This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Document C2006/303E/04
MINUTES#Wednesday, 5 July 2006
L-Erbgħa, 5 ta' Lulju 2006
L-Erbgħa, 5 ta' Lulju 2006
ĠU C 303E, 13.12.2006, p. 651–882
(ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)
13.12.2006 |
MT |
Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea |
CE 303/651 |
(2006/C 303 E/04)
1. Ftuħ tas-Seduta
Ħin tal-ftuħ tas-seduta: 10.00.
2. Dokumenti mressqa
Tressqu d-dokumenti msemmija hawn taħt
1) |
mill-Kunsill u l-Kummissjoni
2) |
3. Żvilupp u Migrazzjoni (dibattitu)
Rapport dwar Żvilupp u Migrazzjoni [2005/2244(INI)] — Kumitat għall-Iżvilupp
Rapporteur: Marie-Arlette Carlotti (A6-0210/2006).
Marie-Arlette Carlotti ippreżentat ir-rapport.
Tkellem Louis Michel (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).
Tkellmu: Ioannis Kasoulides (rapporteur għal opinjoni tal-Kumitat AFET), Ona Juknevičienė (rapporteur għal opinjoni tal-Kumitat EMPL), Feleknas Uca (rapporteur għal opinjoni tal-Kumitat FEMM), Fernando Fernández Martín f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Margrietus van den Berg f'isem il-grupp PSE, Danutė Budreikaitė f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Marie-Hélène Aubert f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Gabriele Zimmer f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, Alessandro Battilocchio Membru mhux affiljat, Zbigniew Zaleski, Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Jan Jerzy Kułakowski, Miguel Portas, Koenraad Dillen, Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Marie-Line Reynaud, Toomas Savi, Ryszard Czarnecki, Libor Rouček, Francesco Enrico Speroni, Kader Arif, Panagiotis Beglitis, Justas Vincas Paleckis u Louis Michel.
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
Votazzjoni: punt 6.17 tal- Minuti ta' 06.07.2006.
4. Kummerċ ġust u żvilupp (dibattitu)
Rapport dwar kummerċ ġust u żvilupp [2005/2245(INI)] — Kumitat għall-Iżvilupp
Rapporteur: Frithjof Schmidt (A6-0207/2006).
Frithjof Schmidt ippreżenta r-rapport.
Tkellem Peter Mandelson (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).
Tkellmu: Jörg Leichtfried (rapporteur għal opinjoni tal-Kumitat INTA), Filip Kaczmarek f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Linda McAvan f'isem il-grupp PSE, Sajjad Karim f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Miguel Portas f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, Eoin Ryan f'isem il-grupp UEN, Christofer Fjellner, Karin Scheele, Fiona Hall, Georgios Papastamkos, Glenys Kinnock, Wiesław Stefan Kuc u Peter Mandelson.
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
Votazzjoni: punt 6.18 tal- Minuti ta' 06.07.2006.
5. Riżultati tal-laqgħat tad-WTO fl-aħħar ta' April f'Ġinevra u perspettivi futuri (dibattitu)
Mistoqsija orali (O-0036/2006/rév.1) mressqa minn Enrique Barón Crespo, f'isem il-Kumitat INTA, lill-Kummissjoni: Riżultati tal-laqgħat tad-WTO fl-aħħar ta' April f'Ġinevra u perspettivi futuri (B6-0314/2006)
Enrique Barón Crespo għamel il-mistoqsija orali.
Peter Mandelson (Membru tal-Kummissjoni) wieġeb il-mistoqsija orali
Id-dibattitu ġie sospiż f'dak il-waqt għall-ħin tal-votazzjoni.
Ħin li fih jerġa' jitkompla d-dibattitu: 15.00.
6. Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet
Ir-riżultati tal-votazzjoni (emendi, votazzjonijiet separati u maqsumin, eċċ) jidhru fl-Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet” tal-Minuti.
6.1. Ġbir tal-VAT u l-ġlieda kontra l-frodi u l-evażjoni fiskali * (Artikolu 131 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura) (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar il-proposta għal Direttiva tal-Kunsill li temenda d-Direttiva 77/388/KEE dwar dak li għandu x'jaqsam ma ċerti miżuri bil-għan li jissimplifikaw il-ġbir tat-taxxa fuq il-valur miżjud u li jiġġieldu kontra l-frodi u l-evażjoni fiskali u li tħassar ċerti deċiżjonijiet li jagħtu derogazzjonijiet [COM(2005)0089 — C6-0100/2005 — 2005/0019(CNS)] — Kumitat għall-Affarijiet Ekonomiċi u Monetarji
Rapporteur: Christoph Konrad (A6-0209/2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 1)
Adottata b'votazzjoni unika (P6_TA(2006)0303)
6.2. “Partnership” bejn l-UE u l-Karibbew għat-tkabbir, l-istabbilità u l-iżvilupp (Artikolu 131 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura) (votazzjoni)
Rapport “Partnership” bejn l-UE u l-Karibbew għat-tkabbir, l-istabbilità u l-iżvilupp [2006/2123(INI)] — Kumitat għall-Iżvilupp
Rapporteur: Gabriele Zimmer (A6-0211/2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 2)
Adottata b'votazzjoni unika (P6_TA(2006)0304)
6.3. Protezzjoni ta' ħaddiema fis-servizzi tas-saħħa kontra l-infezzjonijiet trażmessi mid-demm ikkawżati minn ġrieħi minn siringi (Artikolu 131 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura) (votazzjoni)
It-tieni rapport li fih rakkomandazzjonijiet għall-Kummissjoni dwar il-protezzjoni ta' ħaddiema fis-servizzi tas-saħħa ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea kontra l-infezzjonijiet trażmessi mid-demm ikkawżati minn ġrieħi minn siringi [2006/2015(INI)] — Kumitat għall-Impjiegi u l-Affarijiet Soċjali
Rapporteur: Stephen Hughes (A6-0218/2006).
Il-votazzjoni dwar l-ewwel rapport (A6-0137/2006) ġiet sospiża fl-01.06.2006 (punt 7.19 tal- Minuti ta' 01.06.2006) u l-ewwel rapport ġie mibgħut lura lill-Kumitat fit-3.06.2006 (punt 7.11 tal- Minuti ta' 13.06.2006).
(Maġġoranza kwalifikata)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 3)
Adottata b'votazzjoni unika (P6_TA(2006)0305)
6.4. Strument Ewropew ta' Viċinanza u ta' Sħubija ***I (votazzjoni)
* *
Qabel il-votazzjoni dwar ir-rapport Szymański (A6-0164/2006):
Tkellmu: dwar it-tliet rapporti A6-0164/2006, A6-0157/2006, A6-0155/2006 rispettivament, Konrad Szymański (rapporteur), Raül Romeva i Rueda (flok ir-rapporteur), István Szent-Iványi (rapporteur) u Elmar Brok (President tal-Kumitat AFET).
Rapport dwar il-proposta għal Regolament tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li jistabbilixxi disposizzjonijiet ġenerali għat-twaqqif ta' Strument Ewropew ta' Viċinanza u ta' Sħubija [COM(2004)0628 — C6-0129/2004 — 2004/0219(COD)] — Kumitat għall-Affarijiet Barranin
Rapporteur: Konrad Szymański (A6-0164/2006).
Id-dibattitu sar fid-data 17.05.2006 (punt 11 tal- Minuti ta' 17.05.2006).
Il-votazzjoni dwar ir-rapport ġiet posposta wara d-deċiżjoni adottata mill-Konferenza tal-Presidenti waqt il-laqgħa ta' l- 14.06.2006.
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 4)
Approvazzjoni bl-emendi (P6_TA(2006)0306)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0306)
6.5. Strument għall-Istabilità ***I (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar il-proposta għal regolament tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li jwaqqaf Strument għall-Istabilità [COM(2004)0630 — C6-0251/2004 — 2004/0223(COD)] — Kumitat għall-Affarijiet Barranin
Rapporteur: Angelika Beer (A6-0157/2006).
Id-dibattitu sar fid-data 17.05.2006 (punt 11 tal- Minuti ta' 17.05.2006).
Il-votazzjoni dwar ir-rapport ġiet posposta wara d-deċiżjoni adottata mill-Konferenza tal-Presidenti waqt il-laqgħa ta' l- 14.06.2006.
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 5)
Approvazzjoni bl-emendi (P6_TA(2006)0307)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0307)
6.6. Strument ta' għajnuna għal qabel l-adeżjoni * (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar il-proposta għal Regolament tal-Kunsill li jwaqqaf Strument ta' għajnuna għal qabel is-Sħubija (IPA) [COM(2004)0627 — C6-0047/2005 — 2004/0222(CNS)] — Kumitat għall-Affarijiet Barranin
Rapporteur: István Szent-Iványi (A6-0155/2006).
Id-dibattitu sar fid-data 17.05.2006 (punt 11 tal- Minuti ta' 17.05.2006).
Il-votazzjoni dwar ir-rapport ġiet posposta wara d-deċiżjoni adottata mill-Konferenza tal-Presidenti waqt il-laqgħa ta' l- 14.06.2006.
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 6)
Approvazzjoni bl-emendi (P6_TA(2006)0308)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0308)
6.7. Setgħat ta' implimentazzjoni konferiti fuq il-Kummissjoni (Ftehima Interistituzzjonali)
Rapport dwar ftehima interistituzzjonali fil-forma ta' stqarrija konġunta dwar l-abbozz ta' deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill li temenda d-Deċiżjoni 1999/468/KE li tipprovdi l-proċeduri għall-eżerċizzju tas-setgħat ta' l-implimentazzjoni konferiti fuq il-Kummissjoni [10126/1/2006 — C6-0208/2006 — 2006/2152(ACI)] — Kumitat għall-Affarijiet Kostituzzjonali
Rapporteur: Richard Corbett (A6-0237/2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 7)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0309)
6.8. Setgħat ta' l-implimentazzjoni konferiti fuq il-Kummissjoni (proċeduri) * (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar proposta emendata ta' Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill li temenda d-Deċiżjoni 1999/468/KE tal-Kunsill li tipprovdi l-proċeduri għall-eżerċizzju tas-setgħat ta' l-implimentazzjoni konferiti fuq il-Kummissjoni [10126/1/2006 — C6-0190/2006 — 2002/0298(CNS)] — Kumitat għall-Affarijiet Kostituzzjonali
Rapporteur: Richard Corbett (A6-0236/2006).
(Consultation répétée)
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 8)
Approvazzjoni (P6_TA(2006)0310)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0310)
6.9. Informazzjoni dwar min iħallas li takkumpanja t-trasferimenti ta' fondi ***I (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar il-proposta għal Regolament tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill rigward informazzjoni dwar min iħallas li takkumpanja t-trasferimenti ta' fondi [COM(2005)0343 — C6-0246/2005 — 2005/0138(COD)] — Kumitat għal-Libertajiet Ċivili, il-Ġustizzja u l-Intern
Rapporteur: Alexander Alvaro (A6-0196/2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 9)
Approvazzjoni bl-emendi (P6_TA(2006)0311)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0311)
Alexander Alvaro (rapporteur) u Udo Bullmann f'isem il-grupp PSE, dan ta' l-aħħar dwar l-emendi 20, 22, 24, 103, 124 u 125.
6.10. Regolament finanzjarju applikabbli għall-baġit ġenerali tal-kommunitajiet Ewropej * (votazzjoni finali)
Rapport dwar il-proposta għal regolament tal-Kunsill li jemenda r-Regolament (KE, Euratom) Nru. 1605/2002 tal-Kunsill li fih regolament finanzjarju applikabbli għall-baġit ġenerali tal-kommunitajiet Ewropej [COM(2006)0213 — C6-0207/2006 — 2005/0090(CNS)] — Kumitat għall-Baġit
Rapporteur: Ingeborg Gräßle (A6-0057/2006).
Id-dibattitu sar fid-data 14.03.2006 (punt 21 tal- Minuti ta' 14.03.2006).
Il-votazzjoni dwar il-proposta tal-Kummissjoni saret fil- 15.03.2006 (punt 4.5 tal- Minuti ta' 15.03.2006). Ir-rapport intbagħat lura lill-Kumitat kompetenti b'konformità ma' l-artikolu 168(1) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura 13.06.2006 (punt 7.9 tal- Minuti ta' 11.06.2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 10)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0312)
6.11. Proċedura ta' informazzjoni reċiproka fil-qasam ta' l-immigrazzjoni u ta' refuġju * (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar il-proposta għal Deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill dwar it-twaqqif ta' proċedura għal informazzjoni reċiproka dwar il-miżuri ta' l-Istati Membri fil-qasam tar-refuġju u l-immigrazzjoni. [COM(2005)0480 — C6-0335/2005 — 2005/0204(CNS)] — Kumitat għal-Libertajiet Ċivili, il-Ġustizzja u l-Intern
Rapporteur: Patrick Gaubert (A6-0186/2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 11)
Approvazzjoni bl-emendi (P6_TA(2006)0313)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0313)
6.12. Emendi għall-protokol dwar il-privileġġi u l-immunitajiet (votazzjoni)
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0275/2006/rév.
Id-dibattitu sar fid-data 26.04.2006 (punt 13 tal- Minuti ta' 26.04.2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 12)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0314)
6.13. Il-konsegwenzi ekonomiċi u soċjali tar-ristrutturar tal-kummerċ fl-Ewropa (votazzjoni)
Proposti għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0383/2006, B6-0387/2006, B6-0388/2006, B6-0389/2006 u B6-0398/2006
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 13)
(flokB6-0387/2006, B6-0388/2006 u B6-0389/2006):
mressqa mill-Membri li ġejjin:
Ria Oomen-Ruijten u José Albino Silva Peneda f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, |
Martin Schulz, Stephen Hughes, Jan Andersson, Joel Hasse Ferreira, Jean Louis Cottigny, Alain Hutchinson, Edite Estrela u Jamila Madeira f'isem il-grupp PSE, |
Jorgo Chatzimarkakis f'isem il-grupp ALDE, |
Eugenijus Maldeikis, Umberto Pirilli u Roberta Angelilli f'isem il-grupp UEN |
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0315)
(Il-mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0398/2006 waqgħet.)
6.14. Allegat użu ta' pajjiżi Ewropej mis-CIA għat-trasport u ż-żamma illegali ta' priġunieri (votazzjoni)
Rapport intermedju dwar l-allegat użu ta' pajjiżi Ewropej mis-CIA għat-trasport u ż-żamma illegali ta' prigunieri [2006/2027(INI)] — Kumitat temporanju dwar l-użu allegat ta' pajjiżi Ewropej mis-CIA għat-trasportazzjoni u ż-żamma illegali ta' priġunieri
Rapporteur: Giovanni Claudio Fava (A6-0213/2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 14)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0316)
Jas Gawronski ippreżenta emenda orali għall-emenda 15 li ġiet inkorprorata (l-amendement 15 modifikata b'dan il-mod ġiet imbagħad miċħuda); |
Giusto Catania, f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, tressqet emenda orali għall-emenda 6; |
Minħabba li aktar minn 37 Membru oġġezzjonaw għall-emenda orali, din ma ġietx inkorporata. |
Michael Gahler ippreżenta emenda orali għall-emenda 1 li ġiet inkorporata. |
6.15. Interċezzjoni mis-servizzi sigrieti Amerikani ta' dejta ta' trasferimenti bankarji tas-sistema SWIFT (votazzjoni)
Proposti għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0385/2006, B6-0386/2006, B6-0391/2006, B6-0393/2006 u B6-0395/2006
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 15)
(flokB6-0386/2006, B6-0391/2006, B6-0393/2006 u B6-0395/2006):
mressqa mill-Membri li ġejjin:
Martine Roure f'isem il-grupp PSE, |
Alexander Alvaro, Sophia in 't Veld u Margarita Starkevičiūtė f'isem il-grupp ALDE, |
Monica Frassoni u Daniel Cohn-Bendit f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, |
Francis Wurtz, Sahra Wagenknecht, Giusto Catania, Umberto Guidoni u Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL |
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0318)
6.16. L-integrazzjoni ta' l-immigranti fl-Unjoni Ewropea (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar strateġiji u mezzi għall-integrazzjoni ta' l-immigranti fl-Unjoni Ewropea [2006/2056(INI)] — Kumitat għal-Libertajiet Ċivili, il-Ġustizzja u l-Intern
Rapporteur: Stavros Lambrinidis (A6-0190/2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 16)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0319)
6.17. Żvilupp u Migrazzjoni (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar Żvilupp u Migrazzjoni [2005/2244(INI)] — Kumitat għall-Iżvilupp
Rapporteur: Marie-Arlette Carlotti (A6-0210/2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 17)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0320)
6.18. Kummerċ ġust u żvilupp (votazzjoni)
Rapport dwar kummerċ ġust u żvilupp [2005/2245(INI)] — Kumitat għall-Iżvilupp
Rapporteur: Frithjof Schmidt (A6-0207/2006).
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 18)
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0321)
6.19. AIDS, ngħaddu għall-azzjoni (votazzjoni)
Proposti għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0375/2006, B6-0376/2006, B6-0377/2006, B6-0378/2006, B6-0379/2006 u B6-0380/2006
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 19)
(flok B6-0375/2006, B6-0377/2006, B6-0378/2006, B6-0379/2006 u B6-0380/2006):
mressqa mill-Membri li ġejjin:
John Bowis f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, |
Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, Anne Van Lancker u Pierre Schapira f'isem il-grupp PSE, |
Fiona Hall, Marios Matsakis u Elizabeth Lynne f'isem il-grupp ALDE, |
Margrete Auken f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, |
Luisa Morgantini, Feleknas Uca, Vittorio Agnoletto, Eva-Britt Svensson u Adamos Adamou f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL |
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0322)
(Il-mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0376/2006 waqgħet.)
7. Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot
Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot bil-miktub:
L-ispjegazzjonijiet tal-vot li tressqu skond l-Artikolu 163(3) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura jidhru fir-rapport verbatim ta' din is-seduta.
Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot orali:
Rapport Christoph Konrad — A6-0209/2006:
— |
Christoph Konrad |
Rapport Konrad Szymański — A6-0164/2006:
— |
Jaromír Kohlíček |
Rapport Richard Corbett — A6-0237/2006:
— |
Richard Corbett u Ivo Strejček |
Rapport Patrick Gaubert — A6-0186/2006:
— |
Frank Vanhecke |
Emendi għall-protokol dwar il-privileġġi u l-immunitajiet B6-0275/2006/rév.:
— |
Bruno Gollnisch |
Rapport Giovanni Claudio Fava — A6-0213/2006:
— |
Marco Cappato, Philip Claeys, Petr Duchoň, Hynek Fajmon u Jas Gawronski |
Interċezzjoni mis-servizzi sigrieti Amerikani ta' dejta ta' trasferimenti bankarji tas-sistema SWIFT- RC-B6-0386/2006:
— |
Marco Cappato |
Rapport Stavros Lambrinidis — A6-0190/2006:
— |
Frank Vanhecke u Philip Claeys |
8. Korrezzjonijiet u intenzjonijiet għall-vot
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot:
Il-korrezzjonijiet tal-vot jidhru fil-websajt “Séance en direct”“Résultats des votes (appels nominaux)/Results of votes (roll-call votes)” u fil-verżjoni stampata ta' l-anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet b'sejħa ta' l-Ismijiet”.
Il-verżjoni elettronika fuq il-Europarl tiġi aġġornata regolarment sa ta' l-anqas ġimagħtejn wara l-ġurnata tal-votazzjoni.
Wara li tgħaddi din l-iskadenza l-korrezzjonijiet tal-vot jiġu ffinalizzati sabiex isiru t-traduzzjonijiet u l-pubblikazzjoni fil-Ġurnal Uffiċjali
Intenzjonijiet għall-vot:
Ġew ikkomunikati l-intenzjonijiet għall-vot li ġejjin (għal voti li ma ntefgħux)
Rapport Stephen Hughes — A6-0218/2006
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riżoluzzjoni (test sħiħ) |
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favur: Paul Rübig |
Rapport Giovanni Claudio Fava — A6-0213/2006
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emenda 3, it-tieni parti |
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favur: Harlem Désir |
(Ħin li fih ġiet sospiża s-seduta: 13.35 Ħin li fih tkompliet is-seduta: 15.00)
9. Approvazzjoni tal-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel
Intenzjonijiet ta' vot:
Seduta ta': 05.07.2006
Rapport Ulrich Stockmann — A6-0212/2006
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emenda 11 |
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kontra: Manuel Medina Ortega |
Pervenche Berès għarrfet li hija kienet preżenti għas-seduta tal-04.07.2006 iżda isimha ma kienx imniżżel fir-reġistru ta' l-attendenza.
* *
Il-Minuti tas-seduta ta' qabel ġew approvati.
10. Avviż tal-pożizzjonijiet komuni tal-Kunsill
Il-President avża, skond l-Artikolu 57(1) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura, li rċieva l-pożizzjonijiet komuni li ġejjin mill-Kunsill flimkien mar-raġunijiet li wasslu sabiex jiġu adottati, u l-pożizzjoni tal-Kummissjoni dwar:
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Posizzjoni Komuni adottata mill-Kunsill fis-27 ta' Ġunju 2006 bil-ħsieb ta' l-adozzjoni ta' Regolament tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill dwar l-Istrument Finanzjarju għall-Ambjent (LIFE+) (06284/1/2006 — 10436/2006 — COM(2006)0355 — C6-0226/2006 — 2004/0218(COD))
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Pożizzjoni Komuni tal-Kunsill adottata mill-Kunsill fit-30 ta' Ġunju 2006 bil-ħsieb li jiġi adottat Regolament tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li joħloq proċedura għal ordni ta' ħlas Ewropea (07535/3/2006 — 10414/2006 — COM(2006)0374 — C6-0227/2006 — 2004/0055(COD))
Il-perjodu ta' tliet xhur għad-dispożizzjoni tal-Parlament sabiex jadotta l-pożizzjoni tiegħu kellu jibda għalhekk mill-għada, 07.07.2006.
11. Riżultati tal-laqgħat tad-WTO fl-aħħar ta' April f'Ġinevra u perspettivi futuri (tkomplija tad-dibattitu)
Mistoqsija orali (O-0036/2006/rév.1) mressqa minn Enrique Barón Crespo, f'isem il-Kumitat INTA, lill-Kummissjoni: Ir-Riżultati ta' tmiem il-laqgħat tad-WTO f'Ġinevra f'April u l-prospetti futuri (B6-0314/2006)
Tkellmu: Georgios Papastamkos f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Panagiotis Beglitis f'isem il-grupp PSE, Marian Harkin f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Carl Schlyter f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, Bastiaan Belder f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, Robert Sturdy, David Martin, Kathy Sinnott, Christofer Fjellner, Elisa Ferreira, Gerard Batten, Daniel Caspary u Peter Mandelson (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
12. Indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi Terzi (“marka ta' l-oriġini”) (dibattitu)
Mistoqsija orali (O-0065/2006) mressqa minn Enrique Barón Crespo, f'isem il-Kumitat INTA: Indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi Terzi (“marka ta' l-oriġini”) (B6-0316/2006)
Enrique Barón Crespo għamel il-mistoqsija orali.
Peter Mandelson (Membru tal-Kummissjoni) wieġeb il-mistoqsija orali
Tkellmu: Robert Sturdy f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Francisco Assis f'isem il-grupp PSE, Gianluca Susta f'isem il-grupp ALDE, Cristiana Muscardini f'isem il-grupp UEN, Christofer Fjellner, Jean-Pierre Audy u Peter Mandelson.
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni biex jiġi konkluż id-dibattitu skond l-Artikolu 108 (5):
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Erika Mann f'isem il-grupp PSE, dwar l-indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi terzi (“marka ta' l-oriġini”) (B6-0384/2006), |
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Caroline Lucas f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, dwar l-indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi terzi (“marka ta' l-oriġini”) (B6-0390/2006), |
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Cristiana Muscardini f'isem il-grupp UEN, dwar l-indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi terzi (“marka ta' l-oriġini”) (B6-0392/2006), |
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Helmuth Markov, Vittorio Agnoletto u Marco Rizzo f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, dwar l-indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi terzi (“marka ta' l-oriġini”) (B6-0394/2006) |
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Robert Sturdy f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, dwar l-indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi terzi (“marka ta' l-oriġini”) (B6-0396/2006), |
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Johan Van Hecke f'isem il-grupp ALDE, dwar l-indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi terzi (“marka ta' l-oriġini”) (B6-0397/2006). |
Il-Kumitat INTA irtira l-proposta għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0381/2006)
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
Votazzjoni: punt 16.4 tal- Minuti ta' 06.07.2006.
13. Dibattiti dwar każi ta' vjolazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem, tad-demokrazija u ta' l-istat ta' dritt (dibattitu)
(Għat-titoli u l-awturi tal-mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni, ara punt 3 tal- Minuti ta' 04.07.2006)
13.1. Somalja
Proposti għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0400/2006, B6-0405/2006, B6-0406/2006, B6-0410/2006, B6-0412/2006 u B6-0415/2006
Alyn Smith, Tobias Pflüger, Simon Coveney, Marios Matsakis, Ana Maria Gomes u Cristiana Muscardini ippreżentaw il-mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni.
Tkellmu: Józef Pinior f'isem il-grupp PSE, Luca Romagnoli Membru mhux affiljat, Marek Aleksander Czarnecki u Peter Mandelson (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
Votazzjoni: punt 16.1 tal- Minuti ta' 06.07.2006.
13.2. Il-Mawritanja
Proposti għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0399/2006, B6-0403/2006, B6-0407/2006, B6-0409/2006, B6-0413/2006 u B6-0416/2006
Marie Anne Isler Béguin, Tobias Pflüger, Bernd Posselt, Marios Matsakis u Marie-Arlette Carlotti ippreżentaw il-mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni.
Tkellmu: Michael Gahler f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Alain Hutchinson f'isem il-grupp PSE, u Peter Mandelson (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
Votazzjoni: punt 16.2 tal- Minuti ta' 06.07.2006.
13.3. Il-Libertà ta' l-Espressjoni fl-Internet
Proposti għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0401/2006, B6-0402/2006, B6-0404/2006, B6-0408/2006, B6-0411/2006 u B6-0414/2006
Raül Romeva i Rueda, Tobias Pflüger, Simon Coveney, Jules Maaten u Catherine Trautmann ippreżentaw il-mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni.
Tkellmu: Tadeusz Zwiefka f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg f'isem il-grupp PSE, Kathy Sinnott f'isem il-grupp IND/DEM, Ryszard Czarnecki Membru mhux affiljat, Urszula Krupa u Peter Mandelson (Membru tal-Kummissjoni).
Id-dibattitu ngħalaq.
Votazzjoni: punt 16.3 tal- Minuti ta' 06.07.2006.
14. Ħin tal-votazzjonijiet
Ir-riżultati tal-votazzjoni (emendi, votazzjonijiet separati u maqsumin, eċċ) jidhru fl-Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet” tal-Minuti.
14.1. Somalja (votazzjoni)
Proposti għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0400/2006, B6-0405/2006, B6-0406/2006, B6-0410/2006, B6-0412/2006 u B6-0415/2006
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 20)
(flokB6-0400/2006, B6-0405/2006, B6-0406/2006, B6-0410/2006, B6-0412/2006 u B6-0415/2006):
mressqa mill-Membri li ġejjin:
Simon Coveney, John Bowis, Jana Hybášková, Mario Mauro u Bernd Posselt f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, |
Pasqualina Napoletano, Glenys Kinnock u Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco f'isem il-grupp PSE, |
Johan Van Hecke u Marios Matsakis f'isem il-grupp ALDE, |
Margrete Auken u Sepp Kusstatscher f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, |
Luisa Morgantini u Esko Seppänen f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, |
Cristiana Muscardini f'isem il-grupp UEN. |
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0323)
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Simon Coveney ippreżenta emenda orali għall-premessa C, li ġiet inkorporata; |
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Michael Gahler ippreżenta emenda orali għall-paragrafu 11, li ġiet inkorporata. |
14.2. Il-Mawritanja (votazzjoni)
Proposti għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0399/2006, B6-0403/2006, B6-0407/2006, B6-0409/2006, B6-0413/2006 u B6-0416/2006
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 21)
(flokB6-0399/2006, B6-0403/2006, B6-0407/2006, B6-0409/2006, B6-0413/2006 u B6-0416/2006):
mressqa mill-Membri li ġejjin:
Bernd Posselt, Charles Tannock u Simon Busuttil f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, |
Pasqualina Napoletano, Marie-Arlette Carlotti, Glenys Kinnock, Alain Hutchinson u Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco f'isem il-grupp PSE, |
Lydie Polfer u Marios Matsakis f'isem il-grupp ALDE, |
Marie Anne Isler Béguin f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, |
Luisa Morgantini u Willy Meyer Pleite f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, |
Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis f'isem il-grupp UEN. |
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0324)
— |
Michael Gahler ippreżenta emenda orali għall-paragrafu 26, li ġiet inkorporata. |
14.3. Il-Libertà ta' l-Espressjoni fl-Internet (votazzjoni)
Proposti għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0401/2006, B6-0402/2006, B6-0404/2006, B6-0408/2006, B6-0411/2006 u B6-0414/2006
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 22)
(flokB6-0401/2006, B6-0402/2006, B6-0404/2006, B6-0408/2006, B6-0411/2006 u B6-0414/2006):
mressqa mill-Membri li ġejjin:
Simon Coveney u Charles Tannock f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, |
Pasqualina Napoletano, Catherine Trautmann u Christa Prets f'isem il-grupp PSE, |
Henrik Lax, Marios Matsakis u Frédérique Ries f'isem il-grupp ALDE, |
Daniel Cohn-Bendit u Monica Frassoni f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, |
Vittorio Agnoletto, Umberto Guidoni u Miguel Portas f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, |
Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, Mieczysław Edmund Janowski, Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk, Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański u Janusz Wojciechowski f'isem il-grupp UEN. |
Il-President irrimarka li minħabba problema teknika ta' trażmissjoni il-verżjoni Ingliża biss ta' dan it-test kienet disponibbli għall-votazzjoni. Hu talab lill-Parlament biex jaqbel li madankollu il-votazzjoni ssir kif previst. Il-Parlament ta l-approvazzjoni tiegħu u saret il-votazzjoni (il-verżjonijiet lingwistiċi l-oħra ser jiġu allinjati mal-verżjoni Ingliża).
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0325)
14.4. Indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi Terzi (“marka ta' l-oriġini”) (votazzjoni)
Proposti għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0384/2006, B6-0390/2006, B6-0392/2006, B6-0394/2006, B6-0396/2006 u B6-0397/2006
Il-kumitat INTA irtira l-mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni tiegħu B6-0381/2006.
(Maġġoranza sempliċi meħtieġa)
(Riżultat tal-votazzjoni: Anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet”, Punt 23)
(flokB6-0384/2006, B6-0390/2006, B6-0392/2006, B6-0394/2006, B6-0396/2006 u B6-0397/2006):
mressqa mill-Membri li ġejjin:
Robert Sturdy f'isem il-grupp PPE-DE, |
Erika Mann f'isem il-grupp PSE, |
Johan Van Hecke u Gianluca Susta f'isem il-grupp ALDE, |
Caroline Lucas f'isem il-grupp Verts/ALE, |
Vittorio Agnoletto, Helmuth Markov u Marco Rizzo f'isem il-grupp GUE/NGL, |
Cristiana Muscardini f'isem il-grupp UEN. |
Adottata (P6_TA(2006)0326)
— |
Enrique Barón Crespo ippreżenta emenda orali għall-paragrafu 2, li ġiet inkorporata. |
15. Explications de vote
Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot bil-miktub:
L-ispjegazzjonijiet tal-vot li tressqu skond l-Artikolu 163(3) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura jidhru fir-rapport verbatim ta' din is-seduta.
Spjegazzjonijiet tal-vot orali:
Indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi Terzi (“marka ta' l-oriġini”) — RC-B6-0384/2006: Luca Romagnoli
16. Korrezzjonijiet u intenzjonijiet għall-vot
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot:
Il-korrezzjonijiet tal-vot jidhru fil-websajt “Séance en direct”“Résultats des votes (appels nominaux)/Results of votes (roll-call votes)” u fil-verżjoni stampata ta' l-anness “Riżultati tal-Votazzjonijiet b'sejħa ta' l-Ismijiet”.
Il-verżjoni elettronika fuq il-Europarl tiġi aġġornata regolarment sa ta' l-anqas ġimagħtejn wara l-ġurnata tal-votazzjoni.
Wara li tgħaddi din l-iskadenza l-korrezzjonijiet tal-vot jiġu ffinalizzati sabiex isiru t-traduzzjonijiet u l-pubblikazzjoni fil-Ġurnal Uffiċjali
Intenzjonijiet għall-vot:
Ġew ikkomunikati l-intenzjonijiet għall-vot li ġejjin (għal voti li ma ntefgħux)
Freedom of expression on the internet (RC-B6-0401/2006)
(votazzjoni finali)
favur: Enrique Barón Crespo, Jens-Peter Bonde
17. Kompożizzjoni tal-kumitati u d-delegazzjonijiet
Fuq talba tal-Gruppi ALDE u GUE/NGL, il-Parlament irratifika l-ħatriet li ġejjin:
Kumitat AFET: Marco Cappato
Kumitat ECON: Vincenzo Aita
18. Talba għat-tneħħija ta' l-immunità parlamentari
L-awtoritajiet kompetenti tal-Belġju ippreżentaw talba lill-President sabiex titneħħa l-immunità parlamentari ta' Vural Öger minħabba kawża pendenti quddiem l-awtoritajiet ġudizzjarji ta' Brussell.
It-talba ġiet mgħoddija lill-kumitat responsabbli, jiġifieri l-Kumitat JURI, skond l-Artikolu 6(2) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura.
19. Deċiżjonijiet dwar ċerti dokumenti
Awtorizzazzjoni għat-tħejjija ta' rapporti ta' inizjattiva (Artikolu 45 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura)
Kumitat AFET
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Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa Reform in the Arab world: what strategy should the EU follow? (2006/2172(INI)) |
— |
Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa A Baltic Sea Strategy for the Northern Dimension (2006/2171(INI)) (opinjoni: ENVI, ITRE, REGI) |
Kumitat INTA
— |
Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa Construction of the Euro-Med Free Trade Area (2006/2173(INI)) (opinjoni: AFET, AGRI) |
Kumitat ENVI
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Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa Thematic Strategy on the recycling of waste (2006/2175(INI)) (opinjoni: ITRE) |
— |
Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa Thematic Strategy on the Marine Environment (2006/2174(INI)) (opinjoni: TRAN, PECH) |
Kumitat REGI
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Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa The impact and consequences of structural policies on EU cohesion (2006/2181(INI)) (opinjoni: BUDG) |
— |
Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa The role and effectiveness of cohesion policy in reducing disparities in the poorest regions of the EU (2006/2176(INI)) |
Kumitat PECH
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Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa A new comprehensive partnership with Greenland in the form of a joint declaration and a Council Decision based on Article 187 of the EC Treaty (2006/2182(INI)) (opinjoni: AFET, INTA, BUDG) |
Kumitat LIBE
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Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa Asylum: practical cooperation: the quality of decision making in the common European asylum system (2006/2184(INI)) (opinjoni: AFET, DEVE, FEMM) |
— |
Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa On Conflicts of Jurisdiction and the Principle of ne bis in idem in Criminal Proceedings (2006/2183(INI)) (opinjoni: JURI) |
Awtorizzazzjoni għat-tħejjija ta' rapporti ta' inizjattiva (Artikolu 114 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura)
Kumitat AFET
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Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa The negotiations with a view to a Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States of the one part, and the Syrian Arab Republic, of the other part (2006/2150(INI)) (opinjoni: INTA) |
Koperazzjoni aktar mill-qrib bejn il-kumitati
Kumitat INTA
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Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa Proposal for a Council decision providing exceptional Community financial assistance to Kosovo (COM(2006)0207 — C6-0171/2006 — 2006/0068(CNS)) (opinjoni: BUDG) Koperazzjoni aktar mill-qrib bejn il-kumitati INTA, AFET (Wara d-Deċiżjoni tal-Konferenza tal-Presidenti tad-29.06.2006) |
Kumitat EMPL
— |
Proposta għal regolament tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill li jistabbilixxi l-Fond Ewropew ta' aġġustament għall-Globalizzazzjoni (COM(2006)0091 — C6-0082/2006 — 2006/0033(COD)) (opinjoni: INTA, ECON, ITRE, IMCO, REGI) Koperazzjoni aktar mill-qrib bejn il-kumitati EMPL, BUDG (Wara d-Deċiżjoni tal-Konferenza tal-Presidenti tad-29.06.2006) |
Kumitat ENVI
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Proposta għal regolament tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill dwar id-definizzjoni, id-deskrizzjoni, il-preżentazzjoni u t-tikkettar ta' xorb ta' l-ispirtu (COM(2005)0125 — C6-0440/2005 — 2005/0028(COD)) (opinjoni: IMCO) Koperazzjoni aktar mill-qrib bejn il-kumitati ENVI, AGRI (Wara d-Deċiżjoni tal-Konferenza tal-Presidenti tad- 29.06.2006) |
Kumitat ITRE
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Proposta għal Regolament tal-Kunsill li jistabbilixxi Strument għas-Sikurezza Nukleari u l-Assistenza fis-Sigurtà (09037/2006 — C6-0153/2006 — 2006/0802(CNS)) (opinjoni: DEVE, BUDG, ENVI) Koperazzjoni aktar mill-qrib bejn il-kumitati ITRE, AFET (Wara d-Deċiżjoni tal-Konferenza tal-Presidenti tad- 29.06.2006) |
Kumitat LIBE
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Proposta għal regolament tal-Kunsill dwar il-kompetenza, il-liġi applikabbli, l-għarfien u l-eżekuzzjoni tad-deċiżjonijiet u l-kooperazzjoni fil-qasam ta' obbligi ta' manteniment (COM(2005)0649 — C6-0079/2006 — 2005/0259(CNS)) Koperazzjoni aktar mill-qrib bejn il-kumitati LIBE, JURI (Wara d-Deċiżjoni tal-Konferenza tal-Presidenti tad- 29.06.2006) |
Kompetenza tal-kumitati
Kumitat JURI
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Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa Minimising administrative costs imposed by legislation (2005/2140(INI)) kompetenza: CONT (opinjoni: ECON, EMPL, ITRE, JURI) |
Deċiżjoni għat-tħejjija ta' rapport, b'konformità ma' l-artikolu 201 tar-regoli ta' proċedura
Kumitat AFCO
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Dan it-titolu m'huwiex disponibbli fil-lingwi kollha bhalissa Interpretation of Rule 166 of the Rules of Procedure (2006/2139(REG)) |
20. Dikjarazzjonijiet bil-miktub imniżżla fir-reġistru (Artikolu 116 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura)
Numru ta' firem miksuba mid-dikjarazzjonijiet bil-miktub fir-reġistru (Artikolu 116(3) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura):
Nru. tad- Dokument |
Awtur |
Firem |
19/2006 |
Elly de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Michael Cashman, Erik Meijer, Alexander Lambsdorff u Geoffrey Van Orden |
115 |
20/2006 |
Konrad Szymański, Philippe Morillon, Charles Tannock, Ari Vatanen u Bastiaan Belder |
81 |
21/2006 |
Iles Braghetto u Panayiotis Demetriou |
403 |
22/2006 |
Daniel Strož |
49 |
23/2006 |
Claire Gibault, Jean-Marie Cavada, Antoine Duquesne, Charles Tannock u Enrique Barón Crespo, |
407 |
24/2006 |
Robert Navarro, Jean-Luc Bennahmias, Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Luigi Cocilovo u Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann |
150 |
25/2006 |
Fernand Le Rachinel |
27 |
26/2006 |
Jean Lambert, Raül Romeva i Rueda u Carl Schlyter |
44 |
27/2006 |
Daniel Strož |
19 |
28/2006 |
Paul Verges, Margie Sudre u Jean-Claude Fruteau |
129 |
29/2006 |
Bogdan Golik u Bogusław Sonik |
60 |
30/2006 |
Caroline Lucas, Jean Lambert u André Brie |
33 |
31/2006 |
Caroline Lucas, Janusz Wojciechowski, David Hammerstein Mintz u Robert Evans |
81 |
32/2006 |
Jean Spautz |
67 |
33/2006 |
Richard Corbett, Alexander Alvaro, Christopher Heaton-Harris, Cecilia Malmström u Cem Özdemir |
196 |
34/2006 |
Andreas Mölzer |
20 |
35/2006 |
Anna Záborská, Stephen Hughes u Gérard Deprez |
185 |
36/2006 |
Anna Záborská, Stephen Hughes u Gérard Deprez |
188 |
37/2006 |
Anna Záborská, Stephen Hughes u Gérard Deprez |
197 |
38/2006 |
Carl Schlyter, Paulo Casaca, Karl-Heinz Florenz, Mojca Drčar Murko u Caroline Lucas |
282 |
39/2006 |
Cristiana Muscardini |
46 |
40/2006 |
Margrietus van den Berg, Jean-Marie Cavada, Harlem Désir u Caroline Lucas |
114 |
41/2006 |
Feleknas Uca, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Karin Scheele, Jürgen Schröder u Nicholson of Winterbourne |
42/2006 |
Georgios Karatzaferis |
26 |
43/2006 |
Adriana Poli Bortone |
16 |
44/2006 |
Mario Borghezio |
6 |
45/2006 |
Mario Borghezio |
30 |
46/2006 |
Jamila Madeira, Ana Maria Gomes, Anna Záborská, Luisa Morgantini u Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez |
42 |
47/2006 |
Caroline Lucas, Angelika Beer |
37 |
48/2006 |
Bogusław Rogalski |
15 |
49/2006 |
Alessandra Mussolini |
21 |
50/2006 |
Sylwester Chruszcz |
14 |
51/2006 |
Daniel Strož u Jaromír Kohlíček |
7 |
52/2006 |
Maciej Marian Giertych |
23 |
53/2006 |
Thierry Cornillet |
32 |
54/2006 |
Mario Borghezio |
12 |
21. Trażmissjoni tat-testi adottati waqt is-seduta
Il-Minuti ta' din is-seduta se jiġu ppreżentati lill-Parlament għall-approvazzjoni tiegħu fil-bidu tas-seduta li jmiss, skond l-Artikolu 172(2) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura.
Bil-qbil tal-Parlament, it-testi li ġew adottati se jintbagħtu minnufih lill-entitajiet imsemmija fihom.
22. Dati għas-seduti li jmiss
Is-seduti li jmiss se jsiru mid-data 04.09.2006 sa 07.09.2006.
23. Aġġornament tas-sessjoni
Is-sessjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew ġiet aġġornata.
Ħin li fih ingħalqet is-seduta: 17.20.
Julian Priestley
Segretarju Ġenerali
Josep Borrell Fontelles
Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Albertini, Allister, Alvaro, Andersson, Andrejevs, Andria, Andrikienė, Angelilli, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Ashworth, Assis, Atkins, Attard-Montalto, Attwooll, Aubert, Audy, Auken, Ayala Sender, Aylward, Bachelot-Narquin, Baco, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Barsi-Pataky, Batten, Battilocchio, Batzeli, Bauer, Beaupuy, Beazley, Becsey, Beer, Beglitis, Belder, Belet, Belohorská, Bennahmias, Berend, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlato, Berlinguer, Berman, Bielan, Birutis, Blokland, Bloom, Bobošíková, Böge, Bösch, Bonde, Bono, Bonsignore, Borghezio, Borrell Fontelles, Bourlanges, Bourzai, Bowis, Bowles, Bozkurt, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Breyer, Březina, Brie, Brok, Budreikaitė, van Buitenen, Bullmann, van den Burg, Bushill-Matthews, Busk, Busquin, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Calabuig Rull, Callanan, Camre, Capoulas Santos, Cappato, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casa, Casaca, Casini, Caspary, Castex, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Catania, Cavada, Cederschiöld, Cercas, Chatzimarkakis, Chichester, Chmielewski, Christensen, Chruszcz, Claeys, Clark, Cocilovo, Coelho, Cohn-Bendit, Corbett, Corbey, Cornillet, Correia, Cottigny, Coveney, Crowley, Marek Aleksander Czarnecki, Ryszard Czarnecki, Daul, Davies, de Brún, Degutis, Dehaene, De Keyser, Demetriou, Deprez, De Rossa, Descamps, Désir, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dičkutė, Didžiokas, Díez González, Dillen, Dimitrakopoulos, Dobolyi, Dombrovskis, Douay, Dover, Doyle, Drčar Murko, Duchoň, Dührkop Dührkop, Duff, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, El Khadraoui, Esteves, Estrela, Ettl, Eurlings, Jill Evans, Jonathan Evans, Fajmon, Falbr, Fatuzzo, Fava, Fazakas, Ferber, Fernandes, Fernández Martín, Anne Ferreira, Elisa Ferreira, Figueiredo, Fjellner, Flasarová, Flautre, Florenz, Foltyn-Kubicka, Fontaine, Ford, Fourtou, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Fruteau, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, García Pérez, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gebhardt, Gentvilas, Geremek, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gewalt, Gibault, Gierek, Giertych, Gill, Gklavakis, Glante, Glattfelder, Goepel, Golik, Gollnisch, Gomes, Gomolka, Gottardi, Grabowska, Grabowski, Graça Moura, Graefe zu Baringdorf, Gräßle, Griesbeck, Gröner, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Grosch, Grossetête, Guardans Cambó, Guellec, Guerreiro, Gurmai, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Guy-Quint, Gyürk, Hänsch, Hall, Hamon, Handzlik, Harbour, Harkin, Harms, Hasse Ferreira, Hassi, Hatzidakis, Haug, Hazan, Heaton-Harris, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Helmer, Henin, Hennicot-Schoepges, Hennis-Plasschaert, Herczog, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Honeyball, Hoppenstedt, Horáček, Howitt, Hudacký, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ibrisagic, Ilves, in 't Veld, Isler Béguin, Itälä, Jäätteenmäki, Jałowiecki, Janowski, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jensen, Jørgensen, Jonckheer, Jordan Cizelj, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Kaczmarek, Kallenbach, Kamall, Kamiński, Karas, Karim, Kasoulides, Kaufmann, Kauppi, Tunne Kelam, Kindermann, Kinnock, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Klinz, Knapman, Koch, Kohlíček, Konrad, Korhola, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Kozlík, Krahmer, Krasts, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kristovskis, Krupa, Kuc, Kudrycka, Kułakowski, Kušķis, Kusstatscher, Kuźmiuk, Laignel, Lambert, Lambrinidis, Lang, Langen, Langendries, Laperrouze, Lauk, Lax, Lechner, Le Foll, Lehideux, Lehne, Leichtfried, Leinen, Le Rachinel, Lewandowski, Liberadzki, Libicki, Lichtenberger, Lienemann, Liotard, Lipietz, López-Istúriz White, Losco, Louis, Lucas, Ludford, Lulling, Lynne, Maaten, McAvan, McGuinness, Madeira, Maldeikis, Manders, Maňka, Erika Mann, Thomas Mann, Markov, Marques, David Martin, Hans-Peter Martin, Martinez, Martínez Martínez, Masiel, Masip Hidalgo, Maštálka, Mastenbroek, Matsakis, Matsouka, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Medina Ortega, Meijer, Menéndez del Valle, Meyer Pleite, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Mohácsi, Montoro Romero, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morillon, Moscovici, Mote, Mulder, Musacchio, Muscardini, Muscat, Musotto, Musumeci, Myller, Napoletano, Nassauer, Nattrass, Newton Dunn, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Novak, Obiols i Germà, Achille Occhetto, Öger, Özdemir, Olajos, Olbrycht, Ó Neachtain, Onesta, Onyszkiewicz, Oomen-Ruijten, Ortuondo Larrea, Őry, Oviir, Paasilinna, Pack, Pafilis, Pahor, Paleckis, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Pannella, Panzeri, Papadimoulis, Papastamkos, Parish, Patrie, Peillon, Pęk, Alojz Peterle, Pflüger, Piecyk, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pinior, Piotrowski, Pirilli, Pirker, Piskorski, Pistelli, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Pleštinská, Podestà, Podkański, Poettering, Poignant, Portas, Posdorf, Posselt, Prets, Prodi, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Ransdorf, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Remek, Resetarits, Reul, Reynaud, Ribeiro e Castro, Riera Madurell, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Rocard, Rogalski, Roithová, Romagnoli, Romeva i Rueda, Rosati, Roszkowski, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Rühle, Rutowicz, Ryan, Sacconi, Saïfi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Salvini, Samaras, Samuelsen, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Saryusz-Wolski, Savi, Scheele, Schenardi, Schierhuber, Schlyter, Frithjof Schmidt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schroedter, Schulz, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Segelström, Seppänen, Siekierski, Sinnott, Sjöstedt, Skinner, Škottová, Smith, Sommer, Sonik, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Spautz, Speroni, Staes, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Šťastný, Stauner, Sterckx, Stevenson, Stockmann, Strejček, Strož, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Susta, Svensson, Swoboda, Szájer, Szent-Iványi, Szymański, Tabajdi, Tajani, Takkula, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Toia, Tomczak, Toubon, Toussas, Trakatellis, Trautmann, Triantaphyllides, Trüpel, Turmes, Tzampazi, Uca, Väyrynen, Vaidere, Vakalis, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Vanhecke, Van Lancker, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vaugrenard, Ventre, Vergnaud, Vidal-Quadras, de Villiers, Vincenzi, Virrankoski, Vlasák, Voggenhuber, Wallis, Walter, Watson, Manfred Weber, Weiler, Weisgerber, Westlund, Wieland, Wiersma, Willmott, Wise, von Wogau, Bernard Piotr Wojciechowski, Janusz Wojciechowski, Wortmann-Kool, Wurtz, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Záborská, Zaleski, Zani, Zapałowski, Zappalà, Ždanoka, Železný, Zieleniec, Zīle, Zimmer, Zingaretti, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
Arabadjiev, Athanasiu, Bărbuleţiu, Bliznashki, Buruiană Aprodu, Ciornei, Cioroianu, Coşea, Corina Creţu, Gabriela Creţu, Dîncu, Duca, Dumitrescu, Ganţ, Hogea, Ilchev, Kirilov, Kónya-Hamar, Mihăescu, Morţun, Podgorean, Popa, Popeangă, Severin, Shouleva, Silaghi, Sofianski, Stoyanov, Ţicău, Vigenin, Zgonea Valeriu Ştefan
Abbrevjazzjonijiet u simboli
+ |
adottat |
- |
irrifjutat/a |
↓ |
skadut/a |
Ir |
irtirat/a |
VSI (…, …, …) |
votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet (favur, kontra, astenew) |
VE (…, …, …) |
votazzjoni elettronika (favur, kontra, astenew) |
Vmaq |
votazzjoni maqsuma |
Vsep |
votazzjoni separata |
em |
emenda |
EmK |
emenda ta' kompromess |
PK |
parti korrispondenti |
EmT |
emenda li tħassar |
= |
emendi identiċi |
§ |
paragrafu |
Art |
Artikolu |
Pre |
premessa |
mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni |
mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni konġunta |
Vsig |
votazzjoni sigrieta |
1. Ġbir tal-VAT u l-ġlieda kontra l-frodi u l-evażjoni fiskali *
Rapport: Christoph KONRAD (A6-0209/2006)
Suġġett |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
votazzjoni unika |
+ |
2. “Partnership” bejn l-UE u l-Karibbew għat-tkabbir, l-istabbilità u l-iżvilupp
Rapport: Gabriele ZIMMER (A6-0211/2006)
Suġġett |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
votazzjoni unika |
+ |
3. Protezzjoni ta' ħaddiema fis-servizzi tas-saħħa kontra l-infezzjonijiet trażmessi mid-demm ikkawżati minn ġrieħi minn siringi
Rapport: Maġġoranza kwalifikata meħtieġa
Stephen HUGHES (A6-0218/2006)
Suġġett |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
votazzjoni unika |
+ |
465, 18, 13 |
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
ALDE: votazzjoni unika
4. Strument Ewropew ta' Viċinanza u ta' Sħubija ***I
Rapport: Konrad SZYMAŃSKI (A6-0164/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Blokk Nru. 1 — emendi ta' kompromess |
4 6-9 13 15-24 26-31 33-36 40-41 43 48 56 58 61-80 82 84 87 90 99-100 103 109 115 124 128-129 131-138 142-156 158-167 169-171 173 175-176 178-181 183-184 |
kumitat UEN, PPE-DE + PSE |
+ |
Blokk Nru. 2 — emendi tal-kumitat kompetetnti (votazzjoni blokk) |
2 11 14 37 44-46 49-52 54 57 59-60 81 83 85-86 88 94-98 101 105-106 108 113 118 122-123 |
kumitat |
↓ |
Blokk Nru 3 — emendi oħrajn tal-kumitat kompetenti (votazzjoni blokk) |
1 5 10 12 32 38-39 42 47 53 55 89 91-93 102 107 110-112 114 116 119-121 |
kumitat |
- |
25 |
kumitat |
Vmaq |
1/VE |
+ |
344, 222, 12 |
2/VE |
+ |
322, 245, 13 |
Artikolu 20, § 2 |
126 = 104 = |
Verts/ALE commission |
- |
157 |
+ |
Wara Artikolu 27 |
127 |
Verts/ALE |
- |
117 |
kumitat |
- |
Wara pre 4 |
125 |
Verts/ALE |
- |
130 |
+ |
3 |
kumitat |
↓ |
votazzjoni: proposta emendata |
+ |
Wara ċ-ċitazzjoni 2 |
177 |
+ |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
+ |
L-emendi 178, 179, 180, 181 et 184 iħassru u jissostitwixxu l-emendi 139, 140, 141, 168, 172 u 174.
It-test li ġej tħalla barra mill-kolonna tal-lemin ta' l-emenda 52: “(l) pour des mesures relatives à la sécurité alimentaire”
Talbiet għal votazzjoni maqsuma
em 25
L-ewwel parti:“li jsostnu politiki … għal stat tajjeb ta' saħħa”
It-tieni parti:“inklużi s-saħħa riproduttiva u s-saħħa tat-trabi għall-bniet u għan-nisa”
5. Strument għall-istabiltà ***I
Rapport: Angelika BEER (A6-0157/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Proposta għal regolament |
Blokk Nru. 1 — emendi ta' kompromess |
43-100 102-107 112 |
Verts/ALE |
+ |
Blokk Nru. 2 — emendi tal-kumitat kompetenti |
1-42 |
kumitat |
↓ |
votazzjoni: proposta emendata |
+ |
Abbozz ta' riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
Wara ċ-ċitazzjoni 5 |
108 |
Verts/ALE |
+ |
109 |
Verts/ALE |
+ |
110 |
Verts/ALE |
+ |
111 |
Verts/ALE |
+ |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
+ |
L-emenda 112 tħassar u tissostitwixxi l-emenda 101
6. Strument ta' għajnuna għal qabel l-adeżjoni *
Rapport: István SZENT-IVÁNYI (A6-0155/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Proposta għal regolament |
Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — votazzjoni blokk |
1-33 |
kumitat |
+ |
votazzjoni: proposta emendata |
+ |
Abbozz ta' riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
Wara ċ-ċitazzjoni 4 |
34 |
+ |
35 |
+ |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
+ |
7. Setgħat ta' implimentazzjoni konferiti fuq il-Kummissjoni (Ftehima Interistituzzjonali)
Rapport: Richard CORBETT (A6-0237/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Wara ċ-ċitazzjoni 5 |
1 |
VE |
+ |
313, 248, 20 |
votazzjoni: proposta għal deċiżjoni (ensemble) |
+ |
8. Setgħat ta' l-implimentazzjoni konferiti fuq il-Kummissjoni (proċeduri) *
Rapport: Richard CORBETT (A6-0236/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
votazzjoni: proposta leġiżlattiva |
+ |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
+ |
9. Informazzjoni dwar min iħallas li takkumpanja t-trasferimenti ta' fondi ***I
Rapport: Alexander ALVARO (A6-0196/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — votazzjoni blokk |
1-5 7-8 12-13 15-17 25 27 30-33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47-48 50 53 55-56 58 60 62 64 66 69 71 73 75 77 86 90 94 98-99 101 106 108 110 112 114-115 117 119 121 |
kumitat |
+ |
Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — voti separati |
19 |
kumitat |
Vsep |
- |
20 * |
kumitat |
↓ |
22 * |
kumitat |
↓ |
24 * |
kumitat |
↓ |
78 * |
kumitat |
↓ |
103 * |
kumitat |
↓ |
Artikolu 1 |
131 |
+ |
Artikolu 5, wara § 2 |
132 |
+ |
68 |
kumitat |
↓ |
Artikolu 8, wara § 2 |
80 = 133 = |
ALDE, PSE + PPE-DE kumitat |
+ |
Artikolu 9, § 1 |
83 |
kumitat |
- |
134 |
+ |
Artikolu 9, § 2 |
135 |
+ |
85 |
kumitat |
↓ |
Artikolu 13 |
136 |
+ |
89 |
kumitat |
↓ |
Artikolu 14 |
137 |
+ |
91 |
kumitat |
↓ |
Artikolu 15 |
138 |
+ |
96 |
kumitat |
↓ |
Wara l-Artikolu 19 |
139 |
+ |
124 * |
kumitat |
↓ |
125 * |
kumitat |
↓ |
Artikolu 20 |
140 |
+ |
123 |
kumitat |
↓ |
pre 4 |
126 |
+ |
pre 5 |
127 |
+ |
pre 7 |
128 |
+ |
10 |
kumitat |
↓ |
pre 9 |
129 |
+ |
Wara l-premessa 12 |
130 |
+ |
votazzjoni: proposta emendata |
+ |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
+ |
442, 16, 130 |
L-emendi 6, 9, 11, 14, 18, 21, 23, 26, 28, 29, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 49, 51, 52, 54, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 70, 72, 74, 76, 79, 81, 82, 84, 87, 88, 92, 93, 95, 97, 100, 102, 104, 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 116, 118, 120 et 122 ġew imħassra.
* Dawn l-emendi ġew imwaqqgħin minħabba l-adozzjoni taż-żewġ rapporti tal-kumitat AFCO dwar il-komitoloġija (rapporteur is-Sur Corbett - Dok. A6-0237/2006 u A6-0236/2006).
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
UEN: votazzjoni finali
Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata
ALDE: em 19
10. Regolament finanzjarju applikabbli għall-baġit ġenerali tal-kommunitajiet Ewropej *
Rapport: Ingeborg GRÄßLE (A6-0057/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
+ |
Il-votazzjoni fuq l-abbozz ta' riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva ġiet posposta waqt is-sessjoni tat-13 ta' Ġunju 2006
11. Proċedura ta' informazzjoni reċiproka fil-qasam ta' l-immigrazzjoni u ta' refuġju *
Rapport: Patrick GAUBERT (A6-0186/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — votazzjoni blokk |
3-5 15-17 20-23 25-26 |
kumitat |
+ |
Emendi mill-kumitat responsabbli — voti separati |
1 |
kumitat |
Vsep |
+ |
2 |
kumitat |
Vsep |
+ |
6 |
kumitat |
Vmaq |
1 |
+ |
2 |
+ |
7 |
kumitat |
Vmaq |
1 |
+ |
2 |
+ |
10 |
kumitat |
Vsep |
+ |
11 |
kumitat |
Vsep |
+ |
12 |
kumitat |
Vsep |
+ |
13 |
kumitat |
Vsep |
+ |
14 |
kumitat |
Vmaq |
1 |
+ |
2 |
+ |
24 |
kumitat |
Vsep/VE |
+ |
291, 288, 6 |
Artikolu 4, § 2 |
27 |
Verts/ALE |
- |
18 |
kumitat |
+ |
Artikolu 4, wara § 2 |
19 = 28 = |
commission Verts/ALE |
- |
81, 498, 12 |
30 |
+ |
Artikolu 4, § 4 |
29 |
Verts/ALE |
- |
votazzjoni: proposta emendata |
+ |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni leġiżlattiva |
+ |
L-emendi 8 u 9 tħassru.
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
PPE-DE: emi 19/28
Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata
GUE/NGL emi 1, 2, 10, 24
ALDE emi 7, 11, 12, 13, 24
Talbiet għal votazzjoni maqsuma
em 6
L-ewwel parti:“Din il-proċedura għandha … f'livell Komunitarju,”
It-tieni parti:“mhux biss … fi ħdan il-Kunsill.”
em 7
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “bħad-devjazzjoni jew … xi Stat Membru ieħor”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
em 14
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “bħad-devjazzjoni jew … xi Stat Membru ieħor”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
12. Dwar tibdiliet fil-Protokoll tal-privileġġi u l-immunitajiet
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni: B6-0275/2006/rév.
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni (B6-0275/2006/rév.) tal-kumitat JURI |
§ 2 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata
Verts/ALE § 2
13. dwar il-konsegwenzi ekonomiċi u soċjali ta' ristrutturar ta' kumpaniji fl-Ewropa
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni: B6-0383/2006, B6-0387/2006, B6-0388/2006, B6-0389/2006, B6-0398/2006
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni mill-gruppi politiċi |
B6-0383/2006 |
Verts/ALE |
- |
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni konġunta RC-B6-0387/2006 (PPE-DE, PSE, ALDE u UEN) |
wara l-§ 1 |
5 |
- |
§ 2 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 3 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
wara l-§ 5 |
9 |
+ |
wara l-§ 6 |
10 |
- |
§ 7 |
11 |
+ |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
↓ |
§ 8 |
6 |
- |
227, 316, 40 |
12 |
- |
231, 305, 41 |
8 |
- |
222, 324, 37 |
wara l-§ 8 |
7 |
- |
225, 321, 42 |
Qabel il-premessa. A |
1 |
- |
2 |
- |
pre C |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
Wara l-premessa C |
3 |
- |
234, 311, 43 |
4 |
- |
245, 317, 17 |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet mill-gruppi politiċi |
B6-0387/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0388/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0389/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0398/2006 |
↓ |
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
PSE em 8
GUE/NGL Emi 3, 4, 6, 12 u 7
Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata
ALDE Premessa C, §§ 2, 3
14. Allegat użu ta' pajjiżi Ewropej mis-CIA għat-trasport u ż-żamma illegali ta' prigunieri
Rapport intermedju Claudio FAVA (A6-0213/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
§ 1 |
31 |
VE |
- |
244, 325, 19 |
§ 3 |
3 |
Vmaq/VSI |
1 |
- |
35, 545, 7 |
2 |
+ |
309, 259, 15 |
wara l-§ 5 |
13 |
+ |
537, 36, 12 |
14 |
VE |
- |
258, 307, 18 |
Sottotitolu qabel § 6 |
15 |
- |
§ 6 |
32 |
- |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vmaq/VSI |
1 |
+ |
372, 206, 12 |
2 |
+ |
318, 257,11 |
§ 7 |
33 |
- |
16 |
VE |
+ |
436, 136, 13 |
wara l-§ 7 |
4 |
- |
§ 9 |
34/rev |
- |
17 |
+ |
§ 10 |
9D |
- |
§ 11 |
18 |
Vmaq/VSI |
1 |
+ |
496, 74, 14 |
2 |
- |
263, 298, 21 |
§ 12 |
35 |
Vmaq |
1 |
- |
2 |
- |
wara l-§ 12 |
19 |
+ |
532, 40, 16 |
§ 14 |
36 |
- |
5 |
VE |
- |
277, 293, 12 |
§ 15 |
6 |
- |
41, 533, 14 |
37 |
- |
wara l-§ 15 |
20 |
- |
258, 307, 20 |
7 |
+ |
291, 283, 13 |
Sotto titolu qabel § 26 |
21 |
- |
§ 26 |
38/rev |
- |
22 |
- |
§ 27 |
8 |
VE |
- |
66, 507, 9 |
§ 28 |
39 |
- |
wara l-§ 31 |
40 |
- |
§ 33 |
41 |
- |
§ 37 |
42 |
- |
wara l-§ 40 |
49 |
- |
95, 472, 19 |
50 |
- |
69, 498, 19 |
§ 41 |
43 |
- |
§ 42 |
44S |
Ir |
§ 44 |
45 |
- |
23 |
Vmaq/VSI |
1 |
+ |
493, 73, 19 |
2 |
- |
262, 299, 20 |
§ 46 |
46S |
Ir |
1 |
+ |
511, 38, 37 mibdula orlament |
pre B |
47 |
- |
95, 473, 10 |
Wara l-premessa B |
24 |
- |
pre D |
25 |
- |
Wara l-premessa H |
26 |
- |
27 |
- |
Premessa J, l-ewwel inċiż |
2 |
+ |
§ |
test oriġinali |
↓ |
premessa L |
28 |
- |
10 |
+ |
530, 40, 14 |
premessa M |
29S |
- |
11 |
+ |
Wara l-premessa M |
12 |
VE |
- |
254, 307, 17 |
premessa N |
30S |
- |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
389, 137, 55 |
L-emenda 1 ġiet irtirata.
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
IND/DEM: §§ 47, 49, 50 u votazzjoni finali
GUE/NGL: em 3, 6 u 7
PPE-DE ems 10, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23, 1 u votazzjoni finali
VertsALE votazzjoni finali
PSE votazzjoni finali
Talbiet għal votazzjoni maqsuma
em 18
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “u ukoll f'bażijiet militari”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
em 23
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “waqt li għadhom taħt ix-xokk ta' l-attakki ta' 9/11, qegħdin quddiem nett rigward il-ġllieda kontra t-terroriżmu”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
em 3
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “u ukoll f'bażijiet militari”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
§ 6
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “serji u inammissibbli”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
em 35
L-ewwel parti:“Jikkunsidra li n-numru għoli … ta' pajjiżi Ewropej u ta' l-Istati Uniti u”
It-tieni parti:“li s'issa x-xogħol kollu … għal trattament inuman jew għat-tortura”
Michael Gahler ippreżenta emenda orali għall-eamenda 1:
L-abbozzar tar-rapporti verbatim tas-smigħ kollha mmexxija mill-kumitat temporanji, kif ukoll it-traduzzjoni ta' dawk ir-rapporti, fil-lingwi ta' dawk l-Istati ta' l-UE li jiġu affetwati minn din l-investigazzjoni .
15. dwar l-allegata interċezzjoni ta' dejta ta' trasferimenti bankarji tas-sistema SWIFT mis-servizzi sigrieti Amerikani
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni: B6-0385/2006, B6-0386/2006, B6-0391/2006, B6-0393/2006, B6-0395/2006
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni mill-gruppi politiċi |
B6-0385/2006 |
VE |
- |
172, 349, 21 |
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni komuni RC-B6-0386/2006 (PSE, ALDE, Verts/ALE, GUE/NGL) |
§ 1 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 9 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 11 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep/VE |
+ |
275, 239, 24 |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
VE |
+ |
302, 219, 22 |
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni mill-gruppi politiċi |
B6-0386/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0391/2006 |
Verts/ALE |
↓ |
B6-0393/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0395/2006 |
↓ |
Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata
GUE/NGL: §§ 1, 9 u 11
16. L-integrazzjoni ta' l-immigranti fl-Unjoni Ewropea
Rapport: Stavros LAMBRINIDIS (A6-0190/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
§ 6 |
3S |
- |
§ 7 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 8 |
4 |
VE |
- |
236, 308, 3 |
§ 9 |
5S |
- |
252, 281, 6 |
§ 14 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 17 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 18 |
6S |
- |
§ 19 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 20 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 21 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 22 |
7 |
- |
242, 291, 6 |
1 |
- |
§ |
test oriġinali |
+ |
287, 248, 12 |
§ 24 |
8D |
- |
§ 26 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
pre C |
2 |
+ |
cons I |
§ |
test oriġinali |
+ |
507, 19, 18 |
premessa J, inċiż 1 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vmaq |
1 |
+ |
2 |
+ |
premessa J, inċiż 3 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vmaq |
1 |
+ |
2/VSI |
+ |
296, 242, 4 |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
PPE-DE: premessa I, emi 5 u 7 u § 22
Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata
PPE-DE: §§ 7, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21 u 26
Talbiet għal votazzjoni maqsuma
Premessa J, inċiż 1
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “permezz tar-rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki professjonali u ta' taħriġ ta' l-immigranti”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
Premessa J, inċiż 3
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “u r-rappreżentazzjoni” u “tal-governanza”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
17. Żvilupp u Migrazzjoni
Rapport: Marie-Arlette CARLOTTI (A6-0210/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
§ 5 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
+ |
448, 50, 34 |
wara l-§ 5 |
2 |
+ |
§ 6 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
+ |
449, 82, 2 |
§ 15 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
+ |
402, 81, 33 |
Wara ċ-ċitazzjoni 7 |
1 |
+ |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
472, 24, 30 |
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
PPE-DE: votazzjoni finali
PSE §§ 5, 6, 15 u votazzjoni finali
Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata
PPE-DE §§ 5, 6, 15
18. Kummerċ ġust u żvilupp
Rapport: Frithjof SCHMIDT (A6-0207/2006)
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
§ 6 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 13 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 17 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 19 |
2 |
- |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vmaq |
1 |
+ |
2/VE |
+ |
222, 179, 6 |
3 |
+ |
4 |
+ |
§ 28 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
§ 29 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
Ċitazzjoni 9 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vmaq |
1 |
+ |
2 |
+ |
pre D |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
pre E |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vsep |
+ |
pre F |
1 |
VE |
- |
171, 226, 13 |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
L-emenda 2 tissostitwixxi § 19 kollu kemm hu.
Talbiet għal votazzjoni separata
PPE-DE Premessa D, E u §§ 6, 13, 17, 28, 29
Talbiet għal votazzjoni maqsuma
Ċitazzjoni 9
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “u b'mod partikulari l-Artikolu 23 (g) tagħha”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
§ 19
L-ewwel parti:“Jitlob lill-Kummissjoni… implimentati min-nisa;”
It-tieni parti:“19 b (fi ħdan l-UE … ‘Worldshops’)”
It-tielet parti:“(c) fi ħdan l-UE u”
Ir-raba' parti:“f'pajjiżi li għadhom qed jiżviluppaw … ta' l-Organizzazzjonijiet għal Kummerċ Ġust”
19. dwar l-HIV/AIDS: Żmien ta' Azzjoni
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni: B6-0375/2006, B6-0376/2006, B6-0377/2006, B6-0378/2006, B6-0379/2006, B6-0380/2006
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni konġunta RC-B6-0375/2006 (PPE-DE, PSE, ALDE, Verts/ALE, u GUE/NGL) |
§ 10 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
Vmaq |
1 |
+ |
2 |
+ |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet mill-gruppi politiċi |
B6-0375/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0376/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0377/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0378/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0379/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0380/2006 |
Verts/ALE |
↓ |
Talbiet għal votazzjoni maqsuma
L-ewwel parti: It-test kollu mingħajr il-kliem “u riproduttiva”
It-tieni parti: dawn il-kliem
20. Somalja
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni: B6-0400/2006, B6-0405/2006, B6-0406/2006, B6-0410/2006, B6-0412/2006, B6-0415/2006
Suġġett |
Em Nr |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni konġunta RC-B6-0400/2006 (PPE-DE, PSE, ALDE, Verts/ALE, GUE/NGL, UEN) |
pre C |
§ |
test oriġinali |
+ |
emenda orali |
§11 |
§ |
test oriġinali |
+ |
emenda orali |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet mill-gruppi politiċi |
B6-0400/2006 |
Verts/ALE |
↓ |
B6-0405/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0406/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0410/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0412/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0415/2006 |
↓ |
Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco iffirma wkoll il-mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni konġunta
Simon Coveney ippreżenta l-emenda orali li ġejja għall-premessa C:
C. |
Billi b'xorti ħażina s-Somalja ma kelliex gvern nazzjonali effettiv għal 'l fuq minn 15-il sena u l-Unjoni tal-Qrati Islamiċi bdiet toħloq Qrati Islamiċi radikali bil-ħsieb li tinkariga ruħha fiz-zoni li tikkontrolla billi, madankollu, t-tensjoni tippersisti minħabba fedeltà lejn clans, |
Michael Gahler ippreżenta emenda orali għall-paragrafu 11, u żied il-parlament Panafrikan mal-lista ta' istituzzjonijiet li ser tintbagħtilhom ir-riżoluzzjoni.
21. Mawritanja
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni: B6-0399/2006, B6-0403/2006, B6-0407/2006, B6-0409/2006, B6-0413/2006, B6-0416/2006
Suġġett |
Em Nr |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni konġunta RC-B6-0399/2006 (PPE-DE, PSE, ALDE, Verts/ALE, GUE/NGL, UEN) |
§26 |
test oriġinali |
+ |
emenda orali |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet mill-gruppi politiċi |
B6-0399/2006 |
Verts/ALE |
↓ |
B6-0403/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0407/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0409/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0413/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0416/2006 |
↓ |
Michael Gahler ippreżenta emenda orali għall-paragrafu 26, żied il-parlament Panafrikan mal-lista ta' istituzzjonijiet li ser tintbagħtilhom ir-riżoluzzjoni
22. dwar il-libertà ta' l-espressjoni fl-Internet
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni: B6-0401/2006, B6-0402/2006, B6-0404/2006, B6-0408/2006, B6-0411/2006, B6-0414/2006
Suġġett |
Em Nr |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni konġunta RC-B6-0401/2006 (PPE-DE, PSE, ALDE, Verts/ALE, GUE/NGL, UEN) |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
65, 0, 2 |
mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet mill-gruppi politiċi |
B6-0401/2006 |
Verts/ALE |
↓ |
B6-0402/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0404/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0408/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0411/2006 |
↓ |
B6-0414/2006 |
↓ |
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
PPE-DE votazzjoni finali
23. dwar l-indikazzjoni tal-pajjiż ta' l-oriġini ta' ċerti prodotti importati minn pajjiżi terzi (“origin marking”)
Mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjoni: B6-0384/2006, B6-0390/2006, B6-0392/2006, B6-0394/2006, B6-0396/2006, B6-0397/2006
Suġġett |
Em nru |
Awtur |
VSI eċċ. |
Votazzjoni |
VSI/VE — rimarki |
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni konġunta RC-B6-0384/2006 (PPE-DE, PSE, ALDE, Verts/ALE,GUE/NGL, UEN) |
votazzjoni: riżoluzzjoni (sħiħa) |
+ |
63, 0, 1 |
mozzjonijiet għal riżoluzzjonijiet mill-gruppi politiċi |
B6-0384/2006 |
↓ |
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Il-kumitat INTA irtira l-mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni B6-0381/2006
Talbiet għal votazzjoni b'sejħa ta' l-ismijiet
ALDE: votazzjoni finali
Enrique Barón Crespo ippreżenta l-emenda orali li ġejja għall-§ 2:
2. |
Jiddeplora l-fatt li, minkejja li l-Kummissjoni u l-Kunsill kienu għal kollox konxji ta' l-importanza li l-Parlament jagħti lill-kwistjoni ta' l-immarkar ta' l-oriġini, il-Kummissjoni ma bagħtitx formalment ir-regolament propost lill-Parlament bħala informazzjoni; il-Parlament Ewropew huwa konxju li din il-proposta hija bbażata fuq l-Artikolu 133 tat-Trattat, u għalhekk, legalment ma tirrikjedix il-konsultazzjoni tal-Parlament; madankollu, il-Parlament Ewropew għandu dejjem jingħata l-opportunità li jesprimi l-fehmiet tiegħu f'ħin f'waqtu dwar kwalunkwe inizjattiva rilevanti li ssir minn istituzzjoni Komunitarja oħra; |
1. It-2 rapport Hughes A6-0218/2006
Favur: 465
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Wurtz
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Sinnott, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Battilocchio, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gyürk, Handzlik, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Koch, Konrad, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lehne, Lewandowski, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pinheiro, Pirker, Pleštinská, Posdorf, Posselt, Purvis, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Rudi Ubeda, Saïfi, Samaras, Schierhuber, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Stauner, Stevenson, Sudre, Surján, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Beglitis, van den Berg, Berlinguer, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Gottardi, Grabowska, Grech, Hamon, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Honeyball, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Paasilinna, Pahor, Panzeri, Peillon, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani
UEN: Aylward, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, Harms, Horáček, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lucas, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Ždanoka
Kontra: 18
NI: Helmer, Masiel, Mote
PPE-DE: Březina, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Deß, Duchoň, Fajmon, Gräßle, Lauk, Lechner, Roithová, Škottová, Strejček, Vlasák, Zvěřina
Verts/ALE: Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 13
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Clark, Wise
NI: Allister, Baco, Belohorská, Borghezio, Kozlík, Speroni
PPE-DE: Ulmer, Zieleniec
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
2. Rapport Alvaro A6-0196/2006
Favur: 442
ALDE: Bourlanges, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Deprez, Jensen, Manders, Pistelli, Ries, Susta, Takkula, Toia
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Tomczak, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Jonckheer, Turmes
Kontra: 16
GUE/NGL: Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Wise
NI: Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mote, Schenardi
PSE: Kuc
Verts/ALE: Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 130
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Davies, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Prodi, Resetarits, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Louis, Rogalski, Sinnott, de Villiers
NI: Allister, Baco, Kozlík, Martin Hans-Peter, Romagnoli
UEN: Krasts
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Breyer, van Buitenen, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
3. Rapport Gaubert A6-0186/2006
Emendi 19 + 28
Favur: 81
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde
NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Martin Hans-Peter, Rutowicz, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Graça Moura, Kaczmarek, Surján
UEN: Aylward, Camre, Crowley, Ó Neachtain, Ryan
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 498
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Svensson
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, de Villiers, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Piskorski, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 12
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Wise
NI: Baco, Borghezio, Kozlík, Mote, Speroni
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Eva-Britt Svensson
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
4. RC B6-387/2006 — Ristrutturazzjoni ta' intrapriżi
Emenda 6
Favur: 227
ALDE: Gibault, Losco, Pistelli, Susta, Toia
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Sinnott
NI: Battilocchio, Borghezio, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Martin Hans-Peter, Rutowicz, Speroni
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Castex, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Mikko, Moraes, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 316
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Tomczak, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 40
ALDE: Harkin
IND/DEM: Grabowski, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, de Villiers, Zapałowski
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Claeys, Dillen, Kozlík, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PSE: Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Calabuig Rull, Carnero González, Cercas, Díez González, García Pérez, Hänsch, Ilves, Masip Hidalgo, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moreno Sánchez, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Riera Madurell, Rosati, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Sornosa Martínez, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Yañez-Barnuevo García
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
5. RC B6-387/2006 — Ristrutturazzjoni ta' intrapriżi
Emenda 12
Favur: 231
ALDE: Cocilovo, Losco, Pistelli, Prodi, Susta, Toia
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Sinnott
NI: Battilocchio, Borghezio, Rutowicz, Speroni
PPE-DE: Albertini, Castiglione, Coelho, Gargani, Musotto, Podestà, Queiró, Tajani
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Castex, Christensen, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hamon, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Mikko, Moraes, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 305
ALDE: Alvaro, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Chatzimarkakis, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pirker, Pleštinská, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tannock, Thyssen, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 41
IND/DEM: Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Zapałowski
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Claeys, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PSE: Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Calabuig Rull, Carnero González, Cercas, Díez González, García Pérez, Hänsch, Masip Hidalgo, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moreno Sánchez, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Riera Madurell, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Sornosa Martínez, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Yañez-Barnuevo García
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Hans-Peter Martin
6. RC B6-387/2006 — Ristrutturazzjoni ta' intrapriżi
Emenda 8
Favur: 222
ALDE: Losco, Pistelli, Susta, Toia
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Sinnott
NI: Battilocchio, Borghezio, Martin Hans-Peter, Speroni
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Castex, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Mikko, Moraes, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Camre, Muscardini, Musumeci
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 324
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 37
ALDE: Cocilovo
IND/DEM: Grabowski, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, de Villiers, Zapałowski
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Kozlík, Romagnoli
PPE-DE: Ribeiro e Castro
PSE: Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Calabuig Rull, Carnero González, Cercas, Díez González, García Pérez, Masip Hidalgo, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moreno Sánchez, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Riera Madurell, Rosati, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Sornosa Martínez, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Yañez-Barnuevo García
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
7. RC B6-387/2006 — Ristrutturazzjoni ta' intrapriżi
Emenda 7
Favur: 225
ALDE: Cocilovo, Fourtou, Losco, Prodi, Susta, Toia
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Sinnott
NI: Battilocchio, Borghezio, Martin Hans-Peter, Rutowicz, Speroni
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Castex, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Mikko, Moraes, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Muscardini, Musumeci
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 321
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Tomczak, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 42
ALDE: Pistelli
IND/DEM: Grabowski, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, de Villiers, Zapałowski
NI: Baco, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PSE: Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Calabuig Rull, Carnero González, Cercas, Díez González, García Pérez, Hänsch, Ilves, Masip Hidalgo, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moreno Sánchez, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Riera Madurell, Rosati, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Sornosa Martínez, Yañez-Barnuevo García
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Janelly Fourtou
8. RC B6-387/2006 — Ristrutturazzjoni ta' intrapriżi
Emenda 3
Favur: 234
ALDE: Losco, Pistelli, Prodi, Susta, Toia
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Bonde, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Sinnott, Wise
NI: Battilocchio, Borghezio, Martin Hans-Peter, Rutowicz, Speroni
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Casaca, Castex, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Mikko, Moraes, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 311
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Tomczak, Železný
NI: Allister, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 43
ALDE: Harkin
IND/DEM: Grabowski, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, de Villiers
NI: Baco, Chruszcz, Claeys, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Florenz
PSE: Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Calabuig Rull, Carnero González, Cercas, Díez González, García Pérez, Ilves, Masip Hidalgo, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moreno Sánchez, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Riera Madurell, Rosati, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Sornosa Martínez, Yañez-Barnuevo García
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
9. RC B6-387/2006 — Ristrutturazzjoni ta' intrapriżi
Emenda 4
Favur: 245
ALDE: Cocilovo, Losco, Pistelli, Prodi, Susta, Toia
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Louis, Sinnott, de Villiers
NI: Battilocchio, Borghezio, Czarnecki Ryszard, Martin Hans-Peter, Rutowicz, Speroni
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Muscardini, Pirilli
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 317
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Tomczak, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Giertych, Helmer, Mote, Piskorski, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 17
ALDE: Harkin
NI: Baco, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PSE: Hänsch, Ilves, Rosati
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
10. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 3/1
Favur: 35
ALDE: Manders
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Strož, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde
NI: Romagnoli
PPE-DE: Atkins, Garriga Polledo, Schnellhardt
PSE: Berlinguer
Kontra: 545
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Liotard, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Svensson
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Astensjonijiet: 7
IND/DEM: Louis, de Villiers
NI: Baco, Kozlík
PPE-DE: Kamall, Ventre
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
11. Rapport intermi Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 3/2
Favur: 309
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Samuelsen, Savi, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Sinnott
NI: Allister, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Helmer, Martin Hans-Peter, Mote, Romagnoli, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bradbourn, Březina, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Chichester, Deva, Dover, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Parish, Purvis, Škottová, Strejček, Sturdy, Tannock, Vlasák, Zvěřina
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hamon, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Madeira, Maňka, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Foltyn-Kubicka
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 259
ALDE: Busk, Cocilovo, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Morillon, Onyszkiewicz, Riis-Jørgensen, Staniszewska
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, de Villiers, Wise, Zapałowski
NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Masiel, Piskorski, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stevenson, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vidal-Quadras, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Gill, Hänsch, Honeyball, Howitt, Kinnock, McAvan, Martin David, Moraes, Titley, Willmott, Wynn
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 15
ALDE: Geremek, Kułakowski, Takkula
IND/DEM: Železný
NI: Baco, Bobošíková, Kozlík, Martinez
PPE-DE: Handzlik, Kamall, Nicholson, Ventre
PSE: Ilves, Rosati
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
12. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 13
Favur: 537
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 36
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
PPE-DE: Bachelot-Narquin, Bonsignore, De Veyrac
UEN: Krasts
Astensjonijiet: 12
IND/DEM: Bonde, Louis, de Villiers
NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Belohorská, Kozlík, Martin Hans-Peter, Romagnoli
PPE-DE: Kamall, Ventre
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
13. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Paragrafu 6/1
Favur: 372
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Samuelsen, Savi, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Louis, Sinnott, de Villiers
NI: Allister, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Helmer, Martin Hans-Peter, Mote, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Bachelot-Narquin, Beazley, Belet, Bowis, Bradbourn, Brepoels, Březina, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Chichester, Coelho, Dehaene, Demetriou, Deva, Dover, Duchoň, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Freitas, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Hökmark, Kamall, Marques, Nicholson, Parish, Posselt, Purvis, Saïfi, Seeberg, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Tannock, Thyssen, Ventre, Vlasák, Zvěřina
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Vaidere, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 206
ALDE: Andria, Busk, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Onyszkiewicz, Riis-Jørgensen, Staniszewska
GUE/NGL: Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Bonde, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski
NI: Borghezio, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Masiel, Piskorski, Speroni, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Braghetto, Brejc, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coveney, Daul, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Gahler, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Siekierski, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vidal-Quadras, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
UEN: Bielan, Camre, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz
Astensjonijiet: 12
IND/DEM: Železný
NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Dillen, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Schenardi
PSE: Rosati
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
14. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Paragrafu 6/2
Favur: 318
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Samuelsen, Savi, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Louis, Sinnott, de Villiers
NI: Belohorská, Bobošíková, Martin Hans-Peter
PPE-DE: Bachelot-Narquin, Belet, Brepoels, Coelho, Dehaene, Demetriou, De Veyrac, Freitas, Marques, Posselt, Saïfi, Seeberg, Thyssen
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Aylward, Crowley, Ó Neachtain, Ryan
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 257
ALDE: Busk, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Onyszkiewicz, Riis-Jørgensen, Staniszewska
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coveney, Daul, Descamps, Deß, Deva, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Gahler, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Herczog
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 11
ALDE: Takkula
NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Dillen, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez
PSE: Rosati
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
15. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 18/1
Favur: 496
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, de Villiers, Zapałowski
NI: Belohorská, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Giertych, Martin Hans-Peter, Masiel, Piskorski, Speroni, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 74
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Bonde, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Claeys, Czarnecki Ryszard, Helmer, Mote, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bradbourn, Březina, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Chichester, Dover, Duchoň, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Kamall, Nicholson, Parish, Purvis, Ribeiro e Castro, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Tannock, Vlasák, Zvěřina
Astensjonijiet: 14
NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Dillen, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Schenardi
PPE-DE: Bachelot-Narquin, De Veyrac, Saïfi
PSE: Leichtfried
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
16. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 18/2
Favur: 263
ALDE: Busk, Geremek, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Onyszkiewicz, Riis-Jørgensen, Staniszewska, Takkula
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Belohorská, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Gurmai, Rosati
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Kontra: 298
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Samuelsen, Savi, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Sinnott
NI: Martin Hans-Peter, Romagnoli
PPE-DE: Belet, Brejc, Brepoels, Dehaene
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Astensjonijiet: 21
ALDE: Kułakowski
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Bonde, Clark, Knapman, Louis, Nattrass, de Villiers, Wise
NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Dillen, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez
PPE-DE: Bachelot-Narquin, De Veyrac
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
17. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 19
Favur: 532
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Battilocchio, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 40
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Louis, Nattrass, de Villiers, Wise
PPE-DE: Spautz
Astensjonijiet: 16
GUE/NGL: Kaufmann
IND/DEM: Bonde
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Kozlík, Romagnoli
PPE-DE: Bachelot-Narquin, De Veyrac, Kamall, Mann Thomas
PSE: Leichtfried, Masip Hidalgo, Scheele
UEN: Vaidere, Zīle
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
18. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 6
Favur: 41
ALDE: Losco, Ortuondo Larrea
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
PPE-DE: Florenz
PSE: Castex, Cottigny, De Keyser, Gomes, Leichtfried, Martínez Martínez
Kontra: 533
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, de Villiers, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Astensjonijiet: 14
ALDE: Toia
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Sinnott, Wise
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Kozlík
PPE-DE: Kamall, Kasoulides
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
19. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 20
Favur: 258
ALDE: Busk, Cornillet, Deprez, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Morillon, Onyszkiewicz, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Staniszewska, Takkula
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coveney, Daul, Deva, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Toubon, Ulmer, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz
Kontra: 307
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Davies, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Prodi, Resetarits, Samuelsen, Savi, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
NI: Martin Hans-Peter
PPE-DE: Bachelot-Narquin, Belet, Brepoels, Coelho, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Dimitrakopoulos, Esteves, Freitas, Gklavakis, Hatzidakis, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Papastamkos, Thyssen, Trakatellis, Vakalis
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Astensjonijiet: 20
ALDE: Geremek, Kułakowski
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Louis, Nattrass, Sinnott, de Villiers, Wise
NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Belohorská, Kozlík, Romagnoli
UEN: Kristovskis, Vaidere, Zīle
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Antonis Samaras
20. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 7
Favur: 291
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Cocilovo, Davies, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
NI: Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Martin Hans-Peter
PPE-DE: Doyle, Grosch
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 283
ALDE: Bourlanges, Chatzimarkakis, Cornillet, Deprez, Manders, Onyszkiewicz, Ries, Staniszewska, Susta, Takkula
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Rosati
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 13
ALDE: Geremek, Kułakowski
IND/DEM: Louis, Sinnott, de Villiers
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Kozlík, Martinez, Speroni
PPE-DE: Kamall
PSE: Hänsch
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
21. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 49
Favur: 95
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Claeys, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mote, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bradbourn, Březina, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Chichester, Deva, Dover, Duchoň, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Lulling, Nicholson, Parish, Purvis, Škottová, Spautz, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Tannock, Vlasák, Zvěřina
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Camre, Kuźmiuk, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 472
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
NI: Battilocchio, Borghezio, Czarnecki Ryszard, Masiel, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Speroni
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Sonik, Šťastný, Stauner, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Libicki, Maldeikis, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 19
ALDE: Geremek
GUE/NGL: Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Bonde, Clark, Knapman, Louis, Nattrass, de Villiers, Wise
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Kozlík, Romagnoli
PPE-DE: Kamall, Zieleniec
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
22. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 50
Favur: 69
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mote, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bradbourn, Březina, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Chichester, Deva, Dover, Duchoň, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Lulling, Nicholson, Parish, Škottová, Spautz, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Tannock, Vlasák, Zieleniec, Zvěřina
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Camre, Kuźmiuk, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Podkański
Kontra: 498
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Sinnott
NI: Battilocchio, Martin Hans-Peter, Masiel, Piskorski
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Sonik, Šťastný, Stauner, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Libicki, Maldeikis, Ó Neachtain, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Astensjonijiet: 19
ALDE: Geremek
GUE/NGL: Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Bonde, Clark, Knapman, Louis, Nattrass, de Villiers, Wise
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Kozlík, Romagnoli
PPE-DE: Casini, Kamall
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Hans-Peter Martin
23. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 23/1
Favur: 493
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, de Villiers, Zapałowski
NI: Battilocchio, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Giertych, Martin Hans-Peter, Masiel, Piskorski, Speroni, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 73
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Bonde, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Czarnecki Ryszard, Helmer, Mote, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bradbourn, Březina, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Chichester, Dover, Duchoň, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Parish, Purvis, Ribeiro e Castro, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Tannock, Vlasák, Zvěřina
PSE: Thomsen
Verts/ALE: Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 19
GUE/NGL: Kaufmann
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Kamall, Nicholson
PSE: Scheele
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Britta Thomsen
24. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 23/2
Favur: 262
ALDE: Busk, Deprez, Geremek, Hennis-Plasschaert, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Onyszkiewicz, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Staniszewska, Takkula
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Belohorská, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Helmer, Le Rachinel, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coveney, Daul, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Rosati
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Janowski, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz
Kontra: 299
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, in't Veld, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Savi, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Sinnott, Wise
NI: Martin Hans-Peter
PPE-DE: Belet, Brepoels, Dehaene, Thyssen
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Astensjonijiet: 20
ALDE: Kułakowski
IND/DEM: Bonde, Louis, de Villiers
NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi
PPE-DE: Kamall, Reul
UEN: Camre, Kristovskis, Vaidere, Zīle
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
25. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 1
Favur: 511
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Harkin, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Losco, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Flasarová, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Grabowski, Louis, de Villiers
NI: Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Martin Hans-Peter, Masiel, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Speroni
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Galeote, Gargani, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varvitsiotis, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Janowski, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 38
ALDE: Chatzimarkakis, Hall, Hennis-Plasschaert, Karim, Lehideux, Ludford, Prodi
GUE/NGL: Figueiredo, Guerreiro
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Tomczak
NI: Belohorská, Chruszcz, Giertych, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: del Castillo Vera, Dehaene, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Fernández Martín, Fraga Estévez, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Herranz García, López-Istúriz White, Rudi Ubeda, Vidal-Quadras
PSE: Öger, Tarabella
UEN: Aylward, Crowley, Kristovskis, Ó Neachtain, Ryan, Vaidere, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Lipietz
Astensjonijiet: 37
ALDE: Guardans Cambó, Lynne
GUE/NGL: Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Bonde, Clark, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Baco, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Mote, Romagnoli, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Brepoels, De Veyrac, Thyssen, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Ventre
PSE: Tarand
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
José Manuel García-Margallo y Marfil
26. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 47
Favur: 95
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Grabowski, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, de Villiers, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Martin Hans-Peter, Mote, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bradbourn, Březina, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Chichester, Deva, Dover, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Nicholson, Parish, Purvis, Queiró, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Tannock, Vlasák, Zvěřina
PSE: Tarabella
UEN: Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Vaidere, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Kallenbach, Lucas, Schlyter, Ždanoka
Kontra: 473
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Kohlíček, Meijer, Remek
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Sinnott, Wise
NI: Battilocchio, Masiel, Piskorski
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Janowski, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Özdemir, Onesta, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber
Astensjonijiet: 10
ALDE: Geremek
GUE/NGL: Pafilis, Toussas
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli
PPE-DE: Kamall
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Kathy Sinnott
27. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Emenda 10
Favur: 530
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kudrycka, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, López-Istúriz White, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pirker, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 40
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Bonde, Clark, Knapman, Nattrass, Wise
PPE-DE: Olbrycht
PSE: Obiols i Germà
Astensjonijiet: 14
GUE/NGL: Kaufmann
IND/DEM: Louis, de Villiers
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi
PPE-DE: Kamall
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Jan Olbrycht
Kathy Sinnott
28. Rapport interim Fava A6-0213/2006
Favur: 389
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Laperrouze, Lax, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Samuelsen, Savi, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Sinnott
NI: Belohorská, Martin Hans-Peter
PPE-DE: Andrikienė, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Busuttil, Casa, Caspary, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Dehaene, Demetriou, De Veyrac, Dimitrakopoulos, Doyle, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Freitas, Gál, Gaľa, Gklavakis, Goepel, Gräßle, Grosch, Hatzidakis, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Klamt, Klaß, Koch, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Langen, Langendries, Lechner, Lehne, Liese, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mitchell, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Oomen-Ruijten, Pack, Peterle, Pīks, Pirker, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Purvis, Rack, Reul, Rübig, Schierhuber, Schnellhardt, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Sommer, Stauner, Thyssen, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varvitsiotis, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, Wortmann-Kool
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Glante, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Aylward, Crowley, Kristovskis, Ó Neachtain, Ryan
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 137
ALDE: Staniszewska
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Baco, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Piskorski, Rutowicz, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bonsignore, Bowis, Braghetto, Březina, Bushill-Matthews, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casini, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Chichester, Deß, Deva, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dover, Duchoň, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fernández Martín, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gawronski, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Herranz García, Jałowiecki, Kaczmarek, Kelam, Klich, Kudrycka, Lauk, Lewandowski, López-Istúriz White, Lulling, Mauro, Mayor Oreja, Millán Mon, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nicholson, Olbrycht, Parish, Pieper, Podestà, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Saryusz-Wolski, Siekierski, Škottová, Spautz, Šťastný, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Tajani, Tannock, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, von Wogau, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Kuc, Rosati
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Janowski, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz
Astensjonijiet: 55
ALDE: Geremek, Jensen, Kułakowski, Lehideux, Onyszkiewicz, Riis-Jørgensen
GUE/NGL: Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Louis, de Villiers
NI: Battilocchio, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi
PPE-DE: Daul, Descamps, Dombrovskis, Duka-Zólyomi, Ferber, Gahler, Gaubert, Gauzès, Glattfelder, Grossetête, Guellec, Gyürk, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Kamall, Konrad, Kušķis, Mikolášik, Olajos, Őry, Papastamkos, Pleštinská, Radwan, Saïfi, Samaras, Schmitt, Schöpflin, Sonik, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Toubon
PSE: Golik, Liberadzki, Szejna
UEN: Vaidere, Zīle
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Tokia Saïfi, Jean-Claude Martinez, Antonis Samaras, Françoise Grossetête
29. Rapport Lambrinidis A6-0190/2006
Emenda 5
Favur: 252
ALDE: Deprez, Fourtou, Laperrouze, Losco, Ries, Takkula
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Borghezio, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Piskorski, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Bonsignore, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Jałowiecki, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Szejna
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Janowski, Kristovskis, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Ryan, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Kontra: 281
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Drčar Murko, Duff, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Sinnott
NI: Bobošíková
PPE-DE: Bachelot-Narquin, Grosch, Weisgerber
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Astensjonijiet: 6
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Martin Hans-Peter
PPE-DE: Freitas, Ventre
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Bernard Lehideux
30. Rapport Lambrinidis A6-0190/2006
Emenda 7
Favur: 242
ALDE: Bourlanges, Cornillet, Deprez, Fourtou, Ries, Sterckx, Takkula
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Helmer, Masiel, Piskorski, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Gál, Gaľa, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Higgins, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Jałowiecki, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Attard-Montalto, Grech, Muscat
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Janowski, Kristovskis, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Ryan, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Kontra: 291
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Drčar Murko, Duff, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Staniszewska, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Sinnott, Tomczak
NI: Bobošíková, Borghezio, Claeys, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Gahler, Hieronymi, Klich, Pieper, Schwab
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuc, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Astensjonijiet: 6
ALDE: Toia
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Martin Hans-Peter
PPE-DE: Freitas
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
31. Rapport Lambrinidis A6-0190/2006
Paragrafu 22
Favur: 287
ALDE: Andrejevs, Andria, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Drčar Murko, Duff, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Staniszewska, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Flasarová, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Nattrass, Sinnott
NI: Bobošíková, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Becsey, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Duchoň, Evans Jonathan, Freitas, Grosch, Gyürk, Kamall, Koch, Nicholson, Saïfi, Šťastný
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuc, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Aylward, Crowley, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Ryan
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 248
ALDE: Alvaro, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Cappato, Cornillet, Deprez, Fourtou, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ries, Sterckx, Takkula
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Borghezio, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Piskorski, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Beazley, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Dover, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Jałowiecki, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Calabuig Rull, Hamon, Pinior, Tarabella
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Janowski, Kristovskis, Musumeci, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Hassi, Smith
Astensjonijiet: 12
GUE/NGL: Figueiredo, Guerreiro
NI: Baco, Belohorská, Martin Hans-Peter
PPE-DE: Bauer, Papastamkos
PSE: Attard-Montalto, Grech, Muscat, Tzampazi
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Evangelia Tzampazi,
James Nicholson, Bernard Lehideux, Anne Laperrouze
32. Rapport Lambrinidis A6-0190/2006
Premessa I
Favur: 507
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Flasarová, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Sinnott
NI: Allister, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Helmer, Masiel, Piskorski, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Jałowiecki, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Janowski, Kristovskis, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Ryan, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 19
IND/DEM: Batten, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Borghezio, Giertych, Speroni, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
UEN: Camre
Astensjonijiet: 18
GUE/NGL: Figueiredo, Guerreiro, Pafilis, Toussas
NI: Baco, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke
UEN: Musumeci
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Flautre
33. Rapport Lambrinidis A6-0190/2006
Premessa J-3/2
Favur: 296
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Drčar Murko, Duff, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Staniszewska, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Sinnott, Tomczak
NI: Belohorská, Bobošíková, Borghezio, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Martin Hans-Peter, Rutowicz, Speroni, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Belet, Cederschiöld, Dehaene, Fjellner, Freitas, Hökmark, Ibrisagic, Liese, Saïfi
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuc, Laignel, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Aylward, Crowley, Ó Neachtain, Ryan
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 242
ALDE: Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Cornillet, Deprez, Fourtou, Ries, Sterckx, Takkula
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Dillen, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Piskorski, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Elles, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Jałowiecki, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Nicholson, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
PSE: Attard-Montalto, Grech, Lambrinidis, Muscat
UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Janowski, Kristovskis, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Astensjonijiet: 4
NI: Baco
PPE-DE: Demetriou, Papastamkos
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
Korrezzjonijiet ta' vot
Bernard Lehideux, Anne Laperrouze
34. Rapport Carlotti A6-0210/2006
Paragrafu 5
Favur: 448
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Sinnott
NI: Belohorská, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Masiel, Piskorski, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Jałowiecki, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Stauner, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Occhetto, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Janowski, Kristovskis, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Ryan, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 50
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Figueiredo, Guerreiro
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Giertych, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bushill-Matthews, Callanan, Chichester, Deva, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Kamall, Nicholson, Parish, Pieper, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Tannock, Zvěřina
UEN: Camre
Astensjonijiet: 34
GUE/NGL: Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Flasarová, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde
NI: Baco, Borghezio, Martin Hans-Peter, Speroni
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Schlyter
35. Rapport Carlotti A6-0210/2006
Paragrafu 6
Favur: 449
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Deprez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Sinnott
NI: Belohorská, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Masiel, Piskorski, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Jałowiecki, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Janowski, Kristovskis, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Ryan, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 82
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Clark, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný
NI: Allister, Borghezio, Claeys, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bushill-Matthews, Chichester, Deva, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Kamall, Nicholson, Parish, Pieper, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Tannock, Zvěřina
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 2
NI: Martin Hans-Peter
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
36. Rapport Carlotti A6-0210/2006
Paragrafu 15
Favur: 402
ALDE: Pistelli
GUE/NGL: Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Flasarová, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Sinnott
NI: Belohorská, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Masiel, Piskorski, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Jałowiecki, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Moscovici, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rothe, Rouček, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Segelström, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Janowski, Kristovskis, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Ryan, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 81
ALDE: Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Clark, Knapman, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Zapałowski
NI: Allister, Borghezio, Giertych, Speroni, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
UEN: Camre
Verts/ALE: Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 33
ALDE: Kułakowski
GUE/NGL: Figueiredo, Guerreiro
IND/DEM: Bonde
NI: Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bushill-Matthews, Callanan, Chichester, Deva, Elles, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Kamall, Nicholson, Parish, Pieper, Stevenson, Zvěřina
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
37. Rapport Carlotti A6-0210/2006
Favur: 472
ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Bourlanges, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Cappato, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Gibault, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Losco, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Mohácsi, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Pannella, Pistelli, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Susta, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Toia, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis
GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Aita, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Henin, Kaufmann, Kohlíček, Liotard, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Ransdorf, Remek, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Uca, Wurtz, Zimmer
IND/DEM: Bonde, Sinnott
NI: Belohorská, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Masiel, Piskorski, Rutowicz
PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bonsignore, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Březina, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Casa, Casini, Caspary, Castiglione, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Dombrovskis, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Esteves, Eurlings, Fajmon, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Graça Moura, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Jałowiecki, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Koch, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Marques, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Montoro Romero, Musotto, Nassauer, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pleštinská, Podestà, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Sonik, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Ventre, Vidal-Quadras, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zwiefka
PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Falbr, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hedh, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuc, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lienemann, McAvan, Madeira, Maňka, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Tzampazi, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti
UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Janowski, Kristovskis, Libicki, Maldeikis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Ryan, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle
Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Cohn-Bendit, Evans Jill, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Isler Béguin, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lambert, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka
Kontra: 24
IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Clark, Knapman, Rogalski, Tomczak, Wise, Železný
NI: Allister, Borghezio, Claeys, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Speroni, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
UEN: Camre
Astensjonijiet: 30
GUE/NGL: Pafilis, Toussas
IND/DEM: Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Zapałowski
NI: Baco, Martin Hans-Peter
PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bushill-Matthews, Callanan, Chichester, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Kamall, Nicholson, Parish, Pieper, Stevenson, Strejček, Tannock, Zvěřina
Verts/ALE: van Buitenen
38. RC B6-0401/2006 — Il-libertà ta' l-espressjoni fl-internet
Favur: 65
ALDE: Busk, Maaten, Matsakis, Onyszkiewicz
IND/DEM: Krupa, Rogalski, Sinnott
NI: Czarnecki Ryszard, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Andrikienė, Audy, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coveney, Deß, Gahler, Gauzès, Gomolka, Grossetête, Jeggle, Kaczmarek, Karas, Lulling, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Olbrycht, Papastamkos, Posselt, Roithová, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Sommer, Sonik, Sturdy, Sudre, Wieland, Záborská, Zaleski, Zwiefka
PSE: Ayala Sender, Carlotti, Casaca, Ettl, Ferreira Elisa, Geringer de Oedenberg, Hasse Ferreira, Hutchinson, Kindermann, Kuc, Medina Ortega, Pinior, Reynaud, Sakalas, Scheele, Trautmann
UEN: Libicki, Muscardini, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Isler Béguin, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Schlyter
Astensjonijiet: 2
GUE/NGL: Pflüger, Strož
39. RC B6-0384/2006 — Marka ta' l-oriġini
Favur: 63
ALDE: Busk, Maaten, Matsakis, Onyszkiewicz
IND/DEM: Krupa, Rogalski, Sinnott
NI: Czarnecki Ryszard, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr
PPE-DE: Andrikienė, Audy, Chichester, Chmielewski, Coveney, Deß, Gahler, Gauzès, Gomolka, Grossetête, Jeggle, Kaczmarek, Karas, Lulling, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Olbrycht, Papastamkos, Posselt, Roithová, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Sommer, Sonik, Sturdy, Sudre, Wieland, Záborská, Zaleski, Zwiefka
PSE: Assis, Ayala Sender, Barón Crespo, Casaca, Ettl, Ferreira Elisa, Geringer de Oedenberg, Hasse Ferreira, Hutchinson, Kindermann, Kuc, Martínez Martínez, Medina Ortega, Pinior, Sakalas, Scheele, Trautmann
UEN: Libicki, Muscardini, Wojciechowski Janusz
Verts/ALE: Onesta
Astensjonijiet: 1
GUE/NGL: Pflüger
(1) (Għalissa dawn it-testi m'humiex disponibbli bil-Malti).
Simplification of VAT charging to counter tax evasion and avoidance *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 77/388/EEC as regards certain measures to simplify the procedure for charging value added tax and to assist in countering tax evasion and avoidance, and repealing certain Decisions granting derogations (COM(2005)0089 — C6-0100/2005 — 2005/0019(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2005)0089) (1), |
— |
having regard to Article 93 of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0100/2005), |
— |
having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the opinion of the Committee on Budgetary Control (A6-0209/2006), |
1. |
Approves the Commission proposal as amended; |
2. |
Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty; |
3. |
Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament; |
4. |
Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially; |
5. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission. |
(1a) |
To protect the Community against damage to its financial interests in relation to value added tax, and in particular against losses resulting from fraudulent or other illegal cross-border activities, as the Member States have committed themselves to do pursuant to Article 280 of the Treaty, Member States should cooperate closely with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). |
(9a) |
This Directive should not encroach on the power of the Member States to levy taxes. |
(9b) |
In order to counter tax evasion and avoidance effectively, the streamlining of derogations should be only a limited component of a comprehensive programme to reform the Community's value added tax regime, and, thus, further reforms of the regime should be undertaken, aimed, inter alia, at combating tax fraud, with a view to modernising and simplifying, for example, financial services, e-services, double taxation situations, and public services. |
(9c) |
The criteria for consideration in any change in the system for levying value added tax should be the effectiveness of tax collection, equality in tax treatment, and practicability for businesses. |
(1) |
In Article 4(4), the following subparagraph is added:
Where a Member State exercises the option provided for in the second subparagraph, it shall ensure that the application of this option creates neither unjustifiable benefit nor unjustified disadvantage for taxable persons. |
(2) |
In Article 5(8) the second sentence is replaced by the following:
Where appropriate, Member States may, in cases where the recipient is not wholly liable to tax, take the necessary measures to prevent distortion of competition. They shall ensure that there is no unjustifiable benefit or unjustified disadvantage conferred. |
(7a) |
In Article 21(2), in the version set out in Article 28g, the following point (ca) shall be added:
(7b) |
The following Article shall be inserted:
Article 30a In order to counter cross-border value added tax fraud, affecting the Community's financial interests, and in particular so-called carousel fraud, Member States shall call upon their competent authorities to cooperate closely with the OLAF where fraud is suspected. The Commission shall report to the European Parliament on progress in this area within the framework of its annual report in accordance with Article 280(5) of the Treaty. |
(7c) |
The following Article shall be inserted:
Article 34a To determine the best long-term value added tax collection arrangements for the European Union, the Commission shall draw up a comprehensive comparative synopsis, assessing national thinking on the subject and specifying the many and varied consequences of changing the system to the reverse-charge model and the advantages and disadvantages for the Member States and businesses operating in the Community. |
(1) Not yet published in the OJ.
EU-Caribbean partnership for growth, stability and development
European Parliament resolution on the EU-Caribbean partnership for growth, stability and development (2006/2123(INI))
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Communication of 2 March 2006 from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee entitled “An EU-Caribbean Partnership for Growth, Stability and Development” (COM(2006)0086) (hereinafter the “Commission Communication”), |
— |
having regard to the evaluation of the Commission's regional strategy for the Caribbean, Volumes 1 and 2, of April 2005, |
— |
having regard to the conclusions of the General Affairs and External Relations Council of 10 April 2006, which include a confirmation of the Common Position on Cuba of 2 December 1996, |
— |
having regard to the Joint statement by the Council and the representatives of the governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission on European Union Development Policy: “The European Consensus” (1), |
— |
having regard to the Vienna Declaration of the Third European-Latin American-Caribbean Civil Society Forum of 1 April 2006, |
— |
having regard to its resolution of 23 March 2006 on the development impact of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) (2), |
— |
having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Development (A6-0211/2006), |
A. |
whereas by 2020 some Caribbean States will have achieved developed country status, whilst others face a drop from the category of middle-income countries to that of low-income countries, |
B. |
whereas these small island States have an inherent vulnerability to natural disasters and other external shocks, |
C. |
whereas a dialogue has taken place between the Commission and representatives of Cariforum (3) on the Commission Communication when it was in draft form, |
D. |
whereas the establishment, on the basis of self-determination, of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) represents an important instrument for regional integration, |
E. |
whereas the Cariforum States wanted the EPA negotiations to incorporate a clear development policy dimension with a view to combating increasing poverty and inequality, fostering social cohesion and achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), |
F. |
whereas over 60 % of the region's population is under 30 years of age, and whereas universal access to education is an unresolved problem for all Caribbean States, with the exception of Cuba, |
G. |
whereas the Belgian Government has made a positive assessment of the critical dialogue and development cooperation with the Cuban Government, |
H. |
whereas the programming phase for appropriations under the 10th European Development Fund has started, and whereas this aid should in future be disbursed more quickly and more efficiently and should be better tailored to the needs of the countries in the region, |
1. |
Applauds the involvement of the Cariforum Group in the discussions on the draft Commission Communication and welcomes the fact that the communication has taken account of most of the concerns raised by the States in the region; |
2. |
Welcomes the fact that the Commission has based its strategy on the ethos of equality, partnership and ownership; |
3. |
Regards Parliament's de facto marginalisation by means of a timetable which ruled out its involvement in the drafting of the cooperation strategy for the Caribbean as an exceptionally regrettable departure from the consensual approach employed by the three European institutions, an approach which had proved its worth in connection with the drafting of the Africa Strategy and the European Consensus on the European Union's development policy; |
4. |
Deplores the Commission's failure to take proper account of the recommendations made in its evaluation report; |
5. |
Endorses the Commission's analysis that cooperation between the two regions has not thus far been accompanied by proper political dialogue; regards as inadequate the practice of holding, once every two years, a one-hour meeting between the EU Troika and the Cariforum heads of government and welcomes the proposal that in future the requisite amount of time should be allocated to such a dialogue at all levels; |
6. |
Welcomes the planned involvement of the French overseas departments in the region (Guadeloupe, French Guinea and Martinique) and the Caribbean overseas countries and territories (OCTs) in the future political dialogue; in that connection, however, endorses the view expressed by the Caribbean States that the arrangements for this involvement must first be negotiated with those States which, in the context of the Cotonou Agreement (4), signed the agreement on the methodology for the political dialogue; |
7. |
Endorses the standpoint adopted by the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) that the definition of separate EU policies for the three ACP regions must on no account serve to undermine overall relations between the European Union and the ACP States; welcomes the establishment of an additional forum for political dialogue in the form of summits between the European Union and the States of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC States), but insists on the primacy of the arrangements made in the context of the Cotonou Agreement; |
8. |
Welcomes the intention stated in the Commission Communication of strengthening credible institutions and of encouraging good governance and transparency in the spheres of finance, taxation and justice in the Caribbean States; calls on all Caribbean States to ratify the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the UN Convention against Corruption; |
9. |
Endorses the Commission's intention of giving priority to supporting the newly-created CSME; reiterates its view that development objectives must form the focus of the EPA negotiations, that the fledgling Caribbean internal market needs adequate trade-related support and capacity-building and that trade liberalisation must be properly sequenced; |
10. |
Calls on the Commission to ensure that EPAs are structured in a way which takes into account regional realities and constraints, allowing for recourse to variable geometry if necessary; calls for any commitments undertaken within the framework of the EPA negotiations to be carefully sequenced with the delivery of EPA-related development support which targets the main areas of concern to the governments concerned, including economic restructuring to enhance competitiveness, fiscal adjustment and trade facilitation support; |
11. |
Draws attention once again to the very significant contribution made by income from customs duties to the budgets and investment capacities of some Caribbean States and concludes, on that basis, that measures leading to the loss of this income, which at present cannot be offset by means of taxation, should not be taken without adequate compensation being provided; stresses, however, that the growth of trade between Caribbean States and between developing countries in general could help to offset losses of tariff revenues and contribute to more stable sources of revenue; |
12. |
Endorses the Commission's assessment that the region's small, open economies are particularly vulnerable to global market forces; points out, however, that progressive trade liberalisation, with adequate safeguard mechanisms and allowing sufficient time for adjustment, promotes development and can therefore be a tool for combating poverty; |
13. |
Believes that trade-related capacity-building measures must address supply-side constraints, inter alia by supporting the processing of basic products and the diversification of production, stimulating consultations with and support for small and medium-sized enterprises, eliminating bureaucratic obstacles to investment and thus promoting business development in the region; |
14. |
Urges the Commission to implement Recommendation 7 of its own evaluation report, to take account of the principles underpinning the United Nations Small Island Developing States Network; and requests the Commission to publicly disseminate the study carried out on the impact of trade liberalisation and globalisation on the sustainable development of such States; |
15. |
Regards the compensation and adjustment programmes to cushion the impact of changes in the market for sugar and bananas as underfunded and, in the light of the recent demonstrations in the region, fears that social cohesion, a cooperation objective, may be seriously undermined; |
16. |
Calls on the Commission to develop programmes to encourage agricultural conversion with a view to safeguarding and creating, in a manner consistent with the objectives of social, food security, energy and environmental policies, acceptable jobs in farms currently run along conventional and uncompetitive lines; |
17. |
Calls for greater attention to be paid to the social, cultural and environmental implications of the cooperation strategy and for the development of systematic impact forecasting and assessment on the basis of the indicators provided by the MDGs; |
18. |
Welcomes the incorporation of important environmental-protection tasks in development cooperation with the Caribbean region and calls for massive funding to develop the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency with a view to forestalling the ruinous impact of the increase in oil prices and to slowing down climate change; |
19. |
Shares the Commission's concerns that, as a result of global climate change, the frequency and intensity of weather-related disasters in the region will increase even further and supports the objective of improved natural disaster management, but deplores the lack of any reference to the EU-ACP natural disaster facility established in 2005; calls on the Commission to support the permanent long-term establishment of such a facility; requests the Commission to provide regular follow-up on this process to the European Parliament's Committee on Development and to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly's Committee on Social Affairs and the Environment; draws attention to the vulnerability of the Caribbean States' economies to natural disasters and welcomes the Commission's announcement that it will employ new, quicker disbursement procedures for reconstruction aid which involve compulsory pre-financing; |
20. |
Criticises the fact that the strategy for the Caribbean pays far too little attention to the task of dealing with the problem of youth unemployment and the growing frustration among young people; is concerned that the impending crisis in the Caribbean farming industry will serve to exacerbate this situation; |
21. |
Emphasises the key role which the development of sustainable tourism can play as a force for economic development and advocates long-term financial support for the building of the requisite infrastructure (roads, ports, airports, etc.); draws attention, however, to the Commission's failure to acknowledge that regional and local ownership of tourist amenities is fundamental to that sustainability and must be encouraged in order to reduce the outflow of profits to ensure that local people are not forced into roles as menial workers and to prevent the ultimate destruction of landscapes; |
22. |
Welcomes the Commission's offer to keep the door open for political dialogue with Cuba; criticises, however, the tight restrictions imposed on any such dialogue on the basis of the 1996 Common Position; |
23. |
Points out that successful representations by the EU to the USA resulting in a lifting of the embargo policy could have substantial economic benefits for the entire region; in keeping with a policy based on respect for political, social, individual and economic human rights, urges the opening of a critical dialogue with the Cuban Government; |
24. |
Emphasises the importance of coordinating development programmes with non-European players in the region, in particular Canada, China, Brazil and Venezuela and, in that connection, regrets the fact that the Commission's portrayal of the involvement of other players is characterised by a degree of mistrust; |
25. |
Emphasises the heterogeneous nature of the region and calls for a more nuanced cooperation strategy; against that background, calls on the Commission to assess, for each individual Caribbean State, on the basis of, inter alia, its degree of transparency, strong and independent institutions and good governance, whether the focus on budgetary aid is a suitable method of achieving development objectives; |
26. |
Draws particular attention to Haiti's desperate plight and calls on the Commission and the Member States to develop a special programme for Haiti which goes beyond the scope of general cooperation with the Caribbean region and for which additional resources will be required; welcomes the generally satisfactory conduct of the presidential and parliamentary elections held in Haiti in February and April 2006; |
27. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States and the governments and parliaments of the Caribbean States. |
(2) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2006)0113.
(3) The Forum of the Caribbean States of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States.
(4) Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (OJ L 317, 15.12.2000, p. 3).
Healthcare workers and blood-borne infections due to needlestick injuries
European Parliament resolution with recommendations to the Commission on protecting European healthcare workers from blood-borne infections due to needlestick injuries (2006/2015(INI))
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to Article 192, second paragraph of the EC Treaty, |
— |
having regard to Rules 39, 45 and 168 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work (1), |
— |
having regard to Council Directive 89/655/EEC of 30 November 1989 concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work (2), |
— |
having regard to Directive 2000/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work (3), |
— |
having regard to the Commission communication on the practical implementation of the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Directives (COM(2004)0062), |
— |
having regard to the European Competitiveness Report 2004 (SEC(2004)1397), |
— |
having regard to the Commission communication on adapting to change in work and society: a new Community strategy on health and safety at work 2002-2006 (COM(2002)0118), |
— |
having regard to its resolution of 24 February 2005 on promoting health and safety at the workplace (4), |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (A6-0137/2006), |
— |
having regard to the second report of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (A6-0218/2006), |
A. |
whereas needlestick injuries may lead to the transmission of more than 20 life-threatening viruses, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV/Aids, and thus presents a serious public health problem, |
B. |
whereas the prevalence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV is increasing, and the United Nations programme to combat AIDS (UNAIDS) has reported that there are over 40 million cases of HIV and over five million cases of hepatitis C worldwide, |
C. |
whereas independent studies have shown that the majority of needlestick injuries can be prevented by better training, better working conditions, and the use of safer medical instruments, |
D. |
whereas existing EC legislation protecting health workers from needlestick injuries has proved ineffective in practice, |
E. |
whereas there is a serious shortage of healthcare staff, and studies in France and Great Britain have shown that one of the main reasons why the care profession is unattractive is because of the daily risks involved; and whereas the European Competitiveness Report 2004 recognised the increasing shortage of workers in the health sector as a matter of particular concern for the European Union, |
F. |
whereas the Commission has delivered consistently disappointing responses to Parliamentary Questions posed by various Members of the European Parliament, highlighting the need for urgent and concrete steps for the protection of healthcare workers, |
G. |
whereas the Commission should be reminded that such action would be in line with the initiative for better regulation, including the amendment of legislation that has proved ineffective, |
H. |
whereas concern regarding the life-threatening occupational risks faced by healthcare workers from contaminated needles has been brought to the attention of the Commission on several occasions, most recently in its resolution of 24 February 2005, which calls for a revision of Directive 2000/54/EC to address specifically the risk arising from work with needles and medical sharps, |
I. |
whereas there is no proposal within the meaning of Article 39(2) of its Rules of Procedure in preparation, more than 12 months following Parliament's request for legislative improvement, and whereas, during that time, about one million additional needlestick injuries are likely to have been suffered by healthcare workers in the EU, many of which could have been avoided; whereas some of these injuries will lead to infection with potentially fatal blood-borne viruses and many more will cause healthcare workers and their families months of anguish, while they do not know whether or not they have contracted a life-threatening infection, |
1. |
Requests the Commission to submit to Parliament within three months of the date of adoption of this resolution on the basis of Articles 137 and 251 of the Treaty, a legislative proposal for a directive amending Directive 2000/54/EC; |
2. |
Notes that the model effective in Germany to date, in combination with experience from Spain, could form the basis for a legislative proposal; |
3. |
Calls on the Commission to develop common EU standards for reporting and recording needlestick injuries; |
4. |
Confirms that the recommendations respect the principle of subsidiarity and the fundamental rights of citizens; |
5. |
Considers that the requested proposal will have no financial implications; |
6. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution and the accompanying detailed recommendations to the Commission and the Council. |
(1) OJ L 183, 29.6.1989, p. 1.
(2) OJ L 393, 30.12.1989, p. 13.
(3) OJ L 262, 17.10.2000, p. 21.
(4) OJ C 304 E, 1.12.2005, p. 400.
1.1 |
A needlestick injury to a healthcare worker occurs when the skin is accidentally punctured with a needle that may be contaminated with a patient's blood. Contaminated needles can transmit more than 20 dangerous blood-borne pathogens, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. The majority of these injuries are suffered by nurses and doctors, but other medical staff are also at significant risk, as are auxiliary staff such as cleaners and laundry staff and other downstream workers. |
1.2 |
Approximately 10 % of workers in the EU are employed in the health and welfare sector with a significant proportion of these employed in hospitals. This makes healthcare one of the biggest employment sectors in Europe. Work-related accident rates in the healthcare and social services sectors are 30 % higher than the EU average (1). High on the list of hazards are exposures to biological agents, especially HIV and the hepatitis B and C viruses. |
1.3 |
Percutaneous injury from hollow-bore blood-filled sharp objects is the primary route through which healthcare workers occupationally acquire blood-borne and potentially fatal diseases. It is estimated that there are 1 million needlestick injuries in Europe annually (2). |
1.4 |
High-risk procedures include blood collection, intravenous cannulation and percutaneously placed syringes. Small amounts of blood can result in potentially life-threatening infection. The risk of infection is dependent on various factors, such as the infection status of the patient, the virus load of the patient, the immune status of the staff member, the depth of the wound, the volume of blood transferred, the time between receiving and disinfecting the wound and the availability and use of post-exposure prophylaxis. |
1.5 |
The prevalence of these infections is considerably higher in the healthcare setting than in the general population (3). |
1.6 |
The risk of hepatitis B can be reduced by vaccination and, if administered rapidly, post-exposure prophylaxis can lower the risk of HIV transmission. For hepatitis C, however, such measures are not helpful. |
1.7 |
Studies have shown that the use of safer instruments can significantly reduce the number of needlestick injuries. Independently of this measure, regular training and organisational measures can also significantly lessen the number of needlestick injuries. Therefore, as well as the use of appliances with safety features, emphasis should be placed on organisational measures such as established working procedures, training and instruction of workers and raising awareness of risky activities (4). |
2.1 |
Directive 2000/54/EC (the seventh individual directive within the meaning of article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) contains provisions designed to protect workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work. The following provisions are particularly relevant in this context:
2.2 |
Council Directive 89/655/EEC concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work (second individual Directive within the meaning of article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) is also relevant. Article 3 imposes an obligation on the employer to:
In addition, Workers should receive information and training on the use of work equipment and any risks which such use may entail (Article 6 and 7). |
3.1 |
While the existing legislation should, in theory, address the risk of needlestick injuries, in practical terms, this has not been the case to date. The Commission communication on the practical implementation of the Health and Safety at Work Directives (COM(2004)0062) specifically refers to problems in the public sector, including hospitals. |
3.2 |
Guidelines, awareness campaigns and other non-legislative initiatives can only make a partial contribution; they should be used in addition to directives (5); |
3.3 |
The European Competitiveness Report 2004 acknowledges the escalating shortage of healthcare workers as a cause for concern throughout Europe. There are many reasons why healthcare may not be seen as an attractive career, but the occupational safety risks that are present in the workplace are certainly a contributing factor. |
4.1 |
Numerous independent studies have examined the short and long-term benefits of investment in safer working practices and medical devices to prevent needlestick injury and each of these has concluded that, overall, economic savings will be achieved (6). |
5.1 |
The following provisions should be inserted into Directive 2000/54/EC:
(1) See COM(2002)0118.
a) |
EPINet Data. Dee May RGN, DMS. Period of Study: July 2000 to June 2001. |
b) |
Surveillance of Occupational Exposures in Italy: the SIROH program, Gabriella De Carli, Vincent Puro, Vincenzo Puro, Giuseppe Ippolito, and the SIROH group, SIROH, 6 — 2002. |
c) |
EPINet Spain, 1996 — 2000. Hermandez — Navarette MJ, Arribas — Llorent JL, Campins Marti M, Garcia de Codes Ilario. |
d) |
Risk of Hepatitis C Virus Transmission following Percutaneous Exposure in Healthcare Workers, 2003 — G De Carli, V Puro, G Ippolito, and the Studio Italiano Rischio Occupazionale da HIV (SIROH) Group. |
a) |
(University of Wuppertal) Hofmann F, Kralj N, Beie M. Needle stick injuries in healthcare — frequency, causes and preventive strategies. Gesundheitswesen. 2002 May; 64(5): 259-66. |
b) |
Schroebler S., Infektionsrisiko durch Nadelstichverletzungen für Beschäftigte im Gesundheitsdienst, in Dokumentationsband über die 40. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin e.V., Rindt-Druck, Fulda 2000; fortgeführt und ergänzt, persönliche Mitteilung. |
a) |
Advances in Exposure Prevention; vol. 3, no. 4; Libourne study GERES day 09/2001. |
b) |
Mendelson MH, Chen LBY, Finkelstein LE, Bailey E, Kogan G. Evaluation of a Safety IV Catheter Using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Surveillance System for Hospital Healthcare Workers Database. In 4th Decennial International Conference on Nosicomial and Healthcare-Associated Infections 2000 (March 5-9). Atlanta, Georgia. |
c) |
Four-year surveillance from the Northern France network' American Journal of Infection Control. 2003 Oct;31(6):357-63. Tarantola A, Golliot F, Astagneau P, Fleury L, Brucker G, Bouvet E; CCLIN Paris-Nord Blood and Body Fluids (BBF) Exposure Surveillance Taskforce. |
d) |
Louis N, Vela G, Groupe Projet. Évaluation de l'efficacité d'une mesure de prevention des accidents d'exposition au sang au cours du prèlévement de sang veineux. Bulletin Épidémiologique Hebdomadaire 2002; 51 : 260-261. |
e) |
Younger B, Hunt EH, Robinson C, McLemore C. Impact of a Shielded Safety Syringe on Needlestick Injuries Among Healthcare Workers. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 1992; 13: 349-353. |
f) |
Abiteboul D, Lolom I, Lamontagne F, Tarantola A, Deschamps JM, Bouve Et, and the GERES group. GERES (Groupe d'étude sur le risque d'exposition des soignants aux agents infectieux). AES: Peut on se protéger ? Enquête multicentrique sur les AES des infimier(e)s de Médecine et réanimation. GERES Day, Hospital Bichat June 2002 Paris. |
(5) E.g. The TRBA 250 (Technical Requirements for Biological Agents) was published in Germany in October 2003, detailing specific recommendations to prevent medical sharps injuries, including the use of medical technology that incorporates needle protection. One of the aims of the TRBA 250 is to reduce infections from needlestick injuries. Therefore apart from the introduction of safer systems, it recommends alternative procedures for safer handling of cannula. The professional association rules for safety and health at work (BGR/TRBA 250) provide help for enterprises. If they keep to the techniques described here they can assume that they have complied with the requirements of the biological substances regulation (presumed effect, conformity effect). As the requirements are worded as technical rules, however, using terms such as “should”, rather than defining mandatory requirements, they have had little practical impact.
a) |
A. Wittmann, F. Hofmann, B. Neukirch, Ch. Thürmer, N. Kralj, S. Schroebler, K. Gasthaus; “Blood-borne viral infections: causes, risks and prevention strategies”, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, May 2005. |
b) |
US General Accounting Office, Impact assessment regarding Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act; Nov 17, 2000. |
c) |
Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Measure to Prevent Accidental Needlestick Injuries by Using Safety Needles for Venous Blood.Louis Nicole (1), Vela Gilles (2) and the Project Group Cellule d'Hygiène [Hygiene Unit], Centre Hospitalier 06401 — Cannes cedex Département d'Ergonomie [Department of Ergonomics], Centre Hospitalier Cannes. |
d) |
2004 Center for Disease Control Sharps Safety Workbook, USA — Cost of Needlestick Injuries. |
European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument ***I
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (COM(2004)0628 — C6-0129/2004 — 2004/0219(COD))
(Codecision procedure: first reading)
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal to the European Parliament and the Council (COM(2004)0628) (1), |
— |
having regard to Article 251(2) and Articles 179 and 181a of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C6-0129/2004), |
— |
having regard to the Declaration of the Commission on the Democratic Scrutiny and Coherence of External Actions annexed to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (2) and the related exchange of letters, |
— |
having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the opinions of the Committee on Regional Development, the Committee on Development, the Committee on International Trade, the Committee on Budgets, the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, the Committee on Culture and Education and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (A6-0164/2006), |
1. |
Points out that the appropriations indicated in the legislative proposal beyond 2006 are subject to the decision on the next multi-annual financial framework; |
2. |
Calls on the Commission, once the next financial framework is adopted, to present, if appropriate, a proposal to adjust the financial reference amount of the programme; |
3. |
Approves the Commission proposal as amended; |
4. |
Calls on the Commission to refer the matter to Parliament again if it intends to amend the proposal substantially or replace it with another text; |
5. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission. |
(1) Not yet published in OJ.
Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 6 July 2006 with a view to the adoption of Regulation (EC) No …/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 179 and 181a thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (1),
(1) |
A new framework for planning and delivering assistance is proposed in order to make the Community's external assistance more effective. This Regulation constitutes one of the general instruments providing direct support for the European Union's external policies. |
(2) |
The Copenhagen European Council of 12 and 13 December 2002 confirmed that enlargement of the European Union presents an important opportunity to take forward relations with neighbouring countries based on shared political and economic values, and that the European Union remains determined to avoid new dividing lines in Europe and to promote stability and prosperity within and beyond the new borders of the European Union. |
(3) |
The Brussels European Council of 17 and 18 June 2004 reiterated the importance it attached to strengthening cooperation with those neighbours, on the basis of partnership and joint ownership and building on shared values of democracy and respect for human rights. |
(4) |
The privileged relationship between the European Union and its neighbours should build on commitments to common values, including democracy, the rule of law, good governance and respect for human rights, and to the principles of market economy, open, rule-based and fair trade, sustainable development and poverty reduction. |
(5) |
It is important that Community assistance under this Regulation be provided in compliance with the international agreements and international conventions to which the Community, the Member States and the partner countries are parties and that it be delivered taking into account the general principles of international law commonly accepted by the parties. |
(6) |
In Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus, the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements provide the basis for contractual relations. In the Mediterranean, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (the “Barcelona Process”) provides a regional framework for cooperation which is complemented by a network of Association Agreements. |
(7) |
Under the European Neighbourhood Policy, a set of priorities are defined together by the European Union and the partner countries, to be incorporated in a series of jointly agreed Action Plans, covering a number of key areas for specific action, including political dialogue and reform, trade and economic reform, equitable social and economic development, justice and home affairs, energy, transport, information society, environment, research and innovation, the development of civil society and people-to-people contacts. Progress towards meeting these priorities will contribute to realising the full potential of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements and the Association Agreements. |
(8) |
In order to support the partner countries' commitment to common values and principles and their efforts in the implementation of the action plans, the Community should be in a position to provide assistance to those countries and to support various forms of cooperation among them and between them and the Member States with the aim of developing a zone of shared stability, security and prosperity involving a significant degree of economic integration and political cooperation. |
(9) |
Promotion of political, economic and social reforms across the neighbourhood is an important objective of Community assistance. In the Mediterranean this objective will be further pursued within the Mediterranean strand of the Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The relevant elements of the European Union strategy for Africa will be taken into account in the relations with the Mediterranean neighbours from North Africa. |
(10) |
It is important that support to be provided to neighbouring developing countries within the framework established by the European Neighbourhood Policy should be coherent with the objectives and principles of the European Community Development Policy, as outlined in the Joint Statement entitled “The European Consensus on Development” (2) adopted on 20 December 2005 by the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission. |
(11) |
The European Union and Russia have decided to develop their specific strategic partnership through the creation of four common spaces, and Community assistance will be used to support the development of this partnership and to promote cross-border cooperation at the border between Russia and its European Union neighbours. |
(12) |
The Northern Dimension provides a framework for cooperation between the European Union, Russia, Norway and Iceland and it is important that Community assistance be also used to support activities contributing to the implementation of such framework. The new objectives of this policy will be set out in a political declaration and a policy framework document to be prepared on the basis of the guidelines approved by the Northern Dimension Ministerial meeting of 21 November 2005. |
(13) |
For Mediterranean partners, assistance and cooperation should take place within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership established by the Barcelona Declaration of 28 November 1995 and affirmed at the 10th Anniversary Euro-Mediterranean Summit of 28 November 2005, and should take into account the agreement reached in that context on establishing a free-trade area for goods by 2010 and beginning a process of asymmetric liberalisation. |
(14) |
It is important to foster cooperation both at the European Union external border and among partner countries, especially those among them that are geographically close to each other. |
(15) |
In order to avoid the creation of new dividing lines, it is particularly important to remove obstacles to effective cross-border cooperation along the external borders of the European Union. Cross-border cooperation should contribute to integrated and sustainable regional development between neighbouring border regions and harmonious territorial integration across the Community and with neighbouring countries. This aim can best be achieved by combining external policy objectives with environmentally sustainable economic and social cohesion. |
(16) |
In order to assist neighbouring partner countries in achieving their objectives, and to promote cooperation between them and Member States, it is desirable to establish a single policy-driven instrument which will replace a number of existing instruments, ensuring coherence and simplifying assistance programming and management. |
(17) |
This Instrument should also support cross-border cooperation between partner countries and the Member States bringing substantial efficiency gains operating through a single management mechanism and with a single set of procedures. It should build on the experience acquired from the implementation of the Neighbourhood Programmes in the period 2004-2006 and operate on the basis of principles such as multi-annual programming, partnership and cofinancing. |
(18) |
It is important that border regions which belong to countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) and which are currently taking part in cross-border cooperation involving Member States and partner countries may continue to do so on the basis of their own resources. |
(19) |
This Regulation establishes for the period 2007-2013 a financial envelope which constitutes the prime reference amount for the budgetary authority according to point 37 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (3). |
(20) |
The measures necessary for the implementation of this Regulation should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (4). |
(21) |
The use of the management procedure should be applicable when defining the implementing rules which will govern the implementation of cross-border cooperation and when adopting strategy papers, action programmes and special measures not provided for in strategy papers whose value exceeds the threshold of 10 000 000Euro. |
(22) |
Since the objectives of this Regulation, namely to promote enhanced cooperation and progressive economic integration between the European Union and neighbouring countries, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can, by reason of the scale of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives. |
(23) |
This Regulation makes it necessary to repeal Council Regulations (EEC) No 1762/92 of 29 June 1992 on the implementation of the Protocols on financial and technical cooperation concluded by the Community with Mediterranean non-member countries (5), (EC) No 1734/94 of 11 July 1994 on financial and technical cooperation with the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (6) and (EC) No 1488/96 of 23 July 1996 on financial and technical measures to accompany (MEDA) the reform of economic and social structures in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership (7). Equally, this Regulation will replace Council Regulation(EC, Euratom) No 99/2000 of 29 December 1999 concerning the provision of assistance to the partner States in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (8), which expires on 31 December 2006, |
Article 1
Subject matter and scope
1. This Regulation establishes a Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument to provide Community assistance for the development of an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness involving the European Union, and the countries and territories listed in the Annex (hereinafter “partner countries”).
2. Community assistance shall be used for the benefit of partner countries. Community assistance may be used for the common benefit of Member States and partner countries and their regions, for the purpose of promoting cross-border and trans-regional cooperation as defined in Article 6.
3. The European Union is founded on the values of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law and seeks to promote commitment to these values in partner countries through dialogue and cooperation.
Article 2
Scope of Community assistance
1. Community assistance shall promote enhanced cooperation and progressive economic integration between the European Union and the partner countries and, in particular, the implementation of partnership and cooperation agreements, association agreements or other existing and future agreements. It shall also encourage partner countries' efforts aimed at promoting good governance and equitable social and economic development.
2. Community assistance shall be used to support measures within the following areas of cooperation:
a) |
promoting political dialogue and reform; |
b) |
promoting legislative and regulatory approximation towards higher standards in all relevant areas and in particular to encourage the progressive participation of partner countries in the internal market and the intensification of trade; |
c) |
strengthening national institutions and bodies responsible for the elaboration and the effective implementation of policies in areas covered in association agreements, partnership and cooperation agreements, and other multilateral agreements to which the Community and/or its Member States and partner countries are parties, whose purpose is the achievement of objectives as defined in this Article; |
d) |
promoting the rule of law and good governance, including strengthening the effectiveness of public administration and the impartiality and effectiveness of the judiciary, and supporting the fight against corruption and fraud; |
e) |
promoting sustainable development in all aspects; |
f) |
pursuing regional and local development efforts, in both rural and urban areas, in order to reduce imbalances and improve regional and local development capacity; |
g) |
promoting environmental protection, nature conservation and sustainable management of natural resources including fresh water and marine resources; |
h) |
supporting policies aimed at poverty reduction, to help achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals; |
i) |
supporting policies to promote social development, social inclusion, gender equality, non-discrimination, employment and social protection including protection of migrant workers, social dialogues, and respect for trade union rights and core labour standards, including on child labour; |
j) |
supporting policies to promote health, education and training, including not only measures to combat the major communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases and disorders, but also access to services and education for good health, including reproductive and infant health for girls and women; |
k) |
promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, including women's rights and children's rights; |
l) |
supporting democratisation, inter alia by enhancing the role of civil society organisations and promoting media pluralism, as well as through electoral observation and assistance; |
m) |
fostering the development of civil society and of non-governmental organisations; |
n) |
promoting the development of a market economy, including measures to support the private sector and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, to encourage investment and to promote global trade; |
o) |
promoting cooperation in the sectors of energy, telecommunication and transport, including on interconnections, networks and their operations, enhancing the security and safety of international transport and energy operations and promoting renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and clean transport; |
p) |
providing support for actions aimed at increasing food safety for citizens, in particular in the sanitary and phytosanitary domains; |
q) |
ensuring efficient and secure border management; |
r) |
supporting reform and strengthening capacity in the field of justice and home affairs, including issues such as asylum, migration and readmission, and the fight against, and prevention of trafficking in human beings as well as terrorism and organised crime, including its financing, money laundering and tax fraud; |
s) |
supporting administrative cooperation to improve transparency and the exchange of information in the area of taxation in order to combat tax avoidance and evasion; |
t) |
promoting participation in Community research and innovation activities; |
u) |
promoting cooperation between the Member States and partner countries in higher education and mobility of teachers, researchers and students; |
v) |
promoting multicultural dialogue, people-to-people contacts, including links with communities of immigrants living in Member States, cooperation between civil societies, cultural institutions and exchanges of young people; |
w) |
supporting cooperation aimed at protecting historical and cultural heritage and promoting its development potential, including through tourism; |
x) |
supporting participation of partner countries in Community programmes and agencies; |
y) |
supporting cross-border cooperation through joint local initiatives to promote sustainable economic, social and environmental development in border regions and integrated territorial development across the Community's external border; |
z) |
promoting regional and sub-regional cooperation and integration, including, where appropriate, with countries not eligible for Community assistance under this Regulation; |
aa) |
providing support in post-crisis situations, including support to refugees and displaced persons, and assisting in disaster preparedness; |
bb) |
encouraging communication and promoting exchange among the partners on the measures and activities financed under the programmes; |
cc) |
addressing common thematic challenges in fields of mutual concern and any other objectives consistent with the scope of this Regulation. |
Article 3
Policy framework
1. The partnership and cooperation agreements, the association agreements and other existing or future agreements which establish a relationship with partner countries, and the relevant Commission communications and Council conclusions laying down guidelines for European Union policy towards these countries, shall provide an overall policy framework for the programming of Community assistance under this Regulation. Jointly agreed action plans or other equivalent documents shall provide a key point of reference for setting Community assistance priorities.
2. Where no agreements, as mentioned in paragraph 1, between the European Union and partner countries exist, Community assistance may be provided when it proves useful to pursue European Union policy objectives, and shall be programmed on the basis of such objectives.
Article 4
Complementarity, partnership and cofinancing
1. Community assistance under this Regulation shall normally complement or contribute to corresponding national, regional or local strategies and measures.
2. Community assistance under this Regulation shall normally be established in partnership between the Commission and the beneficiaries. The partnership shall involve, as appropriate, national, regional and local authorities, economic and social partners, civil society and other relevant bodies.
3. The beneficiary countries shall involve, as appropriate, the relevant partners at the appropriate territorial level, in particular at regional and local level, in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of programmes and projects.
4. Community assistance under this Regulation shall normally be co-financed by the beneficiary countries through public funds, contributions from the beneficiaries or other sources. Co-financing requirements may be waived in duly justified cases and when this is necessary to support the development of civil society and non-state actors for measures aimed at promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms and supporting democratisation.
Article 5
Coherence, compatibility and coordination
1. Programmes and projects financed under this Regulation shall be consistent with European Union policies. They shall comply with the agreements concluded by the Community and its Member States with the partner countries and respect commitments under multilateral agreements and international conventions to which they are parties, including commitments on human rights, democracy and good governance.
2. The Commission and the Member States shall ensure coherence between Community assistance provided under this Regulation and financial assistance provided by the Community and the Member States through other internal and external financial instruments and by the European Investment Bank (EIB).
3. The Commission and the Member States shall ensure coordination of their respective assistance programmes with the aim of increasing effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of assistance in line with the established guidelines for strengthening operational coordination in the field of external assistance, and for the harmonisation of policies and procedures. Coordination shall involve regular consultations and frequent exchanges of relevant information during the different phases of the assistance cycle, in particular at field level, and shall constitute a key step in the programming processes of the Member States and the Community.
4. The Commission shall, in liaison with the Member States, take the necessary steps to ensure proper coordination and cooperation with multilateral and regional organisations and entities, such as international financial institutions, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, and non-European Union donors.
Article 6
Type of programmes
1. Community assistance under this Regulation shall be implemented through:
a) |
country, multi-country and cross-border strategy papers and multi-annual indicative programmes referred to in Article 7, covering:
b) |
joint operational programmes for cross-border cooperation referred to in Article 9, annual action programmes referred to in Article 12 and special measures referred to in Article 13. |
2. Multi-country programmes may include trans-regional cooperation measures. For the purposes of this Regulation, trans-regional cooperation shall mean cooperation between Member States and partner countries, addressing common challenges, intended for their common benefit, and taking place anywhere in the territory of the Member States and of partner countries.
Article 7
Programming and allocation of funds
1. For country or multi-country programmes, strategy papers shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 26(2). Strategy papers shall reflect the policy framework and the action plans referred to in Article 3 and be consistent with the principles and modalities laid down in Articles 4 and 5. Strategy papers shall be established for a period compatible with the priorities set in the policy framework and shall contain multi-annual indicative programmes including indicative multi-annual financial allocations and priority objectives for each country or region consistent with those listed in Article 2(2). They shall be reviewed at mid-term or whenever necessary and may be revised in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 26(2).
2. In establishing country or multi-country programmes, the Commission shall determine the allocations for each programme, using transparent and objective criteria and taking into account the specific characteristics and needs of the country or the region concerned, the level of ambition of the European Union's partnership with a given country, progress towards implementing agreed objectives, including on governance and on reform, and the capacity of managing and absorbing Community assistance.
3. For the sole purpose of cross-border cooperation, in order to establish the list of joint operational programmes referred to in Article 9(1), the indicative multi-annual allocations and the territorial units eligible to participate in each programme, one or, if necessary, more strategy papers shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 26(2). Such strategy papers shall be drawn up taking into account the principles and modalities laid down in Articles 4 and 5 and shall, in principle, cover a period of up to seven years from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.
4. The Commission shall determine the allocation of funds to the cross-border cooperation programmes, taking into account objective criteria, such as the population of the eligible areas and other factors affecting the intensity of cooperation, including the specific characteristics of the border areas and the capacity for managing and absorbing Community assistance.
5. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) shall contribute to cross-border cooperation programmes established and implemented under the provisions of this Regulation. The amount of the contribution from the ERDF for borders with partner countries is set out in the relevant provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund (9).
6. In the event of crises or threats to democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, or of natural or man-made disasters, an emergency procedure may be used to conduct an ad hoc review of strategy papers. This review shall ensure coherence between Community assistance provided under this Regulation and assistance provided under other Community financial instruments, including Regulation (EC) No …/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of … establishing an Instrument for Stability (10) (11).
Article 8
Geographical eligibility
1. The cross-border cooperation programmes referred to in Article 6(1)(a)(ii) may cover all of the following border regions:
a) |
all territorial units corresponding to NUTS level 3 or equivalent along the land borders between Member States and partner countries; |
b) |
all territorial units corresponding to NUTS level 3 or equivalent along sea crossings of significant importance; |
c) |
all coastal territorial units corresponding to NUTS level 2 or equivalent facing a sea basin common to Member States and partner countries. |
2. In order to ensure the continuation of existing cooperation and in other justified cases, territorial units adjoining those referred to in paragraph 1 may be allowed to participate in cross-border cooperation programmes under the conditions laid down in the strategy papers referred to in Article 7(3).
3. When programmes are established pursuant to paragraph (1)(b), the Commission may, in agreement with the partners, propose that participation in cooperation be extended to the whole NUTS level 2 territorial unit in whose area the NUTS level 3 territorial unit is located.
4. The list of sea crossings of significant importance shall be defined by the Commission in the strategy papers referred to in Article 7(3) on the basis of distance and other relevant geographical and economic criteria.
Article 9
1. Cross-border cooperation under this Regulation shall be carried out in the framework of multi-annual programmes covering cooperation for a border or a group of borders and comprising multi-annual measures which pursue a consistent set of priorities and which may be implemented with the support of Community assistance (hereinafter “joint operational programmes”). The joint operational programmes shall be based on the strategy papers referred to in Article 7(3).
2. Joint operational programmes for land borders and sea crossings of significant importance shall be established for each border at the appropriate territorial level and include eligible territorial units belonging to one or more Member States and one or more partner countries.
3. Joint operational programmes for sea basins shall be multilateral and include eligible territorial units facing a common sea basin belonging to several participating countries, including at least one Member State and one partner country, taking into account the institutional systems and the principle of partnership. They may include bilateral activities supporting cooperation between one Member State and one partner country. These programmes shall be closely coordinated with trans-national cooperation programmes having a partially overlapping geographical coverage and having been established in the European Union pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006.
4. Joint operational programmes shall be established by the Member States and partner countries concerned at the appropriate territorial level, in accordance with their institutional system and taking into account the principle of partnership referred to in Article 4. They shall normally cover a period of 7 years running from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.
5. Countries, other than the participating countries, which face a common sea basin where a joint operational programme is being established may be associated with that joint operational programme and benefit from Community assistance under the conditions determined in the implementing rules referred to in Article 11.
6. Within one year of the approval of the strategy papers referred to in Article 7(3), the participating countries shall jointly submit proposals for joint operational programmes to the Commission. The Commission shall adopt each joint operational programme after assessing its consistency with this Regulation and the implementing rules.
7. Joint operational programmes may be revised at the initiative of the participating countries, participating border regions or the Commission to take into account changes in cooperation priorities, socio-economic developments, the results observed from implementation of the measures concerned and from the monitoring and evaluation process, and the need to adjust the amounts of aid available and reallocate resources.
8. Following the adoption of the joint operational programmes, the Commission shall conclude a financing agreement with the partner countries in accordance with the relevant provisions of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (12). The financing agreement shall include the legal provisions necessary for the implementation of the joint operational programme and should also be signed by the joint managing authority referred to in Article 10.
9. Participating countries shall, taking into account the principle of partnership, jointly select those actions consistent with the priorities and measures of the joint operational programme that will receive Community assistance.
10. In specific and duly justified cases, where:
a) |
a joint operational programme cannot be established owing to problems arising in relations between participating countries or between the European Union and a partner country, |
b) |
by 30 June 2010, at the latest, the participating countries have not yet submitted to the Commission a joint operational programme, |
c) |
the partner country does not sign the financing agreement by the end of the year following the adoption of the programme, |
d) |
the joint operational programme cannot be implemented owing to problems arising in relations between participating countries, |
the Commission, following consultations with the Member State(s) concerned, shall take the necessary steps to allow the Member State concerned to use the ERDF contribution to the programme pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006.
Article 10
Management of programmes
1. Joint operational programmes shall, in principle, be implemented through shared management by a joint managing authority located in a Member State. The joint managing authority may be assisted by a joint technical secretariat.
2. The participating countries may propose to the Commission that the joint managing authority should be located in a partner country, provided that the designated body is in a position to apply in full the criteria laid down in the relevant provisions of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002.
3. For the purpose of this Regulation “joint managing authority” shall mean any public or private authority or body, including the state itself, at national, regional or local level, designated jointly by the Member State or States and the partner country or countries covered by a joint operational programme, having the financial and administrative capacity to manage Community assistance and having the legal capacity to conclude the agreements necessary for the purpose of this Regulation.
4. The joint managing authority shall be responsible for managing and implementing the joint operational programme in accordance with the principle of sound technical and financial management, and for ensuring the legality and regularity of its operations. To this end, it shall put in place appropriate management, control and accounting systems and standards.
5. The management and control system of a joint operational programme shall provide for proper separation of the management, certification and audit functions, either through a proper segregation of duties within the managing authority or through the designation of separate bodies for certification and audit.
6. In order to allow the joint operational programmes to prepare adequately for implementation, after the adoption of the joint operational programme and before the signature of the financing agreement, the Commission may allow the joint managing authority to use part of the programme budget to start financing programme activities such as the incurring of operational costs of the managing authority, technical assistance and other preparatory actions. The detailed modalities of such a preparatory phase shall be included in the implementing rules referred to in Article 11.
Article 11
Implementing rules
1. Implementing rules laying down specific provisions for the implementation of this Title shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 26(2).
2. Matters covered by the implementing rules shall include issues such as the rate of cofinancing, preparation of joint operational programmes, the designation and functions of the joint authorities, the role and function of the monitoring and selection committees and of the joint secretariat, eligibility of expenditure, joint project selection, the preparatory phase, technical and financial management of Community assistance, financial control and audit, monitoring and evaluation, visibility and information activities for potential beneficiaries.
Article 12
Adoption of action programmes
1. Action programmes, drawn up on the basis of the strategy papers referred to in Article 7(1), shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 26(2), normally on an annual basis.
Exceptionally, for instance where an action programme has not yet been adopted, the Commission may, on the basis of the strategy papers and multi-annual indicative programmes referred to in Article 7, adopt measures not provided for in an action programme under the same rules and procedures as apply to action programmes.
2. Action programmes shall specify the objectives pursued, the fields of intervention, the expected results, the management procedures and the total amount of financing planned. They shall take into account the lessons learned from past implementation of Community assistance. They shall contain a description of the operations to be financed, an indication of the amounts allocated for each operation and an indicative implementation timetable. They shall include a definition of the type of performance indicators that shall have to be monitored when implementing the measures financed under the programmes.
3. For cross-border cooperation, the Commission shall adopt joint programmes in accordance with the procedures referred to in Article 9.
4. The Commission shall present action programmes and joint cross-border cooperation programmes to the European Parliament and the Member States for their information within one month of their adoption.
Article 13
Adoption of special measures not provided for in the strategy papers or multi-annual indicative programmes
1. In the event of unforeseen and duly justified needs or circumstances, the Commission shall adopt special measures not provided for in the strategy papers or multi-annual indicative programmes (hereinafter “special measures”).
Special measures may also be used to fund activities to ease the transition from emergency aid to long-term development activities, including activities intended to ensure that the public is better prepared to deal with recurring crises.
2. Where the cost of such measures exceeds 10 000 000Euro, the Commission shall adopt them in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 26(2).
The procedure referred to in Article 26(2) need not be used for amendments to special measures such as those making technical adjustments, extending the implementation period, reallocating appropriations within the forecast budget, or increasing the size of the budget by less than 20 % of the initial budget, provided these amendments do not affect the initial objectives set out in the Commission decision.
3. Special measures shall specify the objectives pursued, the areas of activity, the expected results, the management procedures used and the total amount of financing planned. They shall contain a description of the operations to be financed, an indication of the amounts allocated for each operation and an indicative implementation timetable. They shall include a definition of the type of performance indicators that will have to be monitored when implementing the special measures.
4. The Commission shall send special measures the value of which does not exceed 10 000 000Euro to the European Parliament and the Member States for their information within one month of adopting its decision.
Article 14
1. The following shall be eligible for funding under this Regulation for the purposes of implementing action programmes, joint cross-border cooperation programmes and special measures:
a) |
partner countries and regions and their institutions; |
b) |
decentralised bodies in the partner countries, such as regions, departments, provinces and municipalities; |
c) |
joint bodies set up by the partner countries and regions and the Community; |
d) |
international organisations, including regional organisations, UN bodies, departments and missions, international financial institutions and development banks, in so far as they contribute to the objectives of this Regulation; |
e) |
Community institutions and bodies, but only for the purposes of implementing support measures of the type referred to in Article 16; |
f) |
European Union agencies; |
g) |
the following entities and bodies of the Member States, partner countries and regions and any other third country complying with the rules on access to the Community's external assistance referred to in Article 21, in so far as they contribute to the objectives of this Regulation:
h) |
the following non-State actors:
2. When essential to achieve the objectives of this Regulation, Community assistance may be granted to bodies or actors which are not explicitly referred to in this Article.
Article 15
Types of measures
1. Community assistance shall be used to finance programmes, projects and any type of measure contributing to the objectives of this Regulation.
2. Community assistance may also be used:
a) |
to finance technical assistance and targeted administrative measures, including those cooperation measures involving public-sector experts dispatched from the Member States and their regional and local authorities involved in the programme; |
b) |
to finance investments and investment-related activities; |
c) |
for contributions to the EIB or other financial intermediaries, in accordance with Article 23, for loan financing, equity investments, guarantee funds or investment funds; |
d) |
for debt relief programmes in exceptional cases, under an internationally agreed debt relief programme; |
e) |
for sectoral or general budget support if the partner country's management of public spending is sufficiently transparent, reliable and effective, and where it has put in place properly formulated sectoral or macroeconomic policies approved by its principal donors, including, where relevant, the international financial institutions; |
f) |
to provide interest-rate subsidies, in particular for environmental loans; |
g) |
to provide insurance against non-commercial risks; |
h) |
to contribute to a fund established by the Community, its Member States, international and regional organisations, other donors or partner countries; |
i) |
to contribute to the capital of international financial institutions or the regional development banks; |
j) |
to finance the costs necessary for the effective administration and supervision of projects and programmes by the countries benefiting from Community assistance; |
k) |
to finance microprojects; |
l) |
for food security measures. |
3. In principle, Community assistance shall not be used to finance taxes, customs duties and other fiscal charges.
Article 16
Support measures
1. Community financing may also cover expenditure associated with the preparation, follow-up, monitoring, auditing and evaluation activities directly necessary for the implementation of this Regulation and for the achievement of its objectives, e.g. studies, meetings, information, awareness-raising, publication and training activities, including training and educational measures for partners enabling them to take part in the various stages of the programme, expenditure associated with computer networks for the exchange of information and any other administrative or technical assistance expenditure that the Commission may incur for the management of the programme. It shall also cover expenditure at Commission Delegations on the administrative support needed to manage operations financed under this Regulation.
2. These support measures are not necessarily covered by multi-annual programming and may therefore be financed outside the scope of strategy papers and multi-annual indicative programmes. However, they may also be financed under multi-annual indicative programmes. The Commission shall adopt support measures not covered by multi-annual indicative programmes in accordance with Article 13.
Article 17
1. Measures financed under this Regulation shall be eligible for cofinancing from the following, inter alia:
a) |
Member States, their regional and local authorities and their public and parastatal agencies; |
b) |
EEA countries, Switzerland and other donor countries, and in particular their public and parastatal agencies; |
c) |
international organisations, including regional organisations, and in particular international and regional financial institutions; |
d) |
companies, firms, other private organisations and businesses, and other non-state actors; |
e) |
partner countries and regions in receipt of funding. |
2. In the case of parallel cofinancing, the project or programme is split into a number of clearly identifiable sub-projects which are each financed by the different partners providing cofinancing in such a way that the end-use of the financing can always be identified. In the case of joint cofinancing, the total cost of the project or programme is shared between the partners providing the cofinancing, and resources are pooled in such a way that it is not possible to identify the source of funding for any given activity undertaken as part of the project or programme.
3. In the case of joint cofinancing, the Commission may receive and manage funds on behalf of the bodies referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) and (c) for the purpose of implementing joint measures. Such funds shall be treated as assigned revenue, in accordance with Article 18 of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002.
Article 18
Management procedures
1. The Commission shall implement operations under this Regulation in accordance with Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002.
2. The Commission may entrust tasks of public authority, and in particular budget implementation tasks, to the bodies indicated in Article 54(2)(c) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 if they are of recognised international standing, comply with internationally recognised systems of management and control and are supervised by a public authority.
3. The Commission may conclude framework agreements with partner countries which shall provide for all measures necessary to ensure the effective implementation of Community assistance and protection of the Community's financial interests.
4. In the case of decentralised management, the Commission may decide to use the procurement or grant procedures of the beneficiary partner country or region, provided that:
a) |
the procedures of the beneficiary partner country or region satisfy the principles of transparency, proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination and prevent any conflict of interests; |
b) |
the beneficiary partner country or region undertakes to check regularly that the operations financed by the Community budget have been properly implemented, to take appropriate measures to prevent irregularities and fraud, and, if necessary, to take legal action to recover unduly paid funds. |
Article 19
Budget commitments
1 Budget commitments shall be made on the basis of decisions taken by the Commission in accordance with Articles 9(6), 12(1), 13(1) and 16(2).
2. Budget commitments for measures extending over a number of financial years may be split into annual instalments, spread over a number of years.
3. Community financing may take one of the following legal forms, inter alia: financing agreements, grant contracts, procurement contracts, employment contracts.
Article 20
Protecting the Community's financial interests
1. Any agreements resulting from this Regulation shall contain provisions ensuring the protection of the Community's financial interests, in particular with respect to irregularities, fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity, in accordance with Council Regulations (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 of 18 December 1995 on the protection of the European Communities financial interests (13), and (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities (14) and Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) (15).
2. Agreements shall expressly entitle the Commission and the Court of Auditors to perform audits, including document audits or an on-the-spot audit of any contractor or subcontractor who has received Community funds. They shall also expressly authorise the Commission to carry out on-the-spot checks and inspections, as provided for in Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96.
3. All contracts resulting from the implementation of Community assistance shall ensure the rights of the Commission and the Court of Auditors under paragraph 2 during and after the performance of the contracts.
Article 21
Participation in tenders and contracts
1. Participation in the award of procurement or grant contracts financed under this Regulation shall be open to all natural persons who are nationals of, and legal persons established in, a Member State of the Community, a country that is a beneficiary of this Regulation, a country that is a beneficiary of an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance set up by Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) (16) or a Member State of the EEA.
2. The Commission may, in duly substantiated cases, authorise the participation of natural persons who are nationals of, and legal persons established in, a country having traditional economic, trade or geographical links with neighbouring countries, and the use of supplies and materials of different origin.
3. Participation in the award of procurement or grant contracts financed under this Regulation shall also be open to all natural persons who are nationals of, or legal persons established in, any country other than those referred to in paragraph 1, whenever reciprocal access to their external assistance has been established. Reciprocal access shall be granted whenever a country grants eligibility on equal terms to the Member States and to the recipient country concerned.
Reciprocal access to the Community's external assistance shall be established by means of a specific decision concerning a given country or a given regional group of countries. Such a decision shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 26(2) and shall be in force for a minimum period of one year.
The granting of reciprocal access to the Community's external assistance shall be based on a comparison between the Community and other donors and shall proceed at sectoral or entire country level, whether it be a donor or a recipient country. The decision to grant this reciprocity to a donor country shall be based on the transparency, consistency and proportionality of the aid provided by that donor, including its qualitative and quantitative nature. The beneficiary countries shall be consulted in the process described in this paragraph.
4. Participation in the award of procurement or grant contracts financed under this Regulation shall be open to international organisations.
5. Experts proposed in the context of procedures for the award of contracts need not comply with the nationality rules set out above.
6. All supplies and materials purchased under contracts financed under this Regulation shall originate in the Community or a country eligible under this Article. The term “origin” for the purpose of this Regulation is defined in the relevant Community legislation on rules of origin for customs purposes.
7. The Commission may, in duly substantiated exceptional cases, authorise the participation of natural persons who are nationals of, and legal persons established in, countries other than those referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, or the purchase of supplies and materials of different origin from that set out in paragraph 6. Derogations may be justified on the basis of the unavailability of products and services in the markets of the countries concerned, for reasons of extreme urgency, or if the eligibility rules were to make the realisation of a project, a programme or an action impossible or exceedingly difficult.
8. Whenever Community funding covers an operation implemented through an international organisation, participation in the appropriate contractual procedures shall be open to all natural or legal persons who are eligible pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 as well as to all natural or legal persons who are eligible pursuant to the rules of that organisation, care being taken to ensure that equal treatment is afforded to all donors. The same rules shall apply in respect of supplies, materials and experts.
Whenever Community funding covers an operation co-financed with a Member State, with a third country, subject to reciprocity as defined in paragraph 3, or with a regional organisation, participation in the appropriate contractual procedures shall be open to all natural or legal persons who are eligible pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 as well as to all natural or legal persons who are eligible under the rules of such Member State, third country or regional organisation. The same rules shall apply in respect of supplies, materials and experts.
9. Where Community assistance under this Regulation is managed by a joint managing authority, as referred to in Article 10, the procurement rules shall be those laid down in the implementing rules referred to in Article 11.
10. Tenderers who have been awarded contracts under this Regulation shall respect core labour standards as defined in the relevant International Labour Organization conventions.
11. Paragraphs 1 to 10 shall be without prejudice to the participation of categories of eligible organisations by nature or by localisation in regard to the objectives of the action.
Article 22
Interest generated by prefinancing payments to beneficiaries shall be deducted from the final payment.
Article 23
Funds made available to the EIB or other financial intermediaries
1. The funds referred to in Article 15(2)(c) shall be managed by financial intermediaries, by the EIB or any other bank or organisation capable of managing them.
2. The Commission shall adopt implementing provisions for paragraph 1 on a case-by-case basis to cover risk-sharing, the remuneration of the intermediary responsible for implementation, the use and recovery of profits on funds, and the closure of the operation.
Article 24
1. The Commission shall regularly evaluate the results of geographical and cross-border policies and programmes and of sectoral policies and the effectiveness of programming in order to ascertain whether the objectives have been met and enable it to formulate recommendations with a view to improving future operations.
2. The Commission shall send significant evaluation reports to the committee referred to in Article 26 for discussion. These reports and discussions shall feed back into programme design and resource allocation.
Article 25
Annual report
The Commission shall examine the progress made on implementing the measures taken under this Regulation and shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council an annual report on the implementation of Community assistance. This report shall also be submitted to the European Economic and Social Committee and to the Committee of the Regions. It shall contain information relating to the previous year on the measures financed, the results of monitoring and evaluation exercises, and the implementation of budget commitments and payments broken down by country, region and cooperation sector.
Article 26
1. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.
2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply.
The period laid down in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at 30 days.
3. The committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.
4. An observer from the EIB shall take part in the committee's proceedings with regard to questions concerning the EIB.
5. In order to facilitate the dialogue with the European Parliament, the Commission shall regularly inform the European Parliament of the committee proceedings and provide the relevant documents including agenda, draft measures and summary records of the meetings in accordance with Article 7(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC.
Article 27
Participation by a third country not listed in the Annex
1. To ensure the coherence and effectiveness of Community assistance, the Commission may decide, when adopting action programmes of the type referred to in Article 12 or the special measures referred to in Article 13, that countries, territories and regions eligible for assistance under other Community external assistance instruments and the European Development Fund are eligible for measures under this Regulation where the project or programme implemented is of a global, regional or cross-border nature.
2. Provision may be made for this method of financing possibility in the strategy papers referred to in Article 7.
3. The provisions of Article 14 concerning eligibility and the provisions of Article 21 concerning participation in procurement procedures shall be adapted to allow the countries, territories or regions concerned to take part.
4. In the case of programmes financed under the provisions of different Community external assistance instruments, participation in procurement procedures may be open to all natural and legal persons of the countries eligible under the different instruments.
Article 28
Suspension of Community assistance
1. Without prejudice to the provisions on the suspension of aid in partnership and cooperation agreements and association agreements with partner countries and regions, where a partner country fails to observe the principles referred to in Article 1, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, may take appropriate steps in respect of any Community assistance granted to the partner country under this Regulation.
2. In such cases, Community assistance shall primarily be used to support non-state actors for measures aimed at promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms and supporting the democratisation process in partner countries.
Article 29
Financial envelope
1. The financial envelope for implementation of this Regulation over the period 2007-2013 shall be 11 181 000 000Euro broken down as follows:
a) |
a minimum of 95 per cent of the financial envelope shall be allocated to the country and multi-country programmes referred to in Article 6(1)(a)(i); |
b) |
up to 5 per cent of the financial envelope shall be allocated to the cross-border cooperation programmes referred to in Article 6(1)(a)(ii). |
2. Annual appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial framework.
Article 30
The Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council by 31 December 2010 a report evaluating the implementation of this Regulation in the first three years with, if appropriate, a legislative proposal introducing the necessary modifications to it, including to the financial breakdown referred to in Article 29(1).
Article 31
1. As from 1 January 2007, Council Regulations (EEC) No 1762/92, (EC) No 1734/94 and (EC) No 1488/96 shall be repealed.
2. The repealed Regulations shall continue to apply for legal acts and commitments of pre-2007 budget years.
Article 32
Entry into force
This Regulation shall enter into force twenty days after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at …, …
For the European Parliament
The President
For the Council
The President
(1) Position of the European Parliament of 6 July 2006.
(3) OJ C 139, 14.6.2006, p. 1.
(4) OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23. Decision as amended by Decision 2006/512/EC (OJ L 200, 22.7.2006, p. 11).
(5) OJ L 181, 1.7.1992, p. 1. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 2112/2005 (OJ L 344, 27.12.2005, p. 23).
(6) OJ L 182, 16.7.1994, p. 4. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2110/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 344, 27.12.2005, p. 1).
(7) OJ L 189, 30.7.1996, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2112/2005.
(8) OJ L 12, 18.1.2000, p. 1. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 2112/2005.
(9) OJ L 210, 31.7.2006, p. 25.
(10) OJ L …
(11) Note to OJ: please insert number, date and reference of that regulation.
(12) OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1.
(13) OJ L 312, 23.12.1995, p. 1.
(14) OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2.
(15) OJ L 136, 31.5.1999, p. 1.
(16) OJ L 210, 31.7.2006, p. 82.
Algeria |
Armenia |
Azerbaijan |
Belarus |
Egypt |
Georgia |
Israel |
Jordan |
Lebanon |
Libya |
Moldova |
Morocco |
Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and Gaza Strip |
Russian Federation |
Syria |
Tunisia |
Ukraine |
Instrument for Stability ***I
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing an Instrument for Stability (COM(2004)0630 — C6-0251/2004 — 2004/0223(COD))
(Codecision procedure: first reading)
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal to the European Parliament and the Council (COM(2004)0630) (1), |
— |
having regard to Article 251(2), Article 179 and Article 181a of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C6-0251/2004), |
— |
having regard to the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs on the proposed legal basis, |
— |
having regard to the Declaration of the Commission on the Democratic Scrutiny and Coherence of External Actions annexed to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (2) and the related exchange of letters, |
— |
having regard to the Declaration of the Commission on the provision to Parliament of information regarding exceptional assistance measures and on anti-terrorism co-operation measures, which is annexed to this legislative resolution and which will be published together with the legislative act in the Official Journal of the European Union, |
— |
having regard to the letter from Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner dated 7 June 2006 on the establishment of a Peacebuilding Partnership, |
— |
having regard to the letter of Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner dated 23 June 2006 detailing the financial allocations for the different instruments and indicating the Commission's willingness to take all necessary initiatives to secure, via the different budgetary options available — including the Emergency Aid Reserve and the Flexibility Instrument — additional resources for the Stability Instrument should its funds prove to be insufficient, |
— |
having regard to Rules 51 and 35 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the opinions of the Committee on Development, the Committee on International Trade and the Committee on Budgets (A6-0157/2006), |
1. |
Approves the Commission proposal as amended; |
2. |
Calls on the Commission to refer the matter to Parliament again if it intends to amend the proposal substantially or replace it with another text; |
3. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission. |
(1) Not yet published in OJ.
Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 6 July 2006 with a view to the adoption of Regulation (EC) No …/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing an Instrument for Stability
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 179(1) and 181a thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty (1),
(1) |
The Community is a major provider of economic, financial, technical, humanitarian and macro-economic assistance to third countries. The promotion of stable conditions for human and economic development and the promotion of human rights, democracy and fundamental freedoms remains one of the prime objectives of European Union (hereinafter referred to as “the EU”) external action to which Community instruments for external assistance contribute. The Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, in their November 2004 Conclusions on the effectiveness of EU External Action, concluded that “peace, security and stability as well as human rights, democracy and good governance, are essential elements for sustainable economic growth and poverty eradication”. |
(2) |
The EU Programme for the Prevention of Violent Conflicts, endorsed by the European Council, underlines the EU's “political commitment to pursue conflict prevention as one of the main objectives of the EU's external relations” and states that Community development cooperation instruments can contribute to this goal and to the development of the EU as a global player. |
(3) |
Measures taken under this Regulation in pursuit of the objectives of Articles 177 and 181a of the Treaty establishing the European Community (hereinafter referred to as “the EC Treaty”) may be complementary to and should be consistent with measures adopted by the EU in pursuit of Common Foreign and Security Policy objectives within the framework of Title V and measures adopted within the framework of Title VI of the Treaty on European Union (hereinafter referred to as “the EU Treaty”). The Council and the Commission should cooperate to ensure such consistency, each in accordance with their respective powers. |
(4) |
The European Consensus on Development, adopted by the Council and the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission on 22 November 2005 and welcomed by the European Council on 15-16 December 2005, states that the Community, within the respective competences of its institutions, will develop a comprehensive prevention approach to State fragility, conflict, natural disasters and other types of crises, to which goal this Regulation should contribute. |
(5) |
The European Council approved the European Security Strategy on 12 December 2003. |
(6) |
The European Council Declaration on Combating Terrorism of 25 March 2004 called for counter-terrorist objectives to be integrated into external assistance programmes. Moreover, the EU Millennium Strategy on the prevention and control of organised crime, adopted by the Council on 27 March 2000, calls for closer cooperation with third countries. |
(7) |
Post-crisis stabilisation requires a sustained and flexible engagement from the international community, in particular in the first years after a crisis, on the basis of integrated transition strategies. |
(8) |
Implementation of programmes of assistance in times of crisis and political instability requires specific measures to ensure flexibility in decision-making and budget allocation, as well as enhanced measures to ensure coherence with bilateral aid and mechanisms for the pooling of donor funds, including the delegation of public authority tasks through indirect centralised management. |
(9) |
The Resolutions of the European Parliament and the Conclusions of the Council following the Commission Communications on the Linking of Relief, Rehabilitation and Development emphasise the need to ensure effective bridging between operations financed from different Community financing instruments in the context of crisis. |
(10) |
In order to address the above issues in an effective and timely manner specific financial resources and financing instruments are required that can work in a manner complementary to humanitarian aid and long-term cooperation instruments. Humanitarian aid should continue to be delivered under Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/96 of 20 June 1996 concerning humanitarian aid (2). |
(11) |
In addition to the measures agreed with partner countries in the context of the policy framework for cooperation established under the related Community instruments for external assistance, the Community must be able to provide assistance which addresses major global and transnational issues having a potentially destabilising effect. |
(12) |
The 2001 “Guidelines for strengthening operational coordination between the Community, represented by the Commission, and the Member States in the field of external assistance” emphasise the need for enhanced coordination of EU external assistance. |
(13) |
This Regulation establishes for the period 2007-2013 a financial envelope which constitutes the prime reference amount for the budgetary authority according to point 37 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (3). |
(14) |
The measures necessary for the implementation of this Regulation should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (4). |
(15) |
This Regulation aims at covering the scope of and replacing a number of existing Regulations concerning Community external assistance; those Regulations should therefore be repealed. |
(16) |
Since the objectives of this Regulation cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States, because of the need for concerted multilateral response in the areas defined in this Regulation, and can therefore be better achieved at Community level, taking account of the scale and global effects of the measures provided for herein, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the EC Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve these objectives, |
Article 1
1. The Community shall undertake development cooperation measures, as well as financial, economic and technical cooperation measures with third countries under the conditions set out in this Regulation.
2. In accordance with the objectives of such cooperation and within its limits as laid down in the EC Treaty, the specific aims of this Regulation shall be:
a) |
in a situation of crisis or emerging crisis, to contribute to stability by providing an effective response to help preserve, establish or re-establish the conditions essential to the proper implementation of the Community's development and cooperation policies; |
b) |
in the context of stable conditions for the implementation of Community cooperation policies in third countries, to help build capacity both to address specific global and transregional threats having a destabilising effect and to ensure preparedness to address pre- and post-crisis situations. |
3. Measures taken under this Regulation may be complementary to, and shall be consistent with, and without prejudice to, measures adopted under Title V and Title VI of the EU Treaty.
Article 2
Complementarity of Community assistance
1. Community assistance under this Regulation shall be complementary to that provided for under related Community instruments for external assistance. It shall be provided only to the extent that an adequate and effective response cannot be provided under those instruments.
2. The Commission shall ensure that measures adopted under this Regulation are consistent with the Community's overall strategic policy framework for the partner country, and in particular with the objectives of the instruments referred to in paragraph 1, as well as with other relevant Community measures.
3. In order to enhance the effectiveness and consistency of Community and national assistance measures, the Commission shall promote close co-ordination between its own activities and those of the Member States, both at decision-making level and on the ground. To that end, the Member States and the Commission shall operate a system for exchange of information.
Article 3
Assistance in response to situations of crisis or emerging crisis
1. Community technical and financial assistance in pursuit of the specific aims set out in point (a) of Article 1(2) may be undertaken in response to a situation of urgency, crisis or emerging crisis, a situation posing a threat to democracy, law and order, the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, or the security and safety of individuals, or a situation threatening to escalate into armed conflict or severely to destabilise the third country or countries concerned. Such measures may also address situations where the Community has invoked the essential elements clauses of international Agreements in order to suspend, partially or totally, cooperation with third countries.
2. Technical and financial assistance referred to in paragraph 1 shall cover the following areas:
a) |
support, through the provision of technical and logistical assistance, for the efforts undertaken by international and regional organisations, state and non-state actors in promoting confidence-building, mediation, dialogue and reconciliation; |
b) |
support for the establishment and the functioning of interim administrations mandated in accordance with international law; |
c) |
support for the development of democratic, pluralistic state institutions, including measures to enhance the role of women in such institutions, effective civilian administration and related legal frameworks at national and local level, an independent judiciary, good governance and law and order, including non-military technical cooperation to strengthen overall civilian control, and oversight over the security system and measures to strengthen the capacity of law enforcement and judicial authorities involved in the fight against the illicit trafficking of people, drugs, firearms and explosive materials; |
d) |
support for international criminal tribunals and ad hoc national tribunals, truth and reconciliation commissions, and mechanisms for the legal settlement of human rights claims and the assertion and adjudication of property rights, established in accordance with international human rights and rule of law standards; |
e) |
support for measures necessary to start the rehabilitation and reconstruction of key infrastructure, housing, public buildings and economic assets, as well as essential productive capacity, and for the re-starting of economic activity and the generation of employment and the establishment of the minimum conditions necessary for sustainable social development; |
f) |
support for civilian measures related to the demobilisation and reintegration of former combatants into civil society, and where appropriate their repatriation, as well as measures to address the situation of child soldiers and female combatants; |
g) |
support for measures to mitigate the social effects of restructuring of the armed forces; |
h) |
support for measures to address, within the framework of Community cooperation policies and their objectives, the socio-economic impact on the civilian population of anti-personnel landmines, unexploded ordnance or explosive remnants of war; activities financed under this Regulation shall cover risk education, victim assistance, mine detection and clearance and, in conjunction therewith, stockpile destruction; |
i) |
support for measures to address, within the framework of Community cooperation policies and their objectives, the impact on the civilian population of the illicit use of and access to firearms; such support shall be limited to survey activities, victim assistance, raising public awareness and the development of legal and administrative expertise and good practice. Assistance shall be provided only to the extent necessary to re-establish the conditions for social and economic development of the populations concerned, in a situation of crisis or emerging crisis as referred to in paragraph 1. It shall not include support for measures to combat the proliferation of arms; |
j) |
support for measures to ensure that the specific needs of women and children in crisis and conflict situations, including their exposure to gender-based violence, are adequately met; |
k) |
support for the rehabilitation and reintegration of the victims of armed conflict, including measures to address the specific needs of women and children; |
l) |
support for measures to promote and defend respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law, and the related international instruments; |
m) |
support for socio-economic measures to promote equitable access to and transparent management of natural resources in a situation of crisis or emerging crisis; |
n) |
support for socio-economic measures to address the impact of sudden population movements, including measures addressing the needs of host communities in a situation of crisis or emerging crisis; |
o) |
support for measures to support the development and organisation of civil society and its participation in the political process, including measures to enhance the role of women in such processes and measures to promote independent, pluralist and professional media; |
p) |
support for measures in response to natural or man-made disasters and threats to public health in the absence of, or to complement, Community humanitarian assistance. |
3. In the exceptional and unforeseen situations referred to in paragraph 1, the Community may also provide technical and financial assistance not expressly covered by the specific areas of assistance set out in paragraph 2. Such assistance shall be limited to Exceptional Assistance Measures as referred to in Article 6(2), which:
— |
fall within the general scope and specific aims set out in point (a) of Article 1(2), and |
— |
are limited in duration to the period laid down in Article 6(2), and |
— |
would normally be eligible under the other Community instruments for external assistance, but which, in accordance with Article 2, should be addressed through this Regulation because of the need to respond rapidly to a situation of crisis or emerging crisis. |
Article 4
Assistance in the context of stable conditions for cooperation
The Community shall provide technical and financial assistance in pursuit of the specific aims set out in point (b) of Article 1(2) in the following areas:
1) |
threats to law and order, to the security and safety of individuals, to critical infrastructure and to public health; assistance shall cover:
2) |
risk mitigation and preparedness relating to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials or agents; assistance shall cover:
as regards the measures covered by points (b) and (d), particular emphasis shall be placed on assistance to those regions or countries where stockpiles of materials or agents referred to in points (b) and (d) still exist and where there is a risk of proliferation of such materials or agents. |
3) |
Pre- and post-crisis capacity building Support for long-term measures aimed at building and strengthening the capacity of international, regional and sub-regional organisations, state and non-state actors in relation to their efforts in:
Measures under this point shall include know-how transfer, the exchange of information, risk/threat assessment, research and analysis, early warning systems and training. Measures may also include, where appropriate, financial and technical assistance for the implementation of those Recommendations made by the UN Peacebuilding Commission falling within the objectives of Community cooperation policy. |
Article 5
General framework for implementation
Community assistance under this Regulation shall be implemented through the following measures:
a) |
Exceptional Assistance Measures and Interim Response Programmes; |
b) |
Multi-country Strategy papers, Thematic Strategy Papers and Multi-annual Indicative Programmes; |
c) |
Annual Action Programmes; |
d) |
Special Measures. |
Article 6
Exceptional Assistance Measures and Interim Response Programmes
1. Community assistance under Article 3 shall be carried out through Exceptional Assistance Measures and through Interim Response Programmes.
2. The Commission may adopt Exceptional Assistance Measures in a situation of crisis as referred to in Article 3(1), as well as in exceptional and unforeseen situations as referred to in Article 3(3), where the effectiveness of the measures is dependent on rapid or flexible implementation. Such measures may have a duration of up to 18 months. Individual measures may be extended in duration by a further 6 months in the case of objective and unforeseen obstacles to their implementation, provided that the financial amount of the measure does not increase.
3. Where an Exceptional Assistance Measure is costing more than 20 000 000Euro, that measure shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(2).
4. The Commission may adopt Interim Response Programmes with a view to establishing or re-establishing the essential conditions necessary for the effective implementation of the Community's external cooperation policies. Interim Response Programmes shall build on Exceptional Assistance Measures. They shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(2).
5. The Commission shall keep the Council regularly informed about its planning of Community assistance under Article 3. Before adopting or renewing any Exceptional Assistance Measures costing up to 20 000 000Euro, the Commission shall inform the Council of their nature, objectives and the financial amounts envisaged. It shall take account of the relevant policy approach of the Council both in its planning and subsequent implementation of such measures, in the interests of the coherence of EU external action. The Commission shall likewise inform the Council before making significant substantive changes to Exceptional Assistance Measures already adopted.
6. At as early a stage as possible, following the adoption of Exceptional Assistance Measures, and in any case within seven months of doing so, the Commission shall report to the European Parliament and the Council by giving an overview of the existing and planned Community response, including the contribution to be made from other Community financing instruments, the status of existing Country and Multi-Country Strategy Papers, and the Community's role within the broader international and multilateral response. This report shall also indicate whether and, if so, for how long the Commission intends to continue the Exceptional Assistance Measures.
Article 7
Multi-country Strategy Papers, Thematic Strategy Papers and Multi-annual Indicative Programmes
1. Multi-country and Thematic Strategy Papers shall constitute the general basis for the implementation of assistance under Article 4.
2. Multi-country and Thematic Strategy Papers shall set out the Community's strategy for the countries or themes concerned, having regard to the needs of the countries concerned, the Community's priorities, the international situation and the activities of the main partners.
3. Multi-country and Thematic Strategy Papers, and any revisions or extensions thereof, shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(2). They shall cover an initial period of no longer than the period of application of this Regulation and shall be reviewed at the mid-point.
4. Strategy Papers shall be consistent with, and avoid duplication of, Country, Multi-country or Thematic Strategy Papers adopted under other Community instruments for external assistance. Strategy Papers shall, where appropriate, be based on a dialogue with the partner country, countries or region concerned, including with civil society, so as to support national development strategies and to ensure the participation and involvement of the partner country, countries or region. In addition, joint consultations shall be carried out between the Commission, Member States, and other donors where appropriate, in order to ensure that the cooperation activities of the Community are complementary to those of the Member States and other donors. Other stakeholders may be associated where appropriate.
5. Each Multi-country Strategy Paper shall, where appropriate, be accompanied by a Multi-annual Indicative Programme summarising the priority areas selected for Community financing, the specific objectives, the expected results and timeframe of Community support and the indicative financial allocation, overall and for each priority area. The financial allocations may be given in the form of a range where necessary.
6. The Multi-annual Indicative Programmes shall determine the financial allocations for each programme using transparent criteria, based on the needs and performance of the partner countries or regions concerned and taking into account the particular difficulties faced by countries or regions in crisis or conflict.
7. Multi-annual Indicative Programmes, and any revisions or extensions thereof, shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(2). They shall be established, where appropriate, in consultation with the partner countries or regions concerned.
8. The financial amounts of Multi-annual Indicative Programmes may be increased or decreased as a result of reviews, taking into account changes in a country's situation, performance and needs, in accordance with the procedure referred to in paragraph 7.
Article 8
Annual Action Programmes
1. Annual Action Programmes shall set out measures to be adopted on the basis of the Multi-country and Thematic Strategy Papers and Multi-annual Indicative Programmes referred to in Article 7.
2. Annual Action Programmes shall specify the objectives pursued, the fields of intervention, the expected results, the management procedures and total amount of financing planned. They shall contain a summary description of the operations to be financed, an indication of the amounts allocated for each operation and an indicative implementation timetable. Where relevant, they should include the results of any lessons learned from previous assistance. Objectives shall be measurable.
3. Annual Action Programmes and any revision or extension thereof shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(2).
Article 9
Special Measures
1. Notwithstanding Articles 7 and 8, in the event of unforeseen needs or circumstances, the Commission may adopt Special Measures not provided for in the Multi-country and Thematic Strategy Papers and Multi-annual Indicative Programmes referred to in Article 7 or the Annual Action Programmes referred to in Article 8.
2. Special Measures shall specify the objectives pursued, the areas of activity, the expected results, the management procedures used and the total amount of financing planned. They shall contain a description of the operations to be financed, an indication of the amounts allocated for each operation and an indicative implementation timetable.
3. Special Measures costing more than 5 000 000Euro shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(2).
4. The Commission shall inform the Committee set up pursuant to Article 22(1) within one month of adopting Special Measures costing up to 5 000 000Euro.
Article 10
1. The following shall be eligible for funding under this Regulation for the purposes of implementing the Exceptional Assistance Measures and Interim Response Programmes referred to in Article 6, the Annual Action Programmes referred to in Article 8 and the Special Measures referred to in Article 9:
a) |
partner countries and regions and their institutions; |
b) |
decentralised bodies in the partner countries, such as regions, departments, provinces and municipalities; |
c) |
joint bodies set up by the partner countries and regions and the Community; |
d) |
international organisations, including regional organisations, UN bodies, departments and missions, international financial institutions and development banks, and institutions of international jurisdiction, in so far as they contribute to the objectives of this Regulation; |
e) |
European agencies; |
f) |
the following entities and bodies of the Member States, partner countries and regions and any other third country in so far as they contribute to the objectives of this Regulation:
2. Non-state actors eligible for financial support under this Regulation shall include: non-governmental organisations, organisations representing indigenous peoples, local citizens' groups and traders' associations, cooperatives, trade unions, organisations representing economic and social interests, local organisations (including networks) involved in decentralised regional cooperation and integration, consumer organisations, women's and youth organisations, teaching, cultural, research and scientific organisations, universities, churches and religious associations and communities, the media and any non-governmental associations and private and public foundations likely to contribute to development or the external dimension of internal policies.
3. Other bodies or actors not listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 may be financed when this is necessary to achieve the objectives of this Regulation.
Article 11
Types of measures
1. Community financing may take the following forms:
a) |
projects and programmes; |
b) |
sectoral or general budget support, where the partner country's arrangements for managing public funds are sufficiently transparent, reliable and effective, and where proper sectoral or macro-economic policies have been put in place by the partner country and approved by its main donors, including international financial institutions where applicable. Budgetary support may in general be one of several instruments. It shall be allocated with precise objectives and related benchmarks. Disbursement of budgetary support shall be conditional on satisfactory progress towards achieving the objectives in terms of impact and results; |
c) |
in exceptional cases, sectoral and general import-support programmes, which may take the form of:
d) |
funds made available to financial intermediaries in accordance with Article 20, with a view to providing loans (to support investment and development of the private sector, for example), risk capital (in the form of subordinated or conditional loans) or other temporary minority holdings in business capital, to the extent that the financial risk of the Community is limited to these funds; |
e) |
grants to fund measures; |
f) |
grants to cover operating costs; |
g) |
funding for twinning programmes between public institutions, national public bodies or private-law entities with a public-service mission of a Member State and those of a partner country or region; |
h) |
contributions to international funds, in particular those managed by international or regional organisations; |
i) |
contributions to national funds set up by partner countries and regions to attract joint financing from a number of donors, or contributions to funds set up by one or more donors for the purpose of the joint implementation of operations; |
j) |
human and material resources required for effective administration and supervision of projects and programmes by partner countries and regions. |
2. Community financing shall in principle not be used for paying taxes, duties or charges in beneficiary countries.
3. Activities covered by Regulation (EC) No 1257/96 and eligible for funding thereunder may not be funded under this Regulation.
Article 12
Support measures
1. Community financing may cover expenditure associated with the preparation, follow-up, monitoring, auditing and evaluation activities directly necessary for the implementation of this Regulation and the achievement of its objectives. Community financing shall also cover expenditure on administrative support staff employed at Commission Delegations to manage projects funded under this Regulation.
2. Support may be financed outside the scope of Multi-annual Indicative Programmes. The Commission shall adopt such support measures in accordance with Article 9.
Article 13
1. Measures financed under this Regulation are eligible for cofinancing from the following, inter alia:
a) |
Member States, and in particular their public and para-statal agencies; |
b) |
other donor countries and in particular their public and para-statal agencies; |
c) |
international and regional organisations, and in particular international and regional financial institutions; |
d) |
companies, firms, other private organisations and businesses, and other non-state actors referred to in Article 10(2); |
e) |
partner countries and regions in receipt of funding, and other bodies eligible for funding as referred to in Article 10. |
2. In the case of parallel cofinancing, the project or programme is split into a number of clearly identifiable sub-projects, which are each financed by different partners providing cofinancing in such a way that the end-use of the financing can always be identified. In the case of joint cofinancing, the total cost of the project or programme is shared between the partners providing the cofinancing and resources are pooled in such a way that it is not possible to identify the source of funding for any given activity undertaken as part of the project or programme.
3. In the case of joint cofinancing, the Commission may receive and manage funds on behalf of the bodies referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 for the purpose of implementing joint measures. In this case, the Commission shall implement the joint measures centrally, either directly or indirectly, by delegating the task to Community agencies or bodies set up by the Community. Such funds shall be dealt with as assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18 of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (5).
Article 14
Management procedures
1. The measures financed under this Regulation shall be managed, monitored, evaluated and reported on in accordance with Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002.
2. The Commission may decide to entrust tasks of public authority, and in particular budget implementation tasks, to bodies referred to in point (c) of Article 54(2) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 if they are of recognised international standing, comply with internationally recognised systems of management and control, and are supervised by public authority.
3. In the case of decentralised management, the Commission may decide to use the procurement or grant procedures of the beneficiary country or region.
Article 15
Budget commitments
1. Budget commitments shall be made on the basis of decisions taken by the Commission in accordance with Articles 6, 8, 9 and 12.
2. The legal forms for Community financing shall include (inter alia):
— |
financing agreements; |
— |
grant agreements; |
— |
procurement contracts; |
— |
employment contract. |
Article 16
Protection of the financial interests of the Community
1. Any agreements resulting from this Regulation shall contain provisions ensuring the protection of the Community's financial interests, in particular with respect to fraud, corruption and any other irregularities in accordance with Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 of 18 December 1995 on the protection of the European Communities financial interests (6), Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities (7) and Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) (8).
2. The agreements referred to in paragraph 1 shall expressly entitle the Commission and the Court of Auditors to have the power of audit, on the basis of documents and on the spot, over all contractors and subcontractors who have received Community funds. They shall also expressly authorise the Commission to carry out on-the-spot checks and inspections, as provided for in Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96.
3. All contracts resulting from the implementation of assistance shall ensure the rights of the Commission and the Court of Auditors, as provided for in paragraph 2, during and after the implementation of contracts.
Article 17
Participation and rules of origin
1. Participation in the award of procurement or grant contracts financed under this Regulation shall be open to all natural or legal persons from Member States.
2. Participation in the award of procurement or grant contracts financed under this Regulation shall be also open to all natural and legal persons from:
— |
any country that is a beneficiary of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (9), |
— |
any non-EU Member State of the European Economic Area, and |
— |
any other third country or territory in cases where reciprocal access to external assistance has been established. |
3. In the case of measures taken in any third country considered a Least Developed Country according to the criteria laid down by the OECD, participation in the award of procurement or grant contracts shall be open on a global basis.
4. In the case of Exceptional Assistance Measures and Interim Response Programmes referred to in Article 6, participation in the award of procurement or grant contracts shall be open on a global basis.
5. In the case of measures adopted in pursuit of the objectives referred to in Article 4, participation in the award of procurement or grant contracts shall be open, and rules of origin shall extend, to any natural or legal person of a developing country or of a country in transition, as defined by the OECD, and to natural or legal persons of any other country eligible under the relevant strategy.
6. Participation in the award of procurement or grant contracts financed under this Regulation shall be open to international organisations.
7. Experts proposed in the context of procedures for the award of contracts need not comply with the nationality rules set out in this Article.
8. All supplies and materials purchased under contracts financed under this Regulation shall originate from the Community or a country eligible under paragraphs 2 to 5.
9. Participation by natural and legal persons from third countries or territories with traditional economic, trade or geographical links to the partner country may be authorised on a case-by-case basis. The Commission may, moreover, in duly substantiated cases authorise the participation of natural and legal persons from other countries, or the use of supplies and materials of different origin.
Article 18
Interest generated by prefinancing payments to the beneficiaries shall be deducted from the final payment.
Article 19
In accordance with Article 114 of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 natural persons may receive grants.
Article 20
Funds made available to the European Investment Bank or other financial intermediaries
The funds referred to in point (d) of Article 11(1) shall be managed by financial intermediaries, the European Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as “the EIB”) or any other bank or organisation capable of managing them. The Commission shall adopt implementing provisions for this Article, on a case-by-case basis to cover risk-sharing, the remuneration of the intermediary entrusted with the task of implementation, the use and recovery of interest on the fund and the closure of the operation.
Article 21
The Commission shall regularly evaluate the results and efficiency of policies and programmes and the effectiveness of programming in order to ascertain whether the objectives have been met and enable it to formulate recommendations with a view to improving future operations. The Commission shall send for discussion significant evaluation reports to the Committee set up pursuant to Article 22(1). These results shall feed back into programme design and resource allocation.
Article 22
Committee procedure
1. The Commission shall be assisted by a Committee.
2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply.
The period provided for in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at 30 days.
3. The Committee shall adopt its Rules of Procedure.
4. An observer from the EIB shall take part in the Committee's proceedings with regard to questions concerning the EIB.
Article 23
The Commission shall examine progress achieved in implementing the measures undertaken pursuant to this Regulation and shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council an annual report on the implementation of the assistance. The report shall also be addressed to the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. The report shall contain information relating to the previous year on the measures financed and information on the results of monitoring and evaluation exercises and the implementation of budget commitments and payments, broken down by country, region and cooperation sector.
Article 24
Financial envelope
The financial envelope for implementation of this Regulation over the period 2007-2013 is 2 062 000 000Euro. Annual appropriations shall be authorised by the budgetary authority within the limits of the financial framework.
In the period 2007-2013:
a) |
no more than 7 percentage points of the financial envelope shall be allocated to measures falling under point 1) of Article 4; |
b) |
no more than 15 percentage points of the financial envelope shall be allocated to measures falling under point 2) of Article 4; |
c) |
no more than 5 percentage points of the financial envelope shall be allocated to measures falling under point 3) of Article 4. |
Article 25
The Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council, by 31 December 2010, a report evaluating the implementation of this Regulation in the first three years, if appropriate with a proposal introducing the modifications to the Regulation.
Article 26
1. As of 1 January 2007 the following Regulations are repealed:
— |
Regulation (EC) No 2130/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 October 2001 on operations to aid uprooted people in Asian and Latin American developing countries (10); |
— |
Council Regulation (EC) No 1725/2001 of 23 July 2001 concerning action against anti-personnel landmines in third countries other than developing countries (11); |
— |
Regulation (EC) No 1724/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2001 concerning action against anti-personnel landmines in developing countries (12); |
— |
Council Regulation (EC) No 381/2001 of 26 February 2001 creating a rapid-reaction mechanism (13); |
— |
Council Regulation (EC) No 1080/2000 of 22 May 2000 on support for the United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR) (14), with the exception of Article 1a of that Regulation; |
— |
Council Regulation (EC) No 2046/97 of 13 October 1997 on north-south cooperation in the campaign against drugs and drug addiction (15); |
— |
Council Regulation (EC) No 2258/96 of 22 November 1996 on rehabilitation and reconstruction operations in developing countries (16); |
2. The repealed Regulations shall continue to apply for legal acts and commitments implementing the budget years preceding 2007.
Article 27
Entry into force
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Strasbourg, …
For the European Parliament
The President
For the Council
The President
(1) Position of the European Parliament of 6 July 2006.
(2) OJ L 163, 2.7.1996, p. 1. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 1).
(3) OJ C 139, 14.6.2006, p. 1.
(4) OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23. Decision as amended by Decision 2006/512/EC (OJ L 200, 22.7.2006, p. 11).
(5) OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1.
(6) OJ L 312, 23.12.1995, p. 1.
(7) OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2.
(8) OJ L 136, 31.5.1999, p. 1.
(9) Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) (OJ L 210, 31.7.2006, p. 82).
(10) OJ L 287, 31.10.2001, p. 3. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2110/2005 (OJ L 344, 27.12.2005, p. 1).
(11) OJ L 234, 1.9.2001, p. 6. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 2112/2005 (OJ L 344, 27.12.2005, p. 23).
(12) OJ L 234, 1.9. 2001, p. 1. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 2110/2005.
(13) OJ L 57, 27.2. 2001, p. 5.
(14) OJ L 122, 24.5.2000, p. 27. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 2098/2003 (OJ L 316, 29.11.2003, p. 1).
(15) OJ L 287, 21.10. 1997, p. 1. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 2110/2005.
(16) OJ L 306, 28.11. 1996, p. 1. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 2110/2005.
Declaration of the Commission
The Commission will inform the Parliament in a timely manner of exceptional assistance measures adopted.
The Commission will ensure that measures adopted under article 4.1(a) in relation to the fight against terrorism and organised crime are in accordance with international law. Such measures will be targeted at countries which demonstrate a clear political will to address these problems in a manner which ensures full respect for their international human rights obligations and applicable humanitarian law. The Commission will monitor carefully the implementation of such measures to ensure compliance with these principles.
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) (COM(2004)0627 — C6-0047/2005 — 2004/0222(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2004)0627) (1), |
— |
having regard to Article 181a of the Treaty establishing the European Community, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0047/2005), |
— |
having regard to the Declaration of the Commission on the Democratic Scrutiny and Coherence of External Actions annexed to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (2) and the related exchange of letters, |
— |
having regard to the statement made by the Commission at the plenary sitting of the European Parliament of 17 May 2006 that “the Commission will take due account of any request made by the European Parliament to the Commission to submit a proposal to suspend or restore Community assistance and will provide a prompt and sufficiently detailed reply thereto”, |
— |
having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the opinions of the Committee on International Trade, the Committee on Budgets, the Committee on Regional Development and the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (A6-0155/2006), |
1. |
Approves the Commission proposal as amended; |
2. |
Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty; |
3. |
Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament; |
4. |
Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially; |
5. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission. |
(2a) |
The European Parliament has welcomed the addition, by the Treaty of Nice, of Article 181a to the Treaty establishing the European Community (the EC Treaty), but reiterated its position that, given the political and budgetary importance of pre-accession assistance, it would be highly desirable to adopt the measures necessary for the implementation of economic, financial and technical cooperation with States which are candidates for accession to the Union in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the EC Treaty. |
(11) |
Assistance for Candidate Countries as well as for potential Candidate Countries should continue to support them in their efforts to strengthen democratic institutions and the rule of law, reform public administration, respect human as well as minority rights, support the development of civil society and advance regional cooperation as well as reconciliation and reconstruction, and contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction in these countries, and should therefore be targeted to support a wide range of institution building measures, |
(11) |
Assistance for candidate countries as well as for potential candidate countries under this Regulation, and for other entities such as individuals and non-governmental organisations under a separate instrument devoted to the promotion of human rights and democracy, should continue to support them in their efforts to strengthen democratic institutions and the rule of law, carry out economic reforms aimed at the promotion of a market economy and free and fair trade, reform public administration, prepare EU-compatible National Development Plans, respect human as well as minority rights, promote gender equality, support the development of civil society , including institution-building for NGOs, improve consumer rights, and advance regional cooperation as well as reconciliation and reconstruction, and contribute to sustainable development and poverty eradication in these countries, and should therefore be targeted to support a wide range of institution building measures. |
(13) |
Assistance for potential Candidate Countries may include some alignment with the acquis communautaire as well as support for investment projects, |
(13) |
Assistance for potential candidate countries may include some alignment with the acquis communautaire, facilitating the formulation of EU-compatible provisional National Development Plans aiming to build institutional absorption capacity for future EU assistance, especially in the areas of rural, infrastructure and human resources development, as well as support for investment projects. |
(14) |
Assistance should be provided on the basis of a comprehensive multi-annual strategy , taking into account the priorities of the Stabilisation and Association process, as well as those deriving from the pre-accession process, |
(14) |
Assistance should be provided on the basis of a comprehensive multi-annual strategy that reflects the priorities of the Stabilisation and Association process, the domestic reform objectives of beneficiary countries, as well as the strategic priorities defined by the European Parliament for the pre-accession process. |
(16a) |
Potential candidate countries and candidate countries who have not yet been accredited to manage funds in a decentralised manner should however be eligible, under the Transition Assistance and Institution Building component, for measures and actions of a similar nature to those which will be available under the Regional Development component, the Human Resource Development component and the Rural Development component. |
(17) |
Assistance should be managed in accordance with the rules for External Aid contained in Regulation (EC) 1605/2002, making use of the structures that have proved their worth in the pre-accession process, such as decentralised management, Twinning and TAIEX, but should also allow for innovative approaches such as the implementation through Member States via shared management in case of cross-border programmes on the external borders of the European Union, |
(17) |
Assistance should be managed in accordance with the rules for External Aid contained in Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002, making use of the structures that have proved their worth in the pre-accession process, such as decentralised management, Twinning and TAIEX, but should also allow for innovative approaches such as the implementation through Member States via shared management in case of cross-border programmes on the external borders of the European Union. The transfer of knowledge and expertise regarding the implementation of the acquis communautaire, from Member States with relevant experience to the beneficiaries of this Regulation, should be particularly beneficial in this context. |
(18) |
The actions necessary for the implementation of the Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component as well as the Regional and Cross-Border Co-operation Component are management measures relating to the implementation of programmes with substantial budgetary implications, they should therefore be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468 of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred to the Commission, by submitting multi-annual indicative planning documents to a Management Committee, |
(18) |
The actions necessary for the implementation of the Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component as well as the Regional and Cross-Border Co-operation Component are management measures relating to the implementation of programmes with substantial budgetary implications, they should therefore be adopted , having regard to the recommendation of the European Parliament, in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred to the Commission, by submitting multi-annual indicative planning documents to a Management Committee. |
(22) |
Where a beneficiary country violates the principles the European Union is founded on, or makes insufficient progress with respect to the Copenhagen Criteria and the priorities set down in the European or Accession Partnership, the Council must, on the basis of a proposal from the Commission, be in a position to take the necessary measures, |
(22) |
Where a beneficiary country violates the principles the European Union is founded on, or makes insufficient progress with respect to the Copenhagen criteria and the priorities set down in the European or Accession Partnership or the provisions of the Accession Treaty , the Council must, on the basis of a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament , be in a position to take the necessary measures, in which case the Commission should initiate, within the framework of this Regulation, specific action aimed at resolving the problems hindering the pre-accession or accession process. |
(a) |
strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law, |
(a) |
strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law and its enforcement, and promoting accountability and transparency, |
(c) |
economic reform, |
(c) |
market-oriented economic reform to build a sustainable social, environmentally-friendly and competitive economy, by progressive price and trade liberalisation, gradual integration into the customs union, accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the implementation of WTO rules and those resulting from the Doha Development Agenda , |
(ca) |
preparation of EU-compatible provisional National Development Plans aimed at building institutional absorption capacity for future EU assistance, especially in the areas of rural, infrastructure and human resources development, |
(da) |
the promotion of gender equality, |
(e) |
the development of civil society, |
(e) |
the development of civil society, citizenship and free, independent media , including institutional development and support for non-governmental organisations , |
(ea) |
the economic and social integration of vulnerable groups, particularly women, |
(f) |
reconciliation, confidence building measures and reconstruction, |
(f) |
reconciliation, return of refugees, confidence building measures and reconstruction, |
(b) |
social and economic development, |
(b) |
social, economic and territorial development and cohesion . |
(3) Acting in accordance with the procedure set down in Article 11 (1) (a) of this Regulation, the Commission shall adopt rules for the implementation of this Regulation. Where these rules concern the implementation of Article 7 to 9 of this Regulation, the Committees responsible for the Component in question shall be consulted first, following the procedure set down in Article 3 of Decision 1999/468/EC, in compliance with Article 7 (3) thereof.
3. Acting in accordance with the procedure set down in Article 11 (1) (a) of this Regulation, the Commission shall adopt rules for the implementation of this Regulation. Where these rules concern the implementation of Article 7 to 9 of this Regulation, the Committees responsible for the Component in question shall be consulted first, following the procedure set down in Article 3 of Decision 1999/468/EC, in compliance with Article 7 (3) thereof. The implementing instruments shall be presented to the European Parliament for its opinion before their adoption.
(1) The Commission shall, on the basis of a strategic approach, taking into consideration the financial perspective, as well as the European Partnerships and Accession Partnerships, establish an indicative multi-annual framework with an allocation of funds by component and country, and where appropriate per theme. This shall be reviewed annually, taking into account a set of objective criteria including absorption capacity, needs assessment, respect of conditionalities, and capacity of management. It shall also be reviewed, where appropriate, in view exceptional assistance measures or interim response programmes adopted under the Regulation establishing the Stability Instrument. The funds allocated to cross-border co-operation programmes with Member States shall be at least equivalent to the corresponding financing from the European Regional Development Fund.
1. The Commission , having regard to the recommendation of the European Parliament, shall, on the basis of a strategic approach, taking into consideration the financial perspective, as well as the European Partnerships and Accession Partnerships, establish an indicative multi-annual framework with an allocation of funds by component and country, and where appropriate per theme. This shall be reviewed annually having regard to the recommendation of the European Parliament , taking into account a set of objective criteria including absorption capacity, needs assessment, respect of conditionalities, and capacity of management. It shall also be reviewed by a similar procedure , where appropriate, in view exceptional assistance measures or interim response programmes adopted under the Regulation establishing the Stability Instrument. The funds allocated to cross-border co-operation programmes with Member States shall be at least equivalent to the corresponding financing from the European Regional Development Fund.
(2) The indicative multi-annual framework shall be communicated annually by the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament.
2. The indicative multi-annual framework shall be communicated in due time annually by the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. In its annual report, the Commission shall set out in detail the extent to which the European Parliament's recommendations have been taken into consideration. Should it deviate from the recommendations of the European Parliament, the Commission shall give its reasons for doing so.
2a. The procedure provided for under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be without prejudice to the European Parliament's prerogatives as budgetary authority under the Treaty.
(2) Such cooperation shall have the objective of fostering stability, security and prosperity in the mutual interest of all countries concerned, and of encouraging their harmonious, balanced and sustainable development.
2. Such cooperation shall have the objective of promoting good neighbourly relations, fostering stability, security , prosperity and social cohesion in the mutual interest of all countries concerned, and of encouraging their harmonious, balanced and sustainable development.
2a. In exceptional cases, where, in absence of agreement between a Member State and a beneficiary country, implementation tasks of a cross-border programme cannot be delegated to Member States, those tasks may be administered in some other appropriate way in accordance with Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002. The Commission shall ensure coordination and consistency between assistance provided by this Regulation and assistance provided by other Community instruments.
5a. Before their implementation, the Commission shall inform the European Parliament about the Community's aid programmes under this Regulation. In order for this ex-ante control to be carried out, the Commission's reports shall include all information concerning the actions proposed, the beneficiaries thereof and the respective financing operations.
3a. The Commission shall report to the European Parliament on the proceedings of the Committees.
(1) Assistance under this Regulation may, inter alia, finance investments, procurement contracts, grants, including interest rate subsidies, special loans, loan guarantees and financial assistance, budgetary support, and other specific forms of budgetary aid, and the contribution to the capital of international financial institutions or the regional development banks. Budgetary support is contingent on the administration of public finances of the Partner Country being sufficiently transparent, reliable and efficient, and on well-defined sectorial or macroeconomic policies approved by international financing institutions having been put in place.
1. Assistance under this Regulation may, inter alia, finance investments, procurement contracts, grants, including interest rate subsidies, special loans, loan guarantees and financial assistance, and the contribution to the capital of international financial institutions or the regional development banks.
Implementation of Assistance
Implementation of Assistance and its Visibility
2a. The Commission shall promote detailed information and publicity about the projects and programmes financed in order to raise public awareness about the Community action and its objectives.
2b. The Commission shall ensure consistency between assistance provided under this Regulation and assistance provided under other external assistance instruments including a separate instrument devoted to the promotion of human rights and democracy, as well as Member States' bilateral operations and funding from the EIB, other international organisations and regional development banks.
(2) Where a beneficiary country fails to respect these principles or the commitments contained in the relevant Partnership with the European Union or progress toward fulfilment of the accession criteria is insufficient, the Council, acting by qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, may take appropriate steps with regard to any assistance granted under this Regulation.
2. Where a beneficiary country fails to respect these principles or the commitments contained in the relevant Partnership with or Accession Treaty to the European Union or progress toward fulfilment of the accession criteria is insufficient, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament , may take appropriate steps with regard to any assistance granted under this Regulation. In that case, the Commission shall initiate, within the framework of this Regulation, specific action aimed at resolving the problems hindering the pre-accession or accession process.
2a. The European Parliament may request the Commission to submit a proposal to the Council pursuant to paragraph 2 on taking appropriate steps with regard to any assistance granted under this Regulation. The Commission shall submit its proposal to the Council within 3 months of receiving the request, or shall give its reasons for not doing so.
If a beneficiary country listed in Annex I of this Regulation is, pursuant to a decision of the Council acting under Art. 49, paragraph 1, first sentence of the Treaty on European Union, granted Candidate status, the Council, acting by qualified majority on the basis of a proposal from the Commission will transfer that country from Annex I to Annex II.
1. If a beneficiary country listed in Annex I of this regulation is, pursuant to a decision of the Council acting under Article 49, paragraph 1, first sentence of the Treaty on European Union, granted Candidate status, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on the basis of a proposal from the Commission , and after consulting the European Parliament, will transfer that country from Annex I to Annex II.
1a. If the European Council recognises a State as a potential candidate for membership of the European Union, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on the basis of a proposal from the Commission, and after consulting the European Parliament, shall include that country in Annex I.
Article 20a
1. Not later than 30 June 2010, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council a report on the implementation of this Regulation together with a legislative proposal introducing the necessary modifications.
2. The European Parliament and the Council, acting on a proposal by the Commission, shall re-examine this Regulation by 31 December 2013.
(1) Not yet published in OJ.
Implementing powers conferred on the Commisison (Interinstitutional agreement)
European Parliament decision on the conclusion of an interinstitutional agreement taking the form of a joint statement concerning the draft for a Council Decision amending Decision 1999/468/EC laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (new regulatory procedure with scrutiny) (10125/2006 — C6-0208/2006 — 2006/2152(ACI))
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular the third indent of Article 202 thereof, |
— |
having regard to Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (1), |
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision 1999/468/EC (COM(2002)0719) (2), |
— |
having regard to the declaration of former Commission President Prodi before the European Parliament of 5 February 2002 (the “Prodi Declaration”), |
— |
having regard to its position of 2 September 2003 (3), |
— |
having regard to its resolution of 5 February 2002 on the implementation of financial services legislation (4), |
— |
having regard to the amended proposal from the Commission (COM(2004)0324) (5), |
— |
having regard to the draft Council Decision (10126/1/2006 — C6-0190/2006) (6), |
— |
having regard to the draft joint statement (10125/2006 — C6-0208/2006), |
— |
having regard to Rule 120(1) of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (A6-0237/2006), Whereas, |
A. |
the Council and the Commission agreed last autumn to open talks on the possibilities for carrying on the reform of the comitology procedures on the basis of the Commission's amended proposal, |
B. |
the Conference of Presidents decided on 10 November 2005 to begin discussions with the Council and the Commission on the comitology procedures and gave a mandate to this end to the Chairman of the Conference of Committee Chairmen and the Rapporteur of the committee responsible, which was renewed on 19 January 2006, |
C. |
these talks have led to a draft for a new procedure and draft statements in connection with the decision to be taken on this procedure, |
D. |
the Decision will introduce into the 1999 Decision on comitology a new procedure, known as the “regulatory procedure with scrutiny”, which will entitle the European Parliament and the Council to scrutinise “quasi-legislative” measures implementing an instrument adopted by codecision on an equal footing and to reject such measures, |
E. |
the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe signed by all Heads of Government and State grants Parliament the right to revoke the delegation of powers (Article I-36). The final compromise text for a new regulatory procedure with scrutiny does not provide for such a right for the Parliament. The right to revoke a delegation of powers will therefore remain one of the key demands of the European Parliament, something which could be achieved notably by the Constitutional Treaty, |
F. |
the decision will be accompanied by a joint statement by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, a statement by the Commission to be recorded in the minutes of the Council and statements by the Commission concerning the implementation and application of the new procedure, |
G. |
these statements reflect important points brought into the negotiations by the three institutions, without which the compromise on the new procedure would not have been achieved and its practical effect would not have been secured, |
1. |
Approves the conclusion of the agreement taking the form of a joint statement annexed to this decision; |
2. |
Takes note of the statement by the Commission concerning its undertaking to take transparency measures, made in connection with the joint statement; |
3. |
Takes note of the statements by the Commission concerning the language regime and the starting point of the period for scrutiny and the alignment of acts in force made on the same occasion; |
4. |
Instructs its President to forward this decision to the Council and Commission, for information. |
Statement of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission
1. |
The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission welcome the forthcoming adoption of the Council Decision amending Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (7). The inclusion in the 1999 Decision of a new procedure, known as the “regulatory procedure with scrutiny”, will enable the legislator to scrutinise the adoption of “quasi-legislative” measures implementing an instrument adopted by codecision. |
2. |
The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission emphasise that, in the context of the existing Treaty, this Decision provides a horizontal and satisfactory solution to the European Parliament's wish to scrutinise the implementation of instruments adopted under the codecision procedure. |
3. |
Without prejudice to the rights of the legislative authorities, the European Parliament and the Council recognise that the principles of good legislation require that implementing powers be conferred on the Commission without time-limit. However, where an adaptation is necessary within a specified period, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission consider that a clause requesting the Commission to submit a proposal to revise or abrogate the provisions concerning the delegation of implementing powers could strengthen the scrutiny exercised by the legislator. |
4. |
This new procedure will apply following its entry into force to the quasi-legislative measures provided for in instruments adopted in accordance with the codecision procedure, including those provided for in instruments to be adopted in future in the financial services field (Lamfalussy instruments). However, for it to be applicable to instruments adopted by codecision which are already in force, those instruments must be adjusted in accordance with the applicable procedures, so as to replace the regulatory procedure laid down in Article 5 of Decision 1999/468/EC by the regulatory procedure with scrutiny, wherever there are measures which fall within its scope. |
5. |
The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission consider that the following instruments should be adjusted as a matter of urgency:
To this end, the Commission has indicated that it will shortly submit proposals to the European Parliament and the Council for the amendment of the instruments referred to above, so as to introduce the regulatory procedure with scrutiny and consequently repeal any provisions of these instruments that provide for a time-limit on the delegation of implementing powers to the Commission. The European Parliament and the Council will ensure that the proposals are adopted as rapidly as possible. |
6. |
In accordance with the Interinstitutional Agreement of 16 December 2003 on better law-making (8), the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission draw attention to the important role played by implementing measures in legislation. In addition, they consider that the general principles of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 22 December 1998 on common guidelines for the quality of drafting of Community legislation (9) should apply in any event to measures of general scope adopted under the new regulatory procedure with scrutiny. |
(1) OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.
(2) Not yet published in OJ.
(3) OJ C 76 E, 25.3.2004, p. 82.
(4) OJ C 284 E, 21.11.2002, p. 115.
(5) Not yet published in OJ.
(6) Not yet published in OJ.
(7) OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.
Implementing powers conferred on the Commission (procedures) *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the draft Council Decision amending Decision 1999/468/EC laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (10126/1/2006 — C6-0190/2006 — 2002/0298(CNS))
(Consultation procedure — renewed consultation)
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular the third indent of Article 202 thereof, |
— |
having regard to Article I-36 of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (1), |
— |
having regard to the draft Council Decision (10126/1/2006) (2), |
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2002)0719) (3) and the amended proposal (COM(2004)0324) (4), |
— |
having regard to its position of 2 September 2003 (5), |
— |
having been reconsulted by the Council pursuant to Article 202 of the EC Treaty (C6-0190/2006), |
— |
having regard to Rules 51 and 55(3) of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (A6-0236/2006), |
1. |
Approves the draft Council Decision; |
2. |
Asks its competent committee to examine whether it would be appropriate to modify the Rules of Procedure, and in particular Rule 81, so as to enable Parliament to make use of its rights under the new regulatory procedure with scrutiny under the best possible conditions; |
3. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission. |
(1) OJ C 310, 16.12.2004, p. 1.
(2) Not yet published in OJ.
(3) Not yet published in OJ.
(4) Not yet published in OJ.
Payer information with transfers of funds ***I
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on information on the payer accompanying transfers of funds (COM(2005)0343 — C6-0246/2005 — 2005/0138(COD))
(Codecision procedure: first reading)
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal to the European Parliament and the Council (COM(2005)0343) (1), |
— |
having regard to Article 251(2) and Article 95 of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C6-0246/2005), |
— |
having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (A6-0196/2006), |
1. |
Approves the Commission proposal as amended; |
2. |
Calls on the Commission to refer the matter to Parliament again if it intends to amend the proposal substantially or replace it with another text; |
3. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission. |
(1) Not yet published in OJ.
Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 6 July 2006 with a view to the adoption of Regulation (EC) No …/2006 of the European Parliament and Council on information on the payer accompanying transfers of funds
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 95 thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Having regard to the opinion of the European Central Bank (1),
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (2),
(1) |
Flows of dirty money through transfers of funds can damage the stability and reputation of the financial sector and threaten the internal market. Terrorism shakes the very foundations of our society. The soundness, integrity and stability of the system of transfers of funds and confidence in the financial system as a whole could be seriously jeopardised by the efforts of criminals and their associates either to disguise the origin of criminal proceeds or to transfer funds for terrorist purposes. |
(2) |
In order to facilitate their criminal activities, money launderers and terrorist financers could try to take advantage of the freedom of capital movements entailed by the integrated financial area, unless certain coordinating measures are adopted at Community level. By its scale, Community action should ensure that Special Recommendation VII on wire transfers (SR VII) of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) established by the Paris G7 Summit of 1989 is transposed uniformly throughout the European Union, and, in particular, that there is no discrimination between national payments within a Member State and cross-border payments between Member States. Uncoordinated action by Member States alone in the field of cross-border transfers of funds could have a significant impact on the smooth functioning of payment systems at EU level, and therefore damage the internal market in the field of financial services. |
(3) |
In the wake of the terrorist attacks in the USA on 11 September 2001, the extraordinary European Council on 21 September 2001 reiterated that the fight against terrorism is a key objective of the European Union. The European Council approved a plan of action dealing with enhanced police and judicial cooperation, developing international legal instruments against terrorism, preventing terrorist funding, strengthening air security and greater consistency between all relevant policies. This plan of action was revised by the European Council following the terrorist attacks of 11 March 2004 in Madrid, and now specifically addresses the need to ensure that the legislative framework created by the Community for the purpose of combating terrorism and improving judicial cooperation is adapted to the nine Special Recommendations against Terrorist Financing adopted by the FATF. |
(4) |
In order to prevent terrorist funding, measures aimed at the freezing of funds and economic resources of certain persons, groups and entities have been taken, including Regulation (EC) No 2580/2001 (3), and Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 (4). To that same end, measures aimed at protecting the financial system against the channelling of funds and economic resources for terrorist purposes have been taken. Directive 2005/60/EC (5) contains a number of measures aimed at combating the misuse of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing. Those measures do not, however, fully prevent terrorists and other criminals from having access to payment systems for moving their funds. |
(5) |
In order to foster a coherent approach in the international context in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, further Community action should take account of developments at that level, namely the nine Special Recommendations against Terrorist Financing adopted by the FATF, and in particular SR VII and the revised interpretative note for its implementation. |
(6) |
The full traceability of transfers of funds can be a particularly important and valuable tool in the prevention, investigation and detection of money laundering or terrorist financing. It is therefore appropriate, in order to ensure the transmission of information on the payer throughout the payment chain, to provide for a system imposing the obligation on payment service providers to have transfers of funds accompanied by accurate and meaningful information on the payer. |
(7) |
The provisions of this Regulation apply without prejudice to Directive 95/46/EC (6). For example, information collected and kept for the purpose of this Regulation should not be used for commercial purposes. |
(8) |
Persons who merely convert paper documents into electronic data and are acting under a contract with a payment service provider do not fall within the scope of this Regulation; the same applies to any natural or legal person who provides payment service providers solely with messaging or other support systems for transmitting funds or with clearing and settlement systems. |
(9) |
It is appropriate to exclude from the scope of this Regulation transfers of funds that represent a low risk of money laundering or terrorist financing. Such exclusions should cover credit or debit cards, Automated Teller Machine (ATM) withdrawals, direct debits, truncated cheques, payments of taxes, fines or other levies, and transfers of funds where both the payer and the payee are payment service providers acting on their own behalf. In addition, in order to reflect the special characteristics of national payment systems, Member States may exempt electronic giro payments, provided that it is always possible to trace the transfer of funds back to the payer. Where Member States have applied the derogation for electronic money in Directive 2005/60/EC, it should be applied under this Regulation, provided the amount transacted does not exceed 1 000Euro. |
(10) |
The exemption for electronic money, as defined by Directive 2000/46/EC (7), covers electronic money irrespective of whether the issuer of such money benefits from a waiver under Article 8 of that Directive. |
(11) |
In order not to impair the efficiency of payment systems, the verification requirements for transfers of funds made from an account should be separate from those for transfers of funds not made from an account. In order to balance the risk of driving transactions underground by imposing overly strict identification requirements against the potential terrorist threat posed by small transfers of funds, the obligation to check whether the information on the payer is accurate should, in the case of transfers of funds not made from an account, be imposed only in respect of individual transfers of funds that exceed 1 000Euro, without prejudice to the obligations under Directive 2005/60/EC. For transfers of funds made from an account, payment service providers should not be required to verify information on the payer accompanying each transfer of funds, where the obligations under Directive 2005/60/EC have been met. |
(12) |
Against the background of Regulation (EC) No 2560/2001 (8) and the Commission Communication “A New Legal Framework for Payments in the Internal Market” (9), it is sufficient to provide for simplified information on the payer to accompany transfers of funds within the Community. |
(13) |
In order to allow the authorities responsible for combating money laundering or terrorist financing in third countries to trace the source of funds used for those purposes, transfers of funds from the Community to outside the Community should carry complete information on the payer. Those authorities should be granted access to complete information on the payer only for the purposes of preventing, investigating and detecting money laundering or terrorist financing. |
(14) |
For transfers of funds from a single payer to several payees to be sent in an inexpensive way in batch files containing individual transfers from the Community to outside the Community, provision should be made for such individual transfers to carry only the account number of the payer or a unique identifier provided that the batch file contains complete information on the payer. |
(15) |
In order to check whether the required information on the payer accompanies transfers of funds, and to help to identify suspicious transactions, the payment service provider of the payee should have effective procedures in place in order to detect whether information on the payer is missing. |
(16) |
Owing to the potential terrorist financing threat posed by anonymous transfers, it is appropriate to enable the payment service provider of the payee to avoid or correct such situations when it becomes aware that information on the payer is missing or incomplete. In this regard, flexibility should be allowed as concerns the extent of information on the payer on a risk-sensitive basis. In addition, the accuracy and completeness of information on the payer should remain the responsibility of the payment service provider of the payer. Where the payment service provider of the payer is situated outside the territory of the Community, enhanced customer due diligence should be applied, in accordance with Directive 2005/60/EC, in respect of cross-border correspondent banking relationships with that payment service provider. |
(17) |
Where guidance is given by national competent authorities as regards the obligations either to reject all transfers from a payment service provider which regularly fails to supply the required information on the payer or to decide whether or not to restrict or terminate a business relationship with that payment service provider, it should inter alia be based on the convergence of best practices and should also take into account the fact that the revised interpretative note to SR VII of the FATF allows third countries to set a threshold of 1 000Euro or USD 1 000 for the obligation to send information on the payer, without prejudice to the objective of efficiently combating money laundering and terrorist financing. |
(18) |
In any event, the payment service provider of the payee should exercise special vigilance, assessing the risks, when it becomes aware that information on the payer is missing or incomplete, and should report suspicious transactions to the competent authorities, in accordance with the reporting obligations set out in Directive 2005/60/EC and national implementing measures. |
(19) |
The provisions on transfers of funds where information on the payer is missing or incomplete apply without prejudice to any obligations on payment service providers to suspend and/or reject transfers of funds which violate provisions of civil, administrative or criminal law. |
(20) |
Until technical limitations that may prevent intermediary payment service providers from satisfying the obligation to transmit all the information they receive on the payer are removed, those intermediary payment service providers should keep records of that information. Such technical limitations should be removed as soon as payment systems are upgraded. |
(21) |
Since in criminal investigations it may not be possible to identify the data required or the individuals involved until many months, or even years, after the original transfer of funds, it is appropriate to require payment service providers to keep records of information on the payer for the purposes of preventing, investigating and detecting money laundering or terrorist financing. This period should be limited. |
(22) |
To enable prompt action to be taken in the fight against terrorism, payment service providers should respond promptly to requests for information on the payer from the authorities responsible for combating money laundering or terrorist financing in the Member State where they are situated. |
(23) |
The number of working days in the Member State of the payment service provider of the payer determines the number of days to respond to requests for information on the payer. |
(24) |
Given the importance of the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, Member States should lay down effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties in national law for failure to comply with this Regulation. |
(25) |
The measures necessary for the implementation of this Regulation should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission (10). |
(26) |
A number of countries and territories which do not form part of the territory of the Community share a monetary union with a Member State, form part of the currency area of a Member State or have signed a monetary convention with the European Community represented by a Member State, and have payment service providers that participate directly or indirectly in the payment and settlement systems of that Member State. In order to avoid the application of this Regulation to transfers of funds between the Member States concerned and those countries or territories having a significant negative effect on the economies of those countries or territories, it is appropriate to provide for the possibility for such transfers of funds to be treated as transfers of funds within the Member States concerned. |
(27) |
In order not to discourage donations for charitable purposes, it is appropriate to authorise Member States to exempt payment services providers situated in their territory from collecting, verifying, recording, or sending information on the payer for transfers of funds up to a maximum amount of 150 Euro executed within the territory of that Member State. It is also appropriate to make this option conditional upon requirements to be met by non-profit organisations, in order to allow Member States to ensure that this exemption does not give rise to abuse by terrorists as a cover for or a means of facilitating the financing of their activities. |
(28) |
Since the objectives of this Regulation cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale or effects of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives. |
(29) |
In order to establish a coherent approach in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, the main provisions of this Regulation should apply from the same date as the relevant provisions adopted at international level, |
Article 1
Subject matter
This Regulation lays down rules on information on the payer to accompany transfers of funds for the purposes of the prevention, investigation and detection of money laundering and terrorist financing.
Article 2
For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
1) |
“terrorist financing” means the provision or collection of funds within the meaning of Article 1(4) of Directive 2005/60/EC; |
2) |
“money laundering” means any conduct which, when committed intentionally, is regarded as money laundering for the purposes of Article 1(2) or (3) of Directive 2005/60/EC; |
3) |
“payer” means either a natural or legal person who holds an account and allows a transfer of funds from that account, or, where there is no account, a natural or legal person who places an order for a transfer of funds; |
4) |
“payee” means a natural or legal person who is the intended final recipient of transferred funds; |
5) |
“payment service provider” means a natural or legal person whose business includes the provision of transfer of funds services; |
6) |
“intermediary payment service provider” means a payment service provider, neither of the payer nor of the payee, that participates in the execution of transfers of funds; |
7) |
“transfer of funds” means any transaction carried out on behalf of a payer through a payment service provider by electronic means, with a view to making funds available to a payee at a payment service provider, irrespective of whether the payer and the payee are the same person; |
8) |
“batch file transfer” means several individual transfers of funds which are bundled together for transmission; |
9) |
“unique identifier” means a combination of letters, numbers or symbols, determined by the payment service provider, in accordance with the protocols of the payment and settlement system or messaging system used to effect the transfer of funds. |
Article 3
1. This Regulation shall apply to transfers of funds, in any currency, which are sent or received by a payment service provider established in the Community.
2. This Regulation shall not apply to transfers of funds carried out using a credit or debit card, provided that:
a) |
the payee has an agreement with the payment service provider permitting payment for the provision of goods and services; and |
b) |
a unique identifier, allowing the transaction to be traced back to the payer, accompanies such transfer of funds. |
3. Where a Member State chooses to apply the derogation set out in Article 11(5)(d) of Directive 2005/60/EC, this Regulation shall not apply to transfers of funds using electronic money covered by that derogation, except where the amount transferred exceeds 1 000Euro.
4. Without prejudice to paragraph 3, this Regulation shall not apply to transfers of funds carried out by means of a mobile telephone or any other digital or Information Technology (IT) device, when such transfers are pre-paid and do not exceed 150 Euro.
5. This Regulation shall not apply to transfers of funds carried out by means of a mobile telephone or any other digital or IT device, when such transfers are post-paid and meet all of the following conditions:
a) |
the payee has an agreement with the payment service provider permitting payment for the provision of goods and services; |
b) |
a unique identifier, allowing the transaction to be traced back to the payer, accompanies the transfer of funds; and |
c) |
the payment service provider is subject to the obligations set out in Directive 2005/60/EC. |
6. Member States may decide not to apply this Regulation to transfers of funds within that Member State to a payee account permitting payment for the provision of goods or services if:
a) |
the payment service provider of the payee is subject to the obligations set out in Directive 2005/60/EC; |
b) |
the payment service provider of the payee is able by means of a unique reference number to trace back, through the payee, the transfer of funds from the natural or legal person who has an agreement with the payee for the provision of goods and services; and |
c) |
the amount transacted is 1 000Euro or less. |
Member States making use of this derogation shall inform the Commission thereof.
7. This Regulation shall not apply to transfers of funds:
a) |
where the payer withdraws cash from his or her own account; |
b) |
where there is a debit transfer authorisation between two parties permitting payments between them through accounts, provided that a unique identifier accompanies the transfer of funds, enabling the natural or legal person to be traced back; |
c) |
where truncated cheques are used; |
d) |
to public authorities for taxes, fines or other levies within a Member State; |
e) |
where both the payer and the payee are payment service providers acting on their own behalf. |
Article 4
Complete information on the payer
1. Complete information on the payer shall consist of his name, address and account number.
2. The address may be substituted with the date and place of birth of the payer, his customer identification number or national identity number.
3. Where the payer does not have an account number, the payment service provider of the payer shall substitute it by a unique identifier which allows the transaction to be traced back to the payer.
Article 5
Information accompanying transfers of funds and record keeping
1. Payment service providers shall ensure that transfers of funds are accompanied by complete information on the payer.
2. The payment service provider of the payer shall, before transferring the funds, verify the complete information on the payer on the basis of documents, data or information obtained from a reliable and independent source.
3. In the case of transfers of funds from an account, verification may be deemed to have taken place if:
a) |
a payer's identity has been verified in connection with the opening of the account and the information obtained by this verification has been stored in accordance with the obligations set out in Articles 8(2) and 30(a) of Directive 2005/60/EC; or |
b) |
the payer falls within the scope of Article 9(6) of Directive 2005/60/EC. |
4. However, without prejudice to Article 7(c) of Directive 2005/60/EC, in the case of transfers of funds not made from an account, the payment service provider of the payer shall verify the information on the payer only where the amount exceeds 1 000Euro, unless the transaction is carried out in several operations that appear to be linked and together exceed 1 000Euro.
5. The payment service provider of the payer shall for five years keep records of complete information on the payer which accompanies transfers of funds.
Article 6
Transfers of funds within the Community
1. By way of derogation from Article 5(1), where both the payment service provider of the payer and the payment service provider of the payee are situated in the Community, transfers of funds shall be required to be accompanied only by the account number of the payer or a unique identifier allowing the transaction to be traced back to the payer.
2. However, if so requested by the payment service provider of the payee, the payment service provider of the payer shall make available to the payment service provider of the payee complete information on the payer, within three working days of receiving that request.
Article 7
Transfers of funds from the Community to outside the Community
1. Transfers of funds where the payment service provider of the payee is situated outside the Community shall be accompanied by complete information on the payer.
2. In the case of batch file transfers from a single payer where the payment service providers of the payees are situated outside the Community, paragraph 1 shall not apply to the individual transfers bundled together therein, provided that the batch file contains that information and that the individual transfers carry the account number of the payer or a unique identifier.
Article 8
Detection of missing information on the payer
The payment service provider of the payee shall detect whether, in the messaging or payment and settlement system used to effect a transfer of funds, the fields relating to the information on the payer have been completed using the characters or inputs admissible within the conventions of that messaging or payment and settlement system. Such provider shall have effective procedures in place in order to detect whether the following information on the payer is missing:
a) |
for transfers of funds where the payment service provider of the payer is situated in the Community, the information required under Article 6; |
b) |
for transfers of funds where the payment service provider of the payer is situated outside the Community, complete information on the payer as referred to in Article 4, or where applicable, the information required under Article 13; and |
c) |
for batch file transfers where the payment service provider of the payer is situated outside the Community, complete information on the payer as referred to in Article 4 in the batch file transfer only, but not in the individual transfers bundled therein. |
Article 9
Transfers of funds with missing or incomplete information on the payer
1. If the payment service provider of the payee becomes aware, when receiving transfers of funds, that information on the payer required under this Regulation is missing or incomplete, it shall either reject the transfer or ask for complete information on the payer. In any event, the payment service provider of the payee shall comply with any applicable law or administrative provisions relating to money laundering and terrorist financing, in particular, Regulations (EC) No 2580/2001 and (EC) No 881/2002, Directive 2005/60/EC and any national implementing measures.
2. Where a payment service provider regularly fails to supply the required information on the payer, the payment service provider of the payee shall take steps, which may initially include the issuing of warnings and setting of deadlines, before either rejecting any future transfers of funds from that payment service provider or deciding whether or notto restrict or terminate its business relationship with that payment service provider.
The payment service provider of the payee shall report that fact tothe authorities responsible for combating money laundering or terrorist financing.
Article 10
Risk-based assessment
The payment service provider of the payee shall consider missing or incomplete information on the payer as a factor in assessing whether the transfer of funds, or any related transaction, is suspicious, and whether it must be reported, in accordance with the obligations set out in Chapter III of Directive 2005/60/EC, to the authorities responsible for combating money laundering or terrorist financing.
Article 11
Record keeping
The payment service provider of the payee shall for five years keep records of any information received on the payer.
Article 12
Keeping information on the payer with the transfer
Intermediary payment service providers shall ensure that all information received on the payer that accompanies a transfer of funds is kept with the transfer.
Article 13
Technical limitations
1. This Article shall apply where the payment service provider of the payer is situated outside the Community and the intermediary payment service provider is situated within the Community.
2. Unless the intermediary payment service provider becomes aware, when receiving a transfer of funds, that information on the payer required under this Regulation is missing or incomplete, it may use a payment system with technical limitations which prevents information on the payer from accompanying the transfer of funds to send transfers of funds to the payment service provider of the payee.
3. Where the intermediary payment service provider becomes aware, when receiving a transfer of funds, that information on the payer required under this Regulation is missing or incomplete, it shall only use a payment system with technical limitations if it is able to inform the payment service provider of the payee thereof, either within a messaging or payment system that provides for communication of this fact or through another procedure, provided that the manner of communication is accepted by, or agreed between, both payment service providers.
4. Where the intermediary payment service provider uses a payment system with technical limitations, the intermediary payment service provider shall, upon request from the payment service provider of the payee, make available to that payment service provider all the information on the payer which it has received, irrespective of whether it is complete or not, within three working days of receiving that request.
5. In the cases referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, the intermediary payment service provider shall for five years keep records of all information received.
Article 14
Cooperation obligations
Payment service providers shall respond fully and without delay, in accordance with the procedural requirements established in the national law of the Member State in which they are situated, to enquiries from the authorities responsible for combating money laundering or terrorist financing of that Member State concerning the information on the payer accompanying transfers of funds and corresponding records.
Without prejudice to national criminal law and the protection of fundamental rights, those authorities may use that information only for the purposes of preventing, investigating or detecting money laundering or terrorist financing.
Article 15
Penalties and monitoring
1. Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of the provisions of this Regulation and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. Such penalties shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. They shall apply from 15 December 2007.
2. Member States shall notify the Commission of the rules referred to in paragraph 1 and the authorities responsible for their application by 14 December 2007 at the latest, and shall notify it without delay of any subsequent amendment affecting them.
3. Member States shall require competent authorities to effectively monitor, and take necessary measures with a view to ensuring, compliance with the requirements of this Regulation.
Article 16
Committee procedure
1. The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing established by Directive 2005/60/EC, hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”.
2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof and provided that the implementing measures adopted in accordance with this procedure do not modify the essential provisions of this Regulation.
The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.
Article 17
Agreements with territories or countries which do not form part of the territory of the Community
1. The Commission may authorise any Member State to conclude agreements, under national arrangements, with a country or territory which does not form part of the territory of the Community as determined in accordance with Article 299 of the Treaty, which contain derogations from this Regulation, in order to allow for transfers of funds between that country or territory and the Member State concerned to be treated as transfers of funds within that Member State.
Such agreements may be authorised only if:
a) |
the country or territory concerned shares a monetary union with the Member State concerned, forms part of the currency area of that Member State or has signed a Monetary Convention with the European Community represented by a Member State; |
b) |
payment service providers in the country or territory concerned participate directly or indirectly in payment and settlement systems in that Member State; and |
c) |
the country or territory concerned requires payment service providers under its jurisdiction to apply the same rules as those established under this Regulation. |
2. Any Member State wishing to conclude an agreement as referred to in paragraph 1 shall send an application to the Commission and provide it with all the necessary information.
Upon receipt by the Commission of an application from a Member State, transfers of funds between that Member State and the country or territory concerned shall be provisionally treated as transfers of funds within that Member State, until a decision is reached in accordance with the procedure set out in this Article.
If the Commission considers that it does not have all the necessary information, it shall contact the Member State concerned within two months of receipt of the application and specify the additional information required.
Once the Commission has all the information it considers necessary for appraisal of the request, it shall within one month notify the requesting Member State accordingly and shall transmit the request to the other Member States.
3. Within three months of the notification referred to in the fourth subparagraph of paragraph 2, the Commission shall decide, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 16(2), whether to authorise the Member State concerned to conclude the agreement referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
In any event, a decision as referred to in the first subparagraph shall be adopted within eighteen months of receipt of the application by the Commission.
Article 18
Transfers of funds to non-profit organisations within a Member State
1. Member States may exempt payment service providers situated in their territory from the obligations set out in Article 5, as regards transfers of funds to organisations carrying out activities for non-profit charitable, religious, cultural, educational, social, scientific or fraternal purposes, provided that those organisations are subject to reporting and external audit requirements or supervision by a public authority or self-regulatory body recognised under national law and that those transfers of funds are limited to a maximum amount of 150 Euro per transfer and take place exclusively within the territory of that Member State.
2. Member States making use of this Article shall communicate to the Commission the measures that they have adopted for applying the option provided for in paragraph 1, including a list of organisations covered by the exemption, the names of the natural persons who ultimately control those organisations and an explanation of how the list will be updated. That information shall also be made available to the authorities responsible for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.
3. An up-to-date list of organisations covered by the exemption shall be communicated by the Member State concerned to the payment service providers operating in that Member State.
Article 19
Review clause
1. By … (11) the Commission shall present a report to the European Parliament and to the Council giving a full economic and legal assessment of the application of this Regulation, accompanied, if appropriate, by a proposal for its modification or repeal.
2. That report shall in particular review:
a) |
the application of Article 3 with regard to further experience of the possible misuse of electronic money, as defined in Article 1(3) of Directive 2000/46/EC, and other newly-developed means of payment, for the purposes of money laundering and terrorist financing. Should there be a risk of such misuse, the Commission shall submit a proposal to amend this Regulation; |
b) |
the application of Article 13 with regard to the technical limitations which may prevent complete information on the payer from being transmitted to the payment service provider of the payee. Should it be possible to overcome such technical limitations in the light of new developments in the payments area, and taking into account related costs for payment service providers, the Commission shall submit a proposal to amend this Regulation |
Article 20
Entry into force
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, but in any event not before 1 January 2007.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at …, …
For the European Parliament
The President
For the Council
The President
(1) OJ C 336, 31.12.2005, p. 109.
(2) Position of the European Parliament of 6 July 2006.
(3) Council Regulation (EC) No 2580/2001 of 27 December 2001 on specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities with a view to combating terrorism (OJ L 344, 28.12.2001, p. 70). Regulation as last amended by Council Decision 2006/379/EC (OJ L 144, 31.5.2006, p. 21).
(4) Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 of 27 May 2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban (OJ L 139, 29.5.2002, p. 9). Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1286/2006 (OJ L 235, 30.8.2006, p. 14).
(5) Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering and terrorist financing (OJ L 309, 25.11.2005, p. 15).
(6) Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (OJ L 281, 23.11.1995, p. 31). Directive as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 (OJ L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 1).
(7) Directive 2000/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 on the taking up, pursuit of and prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institutions (OJ L 275, 27.10.2000, p. 39).
(8) Regulation (EC) No 2560/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 2001 on cross-border payments in euro (OJ L 344, 28.12.2001, p. 13).
(9) COM(2003) 0718 final.
(10) OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23. Decision as last amended by Council Decision 2006/512/EC (OJ L 200, 22.7.2006, p. 11).
(11) Five years after the entry into force of this Regulation.
Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (COM(2005)0181 — C6-0234/2005 — 2005/0090(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2005)0181) (1), |
— |
having regard to Article 279 of the EC Treaty and Article 183 of the Euratom Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0234/2005), |
— |
having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Budgets and the opinions of the Committee on Development and the Committee on Budgetary Control (A6-0057/2006), |
1. |
Approves the Commission proposal as amended on 15 March 2006 (2); |
2. |
Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty and Article 119, second paragraph, of the Euratom Treaty; |
3. |
Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament; |
4. |
Calls for initiation of the conciliation procedure under the Joint Declaration of 4 March 1975 if the Council intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament; |
5. |
Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially; |
6. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission. |
(1) Not yet published in OJ.
(2) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2006)0085.
Mutual information procedure *
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council decision on the establishment of a mutual information procedure concerning Member States' measures in the areas of asylum and immigration (COM(2005)0480 — C6-0335/2005 — 2005/0204(CNS))
(Consultation procedure)
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2005)0480) (1), |
— |
having regard to Article 66 of the EC Treaty, |
— |
having regard to Article 67 of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0335/2005), |
— |
having regard to the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs on the proposed legal basis, |
— |
having regard to Rules 51, 41(4) and Rule 35 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (A6-0186/2006), |
1. |
Approves the Commission proposal as amended; |
2. |
Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty; |
3. |
Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament; |
4. |
Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially; |
5. |
Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission. |
(3a) |
This procedure should operate on two levels: on the one hand, via a web-based network, the Member States' administrations inform each other on the measures taken at national level in areas of asylum and immigration; on the other, the political authorities engage in regular debates at European level on those areas. |
(4) |
The information procedure should be based on solidarity, transparency and mutual confidence; |
(4) |
The information procedure should be based on solidarity, transparency and mutual confidence and should result in a concerted and coordinated approach to the asylum and immigration policies of the Member States. |
(4a) |
The creation of this procedure should lead to the simplification, rationalisation and regrouping of the systems, structures and networks existing at Community level in the areas of asylum and immigration. |
(5) |
For reasons of efficiency and accessibility, a web-based network should be the essential element of the information procedure concerning national measures in the areas of asylum and immigration; |
(5) |
For reasons of efficiency and accessibility, a web-based network managed by the Commission, which will ensure its security and confidentiality, should be the essential element of the information procedure concerning national measures in the areas of asylum and immigration. |
(7) |
Since the objectives of this Decision, namely secure information exchange and consultation between Member States, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the effects of the envisaged action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Decision does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives; |
(7) |
Since the objectives of this Decision, namely to secure information exchange and improve coordination and consultation between Member States, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the effects of the envisaged action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Decision does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives. |
This Decision establishes a procedure for the mutual exchange of information concerning national measures in the areas of asylum and immigration using a web-based network and allowing for an exchange of views on such measures .
This Decision establishes a procedure for the mutual exchange of information concerning national measures in the areas of asylum and immigration using a web-based network . This procedure shall make it possible to prepare regular exchanges of views on measures liable to have a significant impact in several Member States or at Community level, not only at the administrative level but also at the political level within the Council .
1. Member States shall communicate to the Commission and the other Member States the following measures which they intend to take in the areas of asylum and immigration if these measures are susceptible of having an impact on other Member States or on the Community as a whole:
1. Member States shall communicate to the Commission and the other Member States the following measures which they intend to take or have taken in the areas of asylum and immigration if these measures are susceptible of having an impact on other Member States , such as diverting or attracting migratory flows to or from another Member State, or on the Community as a whole:
(a) |
draft legislation , at the latest at the time of submission for adoption; and |
(a) |
legislative texts , at the latest at the time of their adoption or immediately after ; and |
1a. Member States shall communicate to the Commission and the other Member States measures relating to legal immigration and the fight against illegal immigration likely to have a significant impact on other Member States, no later than when they are presented for adoption.
2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission and the other Member States:
(a) |
The final texts of the measures referred to in paragraph 1(a) at the time when they are adopted or immediately thereafter; |
(b) |
The final texts of the measures referred to in paragraph 1(b) at the time when the Member State expresses its consent to be bound by such a measure or immediately thereafter. |
3. Member States shall communicate to the Commission and the other Member States the following decisions if they are susceptible of having an impact on other Member States or on the Community as a whole:
3. Member States shall communicate to the Commission and the other Member States the following decisions if they are susceptible of having an impact on other Member States , such as diverting or attracting migratory flows to or from another Member State, or on the Community as a whole:
(a) |
Final decisions of courts or tribunals which apply or interpret measures of national law in the areas of asylum or immigration, at the time when they are delivered or immediately thereafter; and |
(a) |
Final decisions of national and international courts or tribunals , including those that establish a precedent, which apply or interpret measures of national law or international agreements in the areas of asylum and immigration, at the time when they are delivered or immediately thereafter; and |
5. The Commission or a Member State may request additional information concerning a particular measure or decision communicated by another Member State through the network. In such a case, the Member State concerned shall provide additional information concerning that measure or decision , within two weeks of the request being made through the network. The additional information shall be made available to the Commission and the other Member States through the network.
5. The Commission or a Member State may request additional information concerning a particular measure or decision communicated by another Member State through the network. In such a case, the Member State concerned shall provide additional information, within four weeks of the request being made through the network. The additional information shall be made available to the Commission and the other Member States through the network.
5a. Individual Member States and/or the Commission may request information on measures not communicated beforehand by a Member State, where they consider that those measures are liable to have an impact on migration in the Member State requesting the information or in the Community as a whole.
6. Each Member State shall ensure that a summary of the text of every measure or decision it transmits through the network is available in an official language of the Community other than its own. This summary shall at least include the objectives and scope of the concerned measure or decision, its main provisions and an estimation of the impact it could have on other Member States or on the Community as a whole.
6. Each Member State shall ensure that the measures, decisions and evaluations it transmits through the network are available in one of the three most frequently used official languages of the Community other than its own.
2. The Commission shall be responsible for the development and management of the network, including the structure and content of the network and access to it. The network shall include appropriate measures to guarantee its confidentiality.
2. The Commission shall be responsible for the development and management of the network, including the structure and content of the network and access to it. The network shall include appropriate measures to guarantee the confidentiality of all or part of the information concerned .
2a. Legislative texts already adopted in each Member State and available on the network and final decisions of national and international courts and tribunals shall be available to the public.
3a. When establishing the mutual information procedure, Member States shall supply data concerning the state of play as regards their national law, thus creating a basic “data bank”.
4a. The network shall have a specific function enabling Member States to issue requests for information of a specific nature addressed to one or more Member States and/or the Commission, in the areas concerned by this Decision.
4b. The network shall have a specific function enabling the machine translation of on-line information into all the official languages of the Community, or, at least, the most widely-used ones, thereby making it easier to understand the documents.
5a. A secure access point for the network shall be created at the European Parliament for the use of the Members thereof.
1. The Commission may, on its initiative or on demand of a Member State, organise an exchange of views with Member States' experts on a particular national measure submitted under articles 2 and 3 of this Decision. The Member State whose measure is the object of discussion shall be represented at the exchange of views .
1. The Commission shall draw up a twice-yearly report summarising the information forwarded by the Member States. In preparing its report, the Commission may further consult the Member States. That report shall be forwarded to the European Parliament and the relevant services of the Council with a view to providing the political authorities with a basis for their exchanges of views .
2. The purpose of the exchange of views shall be the identification of issues of common interest.
The Commission shall evaluate the functioning of the system 3 years after the entry into force of this Decision and regularly thereafter.
The Commission shall evaluate the functioning of the system two years after the entry into force of this Decision and regularly thereafter.
(1) Not yet published in the OJ.
Modification of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities
European Parliament resolution on modification of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to its resolution of 23 June 2005 on the amendment of its decision of 4 June 2003 on the adoption of the Statute for the Members of the European Parliament (1), |
— |
having regard to the Declaration of 3 June 2005 by Representatives of the Member States, meeting within Council, in which they agreed that “when an instrument laying down the regulations and general conditions governing the performance of duties of Members of the European Parliament is adopted pursuant to the terms of Article 190(5) of the Treaty, they will examine the request of Parliament to revise the relevant provisions of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities of 1965 insofar as it concerns the Members of the European Parliament with a view to reach a conclusion as soon as possible”, |
— |
having regard to Rule 108(5) of its Rules of Procedure, |
A. |
whereas its resolution of 23 June 2005 considered the Declaration of 3 June 2005 to be an essential element for a compromise with the Council on the Statute, |
B. |
whereas its resolution of 23 June 2005 insisted “that the overall compromise on the Statute for Members of the European Parliament should consist of the following elements:
1. |
Recalls the Council's undertaking to consider Parliament's request for a review of those provisions of the 1965 Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities relating to Members of the European Parliament, the aim being to reach a conclusion as swiftly as possible; hopes also that, when the revision is carried out, a clause will be inserted to enable the European Parliament to bring actions before the Court of Justice of the European Communities for the purpose of safeguarding the privileges and immunities guaranteed by the Protocol; |
2. |
Confirms that the basis for that revision must be the Statute approved by the European Parliament on 3 and 4 June 2003; |
3. |
Calls on the Council to ensure the appropriate European Parliament involvement in that intergovernmental conference; |
4. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission. |
Economic and social consequences of business restructuring in Europe
European Parliament resolution on the economic and social consequences of companies restructuring in Europe
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers 1989 and the related action programme, |
— |
having regard to Council Directive 75/129/EEC of 17 February 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to collective redundancies (1), |
— |
having regard to Council Directive 94/45/EC of 22 September 1994 on the establishment of a European Works Council or a procedure in Community-scale undertakings and Community-scale groups of undertakings for the purposes of informing and consulting employees (2) (European Works Council Directive), |
— |
having regard to the rapid transformations and economic changes that may affect companies, positively or negatively, in all the Members States, |
— |
having regard to its resolutions of 14 March 2006 on relocation in the context of regional development (3) and of 15 March 2006 on restructuring and employment (4), and to its numerous earlier resolutions on company restructuring, relocations, mergers and closures, in particular that of 13 March 2003 on the closure of undertakings after receiving EU financial aid (5), |
— |
having regard to Directive 2002/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2002 establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community (6), |
— |
having regard to Rule 103(4) of its Rules of Procedure, |
A. |
whereas companies should make management decisions that secure the business growth of their enterprises, and whereas the restructuring of enterprises should safeguard social and economic progress if the changes required and address the challenges of fostering the development of a sustainable economy, combined with a determination to protect social welfare and environment, |
B. |
whereas the Lisbon Strategy is aimed at turning the EU into the world's most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy, capable of sustained economic growth accompanied by the creation of more and better jobs and greater social cohesion, |
C. |
whereas restructuring must be managed in a socially and environmentally sensitive way, failing which it may run counter to the Lisbon Strategy, which seeks to promote full employment, the quality of jobs, social and territorial cohesion and sustainable development, |
1. |
Calls on the Commission, as it has previously done in its resolution of 12 February 2004 on the crisis in the iron and steel sector (7), to adopt a more decisive strategy to tackle industrial restructuring and its social impact; |
2. |
Considers that aid from public funds should be linked to long-term agreements by the management of a company in matters of employment and local development; |
3. |
Asks the Commission, as well as the Member States, to withdraw the subsidies from aid programmes and to claim the reimbursement of these subsidies from companies that do not respect their obligations; |
4. |
Calls on the Commission and the Member States to promote a European dialogue on industrial restructuring as well as on structural reforms of the labour market to secure the advantages of globalisation, while minimising the negative social impact; |
5. |
Reminds the Commission of the importance of a well-functioning European Works Council Directive, which ensures that informing and consulting workers is properly carried out; |
6. |
Calls on the Commission to ensure that companies respect their social and financial responsibilities, act in a corporately responsible fashion and are fair to all stakeholders, including local and regional authorities and the communities where they are based; |
7. |
Calls on the Commission to draw up, without delay, an evaluation of the application of Directive 75/129/EEC and to make proposals for measures to ensure compliance; |
8. |
Welcomes the forthcoming European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, which will support workers and improve the social and educational infrastructure with regard to collective redundancies, and calls on the Council to adopt a common position as soon as possible after Parliament's first reading and to ensure that it can apply retrospectively where the effects of current closures carry over to 2007; |
9. |
Expresses its solidarity with all workers, their families and their communities affected by redundancies; |
10. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the European Trade Union Confederation and the Union of Employers' and Industrial Confederations of Europe. |
(1) OJ L 48, 22.2.1975, p. 29. Directive as last amended by Directive 92/56/EEC (OJ L 245, 26.8.1992, p. 3).
(2) OJ L 254, 30.9.1994, p. 64.
(3) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2006)0077.
(4) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2006)0088.
(5) OJ C 61 E, 10.3.2004, p. 425.
Extraordinary rendition
European Parliament resolution on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transportation and illegal detention of prisoners, adopted midway through the work of the Temporary Committee (2006/2027(INI))
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to its resolution of 15 December 2005 on presumed use of European countries by the CIA for the transportation and illegal detention of prisoners (1), |
— |
having regard to its decision of 18 January 2006 to set up a temporary committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transportation and illegal detention of prisoners (2), |
— |
having regard to Rule 175 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the interim report of the Temporary Committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transportation and illegal detention of prisoners (A6-0213/2006), |
A. |
whereas the main aim of the work of the temporary committee is to establish whether, in the context of the allegations, the action of the European Union (EU) and its Member States complies with the founding principles set out in Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and guarantees, in particular, the protection of fundamental rights as defined, inter alia, by the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, adopted by the Council of Europe on 4 November 1950 (the “ECHR”), |
B. |
whereas in Europe the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (3), proclaimed by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission at the European Council meeting in Nice on 7 December 2000 and incorporated in Part II of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, constitutes one of the reference texts not only for the Court of Justice of the European Communities, but also for constitutional courts and other courts in the Member States, |
C. |
whereas the fight against terrorism cannot be won by sacrificing the very principles that terrorism seeks to destroy, notably that the protection of fundamental rights must never be compromised; whereas terrorism must be fought by legal means and it must be defeated while respecting international and national law and with a responsible attitude on the part of governments and public opinion alike, |
D. |
whereas the principle of the inviolability of human dignity appears in the first article of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and underlies every other fundamental right, in particular the right to life (Article 2), the prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 4), the right to protection in the event of removal, expulsion or extradition (Article 19) and the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial (Article 47) and whereas this principle may not be subject to restrictions, even for the purposes of security in times both of peace and of war, |
E. |
whereas, according to international human rights standards, such as those laid down in the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its related instruments, and in particular in the ECHR, the Member States are under an obligation to ensure that any person under their jurisdiction enjoys the fundamental rights granted at international level, including the prohibition of transfers where there is a risk of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, |
F. |
whereas European and international human rights law prohibits enforced disappearances, including secret detentions, in which an individual is held incommunicado, without information about his or her fate or whereabouts being revealed to his or her family or the public, outside the purview of any legal process, |
G. |
whereas, in addition to the provisions of the ECHR, the allegations may give rise to liability on the part of the Member States as parties to:
H. |
whereas the closest possible cooperation between European, American and all governments in the world committed to the same cause is necessary to combat terrorism, |
I. |
whereas the closest possible consultation and cooperation is necessary between the temporary committee and the Council of Europe, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the authorities of the Member States, and in particular the national parliaments, |
J. |
whereas this consultation and cooperation should take account of activities and investigations already carried out, and in particular:
K. |
whereas, in the same way, special importance must be attached to the interim report by the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe (8), drawn up as part of the inquiry conducted under Article 52 of the ECHR, and the statements made by the Secretary-General at the press conference on 12 April 2006 in response to the detailed replies provided by the Member States of the Council of Europe (9), including the EU Member States; whereas the Secretary-General has stated that it is clear that rendition flights have taken place, that “virtually none of our Member States have proper legislative and administrative measures to effectively protect individuals against violations of human rights committed by agents of friendly foreign security services operating on their territory”g and that he has received “official acknowledgement of the ‘handing over’ of individuals to foreign officials through procedures which do not comply with the standards and safeguards required by the ECHR and other legal instruments of the Council of Europe” (10), |
L. |
whereas this initial phase of the temporary committee's work has made it possible to assemble a coherent dossier of information deriving, in particular:
M. |
whereas, in the absence of any quasi-judicial investigatory powers and in the face of alleged activity by intelligence services being kept secret by national authorities, the temporary committee has gathered corroborated information that some illegal practices have taken place on European territory affecting European citizens and residents and has therefore shifted to European governments the burden of proving whether, in fact, their human rights obligations under Article 6 TEU and the ECHR have been met, |
N. |
whereas the work carried out to date by the temporary committee confirms the validity of Parliament's decision of 18 January 2006 to set up the committee but has also shown the need to carry out further checks and gather additional information, and whereas it must therefore be allowed to continue its work so that it can fully carry out the mandate conferred on it, |
O. |
whereas paragraph 3 of its decision of 18 January 2006 stipulates that the temporary committee is to present an interim report to Parliament, with detailed proposals on how it will continue its work, |
P. |
whereas, in the present resolution, “European countries” should be understood as meaning Member States and accession, candidate and associate countries, as outlined in the mandate of the temporary committee adopted on 18 January 2006, |
Q. |
whereas the present resolution covers three different types of arrangement which the USA appears to have:
On the information obtained to date by the temporary committee
1. |
Endorses the conclusions of the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe following the inquiry conducted under Article 52 of the ECHR; |
2. |
Notes also, in this context, Opinion No 363/2005 delivered by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) (11) to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and in particular the following points:
3. |
Regrets that the rules governing the activities of secret services seem inadequate in several Member States, which means that more effective controls must be set up, in particular as regards the activities of foreign secret services on their territory, and also at foreign military bases, and considers that rules of cooperation should be established at EU level; |
4. |
Regrets that the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) has denied the temporary committee access to the full text of the NATO Council Decision adopted on 4 October 2001 on the implementation of Article 5 of the Washington Treaty; urgently invites NATO to grant access to the full text of the Decision to clarify the matter; |
5. |
Understands the importance of close co-operation between the intelligence services of the Member States and those of its allies, but stresses that such cooperation should not be confused with the abandonment of sovereignty over European territory and airspace; |
6. |
Notes the contributions made by the EU Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism, Mr De Vries, and by the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Mr Solana, who both stated that they were not aware of any violation of national, European or international law by Member States cooperating with the CIA, while adding, at the same time, that under EU law they were not competent to request relevant information from Member States; |
On the illegal seizures, removals, arrests, abductions, extraordinary renditions and secret detentions carried out by the CIA, other US agencies or services or other third-country security services
7. |
Is concerned that, according to the information which has already emerged in the Member States, the Council of Europe and the work of the temporary committee, serious and inadmissible violations of fundamental human rights have, since 11 September 2001 and as part of the essential action to combat terrorism, taken place on several occasions, in particular with reference to the ECHR, the United Nations Convention against Torture, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; |
8. |
Is led to believe on the basis of evidence presented to the temporary committee that, in some cases, the CIA or other US services have been directly responsible for the illegal seizure, removal, abduction and detention of terrorist suspects on the territory of Member States, accession and candidate countries and for the extraordinary rendition of, amongst others, European nationals or residents; recalls that these actions do not correspond to known international law concepts and are contrary to the fundamental principles of human rights law; |
9. |
Regrets that the agreements of understanding between the USA and European countries have not been made available to the temporary committee; |
10. |
Condemns the practice of extraordinary renditions, which is aimed at ensuring that suspects are not brought before a court but are transferred to third countries to be interrogated, where they could be tortured, and detained in facilities controlled by the USA or local authorities; considers unacceptable the practices of certain governments consisting in limiting their responsibilities by asking for diplomatic assurances from countries in respect of which there is strong reason to believe they practice torture, which view was also expressed in the conclusions of Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on torture; considers, moreover, that the extraordinary rendition of persons to places where torture is endemic is a violation of the principle of “non-refoulement”, as laid down in Article 3 of the UN Convention Against Torture; |
11. |
Considers diplomatic assurances, insofar as they request an exception to the norm, to be a tacit acknowledgement of the existence of torture practices in third countries and therefore contradictory to the EU's responsibilities as set forth in the “Guidelines to EU policy towards third countries on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”, adopted by the Council on 9 April 2001; |
12. |
Is disturbed by the testimony given to the temporary committee by the Canadian citizen, Maher Arar, who was arrested by the US authorities, transferred by the CIA through a European airport and detained for twelve months in Syria, where he was subjected to torture; notes at the same time the statement given by US legal adviser, John Bellinger, who stated during the visit of the temporary committee delegation to the USA that the Arar case was dealt with under US immigration and customs law and had nothing to do with the alleged cases of rendition; |
13. |
Is deeply concerned that all the work of the temporary committee so far seems to indicate that European airspace and airports have been used by CIA front-companies in order to bypass the legal obligations for state aircraft as set out in the Chicago Convention, thus enabling persons suspected of terrorism to be transferred illegally to the custody of the CIA or the US military or to other countries (including Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Afghanistan) which frequently use torture during interrogations, as is recognised by the US government itself (12); |
14. |
Notes that the work of the temporary committee has so far not revealed any evidence or proof of the existence of secret prisons in the EU; considers, however, that in the following months, the work of the temporary committee will focus more closely on this subject; |
15. |
Welcomes the reaction of the US Congress, which has implemented the McCain Amendment designed to ensure better protection for alleged terrorists from illegal treatment by state agencies; |
On the possibility that Member States and accession and candidate countries have, through their actions or by omission, been involved or complicit in arrests, illegal seizures, removals, abductions, expulsions, extraordinary renditions and secret detentions
16. |
Considers it implausible, on the basis of the testimonies and documents received to date, that certain European governments were not aware of the activities linked to extraordinary rendition taking place on their territory; in particular, considers it utterly implausible that many hundreds of flights through the airspace of several Member States, and a similar number of movements in and out of European airports could have taken place without the knowledge of either the security services or the intelligence services and without senior officials from those services at least giving thought to the link between those flights and the practice of extraordinary rendition; notes that this assumption is supported by the fact that senior figures in the US administration have always claimed to have acted without encroaching on the national sovereignty of European countries; |
17. |
Considers it equally implausible, in the light of the results of the judicial enquiries and of the testimonies and documentation examined, that the abduction, by CIA agents in Milan on 17 February 2003, of the Egyptian national, Abu Omar, who was subsequently taken to Aviano and later to Ramstein, could have been organised and carried out without the Italian authorities or security services being informed thereof in advance; |
18. |
Calls on the Italian Government, assuming that the conditions which prompted the earlier decision are no longer deemed to apply, to seek the extradition of the 22 CIA agents implicated in the abduction of Abu Omar in order to assist the judicial proceedings in progress and help establish the truth; |
19. |
Condemns the abduction by the CIA of the German national, Khaled el Masri, who was held in Afghanistan from January to May 2004 and subjected to degrading and inhuman treatment; notes further the suspicion — not yet allayed — that Khaled el Masri was illegally held before that date, from 31 December 2003 to 23 January 2004, in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and that he was transported from there to Afghanistan on 23-24 January 2004; considers the measures that the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia claims to have taken to investigate the matter to be inadequate; |
20. |
Welcomes the parliamentary inquiry in the German Bundestag and awaits the final results of its committee of inquiry; |
21. |
Emphasises the need for more democratic and judicial scrutiny of EU counter-terrorism measures; takes the view that the Council's Working Group on the fight against terrorism should systematically deal with the protection of human rights during its meetings and publish an annual report on this matter; |
22. |
Calls on the future Fundamental Rights Agency to pay particular attention to cases involving the extradition of alleged terrorist suspects from Member States to third countries; |
23. |
Deplores the fact that the Swedish state relinquished control of law enforcement on 18 December 2001 at Bromma airport when the Government's decision to expel two Egyptian citizens, Mohammed Al Zary and Ahmed Agiza, was executed and US operatives were allowed to exercise public authority on Swedish territory, which, according to the Swedish Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman, is not compatible with Swedish law; |
24. |
Deplores the fact that Sweden's expulsion of the Egyptian nationals, Mohammed Al Zary and Ahmed Agiza, in December 2001, was based solely on diplomatic assurances from the Egyptian government, which did not provide effective safeguards against torture; |
25. |
Urges that investigations be continued to clarify the role of US soldiers, who were part of the NATO-led Stabilisation Force (SFOR), in the abduction and transfer to Guantánamo Bay of six Bosnian nationals and/or residents of Algerian origin, contrary to a binding interim decision by the Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina and despite the decision by the Bosnian Supreme Court to release the suspects, as testified by Manfred Nowak, who was a member of the Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia-Herzegovina at that time; calls for the possible role of the Bosnian government in this case to be examined further; highlights the need for more information on the possible involvement of NATO and the United Nations International Police Task Force (IPTF) in this connection; |
26. |
Urges that investigations be continued to clarify the alleged existence of a secret detention facility in Kosovo and the possible involvement of the Kosovo Force (KFOR) in the illegal detention of terrorist suspects; |
27. |
Proposes to invite the Secretary-General of NATO to a hearing of the temporary committee to clarify inter alia the possible involvement of SFOR and KFOR forces in the illegal arrest, handing over and detention of terrorist suspects; |
28. |
Reminds the Member States that, under the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, States have substantive and procedural positive obligations as regards human rights, are required to take legislative measures to prevent human rights violations taking place on their territory and must also investigate alleged violations and punish those responsible where such violations have taken place; further notes that, in the event of violations of the ECHR, they may be held liable for failure to comply with those positive obligations; stresses, consequently, that the Member States have an obligation to carry out investigations to ascertain whether their territory and their airspace have been used in the commission of violations of human rights, by themselves or by third countries with their necessary direct or indirect cooperation, and that they must also take all legislative measures needed to prevent the recurrence of such violations; |
On the use of torture
29. |
Stresses that the prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment as defined in Article 1 of the United Nations Convention against Torture, is absolute and allows no exceptions whether in times of war or threat of war, domestic political instability or any other emergency; recalls that cases of incommunicado detention, abduction or extraordinary rendition constitute violations of fundamental rights under international law, in particular Articles 3 and 5 of the ECHR, especially since these acts are synonymous with torture or inhuman and degrading treatment; |
30. |
Recalls that information or confessions extracted under torture or by means of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment may under no circumstances be considered as valid evidence, as laid down in the United Nations Convention against Torture, nor should they be used in any other way; reiterates commonly-held scepticism regarding the reliability of confessions obtained through torture and their contribution to the prevention and combating of terrorism, as testified, among others, by the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, in a hearing before the temporary committee; |
31. |
Urges the Member States and accession and candidate countries to strictly comply with Article 3 of the UN Convention against Torture, in particular the principle of “non-refoulement” according to which “no state party shall expel, return (‘refouler’) or extradite a person to another state where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture”; calls also on the United States to review its interpretation of the principle of “non-refoulement”, as set out in Article 3 of the Convention; |
32. |
Calls on the Member States to reject altogether reliance on diplomatic assurances against torture, as recommended by Manfred Nowak; |
33. |
Calls on the Council to adopt a common position against the use by Member States of diplomatic assurances from third countries, where there are substantial grounds for believing that individuals would be in danger of being subjected to torture or ill-treatment; |
On the use of European airspace and European airports by the CIA
34. |
Believes that many of the flights by aircraft owned or hired by the CIA using the airspace and airports of Member States and accession and candidate countries have involved repeated violations of the Chicago Convention because the obligation to obtain authorisation, as laid down by Article 3 of that Convention in relation to state flights, was not complied with; |
35. |
Deplores the fact that no Member State or accession or candidate country has adopted procedures aimed at verifying whether civilian aircraft are being used for purposes incompatible with internationally established human rights standards; |
36. |
Considers European legislation on the single European sky, the use, control and management of national airspace, the use of Member State airports and European carriers to be totally inadequate; stresses the need to establish new national, European and international standards; calls on the Commission to immediately improve legislation by bringing forward a directive aimed at harmonising national laws on the surveillance of non-commercial civil aviation; |
37. |
Calls on the Commission to bring forward recommendations for Member States on improving standards of monitoring the activity of privately chartered aircraft using EU airports and airspace; |
38. |
Considers it necessary to shed light on the true substance of the agreement relating to the new transatlantic agenda initialled in Athens on 22 January 2003, which speaks of increased use of European transit facilities to support the return of criminal/undesirable aliens; |
39. |
Considers it necessary to establish how airspace, civil and military airports, and NATO and US bases have actually been used by the US secret services; |
40. |
Considers it necessary to ascertain whether there is any evidence to confirm that secret prisons have been operating in some European countries, as has been alleged in several investigations by journalists and authoritative NGOs; |
On the official delegation visits undertaken so far by the temporary committee
41. |
Considers that the two official delegations to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the United States of America have been a source of essential information for the work of the temporary committee and have made it possible to directly ascertain both the political authorities' version of events and the view held by civil society; |
42. |
Condemns the fact that the German national, Khalid El-Masri, was held illegally in Afghanistan for more than four months in 2004; deplores the reluctance of the authorities of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to confirm that El-Masri was in Skopje and was probably being held there before his rendition to Afghanistan by CIA agents; |
43. |
Regrets the US government's strongly restrictive interpretation of the United Nations Convention against Torture, and notably of the prohibition on any renditions that may lead to extradited prisoners being subjected to torture or, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; |
On the future work of the temporary committee
44. |
Notes the need to continue the work of the temporary committee and further examine the relevant events in order to ascertain whether there has been a violation of Article 6 TEU by one or more Member States; stresses also that the investigations should be extended to events and countries which have not been explicitly mentioned in this resolution; |
45. |
Decides therefore that the temporary committee will continue its work for the remainder of its established twelve-month term, without prejudice to the provisions of Rule 175 of its Rules of Procedure on the possibility of extending the term; |
46. |
Considers that preparatory legislative work at EU and Council of Europe level should be initiated as soon as possible in order to provide adequate legal protection for persons within the jurisdiction of Member States and to ensure effective parliamentary scrutiny of intelligence services at national and European level; to that end, considers it essential to set up the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and make it operational; |
47. |
Regrets the clear differences of approach that have emerged to date between the American and European legal models regarding the matters falling within the temporary committee's remit; recognises, however, that international terrorism represents one of the key threats to the security and stability of the EU and the international community as a whole and that this threat can only be fought by legal means in close cooperation with the USA; points to the urgent need for extraordinary renditions to be clearly prohibited in international law and for the European institutions to adopt a common position on this matter and address this issue with the third countries concerned; |
48. |
Considers that the temporary committee should also, on completion of its work, suggest the principles to be adopted, in particular:
49. |
Calls on its Bureau to take the necessary measures to enable the temporary committee, in view of the very specific nature of its powers, to fully carry out the mandate conferred on it by granting any appropriate derogation from Parliament's internal rules until completion of its work, in particular with regard to:
50. |
Welcomes the work done by the Council of Europe, and in particular by the rapporteur of its Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, and the cooperation established between the Council of Europe and the temporary committee; |
51. |
Calls on the Council and each of its members, and in particular its Presidency, to lend their full and unconditional support to the work of the temporary committee, in accordance with the principle of loyal cooperation as defined by the Treaties and the decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Communities; |
52. |
Calls on the Member States to take a stronger stance on the closing of the detention centre in Guantánamo Bay and to take a pro-active role in finding a solution for detainees against whom no legal proceedings will be brought and who cannot return to their country of origin or residence because they have become stateless or face torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment; |
53. |
Urges Member States to provide all European citizens and all those having resided in the EU who are currently detained at Guantánamo with all necessary support and assistance, in particular legal aid; |
54. |
Encourages the Council of Europe Committee for Prevention of Torture (CPT) to work towards ensuring that each Council of Europe Member State complies with its obligation (13) to inform the CPT of any detention facility on their territory and allow access to such facilities; |
55. |
Encourages the Commission to give its backing to the temporary committee in all the steps it is required to take; |
56. |
Recalls the vital importance of working in full cooperation with the parliaments of the Member States, accession countries, candidate countries and associate countries, in particular with those which have undertaken work on the same subject; |
* *
57. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States and accession countries, candidate countries and associate countries, the Council of Europe and the Government and both Houses of the United States Congress. |
(1) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0529.
(2) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2006)0012.
(3) OJ C 364, 18.12.2000, p. 1.
(4) Parliamentary Ombudsman, “A review of the enforcement by the Security Police of a Government decision to expel two Egyptian citizens”, reference No 2169-2004 (22 May 2005).
(5) Swedish Parliament, “The Swedish Government's handling of matters relating to expulsion to Egypt”, Scrutiny report 2005/06-KU2
(6) Decision of the Committee Against Torture, Communication No 233/2003, Mr Ahmed Hussein Kamil Agiza/Sweden (20 May 2005),
(7) Milan Court, Sezione Giudice per le indagini preliminari, Reference numbers 10838/05 R.G.N.R and 1966/05 R.G.GIP.
(8) Secretary-General's report under Article 52 ECHR on the question of secret detention and transport of detainees suspected of terrorist acts, notably by or at the instigation of foreign agencies,
(10) Notes for the press conference given by Terry Davis, Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, on Wednesday 12 April 2006,
(12) See US Department of State country reports on human rights practices (2003).
(13) European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Ref.: CPT/Inf/C (2002) 1 [EN] (Part 1) - Strasbourg, 26.XI.1987, Article 8.
Interception of bank transfer data from the SWIFT system by the US secret services
European Parliament resolution on the interception of bank transfer data from the SWIFT system by the US secret services
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the ECHR), in particular Article 8 thereof, |
— |
having regard to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in particular Articles 7 and 8 thereof, |
— |
having regard to Council of Europe Convention No 108 for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, |
— |
having regard to Article 6 of the EU Treaty and Article 286 of the EC Treaty, |
— |
having regard to Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (1), |
— |
having regard to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (2), |
— |
having regard to the proposal for a regulation on information on the payer accompanying transfers of funds (COM(2005)0343), |
— |
having regard to the complaints filed by Privacy International to data protection and privacy regulators in 33 countries alleging that the SWIFT transfers were undertaken without regard to legal process under data protection law, and that the disclosures were made without any legal basis or authority, |
— |
having regard to Rule 103(4) of its Rules of Procedure, |
A. |
whereas European and US media have recently revealed the existence of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program, put in place by the US administration, which has allowed US authorities to access all the financial data stored by SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications), a Belgian-based industry-owned cooperative which consists of more than 8 000 commercial banks and institutions in 200 countries, including a number of central banks, |
B. |
whereas the information stored by SWIFT to which the US authorities have had access concerns hundred of thousands of EU citizens, as European banks use the SWIFT messaging system for the worldwide transfer of funds between banks, and whereas SWIFT generates millions of transfers and banking transactions on a daily basis, |
C. |
whereas any transfer of data generated within EU territory that is to be used outside EU territory should as a minimum be subject to an adequacy assessment pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC, |
D. |
whereas access to data managed by SWIFT makes it possible to detect not only transfers linked to illegal activities, but also information on the economic activities of the individuals and countries concerned, and this could give rise to large-scale forms of economic and industrial espionage, |
1. |
Recalls its determination to fight terrorism and believes in the need to strike the right balance between security measures and the protection of civil liberties and fundamental rights; expresses its serious concern at the fact that a climate of deteriorating respect for privacy and data protection is being created; |
2. |
Stresses that the European Union is based on the rule of law and that all transfers of personal data to third countries are subject to data protection legislation at national and European level, which provides that any transfer must be authorised by a judicial authority and that any derogation from this principle must be proportional and founded on a law or an international agreement; |
3. |
Believes that only by applying Article 8 of the ECHR, acting in the framework of Community law and having regard to Article 13 of Directive 95/46/EC, can the Member States — in the interests of state security, public order and safety — derogate from the principle of data finality whereby the onward forwarding of commercial data is prohibited, which principle is the only legitimate basis for the storing of personal data by private parties, and thereby reduce the level of data protection only when this is necessary, proportional and compatible with a democratic society; |
4. |
Notes the abovementioned proposal for a regulation, which may contribute to establishing a legal framework for the transfer of this information; regrets that the European Parliament — contrary to the principle of loyal and constant cooperation between the Community institutions — has not been informed during negotiations and trialogues by the other institutions, in particular the European Central Bank, of the existence of the SWIFT transfers; |
5. |
Demands that the Commission, the Council and the European Central Bank (the ECB) explain fully the extent to which they were aware of the secret agreement between SWIFT and the US government; |
6. |
Demands in this context that the role and functioning of the ECB be clarified, and asks the European Data Protection Supervisor to check as soon as possible whether, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001, the ECB was obliged to react to the possible violation of data protection which had come to its knowledge; |
7. |
Recalls that the ECB is supposed to guarantee that central banks access SWIFT only within a legal framework; |
8. |
Demands that the Member States check whether and ensure that there is no legal lacuna at national level and that the Community data protection legislation also covers central banks; asks the Member States to transmit the results of that check to the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament; |
9. |
Demands that the Council urgently examine and adopt the proposal for a framework decision on the protection of personal data processed in the framework of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (COM(2005)0475) in order to ensure that European citizens enjoy a uniform and high level of data protection throughout the Union's territory; |
10. |
Draws the Council's attention in particular to Amendments 26 and 58 of Parliament's position adopted on 14 June 2006 (3) on the abovementioned proposal for a framework decision, which aim to regulate the treatment of data transferred to private parties in the public interest; |
11. |
Reiterates its great disappointment with the Council's unwillingness to overcome the current legislative situation, where, under either the first or the third pillar, two different procedural frameworks for the protection of fundamental rights apply; reiterates, therefore, its demand for this dual framework to be abolished by activating the bridging clause provided for in Article 42 TEU; |
12. |
Requests that the Commission undertake an evaluation of all EU anti-terrorist legislation that has been adopted from the point of view of efficiency, necessity, proportionality and respect for fundamental rights; strongly urges the Commission and Council to consider what measures should be taken to avoid future repetitions of such serious privacy breaches; |
13. |
Strongly disapproves of any secret operations on EU territory that affect the privacy of EU citizens; is deeply concerned that such operations should be taking place without the citizens of Europe and their parliamentary representation having been informed; urges the USA and its intelligence and security services to act in a spirit of good cooperation and notify their allies of any security operations they intend to carry out on EU territory; |
14. |
Asks its Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, together with its Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, to hold, as soon as possible, a joint hearing of the ECB, the Commission, the Council, the European Data Protection Supervisor and other private and public parties that are involved in the affair in order to uncover what information they may have had; |
15. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the European Central Bank, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, accession countries and candidate countries, and the United States Government and the two Chambers of Congress. |
(1) OJ L 281, 23.11.1995, p. 31.
(3) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2006)0258.
Integration of immigrants in the European Union
European Parliament resolution on strategies and means for the integration of immigrants in the European Union (2006/2056(INI))
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the Commission Communication of 1 September 2005 entitled “A Common Agenda for Integration — Framework for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals in the European Union” (COM(2005)0389), |
— |
having regard to Article 13 of the EC Treaty, |
— |
having regard to the EC Treaty, which confers on the Community powers and responsibilities in the spheres of immigration and asylum, and in particular to Article 63(3)(a) thereof, |
— |
having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Tampere European Council of 15 and 16 October 1999, of the Laeken European Council of 14 and 15 December 2001, of the Seville European Council of 21 and 22 June 2002 and of the Thessaloniki European Council of 19 and 20 June 2003, which stress the importance of developing cooperation and exchange of information within the framework of the newly-established group of national contact points on integration with a view in particular to strengthening coordination of relevant policies at national and EU level, |
— |
having regard to the Hague Programme adopted by the European Council on 4 November 2004, which set the objectives to be implemented in the area of freedom, security and justice in the period 2005-2010, |
— |
having regard to the informal ministerial meeting in Groningen on 9 November 2004, where ministers responsible for integration policy met for the first time, |
— |
having regard to the Common Basic Principles for immigrant integration policy in the European Union adopted by the Council of the European Union on 19 November 2004 (1), |
— |
having regard to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and in particular Articles 18, 20, 21 and 22 thereof, |
— |
having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the opinion of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (A6-0190/2006), |
A. |
whereas the challenge of integrating immigrants is one to which the EU has risen before; whereas a quarter of a century ago, most of its immigrants were southern Europeans; whereas today, southern Europe is a thriving part of the Union and its citizens are no longer perceived as immigrants, though at the time many considered them alien and “unintegratable”; whereas the accession of their countries of origin to the Union strengthened the EU as a whole; whereas likewise, citizens of the new Member States are now full EU citizens, |
B. |
whereas today the Union faces an integration challenge of a different sort, in that it can no longer assume that most of its immigrants will eventually become integrated as their countries of origin join the Union, |
C. |
whereas the number of immigrants in the EU is estimated at 40 million, and their descendants total millions more; whereas this growing population is extraordinarily diverse but confronted by similar problems: their rate of labour-force participation is well below average and their success rates in school lag markedly behind; whereas they are politically under-represented at all levels of government, including in Member State political parties and in European institutions, |
D. |
whereas although these over 40 million immigrants might be seen as the EU's 26th Member State (and its fifth largest in terms of population), and the EU's concern and efforts to integrate this population should be equivalent to EU commitments to integrate accession countries, the Union has, in trying to overcome this integration challenge — the failure of which could undermine the EU socially, economically, and politically — committed precious few resources; whereas not only must long-term funding be allocated to the new European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals (COM(2005)0123), but it should be ensured that the relevant Commission DGs earmark of their funding towards EU integration policy, |
E. |
whereas the European Union's commitment to integration has long been curbed by the commonly-held idea that “integration is local”; whereas, in fact, integration is just as global in its implications, especially when it fails, since the failure by a single Member State to implement successful integration policies can have adverse consequences for the Union as a whole, for example:
F. |
whereas the success of integration will strengthen the Union's economy in the face of global competition; whereas the Union, while cognizant of the need to prevent brain drain, will attract the workers and entrepreneurs its economies need, as well as the scientists and students who are the bedrock of its ability to innovate; whereas EU cities will be safer and communities stronger where a focused, consistent and adequately-funded integration policy applies; whereas xenophobic tendencies will be diminished and respect for the fundamental rights of all fortified; whereas Europe's position in the world will be enhanced, |
G. |
whereas local, regional and national authorities play an essential role and whereas their responsibilities in areas such as town planning, housing and education have a direct impact on the integration process; whereas such authorities should become more closely involved in the European debate; whereas through the Community Structural Funds the European Union provides important support for initiatives taken at these levels, |
H. |
whereas there is no such thing as one clear-cut solution for successful integration in the European Union; whereas local, regional, and national authorities (and especially urban centres, where the majority of immigrants is concentrated) should have the ability and funds to determine and implement precise integration measures, and Member States and the Union as a whole must zealously develop integration strategies and monitor the effectiveness and outcomes of these integration measures in a more active and effective way, thereby ensuring the implementation of integration strategies whose outcomes advance the Union's common interests, and to this end the Commission must carry out the proposed research to map levels of participation and integration across the EU, |
I. |
whereas integration is a “two-way process” that presupposes both the immigrants' willingness to, and responsibility in, integrating into their host society and EU citizens' willingness to accept and include migrants, and consists in integrated actions aimed at influencing the behaviour of both immigrants and host societies on all relevant levels and mobilising resources on both sides in order to implement policies; whereas this two-way process involves a mutual commitment, with both rights and obligations, for the host society and immigrants, |
J. |
whereas the priorities that guide EU actions in the field should include:
whereas the EU institutions should ensure that their well-meant initiatives do not simply become symbolic policies with no added value, |
K. |
whereas promotion of fundamental rights, equal opportunities for all and non-discrimination are of key importance to integration; whereas the proposal to make 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All and the plans for a European Year of Intercultural Dialogue in 2008 are major awareness-raising initiatives that will help to achieve these objectives, |
L. |
whereas there is a clear link between a successful EU integration policy and the European Union's endeavour to develop a legal immigration and migration policy; whereas the first practical step should be to improve coordination between the authorities responsible for the admission of immigrants and the authorities responsible for the integration of immigrants, |
1. |
Urges the Commission to ensure the effective implementation of the existing Directives linked to integration, notably Council Directives 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification (2), 2003/109/EC of 25 November 2003 concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents (3), 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin (4) and 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (5); whereas many Member States lag behind in effectively implementing these Directives, and it is critical for the Commission to monitor more rigorously both the transposition of integration-related Directives and the effectiveness of administrative practices that implement the relevant legislation in the day-to-day lives of immigrants; |
2. |
Welcomes the Commission proposal to establish the abovementioned European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals for the period 2007-2013 and urges that use of this fund follow six concrete principles, namely:
3. |
Welcomes the reference in the abovementioned Commission communication to the Common Basic Principles (CBPs); is of the firm belief that the CBPs represent a sound set of recommendations which should be the foundation of EU integration policy; regrets that Member States have failed to follow up the CBPs in any meaningful way since their adoption in 2004; calls on the Finnish Presidency to put the CBPs back at the heart of the agenda, especially those principles relating to employment (no. 3), interaction (no. 7) and participation (no. 9); |
4. |
Welcomes the Commission's proposal to promote an annual Integration Forum to facilitate the exchange of best practice, especially in policies where the EU has a limited role to play but where some Member States operate policies which could offer guidance to others; considers that this Forum should seek the participation of representatives from all the authorities involved in integration, being local, regional, national, or EU authorities, as well as of immigrants themselves; |
5. |
Calls on the Commission to clarify, expand and coordinate responsibilities for integration across DGs, including reviving and maintaining a cross-DG working group on integration and defining the precise integration responsibilities among the various DGs; further calls for action to be taken to make the new European Integration Fund and the European Social Fund complementary; |
6. |
Welcomes the Commission's recognition of the need for research into and a mapping exercise of Member States' integration policies and levels of participation of immigrants; considers that this information is a pre-requisite for any EU policy aimed at fostering better integration in the EU and that, for such a mapping exercise to be of use, the terms of the EU debate on integration need to be clarified, given that the word “integration” itself is open to many different interpretations; |
7. |
Calls on the Commission to create a permanent contact group of immigrant representatives, experts, NGOs and others to advise it on all policies related to integration; |
8. |
Calls on the Commission to place special emphasis on promoting immigration and diversity in the EU and on mainstreaming integration at all times through its communication strategy and initiatives; calls on the Commission and Member States to launch information and awareness-raising campaigns to improve understanding of migration and of the economic and social contribution immigrants make to society; |
9. |
Calls on the Commission to establish rigorous monitoring mechanisms for the evaluation of integration programmes in the Member States, including through the use of independent experts, and to launch a rigorous and practical biannual report on migration and integration that:
10. |
Encourages the Commission to consult, as appropriate, migrant communities in defining and implementing European aid and development policies in their home countries; |
11. |
Asks the Commission to multiply research and analysis initiatives aimed at understanding what works in integration and to ambitiously expand effective efforts to disseminate best practices in cooperation with Member States and local authorities, not only through the proposed website but by as many other reasonable means as possible; |
12. |
Calls on the Commission and Member States to utilise the broad potential of Commission delegations and consular authorities throughout the world to assist in integrating potential immigrants through familiarising them with EU and Member State culture, history, language and civic rights and responsibilities; |
13. |
Stresses the importance of the composition of the European institutions' staff and the Member States' public administrations reflecting the composition of the Union's and the Member States' populations; |
14. |
Urges the Council to use the bridging clause of Article 67(2), second indent, of the Treaty to give Parliament co-decision powers on integration and legal migration and qualified majority voting in the Council; considers that it is important for Members to have the power of co-decision on integration policy, given that they represent the political voice of the EU, and considers, therefore, that they should represent the opinions of both immigrants and citizens and should share responsibility for making integration policy in the EU legislative process; |
15. |
Urges the Council to make permanent the annual meeting of integration ministers, inaugurated by the Dutch Council Presidency at Groningen in November 2004; |
16. |
Calls on the Member States, when making their final considerations on the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, seriously to consider a role for the agency in promoting trust and good relations within neighbourhoods and to develop this role organically through the successive annual programmes envisaged for the agency; |
17. |
Urges the Council to reconsider the Commission proposal to apply the open method of coordination to integration policy; in this respect, calls for the involvement of Parliament in the whole procedure; |
18. |
Urges the Council to establish a comprehensive and forward-looking framework directive on legal migration, with due regard to the need for integration; |
19. |
Encourages Member States to assign responsibility to a single cabinet minister to monitor immigrant integration policies, to ensure that policies are mainstreamed throughout agencies at all levels of government and to consider the appointment of a High Commissioner on Integration or an Integration Ombudsman in each Member State to coordinate implementation of policies, disseminate information to migrants, review migrant complaints and take action to correct problems; |
20. |
Calls on every Member State to provide an audit of all government agencies at every level that have or should have responsibilities related to immigrant integration; |
21. |
Calls on the Commission to examine the possibility of incorporating the integration of third-country nationals in the future multiannual programmes of the Fundamental Rights Agency; |
22. |
Calls on Member States to encourage the political participation of immigrants and discourage their political and social isolation; in this regard, calls on the Commission to carry out a legal review of existing provisions relating to European civic citizenship in the various Member States as well as of current Member State practices regarding the right of long-term resident immigrants to vote in local and municipal elections; |
23. |
Calls on Member States to establish transparent, humane, fast and reasonable procedures for the granting of long-term resident status, for family reunification and for the naturalization of long-term resident immigrants and their children, taking into account especially the fact that many of those children are born in the territory of a Member State; |
24. |
Draws the Member States' attention to the dependent legal status of immigrant women joining their spouses under family reunification and calls on Member States to review their legislation so as to ensure that spouses and children are granted an individual status and work permit independent of that of the principal legal status holder at the earliest opportunity in order to guarantee and protect their rights fully and facilitate their social integration; |
25. |
Encourages political parties, trade unions and civil society as a whole at national level to include immigrants as full members at all levels of their respective structures; |
26. |
Is in favour of integration programmes applied by certain Member States involving a mutual commitment by the host country and immigrants; hopes that immigrants can in this way be made more aware of the European Union's fundamental values and be enabled at the same time to acquire basic knowledge on the functioning of the host society; stresses the importance of encouraging the learning of the host society's language and organising civic education courses; |
27. |
Encourages Member States to strengthen anti-discrimination and anti-racism laws, enforce existing ones and consider appropriate affirmative action legislation for migrants in all appropriate fields, using those Member States where affirmative action has been a success as a guide; |
28. |
Calls on Member States, in order especially to prevent the potential maltreatment of immigrant women, to provide them with easily accessible information as regards the legislation of the host country on gender equality and the rights and protection that derive from that legislation, including the available legal and administrative remedies; |
29. |
Calls on Member States and regional and local authorities to stimulate interaction between immigrants and their host society by promoting, inter alia, shared fora, intercultural dialogue, seminars, exhibitions and cultural and sports activities; further calls for the creation of new, or the support of existing, structures to allow immigrants to integrate into the host society in order to avoid the social exclusion of newcomers and of those who have already settled but who find it difficult to integrate; moreover, calls for support to be provided to migrant organizations in their territories and for the strengthening of ties with the migrants' home countries; |
30. |
Encourages Member States to make provision for integration-related measures for refugees during the reception phase, such as language courses or voluntary work activities, taking into consideration the fact that the integration process for refugees starts during the reception phase; |
31. |
Stresses the importance of developing a comprehensive framework for European civic citizenship with the cooperation of Parliament, the Council and the Commission; |
32. |
Stresses the importance of establishing annual hearings on integration with the participation of Parliament, national parliaments and civil society, especially NGOs and immigrant associations, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the Union's integration efforts and assess developments regarding immigrant integration at Member State level; |
33. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the governments of the Member States. |
(1) Document 14615/04 of 19 November 2004.
(2) OJ L 251, 3.10.2003, p. 12.
(3) OJ L 16, 23.1.2004, p. 44.
Development and migration
European Parliament resolution on development and migration (2005/2244(INI))
The European Parliament,
— |
having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions entitled “Migration and Development: some concrete orientations” (COM(2005)0390), |
— |
having regard to the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals (COM(2005)0391), |
— |
having regard to the communications from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on priority actions for responding to the challenges of migration: first follow-up to Hampton Court (COM(2005)0621), on an EU strategy for action on the crisis in human resources for health in developing countries (COM(2005)0642) and on a thematic programme for the cooperation with third countries in the areas of migration and asylum (COM(2006)0026), |
— |
having regard to point IV of the Brussels European Council Presidency conclusions of 15 and 16 December 2005 on a global approach to migration, |
— |
having regard to United Nations General Assembly resolutions A/RES/58/208, A/RES/59/241 and A/RES/60/205, which provide for the holding of a high level dialogue on international migration and development during the 61st session of the General Assembly in 2006, |
— |
having regard to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (the “Cotonou Agreement”) (1), and amended in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 (2), and in particular Article 13 thereof on migration, |
— |
having regard to the Brussels declaration on asylum, migration and mobility and the plan of action for the implementation of this declaration adopted on 13 April 2006 by the first meeting of ACP ministers with responsibility for asylum, migration and mobility, |
— |
having regard to the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and its protocols, |
— |
having regard to Decision No 4/2005 of the ACP-EC Council of Ministers of 13 April 2005 on the use of the reserve of the long-term development envelope of the ninth European Development Fund (3), |
— |
having regard to the report of the United Nations Secretary-General entitled “World study on the role of women in development, 2004: women and international migration”, A/59/287/Add.1, |
— |
having regard to the World Bank report entitled “Global Economic Prospects 2006: Economic Implications of Remittances and Migration” (4), |
— |
having regard to the report of the Global Commission on International Migration of October 2005 entitled “Migration in an interconnected world, new directions for action” (5), |
— |
having regard to the Charter of fundamental Rights of the European Union, in particular Articles 18, 19 and 21 thereof, |
— |
having regard to the commitments made by the Member States in 2005, and in particular:
— |
having regard to ILO Recommendation No 151 on migrant workers, |
— |
having regard to the joint declaration by the Council and the representatives of the governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission of 20 December 2005 on European Union Development Policy entitled “The European Consensus” (7), which lays down the general framework for Community action in the field of development, |
— |
having regard to the Vienna Declaration adopted at the IVth European Union/Latin America summit of 12 May 2006, |
— |
having regard to its resolutions of 17 November 2005 on a development strategy for Africa (8), 15 November 2005 on the social dimension of globalisation (9), 26 October 2005 on an EU approach to managing economic migration (10), 9 June 2005 on the links between legal and illegal migration and integration of migrants (11) and 12 April 2005 on the role of the European Union in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (12), |
— |
having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 2836/98 of 22 December 1998 on integrating of gender issues in development cooperation (13), |
— |
having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure, |
— |
having regard to the report of the Committee on Development and the opinions of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (A6-0210/2006), |
A. |
whereas, out of 175 million migrants (3 % of the world's population), 40 % live in developing countries, |
B. |
whereas, while migration is not a new phenomenon, the scale of migration in the context of globalisation and the need to raise the awareness of all international players mean that it is now a vital policy area for the international community, |
C. |
whereas immigration has increased significantly since the 1980s and whereas the EU Member States have not responded to it jointly and consistently, |
D. |
whereas the EU takes in immigrants from virtually all developing countries (which means that it receives a large number of immigrants from Asia, Africa and Latin America) and whereas the phenomenon is unlikely to diminish over the next few years, |
E. |
whereas the international community's mobilisation is taking a long time to materialise in the form of large-scale actions, |
F. |
whereas the issue of migration calls for a global response from the international community and whereas the European Union has not to date come forward with any global policy response or equipped itself with tools adapted to the problem, |
G. |
whereas in the absence of a common policy governing migrant flows, the Member States are able to take unilateral decisions which make it difficult for a consistent Community stance to be adopted, |
H. |
whereas the response to the phenomenon of immigration should be the outcome of the broadest possible consensus within the EU, |
I. |
whereas a high-level dialogue (HLD) on international migration and development is to be held during the General Assembly of the United Nations on 14 and 15 September 2006, |
J. |
whereas the African Union has made migration a key theme of its actions under the aegis of the Chairman of the Commission of the African Union, Mr Alpha Oumar Konaré, |
K. |
whereas the diversity of motivations, and therefore of categories, of migrants hinders the implementation of coherent, global policies aimed at making migration a lever of development, |
L. |
whereas, while the main centres of migration are Asia and Latin America, Africa stands out on account of the scale of the negative impact of migration, |
M. |
whereas analyses mainly concentrate on recipient countries in the North, despite the fact that 60 % of migrants do not leave the southern hemisphere, |
N. |
whereas the Vienna declaration contains a commitment to take forward the comprehensive dialogue on migration and further enhance cooperation on migration issues between the European Union and Latin America, |
O. |
whereas merely increasing official development assistance is not a response to the issue of the link between migration and development, but specific, innovative tools should also be developed in order to improve recognition and promotion of the role of migrants in the fight against poverty and for development, |
P. |
whereas the response to the phenomenon should form part of the national and international anti-poverty strategies pursued with a view to achieving the MDGs, |
Q. |
whereas the right of southern countries to pursue an autonomous migration policy must be recognised and supported, |
R. |
whereas, in the view of southern countries, migration is synonymous with the loss of their best trained and most enterprising citizens and the “brain drain” is undermining the supply and quality of essential services in various sectors, with particular reference to health and education, |
S. |
whereas the “brain drain” is being encouraged by selective admission policies for migrants put in place by northern countries under the term “chosen migration”, exacerbating the haemorrhaging of skills from many southern countries, |
T. |
whereas, according to the Chairman of the Commission of the African Union, Mr Alpha Oumar Konaré, these policies amount to a denial of Africa's right to development, |
U. |
whereas circular migration, allowing two-way movement between countries of origin and destination, offers major opportunities for the development of host countries and countries of origin, |
V. |
whereas co-development, meaning the fulfilment of the potential represented by migrant communities in developed countries in the service of the development of their country of origin, has the power to make migration a lever of development and of mutual benefit between peoples, |
W. |
whereas transfers of migrants' funds to their countries of origin constitute a major opportunity for development, the amount of money transferred in this way broadly exceeds ODA on a world scale and in the majority of cases the financial and banking cost of such remittances is extremely high and the processing thereof sometimes lacks transparency; whereas however these transfers are principally directed towards consumption by families and whereas only a small proportion of them goes towards investment and development, |
X. |
whereas, however, these transfers are not capable of replacing, or justifying a reduction in, ODA, |
Y. |
whereas, in 2005, there were almost 9.2 million refugees and 25 million person “displaced within their country” in the world, half of whom were in Africa, with no protection at international level, thereby creating an intolerable hierarchy of victims, |
Z. |
whereas the number of “ecological” refugees and displaced persons is increasing and could, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR), reach 50 million within a few years, |
AA. |
whereas integration of migrants is a two-way process based on the mutual rights and corresponding obligations of legal migrants and the host society, the aim of which is to ensure that immigrants are able to participate in society, |
AB. |
whereas migrants, who are victims of human trafficking, discrimination and deteriorating social conditions, are still a group which, on the whole, is inadequately protected by the international community and certain national laws, |
AC. |
whereas no Member State has ratified the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, |
AD. |
whereas, since 1999, the European Union has only devoted 15 million Euro to the goal of integration, i.e. 0.5 Euro per immigrant, |
AE. |
whereas the fight against human trafficking linked to migration and against the trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and children should be made a priority at EU level, |
AF. |
whereas women make up 51 % of all migrants in the developed world and 46 % in the developing countries (14), and whereas insufficient information is made available concerning the risks involved in illegal migration, with the result that migrant women are more exposed to sexual exploitation, violence, discrimination and exploitation at the workplace, and whereas migration policies do not take account of the specific role played by women, |
AG. |
whereas migration can enable women to improve their lives, increase their autonomy, support those who are left behind and escape oppressive social relations, |
AH. |
whereas, however, women are often forced to migrate by problems such as forced marriage, poverty or armed conflicts, |
AI. |
whereas migrant women are more vulnerable to sexual exploitation, discrimination, exploitation in the workplace and “brain waste”, violence and health risks, social isolation and human trafficking, |
AJ. |
whereas a significant number of migrant women reside in the EU without legal documents, which heightens the risks of exploitation in the workplace and of sexual exploitation and violence to which they are exposed, |
1. |
Is convinced that the European Union must play a major role to make migration a lever of development; |
2. |
Stresses that the Union should give a comprehensive political response, regional in nature and focusing in particular on Africa and South-South migration, to the issue of the link between development and migration; calls for the migration issue to be placed at the top of the agenda and the political dialogue between the EU and the various regions with which it has relations, and supports the organisation of a Europe-Africa summit to identify a common political response; |
3. |
Considers that European migration and development policy should be based above all on the principles of solidarity with third countries and co-development in order to tackle the underlying causes of migration and, in particular, eradicate poverty; |
4. |
Reiterates its support for the idea of mobility of human beings as a human right, which therefore cannot be understood in terms of commercial logic; emphasises that any policy in this area must be committed to promoting mobility by choice rather than by necessity; |
5. |
Points out that the only adequate EU response to the phenomenon of immigration is a common strategy which clearly sets out the objectives and the mechanisms available to the Member States for the purpose of addressing the phenomenon jointly and on the basis of mutual support; |
6. |
Recalls that the fight against exploitation and trafficking in people is an obligation on all countries; recalls the existence of multilateral instruments, such as the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and its protocols, which constitute effective mechanisms for the fight against trafficking in people and immigrants and the protection of the latter's fundamental rights, as well as for legal proceedings against those engaging in the above criminal activities; urges those Member States which have not yet ratified or acceded to that convention to do so as soon as possible; |
7. |
Encourages the integration of the migration issue into EU external policies, following the example of the Barcelona Process; |
8. |
Commends the Council proposal to hold a EuroMed ministerial meeting on migration in 2006; also welcomes the Euro-African summit on migration to be held in Rabat in July 2006 to debate the issue of immigration to Europe from the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa; |
9. |
Welcomes any further steps taken to improve migration policy, and emphasises the need for a comprehensive approach that contains a clear vision of the most important actions to be taken within the field of migration policy, instead of supporting fragmented measures towards the development of this policy; |
10. |
Recommends that the Council take appropriate measures to ensure better cooperation and coordination between those responsible for migration and those responsible for development in each Member State; |
11. |
Stresses that an increase in development aid is necessary but not sufficient to make migration a lever of development; calls on the European Union and the Member States to meet the political undertakings made in 2005; |
12. |
Recommends that migration and its impact on development be taken into account in an overarching manner in all discussions and actions to achieve the MDGs; points out that a comprehensive strategy will produce results only if an appropriate legal framework exists both within the EU and in the countries of origin; |
13. |
Emphasises that migration should be better integrated into policies and development plans and recommends that, at national level, migration be included in Poverty Reduction Strategy documents (PRSDs); |
14. |
Recognises the importance of diasporas in strengthening relations between the EU and countries of origin, particularly in the field of migration; calls for closer cooperation between institutions in developing countries and the Member States, including in the carrying out of co-development projects; |
15. |
Takes the view that co-development, which consists in recognising and supporting the role of diasporas in serving the development of their countries of origin, should be fully recognised at European level; |
16. |
Stresses that, to make migration a lever of development, the Union should adopt two priority instruments:
17. |
Considers that the AENEAS programme and the programme which will follow in 2007 should be used to serve a development strategy, in particular by financing co-development measures, and that this objective should be strictly adhered to in order to avoid, for example, expenditure on further protection of the EU's external borders; |
18. |
Stresses that this programme must enable reliable systems for the efficient management of migrant flows and for the provision of support to countries of origin and transit countries to be strengthened; recommends, in pursuit of this aim, that the programme contain the following elements:
19. |
Proposes integrated regional development plans, focusing on the main immigration areas in Africa, to fund:
proposes that similar measures could also be carried out in the main centres of emigration in Latin America and Asia; |
20. |
Points out how difficult and how expensive it is for immigrants to send capital back to their countries of origin, and how little transparency there is in a system which lies outside the banking sector; maintains that a secure system which protects the data of both sender and receiver is needed in order to ensure that remittances are sent through regulated channels, since other alternative systems used by immigrants may on occasion be usuriously expensive; |
21. |
Calls on the Commission, the Member States and national and international financial institutions to implement policies aimed at:
22. |
Calls upon the Commission to draw up a proposal for a regulatory framework designed to make the sending of remittances by immigrants to their countries of origin less expensive and more transparent; points out that remittances are the second most important source of external finance for developing countries and that up to 20 % of their total value is consumed by handling charges; |
23. |
Acknowledges the importance of the role played by SMEs in creating jobs and in contributing to development; urges the Commission — in cooperation with the European Investment Bank — to develop programmes which will prompt migrants to invest greater amounts in such businesses; |
24. |
Calls on the Commission and the Member States to develop programmes in order to involve skilled people in the diasporas in the process of development by covering the costs of wage differentials for highly skilled migrants prepared to return to their countries or by setting up “dual post” systems for public sector personnel in southern countries (teachers, researchers and doctors); calls on the Commission to conduct a study on experiences in the Member States with regard to “dual posts”; |
25. |
Calls on the Commission and the Member States to examine possible actions to be taken to ensure the transfer of pensions and social security entitlements of migrants returning to their countries of origin; |
26. |
Welcomes the Commission's proposal to consider measures concerning the transfer of pension rights, the recognition of qualifications and the operation of mechanisms to facilitate the mobility of researchers and other professionals to enable them, should they so wish, to return to their country of origin and successfully reintegrate; |
27. |
Calls on the European Union and the Member States to encourage circular migration or commuting:
28. |
Welcomes the Commission's proposal to encourage circular migration, with migrants going back and forth between their country of origin and the destination country, thereby making the knowledge and experience they have acquired available to their home country; points out that it is necessary to accompany circular migration with integration measures for outgoing and returning migrants; points to the role of civil society, NGOs and the social partners in this process; |
29. |
Also welcomes the Commission's proposals to conduct a dialogue on matters relating to residence and work permits and to administer migrant worker mobility programmes which will match the available skills of migrants with the needs of the developing country; |
30. |
Calls on the public authorities of the North and of the South to invest in the education and training of citizens; reiterates its support for the “20/20” objective: 20 % of public aid from the North and 20 % of the national budgets of the South allocated to basic social services; |
31. |
Calls on southern countries to develop “train and retain” strategies, in particular by re-evaluating the social professions and emphasising the situation of women who are often subject to discrimination on the basis of gender; |
32. |
Calls on the Union to include in practice the promotion of decent work on the European development agenda, and in particular:
calls, however, for this concept not to be used by the North as a “non-tariff barrier” to access to their markets; |
33. |
Calls on the European Union and the Member States to implement policies aimed at mitigating the adverse economic and social effects of the “brain drain” on southern countries:
34. |
Recommends the adoption of a “European code of conduct” and national codes in the Member States with a view to disciplining recruitment; |
35. |
Welcomes the Commission's intention to come forward with a specific programme to respond to the human resources crisis in the health sector in Africa; |
36. |
Welcomes the plan to develop a comprehensive and coherent approach to ethical recruitment of staff in sectors particularly vulnerable to the “brain drain”; |
37. |
Welcomes the Brussels European Council Presidency conclusions of 15 and 16 December 2005 concerning a global approach to migration and the recent Commission proposals related to the brain drain, remittances, diasporas, temporary/circular migration, social security entitlements, multiple-entry visas, etc.; |
38. |
Stresses that brain “circulation” constitutes a key factor in strengthening the positive contribution of migration to development, given that developing countries participate fully in the exchange of skills in the global labour market; recommends that the Commission and the Member States make a resolute commitment in this area by proposing measures:
39. |
Notes the fact that certain vocational and/or academic qualifications of workers from third countries are recognised either not at all or only with difficulty, which makes it hard for such workers to enter the Member States' employment market on equal terms; considers that migrants should have access to training programmes while employed in the EU so that they may develop their professional competences; |
40. |
Calls on the Commission to propose initiatives to facilitate recognition of professional qualifications and lay down minimum standards as regards the establishment of a European system of equivalences for foreign diplomas; |
41. |
Calls for the specific role of women in migration and development to be more effectively taken into account and in particular:
42. |
Calls on the Member States to promote the means by which female migrant workers may achieve socio-political, economic and psychological empowerment, particularly with regard to their families, and acquire the knowledge required for successful integration in the host country, and by which female migrant workers' rights, position and role are secured, while strengthening the role of gender-oriented NGOs and the work of female migrant networks; |
43. |
Calls on the Member States to ensure that the principle of non-discrimination is applied with regard to migrant women's access to and participation in the Community job market and to guarantee that their basic social and economic rights, including the right to equal pay, are respected; |
44. |
Calls on the Member States to pay particular attention to the children of migrant women to ensure they benefit from a high level of protection and easier access to health care and education; |
45. |
Supports the proposal set out in the Brussels declaration and plan of action adopted on 13 April 2006, which calls for the creation of a virtual observatory for ACP migration with the purpose of gathering complete and independent information in order to develop ACP solutions to the challenges of migration; |
46. |
Welcomes the establishment of the ACP-EU facility on migration by the end of 2006; calls, however, on the Commission to clarify its objectives and guarantee that this instrument will not be diverted from its development objectives; |
47. |
Questions the appropriateness and effectiveness of agreements and readmission clauses aimed at linking financial and technical aid to the “performance” of third countries in terms of readmission; emphasises that this policy of demanding something in return threatens to impoverish the countries producing migrants; |
48. |
Calls on the Commission to propose measures to strengthen the southern countries' capacity to manage autonomous migration policies under the European Migration Fund or the ACP-EU facility; |
49. |
Stresses that the African Union and African regional organisations can play an important role in channelling economic migration in Africa, e.g. through cooperation agreements for co-development between the EU and the countries in which migration originates and bilateral and multilateral agreements, including clauses relating to respect for human rights and ILO standards, and considers that the European Union should support such initiatives; |
50. |
Considers that the ACP-EU partnership is a particularly appropriate framework for putting forward joint responses to the migration issue, on the basis of Article 13 of the Cotonou Agreement; calls on the Commission to include, in the current negotiations on economic partnership agreements (EPAs) or any negotiations on readmission agreements, the following objectives:
51. |
Calls on the Commission, together with the countries concerned, to draw up a strategy designed to support the countries of transit and destination which shoulder the heaviest burden of migrants and to consider action programmes for migrants in identified “migration poles” and transit areas by targeting the most vulnerable groups of migrants (women and lone children) with the following objectives:
52. |
Calls for these action programmes to focus in particular on the analysis of the psychological effects of migration and expulsion and on psychological care and support for women and children suffering from the negative effects thereof; |
53. |
Calls for the Union to support the initiatives of the international community aimed at clarifying the concepts of political, economic and environmental refugees and to provide each category with suitable protection and assistance; considers that displaced persons should receive the same level of protection as that provided for refugees under the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951; calls on the Member States and on the international community to ensure respect for the UN's Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and recommends that these rules on the protection of displaced persons be enshrined in an international convention; |
54. |
Is concerned by the financial difficulties facing the HCR; is of the opinion that the Commission should step up its financial support for projects being run by the HCR and that the EU, which is the main contributor to the HCR budget, should bring pressure to bear on the other donors in order to ensure that the HCR has sufficient resources to carry out its role in the best conditions; |
55. |
Calls on the Commission to develop projects in partnership with the HCR and the countries or regional organisations concerned, relating to:
56. |
Encourages the countries of transit and origin to take an active part in the new approach to migration and development; |
57. |
Asks the Commission to initiate dialogue with the countries of origin and to call upon them to prohibit practices contrary to human rights such as female genital mutilation, forced marriage, polygamy and divorce without mutual consent; |
58. |
Calls on the Commission to carry out a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of development aid expenditure and programmes in third countries and to assess their results in improving the position of women in migrants' countries of origin; |
59. |
Calls on the Member States to consider more carefully the impact of conflict-induced displacement on the social, physical and psychological situation of migrant women, who, owing to the precariousness of their circumstances, are more likely to become victims of violence; |
60. |
Calls on the Member States and the European Union to ensure that migrant women who are victims of violence are fully informed of their rights, have effective access to legal assistance and are able to obtain an independent legal status, residence and work permit; |
61. |
Calls on the Commission and the Council systematically to provide information, through their local representations and embassies, to women who wish to migrate to the EU concerning methods of legal immigration, their prospective rights and obligations and the fundamental values and principles governing European societies; |
62. |
Calls therefore on the Member States to evolve development policies and specific programmes designed to ensure that medical, social and psychological care is provided to female victims of conflict-induced displacement and other female migrants who suffer from the mental, physical and social consequences of their displacement; |
63. |
Stresses the importance of the exchange of best practices, among the Member States and also with third countries, particularly developing countries; |
64. |
Regrets that the Commission has not taken properly into account the gender approach in its communication entitled “Migration and Development: some concrete orientations”; proposes the setting up of a permanent and high-level interinstitutional task force in charge of monitoring the development of European immigration policy from a gender perspective, in particular to develop gender impact assessment tools before the adoption of any measures in the field of immigration policy; |
65. |
Calls on the Council and the Commission to adopt EU guidelines and concrete and targeted gender objectives and indicators in the field of immigration policy, including awareness-raising actions at national level, ensuring the integration of a gender perspective into immigration policy and a regular assessment of policies from a gender perspective; |
66. |
Calls on the Council, the Commission and the Member States to establish a legal framework guaranteeing migrant women the right to hold their own passport and residence permit and making it possible to hold a person criminally responsible for taking these documents away; |
67. |
Calls on the Commission and the Member States to intensify their dialogue with women migrants' countries of origin with a view to promoting respect for women's rights and gender equality, and combating poverty and the economic dependence of women; |
68. |
Points out that migration and integration are closely linked and that if migration is to be successful and if all the parties concerned are to benefit, migration strategies must be accompanied by holistic multidimensional integration strategies; |
69. |
Deplores the lack of progress on integration since the Tampere summit in 1999 and considers that the EU must now fulfil its responsibilities in this area; welcomes, in this regard, the setting up of the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals; supports the rapid creation of a European migration observatory in order to accelerate the efforts of the EU and of the Member States in terms of integration; |
70. |
Stresses that migrants are an asset for host countries and insists that this role should be more fully recognised and strengthened; emphasizes the fact that both EU citizens and immigrant workers are subject to rights and obligations which must be observed at all times; |
71. |
Calls on the Member States to make these positive aspects an integral part of their national information campaigns; |
72. |
Calls on the Member States to adopt a fair and transparent procedure to facilitate migrants' access to employment with decent working and health and safety conditions, as well as conditions of recruitment by firms, offering them every guarantee of dignity; |
73. |
Calls on the Commission and the Member States to develop various youth exchange schemes, to take initiatives under the seventh framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013) and to promote closer cultural and educational links with the third countries concerned, strengthening cooperation between educational establishments in the EU and the developing countries, as well as to support reintegration measures; |
74. |
Calls upon the Commission, in association with the Member States, to promote and develop exchange programmes for students and young graduates from developing countries which, as in the case of the Erasmus, Erasmus-Mundus, Comenius, Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci programmes, will help to secure the objectives of temporary migration and enable lessons and sound practices to be transferred to the countries of origin; |
75. |
Calls on the Commission and Member States to improve the non-financial, social-professional contribution side of development by assessing the role of young people, improving integration and citizenship as well as linking stakeholders in the field of economic migration such as non-governmental organisations and the social partners in countries of origin and destination; |
76. |
Calls on the European Union and the Member States not to consider the migration issue in their relations with third countries as an extension of their restrictive migration policies; is opposed to any out-sourcing of the migration policies of the EU and the Member States consisting in passing on responsibility for migration issues solely to southern countries; |
77. |
Points out that the management of migration flows should not be a precondition for any association agreement; |
78. |
Calls for the Commission and the Member States to put forward practical proposals to promote access to legal migration channels in order to combat the illegal labour market and the exploitation to which migrant workers are subjected; |
79. |
Calls on the Member States to introduce a genuine admission policy based on respect for human rights and international law; |
80. |
Urges all Member States to ratify the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families and fully honour their international commitments with regard to the protection of migrants and their families; |
81. |
Notes the increased exploitation of migrant workers and calls on the Member States to ensure the enforcement of European and national employment legislation and to provide all migrant workers with legal and civil protection against abuse and exploitation; |
82. |
Calls on the Union and the Member States to take measures to bring the status of foreigners legally established in the European Union and nationals of the Member States closer together and to provide them with maximum legal security and to move towards achievement of the aim of introducing a European citizenship which is open to non-Community nationals; |
83. |
Recognises the great importance of ensuring at least a common minimum level of rights across the Union for third country nationals; welcomes, therefore, the plans to provide a level playing field for all immigrants gaining access to the Union's labour markets; |
84. |
Welcomes the plan to establish a fair and transparent admission procedure for seasonal workers and to grant them rights; believes that due consideration should be given to semi-skilled and low-skilled migrants; considers that it is important to protect these particularly vulnerable categories of workers from discrimination and exploitation; |
85. |
Demands that the Member States ensure that an autonomous status and a work permit are granted to the spouse and children of the principal legal status holder once the request for family reunification is accepted, in order to guarantee and protect their rights fully and facilitate their social integration; |
86. |
Calls on the Member States to consider appointing a key discussion partner (ombudsman) at national or local level to deal with immigrants' requests and complaints regarding their working conditions, legal certainty or discriminatory treatment, and calls on the Commission to conduct research into Member States' good practice in this area on the national and regional levels; |
87. |
Regrets that there is a lack of recognition of the links between trafficking and migration; notes that many women who are victims of human trafficking have no access to legal or social protection; calls on the Commission and the Member States to focus in their anti-trafficking strategies on prevention and protection of the victims; calls on the Member States to grant these women long-term residence; |
88. |
Calls on the Commission and the Council to ensure that the fight against trafficking in human beings linked to migration is given priority status at EU level and that adequate financial resources are devoted to this action; considers that the plan of action in preparation should reflect this priority, attach particular importance to the most vulnerable people, particularly women and children, and focus on the necessary collaboration with countries of origin and of transit; |
89. |
Expects the Commission, when taking measures against organised trafficking in human beings from developing countries, not to criminalise the victims, but to focus on punishing the perpetrators; notes that many women who are victims of human trafficking have no access to legal or social protection; calls on the Member States to grant these women the possibility of long-term residence; |
90. |
Calls on the Council to include the recommendations contained in this resolution in the common position under preparation, with a view to the high-level dialogue on international migration and development to be held by the United Nations in September 2006; |
91. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission, the governments of the Member States and ACP countries, the ACP-EU Council and the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly. |
(1) OJ L 317, 15.12.2000, p. 3.
(2) OJ L 287, 28.10.2005, p. 4.
(3) OJ L 164, 24.6.2005, p. 46.
(6) This is equal to doubling the aid provided in 2004.
(8) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0445.
(9) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0427.
(10) Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0408.
(11) OJ C 124 E, 25.5.2006, p. 535.
(12) OJ C 33 E, 9.2.2006, p. 311.
(13) OJ L 354, 30.12.1998, p. 5.
(14) ILO: Preventing discrimination, exploitation and abuse of women migrant workers: an information guide — booklet 1: why the focus on women international migrant workers. Geneva, 2003, ILO, p. 9.
Fair Trade and development
European Parliament resolution on Fair Trade and development (2005/2245(INI))
The European Parliament,
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having regard to its resolution of 2 July 1998 on fair trade (1), |
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having regard to its resolution of 10 April 2003 on the crisis in the international coffee market (2), |
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having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament of 12 February 2004 entitled “Agricultural Commodity Chains, Dependence and Poverty — A proposal for an EU Action Plan” (COM(2004)0089), |
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having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council of 29 November 1999 on “fair trade” (COM(1999)0619), |
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having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee of 27 October 2005 on Ethical Trade and Consumer Assurance Schemes (3), |
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having regard to the Declaration and plan of action on African Commodities adopted by the Conference of Ministers of Trade of the African Union held in Arusha on 21 — 23 November 2005, |
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having regard to São Paulo Consensus, Eleventh Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), held in São Paulo on 13 — 18 June 2004, |
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having regard to Articles 177 to 181 of the EC Treaty, |
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having regard to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (the “Cotonou Agreement”) (4), and amended in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 (5), and in particular Article 23(g) thereof, |
— |
having regard to the Compendium on co-operation strategies to the Cotonou Agreement, issued by the Commission in 2001, |
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having regard to the Handbook on environmental public procurement of the European Commission entitled “Buying Green” of 2004, |
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having regard to the report of AFNOR (Agence française de normalisation) entitled “Les critères applicables à la démarche de commerce équitable” of 9 December 2005, |
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having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure, |
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having regard to the report of the Committee on Development and the opinion of the Committee on International Trade (A6-0207/2006), |
A. |
whereas Fair Trade has proved to be an effective way of promoting sustainable development, |
B. |
whereas Fair Trade and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards have in common their ambition to market, sell and promote trade in products which comply with certain social, environmental and development criteria, |
C. |
whereas Fair Trade and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards are important instruments for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), particularly the eradication of poverty and the global partnership for development, |
D. |
whereas prices for many of the main agricultural exports of developing countries, such as sugar, cotton, cocoa and coffee, fell by 30 to 60 % between 1970 and 2000 forcing small farmers to sell their goods below the cost of production and reducing the revenue of many of the poorest countries in the world and whereas Fair Trade can provide solutions, |
E. |
whereas Articles XXXVI-XXXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) commit members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to take joint action, where appropriate, to achieve the stabilisation of commodity prices; whereas the African Union insists that the commodity issue be part of the ongoing WTO negotiations, |
F. |
whereas Article 23(g) of the Cotonou Agreement stipulates support for the promotion of Fair Trade and the Compendium on co-operation strategies to the Cotonou agreement specifies in paragraph 64 of Section 2.6.3. that “Co-operation shall provide support to both producer groups in developing countries and NGOs within the EU through budget headings and EDF resources. This support shall be used to finance the launching of new product lines, consumer awareness campaigns, educational activity and capacity building”, |
G. |
whereas Fair Trade pursues two inseparable objectives: on the one hand, to provide opportunities for development for small-scale producers and workers in developing countries, and, on the other, to encourage the international trading system and private undertakings to operate in a way which is fairer and more conducive to sustainable development; whereas the international Fair Trade movement pursues the latter objective by setting an example and by exerting pressure on governments, international organisations and businesses, |
H. |
whereas a number of other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards pursue objectives which both support sustainable development for producers and workers in developing countries and are designed to enable private companies to become actively involved in and to support sustainable development, |
I. |
whereas Fair Trade organisations play an important role in raising awareness in relation to North-South relations, particularly through public campaigns and the strengthening of citizen-to-citizen cooperation, as well as through the concept of Fair Trade towns and universities, |
J. |
whereas Fair Trade sales have been growing in Europe by on average 20 % per year since 2000, with more than one million producers and their families benefiting from them and proving that European consumers are increasingly interested in responsible purchasing; whereas growth in such trade differs between the Member States, and the overall market share of Fair Trade is still small but developing rapidly, while international trends are similarly encouraging, |
K. |
whereas an increasing number of European retailers make significant efforts to support Fair Trade and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards by communicating their values and offering their products in their outlets, |
L. |
whereas millions of producers want to join the Fair Trade system and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards and whereas there is a huge potential for further growth; whereas international trade and agriculture policies cause difficulties, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries, including Fair Trade producers, |
M. |
whereas awareness needs to be raised among European consumers about the positive impact of Fair Trade on the socio-economic situation of producers and their local communities, |
N. |
whereas producers and consumers benefit from a single identifiable Fair Trade certification mark, as is already in place, |
O. |
whereas, in the context of Fair Trade, particular attention should be paid to the role of women, who are the main economic agents in sustainable development, |
P. |
whereas Fair Trade has proven to be an effective tool in supporting indigenous people and has given them the opportunity to sell their goods directly on European markets while pursuing traditional ways of life and production, |
Q. |
whereas Fair Trade products are marketed under two different routes: the integrated route, whereby products (mainly crafts) are imported via Fair Trade organisations and distributed mainly in specialised Fair Trade shops (worldshops), and the labelling route, whereby goods are labelled by specialised Fair Trade certification agencies to certify that their production chains respect Fair Trade principles, |
R. |
whereas internationally harmonised voluntary standards for labelled and non-labelled Fair Trade products and organisations have been developed over the last five decades by the international Fair Trade movement, namely the following organisations: FLO (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International), IFAT (International Fair Trade Association), NEWS (the Network of European Worldshops) and EFTA (European Fair Trade Association), |
S. |
whereas, in view of the success of Fair Trade and the lack of legal protection, there is a risk that the concept may be abused by companies that enter the Fair Trade market without complying with the relevant criteria; whereas this may reduce the benefits for poor and marginalized producers in developing countries, may also reduce transparency for consumers and may infringe consumers' rights to appropriate product information, |
T. |
whereas some Member States have started legislative processes to regulate the use of the term Fair Trade and the criteria for qualification as a Fair Trade organisation, |
U. |
whereas the Commission has no clear policy as regards Fair Trade and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards, and whereas there is no structured co-ordination between its different Directorates-General in this regard, |
V. |
whereas assistance and support for Fair Trade, Fair Trade organisations and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards in Europe is currently limited and fragmented, |
W. |
whereas Fair Trade products are increasingly being offered in the EU institutions, |
X. |
whereas there are means by which governments can support Fair Trade which are compatible with WTO rules, provided that they are non-discriminatory between WTO Member States, |
1. |
Urges the Commission to issue a recommendation on Fair Trade, recognising that a non-binding legislative act is the appropriate form of act at this point in time and would not carry the risk of over-regulation, and to consider issuing a recommendation on other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards; |
2. |
Believes that, in order to eliminate the risk of abuse, Fair Trade needs to meet a number of criteria, which are defined by the Fair Trade movement in Europe as being the following:
3. |
Stresses that the most significant part of the increase in Fair Trade sales has been achieved with respect to labelled products, and that Fair Trade labelling initiatives have been developed in most European countries; |
4. |
Notes that Europe is the biggest market for Fair Trade products, with an estimated 60 % to 70 % of global sales, and that it has potential for further growth; |
5. |
Recalls that the establishment of a free and fair multilateral trading system constitutes the best tool for achieving the effective management of globalisation, for the benefit of all; recalls, moreover, that the Fair Trade system has proven to be an important tool for poverty reduction and sustainable development and believes that, in the long term, it could facilitate the equitable participation of developing countries in the multilateral trading system, guarantee them stable and sustainable access to the European market and raise consumer awareness; |
6. |
Recalls that, while international trade agreements fail to deliver for poor countries, the Fair Trade system has proved to be effective in poverty reduction and sustainable development; believes that, in the long term, it could allow developing countries to fully participate in the multilateral trading system; |
7. |
Calls on the Commission and the Council to promote Fair Trade and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards as effective tools for achieving the MDGs and to recognize the important role of Fair Trade organisations and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards in supporting small and marginalised producers in developing countries and in increasing the awareness of European consumers with regard to sustainable and ethical North-South trading relations in general and to Fair Trade in particular; |
8. |
Recalls that European trade policies must improve market access for small producers in the South; |
9. |
Calls on the Commission to undertake a study to examine how Fair Trade could develop into a model for sustainable trade policy which would be capable of stimulating balanced North-South trade, and to identify the obstacles to trade which impact most seriously on the world's poor; |
10. |
Calls on the Commission to recognise that there are also other credible schemes that, alongside the Fair Trade movement and under the umbrella of the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling Alliance (ISEAL), contribute to defining social and environmental standard-setting in third-party certification; |
11. |
Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take appropriate measures to ensure that consumers have access to all information they need in order to make informed choices; believes that consumers must have the right to quick access to product information, which must be easily comprehensible and presented in a transparent way; |
12. |
Calls on the Commission to liaise with the international Fair Trade movement in supporting clear and widely-applicable criteria against which consumer assurance schemes can be assessed, underpinning consumer confidence in such schemes and consolidating the Fair Trade product sectors; |
13. |
Calls on the Commission to launch specific calls for proposals in relation to Fair Trade targeted at raising consumer awareness, supporting assurance schemes and labelling and systematic data collection and assessment of effects across the EU; |
14. |
Calls on the Commission to improve coordination of its activities in the field of Fair Trade and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards by the different Directorates-General responsible for Development, Trade, Employment and Social Affairs, Consumer Protection, Internal Market and Agriculture and to make Fair Trade and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards integral parts of its policies in these areas; |
15. |
Asks the Commission and the Council to study and to consider implementing a low VAT rate for Fair Trade products and to eliminate import duties on Fair Trade products from developing countries; stresses that any products on which a low VAT rate are levied should be closely monitored in order to avoid abuse; |
16. |
Urges Member States that are currently developing Fair Trade legislation or legislation that may affect Fair Trade organisations and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards to base any relevant criteria on the knowledge and experience of the relevant stakeholders, including the international Fair Trade movement, and as a first step thoroughly to assess the risk of over-regulation as well as the possible impact of such regulation on small and marginalised producers; |
17. |
Urges the Commission to implement Article 23(g) of the Cotonou Agreement and the provisions as laid down in the Compendium on co-operation strategies to the Agreement, in particular paragraphs 61 to 64 thereof; |
18. |
Calls on the Commission to establish an internal contact point to ensure regular coordination on Fair Trade issues between its different services; |
19. |
Calls on the Commission to provide “Aid for Fair Trade”:
20. |
Invites the Commission, after having consulted stakeholders, to present a proposal to Parliament for appropriate action and funding in the area of Fair Trade and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards; |
21. |
Asks the Commission to look into means of further raising awareness in relation to Fair Trade and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards; |
22. |
Calls on public authorities in Europe to integrate Fair Trade criteria into their public tenders and purchasing policies and asks the Commission to promote this by, for example, producing guidelines for Fair Trade procurement; |
23. |
Recalls that regional authorities in particular make major investments in relevant product markets; consequently calls on these bodies, in their calls for tender, to give special consideration to Fair Trade products; |
24. |
Welcomes the increased efforts of Parliament in particular to offer Fair Trade products, and stresses that all EU institutions should use Fair Trade products in their internal services; |
25. |
Emphasises that Fair Trade and other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards can be successful tools for making enterprises socially aware and socially responsible; |
26. |
Stresses the importance of making European policy on corporate social responsibility more inclusive through the continuation and intensification of multi-stakeholder fora, including fora where Fair Trade organisations are present; |
27. |
Urges the Commission to support mechanisms for the participation, where feasible, of producers in price determination, as provided for in paragraph 63 of the Compendium on co-operation strategies to the Cotonou Agreement; |
28. |
Urges the Commission to support the African Union to include as a matter of priority the issue of commodity prices in ongoing global trade negotiations in accordance with its WTO commitments, in particular GATT Articles XXXVI — XXXVIII; |
29. |
Calls on the Commission to take action, in accordance with paragraph 2(a) of GATT Article XXXVIII, to devise measures designed to stabilise and improve market conditions for primary products of particular interest to less-developed countries “including measures designed to attain stable, equitable and remunerative prices for exports of such products”; |
30. |
Welcomes the introduction of special social and environmental clauses under the Generalised System of Preferences + (GSP +), but sees the need for reinforcement of the monitoring mechanism; |
31. |
Urges the Commission to develop a coherent policy for the promotion and protection of small and marginalised producers, including Fair Trade producers, representing their views, as well as those of producers associated with other independently monitored trading initiatives contributing to raising social and environmental standards, in bilateral, regional and multilateral trade negotiations, such as the Economic Partnership Agreements; |
32. |
Calls on the Commission to take the Fair Trade and other social and environmental trading approaches into account when formulating EU trade policy; |
33. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission as well as to the ILO, the United Nations Environment Programme, UNCTAD and the WTO. |
(1) OJ C 226, 20.7.1998, p. 73.
(2) OJ C 64 E, 12.3.2004, p. 607.
AIDS — Time to deliver
European Parliament resolution on HIV/AIDS: Time to Deliver
The European Parliament,
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having regard to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS of 2 June 2006 and the political declaration adopted at that meeting, |
— |
having regard to the UN Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, “Global Crisis — Global Action”, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 27 June 2001, during its 26th Special Session, |
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having regard to the United Nations position paper on “Preventing the Transmission of HIV among Drug Abusers”, |
— |
having regard to the forthcoming International Conference on “HIV/AIDS: Time to Deliver”, to be held in Toronto in August 2006, |
— |
having regard to the Abuja Declaration of 27 April 2001 on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Related Infectious Diseases, and to Africa's Common Position to the UNGASS 2006 High-Level Meeting and the Call for Accelerated Action Towards Universal Access to HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Services in Africa, signed in Abuja on 4 May 2006 by the African Union, |
— |
having regard to the 2006 report by UNAIDS on the global AIDS epidemic, |
— |
having regard to Rule 103(4) of its Rules of Procedure, |
A. |
whereas more than 65 million people in the world have been infected with HIV, more than 25 million people have died, 15 million children have been orphaned by AIDS, and, of the 40 million people currently living with HIV, over 95 % live in the developing world, with over 70 % in Sub-Saharan Africa alone, |
B. |
whereas unprotected heterosexual sex is now the single most important factor in the spread of HIV infections worldwide and half of all new HIV infections affect young people under the age of 25, |
C. |
whereas women now represent half of all people living with AIDS and 60 % of those living with AIDS in Africa, with women being between two and four times as susceptible to catching the disease as men, |
D. |
whereas women and girls, young people, older people, men who have sex with men, injecting and other drug users, sex workers, transgender populations, prisoners, migrant labourers, orphans, people in conflict and post-conflict situations, indigenous peoples, refugees and internally displaced persons, as well as HIV/AIDS outreach workers, are amongst the most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and to the impact of the pandemic, |
E. |
whereas realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all is essential to reduce vulnerability to HIV/AIDS, |
F. |
whereas many organisations that attended the 2006 UNGASS High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS reported and publicly denounced the fact that the political and economic interests of a few prevailed over the needs of millions of people in developing countries, resulting in a weak declaration with no clear targets or financial commitments, |
G. |
whereas the countries most affected by HIV and AIDS will fail to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and will continue to weaken, potentially threatening social stability, |
H. |
whereas the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (“the Global Fund”), set up in January 2002, has shown impressive results to date, with more than 540 000 people living with HIV now having access to life-saving antiretroviral treatment through programmes the Fund is financing, |
I. |
whereas the Doha Declaration placed the protection of public health above the protection of private commercial interests and confirmed the right of developing countries to use TRIPS Agreement safeguards, such as compulsory licences, to overcome patents when necessary in order to protect public health and promote access to medicines for all, |
J. |
whereas the current pricing system based on companies giving voluntary discounts on medicines to developing countries does not guarantee the affordability of medicines, with some single-source drugs being too expensive even with a discount, some discounts not being available because manufacturers have not registered or are not marketing their drugs in certain countries, and some companies not offering discounts at all to middle-income countries, |
1. |
Welcomes the commitment to a massive scale-up of HIV prevention, treatment and care, with the aim of coming as close as possible to the goal of universal access to treatment by 2010 for all who need it, made at the 2005 meeting of the G8 nations and the September 2005 United Nations World Summit by world leaders and reconfirmed at the 2006 High-Level meeting on AIDS; |
2. |
Welcomes the UNGASS declaration of 2 June 2006, in particular its references to promoting access to medicines for all, which includes production of generic antiretroviral drugs and other essential drugs for AIDS-related infections; |
3. |
Regrets, nevertheless, that the declaration lacks any global targets or timelines on treatment, resources and prevention, and does not provide a viable action plan to back up the goal of providing universal access for all HIV-affected people by 2010; |
4. |
Calls on the international community to deliver on its promises during the Toronto Conference in August, and calls on the Commission and Member States to ensure that health spending in developing countries reaches levels commensurate with the political commitments made; |
5. |
Expresses grave concern at the fact that half of all new HIV infections occur among children and young people; |
6. |
Expresses disappointment at the fact that, although a large number of infections occur due to the sharing of drug abuse needles, there are still no effective programmes in operation for providing clean needles to drug addicts in many countries, including Member States; |
7. |
Calls for measures to be taken to reduce the level of needlestick and medical sharp injuries received by health-care workers; |
8. |
Stresses that, in order to effectively halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS, it is essential to target key vulnerable groups with specific measures; |
9. |
Remains deeply concerned by the overall expansion and feminisation of the pandemic and the fact that women now represent 50 % of people living with HIV worldwide and 60 % of people living with HIV in Africa; |
10. |
Emphasises that sexual and reproductive health rights are crucial to combating HIV/AIDS, and urges the Commission and partner countries to prioritise broad prevention strategies in Country Strategy Papers, including programmes promoting the use of condoms and HIV/AIDS education geared towards young people; |
11. |
Criticises the Commission's poor track record in development fund spending in the healthcare sector; stresses, for example, that in 2003 only 5,2 % of the EDF was earmarked for health spending and only 4 % in 2002, and deplores the fact that the Commission intends to propose that only 6 % of development funds within the new development cooperation instrument be allocated to human and social development, covering not only healthcare, HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health, but all other aspects of social development, including children, education and gender programmes; |
12. |
Calls on the Commission to double its budget for healthcare in developing countries within the Development Cooperation Instrument and to aim for at least 50 % of all ODA (Official Development Assistance) to be spent on achieving the Millennium Development Goals; |
13. |
Stresses that the Commission is one of the main donors of the Global Fund, contributing overall 522 million Euro over the period 2002-2006; calls on the Commission to consider increasing its contribution to the Fund; |
14. |
Recognises the importance of country ownership, calls on developing countries to prioritise health spending in general and combating HIV/AIDS in particular, and calls on the Commission to support commitments made by the developing countries in line with the Abuja commitment to spending at least 15 % of their general budget on health, and to provide incentives for partner countries in order to encourage them to prioritise health as a key sector in Country Strategy Papers; |
15. |
Calls on the Commission, when appropriate and subject to strict conditions, to allow for large increases in sectoral budgetary support to health sectors, particularly to retain key health workers in developing countries, and calls for the speeding-up of the recruitment and training of health-care workers at all levels; |
16. |
Urges the promotion, at international, regional, national and local level, of access to HIV/AIDS education, information, voluntary counselling, testing and related services, with full protection of confidentiality and informed consent, and the promotion of a social and legal environment that is supportive of and safe for voluntary disclosure of HIV status; |
17. |
Stresses the importance of local action and the fact that prevention, treatment and care responses need the involvement of local communities; |
18. |
Notes that 1 January 2005 saw the implementation of the WTO's agreement on TRIPS in India, compelling India to recognise product patents on medicines; stresses that newer drugs, and particularly more expensive second-line treatments, must not be produced only by patent holders that could set a monopoly price unaffordable for developing countries; |
19. |
Criticises bilateral and regional trade agreements which restrict, if not eliminate, the safeguards established by the Doha Declaration; stresses the need to ensure the primacy of health over commercial interests; points out the responsibility of those countries, in particular the United States, that put pressure on developing countries to sign such free-trade agreements; |
20 |
Calls on the Commission and the Member States to work with UNAIDS in its role to build on and support national efforts to set in place inclusive, transparent processes, and ambitious national targets on HIV prevention, treatment, care and support; |
21. |
Calls for comprehensive reviews of the progress achieved in realising the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS to be undertaken in 2008 and 2011, within the annual reviews of the UN General Assembly; |
22. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States, the UN Secretary-General, UNAIDS and the World Health Organisation. |
European Parliament resolution on Somalia
The European Parliament,
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having regard to its previous resolutions on the situation in Somalia, |
— |
having regard to the previous statements on Somalia made by the High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy of the Council of the Union, Mr Solana, and by Commissioner Louis Michel, |
— |
having regard to the Memorandum of Understating signed in Brussels on 28 March 2006 by the President of Somalia, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, and the President of the Commission, Manuel Barroso, the Somali Prime Minister, Ali Mohamed Ghedi, and Commissioner Louis Michel, |
— |
having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure, |
A. |
concerned by the prolonged civil war in Somalia and its implications for the peace and reconciliation process in that country, as well as for the security and stability of the Horn of Africa as a whole, |
B. |
whereas the militia of the Union of Islamic Courts seized control of much of southern Somalia — including the capital Mogadishu — on 4 June 2006 when they drove out the faction leaders who had controlled Mogadishu since 1991, when the central administration of Muhammad Siyad Barre was toppled, |
C. |
whereas, unfortunately, Somalia has not had an effective national government for over 15 years and the Union of Islamic Courts has started creating radical Islamic courts with a view to taking charge in the areas it controls; whereas, however, tension persists due to clan loyalties, |
D. |
whereas the United Nations Security Council has required the adoption of a National Security Plan in response to the request by the African Union for a partial lifting of the arms embargo limited to supporting the peace-keeping mission under UN mandate, |
E. |
whereas there are fears that the Union of Islamic Courts includes groups accused of having links to Al-Qaida and international terrorism, which may threaten the security of not only neighbouring countries but also the European Union and the rest of the world, |
F. |
whereas the Arab League initiated a dialogue in Khartoum on 22 June 2006 between the Transitional Federal Institutions and the Union of Islamic Courts in which the Transitional Federal Government recognised the “reality” of the Union of Islamic Courts which, in return, recognised the “legality” of the government; whereas the two parties thereby agreed not to fight each other but to continue to engage in dialogue for peace and reconciliation, |
G. |
whereas the recent meeting of the Union of Islamic Courts delegation with US officials in Khartoum has opened new prospects for confidence-building measures among the various parties, |
1. |
Strongly condemns the recent fighting in and around Mogadishu and the events in Jowhar and elsewhere in the country, which resulted in the loss of life of numerous Somali civilians and the murder of Mr Martin Adler, a Swedish freelance photographer at a pro-Union of Islamic Courts meeting; |
2. |
Appeals to all parties concerned to refrain from any action likely to escalate the current tensions, to pursue the path of dialogue and to extend the necessary cooperation to the Transitional Federal Government and parliament as the legitimate central authorities in Somalia governed by the framework of the Transitional Federal Charter; |
3. |
Maintains that, if the international community considers the transitional institutions to have sole legitimacy, pending the holding of free elections for Somali citizens, they must be given the necessary resources to establish the necessary institutions, such as a police force; |
4. |
Supports the initiatives taken by the African Union, the Arab League and the International Authority on Development (IGAD) — including the communiqué issued by the extraordinary session of the IGAD Council of Ministers held in Nairobi on 13 June 2006 — as well as their central role in the efforts aimed at sustaining the peace and reconciliation process in Somalia; |
5. |
Urges the Transitional Federal Institutions and the Union of Islamic Courts to fully assume their responsibilities in the implementation of the dialogue initiated in Khartoum; |
6. |
Calls on the newly formed International Somalia Contact Group, consisting of the African Union, the United Nations, the European Union, the United States, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Tanzania and others, to focus on issues of governance and institution-building, humanitarian assistance for the whole of Somali people and improving regional stability and security as a means to greater policy coordination among members of the international community; |
7. |
Calls on the EU, in coordination with the African Union and working closely with IGAD and the Arab League, to provide the requisite political, financial and logistical support to facilitate the peace process, including the deployment of the African Union Peace Support Mission reaffirmed by the recent African Union Summit in July 2006; |
8. |
Calls on the international community, and the EU in particular, to increase the provision of humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons and the populations in need; |
9. |
Calls on all parties concerned to respect international humanitarian law and allow relief agencies access to the populations in need, as well as to ensure the protection of humanitarian workers; |
10. |
Urges strict application and monitoring of the arms embargo against Somalia imposed by the UN in 1992, for which scant respect is shown, and insists that a partial lifting of the embargo should in no way be linked to a possible UN-mandated peace support mission; |
11. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Secretaries-General of the UN, the African Union and IGAD, the President of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, the Chairman of the Union of Islamic Courts and the Pan-African Parliament. |
European Parliament resolution on Mauritania
The European Parliament,
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having regard to the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (“the Cotonou agreement”), in particular Article 96 thereof, |
— |
having regard to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly's resolution on the situation in West Africa (1), adopted in Edinburgh (United Kingdom) on 24 November 2005, |
— |
having regard to the 24 undertakings given by the Islamic Republic of Mauritania during the consultations with the ACP on the Islamic Republic of Mauritania pursuant to Article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement (Brussels, 30 November 2005), |
— |
having regard to the report of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly's information and study mission to Mauritania from 23 to 27 February 2006, |
— |
having regard to the report of the working party of its delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (including Libya), which visited Mauritania from 3 to 5 May 2006, |
— |
having regard to the decision of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) of 21 June 2006, |
— |
having regard to the Declaration by the Presidency, on behalf of the European Union, on the referendum in Mauritania of 28 June 2006, |
— |
having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure, |
A. |
whereas the former President Ould Taya was overthrown on 3 August 2005 without any bloodshed, |
B. |
whereas the Military Council for Justice and Democracy (MCJD) declared its willingness to put an end to the former regime's totalitarian practices and undertook to restore democracy in Mauritania, |
C. |
having regard to the consensus that has emerged among the political parties and civil society in support of the current process, |
D. |
having regard to the setting up of the National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) and the adoption of a an electoral timetable for a constitutional referendum, as well as general, municipal and presidential elections, |
E. |
whereas the transitional authorities have so far kept their promises as regards the timetable for elections, in particular the holding of an electoral census (RAVEL), which was completed on 30 April 2006, |
F. |
whereas there was a turnout of 76.36 % in the referendum of 25 June 2006 and 96.96 % of the electorate voted in favour of constitutional changes, |
G. |
whereas, however, large sections of the Mauritanian population were unable to prove their identity in order to obtain a polling card in accordance with electoral law, which requires a copy of the birth certificate of parents and grandparents, |
H. |
whereas a large number of citizens were unable to obtain their papers and were thus unable to vote on 25 June 2006, both in view of the material conditions and because the elections were held at very short notice, |
I. |
having regard to the abolition, ascertained in practice, of media censorship, |
J. |
whereas the oil extraction began in April 2006 and a new agreement on oil was concluded between the Mauritanian transitional government and the Australian company Woodside at the beginning of June 2006, |
K. |
having regard to the undertakings given by the transitional authorities to combat corruption and to comply with international agreements on the subject, |
L. |
having regard to the substantial numbers of migrants departing for Europe from the coast of Mauritania, |
M. |
whereas the fisheries agreement between the European Union and Mauritania will expire on 31 July 2006, |
1. |
Notes with satisfaction the transitional authorities' undertaking to establish democracy in Mauritania; encourages them to conduct this process in full compliance with the undertakings given and stresses that it will carefully monitor the progress of the process until its completion; |
2. |
Welcomes the successful conduct of the referendum of 25 June 2006, appreciated by the international observers present, and stresses that the massive number of Mauritanians voting in favour of the new Constitution marks a decisive stage in the process of democratic transition and demonstrates the population's determination to build a true democracy and a constitutional State; |
3. |
Urges that all Mauritanians should be able to obtain papers so that they may vote in the forthcoming elections; |
4. |
Recommends that everything be done to ensure that Mauritanians abroad are able to vote in future elections; |
5. |
Welcomes the fact that the dynamic forces in the country — political parties and civil society — believe, overall, in the sincerity of those involved in the transition process; |
6. |
Welcomes the adoption of a timetable for holding a referendum on the Constitution and general, municipal and presidential elections and calls on the authorities to abide by this timetable; |
7. |
Welcomes the setting up of CENI, whose task will be to carry out the census of the electorate (RAVEL) and organise the forthcoming elections; |
8. |
Calls on the MCJD, the transitional government and CENI to decide to complete the census and the distribution of polling cards between the referendum and the elections, in order to bridge the gulf between the 1995 census and the current electoral roll, including the acceptance of the evidence of witnesses as a means of proving the identity of refugees who have returned to the country, and in this context welcomes the open-mindedness shown by the chair of CENI in Brussels on 30 May 2005; |
9. |
Notes that a large number of political parties have been created since 3 August 2005 and observes that they tend to group together in coalitions; encourages the drawing-up of electoral platforms that make practical proposals to improve the economic and social situation in the country; |
10. |
Recommends that political parties be funded on the basis of their representation in the municipal elections, in which proportional representation makes it easier to take account of the country's diversity, and suggests that part of the funding should take the form of material aid, in order to enable the political parties to take part in the election campaign under favourable conditions; |
11. |
Welcomes the transitional authorities' agreement in principle to allow the return of refugees, but notes with concern that in practice the right has been exercised to only a small extent for two reasons: the inadequate financial means of those concerned and the fact that many of them are unable to prove that they have Mauritanian nationality; |
12. |
Calls, therefore, on the transitional authorities to consider seriously opening up polling stations for Mauritanians in embassies abroad and in the refugee camps in Mali and Senegal for the general and presidential elections; |
13. |
Notes the decision to reserve 20 % of the list of candidates for women and recognises that this decision constitutes progress compared with the previous situation; nevertheless fears that in practice this rule will be ineffective if the parties put female candidates in constituencies that are bound to be lost or place ineligible ones on the lists of candidates; |
14. |
Calls on the Commission to decide to send a European Union Election Observation Mission (EUEOM); |
15. |
Welcomes the abolition, ascertained in practice, of media censorship; |
16. |
Welcomes the freedom of expression enjoyed by representatives of political parties and civil society in Mauritania, which augurs well for a real and dynamic democracy; |
17. |
Calls on the MCJD and the transitional government — whilst recognising that they cannot solve all the problems of the past — to focus on the humanitarian deficit, refugees and the legacy of slavery, as well as the impunity of perpetrators of economic crime; |
18. |
Welcomes the undertaking given by the members of the MCJD not to stand in the forthcoming elections; |
19. |
Calls on the current and future Mauritanian authorities to tackle the question of inequality in the distribution of wealth and to bring a minimum of social justice to Mauritania; |
20. |
Welcomes the ending of the consultations pursuant to the new Article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement and the full resumption of cooperation between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, and the fact that the Islamic Republic of Mauritania will thus not have been penalised by the events of 3 August 2005; |
21. |
Calls on the Mauritanian authorities to exploit the new oil resources to meet the needs of the population, especially in the fields of health and education; |
22. |
Welcomes the transitional authorities' commitment to implementing the principles of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative; |
23. |
Welcomes the commitment made by the transitional government to combat corruption and to ratify international agreements on the subject; |
24. |
Welcomes the Mauritanian authorities' determination to combat illegal immigration, which has made it possible to conclude important agreements between the EU and Mauritania, including the Atlantis project, cofinanced by the Commission, which establishes collaboration between EU Member States and Mauritania in the monitoring of Mauritania's coast by joint Spanish-Mauritanian patrols; |
25. |
Calls on the Commission and the Mauritanian authorities to conclude the fisheries agreement negotiations on time and to devise an adequate policy to protect fish resources and preserve the marine and terrestrial biodiversity of the Arguin Bank in the vicinity of the extraction sites; |
26. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission, the MCJD, the transitional government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly and the Pan-African Parliament. |
Freedom of expression on the Internet
European Parliament resolution on freedom of expression on the Internet
The European Parliament,
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having regard to its previous annual resolutions on the situation of human rights in the world, |
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having regard to its previous resolutions on human rights and freedom of the press and on the evaluation of the World Summit on the Information Society held in Tunisia in December 2005, |
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having regard to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, |
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having regard to Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, |
— |
having regard to the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Dialogue (2001) and on Human Rights Defenders (2004) and their first evaluation under Austrian Presidency, |
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having regard to the Declaration of Principles adopted by the World Summit on the Information Society on 12 December 2003, |
— |
having regard to the Joint Declaration of 21 December 2005 by the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and the OAS Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, |
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having regards to the EU policy on human rights and democratisation in third countries adopted by the Council in December 2005, |
— |
having regard to the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), |
— |
having regard to Rule 115 of its Rules of Procedure, |
A. |
whereas Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers; |
B. |
welcoming the statement of the World Summit in Tunis of 16-18 November 2005 on the primary importance of the information society for democracy and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; in particular the freedom of expression and opinion, as well as the freedom to receive and access information; |
C. |
whereas the fight for freedom of expression has today largely shifted on-line as the Internet has become a mean of expression of choice for political dissidents, democracy activists, human rights defenders and independent journalists worldwide; |
D. |
whereas access to the Internet can strengthen democracy and contribute to a country's economic and social development and restricting such access is incompatible with the right to freedom of expression; |
E. |
whereas restrictions should only exist in cases of using the Internet for illegal activities, such as incitement to hatred, violence and racism, totalitarian propaganda and children's access to pornography or their sexual exploitation; |
F. |
whereas, according to Reporters Without Borders, authoritarian regimes and governments have been working on ever more far-reaching methods of controlling the Internet, chiefly using more and more sophisticated filtering technology and surveillance of electronic communications and setting-up cyber-police; |
G. |
whereas, according to human rights organisations, a large number of cyber-dissidents are detained in prison — most of them in China — including Hao Wu, Chinese blogger and documentary filmmaker, Yang Zili, Chinese cyber-dissident, Shi Tao, Chinese journalist at the daily Dangdai Shangbao, Motjaba Saminejad, Iranian blogger, Mohammed Abbou, Tunisian lawyer, Pham Hong Son, Vietnamese doctor and Habib Saleh, Syrian online journalist; whereas the most recent cases concern the Egyptian bloggers Mohamed Sharkawy and Karim Lel-shaer; |
H. |
whereas a number of countries can be seen as enemies of freedom of expression on-line as stated in the last Reporters Without Borders report, including China, Belarus, Burma, Cuba, Iran, Libya, Maldives, Nepal, North Korea, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan and Vietnam; |
I. |
whereas companies based in democratic States partly provide these countries the means to censor the web and to monitor electronic communication; |
J. |
whereas Chinese government has successfully persuaded companies such as Yahoo, Google and Microsoft to facilitate the censorship of their services in the Chinese internet market; also notes that other governments have required the means for censorship from other companies; |
K. |
whereas equipment and technologies supplied by Western companies such as CISCO Systems, Telecom Italia, Wanadoo, a subsidiary of France Telecom have been used by governments for the purpose of censoring the Internet preventing freedom of expression; |
L. |
whereas US legislators introduced a bill in February 2006, the Global On-line Freedom Act, aimed at regulating the activities of Internet businesses when they operate in repressive countries; |
M. |
whereas the EU should demonstrate that the rights of Internet users are at the heart of its concerns and that it is ready to act to promote free speech on-line; |
1. |
Reaffirms the fact that freedom of expression is a key value shared by all EU countries and that they have to take concrete steps to defend it; |
2. |
Calls, in this respect, on the Council and the EU Member States to agree on a joint statement confirming their commitment in favour of the protection of the rights of internet users and of the promotion of free expression on the internet world-wide; |
3. |
Reiterates its commitment to the principles which were confirmed at the Tunis Summit, viz.:
4. |
Strongly condemns restrictions on Internet content, whether they apply to the dissemination or to the receipt of information, that are imposed by Governments and are not in strict conformity with the guarantee of freedom of expression; strongly condemns the harassment and imprisonment of journalists and others who are expressing their opinions on the Internet; calls, in this respect, on the Council and the Commission to take all necessary measures vis-à-vis the authorities of the concerned countries for the immediate release of all detained Internet users; |
5. |
Calls on the Commission and the Council to draw up a voluntary code of conduct that would put limits on the activities of companies in repressive countries; |
6. |
Calls on the Commission and the Council to maintain the presence and active participation of the EU and the presentation of common positions especially with ECOSOC, ITU, UNESCO and UNDP; |
7. |
Calls on the Council and the Commission when considering its assistance programmes to third countries to take into account the need for unrestricted Internet access by their citizens; |
8. |
Welcomes the Joint Investor Statement on Freedom of Expression and the Internet at the initiative of Reporters Without Borders; stresses that corporations which provide Internet searching, chat, publishing or other services should have a responsibility to ensure that the rights of users are respected; |
9. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, and the governments and parliaments of the Member States. |
Origin marking
European Parliament resolution on origin marking
The European Parliament,
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having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 980/2005 of 27 June 2005 applying a scheme of generalised tariff preferences (1), |
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having regard to Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005 concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market (2), |
— |
having regard to Article IX and Article XXIV:5 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1994), |
— |
having regard to its resolution of 13 October 2005 on prospects for trade relations between the EU and China (3), |
— |
having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code (4) and to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 (5) setting up, inter alia, the European Community's non-preferential rules of origin system, |
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having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 of 28 March 1983 setting up a Community system of reliefs from customs duty (6), |
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having regard to the Commission Communication on the future of the textiles and clothing sector in the enlarged European Union (COM(2003)0649), |
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having regard to Rule 108(5) of its Rules of Procedure, |
A. |
whereas, at present, the EU does not have any harmonised provisions or uniform practices on origin marking in the EU; whereas disparities between regulations in force in the Member States as well as the absence of clear Community rules in this area result in a fragmentary legal framework, |
B. |
whereas national measures imposing compulsory origin marking on goods imported from other Member States are prohibited, while there is no such limitation on compulsory origin marking on goods imported from third countries, |
C. |
whereas, in the Lisbon Agenda, the EU set itself the objective of strengthening the EU economy by, inter alia, improving the competitiveness of EU industry in the world economy; whereas, for certain categories of consumer goods, competitiveness may lie in the fact that their production in the EU is associated with a reputation for quality and high production standards, |
D. |
whereas an origin-marking scheme would have the aim of allowing EU consumers to be fully aware of the country of origin of the products they purchase; whereas consumers would thus be able to identify those products with the social, environmental and safety standards generally associated with that country, |
E. |
whereas the proposal introducing a mandatory country of origin marking system in the EU is restricted to a limited number of imported products such as textiles, jewellery, apparel, footwear, leather, lamps and light fittings, glassware, ceramics and handbags, for which the “made in” requirement provides valuable information for final consumer choice, |
F. |
whereas a number of the EU's major trading partners, such as the United States, China, Japan and Canada, have enacted mandatory origin-marking requirements, |
G. |
whereas it is crucial to ensure that a level playing-field is restored with such trade partners, |
H. |
whereas increased awareness on the part of consumers, making EU products more attractive, would particularly benefit SMEs and sectors exposed to global competition, |
I. |
whereas the Framework Agreement of 26 May 2005 on relations between the European Parliament and the Commission obliges the Commission to keep Parliament fully and promptly informed about its legislative proposals, |
1. |
Notes the proposal for a Council Regulation introducing compulsory indication of the country of origin of certain products imported from third countries into the European Union (“origin marking”); |
2. |
Deplores the fact that, despite the Commission and the Council's being fully aware of the importance that Parliament attaches to origin marking, the Commission did not formally send the proposed regulation to Parliament for information; understands that this proposal does not legally require Parliament to be consulted; insists, however, that Parliament should always be given the opportunity to express its views on any relevant initiative taken by other Community institutions in a timely manner; |
3. |
Insists on the Commission's obligation to ensure the involvement of Parliament, in accordance with the above-mentioned Framework Agreement, in such a way as to take Parliament's views into account as far as possible; |
4. |
Calls on the Commission and the Council to inform Parliament without delay about the results of any further impact assessment and legal analysis carried out, in particular with respect to the alleged inconsistencies of the proposed regulation with existing Community legislation and WTO rules; |
5. |
Calls on the Commission and the Council to place special emphasis on promoting the image of EU industry inside and outside the Community, safeguarding its identity and specificity, and ensuring that the overall good reputation of the Community's industry and the image and attractiveness of high value EU products is not tarnished by inaccurate or misleading indications of origin; |
6. |
Stresses that consumer protection requires transparent and consistent trade rules including, inter alia, indications of origin; |
7. |
Calls on the Commission and the Council to take all necessary steps to ensure a level playing-field with trading partners which have implemented origin-marking requirements; |
8. |
Calls on the Commission and the Council to set up proper customs surveillance and enforcement mechanisms; |
9. |
Urges Member States to maintain a consistent Community approach to this issue to enable EU consumers to receive more complete and accurate information; |
10. |
Encourages the Commission to strongly intervene, together with the Member States, to defend consumers' legitimate rights and expectations whenever there is evidence of counterfeiting and/or use of fraudulent or misleading origin markings by non-EU producers and importers; |
11. |
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission. |
(1) OJ L 169, 30.6.2005, p. 1.
(2) OJ L 149, 11.6.2005, p. 22.
(3) Texts adopted, P6_TA(2005)0381.
(4) OJ L 302, 19.10.1992, p. 1.