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Document C:2004:061E:TOC

Official Journal of the European Union, CE 61, 10 March 2004

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Official Journal
of the European Union
ISSN 1725-2423

C 61 E
Volume 47
10 March 2004
English editionInformation and Notices

Notice NoContentsPage
I (Communications)
2003-2004 SESSION
Sittings of 11 to 13 March 2003
Monday 10 March 2003
(2004/C 61 E/001)MINUTES
1. Resumption of session 1
2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 1
3. Request to set up a committee of inquiry into financial assistance to the Middle East (opinion of the Conference of Presidents) 2
4. Membership of committees and interparliamentary delegations 2
5. Documents received 2
6. Written declarations (Rule 51) 10
7. Petitions 11
8. Action taken on positions and resolutions of Parliament 12
9. Order of business 12
10. One-minute speeches on matters of political importance 13
11. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity (statement followed by debate) 14
12. Market access to port services ***II (debate) 14
13. Promotion of the use of biofuels for transport ***II (debate) 15
14. Socio-economic crisis in the whitefish sector (debate) 15
15. Agenda for next sitting 16
16. Closure of annual session 16
17. Closure of sitting 16
2003-2004 SESSION
Sittings of 11 to 13 March 2003
Tuesday 11 March 2003
(2004/C 61 E/002)MINUTES
1. Opening of annual session 18
2. Opening of sitting 18
3. Membership of Parliament 19
4. Statement made by the President concerning the International Criminal Court 19
5. Debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (motions for resolutions tabled) 19
6. Annual Policy Strategy (APS) of the Commission for 2004 - 2004 budget guidelines: Section III - 2004 budget guidelines: sections II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (A) and VIII (B) and the EP preliminary draft estimates for 2004 (debate) 20
7. Reform of the budgetary procedure (debate) 21
8. Agenda 22
9. Representation of women in social partner organisations (request for consultation) (Rule 52) (vote) 22
10. Appraisal of the experience gained by the ESC in evaluating the social and economic impact and effect on employment of the structural reforms carried out in the Union (request for consultation) (Rule 52) (vote) 22
11. Compulsory use of safety belts in vehicles of less than 3.5 tonnes ***II (Rule 110a) (vote) 22
12. Drug precursors ***I (Rule 110a) (vote) 23
13. Safer use of the Internet ***I (Rule 110a) (vote) 23
14. Provisions relating to the committees assisting the Commission (Article 251 of the Treaty) ***I (Rule 110a) (vote) 23
15. General provisions relating to Structural Funds *** (Rule 110a) (vote) 24
16. Provisions relating to the committees assisting the Commission (qualified majority) * (Rule 110a) (vote) 24
17. Provisions relating to the committees assisting the Commission (unanimity) * (Rule 110a) (vote) 24
18. Pre-accession measures for agriculture and rural development * (Rule 110a) (vote) 25
19. Opening to the public of the EEC and Euratom historical archives * (Rule 110a) (vote) 25
20. External relations in the field of transport (Rule 110a) (vote) 25
21. Market access to port services ***II (vote) 26
22. 2004 budget guidelines: Section III (vote) 26
23. 2004 budget guidelines: sections II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (A) and (B) and the EP preliminary draft estimates for 2004 (vote) 26
24. Reform of the budgetary procedure (vote) 27
25. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 28
26. Employment strategy and social policy (debate) 28
27. ECB Statute * (debate) 29
28. The neighbours of the enlarged Europe: a new framework for relations with the neighbours to the east and the south (statement) 29
29. Question Time (questions to the Commission) 29
30. State of the European economy - Annual assessment of implementation of stability and convergence programmes - Convergence report 2002 - Sweden - Public finances in EMU - 2002 (debate) 31
31. Activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision ***II (debate) 31
32. Agenda for next sitting 32
33. Closure of sitting 32
1. Representation of women in social partner organisations 34
2. Request for consultation from the Economic and Social Committee - Appraisal of the experience gained by the ESC in evaluating the social and economic impact and effect on employment of the structural reforms carried out in the Union 35
3. Compulsory use of safety belts in vehicles of less than 3.5 tonnes ***II 35
4. Drug precursors ***I 35
5. Safer use of the Internet ***I 35
6. Provisions relating to the committees assisting the Commission (TEU Article 251) ***I 36
7. General provisions on the Structural Funds *** 36
8. Provisions relating to the committees assisting the Commission (qualified majority) * 36
9. Provisions relating to the committees assisting the Commission (unanimity) * 36
10. Pre-accession measures for agriculture and rural development * 37
11. Opening to the public of the EEC and Euratom historical archives * 37
12. External relations in the field of transport 37
13. Market access to port services ***II 37
14. 2004 budget guidelines: Section III 41
15. 2004 budget guidelines: sections II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII(A) and VIII(B) and the EP preliminary draft estimates for 2004 43
16. Reform of the budgetary procedure 44
Pirker report A5-0038/2003 - Resolution 45
Frassoni report A5-0030/2003 - Resolution 46
Jarzembowski recommendation A5-0050/2003 - Amendments 36+66 48
Jarzembowski recommendation A5-0050/2003 - Amendments 37+65 49
Jarzembowski recommendation A5-0050/2003 - Amendment 13, 1st part 51
Jarzembowski recommendation A5-0050/2003 - Amendment 13, 2nd part 52
Jarzembowski recommendation A5-0050/2003 - Amendment 38 54
Jarzembowski recommendation A5-0050/2003 - Amendments 53+62 56
Jarzembowski recommendation A5-0050/2003 - Amendment 40 57
Jarzembowski recommendation A5-0050/2003 - Amendment 56 59
Jarzembowski recommendation A5-0050/2003 - Amendment 57 61
Jarzembowski recommendation A5-0050/2003 - Amendment 30 62
Mulder report A5-0039/2003 - Amendment 6 64
Gill report A5-0041/2003 - Amendment 8 66
Wynn report A5-0046/2003 - Paragraph 10 67
Wynn report A5-0046/2003 - Paragraph 12 69
Wynn report A5-0046/2003 - Paragraph 13 70
Wynn report A5-0046/2003 - Paragraph 21 72
Compulsory use of safety belts in vehicles of less than 3,5 tonnes ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 91/671/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to compulsory use of safety belts in vehicles of less than 3,5 tonnes (10927/1/2002 - C5-0532/2002 - 2000/0315(COD)) 74
Drug precursors ***I
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation on drug precursors (COM(2002) 494 - C5-0415/2002 - 2002/0217(COD)) 75
Positon of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 11 March 2003 with a view to the adoption of European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No .../2003 on drug precursors 75
Safer use of the Internet ***I
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council decision amending Decision No 276/1999/EC adopting a multiannual Community action plan on promoting safer use of the Internet by combating illegal and harmful content on global networks (COM(2002) 152 - C5-0141/2002 - 2002/0071(COD)) 87
Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 11 March 2003 with a view to the adoption of European Parliament and Council Decision No .../2003/EC amending Decision No 276/1999/EC adopting a multiannual Community action plan on promoting safer use of the Internet by combating illegal and harmful content on global networks 87
Provisions relating to the committees assisting the Commission (Article 251 of the Treaty) ***I
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation adapting the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in European Parliament and Council instruments adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (COM(2001) 789 - C5-0004/2002 - 2001/0314(COD)) 93
General provisions on the Structural Funds ***
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds (11104/2002 - C5-0440/2002 - 2001/0313(AVC)) 94
Provisions relating to the committees assisting the Commission (qualified majority) *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation adapting the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in Council instruments adopted in accordance with the consultation procedure (qualified majority) (COM(2001) 789 - C5-0091/2002 - 2001/0315(CNS)) 95
Provisions relating to the committees assisting the Commission (unanimity) *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation adapting the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the exercise of its implementing powers laid down in Council instruments adopted in accordance with the consultation procedure (unanimity) (COM(2001) 789 - C5-0092/2002 - 2001/0316(CNS)) 96
Pre-accession measures for agriculture and rural development *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1268/1999 on Community support for pre-accession measures for agriculture and rural development in the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the pre-accession period (COM(2002) 519 - C5-0497/2002 - 2002/0227(CNS)) 96
Opening to the public of the EEC and Euratom historical archives *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on amending Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 354/83 concerning the opening to the public of the historical archives of the European Economy Community and the European Atomic Energy Community (COM(2002) 462 - C5-0417/2002 - 2002/0203(CNS)) 98
External relations in the field of transport
European Parliament resolution on the external relations of the European Union in the field of transport (2002/2085(INI)) 106
Market access to port services ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council directive on market access to port services (11146/1/2002 - C5-0533/2002 - 2001/0047(COD)) 111
Position of the European Parliament adopted at second reading on 11 March 2003 with a view to the adoption of European Parliament and Council Directive 2003/.../EC on market access to port services 111
2004 budget guidelines: Section III
European Parliament resolution on the guidelines for the 2004 budgetary procedure (2003/2001(BUD)) 128
2004 budget guidelines: Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (A) and VIII(B)
European Parliament resolution on the guidelines for Sections II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (A) and VIII (B) and on the European Parliament's preliminary draft estimates (Section I) for the 2004 budgetary procedure (2003/2002(BUD)) 136
Reform of the budget procedure
European Parliament resolution on reform of the budgetary procedure : possible options in view of the revision of the treaties (2002/2271(INI)) 143
Wednesday 12 March 2003
(2004/C 61 E/003)MINUTES
1. Opening of sitting 148
2. Iraq (statement followed by debate) 148
3. Membership of political groups 149
4. Disclosure requirements for certain companies ***I (Rule 110a) (vote) 149
5. Harmonisation of GNI at market prices * (Rule 110a) (vote) 150
6. Alternative dispute resolution in civil and commercial law (Rule 110a) (vote) 150
7. Promotion of the use of biofuels for transport ***II (vote) 150
8. Activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision ***II (vote) 151
9. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity (vote) 151
10. Socio-economic crisis in the whitefish sector (vote) 151
11. Employment strategy and social policy (vote) 152
12. State of the European economy (vote) 152
13. Annual assessment of implementation of stability and convergence programmes (vote) 152
14. Convergence Report 2002 - Sweden (vote) 152
15. Public finances in EMU - 2002 (vote) 153
16. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 155
17. Military mission of the Union in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (statements followed by debate) 156
18. Transfer of personal data by airlines to the US immigration service (statements followed by debate) 156
19. Question Time (questions to the Council) 157
20. Gender mainstreaming in the EP (debate) 158
21. Equality of opportunities between women and men in the use of the Structural Funds (debate) 158
22. Restrictive measures directed against terrorism * (debate) 159
23. Protection of financial interests and the fight against fraud (debate) 159
24. Agenda for next sitting 159
25. Closure of sitting 159
1. Disclosure requirements for certain companies ***I 161
2. Harmonisation of GNI at market prices * 162
3. Alternative dispute resolution in civil and commercial law 162
4. Promotion of the use of biofuels for transport 162
5. Activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision ***II 163
6. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity 163
7. Socio-economic crisis in the white fish sector 165
8. Employment strategy and social policy 166
9. State of the European economy 169
10. Annual assessment of implementation of stability and convergence programmes 171
11. Convergence Report 2002 - Sweden 173
12. Public finances in EMU - 2002 174
Lulling report A5-0040/2003 - Resolution 175
Ayuso Gonzalez recommendation A5-0057/2003 - Amendment 7 176
Karas recommendation A5-0042/2003 - Amendment 38 178
Karas recommendation A5-0042/2003 - Amendment 24 180
Joint resolution - B5-0159/2003 - GATS, WTO - Amendment 1 181
Joint resolution - B5-0159/2003 - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity - Amendment 4 183
Joint resolution - B5-0159/2003 - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity - Amendment 14 185
Joint resolution - B5-0159/2003 - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity - Amendment 15 186
Joint resolution - B5-0159/2003 - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity - Amendment 2 188
Joint resolution - B5-0159/2003 - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity - Paragraph 7 190
Joint resolution - B5-0159/2003 - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity - Amendment 19 191
Joint resolution - B5-0159/2003 - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity - Amendment 20 193
Joint resolution - B5-0159/2003 - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity - Paragraph 15 195
Joint resolution - B5-0159/2003 - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity - Amendment 3 196
Joint resolution - B5-0156/2003 - Socio-economic crisis in the whitefish sector - Amendment 1 198
Joint resolution - B5-0156/2003 - Socio-economic crisis in the whitefish sector - Paragraph 1 200
Joint resolution - B5-0156/2003 - Socio-economic crisis in the whitefish sector - Amendment 4 202
Joint resolution - B5-0156/2003 - Socio-economic crisis in the whitefish sector - Resolution 203
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Paragraph 3, 2nd part 205
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Paragraph 8 207
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Amendment 14 208
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Amendment 16 210
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Amendment 12 212
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Amendment 7 213
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Paragraph 18, 1st part 215
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Paragraph 20, 1st part 216
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Paragraph 21 218
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Amendment 10 220
Mann report A5-0062/2003 - Amendment 21 221
Garcia-Margallo y Marfil report A5-0051/2003 - Amendment 4 223
Garcia-Margallo y Marfil report A5-0051/2003 - Amendment 8 225
Garcia-Margallo y Marfil report A5-0051/2003 - Amendment 11 226
Garcia-Margallo y Marfil report A5-0051/2003 - Resolution 228
Trentin report A5-0047/2003 - Amendment 7 230
Trentin report A5-0047/2003 - Amendment 8 231
Trentin report A5-0047/2003 - Paragraph 13, 2nd part 233
Trentin report A5-0047/2003 - Amendment 20 235
Trentin report A5-0047/2003 - Amendment 10 236
Trentin report A5-0047/2003 - Amendment 11 238
Schmidt report A5-0037/2003 - Paragraph 5 239
Schmidt report A5-0037/2003 - Paragraph 10, 2nd part 241
Schmidt report A5-0037/2003 - Resolution 242
Dos Santos report A5-0018/2003 - Paragraph 1, 2nd part 243
Dos Santos report A5-0018/2003 - Amendment 3 245
Dos Santos report A5-0018/2003 - Amendment 8 247
Disclosure requirements for certain companies ***I
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 68/151/EEC, as regards disclosure requirements in respect of certain types of companies (COM(2002) 279 - C5-0252/2002 - 2002/0122(COD)) 249
Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 12 March 2003 with a view to the adoption of European Parliament and Council Directive 2003/.../EC amending Council Directive 68/151/EEC, as regards disclosure requirements in respect of certain types of companies 249
Harmonisation of GNI at market prices *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on the harmonisation of Gross National Income at market prices (COM(2002) 558 - C5-0515/2002 - 2002/0245(CNS)) 255
Alternative dispute resolution in civil and commercial law
European Parliament resolution on the Commission's Green Paper on alternative dispute resolution in civil and commercial law (COM(2002) 196 - C5-0284/2002 - 2002/2144(COS)) 256
Promotion of the use of biofuels for transport ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council directive on the promotion of the use of biofuels for transport (12695/1/2002 - C5-0585/2002 - 2001/0265(COD)) 260
Position of the European Parliament adopted at second reading on 12 March 2003 with a view to the adoption of European Parliament and Council Directive 2003/.../EC on the promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport 261
Institutions for occupational retirement provision ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council directive on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision (11212/4/2002 - C5-0534/2002 - 2000/0260(COD)) 268
Position of the European Parliament adopted at second reading on 12 March 2003 with a view to the adoption of European Parliament and Council Directive 2003/.../EC on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision 269
GATS within the WTO, including cultural diversity
European Parliament resolution on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO, including cultural diversity 289
Socio-economic crisis in the whitefish sector
European Parliament resolution on the socio-economic crisis in the whitefish sector 292
Broad economic policy
European Parliament resolution on the state of the European economy - preparatory report with a view to the Commission recommendation on Broad Economic Policy Guidelines (2002/2287 (INI)) 294
Annual evaluation of the implementation of stability and convergence programmes
European Parliament resolution on the annual assessment of implementation of stability and convergence programmes (2002/2288(INI)) 299
Convergence Report 2002 - Sweden
European Parliament resolution on the Commission report: Convergence Report 2002 - Sweden (COM(2002) 243 - C5-0326/2002 - 2002/2170(COS)) 303
Public finances in EMU - 2002
European Parliament resolution on the Commission communication to the Council and the European Parliament on public finances in EMU - 2002 (COM(2002) 209 - C5-0324/2002 - 2002/2168(COS)) 305
Thursday 13 March 2003
(2004/C 61 E/004)MINUTES
1. Opening of sitting 310
2. Membership of Parliament 310
3. Documents received 311
4. Consumer Policy Strategy 2002-2006 - The future of EU consumer policy - Legal protection for consumers (debate) 313
5. Announcement by the President 314
6. Membership of Parliament 315
7. Agenda of sitting of 26 March 2003 315
8. Authorisation to draw up a recommendation (Rule 96(4)) 315
9. Communication of common positions of the Council 315
10. Equality of opportunities between women and men in the use of Structural Funds(Rule 110a) (vote) 317
11. ECB Statute * (vote) 317
12. Restrictive measures directed against terrorism * (vote) 318
13. Military mission of the Union in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (vote) 318
14. Transfer of personal data by airlines to the US immigration service (vote) 318
15. Gender mainstreaming in the EP (vote) 319
16. Protection of financial interests and the fight against fraud (2001) (vote) 319
17. Consumer Policy Strategy 2002-2006 (vote) 319
18. The future of EU consumer policy (vote) 319
19. Legal protection for consumers (vote) 320
20. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 321
21. Closure of undertakings after receiving EU financial aid (statement followed by a debate) 321
22. Cambodia (debate) 322
23. Myanmar (Burma) (debate) 323
24. Nigeria: case of Amina Lawal (debate) 323
25. Cambodia (vote) 323
26. Myanmar (Burma) (vote) 324
27. Nigeria: case of Amina Lawal (vote) 324
28. Closure of undertakings after receiving EU financial aid (vote) 325
29. Deadlines 326
30. Referral to committees - Authorisation to draw up reports - Cooperation between committees 326
31. Written declarations (Rule 51) 328
32. Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting 329
33. Dates for next sittings 329
34. Adjournment of session 329
1. Equality of opportunities between women and men in the use of the Structural Funds 331
2. ECB Statute * 332
3. Restrictive measures directed against terrorism * 333
4. Military mission of the Union in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 334
5. Transfer of personal data by airlines to the US immigration service 334
6. Gender mainstreaming in the EP 335
7. Protection of financial interests and the fight against fraud 335
8. Consumer Policy Strategy 2002-2006 337
9. The future of EU consumer policy 339
10. Legal protection for consumers 340
11. Cambodia 341
12. Myanmar (Burma) 341
13. Nigeria: case of Amina Lawal 341
14. Closure of undertakings after receiving EU financial aid 342
Avilés Perea report A5-0059/2003 - Resolution 344
Hernandez Mollar report A5-0036/2003 - Amendment 7, 1st part 345
Hernandez Mollar report A5-0036/2003 - Amendment 7, 2nd part 346
Hernandez Mollar report A5-0036/2003 - Amendment 8 348
Hernandez Mollar report A5-0036/2003 - Amendment 9, 1st part 349
Hernandez Mollar report A5-0036/2003 - Amendment 9, 2nd part 351
Hernandez Mollar report A5-0036/2003 - Amendment 6 352
Hernandez Mollar report A5-0036/2003 - Amended proposal 354
Joint resolution - B5-0187/2003 - Transfer of data by airlines to the US immigration services - Resolution 355
Bösch report A5-0055/2003 - Paragraph 8, 2nd part 356
Bösch report A5-0055/2003 - Paragraph 8, 3rd part 358
Bösch report A5-0055/2003 - Paragraph 59 359
Bösch report A5-0055/2003 - Paragraph 60 361
Bösch report A5-0055/2003 - Paragraph 61 362
Bösch report A5-0055/2003 - Amendment 22, 1st part 364
Whitehead report A5-0023/2003 - Paragraph 23, 2nd part 365
Patrie report A5-0423/2002 - Amendment 1 367
Joint resolution - B5-0170/2003 - Cambodia - Resolution 368
Equality of opportunity between men and women and the Structural Funds
European Parliament resolution on the objectives of equality of opportunities between women and men in the use of the Structural Funds (2002/2210(INI)) 370
ECB Statute *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the recommendation of the European Central Bank for a proposal for a Council decision on an amendment to Article 10.2 of the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank (6163/2003 - C5-0038/2003 - 2003/0803(CNS)) 374
Restrictive measures directed against terrorism *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation amending, as regards the exemptions to the freezing of funds and economic resources and for the tenth time, Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban (COM(2003) 41 - C5-0048/2003 - 2003/0015(CNS)) 375
Military mission of the Union in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
European Parliament resolution on the ESDP operation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 379
Transfer of personal data by airlines to the US immigration service
European Parliament resolution on transfer of personal data by airlines in the case of transatlantic flights 381
Gender mainstreaming in the EP
European Parliament resolution on gender mainstreaming in the European Parliament (2002/2025(INI)) 384
Protection of financial interests and the fight against fraud
European Parliament resolution on the protection of the Communities financial interests and the fight against fraud - annual report 2001 (2002/2211(INI)) 392
Consumer Policy Strategy 2002-2006
European Parliament resolution on the Commission communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on Consumer Policy Strategy 2002-2006 (COM(2002) 208 - C5-0329/2002 - 2002/2173(COS)) 401
Future of EU consumer policy
European Parliament resolution on the implications of the Commission Green Paper on European Union Consumer Protection for the future of EU consumer policy (COM(2001) 531 - C5-0295/2002 - 2002/2151(COS)) 409
Legal protection for consumers
European Parliament resolution on prospects for legal protection of the consumer in the light of the Commission Green Paper on European Union Consumer Protection (COM(2001) 531 - C5-0294/2002 - 2002/2150(COS)) 413
European Parliament resolution on the situation in Cambodia on the eve of the general elections of 27 July 2003 417
Myanmar (Burma)
European Parliament resolution on Burma 420
Nigeria: case of Amina Lawal
European Parliament resolution on the case of the Nigerian woman, Amina Lawal, sentenced to death by stoning in Nigeria 423
Closure of undertakings after receiving EU financial aid
European Parliament resolution on closure of undertakings after receiving EU financial aid 425
Key to symbols used
*Consultation procedure
** ICooperation procedure: first reading
** IICooperation procedure: second reading
***Assent procedure
*** ICodecision procedure: first reading
*** IICodecision procedure: second reading
*** IIICodecision procedure: third reading
(The type of procedure is determined by the legal basis proposed by the Commission)
Information relating to voting time
Unless stated otherwise, the rapporteurs informed the Chair in writing, before the vote, of their position on the amendments.
Abbreviations used for Parliamentary Committees
AFETCommittee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy
BUDGCommittee on Budgets
CONTCommittee on Budgetary Control
LIBECommittee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs
ECONCommittee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
JURICommittee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market
ITRECommittee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy
EMPLCommittee on Employment and Social Affairs
ENVICommittee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy
AGRICommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development
PECHCommittee on Fisheries
RETTCommittee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism
CULTCommittee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport
DEVECommittee on Development and Cooperation
AFCOCommittee on Constitutional Affairs
FEMMCommittee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities
PETICommittee on Petitions
Abbreviations used for Political Groups
PPE-DEGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
PSEGroup of the Party of European Socialists
ELDRGroup of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party
Verts/ALEGroup of the Greens/European Free Alliance
GUE/NGLConfederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left
UENUnion for a Europe of Nations Group
EDDGroup for a Europe of Democracies and Diversities
NINon-attached Members
