

Official Journal of the European Union

C 327/15

Extract of reorganisation measure decided on pursuant to Article 3(1) and (2) of Directive 2001/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 April 2001 on the reorganisation and winding up of credit institutions

(2005/C 327/08)

Emergency regulation under Article 71(2) of the Banking Law 1992

By order issued on 22 September 2005 at 12.00, the 's-Hertogenbosch court, acting under Article 71 of the Banking Law 1992, declared in respect of:

the private limited company Uveco Groep B.V.,

with registered office at Veghel,

address at 5461 JV Veghel, Stationsstraat 20, address for correspondence at 5460 AE Veghel, Postbus 223,

registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Eindhoven under number 16077590


the private limited company Hampsink Holding B.V.,

with registered office at Veghel,

address at 5709 PD Helmond, Waterleliesingel 24,

registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Eindhoven under number 16076066,

that the said credit institutions are in a situation that demands a special arrangement in the interests of the general body of creditors,

with the appointment of Mr F.H.E. Boerma, member of this court, as official receiver and Mr A.A.M. Deterink, notary and attorney with address at 5600 AA Eindhoven, Postbus 3, telephone 040 — 262 66 00, as administrator.

The period of the special arrangement is fixed at one and a half years, starting on 22 September 2005 and ending on 22 March 2007.

Dutch law is applicable to the emergency regulation.

This order may be appealed against within fourteen days of the day in which it was issued, i.e. by 7 October 2005 at the latest, before the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, address at 2514 CV 's-Gravenhage, Kazernestraat 52, address for correspondence at 2500 EH 's-Gravenhage, Postbus 20303.

Withdrawal of emergency regulation under Article 71(2) of the Banking Law 1992

By order issued on 9 November 2005, the 's-Hertogenbosch court, acting under Article 78 of the Banking Law 1992, withdrew in respect of:

the private limited company Uveco Groep B.V.,

with registered office at Veghel,

address at 5461 JV Veghel, Stationsstraat 20, address for correspondence at 5460 AE Veghel, Postbus 223,

registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Eindhoven under number 16077590


the private limited company Hampsink Holding B.V.,

with registered office at Veghel,

address at 5709 PD Helmond, Waterleliesingel 24,

registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Eindhoven under number 16076066,

the declaration to the effect that the said credit institutions are in a situation that demands a special arrangement in the interests of the general body of creditors.

All the debts due on the date on which the emergency regulation was declared applicable have been paid in full. If and in so far as debts due nevertheless remained unpaid on the date of application of the emergency regulation, those claims can still be notified for verification to the former administrator, Mr A.A.M. Deterink, Postbus 3, 5600 AA Eindhoven.
