Corrigendum to Commission Decision 2000/550/EC of 15 September 2000 amending for the second time Decision 2000/486/EC concerning certain protection measures with regard to foot-and-mouth disease in Greece (OJ L 234 of 16.9.2000)
Official Journal L 237 , 21/09/2000 P. 0084 - 0084
Corrigendum to Commission Decision 2000/550/EC of 15 September 2000 amending for the second time Decision 2000/486/EC concerning certain protection measures with regard to foot-and-mouth disease in Greece (Official Journal of the European Communities L 234 of 16 September 2000) On page 45 in the Annex: for: "ANNEX The Provinces of: EVROS RODOPI XANTHI", read: "ANNEX "ANNEX I The Province of: EVROS ANNEX II The Provinces of: RODOPI XANTHI" ".