

Official Journal of the European Union

C 16/48

Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (1st Chamber) of 18 November 2014 — McCoy v Committee of the Regions

(Case F-156/12) (1)

(Civil Service - Officials - Action for damages - Wrongful conduct - Harassment by line-managers - Occupational disease - Damages granted under Article 73 of the Staff Regulations not compensating in full for the harm suffered - Application for supplementary damages)

(2015/C 016/72)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: McCoy (Brussels, Belgium) (represented by: L. Levi, lawyer)

Defendant: Committee of the Regions (represented by: S. Bachotet and J.C. Cañoto Argüelles, Agents, and B. Wägenbaur, lawyer)


Application to annul the decision refusing to grant damages on account of the wrongful conduct of the Committee of the Regions and an application for compensation for the material and non-material harm suffered.

Operative part of the judgment

The Tribunal:


Orders the Committee of the Regions of the European Union to pay Mr McCoy the sum of EUR 20 000;


Dismisses the action as to the remainder;


Declares that the Committee of the Regions of the European Union is to bear its own costs and orders it to pay those incurred by Mr McCoy.

(1)  OJ C 71, 9.3.2013, p. 31.
