This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Document 31978L0547
National transposition measures communicated by the Member States concerning:
Directive 78/547/CEE du Conseil, du 12 juin 1978, modifiant la directive 70/156/CEE concernant le rapprochement des législations des États membres relatives à la réception des véhicules à moteur et de leurs remorques
OJ L 168, 26/06/1978, p. 39–39
(DA, DE, EN, FR, IT, NL) This document has been published in a special edition(s)
(EL, ES, PT, FI, SV)
The member states bear sole responsibility for all information on this site provided by them on the transposition of EU law into national law. This does not, however, prejudice the results of the verification by the Commission of the completeness and correctness of the transposition of EU law into national law as formally notified to it by the member states. The collection National transposition measures is updated weekly.
Cirkulaere nr. 1405 af 15/09/1978
Bekendtgørelse nr. 451 af 01/08/1973. Lovtidende A af 01/08/1973 s. 1455
Décret présidentiel numéro 431. FEK numéro 160 du 07/11/1983
Ministeriële verordening van 18/01/1979, Staatscourant nummer 33 van 15/02/1979
Asetus ajoneuvojen katsastuksesta (1702/92) 30/12/1992
Asetus ajoneuvojen rekisteröinnistä (1703/92) 30/12/1992