibility of the activities.


Disseminate the relevant aspects of the work of the Council in relation to the sports movement and relevant stakeholders in order to ensure the relevance and visibility of its activities, as well as to improve follow-up on the recommendations or invitations issued by the Council to the sports movement and other stakeholders.



Take this EU Work Plan into account when developing their programme, enable information exchange on the progress of its implementation within the Working Party on Sport and build upon the outcomes already achieved.


Consider organising meetings, on the basis of the EU structured dialogue on sport, with relevant representatives of the sports movement and other sports stakeholders. This can be done, for instance, by exchanging information on the implementation of this EU Work Plan, including on the future work of the Council (e.g. possible ways to contribute to upcoming Council documents), discussing current sports policy issues and challenges, as well as by exploring mutual ambitions and providing information on the planned priorities of incoming Council presidencies.


Use, when appropriate, the outcomes, deliverables and recommendations from this Work Plan’s working formats to support their work and to give better visibility to the activities of the Council and the Commission in the field of sport.


At the end of the term covered by the present resolution, and on the basis of a report to be prepared by the Commission, propose a new EU Work Plan for the next period, if appropriate.



Engage, together with the Member States, the sports movement and other relevant stakeholders, in implementing this EU Work Plan and support the Member States with its expertise and experience from all relevant policy sectors, ensuring synergies where possible, in accordance with Annexes I and II to this Resolution.


Develop a new long-term strategic document on the future of EU sport policy, including on promoting the key features of a European Sport Model (10) and on sport mainstreaming into other EU policies, by the end of 2026.


When appropriate, propose revision of the existing policy documents, such as the 2013 recommendation of the Council on promoting health-enhancing physical activity across sectors (HEPA) (11).


Contribute to evidence-informed policies in the EU and its Member States, in particular through support for the organisation of peer-learning activities, the creation of other tools for exchanging good practices and data between the Member States and relevant stakeholders, and, when appropriate, through studies and surveys.


Continue, on a regular basis, to inform and consult the Member States, the sports movement and other relevant stakeholders about ongoing and planned initiatives and existing funding opportunities in the area of sport as well as in other EU policy areas relevant to sport.


Provide Member States with up-to-date information, when possible, on other EU policies and programmes and their potential impact on the sports sector, as well as with a general overview of the Erasmus+ projects relevant to the key topics of this Work Plan.


Consult, when appropriate, Member States in advance on the implementation of specific EU Work Plan initiatives, in particular with a view to monitoring the progress of the initiatives.


Consider joint methods on the basis of which Member States, the European Commission and relevant stakeholders can convene and oversee the implementation of the EU Work Plan, as well as monitor progress and discuss key sports policy issues.


Promote the mainstreaming of sport and physical activity in other EU policy areas and continue to promote synergies between sport and other EU policies.


Disseminate the knowledge and the outcomes achieved in the implementation of this EU Work Plan in order to ensure the practical relevance and visibility of the activities.


Consider providing an online platform to access reports, exchange good practices or relevant documents and further facilitate information-sharing and networking between Member States, including by using existing IT collaborative tools.


Submit, during the first half of 2027 and on the basis of voluntary contributions from Member States, the sports movement and relevant stakeholders, a report on the implementation and relevance of this EU Work Plan. This report will be the basis for the preparation of a successor EU Work Plan during the second half of 2027.



Engage with the Member States and the Commission in the implementation of this EU Work Plan and contribute with their expertise and experience to the various working formats.


Disseminate the outcomes achieved in the implementation of this EU Work Plan and take them into account in their own activities.

(1)  United Nations, General Assembly, Resolution A/RES/70/1, Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, paragraph 37, 25 September 2015.

(2)  Revised European Sports Charter Recommendation CM/Rec(2021)5. Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 13 October 2021 at the 1414th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies, Article 1(1)(b).

(3)   OJ C 162, 1.06.2011, p. 1.

(4)   OJ C 183, 14.06.2014, p. 12.

(5)   OJ C 189, 15.06.2017, p. 5.

(6)   OJ C 419, 4.12.2020, p. 1.

(7)  European Commission, Special Eurobarometer 525, ‘Sport and Physical Activity (2022)’, 2268/SP525, Full report, September 2022.

(8)  European Commission, ‘Towards more gender equality in sport, recommendations and action plan from the High-Level Group on Gender Equality in Sport’, 2022.

(9)  Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, on further developing the EU Structured Dialogue on Sport, OJ C 425, 12.12.2017, p. 1.

(10)  The key features of a European Sport Model are set out in the Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on the key features of a European Sport Model, OJ C 501, 13.12.2021, p. 1.

(11)  Council recommendation of 26 November 2013 on promoting health-enhancing physical activity across sectors, OJ C 354, 4.12.2013, p. 1.


Priority area I: Integrity and values in sport

Key topic



Working format

(poss.) Output / target date


Safe environment in sport (1)

Prevention of harassment, abuse and violence, including sexual violence and any form of discrimination


Exchange of best practices


Cooperation with the Council of Europe: EU joint project ‘Balance S4 Strengthening the Safety and Service Pillars of the Saint Denis Convention’


Commission, Member States

Fight against hate speech

Influence of social media and prevention of online verbal abuse

Manifestations of verbal and physical violence during sporting events


Exchange of best practices


OMC group

To be decided

Member States, Commission

Anti-Doping (2)

Ensuring coordination and information-sharing, in particular in the context of WADA and CAHAMA meetings

Preparation of the position of the EU and its Member States for the Ad Hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) meetings in accordance with the resolution of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, reviewing the representation of the EU Member States in the Foundation Board of WADA and the coordination of Member States’ positions prior to WADA meetings (or any subsequent document relating thereto). In formulating a position, seek synergies with the Council of Europe so as to avoid duplication of work or the creation of parallel structures (3).

Council (supported as necessary by experts) and CAHAMA

(poss.) EU coordination and position

Presidencies, Commission

Reviewing the application of the 2023 resolution and considering whether any adjustments are needed.


Second half of 2025

DK Presidency

Sport and education

A new approach to the role of sport in the education system

Exchange of best practices

Exchange of opinions

(Poss.) Council conclusions and policy debate in the Council

First half of 2025

PL Presidency

Sport as a framework for personal, social and learning skills and promoting tolerance, solidarity, and inclusiveness as well as other sporting values and EU values (4)


Exchange of best practices


Group of interested Member States (peer-learning activity) on innovative ways to promote sport and physical activity at school



Competences and qualifications in sport: athletes and staff, particularly coaches


Group of interested Member states (peer-learning activity) on the development of coaching qualifications

and education and


impact on society

2025-2027 (to be confirmed)


Athlete’s dual careers (access to education and jobs, combination with sporting career)


Exchange of best practices


Group of interested Member states (peer-learning activity)





Gender equality

Increasing female participation, especially among coaches and in leadership positions in sports organisations and sports clubs

Equal conditions (including payment) for female and male athletes, coaches, officials, staff, etc.

Increasing the media coverage of women’s sports competitions, fight against stereotypes etc.

Follow-up to the study of the report from the EC ‘Towards more gender equality in sport’ and the recommendations and action plan from the High-Level Group on Gender Equality in Sport (5)

Follow-up to the conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on women and equality in the field of sport (2023) (6)

Cooperation with the

Enlarged Partial Agreement

on Sport (EPAS) of

Council of Europe: EU joint project ‘All In Plus’



Traditional Sports

Traditional sports highlight sport’s role as part of Europe’s culture, history and traditions, as well as supporting social cohesion, integration, volunteering, and active citizenship

Exchange of best practices


Awareness-raising (e.g., highlighting European sports on the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage)

Council conclusions

Second half of 2026

IE Presidency

European Sport Model

Openness of competitions, sporting merit, integrity, solidarity and values in sport


Follow-up to the resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on the key features of a European Sport Model (2021) (7)

Follow-up to the study on the European Sport Model (2022) (8)

Study on the future developments, threats and opportunities impacting the European Sport Model


Commission, Member States

Athletes’ rights

Athletes’ rights and working conditions, in particular those related to participation in sporting events (for instance marketing rights, freedom of expression, legal protection, non-discrimination)



Analysis of the factual and legal situation

Follow-up to the Commission’s study (to be published in the first semester of 2024)

OMC group

to be decided

Member States, Commission

Good governance development and promotion within sport

Identifying governance-related obstacles to tackle within sport

Exchange of best practices





Fight against the manipulation of sports competitions

Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (‘Macolin Convention’)

Examine ways to break the deadlock with regard to the Convention with a view to enabling the EU and all its Member States to complete their respective ratification processes and accede to the Convention

Council and cooperation with the Council of Europe

Second half of 2025

DK Presidency,


Strengthening the cooperation between member states in the fight against manipulation of sports competitions

Exchange of best practices


DG meeting

Second half of 2025

DK Presidency

Priority area II: Socio-economic and sustainable dimensions of sport

Key topic



Working format

(poss.) Output / target date


Innovation and digitalisation

Sports innovation in every dimension and at all levels of the sports sector (including local sports clubs)

Exchange of best practices



Follow-up to the conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on Sport Innovation (2021) (9)

Group of interested Member States (peer-learning activity) on digitalisation in evidence-based sport

policy making

To be decided


Development of eSports

(Poss.) Group of interested Member States and/or community of practice under SHARE 2.0

To be decided

Member states, Commission

Sustainable sport

Education for sustainable sport

Environmentally-friendly sport practice, facilities and events

Evolution of sport and its practice in the light of climate change

Exchange of best practices



Follow-up to the conclusions of the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States on ‘Sport and physical activity, a promising lever to transform behaviour for sustainable development’ (2022) (10)

Follow-up to Sport’s contribution to the European Green Deal — a sport sector playbook (2023) (11)

Group of interested Member States (peer-learning activity)

To be decided


Sustainable sport facilities and spatial planning

Sustainable and accessible planning, construction and maintenance

Exchange of best practices



Follow-up to the Conclusions of the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on sustainable and accessible sports infrastructure (2022) (12)

Community of practice under SHARE 2.0


Member States, Commission

Sports tourism

Sports tourism as a driver for sustainable development

Exchange of best practices



Group of interested Member States (peer-learning activity)



(Poss.) Council conclusions and/or conference and/or a discussion during the DG meeting

First half of 2026

CY Presidency

Major sporting events

Future of Europe as a host of major sporting events, sustainable planning and realisation and legacy of major sporting events for cities and regions

Exchange of best practices

`Council conclusions on the legacy of major sporting events

Second half of 2024

HU Presidency

DG meeting

July 2024

HU Presidency

High-level conference

September 2024

HU Presidency

Group of interested Member States (if awarded to France: from Albertville 1992 to the French Alps 2030 Winter Olympics, illustration of a sustainable legacy of a major sporting event)



Policymaking and investments in sport

Contribution of sport to regional development

Possibilities for the use of EU funding programmes

Social return of investment in sport (SROI)

Analysis of the situation

Exchange of best practices


Group of interested Member States (peer-learning activity on ‘encouragement of sports through the tax system’)

Second half 2025


Evidence-informed policies

Exchange of best practices on sport satellite accounts based on the Commission Report (13)

National reports on a fully voluntary basis


Member States

Sports research and statistics

Exchange of best practices


Conference or seminar

First half of 2025

PL Presidency

Strengthening the resilience of the sports sector

Resilience of grassroots sport: financial and environmental sustainability, enhancing volunteering, risk management.

Role of public authorities

Funding opportunities (SHARE 2.0)

Analysis of the situation

Exchange of best practices

Strategy development




Priority area III: Participation in sport and health-enhancing physical activity

Key topic



Working format

(poss.) Output / target date


Creation of adequate opportunities for sport and physical activity for all generations

Contemporary challenges and threats that account for the decline in the level of fitness of children and young people

Exchange of best practices


Follow-up to the conclusions of the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council ‘on lifelong physical activity’ (2021) (14)

Debate during the DG meeting

First half of 2025

PL Presidency

Development of sport at work


Group of interested Member States (peer-learning activity)



Active ageing


(Poss.) Council conclusions and/ or debate during the DG meeting and/or Council debate

First half of 2026

CY Presidency


physical activity

Lifelong physical activity

Cross-sectoral cooperation with relevant institutions (for example with schools)

Role of the media and social media

Enhancing volunteering



Exchange of best practices

(Poss.) Debate during the DG meeting

July 2024

HU Presidency


(Poss.) Revision of the recommendation of the Council on promoting health-enhancing physical activity across sectors (HEPA) (2013) (15)

To be decided

Commission, Presidencies, HEPA Focal Points Network

Mental health and well-being in sport

Promotion of the benefits of sport for mental health and well-being and prevention for athletes


OMC group

To be decided

Member States, Commission

(Poss.) Debate during the DG meeting and/or conference and/or Council debate

First half of 2026

CY Presidency

(1)  Article 165 (2) TFEU: ‘Union action shall be aimed at (…) developing the European dimension in sport, (…) by protecting the physical and moral integrity of sportsmen and sportswomen, especially the youngest sportsmen and sportswomen’.

(2)  Article 165 (2) TFEU: ‘Union action shall be aimed at (…) developing the European dimension in sport, by promoting fairness and openness in sporting competitions (…)’.

(3)  Resolution of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, reviewing the representation of the EU Member States in the Foundation Board of WADA and the coordination of Member States’ positions prior to WADA meetings, OJ C 185, 26.5.2023, p. 29.

(4)  Article 165 (1) TFEU: ‘The Union shall contribute to the promotion of European sporting issues, while taking account (…) its social and educational function.’

(5)  European Commission, ‘Towards more gender equality in sport — recommendations and action plan from the High Level Group on Gender Equality in Sport’, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022.

(6)  Conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on women and equality in the field of sport, OJ C, C/2023/1362, 1.12.2023.

(7)  Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on the key features of a European Sport Model, OJ C 501, 13.12.2021, p. 1.

(8)  European Commission, Sennett, J., Le Gall, A., Kelly, G. et al., ‘Study on the European Sport Model — A report to the European Commission’, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022.

(9)  Conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on Sport Innovation, OJ C 212, 4.6.2021, p. 2.

(10)  Conclusions of the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States on ‘Sport and physical activity, a promising lever to transform behaviour for sustainable development’, OJ C 170, 25.4.2022, p. 1.

(11)  European Commission, ‘Sport’s contribution to the European Green Deal — a sport sector playbook’, Publications Office of the European Union, Full report, September 2023.

(12)  Council conclusions on sustainable and accessible sports infrastructure, OJ C 494, 28.12.2022, p. 1.

(13)  European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, ‘Study on the economic impact of sport through sport satellite accounts’, Publications Office, 2018; the upcoming European Commission study to harmonise existing methodologies and definitions on sports statistics thereby also paving the way towards a possible future European Sport Satellite Account, expected to be published in 2025.

(14)  Council conclusions on lifelong physical activity, OJ C 501 I, 13.12.2021, p. 1.

(15)  Council recommendation of 26 November 2013 on promoting health-enhancing physical activity across sectors, OJ C 354, 4.12.2013, p. 1.


Principles related to the working formats and reporting


The EU Work Plan for Sport will be implemented in particular through OMC groups, groups of interested Member States (or peer-learning activities), cluster meetings, Council conclusions, conferences and studies.


The participation of Member States in the implementation of the EU Work Plan and its working formats is voluntary.


The open method of coordination (OMC) groups will provide a framework for cooperation, exchange and sharing of good practices among Member States on common key topics, expressed under the three priority areas of this EU Work Plan and the corresponding key topics listed in Annex I (1), and allows for the development of non-binding recommendations.

With regard to the working method,

the mandate will be finalised in the Working Party on Sport on the basis of a draft mandate proposed by the Commission;

each OMC group will be responsible for appointing a chair or co-chairs at its first meeting among its members;

the mandate can propose that third parties, including third countries (2), representatives of civil society and the sports movement, be invited to an OMC group as members or as observers;

depending on the topic, the OMC group might be encouraged to form smaller focus groups and use participatory methods, where appropriate;

the Commission will provide expertise and logistical support for the work of each OMC group;

non-binding recommendations put forward by an OMC group will be discussed by the Working Party on Sport and, when relevant, by other relevant preparatory bodies and, as appropriate, presented to the Council.


Groups of interested Member States (ministries, governmental authorities or other public bodies) will be organised by one or several Member States, inter alia, in order to exchange information on specific topics. Participation in groups of interested Member States is open to all Member States. Member States are also free to form groups of interested Member States on topics that are not listed in Annex I.


Groups of interested Member States may, if they deem it necessary, define their own working procedures and structures, in the light of their specific needs and outcomes. The Commission shall be associated with the work of these groups and, if the budgetary conditions are met, the Commission may provide financial support for the work of the groups of interested Member States (as a peer learning activity, in the context of the applicable Erasmus+ Annual Work Programme).


Cluster meetings are organised by the Commission on a specific theme to present the work and results of relevant projects funded through the Erasmus+ Sport Actions or other EU funding programmes.


Meetings of OMC groups, groups of interested Member States, conferences and cluster meetings may also take place in virtual form where appropriate.


The Commission will report to the Council on the progress of work in the OMC groups and on conferences, cluster meetings and studies, and will present the respective outputs. The Council Presidencies will do the same with regard to the events they organise. Groups of interested Member States may nominate representatives to do likewise.


The agendas, outcomes and reports of all groups will be available to all Member States, irrespective of their degree of participation in a given area. The outputs of the groups will be published and disseminated at EU and national level through the appropriate channels.

(1)  Preliminary key topics identified include ‘fight against hate speech’, ‘athletes’ rights and promotion of good governance in sport’ and ‘mental health and well-being in sport’.

(2)  For the purposes of this Work Plan, ‘third countries’ are those referred to in the provisions of articles 19 and 20 of the Erasmus+ Programme (Regulation (EU) 2021/817 — OJ L 189, 28.5.2021, p. 1).


ISSN 1977-091X (electronic edition)
