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Document 31988R2338
Council Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 2338/88 of 25 July 1988 correcting the remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of the European Communities and adjusting the weightings applied thereto
Council Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 2338/88 of 25 July 1988 correcting the remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of the European Communities and adjusting the weightings applied thereto
Council Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 2338/88 of 25 July 1988 correcting the remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of the European Communities and adjusting the weightings applied thereto
OV L 204, 29.7.1988, p. 1–4
(ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT)
In force
Council Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 2338/88 of 25 July 1988 correcting the remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of the European Communities and adjusting the weightings applied thereto
Official Journal L 204 , 29/07/1988 P. 0001 - 0004
***** COUNCIL REGULATION (ECSC, EEC, EURATOM) No 2338/88 of 25 July 1988 correcting the remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of the European Communities and adjusting the weightings applied thereto THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing a single Council and a single Commission of the European Communities, Having regard to the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities, and in particular Article 13 thereof, Having regard to the Staff Regulations of officials and the conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities laid down by the Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 259/68 (1), as last amended by Regulation (Euratom, ECSC, EEC) No 3784/87 (2), and in particular Articles 63, 64, 65 and 82 of the Staff Regulations and the first subparagraph of Article 20 and Article 64 of the conditions of employment, Having regard to Council Decision 81/1061/Euratom, ECSC, EEC of 15 December 1981 amending the method of adjusting the remuneration of officials and other servants of the Communities (3), as last amended by Decision 87/530/Euratom, EEC (4), Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, Whereas it was not for Regulation (Euratom, ECSC, EEC) No 3784/87 to take account of a decision by the French Government to increase the salaries of civil servants in France, the effect of which could not be estimated before the said Regulation was adopted; whereas the amounts laid down by Regulation (Euratom, ECSC, EEC) No 3784/87 should therefore be corrected; Whereas, since the cost of living increased substantially in several countries in which officials and other servants of the Communities are employed in the second half of 1987, the weightings applicable to the remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants pursuant to Regulation (Euratom, ECSC, EEC) No 3784/87 should be adjusted with effect from 1 January 1988 or from 16 November 1987 in certain countries where the increase in the cost of living has been particularly high, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: Article 1 With effect from 1 July 1987: (a) the table of basic monthly salaries in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations is replaced by the following: 1.2,9 // // // Grades // Step // // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // // // // // // // // // // A 1 // 327 330 // 344 719 // 362 108 // 379 497 // 396 886 // 414 275 // // // A 2 // 290 482 // 307 075 // 323 668 // 340 261 // 356 854 // 373 447 // // // A 3 / LA 3 // 240 573 // 255 086 // 269 599 // 284 112 // 298 625 // 313 138 // 327 651 // 342 164 // A 4 / LA 4 // 202 105 // 213 433 // 224 761 // 236 089 // 247 417 // 258 745 // 270 073 // 281 401 // A 5 / LA 5 // 166 627 // 176 498 // 186 369 // 196 240 // 206 111 // 215 982 // 225 853 // 235 724 // A 6 / LA 6 // 143 993 // 151 850 // 159 707 // 167 564 // 175 421 // 183 278 // 191 135 // 198 992 // A 7 / LA 7 // 123 948 // 130 116 // 136 284 // 142 452 // 148 620 // 154 788 // // // A 8 / LA 8 // 109 625 // 114 043 // // // // // // // B 1 // 143 993 // 151 850 // 159 707 // 167 564 // 175 421 // 183 278 // 191 135 // 198 992 // B 2 // 124 763 // 130 611 // 136 459 // 142 307 // 148 155 // 154 003 // 159 851 // 165 699 // B 3 // 104 648 // 109 512 // 114 376 // 119 240 // 124 104 // 128 968 // 133 832 // 138 696 // B 4 // 90 510 // 94 728 // 98 946 // 103 164 // 107 382 // 111 600 // 115 818 // 120 036 // B 5 // 80 904 // 84 319 // 87 734 // 91 149 // // // // // C 1 // 92 319 // 96 041 // 99 763 // 103 485 // 107 207 // 110 929 // 114 651 // 118 373 // C 2 // 80 296 // 83 708 // 87 120 // 90 532 // 93 944 // 97 356 // 100 768 // 104 180 // C 3 // 74 906 // 77 828 // 80 750 // 83 672 // 86 594 // 89 516 // 92 438 // 95 360 // C 4 // 67 676 // 70 419 // 73 162 // 75 905 // 78 648 // 81 391 // 84 134 // 86 877 // C 5 // 62 414 // 64 968 // 67 522 // 70 076 // // // // // D 1 // 70 529 // 73 612 // 76 695 // 79 778 // 82 861 // 85 944 // 89 027 // 92 110 // D 2 // 64 307 // 67 045 // 69 783 // 72 521 // 75 259 // 77 997 // 80 735 // 83 473 // D 3 // 59 854 // 62 415 // 64 976 // 67 537 // 70 098 // 72 659 // 75 220 // 77 781 // D 4 // 56 434 // 58 748 // 61 062 // 63 376 // // // // // // // // // // // // // (b) - in Article 1 (1) of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations, Bfrs 4 939 is replaced by 4 954, - in Article 2 (1) of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations, Bfrs 6 362 is replaced by Bfrs 6 381, - in the second sentence of Article 69 of Staff Regulations and in the second subparagraph of Article 4 (1) of Annex VII thereto, Bfrs 11 364 is replaced by Bfrs 11 397, - in the first subparagraph of Article 3 of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations, Bfrs 5 684 is replaced by Bfrs 5 701. Article 2 With effect from 1 July 1987, the table of basic monthly salaries in Article 63 of the conditions of employment of other servants is replaced by the following: 1.2.3,6 // Category // Group // Class // // // // // // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // // // // // // // // I // 153 681 // 172 719 // 191 757 // 210 795 // A // II // 111 540 // 122 408 // 133 276 // 144 144 // // III // 93 733 // 97 909 // 102 085 // 106 261 // // // // // // // B // IV // 90 046 // 98 859 // 107 672 // 116 485 // // V // 70 729 // 75 389 // 80 049 // 84 709 // // // // // // // C // VI // 67 266 // 71 226 // 75 186 // 79 146 // // VII // 60 207 // 62 255 // 64 303 // 66 351 // // // // // // // D // VIII // 54 417 // 57 621 // 60 825 // 64 029 // // IX // 52 403 // 53 134 // 53 865 // 54 596 // // // // // // Article 3 With effect from 1 July 1987 the fixed allowance referred to in Article 4a of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations is: - Bfrs 2 974 per month for officials in Grade C 4 or C 5, - Bfrs 4 558 per month for officials in Grade C 1, C 2 or C 3. Article 4 Pensions for which entitlement has accrued by 1 July 1987 are calculated from that date by reference to the table of basic monthly salaries laid down in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations, as amended by Article 1 (a) of this Regulation. Article 5 1. With effect from 1 May 1987 and until 30 June 1987, the weightings applicable to the remuneration of officials and other servants employed in the countries listed below are as follows: Yugoslavia 169,8 Turkey 90,3 Egypt 388,8 Syria 388,0 Venezuela 80,5 Brazil 195,9 2. With effect from 16 May 1987 and until 30 June 1987, the weightings applicable to the remuneration of officials and other servants employed in the countries listed below are as follows: (a) Greece 91,5 (b) Chile 102,8 Israel 180,5 India 128,4 Tunisia 110,0 3. The weightings applicable to pensions are determined in accordance with Article 82 (1) of the Staff Regulations. Article 6 With effect from 1 July 1987, the table in Article 10 (1) of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations is replaced by the following: 1.2,3.4,5 // // Entitled to household allowance // Not entitled to household allowance // // 1st to 15th day // from 16th day // 1st to 15th day // from 16th day // // // // // 1.2,5 // // Bfrs per calendar day // A 1 to A 3 and LA 3 // 1 932 // 910 // 1 328 // 762 // A 4 to A 8 and LA 4 to LA 8 and category B // 1 875 // 850 // 1 272 // 664 // Other grades // 1 701 // 792 // 1 095 // 547 // // // // // Article 7 With effect from 1 July 1987, the allowances laid down in Article 1 of Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 300/76 (1) for shiftwork are set at Bfrs 8 618, Bfrs 14 221 and Bfrs 19 390. Article 8 With effect from 1 July 1987, the amounts shown in Article 4 of Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 260/68 (2) are subject to a weighting of 3,083961. Article 9 1. With effect from 16 November 1987, the weighting applicable to the remuneration of officials and other servants employed in the country indicated below is as follows: Portugal 79,9 2. With effect from 1 January 1988, the weightings applicable to the remuneration of officials and other servants employed in the countries indicated below are as follows: Greece 81,1 Italy (Varèse) 93,5 3. The weightings applicable to pensions are determined in accordance with Article 82 (1) of the Staff Regulations. Article 10 This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 25 July 1988. For the Council The President Th. PANGALOS (1) OJ No L 56, 4. 3. 1968, p. 1. (2) OJ No L 356, 18. 12. 1987, p. 1. (3) OJ No L 386, 31. 12. 1981, p. 6. (4) OJ No L 307, 29. 10. 1987, p. 40. (1) OJ No L 38, 13. 2. 1976, p. 1. (2) OJ No L 56, 4. 3. 1968, p. 8. VIII 54 417 57 621 60 825 64 029 // IX 52 403 53 134 53 865 54 596 // // // // // // ARTICLE 3 WITH EFFECT FROM 1 JULY 1987 THE FIXED ALLOWANCE REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 4A OF ANNEX VII TO THE STAFF REGULATIONS IS : _ BFRS 2 974 PER MONTH FOR OFFICIALS IN GRADE C 4 OR C 5, _ BFRS 4 558 PER MONTH FOR OFFICIALS IN GRADE C 1, C 2 OR C 3 . ARTICLE 4 PENSIONS FOR WHICH ENTITLEMENT HAS ACCRUED BY 1 JULY 1987 ARE CALCULATED FROM THAT DATE BY REFERENCE TO THE TABLE OF BASIC MONTHLY SALARIES LAID DOWN IN ARTICLE 66 OF THE STAFF REGULATIONS, AS AMENDED BY ARTICLE 1 ( A ) OF THIS REGULATION . ARTICLE 5 1 . WITH EFFECT FROM 1 MAY 1987 AND UNTIL 30 JUNE 1987, THE WEIGHTINGS APPLICABLE TO THE REMUNERATION OF OFFICIALS AND OTHER SERVANTS EMPLOYED IN THE COUNTRIES LISTED BELOW ARE AS FOLLOWS : YUGOSLAVIA 169,8 TURKEY 90,3 EGYPT 388,8 SYRIA 388,0 VENEZUELA 80,5 BRAZIL 195,9 2 . WITH EFFECT FROM 16 MAY 1987 AND UNTIL 30 JUNE 1987, THE WEIGHTINGS APPLICABLE TO THE REMUNERATION OF OFFICIALS AND OTHER SERVANTS EMPLOYED IN THE COUNTRIES LISTED BELOW ARE AS FOLLOWS : ( A ) GREECE 91,5 ( B ) CHILE 102,8 ISRAEL 180,5 INDIA 128,4 TUNISIA 110,0 3 . THE WEIGHTINGS APPLICABLE TO PENSIONS ARE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 82 ( 1 ) OF THE STAFF REGULATIONS . ARTICLE 6 WITH EFFECT FROM 1 JULY 1987, THE TABLE IN ARTICLE 10 ( 1 ) OF ANNEX VII TO THE STAFF REGULATIONS IS REPLACED BY THE FOLLOWING : 1.2,3.4,5ENTITLED TO HOUSEHOLD ALLOWANCE NOT ENTITLED TO HOUSEHOLD ALLOWANCE // 1ST TO 15TH DAY FROM 16TH DAY 1ST TO 15TH DAY FROM 16TH DAY // // // // // 1.2,5 // BFRS PER CALENDAR DAY 1 TO A 3 AND LA 3 1 932 910 1 328 762 A 4 TO A 8 AND LA 4 TO LA 8 AND CATEGORY B 1 875 850 1 272 664 OTHER GRADES 1 701 792 1 095 547 // // // // // ARTICLE 7 WITH EFFECT FROM 1 JULY 1987, THE ALLOWANCES LAID DOWN IN ARTICLE 1 OF REGULATION ( ECSC, EEC, EURATOM ) NO 300/76 ( 1 ) FOR SHIFTWORK ARE SET AT BFRS 8 618, BFRS 14 221 AND BFRS 19 390 . ARTICLE 8 WITH EFFECT FROM 1 JULY 1987, THE AMOUNTS SHOWN IN ARTICLE 4 OF COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC, EURATOM, ECSC ) NO 260/68 ( 2 ) ARE SUBJECT TO A WEIGHTING OF 3,083961 . ARTICLE 9 1 . WITH EFFECT FROM 16 NOVEMBER 1987, THE WEIGHTING APPLICABLE TO THE REMUNERATION OF OFFICIALS AND OTHER SERVANTS EMPLOYED IN THE COUNTRY INDICATED BELOW IS AS FOLLOWS : PORTUGAL 79,9 2 . WITH EFFECT FROM 1 JANUARY 1988, THE WEIGHTINGS APPLICABLE TO THE REMUNERATION OF OFFICIALS AND OTHER SERVANTS EMPLOYED IN THE COUNTRIES INDICATED BELOW ARE AS FOLLOWS : GREECE 81,1 ITALY ( VARESE ) 93,5 3 . THE WEIGHTINGS APPLICABLE TO PENSIONS ARE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 82 ( 1 ) OF THE STAFF REGULATIONS . ARTICLE 10 THIS REGULATION SHALL ENTER INTO FORCE ON THE DAY FOLLOWING THAT OF ITS PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES . THIS REGULATION SHALL BE BINDING IN ITS ENTIRETY AND DIRECTLY APPLICABLE IN ALL MEMBER STATES . DONE AT BRUSSELS, 25 JULY 1988 . FOR THE COUNCIL THE PRESIDENT TH . PANGALOS ( 1 ) OJ NO L 56, 4 . 3 . 1968, P . 1 . ( 2 ) OJ NO L 356, 18 . 12 . 1987, P . 1 . ( 3 ) OJ NO L 386, 31 . 12 . 1981, P . 6 . ( 4 ) OJ NO L 307, 29 . 10 . 1987, P . 40 . ( 1 ) OJ NO L 38, 13 . 2 . 1976, P . 1 . ( 2 ) OJ NO L 56, 4 . 3 . 1968, P . 8 .