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Document L:2004:032:TOC

Official Journal of the European Union, L 32, 05 February 2004

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Official Journal
of the European Union
ISSN 1725-2555

L 32
Volume 47
5 February 2004
English editionLegislation

ContentsI Acts whose publication is obligatory
Commission Regulation (EC) No 193/2004 of 4 February 2004 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables 1
Commission Regulation (EC) No 194/2004 of 4 February 2004 amending Regulation (EC) No 133/2004 determining the extent to which applications submitted in January 2004 for import licences for the tariff quotas for beef and veal provided for in Council Decision 2003/452/EC for the Republic of Slovenia can be accepted 3
Commission Regulation (EC) No 195/2004 of 4 February 2004 fixing the import duties in the rice sector 4
Commission Regulation (EC) No 196/2004 of 4 February 2004 determining the world market price for unginned cotton 7
Commission Regulation (EC) No 197/2004 of 4 February 2004 concerning applications for export licences for rice and broken rice with advance fixing of the refund 8

II Acts whose publication is not obligatory
The Representatives of the Governments of the Member States
*Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council of 22 January 2004 giving a discharge to the Secretary-General of the Convention on the Future of the European Union in respect of the implementation for the financial year 2002 of the budget of the Fund set up for the financing of the Convention 9
*Council Decision of 22 December 2003 relating to the conclusion of an additional Protocol, laying down the trade arrangements for certain fish and fishery products, to the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Romania, of the other part 11
Additional Protocol, laying down the trade arrangements for certain fish and fishery products, to the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Romania, of the other part 12
*Commission Decision of 28 January 2004 amending Annex C to Council Directive 92/51/EEC on a second general system for the recognition of professional education and training to supplement Directive 89/48/EEC (notified under document number C(2003) 5381) (1) 15
*Commission Decision of 29 January 2004 amending Decision 95/328/EC establishing health certification for fishery products from third countries which are not yet covered by a specific decision (notified under document number C(2004) 129) (1) 17
*Commission Decision of 29 January 2004 on measures to assess the residual BSE risk in products derived from bovine animals/on a Community financial contribution for measures to assess the residual BSE risk in products derived from bovine animals (notified under document number C(2004) 132) 18
*Commission Decision of 29 January 2004 on the implementation of surveys for avian influenza in poultry and wild birds in Member States, to be carried out during 2004 (notified under document number C(2004) 134) 20
Council and Commission
2004/112/EC, EURATOM
*Council and Commission Decision of 22 December 2003 on the signature on behalf of the European Community and of the European Atomic Energy Community of the Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the European Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Swiss Confederation, of the other part 22
Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the European Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Swiss Confederation, of the other part 23

*Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2286/2003 of 18 December 2003 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code (OJ L 343 of 31.12.2003) 34
*Corrigendum to Council Directive 88/344/EEC of 13 June 1988 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States on extraction solvents used in the production of foodstuffs and food ingredients (OJ L 157 of 24.6.1988) 34
(1) Text with EEA relevance
Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.
The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
