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Document C:2001:121:TOC

Official Journal of the European Communities, C 121, 24 April 2001

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Official Journal
of the European Communities
ISSN 0378-6986

C 121
Volume 44
24 April 2001
English editionInformation and Notices

Notice NoContentsPage
I (Information)
2000-2001 SESSION
Sittings of 3 to 7 July 2000
Monday 3 July 2000
(2001/C 121/01)MINUTES
1. Resumption of session 1
2. In Memoriam 1
3. Communication from the President 1
4. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 2
5. Membership of Parliament 3
6. Verification of credentials 3
7. Membership of committees 3
8. Documents received 3
9. Written declarations (Rule 51) 11
10. Texts of agreements forwarded by the Council 11
11. Transfer of appropriations 11
12. Petitions 13
13. Order of business 13
14. European Council report in Santa Maria da Feira - Portuguese Presidency, including EU-India relations (debate) 15
15. Money laundering ***I (debate) 16
16. Safe harbour privacy principles (debate) 16
17. Possession of visas when crossing external borders * (debate) 16
18. Agenda for next sitting 17
19. Closure of sitting 17
Change in agenda - Racism and xenophobia 19
Tuesday 4 July 2000
(2001/C 121/02)MINUTES
1. Opening of sitting 20
2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 20
3. Documents received 20
4. Topical and urgent debate (motions for resolutions tabled) 21
5. General budget (1998 discharge) - EDF (1998 discharge) - EP/European Ombudsman Annex (1998 discharge) (debate) 23
6. Programme of the French Presidency (statement with debate) 24
7. Elections in Zimbabwe (statement with debate) 24
8. Trafficking in human beings (statement with debate) 25
9. General budget (1998 discharge) - EDF (1998 discharge) - EP/European Ombudsman Annex (1998 discharge) (continuation of debate) 25
10. LIFE ***III (debate) 26
11. 2001 budget (conciliation procedure) (debate) 26
12. Question Time (questions to the Council) 26
13. Draft SAB 1/2000 - Draft SAB 2/2000 (debate) 28
14. Liberalisation of energy markets (debate) 28
15. Development of the Community's railways ***II - Railway undertakings and infrastructure capacity ***II (debate) 28
16. Recognition of professional qualifications ***II (debate) 29
17. Agenda for next sitting 29
18. Closure of sitting 29
Wednesday 5 July 2000
(2001/C 121/03)MINUTES
1. Opening of sitting 31
2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 31
3. ECB annual report (debate) 32
4. Implementation of EMU (debate) 32
5. Ballasts for flourescent lighting ***II (procedure without report) (vote) 32
6. Clearance of the fairway of the Danube * (procedure without report) (vote) 33
7. EU-Cyprus agreement: SMEs (procedure without report) (vote) 33
8. Combating fraud and counterfeiting * (procedure without debate) (vote) 33
9. LIFE ***III (vote) 34
10. Development of the Community's railways ***II (vote) 34
11. Railway undertakings and infrastructure capacity ***II (vote) 34
12. Recognition of professional qualifications **II (vote) 35
13. European Parliament/Commission framework agreement (vote) 35
14. Echelon (vote) 36
15. Money laundering ***I (vote) 36
16. Possession of visas when crossing external borders * (vote) 37
17. 2001 budget (conciliation procedure) (vote) 37
18. Safe harbour privacy principles (vote) 38
19. Implementation of EMU (continuation of debate) 42
20. Restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (phthalates and toy safety) ***I (debate) 42
21. Beef and beef products ***II (debate) 42
22. Proposal for a regulation on a Community patent (Commission communication followed by questions) 43
23. Question Time (questions to the Commission) 43
24. EMAS (Eco-Management and audit scheme) ***II (debate) 45
25. Air pollution: benzene and carbon monoxide ***II (debate) 45
26. Environmental inspections ***II (debate) 45
27. Protection of forests ***I (debate) 46
28. MEDIA/MEDIA Plus ***I/* (debate) 46
29. Quality evaluation in school education ***I (debate) 46
30. Agenda for next sitting 47
31. Closure of sitting 47
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 10 49
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 15, 1st part 50
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 15, 2nd part 52
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 1 53
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 2 55
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 25, 1st part 56
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 25, 2nd part 58
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 5 60
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 26 61
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 16, 1st part 63
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 16, 2nd part 64
Jarzembowski recommendation for second reading A5-0173/2000 - Amendment 18 66
Swoboda recommendation for second reading A5-0171/2000 - Amendment 1 67
Swoboda recommendation for second reading A5-0171/2000 - Amendment 22, 1st part 69
Swoboda recommendation for second reading A5-0171/2000 - Amendment 22, 2nd part 71
Swoboda recommendation for second reading A5-0171/2000 - Amendment 4 72
Swoboda recommendation for second reading A5-0171/2000 - Amendment 6, 1st part 74
Swoboda recommendation for second reading A5-0171/2000 - Amendment 6, 2nd part 75
Swoboda recommendation for second reading A5-0171/2000 - Amendment 18 77
C5-0349/2000 - Framework agreement - European Parliament/Commission 79
B5-0594/2000 - Echelon 80
Lehne report A5-0175/2000 - Amendment 32 82
Lehne report A5-0179/2000 - Legislative resolution 83
Haug report A5-0184/2000 - Amendment 13 85
Haug report A5-0184/2000 - Amendment 15 86
Haug report A5-0184/2000 - Amendment 10, 1st part 88
Haug report A5-0184/2000 - Amendment 10, 2nd part 89
Haug report A5-0184/2000 - Amendment 16 91
Haug report A5-0184/2000 - Amendment 11 92
Haug report A5-0184/2000 - Amendment 12 94
Haug report A5-0184/2000 - Paragraph 21 96
Haug report A5-0184/2000 - Paragraph 28 97
Haug report A5-0184/2000 - Paragraph 39 99
Paciotti report A5-0177/2000 - Amendment 11 100
Paciotti report A5-0177/2000 - Amendment 1 102
1. Ballasts for fluorescent lighting ***II (procedure without report)
Common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a European Parliament and Council directive on energy efficiency requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lighting (7034/1/2000 - C5-0268/2000 - 1999/0127(COD)) 104
2. Clearance of the fairway of the Danube * (procedure without report)
Proposal for a Council decision concerning the Community contribution to the International Fund ‘Clearance of the Fairway of the Danube’ (COM(2000) 317 - C5-0297/2000 - 2000/0125(CNS)) 104
3. EU-Cyprus agreement: SMEs * (procedure without report)
Proposal for a Council decision concerning the conclusion of an agreement between the Community and Cyprus establishing co-operation in the field of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises within the framework of the Third Multiannual Programme for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the European Union (1997-2000) (COM(2000) 242 - C5-0324/2000 - 2000/0099(CNS)) 104
4. Combating fraud and counterfeiting * (procedure without debate)
Draft Council framework decision on combating fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment (SN 3040/2000 - C5-0265/2000 - 1999/0190(CNS)) 104
European Parliament legislative resolution on the draft Council framework decision on combating fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment (SN 3040/2000 - C5-0265/2000 - 1999/0190(CNS)) 105
5. LIFE ***III
European Parliament legislative resolution on the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee for a European Parliament and Council regulation concerning the financial instrument for the environment (LIFE) (C5-0221/2000 - 1998/0336(COD)) 105
6. Community railways ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position with a view to the adoption of a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Council Directive 91/440/EEC on the development of the Community's railways (5386/1/2000 - C5-0178/2000 - 1998/0265(COD)) 106
7. Railway undertakings and railway infrastructure capacity ***II
I. European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Council Directive 95/18/EC on the licensing of railway undertakings (5387/1/2000 - C5-0176/2000 - 1998/0266(COD)) 112
II. European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council directive on the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification (5388/1/2000 - C5-0177/2000 - 1998/0267(COD)) 113
8. Recognition of professional qualifications ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council directive amending Directives 89/48/EEC and 92/51/EEC on the general system for the recognition of professional qualifications and supplementing Directives 77/452/EEC, 77/453/EEC, 78/686/EEC, 78/687/EEC, 78/1026/EEC, 78/1027/EEC, 80/154/EEC, 80/155/EEC, 85/384/EEC, 85/432/EEC, 85/433/EEC and 93/16/EEC concerning the professions of nurse responsible for general care, dental practitioner, veterinary surgeon, midwife, architect, pharmacist and doctor (5103/3/2000 - C5-0162/2000 - 1997/0345(COD)) 119
9. European Parliament/Commission Framework Agreement
Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the Commission 122
ANNEX 1 Specific agreement on the legislative process 126
ANNEX 2 Forwarding to the European Parliament information on international agreements and enlargement, and involvement of the European Parliament in this respect 128
ANNEX 3 Forwarding of confidential information to the European Parliament 129
10. Echelon
(a) B5-0594/2000
European Parliament decision on the Conference of Presidents' decision not to propose the setting up of a temporary committee of inquiry into the Echelon interception system 131
(b) B5-0593/2000/rev.
European Parliament decision setting up a temporary committee on the Echelon interception system 131
ANNEX Setting up of temporary committee 132
11. Money laundering ***I
Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 91/308/EEC of 10 June 1991 on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering (COM(1999) 352 - C5-0065/1999 - 1999/0152(COD)) 133
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 91/308/EEC of 10 June 1991 on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering (COM(1999) 352 - C5-0065/1999 - 1999/0152(COD)) 143
12. Possession of visas when crossing external borders *
Proposal for a Council regulation listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement (COM(2000) 27 - C5-0166/2000 - 2000/0030(CNS)) 144
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement (COM(2000) 27 - C5-0166/2000 - 2000/0030(CNS)) 145
13. 2001 budget (conciliation procedure)
European Parliament resolution on the 2001 budget in view of the conciliation procedure before the Council's first reading 146
14. Safe harbour privacy principles
European Parliament resolution on the Draft Commission Decision on the adequacy of the protection provided by the Safe harbour privacy principles and related frequently asked questions issued by the US Department of Commerce (C5-0280/2000 - 2000/2144(COS)) 152
Thursday 6 July 2000
(2001/C 121/04)MINUTES
1. Opening of sitting 157
2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 157
3. Official welcome 157
4. Committee on Petitions - European Ombudsman (debate) 157
5. Single European sky (debate) 158
6. Health and safety of pregnant workers (debate) 158
7. Communication of common positions of the Council 159
8. Flax and hemp grown for fibre * (final vote) 160
9. Structural Funds: Innovative measures (procedure without debate) (vote) 160
10. Draft SAB 1/2000 (vote) 161
11. Draft SAB 2/2000 (vote) 161
12. General budget (1998 discharge) (vote) 161
13. EDF (1998 discharge) (vote) 162
14. European Parliament/European Ombudsman Annex (1998 discharge) (vote) 162
15. Beef and beef products ***II (vote) 163
16. Eco-Management and audit scheme (EMAS) ***II (vote) 163
17. Air pollution: benzene and carbon monoxide ***II (vote) 164
18. Environmental inspection ***II (vote) 165
19. European Council meeting of 19/20 June 2000 at Santa Maria da Feira (vote) 165
20. Elections in Zimbabwe (vote) 166
21. Human rights (vote) 166
22. Fiji and the Solomon Islands (debate) 170
23. Tibet (debate) 170
24. Human rights (debate) 170
25. Venezuela (debate) 171
26. European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (debate) 171
27. Fiji and the Solomon Islands (vote) 172
28. Tibet (vote) 172
29. Human rights: Child-soldiers in Uganda (vote) 173
30. Human rights: Situation in the Mollucas Islands (vote) 173
31. Human rights: Death penalty in the USA (vote) 174
32. Human rights: Hooliganism (vote) 174
33. Human rights: Iraq (vote) 174
34. Venezuela (vote) 175
35. European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (vote) 175
36. Phthalates and toy safety ***I (vote) 176
37. Protection of Forests ***I (vote) 176
38. MEDIA/MEDIA Plus ***I/* (vote) 177
39. Quality evaluation in school education ***I (vote) 178
40. Liberalisation of energy markets (vote) 178
41. ECB annual report (vote) 179
42. Implementation of EMU (vote) 180
43. Committee on Petition (vote) 180
44. European Ombudsman (vote) 180
45. Single European sky (vote) 181
46. Health and safety of pregnant workers (vote) 182
47. Short sea shipping (debate) 185
48. Civil dialogue (debate) 185
49. Agenda for next sitting 185
50. Closure of sitting 185
Schierhuber report A5-0124/2000 - Amendment 43, 1st part 187
Schierhuber report A5-0124/2000 - Amendment 43, 2nd part 188
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Recital G 190
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 7 191
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 8 193
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 10 194
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Paragraph 12 196
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 13 197
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Paragraph 13 199
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 12 200
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Paragraph 44 202
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Paragraph 45 203
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Paragraph 46 204
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 9 206
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 2 207
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 3 209
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Paragraph 49 210
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Paragraph 50 212
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 11 213
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Paragraph 53 215
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 5 216
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Paragraph 54 218
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Amendment 14 219
Stauner report A5-0190/2000 - Resolution 221
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Amendment 3 222
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Amendment 4 224
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Amendment 5 225
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Amendment 6 227
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Amendment 7 228
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Paragraph 8, 1st part 230
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Paragraph 8, 2nd part 232
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Amendment 8 233
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Amendment 9 235
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Paragraph 18, 1st indent 236
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Amendment 10 238
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Paragraph 18, 3rd indent 239
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Amendment 11 240
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Paragraph 18, 5th indent 242
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Amendment 15 243
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Paragraph 18, 7th indent 245
Kuhne report A5-0189/2000 - Decision 246
García-Orcoyen Tormo recommendation for second reading A5-0165/2000 - Amendment 12 248
García-Orcoyen Tormo recommendation for second reading A5-0165/2000 - Amendment 26 249
García-Orcoyen Tormo recommendation for second reading A5-0165/2000 - Amendment 41 251
García-Orcoyen Tormo recommendation for second reading A5-0165/2000 - Amendment 43 252
García-Orcoyen Tormo recommendation for second reading A5-0165/2000 - Amendment 5 253
García-Orcoyen Tormo recommendation for second reading A5-0165/2000 - Amendment 44 255
García-Orcoyen Tormo recommendation for second reading A5-0165/2000 - Amendment 45 256
Breyer recommendation for second reading A5-0166/2000 - Amendment 1 258
Breyer recommendation for second reading A5-0166/2000 - Amendment 2 259
Breyer recommendation for second reading A5-0166/2000 - Amendment 3, 1st part 260
Breyer recommendation for second reading A5-0166/2000 - Amendment 3, 2nd part 262
Breyer recommendation for second reading A5-0166/2000 - Amendment 4 263
RC - European Council meeting at Santa Maria da Feira B5-0587/2000 - Amendment 12 264
B5-0595/2000 - Human rights 266
RC - Tibet B5-0608/2000 - Paragraph 1 267
RC - Tibet B5-0608/2000 - Amendment 3 268
RC - Hooliganism B5-0625/2000 - Recital I 269
RC - Hooliganism B5-0625/2000 - Recital J 270
RC - Hooliganism B5-0625/2000 - Paragraph 7 271
RC - Hooliganism B5-0625/2000 - Resolution 272
RC - Iraq B5-0618/2000 - Amendment 4 273
RC - Iraq B5-0618/2000 - Paragraph 3 274
RC - Iraq B5-0618/2000 - Resolution 275
RC - Venezuela B5-0615/2000 - Paragraph 4 276
Arvidsson report A5-0149/2000 - Amendments 11 and 24 277
Arvidsson report A5-0149/2000 - Amendment 13 278
Hieronymi report A5-0186/2000 - Amendment 4 279
Hieronymi report A5-0186/2000 - Amendment 24 280
Hieronymi report A5-0186/2000 - Proposal for a decision I 281
Hieronymi report A5-0186/2000 - Legislative resolution 282
Hieronymi report A5-0186/2000 - Amendment 58 283
Hieronymi report A5-0186/2000 - Amendment 69 284
Hieronymi report A5-0186/2000 - Amendment 87 285
Hieronymi report A5-0186/2000 - Proposal for a decision II 286
Hieronymi report A5-0186/2000 - Legislative resolution 287
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 4 288
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 6, 1st part 289
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 6, 2nd part 290
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 14 291
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 15 292
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 19 293
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 20 294
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 21, 1st part 295
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 21, 2nd part 296
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 25 297
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 27 298
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 29 299
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Paragraph 33 300
Mombaur report A5-0180/2000 - Resolution 301
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 14 302
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 1 303
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Recital H, 1st part 304
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Recital H, 2nd part 305
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 2 306
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 15 307
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 3 308
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 10 309
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 16, 1st part 310
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 16, 2nd part 311
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Paragraph 5 312
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 4, 1st part 313
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Paragraph 6 314
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 8, 1st part 315
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 8, 2nd part 316
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Paragraph 11, 1st part 317
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Paragraph 11, 2nd part 318
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 11 319
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 12 320
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendment 9 321
Radwan report A5-0169/2000 - Amendments 6 and 19 322
Karas report A5-0170/2000 - Paragraph 5 323
Karas report A5-0170/2000 - Amendment 7 324
Karas report A5-0170/2000 - Resolution 325
Lambert report A5-0162/2000 - Resolution 326
Thors report A5-0181/2000 - Resolution 326
Atkins report A5-0141/2000 - Amendment 13 327
Atkins report A5-0141/2000 - Amendment 8 328
Atkins report A5-0141/2000 - Paragraph 8 329
Atkins report A5-0141/2000 - Amendment 18 330
Atkins report A5-0141/2000 - Amendment 2 331
Atkins report A5-0141/2000 - Amendment 1 332
Atkins report A5-0141/2000 - Amendment 15 333
Damião report A5-0155/2000 - Amendment 6 334
Damião report A5-0155/2000 - Amendment 9 335
Damião report A5-0155/2000 - Amendment 2 335
Damião report A5-0155/2000 - Resolution 336
1. Flax and hemp for fibre *
I. Proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops to include flax and hemp grown for fibre (COM(1999) 576 - C5-0280/1999 - 1999/0236(CNS)) 338
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops to include flax and hemp grown for fibre (COM(1999) 576 - C5-0280/1999 - 1999/0236(CNS)) 339
II. Proposal for a Council regulation on the common organisation of the market in flax and hemp grown for fibre (COM(1999) 576 - C5-0281/1999 - 1999/0237(CNS)) 339
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on the common organisation of the market in flax and hemp grown for fibre (COM(1999) 576 - C5-0281/1999 - 1999/0237(CNS)) 342
2. Structural Funds - Innovative measures (procedure without debate)
European Parliament resolution on the draft Guidelines for the various types of innovative measures in the context of Article 22 of the General Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 - Innovative Measures under Article 6 of the ESF Regulation (C5-0235/2000 - 2000/2127(COS)) 343
3. Draft SAB 1/2000
(a) C5-0314/2000
Draft supplementary and amending budget No 1 for the financial year 2000 344
(b) A5-0183/2000
European Parliament resolution on draft supplementary and amending budget No 1 for the financial year 2000 (C5-0314/2000) 347
4. Draft SAB 2/2000
European Parliament resolution on draft supplementary and amending budget No 2 for the 2000 financial year (C5-0342/2000) 348
5. General budget (1998 discharge)
I. European Parliament Decision giving discharge to the Commission in respect of implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the 1998 financial year (SEC(1999) 412 - C5-0006/1999 - 1999/2050(DEC)) 348
II. European Parliament Decision closing the accounts relating to the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the 1998 financial year (SEC(1999) 412 - C5-0006/1999 - 1999/2050(DEC)) 351
III. European Parliament resolution containing the comments which form an integral part of the decision giving discharge to the Commission for the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the 1998 financial year (SEC(1999) 412 - C5-0006/1999 - 1999/2050(DEC)) 353
6. EDF (1998 discharge)
I. European Parliament decision giving discharge to the Commission in respect of the financial management of the sixth, seventh and eighth European Development Funds for the 1998 financial year (COM(1999) 227 - C5-0003/1999 - 1999/2004(DEC)) 359
II. European Parliament decision closing the accounts of the sixth, seventh and eighth European Development Funds for the 1998 financial year (COM(1999) 227 - C5-0003/1999 - 1999/2004(DEC)) 359
III. European Parliament resolution containing its comments accompanying the European Parliament decision giving discharge to the Commission in respect of the sixth, seventh and eighth European Development Funds for the 1998 financial year (COM(1999) 227 - C5-0003/1999 - 1999/2004(DEC)) 362
7. European Parliament/European Ombudsman Annex (1998 discharge)
European Parliament decision giving discharge in respect of implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 1998 - Section I - European Parliament/Ombudsman Annex (SEC(1999) 414 - C5-0008/1999 - 1999/2051(DEC)) 366
8. Beef and beef products ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council regulation establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and regarding the labelling of beef and beef products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 820/97 (8251/1/2000 - C5-0270/2000 - 1999/0204(COD)) 370
9. EMAS ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council regulation allowing voluntary participation by organisations in a Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) (10677/2/1999 - C5-0098/2000 - 1998/0303(COD)) 372
10. Air pollution: benzene and carbon monoxide ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a European Parliament and Council directive relating to limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air (5860/1/2000 - C5-0182/2000 - 1998/0333(COD)) 385
11. Environmental inspections ***II
European Parliament legislative resolution on the Council common position for adopting a European Parliament and Council Recommendation providing for minimum criteria for environmental inspections in the Member States (5684/1/2000 - C5-0181/2000 - 1998/0358(COD)) 386
12. European Council meeting of 19/20 June 2000 at Santa Maria da Feira
B5-0587, 0588 and 0590/2000
European Parliament resolution on the conclusions of the European Council meeting in Feira on 19/20 June 2000 391
13. Elections in Zimbabwe
B5-0599, 0602, 0604 and 0605/2000
European Parliament resolution on the parliamentary elections in Zimbabwe 394
14. Trafficking in human beings
B5-0596, 0598, 0603 and 0606/2000
European Parliament resolution on illegal immigration and the discovery of the bodies of 58 illegal immigrants in Dover 396
15. Fiji and the Solomon Islands
B5-0616, 0620, 0629, 0636, 0640 and 0644/2000
European Parliament resolution on the situation in Fiji and the Solomon Islands 398
16. Tibet
B5-0608, 0610, 0617, 0621 and 0641/2000
European Parliament resolution on the Western China Poverty Reduction Project and the future of Tibet 400
17. Human rights: Child soldiers in Uganda
B5-0611, 0622, 0630, 0637 and 0646/2000
European Parliament resolution on the abduction of children by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) 401
18. Human rights: The Moluccas
B5-0609, 0612, 0623 and 0647/2000
European Parliament resolution on the Moluccan Islands 403
19. Human rights: Death penalty in the USA
B5-0613, 0619, 0624, 0631 and 0638/2000
European Parliament resolution on the death penalty in the United States 404
20. Human rights: Hooliganism
B5-0625, 0632 and 0649/2000
European Parliament resolution on Euro 2000 406
21. Human rights: Iraq
B5-0618, 0626, 0633 and 0650/2000
European Parliament resolution on Iraq 407
22. Venezuela
B5-0615, 0627, 0634, 0642 and 0652/2000
European Parliament resolution on reconstruction and rehabilitation of the areas affected by the catastrophic floods of December 1999 in Venezuela 408
23. European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia
B5-0628, 0635 and 0651/2000
European Parliament resolution on the European Monitoring Centre on racism and xenophobia 409
24. Restrictions on marketing and use of dangerous substances (Phthalates and toy safety) ***I
Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending for the 22nd time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (phthalates) and amending Council Directive 88/378/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning the safety of toys (COM(1999) 577 - C5-0276/1999 - 1999/0238(COD)) 410
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending for the 22nd time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (phthalates) and amending Council Directive 88/378/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning the safety of toys (COM(1999) 577 - C5-0276/1999 - 1999/0238(COD)) 413
25. Protection of forests ***I
I. Proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 3528/86 on the protection of the Community's forests against atmospheric pollution (COM(1999) 379 - C5-0076/1999 - 1999/0159(COD)) 414
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 3528/86 on the protection of the Community's forests against atmospheric pollution (COM(1999) 379 - C5-0076/1999 - 1999/0159(COD)) 415
II. Proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2158/92 on the protection of the Community's forests against fire (COM(1999) 379 - C5-0077/1999 - 1999/0160(COD)) 416
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2158/92 on the protection of the Community's forests against fire (COM(1999) 379 - C5-0077/1999 - 1999/0160(COD)) 417
26. MEDIA/MEDIA Plus ***I/*
I. Proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of a training programme for professionals in the European audiovisual programme industry (MEDIA - Training) (2001-2005) (COM(1999) 658 - C5-0059/2000 - 1999/0275(COD)) 418
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the implementation of a training programme for professionals in the European audiovisual programme industry (MEDIA - Training) (2001-2005) (COM(1999) 658 - C5-0059/2000 - 1999/0275(COD)) 427
II. Proposal for a decision of the Council on the implementation of a programme to encourage the development, distribution and promotion of European audiovisual works (MEDIA Plus - Development, Distribution and Promotion) (2001-2005) (COM(1999) 658 - C5-0119/2000 - 1999/0276(CNS)) 427
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council Decision on the implementation of a programme to encourage the development, distribution and promotion of European audiovisual works (MEDIA Plus - Development, Distribution and Promotion) (2001-2005) (COM(1999) 658 - C5-0119/2000 - 1999/0276(CNS)) 441
27. Quality evaluation in school education ***I
Proposal for a European Parliament and Council recommendation on European cooperation in quality evaluation in school education (COM(1999) 709 - C5-0053/2000 - 2000/0022(COD)) 442
European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation on European cooperation in quality evaluation in school education (COM(1999) 709 - C5-0053/2000 - 2000/0022(COD)) 450
28. Liberalisation of energy markets
European Parliament resolution on the Commission's second report to the Council and the European Parliament on the state of liberalisation of the energy markets (COM(1999) 198 - COM(1999) 164 - COM(1999) 612 - COM(2000) 297 - C5-0163/2000 - 2000/2097(COS)) 451
29. ECB Annual report
European Parliament resolution on the 1999 Annual Report of the European Central Bank (C5-0195/2000 - 2000/2118(COS)) 456
30. Implementation of EMU
European Parliament resolution on the Commission communication to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on communications strategy in the last phases of the completion of EMU (COM(2000) 57 - C5-0104/2000 - 2000/2019(COS)) 459
31. Committee on Petitions
European Parliament resolution on the deliberations of the Committee on Petitions during the parliamentary year 1999-2000 465
32. European Ombudsman
European Parliament resolution on the activities of the European Ombudsman in 1999 (C5-0303/2000) 468
33. Single European sky
European Parliament resolution on the Commission communication to the Council and the European Parliament - The creation of the single European sky (COM(1999) 614 - C5-0085/2000 - 2000/2053(COS)) 470
34. Health and safety of pregnant workers
European Parliament resolution on the Commission report on the implementation of Council Directive 92/85/EEC of 19 October 1992 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the health and safety at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding (COM(1999) 100 - C5-0158/1999 - 1999/2151(COS)) 473
Friday 7 July 2000
(2001/C 121/05)MINUTES
1. Opening of sitting 479
2. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting (postponement of approval) 479
3. Documents received 480
4. Texts of agreements forwarded to the Council 481
5. Referral to committees - Authorisation to draw up own-initiative reports - Hughes/reinforced Hughes procedure 481
6. Short sea shipping (vote) 483
7. Environmental crime * (debate and vote) 484
8. Approval of Minutes of previous sitting 485
9. Membership of Parliament 485
10. Remembrance of the Holocaust (Rule 51) 485
11. Transfer of appropriations 485
12. Written declarations (Rule 51) 486
13. Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting 486
14. Dates for next sittings 486
15. Adjournment of session 486
Peijs report A5-0139/2000 - Resolution 488
1. Short sea shipping
European Parliament resolution on the Commission communication to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions ‘The Development of Short Sea Shipping in Europe: A Dynamic Alternative in a Sustainable Transport Chain - Second Two-yearly Progress Report’ (COM(1999) 317 - C5-0206/1999 - 1999/2164(COS)) 489
2. Environmental crime *
Initiative of the Kingdom of Denmark with a view to the adoption of a Council Framework Decision on combating serious environmental crime (5343/2000 - C5-0078/2000 - 2000/0801(CNS)) 494
European Parliament legislative resolution on the initiative of the Kingdom of Denmark with a view to the adoption of a Council Framework Decision on combating serious environmental crime (5343/2000 - C5-0078/2000 - 2000/0801(CNS)) 502
Remembrance of the Holocaust (Rule 51)
European Parliament declaration on the remembrance of the Holocaust 503
Key to symbols used
*Consultation procedure
** ICooperation procedure: first reading
** IICooperation procedure: second reading
***Assent procedure
*** ICodecision procedure: first reading
*** IICodecision procedure: second reading
*** IIICodecision procedure: third reading
(The type of procedure is determined by the legal basis proposed by the Commission)
Information relating to voting time
Unless stated otherwise, the rapporteurs informed the Chair in writing, before the vote, of their position on the amendments.
Abbreviations used for Parliamentary Committees
AFETCommittee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy
BUDGCommittee on Budgets
CONTCommittee on Budgetary Control
LIBECommittee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs
ECONCommittee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
JURICommittee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market
ITRECommittee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy
EMPLCommittee on Employment and Social Affairs
ENVICommittee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy
AGRICommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development
PECHCommittee on Fisheries
RETTCommittee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism
CULTCommittee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport
DEVECommittee on Development and Cooperation
AFCOCommittee on Constitutional Affairs
FEMMCommittee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities
PETICommittee on Petitions
Abbreviations used for Political Groups
PPE-DEGroup of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
PSEGroup of the Party of European Socialists
ELDRGroup of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party
Verts/ALEGroup of the Greens/European Free Alliance
GUE/NGLConfederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left
UENUnion for a Europe of Nations Group
TDITechnical Group of Independent Members - mixed group
EDDGroup for a Europe of Democracies and Diversities
NINon-attached Members
