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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Document 52008TA1205(011)

Report on the annual accounts of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency for the financial year 2007 together with the Agency's replies

IO C 311, 5.12.2008, p. 71–78 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



Official Journal of the European Union

C 311/71


on the annual accounts of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency for the financial year 2007 together with the Agency's replies

(2008/C 311/11)








Tables 1 to 4

The Agency's replies



The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) was set up by Commission Decision 2005/56/EC of 14 January 2005 (1). The Agency was established for a period beginning on 1 January 2005 and ending on 31 December 2015 (2). The Agency manages programmes decided by the Commission in the fields of education, audiovisual and culture, including undertaking the detailed implementation of technical projects.


Table 1 summarises the Agency's competences and activities. Key data summarised from the financial statements drawn up by the Agency for the financial year 2007 are presented in Tables 2, 3 and 4for information purposes.



This Statement is addressed to the European Parliament and the Council in accordance with Article 14 of Council Regulation (EC) No 58/2003 of 19 December 2002 (3); it was drawn up following an examination of the Agency's accounts, as required by Article 248 of the Treaty establishing the European Community.


The Agency's accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2007 (4) were drawn up by its Director, pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 58/2003, and sent to the Court, which is required to give a statement of assurance on their reliability and on the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions.


The Court conducted its audit in accordance with the IFAC and ISSAI (5) International Auditing Standards and Codes of Ethics, insofar as these are applicable in the European Community context. The audit was planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance that the accounts are reliable and that the underlying transactions are legal and regular.


The Court has thus obtained a reasonable basis for the Statement set out below:

Reliability of the accountsThe Agency's accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2007 are, in all material respects, reliable.Legality and regularity of the underlying transactionsThe transactions underlying the Agency's annual accounts, taken as a whole, are legal and regular.The observations which follow do not call the Court's Statement into question.



The Agency's final administrative budget for 2007 amounted to 36,0 million euro as compared with 27,7 million euro for the previous year. This increase is mainly explained by the extension of the Agencys mandate to cover implementation of the new generation of EU programmes for the period 2007-2013. Of the budget appropriations, 6,8 million euro have been carried over to 2008. A significant part of these carry-overs concerned external services contracted in 2007 which will to a large extent be implemented in 2008 (IT development, experts, etc.). Thus the budgetary principle of annuality was not strictly observed.


1,1 million euro of the appropriations carried over from 2006 were cancelled in 2007 mainly due to the overstatement of expert-related expenditure and delays in the implementation of audit contracts. A high number of audits (6) contracted before the end of 2006 were still not closed at the end of 2007. The corresponding appropriations had to be cancelled and the Agency will need to use 2008 appropriations to pay the costs related to these audits. There is a risk this situation will repeat itself in 2008 (7). The above described situations show that there is still room for improvement in the programming and the budgeting of the Agency's activities.


For one contract (8), the intermediate payment was made by the Agency for fees despite the fact that all the required supporting documentation was not provided by the contractor.


The Agency has yet to adopt a formal recruitment practical guidelines for temporary and contractual staff. This would better ensure transparent and non-discriminatory procedures.

This Report was adopted by the Court of Auditors in Luxembourg at its meeting of 18 September 2008.

For the Court of Auditors

Vítor Manuel da SILVA CALDEIRA


(1)  OJ L 24, 27.1.2005, p. 35.

(2)  OJ L 49, 17.2.2007, p. 21.

(3)  OJ L 11, 16.1.2003, p. 1.

(4)  These accounts were drawn up on 16 June 2008 and received by the Court on 8 July 2008.

(5)  International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI).

(6)  About 34 contracts for a total value of 139 103,74 euro.

(7)  More than 1,1 million euro appropriations pertaining to ‘Audit fees’ (Article 264 of the budget) have been carried over from 2007 to 2008.

(8)  Contract for the organisation of the annual Erasmus Mundus Consortia conference (Value of the contract: 283 953,50 euro).


Table 1

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Brussels

Areas of Community competence deriving from the Treaty

Competences of the Agency as defined in Commission Decision 2005/56/EC of 14 January 2005 and in Commission Decision 2007/114/EC of 8 February 2007


Resources made available to the Agency in 2007

(Data for 2006)

Activities and outputs in 2007

(Products and services supplied in 2007)

The Community shall contribute to the development of quality education.

(Article 149(1) of the Treaty)

The Community shall implement a vocational training policy.

(Article 150(1) of the Treaty)

The Community shall contribute to the flowering of the cultures of the Member States.

(Article 151(1) of the Treaty)

The Community and the MemberStates shall ensure that the conditions necessary for the competitiveness of the Community's industry exist.

(Article 157(1) of the Treaty)


In the framework of the education, culture and industry policies, numerous measures have been taken to promote education, vocational training, audiovisual, culture, youth and active citizenship in the European Union. The main objectives of these measures are to reinforce social cohesion and to contribute to competitiveness, to economic growth and to an ever closer union amongst the people of Europe.

These measures include a variety of Community programmes.

The Agency is responsible for managing certain strands of these programmes (e.g. 'Lifelong learning', 'Culture', 'Youth in Action', 'Europe for Citizens', 'MEDIA', 'Erasmus Mundus' and 'External Cooperation Windows'). In this respect, it implements the community aid, except for programme evaluation, strategic studies and any other task which require discretionary powers in translating political choices.


To manage, throughout their duration, the specific projects entrusted to it in the context of implementation of Community programmes.

To adopt the instruments of budget implementation for revenue and expenditure and to carry out, where the Commission has empowered it to do so, the operations necessary for the management of the Community programmes and, in particular, those linked to the award of grants and contracts.

To gather, analyse and pass on to the Commission all the information needed to guide the implementation of the Community programmes.

To implement, at Community level, the network of information on education in Europe (Eurydice) for the collection, analysis and dissemination of information and the production of studies and publications.

1.   Steering Committee

Comprises five members appointed by the European Commission.

It adopts the Agency's annual work programme after approval by the European Commission. In addition, it adopts the administrative budget of the Agency and its annual activity report.

2.   Director

Appointed by the European Commission.

3.   External audit

Court of Auditors.

4.   Discharge authority

The European Parliament following a recommendation of the Council.

Final 2007 budget


Operational budget

406 (310,2) million euro for the management of Community programmes and projects delegated to the Executive Agency and implemented by the Agency on the Commission's responsibility.


Administrative budget:

36 (29,2) million euro for operating the Executive Agency as an independent body

(99,9 % subsidy entered in the general budget of the European Communities +0,1 % from EDF).

Staff at 31 December 2007


Temporary staff:

83 (75) posts for temporary staff.

Post occupied: 69 (64)

Ratio AT: 25 %


Contractual staff:

252 (221) contractual staff.

Posts occupied: 232 (214)

Ratio AC: 75 %


Total staff: 301 (278)


Jobs allocation:

Operational: 242 (227)

Administrative: 57 (49)

Mixed: 2 (2)


Activities and outputs in 2007

In accordance with the extension of its mandate and in compliance with the principle of sound financial management, the Executive Agency has achieved the management of certain strands of the new generation of programmes (2007-2013) in the fields of education, audiovisual and culture, including studies, national organisms and additional calls for proposals. The Executive Agency has also implemented the actions delegated from 2007 in the area of external cooperation in higher education and training.

In parallel, the Agency has pursued the management of the ongoing Erasmus Mundus programme (2004-2008) and the tasks aiming at the completion of the previous generation of programmes expiring end 2006.

The Executive Agency has enhanced cooperation with its parent DGs-EAC and INFSO-and combined efforts with its third parent DG EuropeAid.


Results achieved in 2007 (indicators)

39 calls for proposals have been published for the new generation of programmes 2007-2013; the relevant selection processes have been organised on schedule. More than 4 000 projects were selected for grant award, virtually all of which resulted in a contract by the end of 2007.

Regarding the completion of previous programmes, the analysis of more than 4 100 final reports has been completed; around 4 700 final payments have been carried out; 3 400 projects closed in 2007.

In addition, 650 final reports under the new 'Europe for citizens' programme have been analysed and the relevant final payments executed.

The budget execution rates have reached 99 % for commitments appropriations and 95 % for payments appropriations (operational budget).

+/- 200 monitoring visits were carried out to projects in progress.

15 calls for tenders/procurement procedures were launched for the execution of studies and services; six contractors were selected by end 2007.

A range of simplification measures has been implemented to improve management processes and procedures towards beneficiaries and to harmonize and accelerate internal working procedures.

The necessary recruitment measures have been initiated in 2007 to take over the management of the European Eurydice unit from 2008.

A methodology has been implemented to gather, analyze and disseminate projects' results. Moreover, a range of projects', kick off meetings and three InfoDays have taken place in 2007. By the end of 2007, the Agency website registered around 7 000 page views a day and 40 000 unique visitors a month.

110 audits were closed (60 %) out of the 185 unfinished audits handed over from DG EAC in 2006.

Regarding the Agency's audit plan for year 2006 (99), 98 audit visits have been carried out and 25 audits are closed. Only six draft reports are still expected. The Agency drew up an audit plan in 2007 scheduling 138 on-the-spot audit visits.

Source: Information supplied by the Agency.

Table 2

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Brussels) — Implementation of the budget for the financial year 2007

(1000 euro)



Source of revenue

Revenue entered in the final budget for the financial year

Revenue collected

Allocation of expenditure

Final budget appropriations

Appropriations carried over from the previous financial year




carried over





Community Subsidies (1)

36 027 (2)

36 136

Title I


21 008

20 201

19 178

1 023


1 220



Title II


15 019

14 231

8 437

5 795


5 468

4 629



36 027

36 136


36 027

34 432

27 615

6 818

1 594

6 688

5 556

1 132

Source: Data supplied by the Agency. This table summarises the data provided by the Agency in its annual accounts. Revenue collected and payments are estimated on a cash basis.

Table 3

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Brussels) — Economic outturn account for the financial year 2007 and 2006

(1000 euro)




Operating revenue

Community subsidies

33 191

26 397

Other revenue



Total (a)

33 483

26 397

Operating expenses

Staff expenses

15 665

13 071

Fixed asset related expenses



Other administrative expenses

17 005

9 725

Total (b)

32 880

22 853

Financial operations expenses



Total (c)



Economic result for the year (d = a – b – c)


3 544

Source: Data supplied by the Agency. This table summarises the data provided by the Agency in its annual accounts: these accounts are drawn up on an accrual basis.

Table 4

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Brussels) — Balance sheet at 31 December 2007 and 2006

(1000 euro)




Non-current assets

Intangible fixed assets



Tangible fixed assets



Current assets

Short-term receivables


1 252

Cash and cash equivalents

9 829

7 886

Total assets

11 304

9 540

Current liabilities

Provisions for risks and charges



Accounts payables

6 684

5 686

Total liabilities

7 160

5 996

Net assets

4 144

3 544


Accumulated surplus/deficit

3 544

Economic result of the year


3 544

Net capital

4 144

3 544

NB: Variations in totals are due to the effects of rounding.

Source: Data supplied by the Agency. This table summarises the data provided by the Agency in its annual accounts: these accounts are drawn up on an accrual basis.

(1)  European Economic Area.

(2)  Including 50 000 euros from the FED.

Source: Data supplied by the Agency. This table summarises the data provided by the Agency in its annual accounts. Revenue collected and payments are estimated on a cash basis.



The Agency has already reduced the rate for the carryover of appropriations by 4 % compared with 2006. Moreover, the second renewal in 2008 of a number of contracts of employment signed at the end of 2006 after the Agency became self-financing covers a shorter period in order to remedy the situation during the carryover of appropriations around 2009.


In order to avoid large-scale cancellations of appropriations carried over, the Agency implemented a closing procedure at the end of 2007 aimed at carrying over to N + 1 only those approprations intended to cover the payment of invoices not received by 31/12/N. There was also greater monitoring of provisional commitments in 2007. As for audits, the continued gradual reduction of the backlog from 2006 remains a priority for 2008. Also, the 2008 audit plan has been adapted to allow the backlog to be absorbed and to ensure speedier implementation of the latter.


Given the particularly short interval between the date of the seminar and the date for submission of the report, the Agency agreed with the contractor that the interim report would be limited to financial data and to confirmation of the number of participants. A detailed examination of all the documents is in progress before final payment is made.


The Practical Guide will be adopted once the consultation procedure with the Staff Committee has been finalised.
