3.12.2013 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
C 353/1 |
Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 107 and 108 of the TFEU
Cases where the Commission raises no objections
(Text with EEA relevance)
2013/C 353/01
Date of adoption of the decision |
17.7.2013 |
Reference number of State Aid |
SA.34666 (12/N) |
Member State |
France |
Region |
— |
— |
Title (and/or name of the beneficiary) |
Projet Essencyele |
Legal basis |
Articles L. 131-3 à L. 131-7 et R. 131-1 à R. 131-26 du code de l'environnement; convention du 8 décembre 2010 entre l'État et l'ADEME relative au programme d'investissements d'avenir (programme «véhicule du futur»); avenants des 13 mai 2011 et 9 mai 2012; décision no 2012.VEH-12 du Premier ministre du 3 avril 2012. |
Type of measure |
Individual aid |
Objective |
Research and development, Environmental protection |
Form of aid |
Repayable advances, Direct grant |
Budget |
Overall budget: EUR 24,19 million |
Intensity |
65 % |
Duration (period) |
— |
Economic sectors |
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers |
Name and address of the granting authority |
Other information |
— |
The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:
Date of adoption of the decision |
17.7.2013 |
Reference number of State Aid |
SA.36103 (13/N) |
Member State |
Germany |
Region |
— |
— |
Title (and/or name of the beneficiary) |
Beihilfen für Unternehmen in Sektoren bzw. Teilsektoren, bei denen angenommen wird, dass angesichts der mit den EU-ETS-Zertifikaten verbundenen Kosten, die auf den Strompreis abgewälzt werden, ein erhebliches Risiko der Verlagerung von CO2-Emissionen besteht (Beihilfen für indirekte CO2-Kosten) |
Legal basis |
Richtlinie für Beihilfen für Unternehmen in Sektoren bzw. Teilsektoren, bei denen angenommen wird, dass angesichts der mit den EU-ETS-Zertifikaten verbundenen Kosten, die auf den Strompreis abgewälzt werden, ein erhebliches Risiko der Verlagerung von CO2-Emissionen besteht (Beihilfen für indirekte CO2-Kosten) |
Type of measure |
Scheme |
— |
Objective |
Environmental protection |
Form of aid |
Direct grant |
Budget |
Overall budget: EUR 756 million |
Intensity |
85 % |
Duration (period) |
1.1.2014-31.12.2020 |
Economic sectors |
Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing |
Name and address of the granting authority |
Other information |
— |
The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:
Date of adoption of the decision |
16.10.2013 |
Reference number of State Aid |
SA.36556 (13/N) |
Member State |
Netherlands |
Region |
Nederland |
— |
Title (and/or name of the beneficiary) |
Anti-afhaakregeling waterschappen |
Legal basis |
Type of measure |
Scheme |
— |
Objective |
Environmental protection, Innovation, Other |
Form of aid |
Direct grant |
Budget |
Intensity |
50 % |
Duration (period) |
Until 1.1.2023 |
Economic sectors |
Manufacturing |
Name and address of the granting authority |
Other information |
— |
The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:
Date of adoption of the decision |
6.11.2013 |
Reference number of State Aid |
SA.36581 (13/NN) |
Member State |
Greece |
Region |
Kriti |
— |
Title (and/or name of the beneficiary) |
Ανέγερση του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Μεσσαράς Κρήτης (Aneyersi ti Arkhaioloyiki Misio Messaras Kritis) |
Legal basis |
Type of measure |
Individual aid |
— |
Objective |
Culture, Heritage conservation |
Form of aid |
Direct grant |
Budget |
Overall budget: EUR 6,01 million |
Intensity |
Measure does not constitute aid |
Duration (period) |
— |
Economic sectors |
Museums activities |
Name and address of the granting authority |
Other information |
— |
The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:
Date of adoption of the decision |
16.10.2013 |
Reference number of State Aid |
SA.37084 (13/N) |
Member State |
Netherlands |
Region |
— |
— |
Title (and/or name of the beneficiary) |
Compensatieregeling Indirecte emissiekosten ETS |
Legal basis |
Type of measure |
Scheme |
— |
Objective |
Environmental protection |
Form of aid |
Direct grant |
Budget |
Intensity |
85 % |
Duration (period) |
1.1.2014-31.12.2021 |
Economic sectors |
Mining of chemical and fertiliser minerals, Mining of iron ores, Preparation and spinning of textile fibres, Manufacture of leather clothes, Manufacture of pulp, Manufacture of paper and paperboard, Manufacture of other inorganic basic chemicals, Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals, Manufacture of fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, Manufacture of plastics in primary forms, Manufacture of man-made fibres, Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys, Aluminium production, Lead, zinc and tin production, Copper production |
Name and address of the granting authority |
Other information |
— |
The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at: