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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Document 32001L0085R(01)

Corrigendum to Directive 2001/85/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2001 relating to special provisions for vehicles used for the carriage of passengers comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, and amending Directives 70/156/EEC and 97/27/EC (OJ L 42 of 13.2.2002)

HL L 125., 2003.5.21, p. 14–14 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, PT, FI, SV)



Corrigendum to Directive 2001/85/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2001 relating to special provisions for vehicles used for the carriage of passengers comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, and amending Directives 70/156/EEC and 97/27/EC (OJ L 42 of 13.2.2002)

Official Journal L 125 , 21/05/2003 P. 0014 - 0014

Corrigendum to Directive 2001/85/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2001 relating to special provisions for vehicles used for the carriage of passengers comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, and amending Directives 70/156/EEC and 97/27/EC

(Official Journal of the European Communities L 42 of 13 February 2002)

On pages 5 and 6, Article 5 shall read as follows:

Article 5

Annex I to Directive 97/27/EC shall be amended as follows:

1. paragraphs to shall be deleted;

2. the following paragraphs shall be inserted:

" 'Bus or coach' means a vehicle defined in paragraph 2 of Annex I to Directive 2001/85/EC. 'Class' of bus or coach means a vehicle of a Class defined in paragraphs 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of Annex I to Directive 2001/85/EC. 'Articulated bus or coach' means a vehicle defined in paragraph 2.1.3 of Annex I to Directive 2001/85/EC. 'Double-deck bus or coach' means a vehicle defined in paragraph 2.1.6 of Annex I to Directive 2001/85/EC.";

3. former paragraph shall be renumbered
