Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 (ex Articles 92 and 93) of the EC Treaty — Cases where the Commission raises no objections
Official Journal C 071 , 11/03/2000 P. 0006 - 0007
Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 (ex Articles 92 and 93) of the EC Treaty Cases where the Commission raises no objections (2000/C 71/04) Date of adoption of the decision : 18.1.2000 Member State : Belgium Aid No : N 770/99 Title : Compensation for agricultural holdings affected by the dioxin crisis Objective : The aid scheme is meant to ensure that the holdings survive through the grant of compensation for the financial loss suffered by the agricultural producers Legal basis - Arrêté ministériel relatif aux modalités d'octroi d'indemnités en exécution de la loi du 3 décembre 1999 relative à des mesures d'aide en faveur d'entreprises agricoles touchées par la crise de la dioxine - Ministerieel besluit betreffende de nadere regels voor de toekenning van vergoedingen in uitvoering van de wet van 3 december 1999 betreffende steunmaatregelen ten gunste van landbouwbedrijven getroffen door de dioxinecrisis Budget : BEF 5,3 billion (about EUR 131 million) Aid intensity or amount : Maximum 100 %. Duration : Indeterminate The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at Date of adoption of the decision : 18.1.2000 Member State : Finland Aid No : N 741/99 Title : Transitional agrimonetary aid — Fibre flax scheme Objective : Compensate the losses of producer income caused by the reduction in the exchange rates applicable to certain common agricultural policy direct aids Legal basis : Ministerial decision, Council Regulation (EC) No 2800/98 and Commission Regulations (EC) No 2808/98, No 2813/98 and No 2200/99 Budget - 1999: EUR 10000 - 2000: EUR 3333 - 2001: EUR 1667 Aid intensity or amount : In 1999: Variable according to the individual payments under the fibre flax scheme Duration : Three years The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at Date of adoption of the decision : 18.1.2000 Member State : France Aid No : N 592/99 Title : Aid for the milling industry Objective : To shut down production capacity with a view to bringing an oversupplied market back into balance Budget : FRF 40000000 (EUR 6097960, broken down between FRF 32464560 (EUR 4949190) for milling for export and FRF 7353440 (EUR 1121024) for domestic milling Aid intensity or amount : Approximately 20 % Duration : One-off The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at Date of adoption of the decision : 18.1.2000 Member State : Netherlands Aid No : N 545/99 Title : Fund for the small-scale application of plant protection products Objective : The fund aims to contribute to the availability of plant protection products in situations where the possibilities to earn back the investment made are disproportionate to the costs for obtaining the permit for the plant protection products Legal basis - Contribution ministry of agriculture: Landbouwbegroting (Agriculture budget); - Contribution marketing board for horticulture in 1999: - Verordening PVS Vakheffing Bloemkwekerijproducten 1976 - Verordening PVS Vakheffing Bloembollen Leverbaar 1980 - Verordening PVS Vakheffing Bloembollen Plantgoed 1980 - Verordening PVS Vakheffing Boomkwekerijproducten 1976 - Verordening PT Bijzondere heffing 1998 - Contribution marketing board for horticulture in 2000: - Verordening PT heffing teelt groenten en fruit 1999 - Verordening PT Vakheffing Bloemkwekerijproducten 1997 - Verordening PT Vakheffing Bloembollen Leverbaar 1997 - Verordening PT Vakheffing Bloembollen Plantgoed 1997 - Verordening PT Vakheffing Boomkwekerijproducten 1999 - Contribution commodity board for arable products: - Heffingsverordening HPA fonds teeltaangelegenheden 1997 - Verordening HPA fonds teeltaangelegenheden Budget : NLG 400000 per year NLG 200000 from the ministry of agriculture, nature management and fisheries; NLG 100000 from the marketing board for horticulture and NLG 100000 from the commodity board for arable products) Aid intensity or amount : Variable Duration : Two years (1999 and 2000) The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at --------------------------------------------------