ISSN 1977-0677

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 214

European flag  

English edition


Volume 60
18 August 2017



II   Non-legislative acts







Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1482 of 17 August 2017 amending Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 861/2013 imposing a definitive countervailing duty and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain stainless steel wires originating in India, as regards the TARIC codes of the non-sampled cooperating exporting producers







Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1483 of 8 August 2017 amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices and repealing Decision 2006/804/EC (notified under document C(2017) 5464)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1484 of 17 August 2017 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (notified under document C(2017) 5778)  ( 1 )




(1)   Text with EEA relevance.


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.

II Non-legislative acts




Official Journal of the European Union

L 214/1


of 17 August 2017

amending Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 861/2013 imposing a definitive countervailing duty and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain stainless steel wires originating in India, as regards the TARIC codes of the non-sampled cooperating exporting producers


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Union (1) (‘the basic Regulation’),



The Annex to Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 861/2013 (2), as corrected by a Corrigendum with regard to the denomination of two companies (3), sets out the list of the non-sampled Indian cooperating exporting producers.


Following the publication of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/220 (4) amending Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1106/2013 (5) imposing a definitive anti- dumping duty on imports of certain stainless steel wires originating in India, the TARIC additional codes attributed by Implementing Regulation (EU) No 861/2013 are no longer correct for some companies listed in that Annex. This is because the specific TARIC additional codes should now match those of the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/220.


The Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 861/2013 should therefore be corrected accordingly.


The corrected provisions should apply from the date of application of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/220,


Article 1

The table in the Annex to the Implementing Regulation (EU) No 861/2013 listing the TARIC codes of non-sampled Indian cooperating exporting producers is corrected in accordance with the following table:

‘Company name


TARIC additional code

Bekaert Mukand Wire Industries

Lonand, Tal. Khandala, Satara District, Maharastra


Bhansali Bright Bars Pvt. Ltd

Mumbai, Maharashtra


Bhansali Stainless Wire

Mumbai, Maharashtra


Chandan Steel

Mumbai, Maharashtra


Drawmet Wires

Bhiwadi, Rajastan


Garg Inox

Bahadurgarh, Haryana and Pune, Maharashtra


Jyoti Steel Industries Ltd

Mumbai, Maharashtra


Macro Bars and Wires

Mumbai, Maharashtra


Mukand Ltd



Nevatia Steel & Alloys

Mumbai, Maharashtra


Panchmahal Steel Ltd

Dist. Panchmahals, Gujarat

C196 ’

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

However, Article 1 shall apply from 10 February 2017.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 17 August 2017.

For the Commission

The President

Jean-Claude JUNCKER

(1)   OJ L 176, 30.6.2016, p. 21.

(2)   OJ L 240, 7.9.2013, p. 1.

(3)   OJ L 251, 26.9.2015, p. 17.

(4)   OJ L 34, 9.2.2017, p. 21.

(5)   OJ L 298, 8.11.2013, p. 1.




Official Journal of the European Union

L 214/3


of 8 August 2017

amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices and repealing Decision 2006/804/EC

(notified under document C(2017) 5464)

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Decision No 676/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community (Radio Spectrum Decision) (1), and in particular Article 4(3) thereof,



Commission Decision 2006/771/EC (2) harmonises the technical conditions for use of spectrum for a wide variety of short-range devices, including applications such as alarms, local communications equipment, door openers, medical implants and intelligent transport systems. Short-range devices are typically mass-market and/or portable products which can easily be taken and used across borders; differences in spectrum access conditions therefore prevent their free movement, increase their production costs and create risks of harmful interference with other radio applications and services. A regulatory framework for short-range devices supports innovation for a wide range of applications.


Decision No 243/2012/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (3) requires Member States, in cooperation with the Commission, where appropriate, to foster the collective use of spectrum as well as shared use of spectrum in order to enhance efficiency and flexibility, and to seek to ensure spectrum availability for radio-frequency identification (RFID) and the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT).


Due to the growing importance of short-range devices for the economy, and in view of rapid changes in technology and societal demands, new applications for short-range devices may emerge. Such applications will require regular updates of harmonised technical conditions for spectrum use.


On 5 July 2006, the Commission issued a permanent mandate to the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), pursuant to Article 4(2) of Decision No 676/2002/EC, to update the Annex to Decision 2006/771/EC in response to technological and market developments in the area of short-range devices.


Commission Decisions 2008/432/EC (4), 2009/381/EC (5) and 2010/368/EU (6) and Commission Implementing Decisions 2011/829/EU (7) and 2013/752/EU (8) already amended the harmonised technical conditions for short-range devices laid down in Decision 2006/771/EC by replacing its Annex.


In its July 2016 report (9), submitted in response to the above-mentioned mandate, the CEPT informed the Commission of the results of the requested examination of the ‘other usage restrictions’ in the Annex to Decision 2006/771/EC and advised the Commission to amend a number of technical aspects in that Annex.


The results of the CEPT analysis show that short-range devices operating on a non-exclusive and shared basis need, on the one hand, legal certainty regarding the possibility of using spectrum on a shared basis, which can be achieved through predictable technical conditions for the shared use of harmonised bands which ensure reliable and efficient use of those bands. These short-range devices also need, on the other hand, sufficient flexibility to allow for a wide variety of applications, in order to maximise the benefits of wireless innovation in the Union. It is therefore necessary to harmonise defined technical usage conditions to prevent harmful interference and to ensure as much flexibility as possible, while fostering reliable and efficient use of frequency bands by short-range devices.


The scope of the categories as defined in the Annex should give users predictability as regards other short-range devices that are allowed to use the same frequency band on a non-exclusive and shared basis. Consequently manufacturers should ensure that short-range devices effectively avoid harmful interference with other short-range devices. Equipment operating within the conditions set out in this Decision should also comply with Directive 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (10).


In the specific frequency bands covered by this Decision, the combination of the categorisation of short-range devices and the identification of the technical usage conditions (frequency band, transmit power limit/field strength limit/power density limit, additional parameters and other usage restrictions) applicable to such categories establishes a predictable harmonised sharing environment allowing short-range devices to share the use of spectrum with each other on a non-exclusive basis, regardless of the purpose of such use.


In order to safeguard the legal certainty and the predictability of such harmonised sharing environments, the use of harmonised bands either by short-range devices which are not part of a harmonised category or under less restrictive technical parameters should only be allowed to the extent that the relevant sharing environment is not compromised.


On 2 July 2014, in the document ‘Timeframe and guidance to CEPT for the sixth update of the SRD Decision’ (RSCOM 13-78rev2), the Commission called on the CEPT to consider merging other existing Decisions pertaining to short-range devices into Decision 2006/771/EC. In its July 2016 report (9), the CEPT revised the technical parameters for RFID devices and recommended that the Commission repeal Decision 2006/804/EC (11) and include the revised parameters for RFID within this Decision.


In an addendum to its July 2016 report (12), submitted in March 2017 in response to the above-mentioned mandate, the CEPT informed the Commission of further possibilities for an approach to technical harmonisation of radio spectrum for use by short-range devices in the 870-876 MHz and 915-921 MHz bands also taking into account new opportunities in the 863-868 MHz band already harmonised for short-range devices. These possibilities apply mainly to new types of machine-to-machine (M2M)/IoT applications in short-range device networks which can benefit from economies of scale as a result of harmonisation at Union level.


The results of CEPT's work on the Addendum show that the new opportunities in the 863-868 MHz band are fully in line with the harmonised sharing environments established by Decision 2006/771/EC and its updates and should therefore be included in its Annex. The 870-876 MHz and 915-921 MHz bands should not be included in the Annex to that Decision, owing to the need for greater flexibility in implementation.


On the basis of the overall results of the CEPT's work, the regulatory conditions for short-range devices can be streamlined, e.g., by merging two Decisions pertaining to short-range devices and by improving technical conditions. The updating of harmonised spectrum access conditions for short-range devices should help to achieve the objective set by Decision No 243/2012/EU to foster the collective use of spectrum in the internal market by given categories of short-range devices.


The Annex to Decision 2006/771/EC should therefore be amended, and Decision 2006/804/EC should be repealed accordingly.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Radio Spectrum Committee,


Article 1

The Annex to Decision 2006/771/EC is replaced by the text in the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

Decision 2006/804/EC is repealed with effect from 1 January 2018.

Article 3

Member States shall report to the Commission on the implementation of this Decision by 2 May 2018 at the latest.

Article 4

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 8 August 2017.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

(1)   OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 1.

(2)  Commission Decision 2006/771/EC of 9 November 2006 on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices (OJ L 312, 11.11.2006, p. 66).

(3)  Decision No 243/2012/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2012 establishing a multiannual radio spectrum policy programme (OJ L 81, 21.3.2012, p. 7).

(4)  Commission Decision 2008/432/EC of 23 May 2008 amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices (OJ L 151, 11.6.2008, p. 49).

(5)  Commission Decision 2009/381/EC of 13 May 2009 amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices (OJ L 119, 14.5.2009, p. 32).

(6)  Commission Decision 2010/368/EU of 30 June 2010 amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices (OJ L 166, 1.7.2010, p. 33).

(7)  Commission Implementing Decision 2011/829/EU of 8 December 2011 amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices (OJ L 329, 13.12.2011, p. 10).

(8)  Commission Implementing Decision 2013/752/EU of 11 December 2013 amending Decision 2006/771/EC on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for use by short-range devices and repealing Decision 2005/928/EC (OJ L 334, 13.12.2013, p. 17).

(9)  CEPT Report 59, RSCOM 16-24.

(10)  Directive 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of radio equipment and repealing Directive 1999/5/EC (OJ L 153, 22.5.2014, p. 62).

(11)  Commission Decision 2006/804/EC of 23 November 2006 on harmonisation of the radio spectrum for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating in the ultra high frequency (UHF) band (OJ L 329, 25.11.2006, p. 64).

(12)  Addendum to CEPT Report 59, RSCOM 17-07.



Harmonised frequency bands and technical parameters for short-range devices

Band no

Frequency band [i]

Category of short-range devices [ii]

Transmit power limit/field strength limit/power density limit [iii]

Additional parameters (channelling and/or channel access and occupation rules) [iv]

Other usage restrictions [v]

Implementation deadline


9-59,750 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

72 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


9-315 kHz

Active medical implant devices [1]

30 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 10 %

This set of usage conditions is only available to active implantable medical devices [7].

1 July 2014


59,750-60,250 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

42 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


60,250-74,750 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

72 dBμA/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


74,750-75,250 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

42 dBμA/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


75,250-77,250 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

72 dBμA/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


77,250-77,750 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

42 dBμA/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


77,750-90 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

72 dBμA/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


90-119 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

42 dBμA/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


119-128,6 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

66 dBμA/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


128,6-129,6 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

42 dBμA/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


129,6-135 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

66 dBμA/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


135-140 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

42 dBμA/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


140-148,5 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

37,7 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


148,5-5 000 kHz [17]

Inductive devices [14]

– 15 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres in any bandwidth of 10 kHz.

Furthermore the total field strength is – 5 dΒμΑ/m at 10 m for systems operating at bandwidths larger than 10 kHz



1 July 2014


400-600 kHz

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices [12]

– 8 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


456,9-457,1 kHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

7 dBμA/m at 10 m


This set of usage conditions is only available for emergency detections of buried victims and valuable items devices.

1 July 2014


984-7 484 kHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

9 dΒμΑ/m at 10 m

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 1 %

This set of usage conditions is only available for Eurobalise transmissions in the presence of trains and using the 27 MHz band for telepowering.

1 July 2014


3 155 -3 400 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

13,5 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


5 000 -30 000 kHz [18]

Inductive devices [14]

– 20 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres in any bandwidth of 10 kHz. Furthermore the total field strength is – 5 dΒμΑ/m at 10 m for systems operating at bandwidths larger than 10 kHz



1 July 2014


6 765 -6 795 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

42 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


7 300 -23 000 kHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

– 7 dΒμΑ/m at 10 m

Antenna restrictions apply that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in the harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU.

This set of usage conditions is only available for Euroloop transmissions in the presence of trains and using the 27 MHz band for telepowering.

1 July 2014


7 400 -8 800 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

9 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


10 200 -11 000 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

9 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


13 553 -13 567 kHz

Inductive devices [14]

42 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


13 553 -13 567 kHz

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices [12]

60 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres

The transmission mask and antenna requirements for all combined frequency segments have to provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU.


1 July 2014


13 553 -13 567 kHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

42 dΒμΑ/m at 10 metres



1 July 2014


26 957 -27 283 kHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

10 mW effective radiated power (e.r.p.)



1 July 2014


26 990 -27 000 kHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

100 mW e.r.p.

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 0,1 %.

Model control devices may operate without duty cycle restrictions [11].


1 July 2014


27 040 -27 050 kHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

100 mW e.r.p.

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 0,1 %.

Model control devices may operate without duty cycle restrictions [11].


1 July 2014


27 090 -27 100 kHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

100 mW e.r.p.

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 0,1 %.

Model control devices may operate without duty cycle restrictions [11].


1 July 2014


27 140 -27 150 kHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

100 mW e.r.p.

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 0,1 %.

Model control devices may operate without duty cycle restrictions [11].


1 July 2014


27 190 -27 200 kHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

100 mW e.r.p.

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 0,1 %.

Model control devices may operate without duty cycle restrictions [11].


1 July 2014


30-37,5 MHz

Active medical implant devices [1]

1 mW e.r.p.

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 10 %

This set of usage conditions is only available to ultra-low power medical membrane implants for blood pressure measurements within the definition of active implantable medical devices [7] in Directive 90/385/EEC.

1 July 2014


40,66-40,7 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

10 mW e.r.p.



1 January 2018


87,5-108 MHz

High duty cycle/continuous transmission devices [8]

50 nW e.r.p.

Channel spacing up to 200 kHz.

This set of usage conditions is only available to wireless audio and multimedia streaming transmitters with analogue frequency modulation (FM).

1 July 2014


169,4-169,475 MHz

Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) [4]

500 mW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: max 50 kHz.


1 July 2014


169,4-169,475 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

500 mW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: max 50 kHz. Duty cycle limit [vi]: 1,0 %. For metering devices [5], the duty cycle limit [vi] is 10,0 %


1 July 2014


169,4-169,4875 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

10 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Duty cycle limit [vi]: 0,1 %.


1 July 2014


169,4875-169,5875 MHz

Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) [4]

500 mW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: max 50 kHz.


1 July 2014


169,4875-169,5875 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

10 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Duty cycle limit [vi]: 0,001 %.

Between 00:00h and 06:00h local time a duty cycle limit [vi] of 0,1 % may be used.


1 July 2014


169,5875-169,8125 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

10 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Duty cycle limit [vi]: 0,1 %.


1 July 2014


173,965-216 MHz

Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) [4]

10 mW e.r.p.

On a tuning range basis [25]. Channel spacing: max 50 kHz. A threshold of 35 dBμV/m is required to ensure the protection of a DAB receiver located at 1,5 m from the ALD device, subject to DAB signal strength measurements taken around the ALD operating site. The ALD device should operate under all circumstances at least 300 kHz away from the channel edge of an occupied DAB channel.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.


1 January 2018


401-402 MHz

Active medical implant devices [1]

25 μW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: 25 kHz. Individual transmitters may combine adjacent channels for increased bandwidth up to 100 kHz. Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Alternatively a duty cycle limit [vi] of 0,1 % may also be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available for systems specifically designed for the purpose of providing non-voice digital communications between active implantable medical devices [7] and/or body-worn devices and other devices external to the human body used for transferring non-time-critical individual patient-related physiological information.

1 July 2014


402-405 MHz

Active medical implant devices [1]

25 μW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: 25 kHz. Individual transmitters may combine adjacent channels for increased bandwidth up to 300 kHz. Other techniques to access spectrum or mitigate interference, including bandwidths greater than 300 kHz, can be used provided they result at least in an equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU to ensure compatible operation with the other users and in particular with meteorological radiosondes.

This set of usage conditions is only available to active implantable medical devices [7].

1 July 2014


405-406 MHz

Active medical implant devices [1]

25 μW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: 25 kHz Individual transmitters may combine adjacent channels for increased bandwidth up to 100 kHz. Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Alternatively a duty cycle limit [vi] of 0,1 % may also be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available for systems specifically designed for the purpose of providing non-voice digital communications between active implantable medical devices [7] and/or body-worn devices and other devices external to the human body used for transferring non-time-critical individual patient-related physiological information.

1 July 2014


433,05-434,04 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

1 mW e.r.p. and – 13 dBm/10 kHz power density for bandwidth modulation larger than 250 kHz

Voice applications are allowed with advanced mitigation techniques.

Audio and video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


433,05-434,04 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

10 mW e.r.p.

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 10 %

Analogue audio applications other than voice are excluded. Analogue video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


434,04-434,79 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

1 mW e.r.p. and – 13 dBm/10 kHz power density for bandwidth modulation larger than 250 kHz

Voice applications are allowed with advanced mitigation techniques.

Audio and video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


434,04-434,79 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

10 mW e.r.p.

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 10 %

Analogue audio applications other than voice are excluded. Analogue video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


434,04-434,79 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

10 mW e.r.p.

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 100 % subject to channel spacing up to 25 kHz. Voice applications are allowed with advanced mitigation techniques.

Audio and video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


446,0-446,2 MHz

PMR446 [21]

500 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.


1 January 2018


863-865 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

25 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Alternatively a duty cycle limit [vi] of 0,1 % may also be used.


1 January 2018


863-865 MHz

High duty cycle/continuous transmission devices [8]

10 mW e.r.p.


This set of usage conditions is only available to wireless audio and multimedia streaming devices.

1 July 2014


863-868 MHz

Wideband data transmission devices [16]

25 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

Bandwidth: ≤ 1 MHz.

Duty cycle [vi]: ≤ 10 % for network access points [26]

Duty cycle [vi]: ≤ 2,8 % otherwise

This set of usage conditions is only available for wideband SRDs in data networks [26].

1 January 2018


865-868 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

25 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Alternatively a duty cycle limit [vi] of 1 % may also be used.

Analogue audio applications other than voice are excluded. Analogue video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


865-868 MHz

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices [12]

2 W e.r.p.

Interrogator transmissions at 2 W e.r.p. are only permitted within the four channels centred at 865,7 MHz, 866,3 MHz, 866,9 MHz and 867,5 MHz; each with a maximum bandwidth of 200 kHz.

RFID interrogator devices placed on the market before the repeal date of EC Decision 2006/804/EC are “grandfathered”, i.e. they are continuously permitted to be used in line with the provisions set out in EC Decision 2006/804/EC before the repeal date.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.


1 January 2018


865-868 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

500 mW e.r.p.

Transmissions only permitted within the bands 865,6-865,8 MHz, 866,2-866,4 MHz, 866,8-867,0 MHz and 867,4-867,6 MHz.

Adaptive Power Control (APC) required. Alternatively other mitigation technique with at least an equivalent level of spectrum compatibility.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

Bandwidth: ≤ 200 kHz

Duty cycle [vi]: ≤ 10 % for network access points [26]

Duty cycle [vi]: ≤ 2,5 % otherwise

This set of usage conditions is only available for data networks [26].

1 January 2018


868-868,6 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

25 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Alternatively a duty cycle limit [vi] of 1 % may also be used.

Analogue video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


868,6-868,7 MHz

Low duty cycle/high reliability devices [15]

10 mW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: 25 kHz The whole frequency band may also be used as a single channel for high-speed data transmission.

Duty cycle limit [vi]: 1,0 %

This set of usage conditions is only available to alarm systems [22].

1 July 2014


868,7-869,2 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

25 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Alternatively a duty cycle limit [vi] of 0,1 % may also be used.

Analogue video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


869,2-869,25 MHz

Low duty cycle/high reliability devices [15]

10 mW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: 25 kHz. Duty cycle limit [vi]: 0,1 %

This set of usage conditions is only available to social alarm devices [6].

1 July 2014


869,25-869,3 MHz

Low duty cycle/high reliability devices [15]

10 mW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: 25 kHz Duty cycle limit [vi]: 0,1 %

This set of usage conditions is only available to alarm systems [22].

1 July 2014


869,3-869,4 MHz

Low duty cycle/high reliability devices [15]

10 mW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: 25 kHz Duty cycle limit [vi]: 1,0 %

This set of usage conditions is only available to alarm systems [22].

1 July 2014


869,4-869,65 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

500 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Alternatively a Duty cycle limit [vi] of 10 % may also be used.

Analogue video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


869,65-869,7 MHz

Low duty cycle/high reliability devices [15]

25 mW e.r.p.

Channel spacing: 25 kHz Duty cycle limit [vi]: 10 %

This set of usage conditions is only available to alarm systems [22].

1 July 2014


869,7-870 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

5 mW e.r.p.

Voice applications allowed with advanced mitigation techniques.

Audio and video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


869,7-870 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

25 mW e.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Alternatively a duty cycle limit [vi] of 1 % may also be used.

Analogue audio applications other than voice are excluded. Analogue video applications are excluded.

1 July 2014


2 400 -2 483,5 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

10 mW equivalent isotropic radiated power (e.i.r.p.)



1 July 2014


2 400 -2 483,5 MHz

Radio determination devices [9]

25 mW e.i.r.p.



1 July 2014


2 400 -2 483,5 MHz

Wideband data transmission devices [16]

100 mW e.i.r.p. and 100 mW/100 kHz e.i.r.p. density applies when frequency hopping modulation is used, 10 mW/MHz e.i.r.p. density applies when other types of modulation are used

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.


1 July 2014


2 446 -2 454 MHz

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices [12]

500 mW e.i.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.


1 July 2014


2 483,5 -2 500 MHz

Active medical implant devices [1]

10 mW e.i.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Channel spacing: 1 MHz. The whole frequency band may also be used dynamically as a single channel for high-speed data transmissions. In addition, a duty cycle limit [vi] of 10 % applies.

This set of usage conditions is only available to active implantable medical devices [7].

Peripheral master units are for indoor use only.

1 July 2014


2 483,5 -2 500 MHz

Medical data acquisition [20]

1 mW e.i.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Modulation Bandwidth: ≤ 3 MHz. In addition, aduty cycle [vi]: ≤ 10 % applies.

The set of usage conditions is only available for medical body area network system (MBANS) [23] for indoor use within healthcare facilities

1 January 2018


2 483,5 -2 500 MHz

Medical data acquisition [20]

10 mW e.i.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Modulation Bandwidth: ≤ 3 MHz. In addition, a

duty cycle [vi]: ≤ 2 % applies.

The set of usage conditions is only available for medical body area network system (MBANS) [23] for indoor use within the patient's home

1 January 2018


4 500 -7 000 MHz

Radio determination devices [9]

24 dBm e.i.r.p. [19]

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available to Tank Level Probing Radar [10].

1 July 2014


5 725 -5 875 MHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

25 mW e.i.r.p.



1 July 2014


5 795 -5 815 MHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

2 W e.i.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions applies only to road tolling applications.

1 January 2018


6 000 -8 500 MHz

Radio determination devices [9]

7 dBm/50 MHz peak e.i.r.p. and – 33 dBm/MHz mean e.i.r.p.

Automatic power control and antenna requirements as well as equivalent techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available to Level Probing Radar.

Established exclusion zones around radio astronomy sites must be obeyed.

1 July 2014


8 500 -10 600 MHz

Radio determination devices [9]

30 dBm e.i.r.p. [19]

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available to Tank Level Probing Radar [10].

1 July 2014


17,1-17,3 GHz

Radio determination devices [9]

26 dBm e.i.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available to ground-based systems.

1 July 2014


24,05-24,075 GHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

100 mW e.i.r.p.



1 July 2014


24,05-26,5 GHz

Radio determination devices [9]

26 dBm/50 MHz peak e.i.r.p. and – 14 dBm/MHz mean e.i.r.p.

Automatic power control and antenna requirements as well as equivalent techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available to Level Probing Radar.

Established exclusion zones around radio astronomy sites must be obeyed.

1 July 2014


24,05-27 GHz

Radio determination devices [9]

43 dBm e.i.r.p. [19]

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available to Tank Level Probing Radar [10].

1 July 2014


24,075-24,15 GHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

100 mW e.i.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Dwell time limits and frequency modulation range apply as specified in harmonised standards.

This set of usage conditions is only available to ground-based vehicle radars.

1 July 2014


24,075-24,15 GHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

0,1 mW e.i.r.p.



1 July 2014


24,15-24,25 GHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

100 mW e.i.r.p.



1 July 2014


24,15-24,25 GHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

100 mW e.i.r.p.



1 July 2014


24,25-24,495 GHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

– 11 dBm e.i.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Duty cycle limits [vi] and frequency modulation ranges apply as specified in harmonised standards.

This set of usage conditions is only available to ground-based vehicle radars operating in the harmonised 24 GHz frequency range.

1 July 2014


24,25-24,5 GHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

20 dBm e.i.r.p. (forward-facing radars) 16 dBm e.i.r.p. (rear-facing radars)

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Duty cycle limits [vi] and frequency modulation range apply as specified in harmonised standards.

This set of usage conditions is only available to ground-based vehicle radars operating in the harmonised 24 GHz frequency range.

1 July 2014


24,495-24,5 GHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

– 8 dBm e.i.r.p.

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used. Duty cycle limits [vi] and frequency modulation range apply as specified in harmonised standards.

This set of usage conditions is only available to ground-based vehicle radars operating in the harmonised 24 GHz frequency range.

1 July 2014


57-64 GHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

100 mW e.i.r.p., a maximum transmit power of 10dBm and a maximum e.i.r.p. power spectral density of 13dBm/MHz



1 July 2014


57-64 GHz

Radio determination devices [9]

43 dBm e.i.r.p. [19]

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available to Tank Level Probing Radar [10].

1 July 2014


57-64 GHz

Radio determination devices [9]

35 dBm/50 MHz peak e.i.r.p. and – 2 dBm/MHz mean e.i.r.p.

Automatic power control and antenna requirements as well as equivalent techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available to Level Probing Radar.

1 July 2014


57-66 GHz

Wideband data transmission devices [16]

40 dBm e.i.r.p. and 13 dBm/MHz e.i.r.p. density

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

Fixed outdoor installations are excluded.

1 July 2014


61-61,5 GHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

100 mW e.i.r.p.



1 July 2014


63-64 GHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

40 dBm e.i.r.p.


This set of usage conditions is only available to vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure and infrastructure-to-vehicle systems.

1 July 2014


75-85 GHz

Radio determination devices [9]

34dBm/50 MHz peak e.i.r.p. and – 3 dBm/MHz mean e.i.r.p.

Automatic power control and antenna requirements as well as equivalent techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available to Level Probing Radar.

Established exclusion zones around radio astronomy sites must be obeyed.

1 July 2014


75-85 GHz

Radio determination devices [9]

43 dBm e.i.r.p. [19]

Techniques to access spectrum and mitigate interference that provide at least equivalent performance to the techniques described in harmonised standards adopted under Directive 2014/53/EU must be used.

This set of usage conditions is only available to Tank Level Probing Radar [10].

1 July 2014


76-77 GHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

55 dBm peak e.i.r.p. and 50 dBm mean e.i.r.p. and 23,5 dBm mean e.i.r.p. for pulse radars


This set of usage conditions is only available to ground-based vehicle and infrastructure systems.

1 July 2014


76-77 GHz

Transport and Traffic Telematics devices [13]

30 dBm peak e.i.r.p. and

3 dBm/MHz average power spectral density

Duty cycle limit [vi]: ≤ 56 %/s

This set of usage conditions is only available to obstacle detection systems for rotorcraft use [24].

1 January 2018


122-122,25 GHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

10 dBm e.i.r.p/250 MHz and

– 48 dBm/MHz at 30° elevation



1 January 2018


122,25-123 GHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

100 mW e.i.r.p.



1 January 2018


244-246 GHz

Non-specific short-range devices [3]

100 mW e.i.r.p.



1 July 2014


Member States must allow adjacent frequency bands within this table to be used as a single frequency band provided the specific conditions of each of these adjacent frequency bands are met.


As defined in Article 2(3)


Member States must allow the usage of spectrum up to the transmit power, field strength or power density given in this table. In accordance with Article 3(3), they may impose less restrictive conditions, i.e. allow the use of spectrum with higher transmit power, field strength or power density, provided that this does not reduce or compromise the appropriate coexistence between short-range devices in bands harmonised by this Decision.


Member States may only impose these “additional parameters (channelling and/or channel access and occupation rules)”, and shall not add other parameters or spectrum access and mitigation requirements. Less restrictive conditions within the meaning of Article 3(3), mean that Member States may completely omit the “additional parameters (channelling and/or channel access and occupation rules)” in a given cell or allow higher values, provided that the appropriate sharing environment in the harmonised band is not compromised.


Member States may only impose these “other usage restrictions” and shall not add additional usage restrictions. As less restrictive conditions may be introduced within the meaning of Article 3(3), Member States may omit one or all of these restrictions, provided that the appropriate sharing environment in the harmonised band is not compromised.


“Duty cycle” is defined as the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of Σ(Ton)/(Tobs) where Ton is the “on” time of a single transmitter device and Tobs is the observation period. Ton is measured in an observation frequency band (Fobs). Unless otherwise specified in this technical annex, Tobs is a continuous one hour period and Fobs is the applicable frequency band in this technical annex. Less restrictive conditions within the meaning of Article 3(3), mean that Member States may allow a higher value for “duty cycle”.


The active medical implant device category covers the radio part of active implantable medical devices that are intended to be totally or partially introduced, surgically or medically, into the human body or that of an animal, and where applicable their peripherals.


The non-specific short-range device category covers all kinds of radio devices, regardless of the application or the purpose, which fulfil the technical conditions as specified for a given frequency band. Typical uses include telemetry, telecommand, alarms, data transmissions in general and other applications.


The assistive listening device (ALD) category covers radio communications systems that allow persons suffering from hearing disability to increase their listening capability. Typical system installations include one or more radio transmitters and one or more radio receivers.


The metering device category covers radio devices that are part of bidirectional radio communications systems which allow remote monitoring, measuring and transmission of data in smart grid infrastructures, such as electricity, gas and water.


“Social alarm devices” are radio communications systems that allow reliable communication for a person in distress in a confined area to initiate a call for assistance. Typical uses of social alarm are to assist elderly or disabled people.


“Active implantable medical devices” as defined in Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices (OJ L 189, 20.7.1990, p. 17).


The high duty cycle/continuous transmission device category covers radio devices that rely on low latency and high duty cycle transmissions. Typical uses are for personal wireless audio and multimedia streaming systems used for combined audio/video transmissions and audio/video sync signals, mobile phones, automotive or home entertainment system, wireless microphones, cordless loudspeakers, cordless headphones, radio devices carried on a person, assistive listening devices, in-ear monitoring, wireless microphones for use at concerts or other stage productions, and low power analogue FM transmitters (band 36).


The radio determination device category covers radio devices that are used for determining the position, velocity and/or other characteristics of an object, or for obtaining information relating to these parameters. Radiodetermination equipment typically conducts measurements to obtain such characteristics. Any kind of point-to-point or point-to-multipoint radio communications is outside of this definition.


“Tank Level Probing Radar” (TLPR) is a specific type of radiodetermination application, which is used for tank level measurements and is installed in metallic or reinforced concrete tanks, or similar structures made of material with comparable attenuation characteristics. The purpose of the tank is to contain a substance.


“Model control devices” are a specific kind of telecommand and telemetry radio equipment that is used to remotely control the movement of models (principally miniature representations of vehicles) in the air, on land or over or under the water surface.


The radio frequency identification (RFID) device category covers tag/interrogator based radio communications systems, consisting of radio devices (tags) attached to animate or inanimate items and of transmitter/receiver units (interrogators) which activate the tags and receive data back. Typical uses include the tracking and identification of items, such as for electronic article surveillance (EAS), and collecting and transmitting data relating to the items to which tags are attached, which may be either battery-less, battery assisted or battery powered. The responses from a tag are validated by its interrogator and passed to its host system.


The transport and traffic telematics device category covers radio devices that are used in the fields of transport (road, rail, water or air, depending on the relevant technical restrictions), traffic management, navigation, mobility management and in intelligent transport systems (ITS). Typical applications are used for interfaces between different modes of transport, communication between vehicles (e.g. car to car), between vehicles and fixed locations (e.g. car to infrastructure) as well as communication from and to users.


The inductive device category covers radio devices that use magnetic fields with inductive loop systems for near field communications. Typical uses include devices for car immobilisation, animal identification, alarm systems, cable detection, waste management, personal identification, wireless voice links, access control, proximity sensors, anti-theft systems, including RF anti-theft induction systems, data transfer to hand-held devices, automatic article identification, wireless control systems and automatic road tolling.


The low duty cycle/high reliability device category covers radio devices that rely on low overall spectrum utilisation and low duty cycle spectrum access rules to ensure highly reliable spectrum access and transmissions in shared bands. Typical uses include alarm systems that use radio communication for indicating an alert condition at a distant location and social alarms systems that allow reliable communication for a person in distress.


The wideband data transmission device category covers radio devices that use wideband modulation techniques to access the spectrum. Typical uses include wireless access systems such as radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs) or wideband SRDs in data networks.


In band 20 higher field strengths and additional usage restrictions apply for inductive applications.


In bands 22, 24, 25, 27a, and 28 higher field strengths and additional usage restrictions apply for inductive applications.


The power limit applies inside a closed tank and corresponds to a spectral density of – 41,3 dBm/MHz e.i.r.p. outside a 500 litre test tank.


The medical data acquisition category covers the transmission of non-voice data to and from non-implantable medical devices for the purpose of monitoring, diagnosing and treating patients in healthcare facilities or patient's home.


PMR446 equipment is hand portable (no base station or repeater use) and uses integral antennas only in order to maximise sharing and minimise interference. PMR 446 equipment operates in short range peer-to-peer mode and shall be used neither as a part of infrastructure network nor as a repeater;


An alarm system is a device which uses radio communication support for indicating an alert to a system or a person, as a main functionnality, at a distant location when a problem or a specific situation occurs. Radio alarms include social alarms and alarms for security and safety.


Medical Body Area Network Systems (MBANSs), used for medical data acquisition, are intended to be used in healthcare facilities and patients' homes. They are low power radio systems used for the transmission of non-voice data to and from medical devices for the purposes of monitoring, diagnosing and treating patients as prescribed by duly authorised healthcare professionals and are defined in the context of medical applications only;


Member States can specify exclusion zones or equivalent measures in which the obstacle detection application for rotorcraft use shall not be used for the protection of the radioastronomy service or other national use. Rotorcraft is defined as EASA CS-27 and CS-29 (resp. JAR-27 and JAR-29 for former certifications);


Devices shall implement the whole frequency range on a tuning range basis.


A network access point in a data network is a fixed terrestrial short range device that acts as a connection point for the other short range devices in the data network to service platforms located outside of that data network. The term data network refers to several short range devices, including the network access point, as network components and to the wireless connections between them.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 214/28


of 17 August 2017

amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States

(notified under document C(2017) 5778)

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Council Directive 89/662/EEC of 11 December 1989 concerning veterinary checks in intra-Community trade with a view to the completion of the internal market (1), and in particular Article 9(4) thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 90/425/EEC of 26 June 1990 concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks applicable in intra-Community trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market (2), and in particular Article 10(4) thereof,



Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 (3) was adopted following outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype H5 in a number of Member States (‘the concerned Member States’), and the establishment of protection and surveillance zones by the competent authority of the concerned Member States in accordance with Council Directive 2005/94/EC (4).


Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 provides that the protection and surveillance zones established by the competent authorities of the concerned Member States in accordance with Directive 2005/94/EC are to comprise at least the areas listed as protection and surveillance zones in the Annex to that Implementing Decision. Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 also lays down that the measures to be applied in the protection and surveillance zones, as provided for in Article 29(1) and Article 31 of Directive 2005/94/EC, are to be maintained until at least the dates for those zones set out in the Annex to that Implementing Decision.


The Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 was subsequently amended by Commission Implementing Decisions (EU) 2017/417 (5), (EU) 2017/554 (6), (EU) 2017/696 (7), (EU) 2017/780 (8), (EU) 2017/819 (9), (EU) 2017/977 (10), (EU) 2017/1139 (11), (EU) 2017/1240 (12), (EU) 2017/1397 (13) and (EU) 2017/1415 (14) in order to take account of changes to the protection and surveillance zones established by the competent authorities of the Member States in accordance with Directive 2005/94/EC, following further outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype H5 in the Union. In addition, Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 was amended by Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/696 in order to lay down rules regarding the dispatch of consignments of day-old chicks from the areas listed in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247, following certain improvements in the epidemiological situation as regards that virus in the Union.


The overall disease situation in the Union has been steadily improving. However, since the date of the last amendment made to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 by Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1397, Italy has detected and notified to the Commission new outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype H5N8 in poultry holdings, namely in the regions of Emilia Romagna, Lombardia and Veneto of that Member State. Italy has also notified the Commission that it has taken the necessary measures required in accordance with Directive 2005/94/EC, including the establishment of protection and surveillance zones around the infected poultry holdings.


The Commission has examined the measures taken by Italy in accordance with Directive 2005/94/EC, following the recent outbreaks of avian influenza of subtype H5N8 in that Member State, and it has satisfied itself that the boundaries of the protection and surveillance zones, established by the competent authority of Italy, are at a sufficient distance to any holding where an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype H5N8 has been confirmed.


In order to prevent any unnecessary disturbance to trade within the Union, and to avoid unjustified barriers to trade being imposed by third countries, it is necessary to rapidly describe at Union level, in collaboration with Italy, the protection and surveillance zones established in Italy, in accordance with Directive 2005/94/EC, following the recent outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype H5N8 in that Member State. Therefore, the entries for Italy in the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 should be updated to take account of the up-to-date epidemiological situation in that Member State as regards that disease. In particular, the entries for certain areas in the regions of Lombardia and Veneto need to be amended and new entries for certain areas in the regions of Lombardia, Emilia Romagna and Veneto need to be added in order to address this new situation.


The Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 should therefore be amended to update regionalisation at Union level to include the protection and surveillance zones established by Italy, in accordance with Directive 2005/94/EC and the duration of the restrictions applicable therein.


Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 should therefore be amended accordingly.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,


Article 1

The Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 17 August 2017.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

(1)   OJ L 395, 30.12.1989, p. 13.

(2)   OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 29.

(3)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 of 9 February 2017 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 36, 11.2.2017, p. 62).

(4)  Council Directive 2005/94/EC of 20 December 2005 on Community measures for the control of avian influenza and repealing Directive 92/40/EEC (OJ L 10, 14.1.2006, p. 16).

(5)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/417 of 7 March 2017 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 63, 9.3.2017, p. 177).

(6)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/554 of 23 March 2017 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 79, 24.3.2017, p. 15).

(7)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/696 of 11 April 2017 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 101, 13.4.2017, p. 80).

(8)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/780 of 3 May 2017 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 116, 5.5.2017, p. 30).

(9)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/819 of 12 May 2017 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 122, 13.5.2017, p. 76).

(10)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/977 of 8 June 2017 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 146, 9.6.2017, p. 155).

(11)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1139 of 23 June 2017 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 164, 27.6.2017, p. 59).

(12)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1240 of 7 July 2017 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 177, 8.7.2017, p. 45).

(13)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1397 of 27 July 2017 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 197, 28.7.2017, p. 13).

(14)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1415 of 3 August 2017 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 on protective measures in relation to outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza in certain Member States (OJ L 203, 4.8.2017, p. 9).


The Annex to Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/247 is amended as follows:


In Part A, the entry for Italy is replaced by the following:

‘Member State: Italy

Area comprising:

Date until applicable in accordance with Article 29(1) of Directive 2005/94/EC

Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): North of via Barche, West of via San Martino

Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): South of via Astore, of via Fichetto, of via Astore, East of SP83, South of via Giuseppe Mazzini, East of via Casino Pernestano, of via Roversino, North of via Dottorina, West of SP10, East and South of via Levadello,West of via Gerra,West of via L.T.Casalini, West of via Napoleone Bonaparte, via Dante Alighieri, North of via Barche di Solferino, via Bertasetti, via Barche

Municipality of ERBE' (VR): South and East of SP50a

Municipality of TREVENZUOLO (VR): North-East of SP50a, East of via N. Sauro, South of via Decima, of str. Marinella, East of Corte Mantellina

Municipality of ISOLA della SCALA (VR): South of SP50b, West of country road that intersects SP50b at 4th km, South of SP50b, South of SP24, East of via Verona, South and East of via Tavole di Casalbergo, West of SS12, South of SP24, West of via Rosario, North of via Selesetto, West of country road that intersects via S.Gabriele at number n.30, West and South of via S. Gabriele, West of country road that intersects via Ave, North of SP20a, West of via S. Zeno

Municipality of SORGA' (VR): North of via Albarella, East and West of SP20a, North of SP50, East of via Bosco, East and North of via Gamandone


Municipality of BAGNOLO SAN VITO (MN): East of Via Ploner, North of Via Gradaro, East of Via Canova, North of SP413 and Via Romana Nuova, North-East of Via Molinara, West of SP413

Municipality of SUSTINENTE (MN): West of SP79, North of SP482, North of Via Sacchetta, left bank of Po river

Municipality of RONCOFERRARO (MN): South-East of SP31, South of SP30, South of SP80


Municipality of BONAVIGO (VR): North-East of SP18

Municipality of PRESSANA (VR): North of SP40b, East of the country road that intersects via Braggio at number n.56

Municipality of ALBAREDO D'ADIGE (VR): East of SP18

Municipality of VERONELLA (VR): South of the Leb canal, East of SP18

Municipality of COLOGNA VENETA (VR): West of SP500, South-West of via Santa Apollonia, North-East of SP19, South and West of via Santi Pietro and Paolo, South of the Leb canal


Municipality of ISOLA della SCALA (VR) East of via S. Zeno, South of SP20a, East of country road that intersects via S.Gabriele at number n.30, West and South of via S. Gabriele, West and South of via Guasto, East of via Gabbietta, South of via Cognare

Municipality of SALIZZOLE (VR): West of SP48c, South of SP20, West of via G. Rossini, South of via Dante Alighieri, West of via Lavacchio, South of via Franchine

Municipality of SORGA' (VR): East of via S. Pietro

Municipality of NOGARA (VR): North of via Spin, East of via Montalto, of via Olmo, North of SR10, West of SS12, of SP20


Municipality of CASTELLUCCHIO (MN): East of via Mantellazze, of via Marchiodola, North of SP55; North-West of via Borsatta, of str. Picco, of str. Fontana

Municipality of RODIGO (MN): South-East of SP1, South-West of SP1


Municipality of SORBOLO (PR): North of Strada Certosino — Stradone Dell'Aia — Via della Mina — Strada del Ferrari

Municipality of BRESCELLO (RE): North of strada Vignoli; West of Strada Provinciale SP62R, of Strada della Cisa

Municipality of MEZZANI (PR): East of Strada provinciale 72, South of Po river


Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): East of SP10, West and South of via Levadello, East of via Gerra, East of via L.T.Casalini, East of via Napoleone Bonaparte, via Dante Alighieri, South of via Barche di Solferino, via Bertasetti, via Barche; and North of via Levadello

Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): South of via Barche, West of via G. Garibaldi, via Cavriana, North of SP12


Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): East of via Castellina, via Pigliaquaglie, via Berettina, South of via Dottorina, via Levadello

Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): South of SP12

Municipality of CAVRIANA (MN): South West of SP8, via Capre,West of Monte 3 Galline

Municipality of GUIDIZZOLO (MN): West of via S.Cassiano, North East of via Tiziano, North East of SP236, West of country road that connect SP236 to Str.S.Martino, South of Str.S.Martino, West of country road that connect Str.S.Martino to via S.Andrea, North of Str. per Medole, West of via Oratorio, South of Canale Virgilio, West of via Lombardia, South West of SP10

Municipality of MEDOLE (MN)

Municipality of CASTEL GOFFREDO (MN): North East of SP6, East and North of Contrada S.Anna, North of Str.Baldese, West of country road that intersects SP6 at km 13, North East of SP6, East of via Martiri di Belfiore, of Str.Medole, North East of via Malfada, East and North of Contrada Perosso Sopra, East of Str. Profondi, via Castellina


Municipality of CHIGNOLO PO (PV)

Municipality of BADIA PAVESE (PV): East of via Guglielmo Marconi

Municipality of MONTICELLI PAVESE (PV)

Municipality of SAN COLOMBANO AL LAMBRO (MI): South of SP19, viale F. Petrarca, West of SP23, South of S. Giovanni di Dio, West of via Privata Colombana, via del Pilastrello, West of di Strada comunale per Campagna

Municipality of ROTTOFRENO (PC): North of SP13, via Veratto


Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): North of via della Baita, of country road that connect via della Baita to via Ca' Morino, West of via Ca' Morino

Municipality of POZZOLENGO (BS): South West of Loc. Bella Vista, West of country road that connect Località Bella Vista to Località Volpe, West of country road that connect Località Volpe to Località Rondotto, North of Località Rondotto, West of Località Celadina Nuova, via Valletta

Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): East of via Fabio Filzi, North of via Levaldello, East of SP82, via L.T.Casilini, South of via Giuseppe Verdi, East of via dei Morei, South of via Barche di Solferino, North East of via Bertasetti, via Fichetto, East and South of via Astore, East of via del Bertocco, South West of via Albana

Municipality of CAVRIANA (MN): West of SP8, via Georgiche, via Madonna della Porta, via Pozzone, North West of SP15, North East of SP13, East of SP8

Municipality of DESENZANO DEL GARDA (BS): East of via Vaccarolo, South West of Località Taverna, Località Bella Vista

Municipality of LONATO DEL GARDA (BS): South East of via Mantova, South and West of via Navicella, East of via Montefalcone, South and East of via Fenil Bruciato, East of Pietra Pizzola, South East of via Castel Venzago, via Centenaro



In Part B, the entry for Italy is replaced by the following:

‘Member State: Italy

Area comprising:

Date until applicable in accordance with Article 31 of Directive 2005/94/EC

Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): South of via Astore, of via Fichetto, of via Astore, East of SP83, South of via Giuseppe Mazzini, East of via Casino Pernestano, of via Roversino, North of via Dottorina, West of SP10, East and South of via Levadello, West of via Gerra, West of via L.T.Casalini, West of via Napoleone Bonaparte, via Dante Alighieri, North of via Barche di Solferino, via Bertasetti, via Barche

Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): North of via Barche, West of via San Martino

From 25.8.2017 to 19.9.2017

Municipality of BAGNOLO SAN VITO (MN): East of Via Ploner, North of Via Gradaro, East of Via Canova, North of SP413 and Via Romana Nuova, North-East of Via Molinara, West of SP413

Municipality of SUSTINENTE (MN): West of SP79, North of SP482, North of Via Sacchetta, left bank of Po river

Municipality of RONCOFERRARO (MN): South-East of SP31, South of SP30, South of SP80

From 14.8.2017 to 22.8.2017

Municipality of GUIDIZZOLO (MN): South of str. to Medole, South-West of via Casarole, West of via Marchionale; South of Str. per Medole, East of via Oratorio, North of Canale Virgilio, East of via Lombardia, North East of SP10

Municipality of CASTEL GOFFREDO (MN): East of SP8, of viale Prof. B. Umbertini, of via Monteverdi, North of SP6, North-East of via C. Battisti, East of via Ospedale, North-East of str. Zocca; South West of SP6, West and South of Contrada S.Anna, South of Str.Baldese, East of country road that intersects SP6 at km 13, South West of SP6, West of via Martiri di Belfiore, of Str.Medole, South West of via Malfada

From 10.8.2017 to 19.9.2017

Municipality of DESENZANO DEL GARDA (BS): North of Highway A4

Municipality of MONTICHIARI (BS): South of SP668, East of via Sant'Eurosia, of via Boschetti of Sopra, South of via Mantova, East of via Padre Annibale of Francia, of str. Vicinale Scoler, of via Scoler, South of SP236, of SP668, East of SP29, North-East of via Montechiaresa; and West of Chiese river, West of via Mantova

Municipality of LONATO DEL GARDA (BS): South-West of SP11, East of SP25, South-East of SP668; and North of SP668, North-East of via Malocche, West and North via Fossa, North of via Cominello, West of via Monte Mario, North of via S. Tommaso, West and North of via Monte Semo, West of of via Bordena, South-West of via Marziale Cerruti, North of Highway A4

Municipality of MONZAMBANO (MN): West of SP19, South of SP74, West of str. S. Pietro; and East of Localita Caccia, SP18

Municipality of POZZOLENGO (BS): South of E70; and North of Localita Cobue Sotto, East of Localita Cascina Ceresa, North of Localita Giacomo Sotto, East of via Sirmione, North-West of SP106


Municipality of SUSTINENTE (MN): East of SP79, South of SP482

Municipality of QUINGENTOLE (MN)

Municipality of SAN GIORGIO of MANTOVA (MN): East of SP28, South-East of SP10

Municipality of PEGOGNAGA (MN): North of SP49, East of Strada Ruggera, North-East of Strada Panazza Ruggera

Municipality of SAN BENEDETTO PO (MN): North of Tangenziale Sud, SP49

Municipality of BAGNOLO SAN VITO (MN): West of Via Ploner, South of Via Gradaro, West of Via Canova, South of SP413 and Via Romana Nuova, South-East of Via Molinara, West of SP413

Municipality of BORGO VIRGILIO (MN): North of SP413 and Strada Romana

Municipality of MANTOVA (MN): East of SR62 (Via Parma), South of SP28 (Via Brennero)

Municipality of SERRAVALLE A PO (MN)

Municipality of RONCOFERRARO (MN): North-East of SP482, North-West of SP31, North of SP30, North-East of SP80, and South of Stradello Pasqualone

Municipality of QUISTELLO (MN): North of Tangenziale Sud, North-West of Via Cortesa, North-West of Via N. Sauro, North of SP496, East of Via Cantone, North-East of Via Basaglie, North of Via Sanguinetto, West of SP72


Municipality of RONCOFERRARO (MN): North of Stradello Pasqualone

From 23.8.2017 to 30.8.2017

Municipality of CASALMORO (MN): South of via solferino, via Piave, East of via Roma, South of via IV Novembre, of SP68

Municipality of CASTELGOFFREDO (MN): West of SP8, South-West of str. Casaloldo, South of Contrada Molino, South-East of str. Casalmoro, West of str. Nuovissima, of str. Carobio, South-East of Contrada Casalpoglio, South of via Casalpoglio

Municipality of REMEDELLO (BS): North of via Solferino, of via Dante, of via XXIV Aprile, East of SP76, of via Silvio Pellico,North of SP29, East of via Padre M. Cappellazzi, South-East of SP29

Municipality of GOITO (MN): North-East of SP16, East and North of SP236, West SP19; and East of the country road that intersects the SP16, South of SP16, East of Strada Cavacchia Cerlongo, Pazza San Pio X, North of SP236

Municipality of PIUBEGA (MN): North-West of SP7, South of SP1

Municipality of MARIANA MANTOVANA (MN)

Municipality of CERESARA (MN): South of Str. Goite, via Don Ottaviano Daina

Municipality of ASOLA (MN):North of SP7, North-East of SP68, North-East of via Bonincontri Longure, North of via Aporti, North-East of via SP343,North of SP2, East of via Bassa of Casalmoro; and South of via Mantova, South-West of SP68, West of SP1


Municipality of BONAVIGO (VR): North-East of SP18

Municipality of PRESSANA (VR): North of SP40b, East of the country road that intersects via Braggio at number n.56

Municipality of ALBAREDO D'ADIGE (VR): East of SP18

Municipality of VERONELLA (VR): South of the Leb canal, East of SP18

Municipality of COLOGNA VENETA (VR): West of SP500, South-West of via Santa Apollonia, North-East of SP19, South and West of via Santi Pietro and Paolo, South of the Leb canal

From 20.8.2017 to 28.8.2017

Municipality of BONAVIGO (VR): South-West of SP18

Municipality of LONIGO (VI): South of via Rotonda, West of SP17, South of via S. Giovanni, of via Madona, of via Pavarano, of via Lobbia Vicentina

Municipality of RONCO ALL'ADIGE (VR): East of SP39b,North of SP19, East of via Ronchi, South of via Gatelle, East of via Mazza

Municipality of MONTAGNANA (PD): North of via A. Dozzi, East of via Arzarin, West of via Pallonga,North of SR10, North-West of via Lognolo, West of via Saoncella, South-West of via Busi, West of via Argine Padovano

Municipality of COLOGNA VENETA (VR): East of SP500, North-East of via Santa Apollonia, South-West of SP19, North and East of via Santi Pietro and Paolo, North of Leb canal

Municipality of LEGNAGO (VR): East of via del Pontiere, North-West of viale Regina Margherita, North of via XXIV Maggio, of via Passeggio, of via Disciplina, West of SR10, East of via Papa Pio X, North-West of SP42a

Municipality of BOSCHI SANT'ANNA (VR): North of via Scaranella, of via Stradone, West of via Piazza S. Marco, North-West of via Casette, West of via Faro, North-East of via Viadane, North of via Stradone

Municipality of PRESSANA (VR): South of SP40b, West of country road that intersects via Braggio at number n.56


Municipality of ASIGLIANO VENETO (VI): West of via Roma, South of via Trieste, West of via Vela, South of SP3

Municipality of OPPEANO (VR): North-East of Bussè river, East of SP21, of via Dante Alighieri, of via Fossette, North of via Postale Vecchia

Municipality of BEVILACQUA (VR): West of SP41, West of via Lupara, North-West of SP42a

Municipality of CEREA (VR): North of via Fossalta, East of SP45, North-East of via Palesella Scuole, of via Palesella, North of SP44c, East of SS434

Municipality of ALONTE (VI): West of via Sabbionara, South of via Castelletto

Municipality of ORGIANO (VI): West of via Paradiso, of via Teonghio, West of SP14

Municipality of SAN BONIFACIO (VR): East of SP38, South-East of via Cimitero, East of SP7, South of via Circonvallazione, South of SP38

Municipality of ROVEREDO of GUA' (VR): South-West of via Dante Alighieri, West of via Battisti, South-West of via Rosa

Municipality of SAN PIETRO DI MORUBIO (VR): North of via Fossalta, of via Rubbiani, North-East of via Orti, East of via Luche, South of via Bosco, East of via Casalino

Municipality of ISOLA RIZZA (VR): North of via Muselle, East of SP45a, North of SP3

Municipality of BELFIORE (VR): South of SP38, East of via Moneta, South-West of SP395, South-East of via Bionde, West of via Porto, South-East of SP39b

Municipality of ROVERCHIARA (VR)

Municipality of ANGIARI (VR)

Municipality of ARCOLE (VR)

Municipality of ALBAREDO D'ADIGE (VR): West of SP18

Municipality of VERONELLA (VR): North of Leb canal, West of SP18

Municipality of MINERBE (VR)

Municipality of ZIMELLA (VR)


Municipality of SORGA' (VR): East of via S. Pietro

Municipality of ISOLA della SCALA (VR): East of via S. Zeno, South of SP20a, East of country road that intersects via S.Gabriele at number n.30, West and South of via S. Gabriele, West and South of via Guasto, East of via Gabbietta, South of via Cognare

Municipality of SALIZZOLE (VR): West of SP48c, South of SP20, West of via G. Rossini, South of via Dante Alighieri, West of via Lavacchio, South of via Franchine

Municipality of NOGARA (VR): North of via Spin, East of via Montalto, of via Olmo, North of SR10, West of SS12, of SP20

From 22.8.2017 to 2.9.2017

Municipality of GAZZO VERONESE (VR): West of e North of via Dosso de Pol, North of via Ronchetrin, North-West of via Bastia, West of SS12, North of via Frescà, of via Dante Alighieri, of via Olmo, West of SP47a, North-West of via Frassino

Municipality of CONCAMARISE (VR)

Municipality of BOVOLONE (VR): South East of SP20, East of via Don G. Calabria, South of via Valbauzzo, North of SP2

Municipality of SAN PIETRO DI MORUBIO (VR): West of via Farfusola, of via Borgo, South-West of via Parti

Municipality of SANGUINETTO (VR): North and West of via Marchiorina, West of via Bonzanini, North of SR10

Municipality of VILLIMPENTA (MN)

Municipality of OPPEANO (VR): North-West of SP20, West of via Corsina, of via SP21a, South of via Sorio, West of via Croce, South of SP21

Municipality of CEREA (VR): West of via Favaletto, of SP48a, of SP2, North of via Brunel, West of via Isolella Bassa

Municipality of SALIZZOLE (VR): East of via Spolverine, South of SP20b; North and East of via Valmorsel, South of country road that intersects via Peron at number n. 47


Municipality of CASTELLUCCHIO (MN): East of via Mantellazze, of via Marchiodola,North of SP55, and North-West of via Borsatta, of str. Picco, of str. Fontana

Municipality of RODIGO (MN): South-East of SP1, South-West of SP1

From 26.7.2017 to 3.9.2017

Municipality of CURTATONE (MN)

Municipality of PIUBEGA (MN): South-East of SP7, South of SP1

Municipality of MARCARIA (MN): South-East of SP10, East of SP57

Municipality of MARMIROLO (MN): West of SP236

Municipality of SAN MARTINO DALL'ARGINE (MN): North of SP58, East of SP78, North-East of left bank of Oglio river

Municipality of GAZZUOLO (MN): East of SP58

Municipality of ACQUANEGRA SUL CHIESE (MN): North-East of SP67, South-East of SP17

Municipality of RODONDESCO (MN)

Municipality of GOITO (MN): East of SP7, South-West of SP16, West and South of SP236

Municipality of MANTOVA (MN): North-West of via Brescia, East of SR62, North-West of SP10, West of viale Pompillio, West of SP29

Municipality of PORTO MANTOVANO (MN): West of SP236, of via Brescia


Municipality of CASTELLUCCHIO (MN): West of Via Mantellazze, of via Marchiodola, SP55, South-East of via Borsatta, Str. Picco, Str. Fontana

Municipality of RODIGO (MN): North-West of SP1, North-East of SP1


Municipality of TREVENZUOLO (VR): North-East of SP50a, East of via N. Sauro, South of via Decima, of str. Marinella, East of Corte Mantellina

Municipality of ISOLA della SCALA (VR): South of SP50b, West of country road that intersects SP50b at 4th km, South of SP50b, South of SP24, East of via Verona, South and East of via Tavole di Casalbergo, West of SS12, South of SP24, West of via Rosario, North of via Selesetto, West of country road that intersects via S.Gabriele at number n.30, West and South of via S. Gabriele, West of country road that intersects via Ave, North of SP20a, West of via S. Zeno

Municipality of ERBE' (VR): South and East of SP50a

Municipality of SORGA' (VR): North of via Albarella, East and West of SP20a, North of SP50, East of via Bosco, East and North of via Gamandone

From 25.8.2017 to 2.9.2017

Municipality of ERBE' (VR): North and West of SP50a

Municipality of TREVENZUOLO (VR): South-West of SP50a, West of via N. Sauro, North of via Decima, of str. Marinella, West of Corte Mantellina

Municipality of ISOLA della SCALA (VR): North of SP50b, East of country road that intersects SP50b at 4th km, North of SP50b, North of SP24, West of via Verona, North and West of via Tavole di Casalbergo,East of SP12, North of SP24, East of via Rosario, South of via Selesetto, East of country road that intersects via S.Gabriele at number 30, North of via S.Gabriele, via S.Guasto, West of via Gabbietta, North of via Franchine

Municipality of SORGA' (VR): West and South of via Gamandone, West of via Bosco, South of SP50, East and West of SP20a, South of via Albarella, West of via S.Pietro

Municipality of SALIZZOLE (VR): East of SP48c, North of SP20, East of via G. Rossini, North of via Dante Alighieri, East of via Lavacchio, North of via Franchine, West of via Spolverine, North of SP20b, South and West of via Valmorsel, North of country road that intersects via Peron at number n. 47

Municipality of NOGARA (VR): South of via Spin, West of via Montalto, of via Olmo, South of SR10, East of SS12, of SP20

Municipality of VIGASIO (VR)

Municipality of BUTTAPIETRA (VR): South of SP51

Municipality of SAN GIOVANNI LUPATOTO (VR): South of via Acque

Municipality of OPPEANO (VR): West of SP2, South of via Antonio Salieri, West of SS434, West of via Bragagnani

Municipality of BOVOLONE (VR): North West of SP20, West of via Don G. Calabria, North of via Valbauzzo, South of SP2

Municipality of CASTEL D'ARIO (MN)

Municipality of BIGARELLO (MN)

Municipality of CASTELBELFORTE (MN)

Municipality of ROVERBELLA (MN): East of Autostrada del Brennero (A22)

Municipality of NOGAROLE ROCCA (VR): East of via Colombare, of via Guglielmo Marconi, of via Molinare, of country road that intersects Torre Storta at number n. 22

Municipality of POVEGLIANO VERONESE (VR): East of SP52, South of via dei Ronchi


Municipality of SORBOLO (PR): South of Strada Certosino — Stradone Dell'Aia — Via della Mina — Strada del Ferrari

Municipality of BRESCELLO (RE): South of strada Vignoli; East of Strada Provinciale SP62R and of Strada della Cisa

Municipality of MEZZANI (PR): East of Strada provinciale 72, South of Po river

From 1.9.2017 to 9.9.2017

Municipality of PARMA (PR): East of Strada provinciale SP9, North of tangenziale di Parma (until exit n. 7), of Strada statale SS9

Municipality of GATTATICO (RE)

Municipality of POVIGLIO (RE)

Municipality of BORETTO (RE)

Municipality of TORRILE (PR)

Municipality of COLORNO (PR)

Municipality of CASTELNOVO DI SOTTO (RE): North of via A. Alberici, West of via Villafranca, West of Strada Pescatora and of via Tolara

Municipality of CAMPEGINE (RE): North of Strada provinciale SP112, West of Strada Pescatora

Municipality of VIADANA (MN): South-West of Via Ottoponti Bragagnina — Via Ottoponti Salina, West of Via Ottoponti e dell'abitato di Salina

Municipality of CASALMAGGIORE (CR): South-Est of SP 343 R — Ponte Asolana, South of SP ex SS 420, West of Case San Quirico, South of Case Sparse Quattro Case — Via Valle, West of Via Manfrassina


Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): East of SP10, West and South of via Levadello,East of via Gerra,East of via L.T.Casalini,East of via Napoleone Bonaparte, via Dante Alighieri, South of via Barche di Solferino, via Bertasetti, via Barche; and North of via Levadello

Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): South of via Barche, West of via G. Garibaldi, via Cavriana, North of SP12

From 5.9.2017 to 19.9.2017

Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): East of via Castellina, via Pigliaquaglie, via Berettina, South of via Dottorina, via Levadello

Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): South of SP12

Municipality of CAVRIANA (MN): South West of SP8, via Capre, West of Monte 3 Galline

Municipality of GUIDIZZOLO (MN): West of via S.Cassiano, North East of via Tiziano, North East of SP236, West of country road that connect SP236 to Str.S.Martino, South of Str.S.Martino, West of country road that connect Str.S.Martino to via S.Andrea, North of Str. per Medole, West of via Oratorio, South of Canale Virgilio, West of via Lombardia, South West of SP10

Municipality of MEDOLE (MN)

Municipality of CASTEL GOFFREDO (MN): North East of SP6, East and North of Contrada S.Anna, North of Str.Baldese, West of country road that intersects SP6 at km 13, North East of SP6, East of via Martiri di Belfiore, of Str.Medole, North East of via Malfada, East and North of Contrada Perosso Sopra, East of Str. Profondi, via Castellina

From 11.9.2017 to 19.9.2017

Municipality of CERESARA (MN): North-West of SP16, North-East of via Colombare Bocchere and via S. Martino, North of SP16, North-West of SP7, SP15

Municipality of CASALOLDO (MN): East of str. Grassi, North of via Squarzieri

From 10.8.2017 to 19.9.2017

Municipality of DESENZANO DEL GARDA (BS): South of Highway A4; and East of via S. Piero, West and North of Localita Taverna, North of Localita Bella vista

Municipality of LONATO DEL GARDA (BS): South of SP668, South-West of via Malocche, East and South via Fossa, South of via Cominello, East of via Monte Mario, South of via S. Tommaso, East and South of via Monte Semo, East of of via Bordena, North-East of via Marziale Cerruti, South of Highway A4; and West of via delle Cocche, Localita Pradei, North of via Malomocco, via S. Marco, via Vallone, West and North of via Brodena, West of SP567

Municipality of POZZOLENGO: South of Localita Cobue Sotto, West of Localita Cascina Ceresa, South of Localita Giacomo Sotto, West of via Sirmione, South-East of SP106; and North of Localita Bella Vista, Strada comunale Desenzano-Pozzolengo, East and North of SP13

Municipality of VOLTA MANTOVANA (MN): West of SP19, Str. Dei Colli, via S. Martino, via Goito; and North East of Str. Bezzetti, South of SP19, East via I Maggio

Municipality of CALCINATO (BS): South of SP668


Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): East of via Caviana, of via XX Settembre, of via G. Garibaldi, of via Ossario, of via San Martino

Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): North of via Astore, of via Fichetto, West of SP83, North of via Giuseppe Mazzini, West of via Casino Pernestano, of via Roversino, of via Berettina, via Piagliaquaglie, via Castellina

Municipality of CAVRIANA (MN): North East of SP8, via Capre, East of Monte 3 Galline

Municipality of GUIDIZZOLO (MN): East of via S.Cassiano, South West of via Tiziano, South West of SP236,East of country road that connect SP236 to Str.S.Martino, North of Str.S.Martino, East of country road that connect Str.S.Martino to via S.Andrea, South of Str. per Medole, North East of via Casarole, East of via Marchionale

Municipality of CERESARA (MN): South East of SP16, South West of via Colombare Bocchere and via S. Martino, South of SP16, South East of SP7, of SP15; North of Str. Goite, via Don Ottaviano Daina

Municipality of CASALOLDO (MN): West of str. Grassi, South of via Squarzieri

Municipality of CASTEL GOFFREDO (MN): West of SP8, of viale Prof. B. Umbertini, of via Monteverdi, South of SP6, South West of via C. Battisti, West of via Ospedale, South West of str. Zocca, South West of Contrada Perosso Sopra, West of str. Profondi, of via Castellina

Municipality of DESENZANO DEL GARDA (BS): West of via S. Piero, East and South of Localita Taverna, South of Localita Bella vista

Municipality of LONATO DEL GARDA (BS): East of via delle Cocche, Localita Pradei, South of via Malomocco, via S. Marco, via Vallone, East and South of via Brodena, East of SP567

Municipality of POZZOLENGO: South of Localita Bella Vista, Strada comunale Desenzano-Pozzolengo, West and South of SP13

Municipality of MONZAMBANO (MN): West of Localita Caccia, SP18

Municipality of MONTICHIARI (BS): East of Chiese river, South of SP668, Sp236, East and South of via Mantova, East of via Franche, South of via Morea

Municipality of CARPENEDOLO (BS)

Municipality of CALVISANO(BS): East of via Chiese, of via Tesoli, of via Paolo Brognoli, North of SP69, East of via Montechiaresa

Municipality of ACQUAFREDDA (BS)

Municipality of CASALMORO (MN): North of via solferino, via Piave, West of via Roma, North of via IV Novembre, of SP68

Municipality of ASOLA(MN): North of via Mantova, North-East of SP68, East of SP1

Municipality of GOITO (MN): West of the country road that intersects the SP16, North of SP16, West of Strada Cavacchia Cerlongo, Pazza San Pio X, South of SP236

Municipality of VOLTA MANTOVANA (MN): South and West of Str. Bezzetti, North of Sp19, West of via I Maggio, via S. Martino, via Goito

Municipality of PIUBEGA (MN): North of SP1


Municipality of CHIGNOLO PO (PV)

Municipality of BADIA PAVESE (PV): East of via Guglielmo Marconi

Municipality of MONTICELLI PAVESE (PV)

Municipality of SAN COLOMBANO AL LAMBRO (MI): South of SP19, viale F. Petrarca, West of SP23, South of S. Giovanni di Dio, West of via Privata Colombana, via del Pilastrello, West of Strada comunale per Campagna

Municipality of ROTTOFRENO (PC): North of SP13, via Veratto

From 1.9.2017 to 9.9.2017

Municipality of CALENDASCO (PC)


Municipality of CASTEL SAN GIOVANNI (PC)


Municipality of LIVRAGA (LO)

Municipality of SENNA LODIGIANA (LO)

Municipality of ORIO LITTA (LO)

Municipality of SOMAGLIA (LO)


Municipality of BADIA PAVESE (PV): West of via Guglielmo Marconi

Municipality of PIEVE PORTO MORONE (PV)

Municipality of SAN COLOMBANO AL LAMBRO (MI): North of SP19, viale F. Petrarca, East of SP23, North of via S. Giovanni di Dio, East of via Privata Colombana, via del Pilastrello, East of Strada comunale per Campagna

Municipality of MIRADOLO TERME (PV)

Municipality of SARMATO (PC)

Municipality of ARENA PO (PV): East and North-East of SP144, North of SP75

Municipality of COSTA DE' NOBILI (PV)

Municipality of SAN ZENONE PO (PV)

Municipality of ZERBO (PV)


Municipality of GRAFFIGNANA (LO)

Municipality of BREMBIO (LO)



Municipality of OSSANO LODIGIANO (LO)



Municipality of ROTTOFRENO (PC): South of SP13, via Veratto


Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): North of via della Baita, of country road that connect via della Baita to via Ca' Morino, West of via Ca' Morino

Municipality of POZZOLENGO (BS): South West of Loc. Bella Vista, West of country road that connect Località Bella Vista to Località Volpe, West of country road that connect Località Volpe to Località Rondotto, North of Località Rondotto, West of Località Celadina Nuova, via Valletta

Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): East of via Fabio Filzi, North of via Levaldello, East of SP82, via L.T.Casilini, South of via Giuseppe Verdi, East of via dei Morei, South of via Barche di Solferino, North East of via Bertasetti, via Fichetto, East and South of via Astore, East of via del Bertocco, South West of via Albana

Municipality of CAVRIANA (MN): West of SP8, via Georgiche, via Madonna della Porta, via Pozzone, North West of SP15, North East of SP13, East of SP8

Municipality of DESENZANO DEL GARDA (BS): East of via Vaccarolo, South West of Località Taverna, Località Bella Vista

Municipality of LONATO DEL GARDA (BS): South East of via Mantova, South and West of via Navicella, East of via Montefalcone, South and East of via Fenil Bruciato, East of Pietra Pizzola, South East of via Castel Venzago, via Centenaro

From 4.9.2017 to 12.9.2017

Municipality of MONZAMBANO (MN)

Municipality of VOLTA MANTOVANA (MN): West of SP19, Str. Volta Monzambano, viale della Libertà, North West of via A. Solferino, via Volta — Acquanegra, East of SP19, West of Str.Cantonale, country road that connect Str.Cantonale to via Avis, West of SP7, North East of SP236

Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): West of via Fabio Filzi,South of via Levaldello, West of SP82, via L.T.Casilini, North of via Giuseppe Verdi, West of via dei Morei, North of via Barche di Solferino, South West of via Bertasetti, via Fichetto, West and North of via Astore, West of via del Bertocco, North East of via Albana

Municipality of GUIDIZZOLO (MN): North East of Str.Villanova, North West of SP15, North East of via Sajore, West of via S.Giorgio, North West of via Marchionale

Municipality of CASTEL GOFFREDO (MN): North East of SP6, East of Contrada S.Anna, North of Str.Baldese, West of country road that connect Str.Baldese to SP6 at 13 km, North of SP6, East and North of Contrada Selvole

Municipality of MEDOLE (MN)

Municipality of SIRMIONE (BS)

Municipality of PONTI SUL MINCIO (MN): West of SP19

Municipality of DESENZANO DEL GARDA (BS): West of via Vaccarolo, North East of Località Taverna, Località Bella Vista; South of SP572, via S.Benedetto,South and East of via B.Vinghenzi, West of Lungo Lago Cesare Battisti up to number n.71

Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): South of via della Baita, of country road that connect via della Baita to via Ca' Morino, East of via Ca' Morino

Municipality of POZZOLENGO (BS): North East of Località Bella Vista, East of contry road that connect Località Bella Vista to Località Volpe, East of country road that connect Località Volpe to Località Rondotto, South of Località Rondotto, East of Località Celadina Nuova, via Valletta

Municipality of CARPENEDOLO (BS): East of SP105, North West of SP343, via XX Settembre, Giuseppe Zanardelli, viale Santa Maria

Municipality of MONTICHIARI (BS): East of via S.Giorgio, via Madonnina, SP668

Municipality of CALCINATO (BS): South of SP668

Municipality of LONATO DEL GARDA (BS): South of SP668, South east of Campagna Sotto, Campagna Sopra, West and South East of N.Tirale, South of via Roma, East of via dell'Olmo, South East of via Regia Antica, South of via Fontanone, East of SP78, South and East of via Bariselli, via Valsorda, via Benaco, South of country road that connect via Benaco to via Maguzzano, West of via Maguzzano, Vallio di Sopra

Municipality of CAVRIANA (MN)

Municipality of PESCHIERA DEL GARDA (VR): South of via Miralago, West of via Bell'Italia, West of SR11, SP28

