16.12.2006 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
C 310/17 |
Order of the Court of First Instance of 6 October 2006 — Biofarma v OHIM — Anca Health Care (CAFON)
(Case T-442/05) (1)
(Community trade mark - Withdrawal of the application for registration - No need to adjudicate)
(2006/C 310/35)
Language of the case: Spanish
Applicant: Biofarma (Madrid, Spain) (represented by: V. Gil Vega and A. Ruiz López, lawyers)
Defendant: Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (represented by: J. García Murillo, Agent)
Other party to the proceedings before the Board of Appeal of OHIM intervener before the Court of First Instance: Anca Health Care Limited (London, United Kingdom) (represented by: Mathys & Squire)
Action brought against the decision of the First Board of Appeal of OHIM of 26 September 2005 (Case R 0098/2005-1), concerning opposition proceedings relating to the application for registration of the word mark ‘CAFON’ as a Community trade mark.
Operative part of the order
1. |
It is no longer necessary to adjudicate on the action. |
2. |
The applicant shall bear the costs. |