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Document L:2019:112:FULL

Official Journal of the European Union, L 112, 26 April 2019

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ISSN 1977-0677

Official Journal

of the European Union

L 112

European flag  

English edition


Volume 62
26 April 2019



II   Non-legislative acts







Notice concerning the entry into force of the Agreement establishing the EU-LAC International Foundation




Council Decision (EU) 2019/658 of 2 March 2015 on the signing, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, of the Protocol amending the Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union




Council Decision (EU) 2019/659 of 8 April 2019 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, of the Protocol amending the Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union




Protocol amending the Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part







Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/660 of 24 April 2019 amending Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 as regards fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin




Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/661 of 25 April 2019 ensuring the smooth functioning of the electronic registry for quotas for placing hydrofluorocarbons on the market ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/662 of 25 April 2019 extending the derogation from Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 as regards the minimum distance from coast and the minimum sea depth for boat seines fishing for transparent goby (Aphia minuta), Ferrer's goby (Pseudaphia ferreri) and Lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris) in certain territorial waters of Spain (Balearic Islands)




Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/663 of 25 April 2019 amending for the 300th time Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida organisations







Council Decision (EU) 2019/664 of 15 April 2019 amending Decision No 940/2014/EU as regards products eligible for exemption from or a reduction in dock dues




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/665 of 17 April 2019 amending Decision 2005/270/EC establishing the formats relating to the database system pursuant to European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste (notified under document C(2019) 2805)  ( 1 )




Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/666 of 25 April 2019 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU concerning animal health control measures relating to African swine fever in certain Member States (notified under document C(2019) 3253)  ( 1 )







Corrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1263 of 20 September 2018 establishing the forms for the submission of information by parcel delivery service providers pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/644 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( OJ L 238, 21.9.2018 )




(1)   Text with EEA relevance.


Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.

The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.

II Non-legislative acts




Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/1

Notice concerning the entry into force of the Agreement establishing the EU-LAC International Foundation

The Agreement establishing the EU-LAC International Foundation (1), signed in Santo Domingo on 25 October 2016, shall, pursuant to its Article 25.1, enter into force as from 17 May 2019.

(1)   OJ L 103, 12.4.2019, p. 3.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/2


of 2 March 2015

on the signing, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, of the Protocol amending the Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 100(2), in conjunction with Article 218(5) thereof,

Having regard to the Act of Accession of Croatia, and in particular Article 6(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,



The Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part (1) (the ‘Agreement’) entered into force on 1 March 2008.


In accordance with Article 6(2) of the Act of Accession of Croatia, Croatia is to accede to the Agreement by way of a protocol between the Council and the People's Republic of China.


On 14 September 2012, the Commission was authorised by the Council to negotiate a Protocol amending the Agreement (the ‘Protocol’) in order to take account of the accession of Croatia to the Union.


The Protocol was initialled in Brussels on 20 June 2014.


The Protocol should be signed,


Article 1

The signing of the Protocol amending the Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union is hereby authorised on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, subject to the conclusion of the said Protocol (2).

Article 2

The President of the Council is hereby authorised to designate the person(s) empowered to sign the Protocol on behalf of the Union and of the Member States.

Article 3

This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.

Done at Brussels, 2 March 2015.

For the Council

The President


(1)   OJ L 46, 21.2.2008, p. 25.

(2)  The text of the Protocol will be published together with the decision on its conclusion.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/3


of 8 April 2019

on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, of the Protocol amending the Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 100(2), in conjunction with point (a) of Article 218(6) thereof,

Having regard to the Act of Accession of Croatia, and in particular Article 6(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,

Having regard to the consent of the European Parliament (1),



The Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part (2) (the ‘Agreement’) entered into force on 1 March 2008.


In accordance with Article 6(2) of the Act of Accession of Croatia, Croatia is to accede to the Agreement by way of a protocol between the Council and the People's Republic of China.


On 14 September 2012, the Commission was authorised by the Council to negotiate a Protocol amending the Agreement (the ‘Protocol’) in order to take account of the accession of Croatia to the Union.


In accordance with Decision (EU) 2019/658 (3), the Protocol was signed in Brussels on 21 December 2018.


The Protocol should be approved,


Article 1

The Protocol amending the Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union is hereby approved on behalf of the Union and of the Member States.

The text of the Protocol is attached to this Decision.

Article 2

The President of the Council shall give, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, the notification provided for in Article 3 of the Protocol (4).

Article 3

This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.

Done at Luxembourg, 8 April 2019.

For the Council

The President


(1)  Consent given on 21 December 2018.

(2)   OJ L 46, 21.2.2008, p. 25.

(3)  Council Decision (EU) 2019/658 of 2 March 2015 on the signing, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States, of the Protocol amending the Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union (see page 2 of this Official Journal).

(4)  The date of entry into force of the Protocol will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union by the General Secretariat of the Council.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/5


amending the Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part




























THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Member States’, and


of the one part,



of the other part,

HAVING REGARD TO the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union on 1 July 2013,


Article 1

The Republic of Croatia shall accede to the Agreement on maritime transport between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the government of the People's Republic of China, of the other part, signed in Brussels on 6 December 2002, and which entered into force on 1 March 2008 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Agreement’).

Article 2

The text of the Agreement in the Croatian language, which is attached to this Protocol, shall become authentic under the same conditions as the other texts drawn up in accordance with Article 14 of the Agreement.

Article 3

The Contracting Parties shall notify each other through diplomatic channels of the accomplishment of the internal legal procedures necessary for the entry into force of this Protocol. This Protocol shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last written notification.

Article 4

This Protocol shall be drawn up in duplicate, in the Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Chinese languages, each text being equally authentic.

Done at Brussels on the twenty first day of December in the year two thousand and eighteen.

За държавите-членки

Por los Estados miembros

Za členské státy

For medlemsstaterne

Für die Mitgliedstaaten

Liikmesriikide nimel

Για τα κράτη μέλη

For the Member States

Pour les États membres

Za države članice

Per gli Stati membri

Dalībvalstu vārdā –

Valstybių narių vardu

A tagállamok részéről

Għall-Istati Membri

Voor de lidstaten

W imieniu Państw Członkowskich

Pelos Estados-Membros

Pentru statele membre

Za členské štáty

Za države članice

Jäsenvaltioiden puolesta

För medlemsstaterna

Image 1

Image 2

За Европейския съюз

Рог la Unión Europea

Za Evropskou unii

For Den Europæiske Union

Für die Europäische Union

Euroopa Liidu nimel

Για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση

For the European Union

Pour l'Union européenne

Za Europsku uniju

Per l'Unione europea

Eiropas Savienības vārdā –

Europos Sąjungos vardu

Az Európai Unió részéről

Għall-Unjoni Ewropea

Voor de Europese Unie

W imieniu Unii Europejskiej

Pela União Europeia

Pentru Uniunea Europeană

Za Európsku úniu

Za Evropsko unijo

Euroopan unionin puolesta

För Europeiska unionen

Image 3

Image 4

За правителството на Киtайската Народна Република

Por el Gobierno de la República Popular China

Za vládu Čínské lidové republiky

For Folkerepublikken Kinas regering

Für die Regierung der Volksrepublik China

Hiina Rahvavabariigi valitsuse nimel

Για την κυβέρνηση της Λαϊκής Δημοκρατίας της Κίνας

For the Government of the People’s Republic of China

Pour le gouvernement de la République populaire de Chine

Za Vladu Narodne Republike Kine

Per il Governo della Repubblica popolare cinese

Ķīnas Tautas Republikas valdības vārdā –

Kinijos Liaudies Respublikos Vyriausybės vardu

A Kínai Népköztársaság kormánya részéről

Għall-Gvern tar-Repubblika Popolari taċ-Ċina

Voor de Regering van de Volksrepubliek China

W imieniu rządu Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej

Pelo Governo da República Popular da China

Pentru Guvernul Republicii Populare Chineze

Za vládu Čínskej ľudovej republiky

Za Vlado Ljudske republike Kitajske

Kiinan kansantasavallan hallituksen puolesta

För Folkrepubliken Kinas regering

Image 5

Image 6




Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/8


of 24 April 2019

amending Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 as regards fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007 (1), and in particular Article 183(b) thereof,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 510/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 1216/2009 and (EC) No 614/2009 (2), and in particular Article 5(6)(a) thereof,



Commission Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 (3) lays down detailed rules for implementing the system of additional import duties and fixes representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin.


Regular monitoring of the data used to determine representative prices for poultrymeat and egg products and for egg albumin shows that the representative import prices for certain products should be amended to take account of variations in price according to origin.


Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 should therefore be amended accordingly.


Given the need to ensure that this measure applies as soon as possible after the updated data have been made available, this Regulation should enter into force on the day of its publication,


Article 1

Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 is replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Regulation.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 24 April 2019.

For the Commission,

On behalf of the President,



Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

(1)   OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671.

(2)   OJ L 150, 20.5.2014, p. 1.

(3)  Commission Regulation (EC) No 1484/95 of 28 June 1995 laying down detailed rules for implementing the system of additional import duties and fixing representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors and for egg albumin, and repealing Regulation No 163/67/EEC (OJ L 145, 29.6.1995, p. 47).



CN code


Representative price

(EUR/100 kg)

Security under Article 3

(EUR/100 kg)

Origin (1)

0207 12 90

Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, not cut in pieces, presented as “65 % chickens”, frozen




0207 14 10

Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, boneless cuts, frozen










1602 32 11

Preparations of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, uncooked




(1)  Nomenclature of countries laid down by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1106/2012 of 27 November 2012 implementing Regulation (EC) No 471/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics relating to external trade with non-member countries, as regards the update of the nomenclature of countries and territories (OJ L 328, 28.11.2012, p. 7).



Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/11


of 25 April 2019

ensuring the smooth functioning of the electronic registry for quotas for placing hydrofluorocarbons on the market

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 (1), and in particular Article 17(2) thereof,



Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 provides for a central electronic registry to manage quotas, for the placing of hydrofluorocarbons on the market, and their reporting, including equipment placed on the market charged with hydrofluorocarbons (‘the registry’).


Following the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer (2), as from 1 January 2019 Union imports and exports of bulk quantities of hydrofluorocarbons fall under the licensing system set out in Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol. Valid registration of an undertaking acting as importer or exporter, as appropriate, in the registry under Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 is considered to constitute such a licence.


In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the registry, it is important to specify the requirements for undertakings for which registration is compulsory. Those requirements should, inter alia, include a requirement to provide information related to the financial and legal status of those undertakings. Such information may be necessary in order to ensure an effective implementation of the quota allocation, avoid distortion of quota allocations and prevent circumvention and abuses of legislative requirements.


The different situation of undertakings that have mandated an only representative in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 should also be reflected in the registration requirements.


In order to allow the quota mechanism for placing hydrofluorocarbons on the market to be implemented effectively by means of the registry it is important to provide safeguards aimed at ensuring that the allocation of quotas is carried out in a lawful and fair manner. The function of the registry is to facilitate effective implementation of the quota mechanism. The registry should therefore be organised and managed in a way that it allows it to be used as a tool to avoid any circumvention or abuse of the requirements for quota allocations. In particular, where the same beneficial owner(s) registers several undertakings with the aim of receiving a higher allocation of quotas than a single undertaking's share of the maximum quantity of hydrofluorocarbons that can be placed on the market in the Union in accordance with Article 15(1) of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014, such undertakings registered with the same beneficial owner(s) should be considered as one for the purposes of the quota allocation stipulated in Article 16(5) of the Regulation. Beneficial ownership can be related to any type of legal entity including for example small and medium-sized enterprises.


Taking into account national laws and rules regulating the establishment and operation of undertakings, the Commission needs the assistance of Member States in order to assess the completeness and accuracy of information provided by undertakings for registration purposes. Member States should therefore be required to cooperate and exchange information with the Commission in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the registry.


The Commission is required to ensure that personal data submitted pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 are processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council (3).


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee established under Article 24(1) of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014,


Article 1

Subject matter

This Regulation lays down general, operational requirements for registration in the registry established pursuant to Article 17(1) of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014.

Article 2


‘Beneficial owner’ means a beneficial owner as defined in point 6 of Article 3 of Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council (4).

Article 3

Information requirements for registration in the registry

1.   Undertakings established in the Union shall provide the following information to the Commission for the purposes of becoming registered in the registry:


name and legal form of the undertaking as it appears in relevant official documents in line with national laws and practices;


the undertaking's full address, including street name and building number, postal code, name of city and country;


the undertaking's telephone number, including the international dialling code;


the undertaking's VAT number;


the undertaking's Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number, if applicable;


the full name of one contact person who satisfies the conditions in points (i) and (ii), and an individual electronic address used for professional purposes by that person containing, if available, a clear link to the undertaking.:


he or she is either a beneficial owner of, or is employed by, the undertaking;


he or she is authorised to perform all obligations and relevant activities relating to the registry on behalf of the undertaking such that they become legally binding on the undertaking;


a description of the undertaking's business activities;


written confirmation of the undertaking's intention to register in the registry signed by a beneficial owner or employee of the undertaking who is authorised to make legally binding statements on behalf of the undertaking;


the undertaking's bank account details validated by means of a document signed by a bank representative or else an original official bank statement relating to a bank account in the Union that is used by the undertaking for its business activities and covers a period within the last 3 months.

2.   Undertakings established outside the Union that have mandated an only representative as referred to in Article 16(5) of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 shall provide the following information to the Commission for the purposes of becoming registered in the registry:


the information listed in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1, but with respect to both the undertaking and the only representative, and accompanied, in the case of the information listed in point (a), a relevant official document on which the name and legal form appears in each case, together with a certified translation of that document in English;


the information listed in points (d), (e) and (i) of paragraph 1, but with respect to the only representative rather than the undertaking;


the full name of one contact who satisfies the conditions in points (i) and (ii), and an individual electronic address used for professional purposes by that person containing, if available, a clear link to the only representative:


he or she is either a beneficial owner of, or is employed by, the only representative;


he or she is authorised to perform all obligations and relevant activities relating to the registry on behalf of the undertaking and the only representative such that they become legally binding on both the undertaking and the only representative;


an electronic address for the only representative;


a description of the undertaking's business activities;


the written confirmation listed in point (h) of paragraph 1 but signed additionally by a beneficial owner or employee of the only representative who is authorised to make legally binding statements on behalf of the only representative;

3.   In order to be eligible for submitting a declaration pursuant to Article 16(2) or 16(4) of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 for a given year, the deadlines for submitting and for completing an application to register in the registry shall be as specified in the notice to be issued by the Commission under the third subparagraph of Article 16(2) of that Regulation.

4.   Undertakings already registered before the entering into force of this Regulation shall submit the information pursuant to paragraphs 1 or 2, whichever is applicable, within 3 months from entering into force of this Regulation, unless it has already been submitted in the registry.

Article 4

Additional information requirements for registration in the registry

1.   The Commission may request an undertaking to provide information on the identity of the beneficial owner(s) of the undertaking, and, where applicable, of the undertaking's only representative, including information as to the type of beneficial ownership and the type and level of control that each such owner is entitled to exercise.

2.   The Commission may also, where justified after a preliminary assessment of the information provided under Article 3 and, if applicable, under paragraph 1 of this Article request the undertaking to provide the following:


additional information or supporting evidence to show the accuracy and completeness of the information provided under Article 3 or, as the case may be, paragraph 1 of this Article;


the undertaking's financial statements of the previous year or, if not available, proof of sufficient funds to perform the future activities for which the undertaking wishes to register in the registry;


the undertaking's business plan for future activities and an overview of previous business activities;


a document providing proof of the management structure of the undertaking;


information concerning any links, such as legal, economic or fiscal links, with other undertakings, or the beneficial owners of other undertakings, that have submitted a registration request or are already registered in the registry.

3.   The Commission may request, where appropriate, that any additional information or supporting evidence requested under paragraph 2 from undertakings that have mandated an only representative be accompanied by a certified translation in English.

4.   Undertakings shall submit any information or evidence requested under this Article within 10 working days following the date of the request or within such longer period as the Commission may agree following a duly justified request by the undertaking for an extension of time.

Article 5

Obligation to update information

Undertakings registered in the registry shall ensure that the information provided by or on behalf of them under this Regulation is kept up-to-date and shall provide the Commission with updated information as soon as any such information changes or ceases to be complete or accurate.

Article 6

Refusal, suspension and cancellation of registrations

1.   The Commission may refuse to register an undertaking in the registry, or may suspend the registration of an undertaking, if the requirements of this Regulation in relation to that undertaking are not complied with or if any information or evidence provided under this Regulation by or on behalf of the undertaking is inaccurate or incomplete. The concerned undertaking and the competent authority of the relevant Member State shall be informed, via the registry, of the reasons for refusal or suspension of registration.

2.   Where an undertaking's registration is suspended under paragraph 1, the Commission shall lift the suspension and restore the registration in the event that the requirements of this Regulation in relation to the undertaking are subsequently complied with or, as applicable, the information or evidence provided under this Regulation by or on behalf of the undertaking is subsequently updated so that it is accurate and complete.

3.   The Commission shall cancel the registration of undertakings in cases where deliberately false information is supplied or if an undertaking, following suspension, persistently fails to provide the required information or to update its information under this Regulation. The concerned undertaking and the competent authority of the relevant Member State shall be informed, via the registry, of the reasons for cancellation of registration.

Article 7

Undertakings with the same beneficial owner(s)

1.   For the purpose of quota allocation for placing hydrofluorocarbons on the market pursuant to Article 16(5) of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014, all undertakings with the same beneficial owner(s) shall be considered as one single declarant in accordance with Article 16(2) and (4) of the Regulation. That single declarant shall be the undertaking that was registered first or, where appropriate, another registered undertaking indicated by the beneficial owner. For the purpose of recalculating reference values pursuant with Article 16(3) of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014, all undertakings with the same beneficial owner(s) shall be considered as one single importer or producer. That single importer or producer shall be the undertaking that was registered first or, where appropriate, another registered undertaking indicated by the beneficial owner.

2.   For undertakings where paragraph 1 applies for two declaration periods, the Commission shall cancel the registration of the undertakings with the same beneficial owner(s) except for the undertaking that was registered first or, where appropriate, another registered undertaking indicated by the beneficial owner, unless there are other pending obligations in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 that require registration to the registry.

Article 8

Exchange of information

Upon request, Member States shall cooperate and exchange information with the Commission when it is necessary for the assessment of the completeness and accuracy of information provided by undertakings for registration purposes under this Regulation, in particular where the information concerns national laws and practices.

Article 9

1.   The personal data of an undertaking processed in the registry may be retained for a maximum period of 5 years after the cancellation of the registration in line with Article 6(3).

2.   The Commission shall ensure by technical means the deletion of personal data in line with paragraph 1.

Article 10

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 25 April 2019.

For the Commission

The President

Jean-Claude JUNCKER

(1)   OJ L 150, 20.5.2014, p. 195.

(2)  Council Decision (EU) 2017/1541 of 17 July 2017 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, (OJ L 236, 14.9.2017, p. 1).

(3)  Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).

(4)  Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directive 2006/70/EC, OJ L 141, 5.6.2015, p. 73.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/16


of 25 April 2019

extending the derogation from Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 as regards the minimum distance from coast and the minimum sea depth for boat seines fishing for transparent goby (Aphia minuta), Ferrer's goby (Pseudaphia ferreri) and Lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris) in certain territorial waters of Spain (Balearic Islands)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 of 21 December 2006 concerning management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea, amending Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1626/94 (1), and in particular Article 13(5) thereof,



Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 prohibits the use of towed gears within 3 nautical miles of the coast or within the 50 m isobath where that depth is reached at a shorter distance from the coast.


At the request of a Member State, the Commission may allow derogation from Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006, provided that a number of conditions set out in Article 13(5) and (9) are fulfilled.


A derogation from the first subparagraph of Article 13(1) of that Regulation was granted until 6 December 2016 by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1233/2013 (2).


On 9 August 2016, the Spanish Authorities requested the Commission to extend the derogation beyond the end of the period of application of Regulation (EU) No 1233/2013. Spain provided up-to-date information justifying the extension of the derogation.


The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) assessed the derogation requested by Spain and the related draft management plan during its 53rd plenary session held in October 2016 (3).


STECF noted that the new draft management plan for 2016-2019 was significantly improved in comparison to the previous management plan adopted in 2013. However, STECF indicated certain aspects that required further justification and clarification, notably regarding the increase of flexibility of the fleet census; operation over Posidonia seagrass beds; separation of waters around Mallorca into two management areas; increase of seasonal TAC and extension of fishing season for picarel.


In light of the STECF evaluation, the Commission requested additional data and clarifications, which Spain submitted to the Commission on 19 June and 6 November 2017, together with a scientific study (4). Spain withdrew 2 proposals for modification of the management plan: separation of waters around Mallorca into two management areas and extension of the fishing season for picarel.


Spain adopted the management plan by Decree (5) in accordance with Article 19(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006.


The extension of derogation requested by Spain complies with the conditions laid down in Article 13(5) and (9) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006.


There are specific geographical constraints given the limited size of the continental shelf and the spatial distribution of the target species, which is exclusively limited to certain zones in the coastal areas at depths of less than 50 metres.


The boat seines fishery cannot be undertaken with other gears and has no significant impact on the marine environment. This fishery is selective, since the seines are hauled in the water column and do not touch the seabed.


The request covers vessels registered in the maritime census managed by the Directorate-General for Fisheries and Marine Environment of the Balearic Islands which have a track record in the fishery of more than five years and operate under the management plan regulating boat seines fishing for transparent goby (Aphia minuta), Ferrer's goby (Pseudaphia ferreri) and Lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris). Those vessels are included on the list communicated to the Commission in line with the requirements of Article 13(9) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006.


The derogation requested by Spain affects a limited number of 55 vessels.


The management plan guarantees no future increase in the fishing effort, as fishing authorisations will be issued only to specified 55 vessels and a total maximum ceiling of tonnage and power will be set.


The fishing activities concerned take place at a very short distance from the coast and therefore do not interfere with the activities of other vessels.


The fishing activities concerned fulfil the requirements of Article 4(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 which, by way of derogation, allows fishing above protected habitats if fishing is operated without touching the seagrass bed under certain conditions.


Since the fishing activities concerned are selective, have a negligible effect on the environment and are not affected by provisions in Article 4(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006, they are eligible for the derogation to the minimum mesh size referred to in Article 9(7) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006. Therefore, the minimum mesh size rules set by Article 9(3) do not apply.


The requirements of Article 8(1)(h) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 are not applicable since they relate to trawlers.


The activity of boat seines is regulated in the Spanish management plan to ensure that catches of species mentioned in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 are minimal and that the fishing activities do not target cephalopods.


The Spanish management plan includes measures for the monitoring of fishing activities, in accordance with the third subparagraph of Article 13(9) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 and with Articles 14 and 15 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 (6)


The requested extension of derogation should therefore be granted.


Spain should report to the Commission in due time and in accordance with the monitoring plan provided for in the Spanish management plan.


The duration of the extension of derogation should be limited in order to allow prompt corrective management measures in case the report to the Commission shows a poor conservation status of the exploited stock, while providing scope to improve the scientific basis for an improved management plan.


Since the derogation granted by Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1233/2013 expired on 6 December 2016, this Regulation should apply from 6 December 2016.


The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture,


Article 1


Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 shall not apply in territorial waters of Spain adjacent to the coast of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, to fishing for transparent goby (Aphia minuta), Ferrer's goby (Pseudaphia ferreri) and Lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris) by boat seines which are used by vessels:


registered in the maritime census managed by the Directorate-General for Fisheries and Marine Environment of the Balearic Islands;


having a track record in the fishery of more than five years and not involving any future increase in the fishing effort provided; and


holding a fishing authorisation and operating under the management plan adopted by Spain in accordance with Article 19(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006.

Article 2

Monitoring plan and reporting

Spain shall communicate to the Commission, by June 2019, a report drawn up in accordance with the monitoring plan established in the management plan referred to in Article 1(c).

Article 3

Entry into force and period of application

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 6 December 2016 until 31 December 2019.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 25 April 2019.

For the Commission

The President

Jean-Claude JUNCKER

(1)   OJ L 409, 30.12.2006, p. 11.

(2)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1233/2013 of 29 November 2013 establishing a derogation from Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 as regards the minimum distance from coast and the minimum sea depth for boat seines fishing for transparent and Ferrer's gobies (Aphia minuta and Pseudaphia ferreri) and Lowbody picarel (Spicara smaris) in certain territorial waters of Spain (Balearic Islands) (OJ L 322, 3.12.2013, p. 17).

(3)  STECF 53rd plenary meeting report (PLEN-16-03, JRC103924):

(4)  Study on boat seines fishing with ‘ gerretera ’ gear in the Ibiza Island, 30.5.2017 (Estudio de la pesca de ‘ gerret ’ con artes de tirada en la Isla de Ibiza, 30.5.2017)

(5)  Decreto 19/2019, de 15 de marzo, por el que se establece el Plan de Gestión Pluriinsular para la Pesca con Artes de Tiro Tradicionales en aguas de las Illes Balears (BOIB No 035, 16.3.2019, p. 9442).

(6)  Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of 20 November 2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy, amending Regulations (EC) No 847/96, (EC) No 2371/2002, (EC) No 811/2004, (EC) No 768/2005, (EC) No 2115/2005, (EC) No 2166/2005, (EC) No 388/2006, (EC) No 509/2007, (EC) No 676/2007, (EC) No 1098/2007, (EC) No 1300/2008, (EC) No 1342/2008 and repealing Regulations (EEC) No 2847/93, (EC) No 1627/94 and (EC) No 1966/2006 (OJ L 343, 22.12.2009, p. 1).



Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/19


of 25 April 2019

amending for the 300th time Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida organisations


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 of 27 May 2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida organisations (1), and in particular Article 7(1)(a) and Article 7a(5) thereof,



Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 lists the persons, groups and entities covered by the freezing of funds and economic resources under that Regulation.


On 17 April 2019, the Sanctions Committee of the United Nations Security Council decided to amend one entry in the list of persons, groups and entities to whom the freezing of funds and economic resources should apply.


On 22 April 2019, the Sanctions Committee of the United Nations Security Council decided to remove one entry from the list of persons, groups and entities to whom the freezing of funds and economic resources should apply.


Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1

Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 25 April 2019.

For the Commission,

On behalf of the President,

Head of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments

(1)   OJ L 139, 29.5.2002, p. 9.


Annex I to Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 is amended as follows:


The identifying data for the following entry under the heading ‘Natural persons’ is amended as follows: ‘Zulkarnaen (alias (a) Zulkarnan, (b) Zulkarnain, (c) Zulkarnin, (d) Arif Sunarso, (e) Aris Sumarsono, (f) Aris Sunarso, (g) Ustad Daud Zulkarnaen, (h) Murshid). Date of birth: 1963. Place of birth: Gebang village, Masaran, Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia. Nationality: Indonesian.’ is replaced by the following: ‘Aris Sumarsono (Good quality alias (a) Zulkarnan, (b) Zulkarnain, (c) Zulkarnin, (d) Arif Sunarso, (e) Zulkarnaen, (f) Aris Sunarso, (g) Ustad Daud Zulkarnaen; Low quality alias Murshid). Date of birth: 1963. Place of birth: Gebang village, Masaran, Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia. Nationality: Indonesian. Date of designation referred to in Article 7d(2)(i): 16.5.2005.’;


The following entry under the heading ‘Natural persons’ is deleted: ‘Fethi Ben Hassen Ben Salem Al-Haddad (alias (a) Fethi ben Assen Haddad, (b) Fathy Hassan al Haddad). Address: (a) 184 Via Fulvio Testi, Cinisello Balsamo (MI), Italy, (b) 1 Via Porte Giove, Mortara (PV), Italy (domicile). Date of birth: (a) 28.6.1963. (b) 28.3.1963. Place of birth: Tataouene, Tunisia. Nationality Tunisian. Passport No: L183017 (Tunisian passport issued on 14.2.1996, expired on 13.2.2001). Other information: Italian fiscal code: HDDFTH63H28Z352V. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a (4) (b): 17.3.2004’.




Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/21


of 15 April 2019

amending Decision No 940/2014/EU as regards products eligible for exemption from or a reduction in dock dues


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 349 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,

After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (1),

Acting in accordance with a special legislative procedure,



Council Decision No 940/2014/EU (2) authorises the French authorities to apply exemptions or reductions to dock dues for products produced locally in the French overseas departments and listed in the Annex to that Decision. The maximum authorised tax differential is, depending on the products and the overseas department in question, 10, 20 or 30 percentage points.


Pursuant to Decision No 940/2014/EU, on 12 February 2018 the French authorities presented to the Commission a report on the application of the tax arrangements provided for in that Decision. Specific evaluation reports for each of the French outermost regions accompanied by requests to adapt the list of products eligible for differentiated taxation were sent on 15 March 2018 for French Guiana, Martinique and Guadeloupe, on 4 June 2018 for Réunion and, without a request to adapt the list, on 28 August 2018 for Mayotte. An additional request for the inclusion of a new product on the list was made for French Guiana on 26 October 2018.


On the basis of the report presented on 12 February 2018 by the French authorities, the Commission presented to the Council the report as provided for in Decision No 940/2014/EU and a proposal for amendments to that Decision. Those proposed amendments concern Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Réunion, and consist of the inclusion of new products on the list and of an increase, for certain products, of the authorised differential.


In the case of French Guiana, the Combined Nomenclature codes should be updated in the Annex to Decision No 940/2014/EU.


The adaptation of the lists is justified in each case in view of the additional costs of locally produced products compared with equivalent imported products produced in the Union.


The adaptations that should be made are mostly to be entered on the lists in the Annex to Decision No 940/2014/EU for products which were already produced locally in 2014 and for which no application for inclusion on lists had been submitted in 2014.


In French Guiana the products concerned are cement (product 2523 29 00) and wooden furniture (products 9403 30, 9403 50 00, 9403 60 and 9403 90 30).


In Martinique the products concerned are some plastic pellets (product 3907 61 00) and cold rooms (product 8418 69 00).


In Guadeloupe the products concerned are some meats (product 0210 12 19), some sauces (product 2103 90 90), denatured ethyl alcohol (product 2207 20 00), some fertilisers (products 2833, 2834 and 2836), some cosmetics (products 3303 00 90 and 3304 99 00), some cooling liquids (product 3820 00 00) and paper and paperboard boxes and cases (product 4819 10 00).


In Réunion the products concerned are some printed products (product 4911 99), some hygiene products (products 4818 20 10 and 4818 20 91), some spare parts for vehicles (products 8511 40 00, 8511 50 00 and 8511 90 00), some ventilation ducts and their accessories (products 7306 30 80, 7306 61 92 and 7307 99 80), solar water heaters (product 8419 90 85), some fertilisers (product 3102 10 90) and some tomato purées (product 2002 90 11).


In the agricultural sector, requests for inclusion or reclassification on lists are motivated by the need for local producers to diversify their production in order better to cope with the vagaries of the weather. The products which should be entered on the lists in the Annex to Decision No 940/2014/EU for Martinique are certain vegetables (products 0709 30 00, 0709 40 00, 0709 93 90 and 0714) and avocados (product 0804 40 00), for Guadeloupe pineapples (product 0804 30) and peppers (product 0904 22 00) and for Réunion onions (product 0703 10 19) and garlic (product 0703 20 00). In addition, for Martinique, some vegetables (product 0706), some peppers (product 0709 60), pineapples (product 0804 30) and citrus fruits (product 0805) should be reclassified on list B.


For certain products already entered on the lists in the Annex to Decision No 940/2014/EU the maximum differential concerned should either be extended to subheadings of the Combined Nomenclature to which it does not apply at present, or increased.


In Martinique yoghurts (product 0403 10) and some plastic construction products (product 3925) should be reclassified from list B to list C, while frozen vegetables (product 0710), prefabricated buildings (product 9406), some items of jewellery (products 7113 and 7117) and solar water heaters (product 8419 19) should be reclassified from list A to list B.


In Guadeloupe, all prepared or preserved meat (product 1602) and not just products under heading 1602 41 10, all prepared or preserved fish (product 1604 20) and not just prepared or preserved salmon (product 1604 20 10) and, with regard to fertilisers, products under headings 3102, 3103, 3104 and 3105, and not just subheadings 3102 90, 3103 90, 3104 20 and 3105 20, should be entered on list B. Yoghurts (product 0403 10), some non-alcoholic beverages (products 2202 10 00 and 2202 99 19) and some building materials (products 3925 10 00 and 3925 90 80) should also be reclassified from list B to list C.


In the agri-food industry in Réunion, sugar (product 1701), canned tomatoes (product 2002 10) and some coatings (product 3214 10 90) should be reclassified from list A to list C, some canned dried vegetables (products 2005 51 00 and 2005 99 80), some paints (products 3208 and 3209), polyethylene films and bags (products 3920 10 and 3923 21), and some boxes and cartons (product 4819 20 00) should be reclassified from list B to list C, and some fruit purées (product 2007 99 50) should be reclassified from list A to list B.


In Martinique, an error concerning the tariff heading entered on the list in the Annex to Decision No 940/2014/EU should be corrected and heading 2204 29 should be replaced by heading 2204 21.


Products for which local production did not exist in 2014 but for which it has since started or for which there are specific plans to commence operations in the near future should be entered on the lists of products eligible for differentiated taxation. In French Guiana, the products in question are derived from screen printing activities such as printed jackets (product 6110 30 91), printed baby accessories (product 6111 20 90), printed raincoats (product 6201 19 00), printed dresses (product 6204 42 00), printed household linen (product 6302 91 00), printed caps (product 6505 00 30), printed mugs (product 6912 00) and ‘energy wood’ (product 4401 12 00). In Guadeloupe, the products concerned are some beers (product 2203), some waters not containing sugar (product 2201 10 90) and some filtering or purifying machinery (product 8421 21 00). In Réunion, the products in question are certain hygiene products (product 4818 90 10).


Decision No 940/2014/EU should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1

The Annex to Decision No 940/2014/EU is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Article 3

This Decision is addressed to the French Republic.

Done at Luxembourg, 15 April 2019.

For the Council

The President


(1)  Opinion of 27 March 2019 (not yet published in the Official Journal).

(2)  Council Decision No 940/2014/EU of 17 December 2014 concerning the dock dues in the French outermost regions (OJ L 367, 23.12.2014, p. 1).


The Annex to Decision No 940/2014/EU is amended as follows:


Part A is amended as follows:


the following products are inserted in point 1: ‘0904 22 00, 2103 90 90, 2207 20 00, 3820 00 00, 4819 10 00’;


product ‘2523 29 00’ is inserted in point 2;


point 3 is amended as follows:


the following products are inserted: ‘0709 30 00, 0709 40 00, 0709 93 90, 0804 40 00, 0714, 8418 69 00’;


the following products are deleted: ‘0706, 0709 60, 0804 30, 0805, 0710, 7113, 7117, 8419 19, 9406’;


point 5 is amended as follows:


the following products are inserted: ‘3102 10 90, 8511 40 00, 8511 50 00, 8511 90 00’;


the following products are deleted: ‘1701, 2002 10, 2007 99 50, 3214 10 90’;


Part B is amended as follows:


point 1 is amended as follows:


the following products are inserted: ‘0210 12 19, 0804 30, 16 02, 1604 20, 2201 10 90, 2833, 2834, 2836, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105, 3303 00 90, 3304 99 00’;


the following products are deleted: ‘0403 10, 1602 41 10, 1604 20 10, 2202 10 00, 3102 90, 3103 90, 3104 20, 3105 20, 3925 10 00, 3925 90 80’;


point 2 is amended as follows:


the following products are inserted: ‘0303 59, 0305 31 00, 0305 44 90, 0305 52 00, 0305 53 90, 0305 54 90, 0305 59 85, 0305 64 00, 4418 91 00, 4418 99, 6110 30 91, 6111 20 90, 6201 19 00, 6204 42 00, 6302 91 00, 6505 00 30, 6912 00, 9403 30, 9403 50 00, 9403 60, 9403 90 30’;


the following product is deleted: ‘0305 59 80’;


point 3 is amended as follows:


the following products are inserted: ‘3907 61 00, 0706, 0709 60, 0710, 0804 30, 0805, 7113, 7117, 8419 19, 9406’;


the following products are deleted: ‘0403 10, 3925’;


point 5 is amended as follows:


the following products are inserted: ‘0703 10 19, 0703 20 00, 2002 90 11, 2007 99 50, 4911 99, 4818 20 10, 4818 20 91, 4818 90 10, 7306 30 80, 7306 61 92, 7307 99 80, 8419 90 85’;


the following products are deleted: ‘2005 51 00, 2005 99 80, 3208, 3209, 3920 10, 3923 21, 4819 20 00’;


Part C is amended as follows:


the following products are inserted in point 1: ‘2203, 8421 21 00, 0403 10, 2202 10 00, 2202 99 19, 3925 10 00, 3925 90 80’;


point 2 is amended as follows:


the following products are inserted: ‘4401 12 00, 9406 90 10, 9406 10 00, 9406 90 38’;


the following products are deleted: ‘9406 00 11, 9406 00 20, 9406 00 38’;


point 3 is amended as follows:


the following products are inserted: ‘0403 10, 3925, 2204 21’;


the following product is deleted: ‘2204 29’;


the following products are inserted in point 5: ‘1701, 2002 10, 2005 51 00, 2005 99 80, 3208, 3209, 3214 10 90, 3920 10, 3923 21, 4819 20 00’.



Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/26


of 17 April 2019

amending Decision 2005/270/EC establishing the formats relating to the database system pursuant to European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste

(notified under document C(2019) 2805)

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste (1), and in particular Articles 5(4), 6a(9) and 12(3d) thereof,



Directive 94/62/EC, as amended by Directive (EU) 2018/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2) lays down general calculation rules for the attainment of the packaging waste recycling targets for 2025 and 2030. It requires Member States to report to the Commission data on the implementation of the recycling targets for each calendar year in accordance with a format established by the Commission.


Commission Decision 2005/270/EC (3) should be amended to bring its provisions in line with the new rules in Directive 94/62/EC as regards the calculation of the attainment of the targets, laid down in Article 5(2) regarding the possibility to take account of reusable sales packaging, in Article 5(3) regarding wooden packaging repaired for reuse and in Article 6a, as well as the changes to Article 12 on reporting.


The calculation rules for the attainment of the packaging and packaging waste targets for 2025 and 2030 established in Article 6a(1) and (2) of Directive 94/62/EC clarify that only waste that enters a recycling operation or waste that has achieved end of waste status should be used for the calculation of the recycling target and, as a general rule, the measurement of waste should be at the input to the recycling operation. In order to ensure uniform application of the calculation rules and comparability of data, the calculation points for the main packaging materials and recycling operations should be specified.


With a view to ensuring harmonised reporting on metals separated after incineration of packaging waste and high quality recycling, it is necessary to establish a common methodology for the calculation of the amount of those metals. The methodology should take account only of the metal content of the materials that are separated from incineration bottom ash in order to be recycled into metals, and should ensure that only metals originating from the incineration of packaging waste are taken into account.


According to Article 6a(3) and (8) of Directive 94/62/EC the data calculated and reported must be underpinned by an effective system of quality control and traceability of packaging waste material streams. To that end, Member States should take measures to ensure high reliability and accuracy of the data gathered on generated and recycled packaging waste, in particular by collecting data directly from economic operators and by using electronic registries as referred to in Article 35(4) of Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (4) and technical specifications applied to sorted waste.


The formats to be used by the Member States for reporting data in accordance with Article 12(3a) of Directive 94/62/EC should take account of the rules regarding the reporting on the recycling targets for packaging and on reusable packaging laid down in Directive 94/62/EC.


The formats for reporting on reusable packaging should take into account the information on reusable packaging placed on the market for the first time and on the number of rotations that packaging performs per year, which is essential to determine the share of reusable packaging compared to single use packaging. As reusable sales packaging may be taken into account in the context of the recycling targets, it is also appropriate to distinguish between reusable sales packaging and other reusable packaging.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee established pursuant to Article 21 of Directive 94/62/EC,


Article 1

Decision 2005/270/EC is amended as follows:


Article 1 is replaced by the following:

‘Article 1

This Decision establishes the formats for reporting data pursuant to Article 12 of Directive 94/62/EC, as well as the rules for the calculation, verification and reporting of data pursuant to that Directive, as regards the following:


attaining an adjusted level of the recycling targets referred to in points (f) to (i) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC by taking account of reusable packaging pursuant to Article 5(2) of that Directive;


taking account of repair for reuse of wooden packaging pursuant to Article 5(3) of Directive 94/62/EC;


compliance with the targets set in in points (f) to (i) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC;


quality check and the measures taken pursuant to Article 6a(3) and (8) of Directive 94/62/EC.’;


Article 2 is amended as follows:


paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

‘1.   For the purposes of this Decision, the following definitions shall apply in addition to the relevant definitions set out in Article 3 of Directive 94/62/EC:


“targeted materials” means packaging waste materials that are reprocessed in a given recycling operation into products, materials or substances that are not waste;


“non-targeted materials” means, for the purposes of the calculation of the recycling targets set in points (f) to (i) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, waste materials that are not reprocessed in a given recycling operation into products, materials or substances that are not waste;


“preliminary treatment” means any treatment operation that packaging waste materials undergo before submission to the recycling operation whereby those materials are reprocessed into products, materials or substances that are not waste. This includes checking, sorting and other preparatory operations to remove non-targeted materials and to ensure high-quality recycling;


“calculation point” means the point where packaging waste materials enter the recycling operation whereby waste is reprocessed into products, materials or substances that are not waste, or the point where waste materials cease to be waste as a result of a preparatory operation before being reprocessed;


“measurement point” means the point where the mass of waste materials is measured with a view to determining the amount of waste at the calculation point;


“rotation” means a trip performed by reusable packaging from the moment it is placed on the market together with the goods it is intended to contain, protect, handle, deliver or present, to the moment it is sent back for reuse in a system to reuse packaging with a view to its repeated placing on the market together with the goods;


“a system to reuse packaging” means organisational, technical or financial arrangements which ensure that reusable packaging performs multiple rotations.’;


in paragraph 2, the first subparagraph is deleted;


Article 3 is amended as follows:


in paragraph 3, the first sentence is replaced by the following:

‘3.   For the purposes of calculating and verifying attainment of the targets set in points (a) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, packaging made of different materials which cannot be separated by hand shall be reported under the predominant material by weight.’;


in paragraph 4, the first sentence is replaced by the following:

‘4.   For the purposes of calculating and verifying attainment of the targets set in points (a) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, the weight of recovered or recycled packaging waste shall be the input of packaging waste to an effective recovery or recycling process. If the output of the sorting plant is sent to effective recycling or recovery processes without significant losses, it is acceptable to consider this output to be the weight of the recovered or recycled packaging waste.’;


Article 4 is amended as follows:


paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

‘1.   For the purposes of calculating and verifying attainment of the targets set in points (a) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, packaging waste exported out of the Union shall be counted as recovered or recycled only if there is sound evidence that the recovery and/or recycling took place under conditions that are broadly equivalent to those prescribed by the relevant Union legislation.’;


paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:

‘3.   For the purposes of calculating and verifying attainment of the targets set in points (a) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, packaging waste generated in another Member State or outside the Union which is sent for recovery or recycling to a Member State shall not be counted as recovered or recycled in the Member State to which this packaging waste was sent.’;


Article 5 is amended as follows:


paragraph 1 is amended as follows:


the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:

‘1.   For the purposes of calculating and verifying attainment of the targets set in points (a) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, the weight of recovered or recycled packaging waste shall be measured using a natural humidity rate of the packaging waste comparable to the humidity rate of equivalent packaging put on the market.’;


the fourth subparagraph is replaced by the following:

‘Significant corrections shall be reported in the descriptions regarding the data compilation in the data quality check report.’;


paragraph 2 is amended as follows:


the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:

‘2.   For the purposes of calculating and verifying attainment of the targets set in points (a) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, the weight of recovered packaging shall, as far as is practical, exclude non-packaging materials collected together with the packaging waste.’;


the fourth subparagraph is replaced by the following:

‘Significant corrections shall be reported in the descriptions regarding the data compilation in the data quality check report.’;


Article 6 is replaced by the following:

‘Article 6

For the purposes of calculating and verifying attainment of the targets set in points (a) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, the provisions on recovery in Articles 3, 4 and 5 of this Decision shall apply mutatis mutandis to packaging waste incinerated at waste incineration plants with energy recovery.’;


the following Articles 6a to 6f are inserted:

‘Article 6a

1.   For the purposes of attaining an adjusted level of the recycling targets set in points (f) to (i) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC by taking into account the average share, in the preceding three years, of reusable sales packaging placed on the market for the first time and reused as part of a system to reuse packaging, as provided for in Article 5(2) of Directive 94/62/EC, the amount of reusable sales packaging which is discarded after its first rotation shall be deducted from the total amount of reusable sales packaging placed on the market for the first time in a given year.

2.   The percentage points that may be subtracted from the recycling targets to determine the adjusted level referred to in Article 5(2) of Directive 94/62/EC shall be calculated as a simple average of the percentage points that represent the share of reusable sales packaging in each of the preceding three years. That share shall be calculated by dividing the amount of reusable sales packaging determined in accordance with this Article that is composed of the packaging material to which the recycling target applies, by the amount of all sales packaging composed of that packaging material and placed on the market for the first time in a given year.

Article 6b

1.   Where a Member State takes into account the amounts of wooden packaging that is repaired for reuse in the calculation of the targets laid down in point (f), point (g)(ii), point (h) and point (i)(ii) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, the amount of wooden packaging that is repaired for reuse shall be added to both the generated packaging waste and the recycled packaging waste.

2.   The amount of wooden packaging that is repaired for reuse shall be established on the basis of the mass of the repaired wooden packaging units that are subsequently reused and shall exclude wooden packaging or components of wooden packaging that are directed to waste treatment operations.

Article 6c

1.   For the purposes of calculating and verifying compliance with the recycling targets set in points (f) to (i) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, the following shall apply:


The amount of recycled packaging waste shall be the amount of waste at the calculation point. The amount of packaging waste entering the recycling operation shall include targeted materials. It may include non-targeted materials only to the extent that their presence is permissible for the specific recycling operation.

The calculation points applicable to certain packaging waste materials and certain recycling operations are specified in Annex II.


Where the measurement point relates to the output of a facility that sends packaging waste for recycling without further preliminary treatment, or to the input of a facility where packaging waste enters the recycling operation without further preliminary treatment, the amount of sorted packaging waste that is rejected by the recycling facility shall not be included in the amount of recycled packaging waste.


Where a facility carries out preliminary treatment prior to the calculation point in that facility, the waste removed during the preliminary treatment shall not be included in the amount of recycled packaging waste reported by that facility.


Where biodegradable packaging that is subject to aerobic or anaerobic treatment is included in the recycled amounts for the respective packaging material, the amount of biodegradable packaging in biodegradable waste shall be determined by performing regular composition analyses of the biodegradable waste entering those operations. Biodegradable packaging waste that is removed before, during or after the recycling operation shall not be included in the recycled amounts.


Where the humidity rate of packaging waste at the measurement point differs from that of packaging placed on the market, the amount of packaging at the measurement point shall be corrected in order to reflect the natural humidity rate of the packaging waste comparable to the humidity of equivalent packaging placed on the market.


The amount of recycled packaging waste shall exclude non-packaging materials collected together with the packaging waste, such as waste of the same material that does not originate from packaging, and residues from products that the packaging used to contain.


Where packaging waste generated in a given Member State has been mixed with other waste or waste from another country before the measurement point or the calculation point, the proportion of packaging waste originating from a given Member State shall be identified using appropriate methods, such as electronic registries and sampling surveys. Where such waste undergoes further preliminary treatment, the amount of non-targeted materials removed by that treatment shall be deducted taking into account the proportion and, where appropriate, the quality of waste materials coming from packaging waste originating from a given Member State.


Where packaging waste materials enter recovery operations whereby those materials are used principally as a fuel or other means to generate energy, the output of such operations that is subject to material recovery, such as the mineral fraction of incineration bottom ash or clinker resulting from co-incineration, shall not be included in the amount of packaging waste recycled, with the exception of metals separated and recycled after incineration of packaging waste. Metals incorporated in the mineral output of the co-incineration process of packaging waste shall not be reported as recycled.


Where packaging waste materials enter recovery operations whereby those materials are not principally used either as a fuel or other means to generate energy, or for material recovery, but result in output that includes recycled materials, fuels or backfilling materials in significant proportions, the amount of recycled waste shall be determined by a mass balance approach which results in taking account only of waste materials that are subject to recycling.

2.   For the purposes of calculating and verifying attainment of the recycling targets set in points (f) to (i) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, composite packaging and other packaging composed of more than one material shall be calculated and reported per material contained in the packaging. Member States may derogate from this requirement where a given material constitutes an insignificant part of the packaging unit, and in no case more than 5 % of the total mass of the packaging unit.

Article 6d

1.   For the purposes of calculating and verifying attainment of the targets set in points (f) to (i) of Article 6(1), of Directive 94/62/EC, the amount of recycled metals separated from incineration bottom ash shall be the mass of metals in the metal concentrate that is separated from raw incineration bottom ash originating from packaging waste, and shall not include other materials contained in the metal concentrate such as mineral adhesions or metals that do not originate from packaging waste.

2.   The Member States shall apply the methodology laid out in Annex III for calculating the mass of recycled metals separated from incineration bottom ash.

Article 6e

For the purposes of calculating and verifying attainment of the targets set in points (a) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, Member States may apply the calculation rules laid down in Articles 6a to 6d.

Article 6f

1.   The Member States shall take appropriate measures to ensure the reliability and accuracy of data reported under this Decision. In particular, the amount of packaging waste generated shall be subject to verification and cross-checking, including by using data on the amount of packaging placed on the market, relevant data on waste and composition analyses of mixed municipal waste. Member States shall inform the Commission of such verification carried out and, where appropriate, of any significant inconsistencies identified and corrective measures planned or taken.

2.   Member States shall obtain data directly from establishments or undertakings managing waste, as appropriate.

3.   Member States shall consider the use of electronic registries.

4.   Where data collection is based on surveys, including those underpinning sampling methodologies, those surveys shall be carried out to a minimum standard which shall include the following minimum requirements:


the surveys are carried out at regular, specified intervals, to adequately reflect the variation in the data to be surveyed;


the surveys are based on a representative sample of the population to which their results are applied.

5.   Estimates may be used for packaging materials occurring in small quantities and for those not mentioned in this Decision. Those estimates shall be based on the best information available and shall be described in the quality check reports accompanying the data on packaging waste generation and recycling.’;


Articles 7 and 8 are deleted;


Article 9 is amended as follows:


paragraphs 1 and 2 are replaced by the following:

‘1.   The Member States shall report the data on the generation and treatment of packaging waste and on reusable packaging using the formats set out in Tables 1, 2 and 3 of Annex I.

2.   The Member States shall provide the data on the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags using the format set out in Table 4 or Table 5 of Annex I, as appropriate, for reporting by numbers and the format set out in Table 6 or Table 7 of Annex I, as appropriate, for reporting by weight.’;


the following paragraphs 3 to 7 are added:

‘3.   The Member States shall complete the reporting formats set out in Annex I on an annual basis and shall submit them to the Commission within 18 months from the end of the reference year in electronic form, by means of an interchange standard set up by the Commission. The reporting shall cover a full calendar year.

4.   The Member States shall submit a quality check report using the format set out in Annex IV.

5.   Where, for the purposes of verifying compliance with the targets set in points (a) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, a Member State does not apply the calculation rules laid down in Articles 6a to 6d, that Member State shall submit the data for verifying compliance with the targets set in points (a) to (e) of Article 6(1) of Directive 94/62/EC separately by using the format laid down in Table 1 of the Annex.

6.   Member States that decide to attain an adjusted level of a target in accordance with Article 5(2) of Directive 94/62/EC for a given year shall complete the reporting format set out in Annex I, Table 2 to this Decision for that year for the respective packaging material and shall submit it to the Commission within 18 months from the end of the reference year in electronic form, by means of an interchange standard set up by the Commission.

7.   The Commission shall publish the data reported under the Annexes to this Decision, unless, as regards information included in the quality check reports established under Annex IV, a Member State provides a justified request to withhold the publishing of certain data.’;


the Annex is amended as set out in the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 17 April 2019.

For the Commission

Karmenu VELLA

Member of the Commission

(1)   OJ L 365, 31.12.1994, p. 10.

(2)  Directive (EU) 2018/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste (OJ L 150, 14.6.2018, p. 141).

(3)  Commission Decision 2005/270/EC of 22 March 2005 establishing the formats relating to the database system pursuant to Directive 94/62/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on packaging and packaging waste (OJ L 86, 5.4.2005, p. 6).

(4)  Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives (OJ L 312, 22.11.2008, p. 3).


The Annex to Decision 2005/270/EC is amended as follows:


the title is replaced by ‘ANNEX I’;


tables 1, 2 and 3 are replaced by the following:

‘Table 1

Reporting on the recycling targets set in Article 6 of Directive 94/62/EC


Packaging waste material

Waste generation


Repair of wooden packaging

Energy recovery (1)

Other recovery (2)

Recycling in the Member State

Recycling in other Member States

Recycling outside the EU

























Metal (total)








Ferrous metal








Ferrous metal from IBA (3)
















Aluminium from IBA (4)
















Paper and cardboard


















Dark shaded boxes: reporting is not applicable.


Light shaded boxes: reporting is mandatory only to Member States that include those amounts in the recycling rates. Where Member States report on metals from incineration bottom ash (IBA) they shall complete both the boxes on recycling in and outside the Member State.

Table 2

Format for reporting for the purposes of adjusting the recycling rates in accordance with Article 5(2) of Directive 94/62/EC







Packaging waste material

Share of reusable sales packaging in all sales packaging year n-3

Share of reusable sales packaging in all sales packaging year n-2

Share of reusable sales packaging in all sales packaging year n-1

Average share of reusable sales packaging in the three years preceding year n











Ferrous metal















Paper and cardboard












Light shaded boxes: Data is obligatory only for the material for which the Member State has decided to achieve an adjusted target.


Dark shaded boxes: the calculation of data is automatic and represents the simple average of columns 2, 3 and 4.

Table 3

Format for reporting on reusable packaging












Packaging material

Packaging placed on the market for the first time

Reusable packaging placed on the market for first time

Rotations (7)

All packaging (5)

Sales packaging (6)

All reusable packaging


Reusable sales packaging


All reusable packaging

Reusable sales packaging





(t) (8)


(t) (8)
























Ferrous metal

































Paper and cardboard

































Note: Light shaded boxes: provision of data is voluntary.


the following Annexes II, III and IV are added:


Calculation points referred to in Article 6c(1)(a)

Packaging Material

Calculation Point


Sorted glass that does not undergo further processing before entering a glass furnace or the production of filtration media, abrasive materials, glass fibre insulation and construction materials.


Sorted metal that does not undergo further processing before entering a metal smelter or furnace.

Paper / board

Sorted paper that does not undergo further processing before entering a pulping operation


Plastic separated by polymers that does not undergo further processing before entering pelletisation, extrusion, or moulding operations;

Plastic flakes that do not undergo further processing before their use in a final product.


Sorted wood that does not undergo further processing before utilisation in the manufacture of particleboard or other products.

Sorted wood entering a composting operation.


Sorted textile that does not undergo further processing before its utilisation for the production of textile fibres, rags or granulates.

Composite packaging and packaging composed of multiple materials

Plastic, glass, metal, wood, paper and cardboard and other materials resulting from the treatment of composite packaging or of packaging composed of multiple materials that do not undergo further processing before reaching the calculation point established for the specific material.


Methodology for calculating the recycled metals separated after incineration of packaging waste


The following terms shall apply in relation to the formulas set out in this annex:

m total IBA Fe/Al

total mass of ferrous metals or aluminium in incineration bottom ash in a given year;

m IBA Fe/nFe concentrates

mass of ferrous metal concentrate or non-ferrous metal concentrate separated from raw waste incineration bottom ash in a given year;

c IBA Fe/Al

concentration of ferrous metals or aluminium in the respective metal concentrate;

m IBA Fe/Al

mass of ferrous metals or aluminium in the ferrous metal concentrate or in the non-ferrous metal concentrate separated from incineration bottom ash in a given year;

m non-metallic

mass of non-metallic material contained in specific ferrous metals concentrate or aluminium concentrate;

r Al

share of aluminium in non-ferrous metals contained in non-ferrous concentrate separated form incineration bottom ash;

m PW Fe/Al

mass of ferrous metals or aluminium from packaging waste entering an incineration operation in a given year;

m W Fe/Al

mass of all ferrous metals or aluminium entering an incineration operation in a given year; and

m PW IBA Fe/Al

mass of recycled ferrous metals or aluminium originating from packaging waste in a given year.


Following the separation of ferrous /non-ferrous concentrate from raw incineration bottom ash, the ferrous metals/aluminium content of the metal concentrate shall be calculated by applying the following formula:

m total IBA Fe/Al = m IBA Fe/nFe concentrates · c IBA Fe/Al


Data on the mass of ferrous /non-ferrous metal concentrates shall be obtained from facilities that separate metal concentrates from raw incineration bottom ash.


The concentration of ferrous metals and aluminium resulting from the processing of raw incineration bottom ash shall be calculated by using data collected by regular surveys from facilities that treat metal concentrates and from facilities that use metals seprated from incineration bottom ash to producing metal products by applying the following formulas:


for ferrous metals

, and


for aluminium



The mass of recycled ferrous metals/aluminium originating from packaging waste in all recycled ferrous metals/aluminium separated from incineration bottom ash shall be determined through sampling surveys of the waste that enters the incineration operation. These surveys shall be carried out at least every five years and when there are reasons to expect that the composition of the incinerated waste has significantly changed. The mass of ferrous metals/aluminium originating from packaging waste shall be calculated by applying the following formula:



Format for quality check

I.   Objectives of the report

The objectives of the quality check report are as follows:


Evaluate the methodology to report on the annual consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags;


Evaluate the quality of data on reusable packaging;


Check the comprehensiveness of Member State application of the definition of packaging waste, in particular as regards data on packaging waste generation;


Evaluate the quality of data collection processes, including the scope and validation of administrative data sources and the statistical validity of survey-based approaches;


Understand the reasons for significant changes in reported data between reference years and ensure confidence in the accuracy of that data;


Ensure the application of the rules and common methodologies to measure metals separated after the incineration of packaging waste; and


Verify compliance with specific requirements established in the rules for calculating the recycling targets for packaging waste.

II.   General information


Member State:


Organisation submitting the data and the description:


Contact person / contact details:


Reference year:


Delivery date / version:


Link to data publication by the Member State (if any):

III.   Annual consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags

1.   Description of the parties involved in the data collection

Name of institution

Description of key responsibilities



Add rows as appropriate.

2.   Description of methods used

3.   Accuracy of the data

3.1.   Description of main issues affecting the accuracy of data on annual consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags, including errors related to sampling, coverage, measurement, processing and non-response

3.2.   Explanation of the scope and validity of surveys to collect data on the annual consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags

3.3.   Statistical surveys used regarding the annual consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags

Scope of the survey


Statistical units

Percentage of population surveyed



Confidence level

Error margin

Adjustments from the survey year to the current year

Other details










Add rows for each survey used.

3.4.   Differences from previous year's data

Significant methodological changes in the calculation method for the current reference year, if any (please include in particular retrospective revisions, their nature and whether a break-flag is required for a certain year).

IV.   Reusable packaging

1.   Parties involved in the data collection

Name of institution

Description of key responsibilities



Add rows as appropriate.

2.   Description of the application of the definition of reusable packaging in the national data collection system, including ensuring that reusable packaging placed on the market for the first time is reused as part of a system to reuse packaging and that all rotations of reusable packaging are captured

3.   Methods to collect and aggregate the data for the different categories, type of packaging and systems to reuse packaging

Packaging material

Category of packaging covered (sales, grouped or transport packaging)

Type of packaging (for example bottles, crates, containers)

Description of the reuse system (open-loop or close-loop system)

Detailed description of the methods to collect and aggregate the data, including sources of information, coverage, and any estimates used if possible separately for each combination of packaging material, category, type of packaging and reuse system











Ferrous metals















Paper and cardboard










Add rows after each material as appropriate.

4.   Data verification

Packaging material

Detailed description of methods for verification of data on reusable packaging if possible separately for each combination of packaging material, category, type of packaging and reuse system





Ferrous metals






Paper and cardboard




5.   Accuracy of the data

5.1.   Description of main issues affecting the accuracy of data on reusable packaging, including errors related to sampling, coverage, measurement, processing and non-response

5.2.   Explanation of the scope and validity of surveys to collect data on reusable packaging

5.3.   Statistical surveys used regarding reusable packaging

Packaging material


Statistical units

Percentage of population surveyed

Data (tonnes)

Confidence level

Error margin

Details of adjustments from the survey year to the current year

Other details










Add rows for each survey used.

5.4.   Differences from previous year's data

Significant methodological changes in the calculation method for the current reference year, if any (please include in particular retrospective revisions, their nature and whether a break-flag is required for a certain year)

V.   Packaging waste

1.   Description of the parties involved in the data collection

Name of institution

Description of key responsibilities



Add rows as appropriate.

2.   Description of methods used

2.1.   Packaging waste generation

2.1.1.   Methods for determining packaging waste generation (mark with a cross all the relevant cells)

Packaging waste material/Data collection methods




Ferrous metals



Paper and cardboard


Use of data on packaging placed on the market









Administrative reporting


















Electronic registry









Waste analysis









Data from waste operators









Data from municipalities









Data from extended producer responsibility schemes









Production and Foreign Trade Statistics









Other (specify)









Description of the verification methods concerning data on packaging waste generated in case data on packaging placed on the market is used

2.1.2.   Explanation of the application of estimates in case data on packaging placed on the market is used (for instance, where data collection does not cover the whole market or in order to take account of free riders, private shipments in or out of the country or on-line sales)

2.1.3.   Indication whether an estimate has been calculated and added (Yes/No) and if ‘Yes’ the added volume in % of the total

Packaging waste material/Validation




Ferrous metals



Paper and cardboard


General estimates (e.g. based on surveys)


















Private shipments









On-line sales


















2.1.4.   Description of the methodology and verification of data on packaging waste generated in case data on packaging waste is used, including (a) how non-packaging waste collected together with packaging waste as well as (b) packaging materials in other waste (mixed waste streams) are accounted for.

2.1.5.   Description of the methodology to report on composite packaging, including where materials contained in composite packaging and representing less than 5 % of the mass of the packaging unit are not reported separately.

2.1.6.   Verification of data on packaging waste generated

Packaging waste material



Time-series check




Verification Process











Ferrous metals















Paper and cardboard










Additional details as regards the verification of data on packaging waste generated

2.2.   Packaging waste management

2.2.1.   Classifications of treatment operations

Information on the classification used for treatment operations (if a standard classification is used such as the disposal operation or recovery operation codes established in Annexes I and II of Directive 2008/98/EC refer to its name or specify and describe all the relevant categories used).

2.2.2.   Description of methods for determining packaging waste treatment (mark with a cross)

Packaging waste material/Data collection methods




Ferrous metals



Paper and cardboard


Administrative reporting


















Electronic registry









Waste analysis









Data from waste operators









Data from municipalities









Data from extended producer responsibility schemes









Other (specify)









Additional information about the methods, including the combination of methods used

2.2.3.   Measurement points for recycling applied by the Member State

Packaging waste material

Description of measurement points used (at calculation point or at the output of sorting operation with subtraction of non-target materials as appropriate, end-of-waste criteria, etc.), including variation at regional and local level





Ferrous metals






Paper and cardboard




Detailed description of the methodology to calculate the amount of non-target materials removed between the measurement and the calculation points, where applicable

2.2.4.   Description of the methodology to determine per material the amount of recycled materials contained in composite packaging or of packaging composed of multiple materials, and information on any exemptions applied for materials constituting less than 5 % of the total mass of the packaging unit.

2.2.5.   Use of Average Loss Rates (ALRs)

Description of the sorted packaging waste to which ALRs are applied, types of sorting plants to which different ALRs apply, the methodological approach to calculating ALRs at such point(s), including the statistical accuracy of any surveys used, or the nature of any technical specifications.

Sorted waste material and sorting plant type

ALR applied (in %)





Add rows as appropriate.

2.2.6.   Attribution of waste to packaging and non-packaging types and correction for humidity

Description, where applicable, of the methodology to exclude non-packaging waste from the reported amount of recycled packaging waste and of the methodology to correct the amount of packaging waste at the measurement point in order to reflect the natural humidity rate of packaging (including by using relevant European standards). Aggregated data across facilities of a similar type is acceptable.

Packaging waste material

Facility type

Share of packaging waste (%)

Description of the methodologies applied to obtain the percentage





Add rows as appropriate.

2.2.7.   Attribution of waste to different Member States

Description of the methodology to exclude waste originating from other countries, where applicable. Aggregated data across facilities of a similar type is acceptable.

Packaging waste material

Facility type

Share of waste from the Member State (%)

Description of the methodologies applied to obtain the percentage





Add rows as appropriate.

2.2.8.   Other recovery of waste

Description of treatment of waste reported under the category of other recovery and the share of waste (%) subject to such treatment

2.2.9.   Information on the relevance of temporary storage of packaging waste to the amounts of treated waste in a given year and any estimates of waste recycled in the current reference year following temporary storage in a previous reference year, and waste going to temporary storage in the current reference year

2.2.10.   Verification of data on packaging waste recycling

Packaging waste material



Time-series check




Verification Process











Ferrous metals










Mixed waste










2.2.11.   Calculation of recycling of metals from incinerator bottom ash

Detailed description of the method to collect data in order to calculate the amount of metals separated from incineration bottom ash in accordance with the Commission Implementing Act adopted in accordance with Article 37(7) of Directive 2008/98/EC


Description of the measurement method to obtain the data

Total amount of metal concentrate extracted from incinerator bottom ash


Average level of metallic content in the total amount of metal concentrate, including the reliability of any surveys undertaken


Proportion of waste entering incineration plants that is packaging waste, including the reliability of any surveys undertaken


2.3.   Accuracy of the data

2.3.1.   Description of main issues affecting the accuracy of data on the generation and treatment of packaging waste, including errors related to sampling, coverage, measurement, processing and non-response

2.3.2.   Explanation of the scope and validity of surveys to collect data on the generation and treatment of packaging waste

2.3.3.   Statistical surveys used regarding packaging waste generation and treatment

Component of packaging waste


Statistical units

Percentage of population surveyed

Data (tonnes)

Confidence level

Error margin

Details of adjustments from the survey year to the current year

Other details










Add rows for each survey used.

2.3.4.   Differences from previous year's data

Significant methodological changes in the calculation method for the current reference year, if any (please include in particular retrospective revisions, their nature and whether a break-flag is required for a certain year)

2.3.5.   Explanation detailing the causes of the tonnage difference (in relation to which waste streams, sectors or estimates have caused the difference, and what the underlying cause is) for any component of packaging waste generated and recycled which shows greater than a 10 % variation from the data submitted for the previous data year


Variation (%)

Main reason for variation




Add rows as appropriate.

VI.   Traceability of waste and ensuring its treatment in conditions that are broadly equivalent of the requirements of EU environmental law

1.   Detailed description of the system for quality control and traceability for packaging waste pursuant to Article 6a(3) and (8) of Directive 94/62/EC

2.   Waste treated outside the Member State

Packaging waste material

Subject to final treatment in the Member State


Shipped to another EU Member State


Exported outside the EU


Description of specific measures for quality control and traceability of packaging waste, in particularly as regards monitoring and validation of data











Ferrous metals















Paper and cardboard










3.   Description of measures to ensure that, in accordance with Article 6a(8) of Directive 94/62/EC, the exporter can prove that the shipment of waste complies with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (9) and that the treatment of waste outside the Union took place in conditions that are broadly equivalent to the requirements of the relevant Union environmental law

VII.   Confidentiality

Justification to withhold the publication of specific parts of this report:

VIII.   Main national websites, reference documents and publications

(1)  This includes incineration with energy recovery and the reprocessing of waste to be used as fuel or other means to generate energy.

(2)  This excludes repair of wooden packaging, recycling and energy recovery and includes backfilling.

(3)  Ferrous metals recycled after their separation from incineration bottom ash shall be reported separately and shall not be included in the row for reporting ferrous metals.

(4)  Aluminium recycled after separation from incineration bottom ash shall be reported separately and shall not be included in the row for reporting aluminium.

(5)  This means all reusable and single-use packaging comprising sales, transport and grouped packaging.

(6)  This means reusable and single-use sales packaging.

(7)  This means the number of rotations that reusable packaging completes in a given year.

(8)  This means the number of rotations that reusable packaging completes in a given year multiplied by their mass.’;

(9)  Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste (OJ L 190, 12.7.2006, p. 1).



Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/47


of 25 April 2019

amending the Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU concerning animal health control measures relating to African swine fever in certain Member States

(notified under document C(2019) 3253)

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Council Directive 89/662/EEC of 11 December 1989 concerning veterinary checks in intra-Community trade with a view to the completion of the internal market (1), and in particular Article 9(4) thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 90/425/EEC of 26 June 1990 concerning veterinary checks applicable in intra-Union trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market (2), and in particular Article 10(4) thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 2002/99/EC of 16 December 2002 laying down the animal health rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin for human consumption (3), and in particular Article 4(3) thereof,



Commission Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU (4) lays down animal health control measures in relation to African swine fever in certain Member States, where there have been confirmed cases of that disease in domestic or feral pigs (the Member States concerned). The Annex to that Implementing Decision demarcates and lists certain areas of the Member States concerned in Parts I to IV thereof, differentiated by the level of risk based on the epidemiological situation as regards that disease. The Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU has been amended several times to take account of changes in the epidemiological situation in the Union as regards African swine fever that need to be reflected in that Annex. The Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU was last amended by Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/617 (5), following instances of African swine fever in Lithuania and Poland.


Since the date of adoption of Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/617, there have been further instances of African swine fever in domestic pigs in Romania that also need to be reflected in the Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU.


In April 2019, an outbreak of African swine fever in domestic pigs was observed in the county of Argeș in Romania in an area currently listed in Part I of the Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU. This outbreak of African swine fever in domestic pigs constitutes an increased level of risk which should be reflected in that Annex. Accordingly, this area of Romania affected by African swine fever should be listed in Part III of the Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU instead of in Part I thereof.


In order to take account of recent developments in the epidemiological evolution of African swine fever in the Union, and in order to combat the risks associated with the spread of that disease in a proactive manner, a new high-risk area of a sufficient size should be demarcated for Romania and duly listed in Part III of the Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU. The Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU should therefore be amended accordingly.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,


Article 1

The Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU is replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 25 April 2019.

For the Commission



(1)   OJ L 395, 30.12.1989, p. 13.

(2)   OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 29.

(3)   OJ L 18, 23.1.2003, p. 11.

(4)  Commission Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU of 9 October 2014 concerning animal health control measures relating to African swine fever in certain Member States and repealing Implementing Decision 2014/178/EU (OJ L 295, 11.10.2014, p. 63).

(5)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/617 of 15 April 2019 amending the Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU concerning animal health control measures relating to African swine fever in certain Member States (OJ L 105, 16.4.2019, p. 37).


The Annex to Implementing Decision 2014/709/EU is replaced by the following:



1.   Belgium

The following areas in Belgium:

in Luxembourg province:

the area is delimited clockwise by:

Frontière avec la France,

Rue Mersinhat,

La N818 jusque son intersection avec la N83,

La N83 jusque son intersection avec la N884,

La N884 jusque son intersection avec la N824,

La N824 jusque son intersection avec Le Routeux,

Le Routeux,

Rue d'Orgéo,

Rue de la Vierre,

Rue du Bout-d'en-Bas,

Rue Sous l'Eglise,

Rue Notre-Dame,

Rue du Centre,

La N845 jusque son intersection avec la N85,

La N85 jusque son intersection avec la N40,

La N40 jusque son intersection avec la N802,

La N802 jusque son intersection avec la N825,

La N825 jusque son intersection avec la E25-E411,

La E25-E411 jusque son intersection avec la N40,

N40: Burnaimont, Rue de Luxembourg, Rue Ranci, Rue de la Chapelle,

Rue du Tombois,

Rue Du Pierroy,

Rue Saint-Orban,

Rue Saint-Aubain,

Rue des Cottages,

Rue de Relune,

Rue de Rulune,

Route de l'Ermitage,

N87: Route de Habay,

Chemin des Ecoliers,

Le Routy,

Rue Burgknapp,

Rue de la Halte,

Rue du Centre,

Rue de l'Eglise,

Rue du Marquisat,

Rue de la Carrière,

Rue de la Lorraine,

Rue du Beynert,


Rue du Tram,


N4: Route de Bastogne, Avenue de Longwy, Route de Luxembourg,

Frontière avec le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg,

Frontière avec la France,

La N87 jusque son intersection avec la N871 au niveau de Rouvroy,

La N871 jusque son intersection avec la N88,

La N88 jusque son intersection avec la rue Baillet Latour,

La rue Baillet Latour jusque son intersection avec la N811,

La N811 jusque son intersection avec la N88,

La N88 jusque son intersection avecla N883 au niveau d'Aubange,

La N883 jusque son intersection avec la N81 au niveau d'Aubange,

La N81 jusque son intersection avec la E25-E411,

La E25-E411 jusque son intersection avec la N40,

La N40 jusque son intersection avec la rue du Fet,

Rue du Fet,

Rue de l'Accord jusque son intersection avec la rue de la Gaume,

Rue de la Gaume jusque son intersection avec la rue des Bruyères,

Rue des Bruyères,

Rue de Neufchâteau,

Rue de la Motte,

La N894 jusque son intersection avec la N85,

La N85 jusque son intersection avec la frontière avec la France.

2.   Bulgaria

The following areas in Bulgaria:

in Varna the whole region excluding the villages covered in Part II;

in Silistra region:

whole municipality of Glavinitza,

whole municipality of Tutrakan,

whithinmunicipality of Dulovo:















within municipality of Sitovo:





Nova Popina,





within municipality of Silistra:


in Dobrich region:

whole municipality of Baltchik,

wholemunicipality of General Toshevo,

whole municipality of Dobrich,

whole municipality of Dobrich-selska (Dobrichka),

within municipality of Krushari:





Polkovnik Dyakovo,

Poruchik Kardzhievo,






Efreytor Bakalovo,






within municipality of Kavarna:






whole municipality of Tervel, except Brestnitsa and Kolartzi,

in Ruse region:

within municipality of Slivo pole:



Golyamo vranovo,

Malko vranovo,


Slivo pole,


within municipality of Ruse:





Dolno Ablanovo,


Chervena voda,


within municipality of Ivanovo:






within municipality of Borovo:


Gorno Ablanovo,

Ekzarh Yosif,



within municipality of Tsenovo:









in Veliko Tarnovo region:

within municipality of Svishtov:





Bulgarsko Slivovo,


in Pleven region:

within municipality of Belene:



Kulina voda,

Byala voda,

within municipality of Nikopol:


Dragash voyvoda,








within municipality of Gulyantzi:


Dolni vit,











within municipality of Dolna Mitropoliya:









in Vratza region:

within municipality of Oryahovo:

Dolni vadin,

Gorni vadin,






within municipality of Miziya:





within municipality of Kozloduy:





in Montana region:

within municipality of Valtchedram:

Dolni Tzibar,

Gorni Tzibar,







within municipality Lom:





Dolno Linevo,


Staliyska mahala,



Dobri dol,

within municipality of Brusartsi:



in Vidin region:

within municipality of Ruzhintsi:




within municipality of Dimovo:







Mali Drenovetz,



within municipality of Vidin:




Tzar Simeonovo,






Bela Rada,

Slana bara,













3.   Estonia

The following areas in Estonia:

Hiiu maakond.

4.   Hungary

The following areas in Hungary:

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye 651100, 651300, 651400, 651500, 651610, 651700, 651801, 651802, 651803, 651900, 652000, 652200, 652300, 652601, 652602, 652603, 652700, 652900, 653000, 653100, 653200, 653300, 653401, 653403, 653500, 653600, 653700, 653800, 653900, 654000, 654201, 654202, 654301, 654302, 654400, 654501, 654502, 654600, 654700, 654800, 654900, 655000, 655100, 655200, 655300, 655500, 655600, 655700, 655800, 655901, 655902, 656000, 656100, 656200, 656300, 656400, 656600, 657300, 657400, 657500, 657600, 657700, 657800, 657900, 658000, 658201, 658202 és 658403 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Hajdú-Bihar megye 900750, 900850, 900860, 900930, 900950, 901050, 901150, 901250, 901260, 901270, 901350, 901450, 901551, 901560, 901570, 901580, 901590, 901650, 901660, 901750, 901950, 902050, 902150, 902250, 902350, 902450, 902850, 902860, 902950, 902960, 903050, 903150, 903250, 903350, 903360, 903370, 903450, 903550, 904450, 904460, 904550, 904650, 904750, 904760, 905450 és 905550 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Heves megye 702550, 703350, 703360, 703450, 703550, 703610, 703750, 703850, 703950, 704050, 704150, 704250, 704350, 704450, 704550, 704650, 704750, 704850, 704950, 705050, és 705350 kódszámúvadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye 750150, 750160, 750250, 750260, 750350, 750450, 750460, 750550, 750650, 750750, 750850, 750950, 751150, 752150 és 755550 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Nógrád megye 550710, 550810, 551450, 551460, 551550, 551650, 551710, 552010, 552150, 552250, 552350, 552360, 552450, 552460, 552520, 552550, 552610, 552620, 552710, 552850, 552860, 552950, 552960, 552970, 553050, 553110, 553250, 553260, 553350, 553650, 553750, 553850, 553910 és 554050 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Pest megye 571250, 571350, 571550, 571610, 571750, 571760, 572250, 572350, 572550, 572850, 572950, 573360, 573450, 580050 és 580450 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye 851950, 852350, 852450, 852550, 852750, 853560, 853650, 853751, 853850, 853950, 853960, 854050, 854150, 854250, 854350, 855250, 855350, 855450, 855460, 855550, 855650, 855660, 855750, 855850, 855950, 855960, 856012, 856050, 856150, 856260, 857050, 857150, 857350 és 857450 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe.

5.   Latvia

The following areas in Latvia:

Aizputes novada Aizputes, Cīravas, Lažas, Kazdangas pagasts un Aizputes pilsēta,

Alsungas novads,

Durbes novada Dunalkas un Tadaiķu pagasts,

Kuldīgas novada Gudenieku pagasts,

Pāvilostas novada Sakas pagasts un Pāvilostas pilsēta,

Stopiņu novada daļa, kas atrodas uz rietumiem no autoceļa V36, P4 un P5, Acones ielas, Dauguļupes ielas un Dauguļupītes,

Ventspils novada Jūrkalnes pagasts,

Grobiņas novada Bārtas un Gaviezes pagasts,

Rucavas novada Dunikas pagasts.

6.   Lithuania

The following areas in Lithuania:

Jurbarko rajono savivaldybė: Smalininkų ir Viešvilės seniūnijos,

Kelmės rajono savivaldybė: Kelmės, Kelmės apylinkių, Kražių, Kukečių seniūnijos dalis į pietus nuo kelio Nr. 2128 ir į vakarus nuo kelio Nr. 2106, Liolių, Pakražančio seniūnijos, Tytuvėnų seniūnijos dalis į vakarus ir šiaurę nuo kelio Nr. 157 ir į vakarus nuo kelio Nr. 2105 ir Tytuvėnų apylinkių seniūnijos dalis į šiaurę nuo kelio Nr. 157 ir į vakarus nuo kelio Nr. 2105, ir Vaiguvos seniūnijos,

Pagėgių savivaldybė,

Plungės rajono savivaldybė,

Raseinių rajono savivaldybė: Girkalnio ir Kalnujų seniūnijos dalis į šiaurę nuo kelio Nr A1, Nemakščių, Paliepių, Raseinių, Raseinių miesto ir Viduklės seniūnijos,

Rietavo savivaldybė,

Skuodo rajono savivaldybė,

Šilalės rajono savivaldybė,

Šilutės rajono savivaldybė: Juknaičių, Kintų, Šilutės ir Usėnų seniūnijos,

Tauragės rajono savivaldybė: Lauksargių, Skaudvilės, Tauragės, Mažonų, Tauragės miesto ir Žygaičių seniūnijos.

7.   Poland

The following areas in Poland:

w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim:

gmina Ruciane – Nida i część gminy Pisz położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 58 oraz miasto Pisz w powiecie piskim,

część gminy Miłki położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr63, część gminy Ryn położona na południe od linii kolejowej łączącej miejscowości Giżycko i Kętrzyn, część gminy wiejskiej Giżycko położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 59 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Giżycko, na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63 biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Giżycko i na południe od granicy miasta Giżycko w powiecie giżyckim,

gminy Mikołajki, Piecki, część gminy Sorkwity położona na południe od drogi nr 16 i część gminy wiejskiej Mrągowo położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 16 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Mrągowo oraz na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 59 biegnącą od wschodniej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Mrągowo w powiecie mrągowskim,

gminy Dźwierzuty i Świętajno w powiecie szczycieńskim,

gminy Gronowo Elbląskie, Markusy, Rychliki, część gminy Elbląg położona na wschód i na południe od granicy powiatu miejskiego Elbląg i na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S7 biegnącą od granicy powiatu miejskiego Elbląg do wschodniej granicy gminy Elbląg i część gminy Tolkmicko niewymieniona w części II załącznika w powiecie elbląskim oraz strefa wód przybrzeżnych Zalewu Wiślanego i Zatoki Elbląskiej,

gminy Barczewo, Biskupiec, Dobre Miasto, Dywity, Jeziorany, Jonkowo i Świątki w powiecie olsztyńskim,

gminy Łukta, Miłakowo, Małdyty, Miłomłyn i Morąg w powiecie ostródzkim,

gmina Zalewo w powiecie iławskim,

w województwie podlaskim:

gminy Rudka, Wyszki, część gminy Brańsk położona na północ od linii od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 66 biegnącą od wschodniej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Brańsk i miasto Brańsk w powiecie bielskim,

gmina Perlejewo w powiecie siemiatyckim,

gminy Kolno z miastem Kolno, Mały Płock i Turośl w powiecie kolneńskim,

gmina Poświętne w powiecie białostockim,

gminy Kołaki Kościelne, Rutki, Szumowo, część gminy Zambrów położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S8 i miasto Zambrów w powiecie zambrowskim,

gminy Kulesze Kościelne, Nowe Piekuty, Szepietowo, Klukowo, Ciechanowiec, Wysokie Mazowieckie z miastem Wysokie Mazowieckie, Czyżew w powiecie wysokomazowieckim,

gminy Miastkowo, Nowogród i Zbójna w powiecie łomżyńskim;

w województwie mazowieckim:

gminy Ceranów, Kosów Lacki, Sabnie, Sterdyń, część gminy Bielany położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63 i część gminy wiejskiej Sokołów Podlaskipołożona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63 w powiecie sokołowskim,

gminy Grębków, Korytnica, Liw, Łochów, Miedzna, Sadowne, Stoczek, Wierzbno i miasto Węgrów w powiecie węgrowskim,

gminy Rzekuń, Troszyn, Lelis, Czerwin i Goworowo w powiecie ostrołęckim,

powiat miejski Ostrołęka,

powiat ostrowski,

gminy Karniewo, Maków Mazowiecki, Rzewnie i Szelków w powiecie makowskim,

gmina Krasne w powiecie przasnyskim,

gminy Mała Wieś i Wyszogród w powiecie płockim,

gminy Ciechanów z miastem Ciechanów, Glinojeck, Gołymin – Ośrodek, Ojrzeń, Opinogóra Górna i Sońsk w powiecie ciechanowskim,

gminy Baboszewo, Czerwińsk nad Wisłą, Naruszewo, Płońsk z miastem Płońsk, Sochocin i Załuski w powiecie płońskim,

gminy Gzy, Obryte, Zatory, Pułtusk i część gminy Winnica położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Bielany, Winnica i Pokrzywnica w powiecie pułtuskim,

gminy Brańszczyk, Długosiodło, Rząśnik, Wyszków, Zabrodzie i część gminy Somianka położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 62 w powiecie wyszkowskim,

gminy Jadów, Klembów, Poświętne, Strachówkai Tłuszcz w powiecie wołomińskim,

gminy Dobre, Stanisławów, część gminy Jakubów położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 92, część gminy Kałuszyn położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogi nr 2 i 92, i część gminy Mińsk Mazowiecki położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr A2 w powiecie mińskim,

gminy Garbatka Letnisko, Gniewoszów i Sieciechów w powiecie kozienickim,

gminy Baranów i Jaktorów w powiecie grodziskim,

powiat żyrardowski,

gminy Belsk Duży, Błędów, Goszczyn i Mogielnica w powiecie grójeckim,

gminy Białobrzegi, Promna, Stara Błotnica, Wyśmierzyce i część gminy Stromiec położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 48 w powiecie białobrzeskim,

gminy Jedlińsk, Jastrzębia i Pionki z miastem Pionki w powiecie radomskim,

gminy Iłów, Nowa Sucha, Rybno, część gminy Teresin położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 92, część gminy wiejskiej Sochaczew położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 92 i część miasta Sochaczew położona na południowy zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogi nr 50 i 92 w powiecie sochaczewskim,

gmina Policzna w powiecie zwoleńskim,

gmina Solec nad Wisłą w powiecie lipskim;

w województwie lubelskim:

gminy Bełżyce, Borzechów, Bychawa, Niedrzwica Duża, Jastków, Konopnica, Głusk, Strzyżewice, Wysokie, Wojciechów i Zakrzew w powiecie lubelskim,

gminy Miączyn, Nielisz, Sitno, Stary Zamość, Komarów-Osada i część gminy wiejskiej Zamość położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 74 w powiecie zamojskim,

powiat miejski Zamość,

gminy Jeziorzany i Kock w powiecie lubartowskim,

gminy Adamów i Serokomla w powiecie łukowskim,

gminy Kłoczew, Nowodwór, Ryki, Ułęż i miasto Dęblin w powiecie ryckim,

gminy Janowiec, i część gminy wiejskiej Puławy położona na zachód od rzeki Wisły w powiecie puławskim,

gminy Chodel, Karczmiska, Łaziska, Opole Lubelskie, Poniatowa i Wilków w powiecie opolskim,

miasto Świdnik w powiecie świdnickim;

gminy Gorzków, Rudnik i Żółkiewkaw powiecie krasnostawskim,

gminy Bełżec, Jarczów, Lubycza Królewska, Rachanie, Susiec, Ulhówek i część gminy Łaszczów położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 852 w powiecie tomaszowskim,

gminy Łukowa i Obsza w powiecie biłgorajskim,

powiat miejski Lublin,

gminy Kraśnik z miastem Kraśnik, Szastarka, Trzydnik Duży, Urzędów, Wilkołaz i Zakrzówek w powiecie kraśnickim,

gminy Modliborzyce i Potok Wielki w powiecie janowskim;

w województwie podkarpackim:

gminy Horyniec-Zdrój, Narol, Stary Dzików, Wielkie Oczy, Oleszyce i Lubaczów z miastem Lubaczóww powiecie lubaczowskim,

gminy Laszki i Wiązownica w powiecie jarosławskim,

gminy Pysznica, Zaleszany i miasto Stalowa Wola w powiecie stalowowolskim,

gmina Gorzyce w powiecie tarnobrzeskim;

w województwie świętokrzyskim:

gminy Tarłów i Ożarów w powiecie opatowskim,

gminy Dwikozy, Zawichost i miasto Sandomierz w powiecie sandomierskim.

8.   Romania

The following areas in Romania:

Județul Alba,

Județul Cluj,

Județul Harghita,

Județul Hunedoara,

Județul Iași,

Județul Neamț,

Județul Vâlcea,

Restul județului Mehedinți care nu a fost inclus în Partea III cu următoarele comune:

Comuna Garla Mare,


Burila Mare,




Municipiul Drobeta Turnu Severin,








Obârșia Closani,

Baia de Aramă,














Iyvoru Bârzii,



Breznița Ocol,


Padina Mare,


Vânju Mare,


Obârșia de Câmp,









Poroina Mare,









Județul Gorj,

Județul Suceava,

Județul Mureș,

Județul Sibiu,

Județul Caraș-Severin.


1.   Belgium

The following areas in Belgium:

in Luxembourg province:

the area is delimited clockwise by:

La frontière avec la France au niveau de Florenville,

La N85 jusque son intersection avec la N894 au niveau de Florenville,

La N894 jusque son intersection avec larue de la Motte,

La rue de la Motte jusque son intersection avec la rue de Neufchâteau,

La rue de Neufchâteau,

La rue des Bruyères jusque son intersection avec la rue de la Gaume,

La rue de la Gaume jusque son intersection avec la rue de l'Accord,

La rue de l'Accord,

La rue du Fet,

La N40 jusque son intersection avec la E25-E411,

La E25-E411 jusque son intersection avec la N81 au niveau de Weyler,

La N81 jusque son intersection avec la N883 au niveau d'Aubange,

La N883 jusque son intersection avec la N88 au niveau d'Aubange,

La N88 jusque son intersection avec la N811,

La N811 jusque son intersection avec la rue Baillet Latour,

La rue Baillet Latour jusque son intersection avec la N88,

La N88 jusque son intersection avec la N871,

La N871 jusque son intersection avec la N87 au niveau de Rouvroy,

La N87 jusque son intersection avec la frontière avec la France.

2.   Bulgaria

The following areas in Bulgaria:

in Varna region:

within municipality of Beloslav:


within municipalty of Devnya:




within municipality of Vetrino:


within municipality of Provadiya:


Petrov dol,









within municipality of Avren:




Kazashka reka,




within municipality of Dalgopol:



within municipality of Dolni chiflik:

Nova shipka,

Goren chiflik,



in Silistra region:

within municipality of Kaynardzha:








Polkovnik Cholakovo,








within municipality of Alfatar:





Tzar Asen,


Vasil Levski,

within municipality of Silistra:














Profesor Ishirkovo,

Polkovnik Lambrinovo,




within municipality of Sitovo:




within municipality of Dulovo:


Polkovnik Taslakovo,












in Dobrich region:

within municipality of Krushari:

Kapitan Dimitrovo,




within municipality of Dobrich-selska:



Feldfebel Denkovo,


within municipality of Tervel:















Mali izvor,

Nova Kamena,


Polkovnik Savovo,


Profesor Zlatarski,




within municipality Shabla:








Zahari Stoyanovo,









within municipality of Kavarna:







Kamen briag,



Poruchik Chunchevo,


Sveti Nikola,




Hadzhi Dimitar,


3.   Estonia

The following areas in Estonia:

Eesti Vabariik (välja arvatud Hiiu maakond).

4.   Hungary

The following areas in Hungary:

Heves megye 700150, 700250, 700260, 700350, 700450, 700460, 700550, 700650, 700750, 700850, 700860, 700950, 701050, 701111, 701150, 701250, 701350, 701550, 701560, 701650, 701750, 701850, 701950, 702050, 702150, 702250, 702260, 702350, 702450, 702750, 702850, 702950, 703050, 703150, 703250, 703370, 705150,705250, 705450,705510 és 705610 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye 850950, 851050, 851150, 851250, 851350, 851450, 851550, 851560, 851650, 851660, 851751, 851752, 852850, 852860, 852950, 852960, 853050, 853150, 853160, 853250, 853260, 853350, 853360, 853450, 853550, 854450, 854550, 854560, 854650, 854660, 854750, 854850, 854860, 854870, 854950, 855050, 855150, 856250, 856350, 856360, 856450, 856550, 856650, 856750, 856760, 856850, 856950, 857650, valamint 850150, 850250, 850260, 850350, 850450, 850550, 852050, 852150, 852250 és 857550, továbbá 850650, 850850, 851851 és 851852 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Nógrád megye 550110, 550120, 550130, 550210, 550310, 550320, 550450, 550460, 550510, 550610, 550950, 551010, 551150, 551160, 551250, 551350, 551360, 551810 és 551821 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye 650100, 650200, 650300, 650400, 650500, 650600, 650700, 650800, 650900, 651000, 651200, 652100, 655400, 656701, 656702, 656800, 656900, 657010, 657100, 658100, 658310, 658401, 658402, 658404, 658500, 658600, 658700, 658801, 658802, 658901, 658902, 659000, 659100, 659210, 659220, 659300, 659400, 659500, 659601, 659602, 659701, 659800, 659901, 660000, 660100, 660200, 660400, 660501, 660502, 660600 és 660800, valamint 652400, 652500 és 652800 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe,

Hajdú-Bihar megye 900150, 900250, 900350, 900450, 900550, 900650, 900660, 900670 és 901850 kódszámú vadgazdálkodási egységeinek teljes területe.

5.   Latvia

The following areas in Latvia:

Ādažu novads,

Aizputes novada Kalvenes pagasts,

Aglonas novads,

Aizkraukles novads,

Aknīstes novads,

Alojas novads,

Alūksnes novads,

Amatas novads,

Apes novads,

Auces novads,

Babītes novads,

Baldones novads,

Baltinavas novads,

Balvu novads,

Bauskas novads,

Beverīnas novads,

Brocēnu novada Blīdenes pagasts, Remtes pagasta daļa uz austrumiem no autoceļa 1154 un P109,

Burtnieku novads,

Carnikavas novads,

Cēsu novads,

Cesvaines novads,

Ciblas novads,

Dagdas novads,

Daugavpils novads,

Dobeles novads,

Dundagas novads,

Durbes novada Durbes un Vecpils pagasts,

Engures novads,

Ērgļu novads,

Garkalnes novads,

Gulbenes novads,

Iecavas novads,

Ikšķiles novads,

Ilūkstes novads,

Inčukalna novads,

Jaunjelgavas novads,

Jaunpiebalgas novads,

Jaunpils novads,

Jēkabpils novads,

Jelgavas novads,

Kandavas novads,

Kārsavas novads,

Ķeguma novads,

Ķekavas novads,

Kocēnu novads,

Kokneses novads,

Krāslavas novads,

Krimuldas novads,

Krustpils novads,

Kuldīgas novada Ēdoles, Īvandes, Padures, Rendas, Kabiles, Rumbas, Kurmāles, Pelču, Snēpeles, Turlavas, Laidu un Vārmes pagasts, Kuldīgas pilsēta,

Lielvārdes novads,

Līgatnes novads,

Limbažu novads,

Līvānu novads,

Lubānas novads,

Ludzas novads,

Madonas novads,

Mālpils novads,

Mārupes novads,

Mazsalacas novads,

Mērsraga novads,

Naukšēnu novads,

Neretas novads,

Ogres novads,

Olaines novads,

Ozolnieku novads,

Pārgaujas novads,

Pļaviņu novads,

Preiļu novads,

Priekules novads,

Priekuļu novads,

Raunas novads,

republikas pilsēta Daugavpils,

republikas pilsēta Jelgava,

republikas pilsēta Jēkabpils,

republikas pilsēta Jūrmala,

republikas pilsēta Rēzekne,

republikas pilsēta Valmiera,

Rēzeknes novads,

Riebiņu novads,

Rojas novads,

Ropažu novads,

Rugāju novads,

Rundāles novads,

Rūjienas novads,

Salacgrīvas novads,

Salas novads,

Salaspils novads,

Saldus novada Novadnieku, Kursīšu, Zvārdes, Pampāļu, Šķēdes, Nīgrandes, Zaņas, Ezeres, Rubas, Jaunauces un Vadakstes pagasts,

Saulkrastu novads,

Sējas novads,

Siguldas novads,

Skrīveru novads,

Skrundas novads,

Smiltenes novads,

Stopiņu novada daļa, kas atrodas uz austrumiem no autoceļa V36, P4 un P5, Acones ielas, Dauguļupes ielas un Dauguļupītes,

Strenču novads,

Talsu novads,

Tērvetes novads,

Tukuma novads,

Vaiņodes novads,

Valkas novads,

Varakļānu novads,

Vārkavas novads,

Vecpiebalgas novads,

Vecumnieku novads,

Ventspils novada Ances, Tārgales, Popes, Vārves, Užavas, Piltenes, Puzes, Ziru, Ugāles, Usmas un Zlēku pagasts, Piltenes pilsēta,

Viesītes novads,

Viļakas novads,

Viļānu novads,

Zilupes novads.

6.   Lithuania

The following areas in Lithuania:

Alytaus miesto savivaldybė,

Alytaus rajono savivaldybė,

Anykščių rajono savivaldybė,

Akmenės rajono savivaldybė: Ventos ir Papilės seniūnijos,

Biržų miesto savivaldybė,

Biržų rajono savivaldybė,

Birštono savivaldybė,

Druskininkų savivaldybė,

Elektrėnų savivaldybė,

Ignalinos rajono savivaldybė,

Jonavos rajono savivaldybė,

Joniškio rajono savivaldybė: Kepalių, Kriukų, Saugėlaukio ir Satkūnų seniūnijos,

Jurbarko rajono savivaldybė,

Kaišiadorių rajono savivaldybė,

Kalvarijos savivaldybė,

Kauno miesto savivaldybė,

Kauno rajono savivaldybė,

Kazlų Rūdos savivaldybė,

Kelmės rajono savivaldybė: Tytuvėnų seniūnijos dalis į rytus ir pietus nuo kelio Nr. 157 ir į rytus nuo kelio Nr. 2105 ir Tytuvėnų apylinkių seniūnijos dalis į pietus nuo kelio Nr. 157 ir į rytus nuo kelio Nr. 2105, Užvenčio, Kukečių dalis į šiaurę nuo kelio Nr. 2128 ir į rytus nuo kelio Nr. 2106, ir Šaukėnų seniūnijos,

Kėdainių rajono savivaldybė,

Kupiškio rajono savivaldybė,

Lazdijų rajono savivaldybė: Būdviečio, Kapčiamieščio, Krosnos, Kučiūnų ir Noragėlių seniūnijos,

Marijampolės savivaldybė,

Mažeikių rajono savivaldybė: Šerkšnėnų, Sedos ir Židikų seniūnijos,

Molėtų rajono savivaldybė,

Pakruojo rajono savivaldybė,

Panevėžio rajono savivaldybė,

Panevėžio miesto savivaldybė,

Pasvalio rajono savivaldybė,

Radviliškio rajono savivaldybė,

Prienų rajono savivaldybė,

Raseinių rajono savivaldybė: Ariogalos, Betygalos, Pagojukų, Šiluvos, Kalnujų seniūnijos ir Girkalnio seniūnijos dalis į pietus nuo kelio Nr. A1,

Rokiškio rajono savivaldybė,

Šakių rajono savivaldybė,

Šalčininkų rajono savivaldybė,

Šiaulių miesto savivaldybė,

Šiaulių rajono savivaldybė: Šiaulių kaimiškoji seniūnija,

Šilutės rajono savivaldybė: Rusnės seniūnija,

Širvintų rajono savivaldybė,

Švenčionių rajono savivaldybė,

Tauragės rajono savivaldybė: Batakių ir Gaurės seniūnijos,

Telšių rajono savivaldybė,

Trakų rajono savivaldybė,

Ukmergės rajono savivaldybė,

Utenos rajono savivaldybė,

Varėnos rajono savivaldybė,

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė,

Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė,

Vilkaviškio rajono savivaldybė,

Visagino savivaldybė,

Zarasų rajono savivaldybė.

7.   Poland

The following areas in Poland:

w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim:

Gminy Kalinowo, Prostki, Stare Juchy i gmina wiejska Ełk w powiecie ełckim,

gminy Godkowo, Milejewo, Młynary, Pasłęk, część gminy Elbląg położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S7 biegnącą od granicy powiatu miejskigo Elbląg do wschodniej granicy gminy Elbląg, i część obszaru lądowego gminy Tolkmicko położona na południe od linii brzegowej Zalewu Wiślanego i Zatoki Elbląskiej do granicy z gminą wiejską Elbląg w powiecie elbląskim,

powiat miejski Elbląg,

gminy Kruklanki, Wydminy, część gminy Miłki położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63, część gminy Ryn położona na północ od linii kolejowej łączącej miejscowości Giżycko i Kętrzyn i część gminy wiejskiej Giżycko położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 59 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Giżycko, na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63 biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Giżycko i na północ od granicy miasta Giżycka i miasto Giżycko w powiecie giżyckim,

gmina Dubeninki, część gminy Gołdap położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 65 biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 1815N i na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 1815N biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 65 w powiecie gołdapskim,

gmina Pozezdrze i część gminy Węgorzewo położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63 biegnącą od południowo-wschodniej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 650, a następnie na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 650 biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 63 do skrzyżowania z drogą biegnącą do miejscowości Przystań i na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Przystań, Pniewo, Kamionek Wielki, Radzieje, Dłużec w powiecie węgorzewskim,

gminy Olecko, Świętajno, Wieliczki i część gminy Kowale Oleckie położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 65 i na południowy wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Kowale Oleckie, Guzy, Wężewo, Sokółki biegnącą do południowej granicy gminy w powiecie oleckim,

gminy Orzysz, Biała Piska i część gminy Pisz położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 58 w powiecie piskim,

gminy Górowo Iławeckie z miastem Górowo Iławeckie, Bisztynek, część gminy wiejskiej Bartoszyce położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 51 biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 57 i na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 57 biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 51 do południowej granicy gminy i miasto Bartoszyce w powiecie bartoszyckim,

gmina Kolno w powiecie olsztyńskim,

powiat braniewski,

gminy Kętrzyn z miastem Kętrzyn, Reszeli część gminy Korsze położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę biegnącą od wschodniej granicy łączącą miejscowości Krelikiejmy i Sątoczno i na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Sątoczno, Sajna Wielka biegnącą do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 590 w miejscowości Glitajny, a następnie na wschód od drogi nr 590 do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 592 i na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 592 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 590 w powiecie kętrzyńskim,

powiat lidzbarski,

część gminy Sorkwity położona na północ od drogi nr 16 i część gminy wiejskiej Mrągowo położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 16 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Mrągowo oraz na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 59 biegnącą od wschodniej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Mrągowo w powiecie mrągowskim;

w województwie podlaskim:

powiat grajewski,

powiat moniecki,

powiat sejneński,

gminy Łomża, Piątnica, Śniadowo, Jedwabne, Przytuły i Wiznaw powiecie łomżyńskim,

powiat miejski Łomża,

gminy Mielnik, Nurzec – Stacja, Grodzisk, Drohiczyn, Dziadkowice, Milejczyce i Siemiatycze z miastem Siemiatyczew powiecie siemiatyckim,

powiat hajnowski,

gminy Kobylin-Borzymyi Sokoły w powiecie wysokomazowieckim,

część gminy Zambrów położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr S8 w powiecie zambrowskim,

gminy Grabowo i Stawiski w powiecie kolneńskim,

gminy Czarna Białostocka, Dobrzyniewo Duże, Gródek, Juchnowiec Kościelny,Łapy, Michałowo, Supraśl, Suraż, Turośń Kościelna, Tykocin, Wasilków, Zabłudów, Zawady i Choroszcz w powiecie białostockim,

gminy Boćki, Orla, Bielsk Podlaski z miastem Bielsk Podlaski i część gminy Brańsk położona na południe od linii od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 66 biegnącą od wschodniej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Brańsk w powiecie bielskim,

powiat suwalski,

powiat miejski Suwałki,

powiat augustowski,

powiat sokólski,

powiat miejski Białystok;

w województwie mazowieckim:

gminy Korczew, Kotuń, Paprotnia, Przesmyki, Wodynie, Skórzec, Mokobody, Mordy, Siedlce, Suchożebry i Zbuczyn w powiecie siedleckim,

powiat miejski Siedlce,

gminy Repki, Jabłonna Lacka, część gminy Bielany położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63 i część gminy wiejskiej Sokołów Podlaski położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63 w powiecie sokołowskim,

powiat łosicki,

gminy Brochów, Młodzieszyn, część gminy Teresin położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 92, część gminy wiejskiej Sochaczew położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 92 i część miasta Sochaczew położona na północny wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogi nr 50 i 92 w powiecie sochaczewskim,

powiat nowodworski,

gminy Joniec i Nowe Miasto w powiecie płońskim,

gminy Pokrzywnica, Świercze i część gminy Winnica położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Bielany, Winnica i Pokrzywnica w powiecie pułtuskim,

gminy Dąbrówka, Kobyłka, Marki, Radzymin, Wołomin, Zielonka i Ząbki w powiecie wołomińskim,

część gminy Somianka położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 62 w powiecie wyszkowskim,

gminy Cegłów, Dębe Wielkie, Halinów, Latowicz, Mrozy, Siennica, Sulejówek, część gminy Jakubów położona na południe od linii wyznaczoenj przez drogę nr 92, część gminy Kałuszyn położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogi nr 2 i 92 i część gminy Mińsk Mazowiecki położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr A2 i miasto Mińsk Mazowiecki w powiecie mińskim,

powiat garwoliński,

powiat otwocki,

powiat warszawski zachodni,

powiat legionowski,

powiat piaseczyński,

powiat pruszkowski,

gminy Chynów, Grójec, Jasieniec, Pniewy i Warkaw powiecie grójeckim,

gminy Milanówek, Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Podkowa Leśna i Żabia Wola w powiecie grodziskim,

gminy Grabów nad Pilicą, Magnuszew, Głowaczów, Kozienice w powiecie kozienickim,

część gminy Stromiec położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 48 w powiecie białobrzeskim,

powiat miejski Warszawa;

w województwie lubelskim:

gminy Borki, Czemierniki, Kąkolewnica, Komarówka Podlaska, Wohyń i Radzyń Podlaski z miastem Radzyń Podlaski w powiecie radzyńskim,

gminy Stoczek Łukowski z miastem Stoczek Łukowski, Wola Mysłowska, Trzebieszów, Krzywda, Stanin, część gminy wiejskiej Łuków położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63 biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Łuków i na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 806 biegnącą od wschodniej granicy miasta Łuków do wschodniej granicy gminy wiejskiej Łuków i miasto Łuków w powiecie łukowskim,

gminy Janów Podlaski, Kodeń, Tuczna, Leśna Podlaska, Rossosz, Łomazy, Konstantynów, Piszczac, Rokitno, Biała Podlaska, Zalesie, Terespol z miastem Terespol, Drelów, Międzyrzec Podlaski z miastem Międzyrzec Podlaski w powiecie bialskim,

powiatmiejski Biała Podlaska,

gmina Łęczna i część gminy Spiczyn położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 829 w powiecie łęczyńskim,

część gminy Siemień położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 815 i część gminy Milanów położona na zachód od drogi nr 813 w powiecie parczewskim,

gminy Niedźwiada, Ostrówek, Abramów, Firlej, Kamionka, Michów i Lubartów z miastem Lubartów, w powiecie lubartowskim,

gminy Jabłonna, Krzczonów, Niemce, Garbów i Wólka w powiecie lubelskim,

gminy Mełgiew, Rybczewice i Piaski w powiecie świdnickim,

gmina Fajsławice, Izbica, Kraśniczyn, część gminy Krasnystaw położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 17 biegnącą od północno – wschodniej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Krasnystaw, miasto Krasnystaw iczęść gminy Łopiennik Górny położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 17 w powiecie krasnostawskim,

gminy Dołhobyczów, Mircze, Trzeszczany, Werbkowice i część gminy wiejskiej Hrubieszów położona na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 844 oraz na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 74 i miasto Hrubieszów w powiecie hrubieszowskim,

gmina Telatyn, Tyszowce i część gminy Łaszczów położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 852 w powiecie tomaszowskim,

część gminy Wojsławice położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy przez miejscowość Wojsławice do południowej granicy gminy w powiecie chełmskim,

gmina Grabowiec i Skierbieszów w powiecie zamojskim,

gminy Markuszów, Nałęczów, Kazimierz Dolny, Końskowola, Kurów, Wąwolnica, Żyrzyn, Baranów, część gminy wiejskiej Puławy położona na wschód od rzeki Wisły i miasto Puławy w powiecie puławskim,

gminy Annopol, Dzierzkowice i Gościeradów w powiecie kraśnickim,

gmina Józefów nad Wisłą w powiecie opolskim,

gmina Stężyca w powiecie ryckim;

w województwie podkarpackim:

gminy Radomyśl nad Sanem i Zaklików w powiecie stalowowolskim.

8.   Romania

The following areas in Romania:

Restul județului Maramureș care nu a fost inclus în Partea III cu următoarele comune:

Comuna Vișeu de Sus,

Comuna Moisei,

Comuna Borșa,

Comuna Oarța de Jos,

Comuna Suciu de Sus,

Comuna Coroieni,

Comuna Târgu Lăpuș,

Comuna Vima Mică,

Comuna Boiu Mare,

Comuna Valea Chioarului,

Comuna Ulmeni,

Comuna Băsești,

Comuna Baia Mare,

Comuna Tăuții Magherăuș,

Comuna Cicărlău,

Comuna Seini,

Comuna Ardusat,

Comuna Farcasa,

Comuna Salsig,

Comuna Asuaju de Sus,

Comuna Băița de sub Codru,

Comuna Bicaz,

Comuna Grosi,

Comuna Recea,

Comuna Baia Sprie,

Comuna Sisesti,

Comuna Cernesti,

Copalnic Mănăstur,

Comuna Dumbrăvița,

Comuna Cupseni,

Comuna Șomcuța Mare,

Comuna Sacaleșeni,

Comuna Remetea Chioarului,

Comuna Mireșu Mare,

Comuna Ariniș,

Județul Bistrița-Năsăud.


1.   Latvia

The following areas in Latvia:

Brocēnu novada Cieceres un Gaiķu pagasts, Remtes pagasta daļa uz rietumiem no autoceļa 1154 un P109, Brocēnu pilsēta,

Saldus novada Saldus, Zirņu, Lutriņu un Jaunlutriņu pagasts, Saldus pilsēta.

2.   Lithuania

The following areas in Lithuania:

Akmenės rajono savivaldybė: Akmenės, Kruopių, Naujosios Akmenės kaimiškoji ir Naujosios Akmenės miesto seniūnijos,

Joniškio rajono savivaldybė: Gaižaičių, Gataučių, Joniškio, Rudiškių, Skaistgirio, Žagarės seniūnijos,

Lazdijų rajono savivaldybė: Lazdijų miesto, Lazdijų, Seirijų, Šeštokų, Šventežerio ir Veisiejų seniūnijos,

Mažeikių rajono savivaldybės: Laižuvos, Mažeikių apylinkės, Mažeikių, Reivyčių, Tirkšlių ir Viekšnių seniūnijos,

Šiaulių rajono savivaldybės: Bubių, Ginkūnų, Gruzdžių, Kairių, Kuršėnų kaimiškoji, Kuršėnų miesto, Kužių, Meškuičių, Raudėnų ir Šakynos seniūnijos.

3.   Poland

The following areas in Poland:

w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim:

gmina Sępopol i część gminy wiejskiej Bartoszyce położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 51 biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 57 i na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 57 biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 51 do południowej granicy gminy w powiecie bartoszyckim,

gminy Srokowo, Barciany i część gminy Korsze położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę biegnącą od wschodniej granicy łączącą miejscowości Krelikiejmy i Sątoczno i na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Sątoczno, Sajna Wielka biegnącą do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 590 w miejscowości Glitajny, a następnie na zachód od drogi nr 590 do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 592 i na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 592 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 590 w powiecie kętrzyńskim,

gmina Budry i część gminy Węgorzewo położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63 biegnącą od południowo-wschodniej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 650, a następnie na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 650 biegnącą od skrzyżowania z drogą nr 63 do skrzyżowania z drogą biegnącą do miejscowości Przystań i na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę łączącą miejscowości Przystań, Pniewo, Kamionek Wielki, Radzieje, Dłużec w powiecie węgorzewskim,

gmina Banie Mazurskie i część gminy Gołdap położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 65 biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 1815N i na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 1815N biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 65 w powiecie gołdapskim,

część gminy Kowale Oleckie położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę biegnącą od południowej granicy gminy łączącą miejscowości Sokółki, Wężewo, Guzy, Kowale Oleckie do skrzyżowania z drogą nr 65 i na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 65 biegnacą od tego skrzyżowania do północnej granicy gminy w powiecie oleckim,

w województwie mazowieckim:

gminy Domanice i Wiśniew w powiecie siedleckim,

w województwie lubelskim:

gminy Białopole, Dubienka, Chełm, Leśniowice, Wierzbica, Sawin, Ruda Huta, Dorohusk, Kamień, Rejowiec, Rejowiec Fabryczny z miastem Rejowiec Fabryczny, Siedliszcze, Żmudź i część gminy Wojsławice położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do miejscowości Wojsławice do południowej granicy gminy w powiecie chełmskim,

powiat miejski Chełm,

gmina Siennica Różana część gminy Łopiennik Górny położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 17 i część gminy Krasnystaw położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 17 biegnącą od północno – wschodniej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Krasnystaw w powiecie krasnostawskim,

gminy Hanna, Hańsk, Wola Uhruska, Urszulin, Stary Brus, Wyryki i gmina wiejska Włodawa w powiecie włodawskim,

gminy Cyców, Ludwin, Puchaczów, Milejów i część gminy Spiczyn położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 829 w powiecie łęczyńskim,

gmina Trawniki w powiecie świdnickim,

gminy Jabłoń, Podedwórze, Dębowa Kłoda, Parczew, Sosnowica, część gminy Siemień położona na wschód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 815 i część gminy Milanów położona na wschód od drogi nr 813 w powiecie parczewskim,

gminy Sławatycze, Sosnówka, i Wisznice w powiecie bialskim,

gmina Ulan Majorat w powiecie radzyńskim,

gminy Ostrów Lubelski, Serniki i Uścimów w powiecie lubartowskim,

gmina Wojcieszków i część gminy wiejskiej Łuków położona na zachód od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 63 biegnącą od północnej granicy gminy do granicy miasta Łuków, a następnie na północ, zachód, południe i wschód od linii stanowiącej północną, zachodnią, południową i wschodnią granicę miasta Łuków do jej przecięcia się z drogą nr 806 i na południe od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 806 biegnącą od wschodniej granicy miasta Łuków do wschodniej granicy gminy wiejskiej Łuków w powiecie łukowskim,

gminy Horodło, Uchanie i część gminy wiejskiej Hrubieszów położona na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 844 biegnącą od zachodniej granicy gminy wiejskiej Hrubieszów do granicy miasta Hrubieszów oraz na północ od linii wyznaczonej przez drogę nr 74 biegnącą od wschodniej granicy miasta Hrubieszów do wschodniej granicy gminy wiejskiej Hrubieszów w powiecie hrubieszowskim,

w województwie podkarpackim:

gmina Cieszanóww powiecie lubaczowskim.

4.   Romania

The following areas in Romania:

Zona orașului București,

Județul Constanța,

Județul Satu Mare,

Județul Tulcea,

Județul Bacău,

Județul Bihor,

Județul Brăila,

Județul Buzău,

Județul Călărași,

Județul Dâmbovița,

Județul Galați,

Județul Giurgiu,

Județul Ialomița,

Județul Ilfov,

Județul Prahova,

Județul Sălaj,

Județul Vaslui,

Județul Vrancea,

Județul Teleorman,

Partea din județul Maramureș cu următoarele delimitări:

Comuna Petrova,

Comuna Bistra,

Comuna Repedea,

Comuna Poienile de sub Munte,

Comuna Vișeu e Jos,

Comuna Ruscova,

Comuna Leordina,

Comuna Rozavlea,

Comuna Strâmtura,

Comuna Bârsana,

Comuna Rona de Sus,

Comuna Rona de Jos,

Comuna Bocoiu Mare,

Comuna Sighetu Marmației,

Comuna Sarasau,

Comuna Câmpulung la Tisa,

Comuna Săpânța,

Comuna Remeti,

Comuna Giulești,

Comuna Ocna Șugatag,

Comuna Desești,

Comuna Budești,

Comuna Băiuț,

Comuna Cavnic,

Comuna Lăpuș,

Comuna Dragomirești,

Comuna Ieud,

Comuna Saliștea de Sus,

Comuna Săcel,

Comuna Călinești,

Comuna Vadu Izei,

Comuna Botiza,

Comuna Bogdan Vodă,

Localitatea Groșii Țibileșului, comuna Suciu de Sus,

Localitatea Vișeu de Mijloc, comuna Vișeu de Sus,

Localitatea Vișeu de Sus, comuna Vișeu de Sus.

Partea din județul Mehedinți cu următoarele comune:

Comuna Strehaia,

Comuna Greci,

Comuna Brejnita Motru,

Comuna Butoiești,

Comuna Stângăceaua,

Comuna Grozesti,

Comuna Dumbrava de Jos,

Comuna Băcles,

Comuna Bălăcița,

Județul Argeș,

Județul Olt,

Județul Dolj,

Județul Arad,

Județul Timiș,

Județul Covasna,

Județul Brașov,

Județul Botoșani.



The following areas in Italy:

tutto il territorio della Sardegna.




Official Journal of the European Union

L 112/77

Corrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1263 of 20 September 2018 establishing the forms for the submission of information by parcel delivery service providers pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/644 of the European Parliament and of the Council

( Official Journal of the European Union L 238 of 21 September 2018 )

On page 68, Annex II shall read as follows:


Image 7
Text of image
Image 8
Text of image
Image 9
Text of image
