
Komunikazzjoni mill-Kummissjoni lill-Parlament Ewropew, il-Kunsill, il-Kumitat Ekonomiku u Soċjali Ewropew u l-Kumitat tar-Reġjuni - Il-Ftuħ tal-Potenzjal Sħiħ ta’ l-Ewropa- Programm Leġiżlattiv u ta’ Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni 2006 /* KUMM/2005/0531 finali */


Brussell, 25.10.2005

COM(2005) 531 finali


Il-Ftuħ tal-Potenzjal Sħiħ ta’ l-Ewropa Programm Leġiżlattiv u ta’ Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni 2006


Il-Ftuħ tal-Potenzjal Sħiħ ta’ l-Ewropa Programm Leġiżlattiv u ta’ Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni 2006


L-isfidi li l-Ewropa qed tiffaċċja huma ċari, u urġenti. Il-globalizzazzjoni ġabet opportunitajiet, u ħtiġijiet ġodda. Il-modernizzazzjoni hija essenzjali sabiex jitkomplew il-livelli storikament għoljin ta’ l-Ewropa fil-prosperità, il-koeżjoni soċjali, il-protezzjoni ambjentali u l-kwalità tal-ħajja, u sabiex jinħolqu l-impjiegi li għandna bżonn. L-Ewropa tista’ tirrispondi bl-aħjar mod billi tiftaħ il-potenzjal taċ-ċittadini tagħha, u tippromwovi l-valuri komuni tagħha kemm internament kif ukoll mad-dinja kollha. Il-Kummissjoni ser tilqa’ din l-isfida fil-programm tagħha għall-2006.

Fil-bidu tal-mandat tagħha, il-Kummissjoni stabbiliet l-għanijiet strateġiċi ewlenin tagħha sa tmiem dan il-perijodu ta’ għaxar snin: prosperità, solidarjetà, sigurtà, u l-Ewropa bħala sieħba dinjija. Dawn l-għanijiet jibqgħu relevanti u għalhekk huma kkonfermati bħala l-bażi tax-xogħol tal-Kummissjoni. Huma jindikaw il-bilanċ meħtieġ fix-xogħol ta’ l-Unjoni: taħlita ta’ politika li tippermetti lill-Ewropa sabiex tkompli taħdem għall-kompetittività u l-ġustizzja soċjali, tipproteġi ċ-ċittadini tagħha u tippromwovi d-drittijiet tagħhom, taħdem ġo l-Ewropa u tippromwovi l-valuri tagħha fil-kumplament tad-dinja. It-teħid ta’ passi konkreti lejn il-kisba ta’ dawn l-għanijiet huwa l-aħjar mod sabiex tikkonvinċi ‘l-Ewropej illi l-Unjoni hija parti essenzjali mis-soluzzjoni li tindirizza l-problemi li jaffaċċjaw ‘l-Ewropa.

Il-Programm Leġiżlattiv u ta’ Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni (minn hawn ‘il quddiem imsejjaħ ‘Programm ta’ Ħidma’) għall-2006 jieħu kont bis-sħiħ tad-tendenzi ekonomiċi u politiċi kurrenti u ta’ x’inhi l-pożizzjoni ta’ l-Ewropa dwar bosta dossiers strateġiċi ewlenin. Il-progress f’dawn l-oqsma ser ikollu impatt essenzjali fuq il-kapaċità ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea li tieħu pass verament kbir ‘il quddiem lejn l-għanijiet tagħha fl-2006.

Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea ssapportjat bil-qawwi r-ratifika tal-Kostituzzjoni u offriet l-assistenza lill-Istati Membri kollha fil-kampanji ta’ informazzjoni tagħhom. Il-Kostituzzjoni tkun pass importanti ‘l quddiem sabiex l-Unjoni Ewropea ssir aktar demokratika, trasparenti, effettiva u aktar b’saħħitha fid-dinja esterna. Għaldaqstant il-Kummissjoni jisgħobiha mill-fatt illi fiċ-ċikostanzi preżenti, huwa improbabbli illi l-Kostituzzjoni tiġi ratifikata fil-futur qarib. Iżda jekk id-dibattitu dwar il-futur ta’ l-Ewropa jista’ jitkompla attivament u effettivament, ser jimla’ vojt importanti u joffri pedimenti sodi li fuqhom jista’ jinbena għall-futur. Permezz tal-‘Pjan D’ tagħha għad-demokrazija, id-djalogu u d-dibattitu, il-Kummissjoni ser tipparteċipa attivament fid-dibattiti nazzjonali u tgħinhom b’kull mod. U fil-frattemp, l-Unjoni Ewropea tista’ turi x’tiswa billi twassal il-politika li għandhom bżonn l-Ewropej.

Ftehim dwar il-Perspettivi Finanzjarji – li dwarhom għandu jsir kull sforz sabiex ikun hemm konklużjoni sa l-aħħar tal-2005 – ser ikollha impatt deċiżiv fuq ix-xogħol tal-Kummissjoni għall-Ewropa mkabbra. L-2006 għandu jara’ tħejjijiet intensivi sabiex il-firxa kollha tal-programmi ta’ fondi jkunu lesti u jiffunzjonaw sa l-1 ta’ Jannar 2007.

Il-fatt illi dawn il-kwistjonijiet huma s-suġġett ta’ dibattitu feroċi m’għandux jaljenana mill-bżonn urġenti għal azzjoni Ewropea. Nistgħu nuru bl-aħjar mod dak li tista’ tagħmel l-Ewropa billi nieħdu azzjoni u billi nagħtu liċ-ċittadini prova tanġibbli ta’ dak li għandha x’toffri l-Ewropa.

Dan il-Programm ta’ Ħidma jistabilixxi dak li ser tagħmel il-Kummissjoni sabiex tilħaq dawn l-għanijiet fl-2006:

- F’dak li jirrigwarda l-prosperità, l-2006 ser tkun sena kritika sabiex inbiddlu l-kliem f’azzjonijiet taħt l-istrateġija ta’ Liżbona għat-tkabbir u l-impjiegi.L-Ewropa trid trawwem klima li fiha ċ-ċittadini u n-negozji jistgħu jilħqu l-potenzjal massimu tagħhom.

- Is-solidarjetà tfisser l-iżvilupp ta’ Unjoni koeżiva li tagħraf ir-responsabilitjiet komuni u ssaħħaħ il-prosperità. Teħtieġ ukoll illi aħna naħdmu flimkien sabiex nindirizzaw sfidi fuq perijodu ta’ żmien twil bħal ċaqliqiet demografiċi u tibdil fil-klima.

- It-talba miċ-ċittadini għal tweġiba għat-theddid għas-sigurtà tista’ tintlaqa’ biss billi naħdmu flimkien sabiex niġġieldu d-delitti u t-terroriżmu, nippromwovu s-saħħa, u nimminimizzaw ir-riskju.

- Fir-relazzjonijet esterni, l-Unjoni għandha tkompli tippromwovi vuċi b’saħħitha fid-dinja, b’attenzjoni partikolari fuq it-tħejjija għat-tkabbiriet futuri, fuq il-ġirien tagħha u fuq l-Afrika, u għandna nużaw il-piż tagħna fl-ekonomija globali sabiex indawru l-globalizzazzjoni f’opportunità għal kulħadd.

Il-Kummissjoni taħdem fuq dawn l-isfidi f’ħafna modi differenti. Ir-rwol regolatorju u superviżorju tagħha huwa kritiku għal funzjonar effettiv tas-swieq Ewropej f’livell ugwali għal kulħadd. Ir-rwol eżekuttiv tagħha jagħtiha responsabilità speċjali sabiex tiżgura illi l-programmi tagħha, mir-riċerka għall-mobilità ta’ l-istudenti, għall-għajnuna għall-iżvilupp, jaħdmu sew. Hija tinnegozja ‘l barra mill-Unjoni u tiffaċilita l-koperazzjoni interna.

Ħafna minn dawn l-azzjonijiet attwali ser jilħqu fażi kritika fl-2006. L-istrateġija ta’ Liżbona għat-tkabbir u l-impjiegi ser tidħol f’fażi ta’ implimentazzjoni essenzjali. Din ix-xena ser titħejja għal ġenerazzjoni ġdida ta’ programmi f’oqsma bħall-Fondi Strutturali, l-iżvilupp rurali, l-innovazzjoni, ir-riċerka u l-edukazzjoni. Ir-Rawnd ta’ Doha għall-Iżvilupp għandha tilħaq fażi konklużiva.

Anke l-Kummissjoni qed timbotta ‘l din l-aġenda ‘l quddiem billi tniedi konsultazzjonijiet ġodda sabiex tiġbor opinjonijiet u idejat friski dwar kif tista’ taġixxi l-Ewropa, u permezz ta’ inizjattivi ġodda biex jikkordinaw politika fejn hemm żieda ċara ta’ valur Ewropew. Elenku ta’ azzjonijiet ta’ prijorità għall-2006 jinsab fl-anness għal dan il-Programm ta’ Ħidma. L-istess bhall-2005, il-Kummissjoni hija marbuta sabiex tagħmel dan.

Barra minn hekk, il-Kummissjoni ser tiffoka fuq li tiżgura l-kwalità tagħhom permezz ta’ applikazzjoni rigoruża ta’ dixxiplini għal regolamentazzjoni aħjar: simplifikazzjoni, modernizzazzjoni, konsultazzjoni u evalwazzjoni b’attenzjoni ta’ l-impatt tal-politka huma għanijiet ewlenin li l-Kummissjoni ser tintegra fil-ħidma tagħha kollha. L-2006 ser tkun l-ewwel sena ta’ l-istrateġija l-ġdida tal-Kummissjoni għas-simplifikazzjoni, bi proċess kontinwu sabiex tirfina l-leġiżlazzjoni sabiex tilħaq il-ħtiġijiet li qed jinbidlu tar-regolaturi u l-konsumaturi .

L-UE teħtieġ ukoll l-iżvilupp ta’ aġenda ambizzjuża sabiex tindirizza d-‘defiċit fil-komunikazzjoni dwar kwistjonijiet Ewropej li għandhom jiġu żviluppati u mwettqa mill-istituzjonijiet Ewropej kollha, l-Istati Membri u s-soċjetà ċivili. B’dan il- White Paper dwar il-komunikazzjoni ser tinbidel f’passi konkreti matul l-2006: l-emfażizzar ta’ l-impenn tal-Kummissjoni li tingħaqad maċ-ċittadini u tikkonsolida l-pedamenti demokratiċi tal-proġett Ewropew.

Il-Kummissjoni għandha rwol essenzjali biex tistimula l-azzjoni Ewropea. Iżda hija biss attur wieħed fost bosta. L-Unjoni Ewropea ser tikseb l-għanijiet tagħha biss jekk flimkien fuq dawn isir xogħol mill-istituzzjonijiet, il-gvern nazzjonali, reġjonali u lokali, u miċ-ċittadini nfushom. Is-sħubija għandha tkun ir-rifless istintiv tal-mod li bih l-Unjoni tiżviluppa u timplimenta l-politika tagħha.

Sabiex tiżviluppa l-programm tagħha għall-2006, il-Kumissjoni kellha l-benefiċċju tar-reazzjonijiet mill-Parlament Ewropew u l-Kunsill għall-Istrateġija Politika Annwali għall-2006. Dawn id-diskussjonijiet urew kif it-tliet istituzzjonijet jaqsmu l-istess għanijiet ta’ politika ewlenin, u li hemm ftehim wiesgħa dwar il-linji ta’ azzjoni prinċipali li huma neċessarji sabiex jitwettqu dawn l-għanijiet. Il-Ftehim Kwadru l-ġdid bejn il-Parlament Ewropew u l-Kummissjoni b’mod partikolari wassal għal proposti dettaljati dwar kif dawn il-għanijiet jistgħu jitwettqu f’azzjonijiet konkreti. L-opinjoniiet ta’ l-istituzzjonijiet l-oħra ittieħed kont sħiħ tagħhom fl-iżvilupp ta’ dan il-programm.


Funzjoni essenzjali tal-politika pubblika hija li tiżgura li l-kundizzjonijiet li jissapportjaw il-prosperità qegħdin hemm b’mod ugwali għall-benefiċċju taċ-ċittadini u tan-negozji. Dan ifisser sistemi regolatorji stabbli, politika ekonomika addattata, il-provvista ta’ opportunità ekonomika, u investiment f’popolazzjoni b’ħiliet u intraprenditorija. Dan ifisser illi l-aspetti kollha rilevanti tax-xogħol ta’ l-UE innfisha għandhom ikunu soġġetti għall-ogħla livelli ta’ regolamentazzjoni aħjar. Li jkun hemm aktar xogħol sabiex jiġu żviluppati l-kundizzjonijiet li jistimolaw it-tkabbir u joħolqu impjiegi aktar u aħjar jibqa’ ċentrali għad-dmirijiet tal-Kummissjoni fl-2006.

L-Unjoni stabbiliet it-triq tagħha lejn it-tkabbir u l-impjiegi fl-istrateġija ta’ Liżbona. L-2006 ser tkun sena kritika sabiex il-pjanijiet jinbiddlu f’realtà. Għall-Kummissjoni, dan iġib rwol speċjali fil-monitoraġġ ta’ l-implimentazzjoni ta’ l-istrateġija riveduta fil-livell kemm ta’ l-Istati Membri kif ukoll dak Komunitarju. Sħubija ma’ l-Istati Membri hija essenzjali sabiex tiżgura illi l-linji gwida integrati dwar politika makroekonomika, riformi makrekonomiċi u x-xogħol jibqgħu validi u huma ssapportjati bil-qawwa mill-atturi ewlenin. Fil-Kunsill Ewropew tar-Rebbiegħa l-Kummissjoni ser tirrapporta dwar il-progress fil-livell nazzjonali – taħt il-25 programm ta’ riforma nazzjonali addottat mill-Istati Membri – u fil-livell Ewropew, kif ukoll iġġib ‘il quddiem il-miri stabbiliti fil-Programm ta’ Liżbona tal-Komunità adottat f’Lulju 2005.

Tagħrif u innovazzjoni għal tkabbir u impjiegi aħjar

Il-ħiliet u t-tagħrif huma ta’ valur essenzjali għall-Ewropa fil-ħolqien tat-tkabbir u l-impjiegi: iżda hemm hafna aktar potenzjal x’ jinfetaħ.

- It-tagħrif jista’ jiġi stimolat permezz ta’ infrastruttura essenzjali. Istitut Ewropew tat-Teknoloġija (EIT) jista’ billi jibni fuq il-kapaċitajiet eżistenti, jkun ta’ gwida għat-tagħrif u l-innovazzjoni fl-Ewropa. Fl-istess waqt, il-Kummissjoni ser tieħu l-passi neċessarji sabiex ikollha kollox f’postu biex tinawgura l-programm kwadru għar-riċerka l-ġdid sa mill-2007. Fil-kuntest ta’ l-inizjattiva i-2010, pjan t’azzjoni għal e-government ser jiffoka fuq it-titjib tar-relazzjoni bejn l-awtoritajiet pubbliċi, iċ-ċittadini u n-negozji.

- Biex ikollu l-aqwa impatt, it-tagħrif jeħtieġ l-opportunità. Il-Kummissjoni ser taħdem sabiex ittejjeb il-mobilità ġeografika u okkupazzjonali permezz tas-Sena Ewropea tal-Mobilità tal-Ħaddiema u permezz tat-trasparenza, it-trasferiment u r-rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki fl-Unjoni.

- Nagħmlu l-Ewropa post aktar attraenti għall-investiment u x-xogħol

- L- ambjent Ewropew tan-negozju jiddependi ħafna fuq kemm jaħdem is-Suq Uniku .Dan ifisser li tmexxi b’urġenzaazzjoni f’oqsma bħas-sussidji ta’ l-istat, l-intraprenditorija u t-tisħiħ tal-kapaċità ta’ l-industriji żgħar u ta’ daqs medju li jikbru u joħolqu l-impjiegi. Ir-regoli dwar it-taxxi f’sitwazzjonijiet ta' bejn fruntieri jeħtieġu s-simplifikazzjoni u r-razjonalizzazzjoni, u ser ikun hemm ġenerazzjoni ġdida ta’ programmi dwar id-dwana u t-taxxa biex jiżguraw illi s-sistemi nazzjonali jaħdmu aħjar flimkien u b’mod simplifikat, u strateġija dwar kif tista’ tissaħħaħ il-ġlieda kontra l-frodi fit-taxxa. Il-kompetittività f’setturi essenzjali bħall-industriji tal-vetturi u tad-difiża, kif ukoll ix-xbieki ta’ komunikazzjoni elettronika u s-servizzi, ser jingħataw attenzjoni partikolari.

- Fatturi essenzjali oħra li jippromwovu it-tkabbir huma l-infrastruttura ta’ l-Ewropa tat- transport u s-suq ta’ l- enerġija fl-Ewropa. Minbarra t-tħejjija għall-fażi l-ġdida ta’ xbieki trans-Ewropej, inizjattiva ġdida ser tippromwovi l-użu tal-ferrovija għall-ġarr tal-merkanzija ma’ l-Ewropa. Filwaqt li qed ikun finalizzat is-suq intern għall-enerġija, ix-xogħol ser ikompli fuq l-iżvilupp ta’ soluzzjonijiet teknoloġiċi ġodda sabiex jirrispondu għall-ħtiġijiet ta’ l-enerġija, b’attenzjoni speċjali fuq teknoloġiji ġodda ta’ l-enerġija rinnovabbli. Is-sistema ta’ gwida, Galileo, sejra ukoll tidħol f’fażi ġdida ta’ żvilupp prattiku.

- Fil-qasam tal- moviment ħieles fis-Suq Uniku, il-liġi eżistenti ser tkun studjata bir-reqqa għall-effettività tagħha: is-simplifikazzjoni ser titkompla sabiex tinkoraġġixxi aktar fluwidità fis-suq uniku, u sabiex jitkattar it-tkabbir. Fil-proposti leġiżlattivi, il-prinċipji basiċi tas-suq intern ser ikunu promossi. Barra minn hekk, ser ikunu eżaminati proposti settorjali speċifiċi dwar is-servizzi postali, ix-xiri pubbliku, il-konferma u l-ħlas ta’ l-investimenti u s-settur bankarju. Dawn ser ikunu kumplimentati minn analiżi li tkun għaddejja f’oqsma bħall-fondi ta’ l-investiment, kreditu fuq l-ipoteki, solvibilità tal-kumpaniji ta’ l-assigurazzjoni u sħubija bejn is-settur pubbliku u dak privat.

It-tkabbir taż-Żona ta’ l-Euro

- Klima makroekonomika stabbli hija prerekwiżit għat-tkabbir. It-tmexxija taż-żona ta’ l-euro mill-Kummissjoni ser tilħaq fażi ġdida billi tħares lejn it- tkabbir taż-żona ta’ l-euro fil-futur u tevalwa kemm kandidati ġodda huma lesti biex jadottaw l-euro.


Is-solidarjetà u l-ġustizzja soċjali huma kritiċi għall-mod li bih taħdem l-UE. Dan huwa dwar il-bini tas-soċjetà li rridu għalina u għall-ġenerazzjonijiet futuri. Huwa dwar it-trawwim tal-kwalità tal-ħajja u r-rikonoxximent ta’ responsabilitajiet maqsuma ma’ oħrajn bħall-protezzjoni ta’ l-ambjent. Huwa dwar il-promozzjoni ta’ soċjetà b’saħħitha b’ċittadini li jibqgħu kunfidenti meta affaċjati b’tibdil, bħala pedament għall-prosperità u s-sigurtà

Madanakollu għadna ma wasalniex. Illum l-Ewropa hija affaċjata b’numru ta’ sfidi, li jistgħu jintlaqgħu biss permezz t’azzjoni konċertata u determinat a. Dan huwa fejn l-Unjoni tista’ ġġib valur miżjud ċar. Koeżjoni effettiva u politika dwar l-iżvilupp rurali huma bi qbil ma’ l-istrateġija ta’ Liżbona għat-tkabbir u l-impjiegi. L-2006 ser tkun sena kritika, bl-introduzzjoni ta’ programmi li jimmiraw nefqa effettiva fuq il-konverġenza u l-kompetittività fis-seba’ snin li ġejjin. Riformi fl-agrikoltura u s-sajd diġa’ lestew it-triq għas-sostenibilità u żieda fil-kompetittività. Is-servizzi ta’ interess ġenerali huma ta’ importanza kruċjali għaċ-ċittadini Ewropej, u l-Kummissjoni ser tkompli bil-ħidma tagħha sabiex tiżgura illi l-ħtiġijiet għal dawn is-servizzi jiġu riflessi bis-sħiħ fil-politika ta’ l-Unjoni. It-theddid għall-ambjent ta’ l-Ewropa għandu dimensjoni trans-nazzjonali u globali li teħtieġ tmexxija b’saħħitha mill-UE.

Naffrontaw il-problemi fuq medda ta’ żmien twil issa

- Il- fatt li l-popolazzjoni ta’ l-Ewropa qed tixjieħ ser ikollu implikazzjonijiet kbar fuq il-prosperità tagħna, il-livelli ta’ l-għixien u r-relazzjonijiet bejn il-ġenerazzjonijiet. Filwaqt li ħafna mill-kwistjonijiet jaqgħu taħt ir-responsabilità ta’ l-Istati Membri, l-UE għandha taġixxi ukoll. Wara d-dibattitu inawgurat fl-2005, il-Kummissjoni ser telenka ideat dwar kif l-Unjoni tista’ tikkontribwixxi għall-ġlieda kontra l-problema tal-popolazzjoni fl-Ewropa li dejjem qed tixjieħ.

- Il-kisba ta’ tmexxija effettiva taċ-ċaqlieq bejn pajjiż u ieħor hija waħda mill-kwistjonijiet l-aktar urġenti li qed taffaċċja l-Ewropa, in vista tal-ħtiġijiet tas-suq tax-xogħol, imma ukoll f’dak li jirrigwarda l-ġlieda kontra l-immigrazjoni illegali. Din teħtieġ risposta li għandha tkun komprensiva u bilanċjata, filwaqt li tirrikonoxxi t-tradizzjonijiet umanitarji ta’ l-Ewropa.

- Sfida oħra fuq żmien twil hija t- tibdil fil-klima . Diżastri aktar spissi u li qed jagħmlu aktar ħsara diġa’ qed jindikaw il-prezz tan-nuqqas t’azzjoni. L-2006 ser tkun sena kritika għan-negozjati multilaterali dwar il-klima, u se jkun hemm rabtiet taħt il-protokoll ta’ Kyoto għal perijodu ta’ wara l-2012. L-UE teħtieġ ukoll iżżomm momentum billi ddaħħal miżuri dwar it-tibdil fil-klima sabiex tilħaq il-miri tagħha, permezz ta’ pjanijiet nazzjonali dwar l-allokazzjoni u miżuri bħal ma ddaħħal is-settur ta’ l-avjazzjoni fl-iskema dwar it-tpartit ta’ l-emissjonijiet. Wasal ukoll iż-żmien li wiehed jieħu rendikont ta’ kif nistgħu nibnu fuq il-ftehim volontarji eżistenti ma’ l-industirija sabiex naqtgħu l-emissjonijiet ta’ CO2 mill-karozzi.

Immaniġġjar sostenibbli ta’ riżorsi

- L- immaniġġjar sostenibbli tar-riżorsi naturali tagħna jirrispondi għal interessi soċjali, ekonomiċi u ambjentali fuq perijodu twil. Ir-riforma tas-setturi ta’ l-inbid, il-frott u l-ħaxix u l-banana ser iġibu l-proċess kurrenti tar-riforma agrikola fl-aħħar fażi tagħha u tkompli t-tendenza lejn żieda fil-kompetittività.

- Iż-żidiet riċenti fil-prezzijiet taż-żejt issottolineaw l-importanza ta’ provvista ta’ enerġija b’sigurtà, b’mod kompetittiv u sostenibbli għall-Ewropa. L-isforzi sabiex jiġu kontrollati u mnaqqsa r-riskji ser jiżdiedu, partikolarment bil-promozjoni ta’ l-effiċjenza fl-enerġija u s-sorsi rinnovabbli, u bl-esplorazzjoni tal-kwistjonijet kollha involuti fl-iżvilupp potenzjali tal- biofuels

- L-amministrazzjoni tar-riżorsi hija ukoll dwar il-protezzjoni tal-wirt naturali. Il- biodiversità Ewropea u globali tkompli tonqos meta affaċċjata bi pressjoni li qed tiżdied mill-bniedem: miżuri ġodda huma meħtieġa sabiex jintlaħaq l-għan li jitwaqqaf it-telf tal-biodiversità fl-Ewropa sal-2010. Hija ukoll meħtieġa azzjoni sabiex jitnaqqsu r-riskji għas-saħħa u l-ambjent kawżati mill- pestiċidi u li tissaħħaħ l-azzjoni dwar it- tniġġis ta’ l-arja .

Il-bini ta’ Ewropa aktar koeżiva

- Dejjem hemm riskju illi l-politika pubblika hija żviluppata b’mod iżolat, mingħajr ma jittieħed kont sħiħ mill-effetti li jista’ jkollha politika fuq oħra. L-istrateġija marittima ġdida ser tixpruna trattament integrat ġdid għall-iżvilupp, b’mod ambjentalment sostenibbli, ta’ ekonomija marittima tajba msaħħa b’eċċellenza fix-xjenza u teknoloġija marittima.

- Il-koeżjoni timplika responsabilità fuq l-Unjoni li tiżgura l-istandards komuni li jmorru ma’ fruntieri miftuħa, il-mobilità u s-suq wieħed. Il- liġi tax-xogħol kurrenti għandha tkun eżaminata fid-dawl tat-tendenzi prinċipali u l-kwistjonijiet kruċjali għas-snin li ġejjin; u politika dwar l- ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi u s-saħħa u s-sigurtà fuq il-post tax-xogħol għandhom jissaħħu u jiġu modernizzati.

- L-integrazzjoni tal-metodi miftuħin ta’ koordinazzjoni fil-qasam soċjali , u t-tnehid tal-kooperazzjoni dwar is-saħħa u l-kura fit-tul, ser issaħħaħ is-sapport li l-UE tipprovdi lill-Istati Membri fl-isforzi tagħhom biex jimmodernizzaw is-sistemi ta’ protezjoni soċjali u jiġġieldu l-esklużjoni soċjali.

- Filwaqt li ċ-ċittadini jsiru aktar mobbli fl-Ewropa, huma jistennew li l-Unjoni toffri soluzzjonijiet għal kwistjonijiet ġodda li jinvolvu l-fruntieri fil-qasam tal- ġustizzja ċivili : oqsma bħad-divorzju u l-propjetà matrimonjali u l-infurzar tal-kumpens u deċiżjonijiet ċivili oħrajn bejn pajjiż u ieħor. Attenzjoni speċjali għandha tingħata lid-drittijiet tat-tfal f’oqsma bħar-reunifikazzjoni tal-familja, id-dmirijiet tal-ġenituri u t-traffikar tal-bnedmin.


Bilkemm tgħaddi ġurnata mingħajr tifkira tat-theddid għas-sigurtà taċ-ċittadini. Ġrajjiet riċenti reġgħu ġabu dan għall-attenzjoni. L-isplużjonijet ta’ bombi f’Madrid u Londra, id-diżastri naturali fl-Ewropa u fid-dinja kollha, it-theddida ta’ l-influenza tat-tjurr u l-possibilità ta’ influenza pandemika umana, il-kriżijiet fl-enerġija u t-trasport: dawn huma biss l-aktar eżempji ovvji ta’ fejn il-ħajja ta’ kuljum inqalbet ta’ taħt fuq jew fejn ir-riskju ċċaqlaq mill-possibbli għall-probabbli.

Iċ-ċittadini għandhom raġun jistennew illi tittieħed azzjoni sabiex tiġi affaċċjata l-isfida fl-Ewropar u fid-dinja kollha. F’dawn il-każijiet kollha, iċ-ċittadini jħarsu lejn l-UE għal azzjoni komuni effettiva; dan ġie rikonoxxut mill-Istati Membri l-aktar riċentement permezz tal-Pjan t’Azzjoni ta’ l-Aja. Approċċt effiċjenti u realistiku jeħtieġ azzjoni fuq ħafna livelli differenti u b’ħafna modi differenti, inklużi l-prevenzjoni, il-protezzjoni u r-reazzjoni.

Ewropa aktar sigura biex tipproteġi l-Ewropej kontra l-kriminalità

- It-terroriżmu huwa theddida permanenti fl-Ewropa. L-attakki terroristiċi jistgħu jolqtu brutalment ma’ l-Ewropa kollha. Koordinazzjoni aħjar bejn l-Istati Membri għandha tgħin biex jinstabu t-terroristi b’mod aktar effettiv u jittresqu quddiem il-ġustizzja aktar faċilment.. Wara l-isplużjonijiet ta’ Londra, ix-xogħol aċċelera u ser ikompli fl-2006. L-Ewropa trid taġixxi f’daqqa fuq l-iffinanzjar tat-terroriżmu, l-għajnuna lill-vittmi u koordinazzjoni aħjar bejn l-awtoritajiet responsabbli għall-infurzar tal-liġi. Hemm bżonn ta’ aktar xogħol sabiex tittejjeb l-effettività ta’ kollaborazzjoni li taqsam il-fruntieri biex it-terroriżmu jiġi miġġieled mill-għeruq tiegħu.

- Id-dimensjoni tal- kriminalità organizzata li taqsam il-fruntieri u l-mezzi sofistikati li jintużaw sabiex tiġi kommessa l-kriminalità moderna jsejħu għal azzjoni Ewropea ffukata u aġġornata. Din għandha tinkludi sistema ta’ informazzjoni koerenti bejn l-awtoritajiet responsabbli għal rekords kriminali u reviżjoni komprensiva tas-sigurtà ċibernetika.

- F’Ewropa mingħajr fruntieri, is-sigurtà tal- fruntieri esterni hija ta’ importanza essenzjali: hemm ftehim komuni illi din teħtieġ azzjoni kollettiva u standards komuni għoljin fis-sorveljanza kemmta’ tal-merkanzija kif ukoll tal-persuni. Miżuri li jiżguraw l-assistenza lill-Istati Membri li qed ikollhom x’jaqsmu mal-fruntieri esterni u l-konsolidazzjoni u l-aġġornar ta’ l- acquis preżenti dwar il-politika tal-visa u l-miżuri doganali ser jgħinu fil-promozzjoni ta’ kontrolli effettivi.

- L-Ewropa toffri opportunitajiet sabiex jissaħħaħ ix-xogħol ta’ l- infurzar tal-liġi . Kooperazzjoni ġudizzjarja u tal-pulizija għandha tiżdied sabiex jitnaqqas ix-xkiel legali, jiġu garantiti d-drittijiet taċ-ċittadini u jiġi faċilitat l-iskambju ta’ informazzjoni relevanti u l-aħjar prattika.

L-offerta ta’ protezzjoni aħjar għaċ-ċittadini fil-ħajja tagħhom ta’ kuljum

- It-tisħiħ tas-saħħa u l-kunfidenza tal-konsumatur u l-konfrontazzjoni tar- riskji għas-saħħa għandhom benefiċċji tajbin ħafna fil-kuntest ta’ l-ekonomija Ewropea u l-għixien tajjeb taċ-ċittadini. Qafas effettiv ta’ regoli u azzjonijet għal politika tal- konsumatur huwa essenzjali f’livell Ewropew. Inizjattivi speċjali fil-qasam tas- sigurtà ta’ l-ikel ser jimmiraw għall-iżvilupp ta’ azzjoni koordinata li taqsam il-fruntieri sabiex jiżguraw dimensjoni Ewropea effettiva fil-ġlieda kontra t-theddid. L-azzjoni għandha wkoll tkun konsistenti u effettiva: programm ta’ taħriġ speċjali dwar is-sigurtà fl-ikel ser jiżgura livelli għoljin fl-implimentazzjoni tal-kontrolli.

- Inċidenti marittimi, fl-ajru u fit-triq urew kif in-nuqqasijiet fis- sigurtà tat-trasport għandhom impatt dirett fuq dawk li jużaw u jaħdmu fis-sistemi ta’ transport, minbarra illi jwasslu għal ħsara ambjentali. Dan jista’ jirriżulta fi spejjeż ekonomiċi serji. L-iżvilupp tar-rwol ta’ l-Aġenzija għas-Sigurtà fl-Ajru u l-Aġenzija tal-Ferroviji jagħmel kontribuzzjoni vera lis-sigurtà ma’ l-Ewropa kollha.

- Xbieki ta’ komunikazzjoni u sistemi ta’ informazzjoni li huma affidabbli, sikuri u ta’ min joqgħod fuqhom ukoll iridu jiġu garantiti bħala prerekwiżiti kruċjali għall-użu ta’ servizzi diġitali konverġenti.

- Il-Kummissjoni sejra ukoll issaħħaħ il-kapaċitajiet tagħha fil-protezzjoni ċivili u tiżviluppa l-kapaċità ta’ l-Ewropa li tirreaġixxi malajr , u tibda taħdem malli jfaqqgħu kriżijiet maġġuri


Sabiex tilħaq l-għanijiet strateġiċi tagħha, l-Ewropa ma tistgħax taħdem waħedha. In-negozjati riċenti maċ-Ċina dwar it-tessuti, l-aktar karestija riċenti fin-Niġerja, is-sitwazzjoni tas-sigurtà fl-Iraq, il-Proċess ta’ paċi fil-Lvant Nofsani: ġrajjiet esterni l-ħin kollu jfakkruna illi l-prosperità, is-solidarjetà u s-sigurtà jistgħu jkunu għanijiet Ewropej iżda ma jistgħux ikunu jiddependu biss fuq dak li niksbu f’pajjiżna. L-Ewropa għandha tagħmel aktar milli sempliċement tirreaġixxi għad-dinja esterna: għandha ukoll tikkontribwixxi b’mod aktar proattiv fit-tfassil tagħha.

Stabilità u prosperità fil-fruntieri tagħna

- Fiż-żona l-aktar qrib tal-fruntieri tagħna, in- negozjati dwar it-tkabbir u l-proċessi ta’ stabilizzazzjoni u assoċjazzjoni għal pajjiżi kandidati u pre-kandidati għandhom ikomplu. Ir-rapporti ta’ monitoraġġ dwar il-Bulgarija u r-Rumanija li għandhom joħorġu fir-rebbiegħa ser ipoġġu l-attenzjoni fuq l-aħħar stadju tal-proċess ta’ dħul. In-negozjati għad-dħul mat-Turkija u l-Kroazja ser ikomplu kif se jkompli ukoll il-monitoraġġ tal-progress fil-pajjiżi kollha kandidati u pre-kandidati. Dwar l-ex Repubblika Jugoslava tal-Maċedonja, l-issoktar ta’ żviluppi jiddependi fuq l-Opinjoni tal-Kummissjoni meta ssir it-talba ta’ adeżjoni. In-negozjati dwar Ftehim ta’ Stabilizzazzjoni u Assoċjazzjoni (SAA) mas-Serbja u l-Montenegro u mal-Bosnja u Herzegovina ser jitkomplew bil-għan illi jintemmu qabel l-aħħar ta’ l-2006.

- Fil- viċinat tagħna, il-Kummissjoni u l-pajjiżi sħab ser jaħdmu fuq il-pjanijiet t’azzjoni eżistenti, li l-implikazzjoni tagħhom ser tkun analizzata fl-aħħar ta’ l-2006. Il-politika dwar il-viċinat hija prijorità prinċipali għar-relazzjonijiet esterni u ser tissaħħaħ u tkun kompluta permezz ta’ sett ta’ pjanijiet t’azzjonijiet ġodda ma’ pajjiż Kaspjani u Mediterranji li ser jifirxu l-impenn tagħhom ta’stabilità u prosperità għal imsieħba ġodda. Attenzjoni partikolari ser tingħata lill-iżvilupp ta’ swieq ta’ l-enerġija integrati ma’ pajjiżi ġirien. Il-Kummissjoni sejra ukoll tħejji t-triq għal arranġament istituzzjonali mġedded mar-Russja u l-Ukrajna, inkluż il-ħarsien lejn ftehim ta’ kummerċ ħieles ma’ l-Ukrajna.

Responsabilitajiet globali

Fir-relazzjonjiet mad- dinja li qed tiżviluppa l-Unjoni Ewropea trid twettaq l-impenji friski u ambizzjużi tagħna: jekk l-2005 kienet is-sena ta’ impenn għall-iżvilupp, l-2006 trid tkun is-sena li tattwa. Wara s-Summit tal-G8 u l-impenn mġedded lejn l-Għanijiet tal-Millennju għall-Iżvilupp, l-UE għandha bżonn tibda taħdem illum sabiex tilħaq l-għanijiet tagħna ta’ żieda fl-isforz finanzjarju (€20 biljun żejda fis-sena sa l-2010) u sabiex ittejjeb il-koerenza u tgħin l-effettività tad-donaturi ta’ l-UE bħala grupp, abbażi tad-Dikjarazzjoni ta’ Politika ta’ l-Iżvilupp Ġdida proposta mill-Kummissjoni fl-Lulju ta’ l-2005. Għal dan il-għan, il-Kummissjini ser tkompli bit-tattika tagħha permezz tat-tqassim ta’ l-għajnuna ta’ l-UE, l-armonizzazzjoni tal-proċeduri, u permezz kemm ta’ strateġiji ġeografiċi għall-imsieħba ta’ l-ACP kif ukoll kwistjonijiet essenzjali bħad-drittijiet tal-bniedem u d-demokrazija.

- Il-qofol tal-mira għall-azzjoni hija l- Afrika . Filwaqt li tibni fuq l-istrateġija l-ġdida dwar l-Afrika u d-Dikjarazzjoni l-Ġdida ta’ l-UE dwar il-Politika ta’ l-Iżvilupp, il-Kummissjoni ser tipproponi illi ssaħħaħ is-sħubija tagħha ma’ l-Afrika fuq żewġ oqsma ta’ prijorità, il-kontroll u l-infrastruttura. Kif propost fil-ftehim revedut ta’ Cotonou, id-djalogu dwar kwistjonijiet ta’ sigurtà ser ikun intensifikat. In-negozjati dwar il-Ftehim dwar Sħubija Ekonomika (EPAs) ser jidħlu fil-fażi deċiżiva tagħhom u ser titmexxa reviżjoni komprensiva tal-ftehim.

- L-għajnuna fir- rikostruzzjoni u t-tranżizzjoni politika ser tgħaddi għal fażi ġdida, b’kooperazzjoni akbar fl-Iraq, kif ukoll għajnuna għall-iżvilupp f’Gaża u x-Xatt tal-Punent, xogħol fl-Afganistan u fil-kuntest tat-tsunami. L-Ewropa ser tkompli tipprovdi għajnuna umanitarja lill-vittmi ta’ kriżijiet fid-dinja kollha.

- Relatata mill-qrib ma’ dawn t’hawn fuq hija s- sigurtà , b’inizjattivi ġodda dwar in-non-proliferazzjoni u d-diżarmament, is-sigurtà umana u l-ġlieda kontra t-terroriżmu b’konformità ma’ l-Istrateġija Ewropea dwar is-Sigurtà

Ekonomija globalizzata

- Il-globalizzazzjoni hija realtà li għandna nħaddnu sabiex nirrestitwixxu t-tkabbir u l-impjiegi ta’ kwalità fl-Ewropa. Il-kummerċ u l-investiment barrani jimxu id f’id ma’ l-integrazzjoni ekonomika ġo l-Ewropa. Wasal iż-żmien illi nemfasizzaw id-dimensjoni esterna tal-kompetittività billi nagħmlu rakkomandazzjonijet dwar il-kummerċ u politika relatata mal-kummerċ. Il-Konferenza ta’ Hong Kong f’Diċembru 2005 għandha tħejji t-triq għal eżitu ambizzjuż ta’ l-Aġenda ta’ Doha għall-Iżvilupp sa l-aħħar ta’ l-2006, inklużi riżultati tanġibbli għal pajjiżi fqar li qed jiżviluppaw. Bħala t-tieni sieħeb tagħna fil-kummerċ, iċ-Ċina toffri kemm sfidi kbar kif ukoll opportunitajiet u ser isir rendikont komprensiv 5 snin wara d-dħul tagħha fil-WTO.

- L-Ewropa ser tagħmel kontribut għal strateġija multilaterali effiċjenti għal żvilupp sostenibbli dinji, partikolarment permezz ta’ l-elaborazzjoni ta’ qafas ta’ politika għal azzjonijiet dwar affarijiet pubbliċi ta’ natura globali, bħal deforestazzjoni u l-amministrazzjoni ta’ l-ilma. L-esperjenza Ewropea fil-qasam ambjentali, flimkien ma’ modi innovattivi ta’ kif tgħaqqad l-għajnuna pubblika għall-iżvilupp u l-investiment privat, ser jingħaqdu flimkien f’fond għall-enerġija rinnovabbli sabiex jgħin lil pajjiżi li qed jiżviluppaw biex jilhqu il-miri tal-millennju dwar is-sanità u l-enerġija.

- Fl-oqsma kollha, sħubija reali bejn l-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej hija l-uniku mezz biex jiġi żgurat leħen Ewropew aktar b’saħħtu u aktar koerenti fid-dinja. L-Unjoni Ewropea għandha taqdef għal aktar koerenza u effiċjenza fl-azzjoni esterna ta’ l-Ewropa, kemm jekk fi Brussell, New York jew mad-dinja, partikolarment permezz ta’ l-iskambju ta’ uffiċjali.


Il-wasla għal politika effettiva hija ċentrali għall-kredibilità u l-leġittimità ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea. Iżda l-punt mhux biss dwar x’politika tingħażel: il-mod ta’ kif tiġi żviluppata l-politika u kif tiġi implimentata huma ugwalment importanti.

Fl-2005, il-Kummissjoni żiedet ix-xogħol eżistenti tagħha dwar regolamentazzjoni aħjar sabiex tiżgura illi l-qafas regolatorju fl-UE jilqa’ għall-ħtiġijiet ta’ llum. Dan għandu l-għan li jirrinforza l-kontribut mir-regolamentazzjoni għat-tkabbir u l-impjiegi filwaqt illi jkompli jieħu kont ta’ l-għanijiet soċjali u ambjentali u kontroll tajjeb.

L-istudju ta’ l-impatt sar standard għall-prijoritajiet tal-Programm ta’ Ħidma u linji gwida ġodda ġew miftiehma[1]. Il-Kummissjoni nidiet skrutinju intensiv ta’ proposti li diġa jinsabu fuq il-mejda tal-Parlament u l-Kunsill għal kompatibilità mal-prinċipji ta’ regolamentazzjoni aħjar, bir-riżultat li 68 proposta se jiġu rtirati.[2]. Dan jammonta għal azzjoni tal-Kummissjoni fuq terz tal-proposti pendenti tagħha li jmorru lura għal qabel l-2004. Dan issa qed ikun segwit minn sforz akbar biex jiġu simplifikati r-regoli eżistenti. Ir-riżultat għandu jkun pass importanti ‘l quddiem lejn li nagħmlu dak li nagħmlu fil-livell Ewropew ħafna aktar faċli għaċ-ċittadini u n-negozji Ewropej biex jaħdmu bih, u biex jifhmuh. F’din il-fażi operazzjonali ġdida, il-Kummissjoni ser tistabbilixxi internament struttura dedikata sabiex iżżid l-implimentazzjoni ta’ prinċipji ta’ Regolamentazzjoni Aħjar, u b’hekk taċċerta li jkun hemm koerenza politika, kontroll tal-kwalità u evalwazzjoni minn isfel ’l fuq ta’ kwistjonijiet regolatorji.

- Sussidjarjetà u proporzjonalità. Ix-xogħol tal-Kummissjoni ser ikun ittestjat għall-ħtiġijiet tas-sussidjarjetà u l-proporzjonalità: l-UE għandha taġixxi biss fejn neċessarju u bl-eħfef mod konsistenti mal-kisba ta’ l-għanijiet tagħha. Il-Kummissjoni ser tagħti attenzjoni speċjali biex taċċerta rispett sħiħ għas-sussidjarjetà u l-proporzjonalità.

- Valur għall-flus, trasparenza u kontabilità. Il-baġit ta’ l-UE għandu jintuża biss meta jista’ joffri valur aħhar għall-flus min-nefqa f’livell nazzjonali. L-infiq għandu wkoll ikun kontrollabbli, b’mekkaniżmi inter-istituzzjonali effettivi stabbiliti sabiex dan iseħħ. Sistemi ta’ żamma ta’ kotba u kontroll għandhom ikunu żgurati, u t-triq li timmira għal dikjarazzjoni pożittiva ta’ assigurazzjoni mill-Qorti Ewropea ta’ l-Awdituri ser tinqabad. Il-protezzjoni ta’ l-interessi finanzjarji ta’ l-Unjoni ser tibqa’ ħsieb ewlieni. Bl-istess mod, il-Kummissjoni ser tkompli fuq l-Inizjattiva Ewropea dwar it-Trasparenza fl-2006.

- Konsultazzjoni . Inizjattivi ta’ politika jridu jitħejjew sew u jkunu immirati sabiex jirrispondu għall-bżonnijiet ta’ l-Ewropej illum. Il-konsultazzjoni hija għalhekk ċentrali għall-mod kif il-Kummissjoni tiżviluppa l-politika. Ħafna mill-proposti preżentati fl-anness għal dan il-Programm ta’ Ħidma huma l-frott ta’ konsultazzjoni; oħrajn ser iniedu konsultazzjonijiet ġodda. Il-Kummissjoni ser tkompli tagħmel l-akbar użu ta’ l-għodda eżistenti sabiex tinvolvi ċ-ċittadini fil-proċess tat-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet u ser tinkoraġġixxi forom ġodda ta’ konsultazzjoni, bħal dibattiti taċ-ċittadini.

- Studju ta’ l-impatt. L-istudju ta’ l-impatt jiżgura illi l-politika ssir bil-konoxxenza tal-fatti u tal-konsegwenzi kollha. Huwa wkoll imexxi l-proċess tal-formulazzjoni tal-politika permezz ta’ analiżi miftuħa ta’ l-għażliet u jipprovdi dixxiplina li taċċerta illi l-fatturi ekonomiċi, soċjali u ambjentali jittieħdu kollha in konsiderazzjoni, inkluż l-impatt fuq il-kompetittività. L-istudju ta’ l-impatt għandu wkoll imexxi l-proċess inter-istituzzjonali tat-teħid tad-deċiżjonijet u jipprovdi spjegazzjoni pubblika ċara u aċċessibbli ta’ għalfejn qed issir proposta. L-istudju ta’ l-impatt għaldaqstant jibqa’ karatteristika standard għall-proposti kollha leġiżlattivi u li jiddefinixxu l-politika inklużi fil-Programm ta’ Ħidma għall-2006[3]: u jista’ f’ċerti każijiet iwassal għal deċiżjoni biex l-għanijiet jintlaħqu b’mod ieħor, jew biex il-proċess ma jkomplix.Barra minn hekk, studji ta’ l-impatt li saru matul l-2006 ser iħejju l-programm ta’ l-2007.Il-kontropartijiet ta’ l-istudji ta’ l-impatt huma evalwazzjonijiet ex post li, f’intervalli regolari, jeżaminaw jekk il-politika u l-programmi Ewropej laħqux l-għanijiet tagħhom.

- Transpożizzjoni u implimentazzjoni. Il-Kummissjoni ser tintensifika l-isforzi tagħha biex timplimenta s-sistema l-ġdida ta’ l-applikazzjoni tad-dritt Komunitarju[4], partikolarment permezz ta’ kooperazzjoni aktar effettiva ma’ l-Istati Membri, miżuri preventivi u t-trattament rigoruż f’każ ta’ vjolazzjoni fejn dan huwa neċessarju.

- Simplifikazzjoni . Il-liġijiet u proċeduri ta’ l-UE iridu jevitaw komplessità eċċessiva: din iġġib magħha spejjeż veri għaċ-ċittadini u n-negozji.Il-proposti għal liġijiet ġodda ser ikunu ttestjati rigorożament, u l-liġijiet eżistenti wkoll għandhom bżonn ta’ dehra ġdida. F’Ottubru 2005, il-Kummissjoni nidiet fażi ġdida fis-simplifikazzjoni tal-liġijiet (b’tattika settorjali u konsultazzjoni aktar sistematika mal-partijiet li għandhom interess), u stabbiliet programm fuq 3 snin biex tiġi eżaminata l-leġiżlazzjoni li tista’ tkun ta’ piż disproporzjonat għaċ-ċittadini u negozji ta’ l-UE.[5] Dan ikompliu jsaħħaħ il-qafas tal-Kummissjoni għas-simplifikazzjoni stabbilita fl-2003. Fl-ewwel fażi, l-attenzjoni ser tkun fuq is-setturi tal-vetturi, il-kostruzzjoni u l-iskart.

- Simplifikazzjoni amministrattiva: Il-Kummssjoni bidet revisjoni tal-proċeduri interni tagħha sabiex tikseb simplifikazzjoni interna sinifikanti: l-2006 ser tara l-ewwel riżultati ta’ din l-inizjattiva ta’ simplifikazzjoni, partikolarment f’dak li jirrigwarda l-amministrazzjoni, it-tmexxija finanzjarja, u l-offerti u x-xiri pubbliku.

Filwaqt illi jkompli x-xogħol fuq l-inizjattivi ta’ prijorità elenkati fl-anness, u fuq inizjattivi ta’ politika oħra, dawn il-prinċipji ta’ regolamentazzjoni aħjar ser ikunu ċentrali għax-xogħol tal-Kummissjoni.Reviżjoni intermedja tal-Programm ta’ Ħidma fis-sajf ta’ l-2006 ser tiippermetti illi l-Kummissjoni tieħu kont ta’ dawn il-bidliet u, fejn xieraq, li temenda l-lista ta’ prijoritajiet.



Title English | Type of proposal or act | Description of scope and objectives | Reference number |

Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing the European Institute of Technology (EIT) | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | This proposal will be presented only if the 2006 Spring European Council asks for it in the light of the Commission Communication on the same theme that will be annexed to the Commission report on the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy. In this case, the proposal will aim to establish the EIT (main functions and characteristics, structures and bodies, budget, etc.). | 2006/EAC+/004 |

Recommendation for a European Qualifications Framework | Non-legislative action / Recommendation | The main policy objective is to establish - on a voluntary basis - a European reference framework that will facilitate transparency, transfer and recognition of qualifications in Europe. A set of common reference levels will facilitate the comparison of education and training provisions and be supported by principles for quality assurance, validation, guidance, key competences etc. The EQF will support the comparability and thus eventually also the recognition of qualifications, provide a framework for development of qualifications at sector level and support the lifelong learning of individual citizens. | 2006/EAC/006 |

Convergence Report 2006 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | At least every two years, the Commission and the ECB each prepare a convergence report in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 121(1). The reports examine to which extent the Member States with a derogation have achieved a high degree of sustainable convergence on the basis of the 4 convergence criteria. The compatibility of their national legislation with Community law also forms part of the assessment. | 2006/ECFIN/019 |

Proposal for a Council Decision under Art.122(2) abrogating the derogation for certain Member States | Legislative Proposal / Decision | If one or more Member States are deemed to fulfil the conditions for euro adoption, their derogation is abrogated by the Council. | 2006/ECFIN/020 |

Proposal for an amendment of Regulation (EC) No 2866/98 on conversion rates to the euro | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | Council decides on conversion rates of new euro area entrants in accordance with Article 123(5). | 2006/ECFIN/021 |

Legislative Proposal consolidating and strengthening new approach directives, policies and principles | Legislative Proposal / Decision | The main operational objectives are: Consolidating and reviewing key definitions; Enhancing mutual confidence in conformity assessment bodies and increasing transparency of the notification process by defining a Community policy on accreditation and by consolidating and reviewing designation requirements; Facilitating the notification process concerning notified bodies; Reviewing the existing conformity assessment modules; Clarifying the meaning of the CE marking and its relationship to voluntary marks; Establishing a Community framework consisting of essential requirements for national market surveillance activities; Enhancing cooperation of national market surveillance authorities; Improving the safeguard clause mechanism | 2006/ENTR/001 |

Community Regulation concerning the free movement of goods in the non-harmonised area | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | The main policy objective is improving the functioning of mutual recognition in the non-harmonised area, by finding a solution for most of the problems set out above. Mutual recognition in the non-harmonised area of goods needs more structure so as to enhance transparency and to encourage national authorities to act more ‘European’. It is also important that, in cases where mutual recognition is refused, the possibility for companies to demonstrate that the disputed product is indeed lawfully marketed elsewhere in the EU is clearly set out. | 2006/ENTR/002 |

Communication on a competitive automotive regulatory framework | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The main objective is to enhance the EU industry’s global competitiveness and employment, while sustaining further progress in safety and environmental performance of vehicles at a price affordable to the consumer. The main policy areas involved therefore are better regulation, competitiveness, environment and road safety. | 2006/ENTR/003 |

Revision of Directive 88/378/EC on the safety of toys | Legislative Proposal / Directive | The main policy objectives are the simplification of the current legislation, the improvement on the safety of toys by clarifying essential safety requirements, the improvement in the functioning of the Internal Market by developing conditions for a better common approach by national market surveillance authorities in the implementation of the legislation in force. | 2006/ENTR/004 |

Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Directive 98/34/EC laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on information society services | Legislative Proposal / Directive | To ensure that the Lisbon agenda goal of ensuring a smooth functioning of the Internal Market for services by 2010 is achieved. To eliminate potential obstacles to the Internal Market for services even before they appear, thus avoiding a posteriori and lengthier interventions and increasing the competitiveness of EU enterprises. To adjust the standardisation part of the Directive to the latest developments in this area. | 2006/ENTR/006 |

Communication Financing Growth - the European Way | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Communication aims at specifying concrete actions contributing to the growth of the European innovative firms, in particular SMEs and mid-sized firms, by spreading good practices and policy learning in access to finance. In particular the new Member States, where the financial sector development is behind that of EU-15, can benefit from an open policy dialogue process. The Communication also aims to outline actions that would contribute to enhancing the single market by identifying and removing obstacles from cross-border investment. So far, the Member States have regularly confirmed their commitment to ease the access to finance, but have mainly focused on national solutions. | 2006/ENTR/007 |

Communication on Defence Industries and Markets | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Commission wants to encourage the competitiveness of the European defence sector. Appropriate market legislation and substantial R&D programmes are the main tools to achieve this objective. | 2006/ENTR/008 |

Communication on the functioning of the regulatory framework for electronic communications and services | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | Provides a report on the functioning of the regulatory framework for electronic communications and services and launches a public consultation on possible review. | 2006/INFSO/001 |

Communication on eGovernment | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The objective is to propose an Action Plan for 2006-2010 widely supported by Member States and Commission services that work on eGovernment related activities, as announced in the i2010 Communication. | 2006/INFSO/003 |

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 89/665/EEC and 92/13/EEC as lastly modified, on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of review procedures to the award of public contracts | Legislative Proposal / Directive | L'objectif est d'encourager davantage les entreprises communautaires à soumissionner dans n'importe quel Etat membre de l'Union, en leur donnant la certitude qu'elles pourront, si nécessaire, engager des recours efficaces dans le cas où leurs intérêts auraient été lésés lors de procédures de passation de marchés de travaux, de fournitures ou de services. La proposition de directive vise à améliorer certaines dispositions des directives « recours » sans changer les principes qui ont inspiré leur adoption. En outre, la proposition de directive prendra essentiellement la forme d’un renforcement des procédures ou mécanismes existants en particulier par la mise en place de recours efficaces contre les marchés passés illégalement de gré à gré. Par ailleurs, les développements jurisprudentiels récents appellent une clarification voire une précision du cadre législatif existant, afin d’assurer une sanction effective, proportionnée et dissuasive des violations du droit communautaire des marchés publics. | 2006/MARKT/002 |

Commission White Paper on the Integration of the EU Mortgage Credit Market | Non-legislative action / White Paper | White Paper on mortgage credit announcing any initiatives to be proposed by the Commission to promote the creation of an EU mortgage credit market, based on the results of wide-spread consultation following the 2005 Green Paper 'Mortgage Credit in the EU'. | 2006/MARKT/003 |

White Paper on the next steps towards an efficient investment fund market | Non-legislative action / White Paper | The Green Paper on the enhancement of the EU framework for investment funds was published in July 2005. It presented an analysis of the European market for investment funds and an assessment of the ability of the EU regulatory framework in the area (UCITS Directives) to achieve its objectives in the current context. It also launched a debate on a series of options that could improve the functioning of the fund market. Drawing on a long process of consultation, research and impact assessment, the White Paper will present the concrete actions to be taken in order to achieve a more efficient market for investment funds. | 2006/MARKT/004 |

Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on clearing and settlement in the securities field | Legislative Proposal / Directive | The proposal could provide a common regulatory framework to achieve an efficient, integrated and safe market for securities clearing and settlement, thus increasing market liquidity, reducing costs of capital and increasing EU growth. Currently several barriers, of different nature, generate inefficiency and increase costs for most of the cross-border securities settlements. | 2006/MARKT/005 |

Proposal for the full accomplishment of the Internal Market for Postal Services | Legislative Proposal / Directive | The objective of the proposal is to progress the accomplishment of the internal market for postal services while ensuring the provision of universal postal services for all users, irrespective of their location in the Union. The scope of the proposal will include, if it is appropriate, confirmation of the date of 2009 for the full accomplishment of the postal internal market (i.e. opening of remaining postal monopolies to competition) and may include, in addition, measures intended to ensure the provision of universal postal services, the protection of users in conditions of undistorted competition in the market. | 2006/MARKT/006 |

Proposal to review Article 16 of Directive 2000/12/EC of 20 March 2000 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (review of the supervisory approval process for major shareholdings) | Legislative Proposal / Directive | Article 16 of the European Banking Directive allows supervisors to effectively block proposed mergers and acquisitions of banks in their jurisdiction on prudential grounds. The review of Article 16 seeks to clarify the process and procedures that should be followed by supervisors, in order to ensure clear, transparent and equitable treatment by all European supervisors in relation to proposed mergers and acquisitions of banks. | 2006/MARKT/007 |

Recommendation from the Commission - Fair compensation for private copying: copyright levies reform | Non-legislative action / Recommendation | Reform of copyright levies applied to equipment and media used for private copying by consumers and others. | 2006/MARKT/008 |

Interpretative Communication on the application of Article 296 of the Treaty to Defence Procurement | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The fragmentation of the European defence market is among other things due to the uncertainty on how to apply article 296 of the Treaty, which allows MS to derogate from Public Procurement rules when essential security interests are at stake. In the context on a more global initiative aimed at opening up defence procurement markets, an Interpretative Communication would clarify the criteria to be used in order to asses whether the conditions for the application of this derogation are met. | 2006/MARKT/012 |

European Transparency Initiative | Non-legislative action / other | The goal of the initiative is to increase transparency (e.g. use of Community funds, lobbying) | 2006/SG+/008 |

Decision on the renewal of an Action Programme for Customs in the Community (Customs 2013) | Legislative Proposal / Decision | The Customs 2013 programme is the successor of the Customs 2007 programme and has as objective to further improve cooperation between tax administrations. The Customs programme will continue to develop and modernise the trans-European computerised systems that underpin the implementation of customs policy. The Customs 2013 programme will tackle a number of new challenges, such as securing the supply chain and support for the use of a common risk management system, while promoting the incorporation of risk management into all aspects of customs work. Customs 2013 will continue to support activities to protect traders from piracy and counterfeiting. The Customs programme will also support the further development of initiatives to set up a paperless electronic customs environment while underpinning indispensable initiatives such as modernisation and simplification of the customs legislation. | 2006/TAXUD/001 |

Decision on the renewal of a Community programme to improve the operation of the taxation systems in the internal market (Fiscalis 2013) | Legislative Proposal / Decision | The Fiscalis 2013 programme will continue to support initiatives that focus on improving the proper functioning of taxation systems in the internal market by increasing cooperation between participating countries, their administrations and officials. It will raise awareness of relevant Community law and encourage Member States to share experience of implementing Directives. The programme will also encompass tools to help combat harmful tax competition and tax fraud, both within the EU and in relation to third countries. To support administrative cooperation and mutual assistance between tax administrations, the programme will develop and modernise the trans-European computerised networks required for the exchange of information for control purposes, such as the VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) and the Excise Movement Control System (EMCS). | 2006/TAXUD/002 |

Communication to the Council and the European Parliament on a strategy to improve the fight against tax fraud | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The purpose of the communication is to launch a debate on an overall anti-tax fraud strategy at EU level. The responsibility for control and anti-fraud work is clearly a matter for the Member States. The role of the Commission is to provide an appropriate legislative framework at Community level and to facilitate co-operation between Member States. A communication is therefore the appropriate tool to launch the debate. However, achieving the objective of the anti-fraud strategy will probably require both legal and non-legal activities at a later stage | 2006/TAXUD/003 |

Commission Communication on the implementation of a dedicated European rail freight network | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | Promoting the development of the rail transport (in particular the rail freight transport) and creating an integrated European railway area. Facilitating the internal rail freight market. Developing performing rail freight corridors on the trans-European rail network. Focusing Community funding on identified bottlenecks. Encouraging cooperation between infrastructure managers to increase the quality and efficiency of cross-border rail freight traffic by developing international timetabling, tailor-made paths. | 2006/TREN/003 |

Communication on transport logistics to facilitate intermodal transport | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | Freight Transport is more crucial for Europe's industrial competitiveness than for its international competitors because of our unique geography; mountains, seas, peripheral regions, location of production and population etc. The growth in international trade, enlargement and changes in logistics processes mean that freight transport continues to grow faster than GDP. Action that could be considered includes: - Support the development and use of advanced ICT, - Set standards for intermodal transport and logistics systems and services, - Improve intermodal liability, - Examine means (technical, legal, financial) to promote intermodal transport more actively, - Improve logistics education and training, - Ensure fair competition between the modes, - Expand support for alternative services and innovation, - Enhance co-operation between industry, service providers and policy makers, - Ensure widespread dissemination and take up of best practice. | 2006/TREN/010 |

Galileo future applications | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The European satellite navigation infrastructure will provide initial positioning services as from 2008. The use of this technology in all sectors of modern economies will generate by 2020 a global market of some 300 billion euros, with 3 billion receivers in use in a wide range of electronic devices. Some 150.000 highly qualified jobs will be created, contributing to the Lisbon objectives. Applications spanning the whole EU territories can easily be implemented in view of the exploitation phase. Coordinated actions and standards have to be developed in order to take the full benefits of this pan-European positioning and timing technology. Public administrations can make use of the positioning service through a set of regulated applications. An assessment of the feasibility of several regulatory measures and their impact is necessary. | 2006/TREN/025 |

Communication on Clean Coal Technologies | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | Stimuler le développement technologique et la démonstration à l'échelle commerciale des nouvelles technologies du charbon propre et, en particulier, par l'amélioration du rendement énergétique des centrales électriques utilisant ce combustible ouvrant la voie à la capture et au stockage du CO2. | 2006/TREN/026 |

Intermediate overall assessment of the measures advocated in the White Paper "European Transport Policy for 2010: time to decide" | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Commission's White Paper established a mid-term review in 2005 to check whether its objectives and precise targets were being attained or whether adjustment need making. As the original instrument used was a Communication from the Commission, the mid-term review has to be same kind of instrument | 2005/TREN/011 |


Title English | Type of proposal or act | Description of scope and objectives | Reference number |

Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 404/93 on the common market organisation for bananas | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | A review of the common market organisation (CMO) for bananas is envisaged based on the findings of an ongoing evaluation, in particular as concerns the aid scheme to the EU banana producers, also taking account of the new import system to be in place as of 2006. The main objectives of the review are to maintain an acceptable balance at the level of marketing of the three sources of supply of the Community market (EU production, ACP and dollar banana imports), to improve the efficiency of EU production, to provide fair prices to EU consumers, to support the sustainable development of the producing areas and to promote environmentally-friendly methods of cultivation and processing. | 2005/AGRI/003 |

Council Regulation amending Regulations Nos 2200/96, 2201/96 and 2002/96 on the common market organisation of fresh and processed fruit and vegetables | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | The reform of these sectors is part of the overall CAP reform process. The main objectives of the reform are to improve the competitiveness of processed fruits and vegetables industry through a more market orientated policy, while taking into account the important role of the sectors concerned in employment in rural areas; to update and upgrade the current instruments of the Common Market Organisation (CMO) for fresh products; to decrease trade distorting agricultural support; to remove useless rules, to simplify and clarify the remaining regulations. | 2006/AGRI/002 |

Commission Communication on reform of the common market organisation for wine | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The common market organisation for wine is one of the last agricultural sectors to undergo a significant reform in order to address a number of problems. The Commission Communication will set out orientations for the legislation aiming mainly to improve the competitiveness of the EU-produced wine, to reach a balance between supply and demand, to develop better instruments for a better knowledge and monitoring of the market, to simplify and clarify legislation, to ensure that wine production in Europe is sustainable, and to preserve the authenticity and character of the product. The Communication will be accompanied by an impact assessment and will later be followed by a proposal for a Council Regulation. | 2006/AGRI/003 |

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the future prospects for biofuels | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Communication will present the result of reflections on the question of measures to promote the production of biofuels, including such production in less developed third countries. | 2006/AGRI/019 |

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions "Growth, prosperity and solidarity in an equal and democratic society: a roadmap for equality between women and men" | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | Despite progress made in the last decades towards equality between women and men, several gender gaps in employment, unemployment, pay, decision making positions, as well as the phenomenon of violence against women and trafficking still remain. This Communication will represent the road map on gender equality and will define objectives and actions for EU policies in order to achieve gender equality, and to tackle remaining problems and obstacles. | 2006/EMPL/001 |

Communication from the Commission on a new Community strategy on health and safety at work 2007-2012 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The new Community strategy on health and safety at work for the period 2007-2012 will build on the current strategy and on the evaluation of its results by combining a variety of instruments: up-dating and simplifying legislation, social dialogue, progressive measures, development of new instruments to help the implementation of legislation, economic incentives and on building partnerships between all players in this policy area. The objectives will be increased productivity and quality of work, in line with the Lisbon strategy, through a reduction of occupational accidents and absenteeism due to poor health. | 2006/EMPL/002 |

Green Paper on the evolution of labour law | Non-legislative action / Green Paper | As announced in the Social Agenda, the Green Paper is expected to launch a wide debate in Europe involving EU institutions, Member States, social partners and experts with the aim of establishing conclusions about the main trends in the recent evolution of labour law, both at EU and national level, and identifying the most crucial and urgent issues. | 2006/EMPL/003 |

Communication on the demographic future of Europe | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Communication will present a synthesis of the replies to the 2005 Green Paper on ageing, the first results of the analytic studies prepared under the pilot action of the EP (Walter initiative) and the Commission's proposals for further action in this domain. | 2006/EMPL/004 |

Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides | Legislative Proposal / Directive | The Strategy will propose a number of measures and initiatives with the objective of a reduction of the impacts of pesticides on human health and the environment in order to achieve a more sustainable use of pesticides as well as a significant overall reduction in risks and of the use of pesticides consistent with the necessary crop protection. Justification for rescheduling: postponed from 2005 awaiting revision of SANCO directive 91/414 which is now foreseen for 2nd qtr 06 (Ref. 2003/SANCO/061). Communication with proposal for Framework Directive (Communication - option consultation ESC/CoR; Framework mandatory) | 2004/ENV/003 |

Communication - Halting the decline of biodiversity by 2010 | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Communication will lay down a road map on priority objectives and actions to meet the EU and global objectives, set by heads of state and government, relating to halting (EU) and significantly reducing (global) the decline of biodiversity by 2010. The European Council 2003 and 2004 has called for accelerated action in this regard. ENV Council (28 June 2004) called for a report to Council and Parliament as early as possible in 2004, taking account of the ongoing biodiversity policy review process and in particular the 'Message from Malahide' (which comprises stakeholder consensus on objectives and targets towards achieving the overall 2010 objective). | 2005/ENV/011 |

Green Paper on adaptation to climate change | Non-legislative action / Green Paper | The Green Paper will help identify areas where action is needed at Community level to support the EU's adaptation to the increasing adverse effects of climate change. The need to consider EU-level action on adaptation was flagged in the Commission Communication "Winning the Battle against Global Climate Change". | 2006/ENV/012 |

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Results of the review of the Community Strategy to reduce CO2 emissions from cars. | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Community's strategy to reduce CO2 emissions from cars will be reviewed and new options to complement existing measures, including the current voluntary agreements with car manufacturers will be examined. The aim is to reach an improved fuel efficiency. The results of this review will be presented and proposals on the way forward will be made. | 2006/ENV/013 |

Revision of Directive 2001/81/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on national emission ceilings (NEC) for certain atmospheric pollutants | Legislative Proposal / Directive | The revision of the NEC Directive is the key legislative initiative that will make concrete the environmental and health objectives set out in the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution up to 2020. Limit emissions of acidifying and eutrophying pollutants and ozone precursors to improve the protection in the Community of the environment and human health against risks of adverse effects from acidification, soil eutrophication and ground-level ozone and to move towards the long-term objectives of not exceeding critical levels and loads and of effective protection of all people against recognised health risks from air pollution by establishing national emission ceilings, taking the years 2010 and 2020 as benchmarks, and by means of successive reviews. | 2006/ENV/016 |

Modification of Directive 2003/87/EC in order to include aviation in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme | Legislative Proposal / Directive | Amend the existing legislative framework to incorporate aviation emissions into the EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). | 2006/ENV/017 |

Green Paper on a future European Union Maritime Policy | Non-legislative action / Green Paper | The Green Paper on an all embracing EU Maritime Policy will present the state of the art of integrated sea related policies. It shall set out options for a more holistic approach of the EU and its Member States for policies relating to the sea. | 2006/FISH/001 |

Proposal for a Regulation on the applicable law and jurisdiction in divorce matters | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | There are currently no Community rules in the field of applicable law to divorces. The main policy objective is to provide solutions that enhance legal certainty and flexibility and meet the legitimate expectations of the citizens according to the Hague Programme. The choice of the Regulation will ensure the achievement of these purposes. | 2005/JLS/187 |

Green Paper on the conflict of laws in matters concerning matrimonial property regimes, including the question of jurisdiction and mutual recognition | Non-legislative action / Green Paper | The objective is to launch a wide consultation of interested subjects on legal and practical issues arising in international situations in the area of property rights of married and unmarried couples. | 2005/JLS/188 |

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on future priorities for the common policy on illegal immigration | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The strategic objectives of an efficient handling of the EU borders and ensuring the highest level of security at the external borders are partially fulfilled through the objectives of this legal instrument. The operational powers, which should be conferred to the seconded national experts/border guards, are a minimum requirement in view of providing effective assistance to the requiring, host MS. With these powers the guest border guards contribute to reduce the risks and prevent the threats at those stretches of the EU external borders, which are under more intense threat. | 2006/JLS/005 |

Green Paper on Enforcement: A European system for the attachment of bank accounts | Non-legislative action / Green Paper | The objective is to launch a wide consultation of interested parties on how to improve the enforcement of monetary claims in the EU. The Green Paper describes the current legal situation and proposes the creation of a European System for the attachment of bank accounts as a possible solution. Different options are proposed as to the specific features of such a system. | 2006/JLS/006 |

European elections 2004: Commission Communication on the participation of the Union citizens in the Member State of residence (Directive 93/109/EC) and on the electoral modalities (Decision 76/787/EC as amended by Decision 2002/772/EC) | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | Firstly, the Communication will assess the application of Directive 93/109/EC on the voting rights of the Union citizens in their Member State of residence in the June 2004 elections to the European Parliament. The Report will draw the attention of the European Parliament to the question concerning publication of results of elections in Member States with the view of amending the relevant provision to be clear and to be implemented in a uniform way, which is not the case at the moment. It will be up to the European Parliament to contemplate the appropriateness of any legislative initiative. | 2006/JLS/008 |

Communication on the implementation of the rights of the child | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Communication intends to set a framework where concrete actions will allow the implementation of the rights of the child within the European Union. Also, the defence of children’s rights in the external Policy of the Union will be included. The action plan included in the Communication should help the Union and the Member States to fulfil their obligations vis-à-vis the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. | 2006/JLS/009 |

Green paper on drugs and civil society in the EU | Non-legislative action / Green Paper | Produce a Green paper to provide a framework for working with the civil society in the drugs field at the EU level. Ensure effective implementation of actions n° 3 (1) and 3 (2) of the EU Drugs Action Plan 2005-2008. | 2006/JLS/007 |

Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning Community Financial Contributions to the International Fund for Ireland (2007-2008) | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | Article 5 of Council Regulation (EC) No 177/2005 of 24 January 2005 establishes that by 31 March 2006 the Commission shall submit a report to the Budgetary Authority, assessing the results of the activities of the Fund & the need for continuing contributions beyond 2006. | 2006/REGIO+/006 |

Proposal for a Council Decision on Strategic Community Guidelines on Cohesion | Legislative Proposal / Decision | Définition des priorités de la Communauté en matière de cohésion économique, sociale et territoriale. | 2005/REGIO+/013 |

Proposal for a Directive amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market | Legislative Proposal / Directive | Adaptation to technical progress and re-organisation of regulatory provisions concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market. Commitment of the Commission in its progress report to Council and European Parliament (COM 444(2001)final). | 2003/SANCO/61 |

Package of proposals aiming to reinforce the position and the normative framework of inland waterway transport, namely: (1) Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European institutional framework for inland waterway transport; (2) Proposal for a negotiation mandate aiming at allowing third countries to participate in the institutional framework and, if possible, to establish a common normative framework between the EU and third countries | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | Le renforcement du cadre institutionnel, p.ex. l'établissement d'une Agence européenne pour la navigation intérieure, devrait inscrire le transport fluvial dans le cadre d'une politique des transports plus stratégique. Une telle agence devrait concentrer les aptitudes et ressources disponibles et éviter les doubles emplois dans les travaux de différents organismes, tout en combinant des missions différentes afin de susciter des synergies. En utilisant le cadre communautaire comme seul cadre approprié, la prise de décisions et l’établissement de règles communes seront facilités. Dans l’objectif de permettre la participation des Etats tiers intéressés dans les travaux de l’agence, et de parvenir à un cadre réglementaire harmonisé en Europe, l’établissement de l’Agence devra être accompagné par des accords bi- ou multilatéraux avec des pays tiers. | 2006/TREN/009 |

Action Plan on energy efficiency | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | L'énergie est au cœur de notre système économique et pourtant l'Europe doit importer 50% de ses besoins énergétiques, soit une facture annuelle de 240 milliards d’euros. Si rien n’est fait, ce sera 70% en 2030 alors que le prix du pétrole s’envole. La maîtrise de notre consommation d’énergie est indispensable si l’on veut réduire cette dépendance énergétique. C’est pourquoi l’efficacité énergétique est une des priorités de la stratégie de Lisbonne pour une Europe plus compétitive. Suite au débat public lancé cette année avec le Livre vert sur l’efficacité énergétique, cette communication définira un plan d’action visant des économies d’énergie de l’ordre de 20% d’ici 2020. | 2006/TREN/032 |

Green Paper on a secure, competitive and sustainable energy policy for Europe | Non-legislative action | The Green Paper will prepare the Communication on this subject which will be issued later in the year. The intention is to give the widest possible consultation pursuant to Better Regulation. | 2006/TREN/XXX |


Title English | Type of proposal or act | Description of scope and objectives | Reference number |

Communication on a strategy for a secure information society "Strengthening Trust in ICT" | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The strategy will propose a general framework for future activities in the field of internet, network and information security. It will take stock of actions already taken and identify areas where an action at EU level can provide particular added value, while respecting subsidiarity and activities already undertaken by Member States. It will also provide a link to further security related activities planned for 2006. | 2006/INFSO/002 |

Proposal for a Decision on a computerised system of exchange of information on criminal convictions | Legislative Proposal / Decision (CFSP/JHA) | La décision aura pour objectif de créer les bases nécessaires à la mise en place d'un mécanisme européen informatisé permettant d'échanger les informations contenues dans les registres nationaux. | 2004/JLS/116 |

Council Decision creating a European Law Enforcement Network in the fight against terrorism (LEN) | Legislative Proposal / Decision | Pursuant to the Communication of the European Commission on Preparedness and the Consequence Management in the Fight against Terrorism the Commission proposes additional measures to strengthen the existing instruments on civil protection and consequence management. The intention of the Commission is to establish a law enforcement alert mechanism (the Law Enforcement Network, LEN) to be hosted by Europol and connected with other European rapid alert and rapid response systems managed by the Commission (notably ARGUS) whilst respecting national competences. | 2005/JLS/077 |

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community Code on short stay visas | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | One of the fundamental components of further development of the common visa policy as part of a multi-layer system aimed at facilitating legitimate travel and tackling illegal immigration through enhanced harmonisation of national legislation and handling practices at diplomatic and consular posts (as defined in the Hague Programme), is the establishment of a "common corpus" of legislation. Therefore it is necessary to consolidate, update and develop the current acquis. As current legal instruments is a mixture of Community rules and administrative and practical provisions, a proper "Visa Code" is to be drafted and accompanied by practical guidelines for the operational implementation of these rules. | 2006/JLS/002 |

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council in view of setting up the powers and the financing of teams of national experts of Member States to provide technical and operational assistance to Member States in the activities dealing with the control and surveillance of the external borders in the framework of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | Based on the results of the study on the powers of the MS border guards, whose final report should be ready end of 2005, the proposal of the EP and Council legal instrument aims to set up powers and financing for the border guards, when seconded in another MS. The objective is to enable the MS border guards to provide effective assistance to their colleagues of the requesting, host MS, since they should receive the appropriate powers in view of executing the regular tasks linked with the control and surveillance of the external borders. Furthermore the draft act should define the financial framework for enacting such a programme of technical assistance between the MS border guards. | 2006/JLS/003 |

Proposal for a Framework Decision on Conflicts of Jurisdiction and the Principle of ne bis in idem in criminal proceedings | Legislative Proposal / Framework decision (JHA) | The proposal aims to create a mechanism which would facilitate the choice of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings in situations where two or more Member States could be interested to prosecute the same case. It would also aim to clarify the scope, applicability and the interpretation of certain elements / definitions of the current rules on the trans-national EU principle of ne bis in idem, which are found in Articles 54-58 of the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement (CISA). | 2006/JLS/010 |

EU Action Plan on public private partnership for combating crime and terrorism | Non-legislative action / Other | To establish a recommended model for public private partnerships against crime and terrorism at the EU level. | 2006/JLS/012 |

Proposal for a modification of the Council Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism, in particular to make the transmission of expertise in explosives/bomb-making for terrorist purposes a crime | Legislative Proposal / Framework decision (JHA) | The proposal is intended to continue making life difficult for terrorists or would-be terrorists by making the intentional transmission of expertise in the making of bombs and explosives for terrorist purposes a crime under the Framework Decision. This Proposal would also tie in with the policy being developed by the Commission in the field of violent radicalisation as the transmission of such expertise could be one aspect transforming persons having violently radical views into terrorists or as a way for terrorist groups/networks to recruit new people. | 2006/JLS/013 |

Communication on a European Cyber-security and Cybercrime policy | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | A comprehensive update of the Commission's cybercrime policy, including issues related to protection of the critical information infrastructure, terrorist use of the internet, identity theft, pan-European admissibility of electronic evidence, combating on-line child pornography, etc. | 2006/JLS+/015 |

First implementation report of the Hague Action Plan – Scoreboard Plus | Non-legislative action / Other | The objective is to develop and produce a yearly report that focuses on the correct and timely transposition of legislative acts adopted and on the effective implementation of measures agreed. | 2006/JLS/016 |

Communication on the objective and impartial evaluation of the implementation of EU measures in the field of Freedom, Security and Justice. | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The main objective is to improve policies in the area of freedom security and justice through the establishment of a mechanism, which provides for effective evaluation of the implementation and results of policies in this area. | 2006/JLS/017 |

Commission Communication on organ donation and transplantation in the EU | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | Organ transplantation is currently a common technique used in medicine. Transplants are in many cases the only treatments to end stage organ failures. This process is not risk free to the donor and the recipient. The Commission, under article 152 of the Amsterdam Treaty, has the right to establish the necessary measures for setting high standards of quality and safety of organs. Organ transplantation is a very complex area that only could be addressed successfully taking into account all the elements. | 2005/SANCO/006 |

White Paper on "Better training for safer food" | Non-legislative action / White Paper | The heart of the problem is a lack of a harmonised approach to the design and developments of national control systems. The WP on Food Safety placed particular emphasis on this and clearly indicates the need to address the issues with appropriate actions to achieve a high standard of consumer protection across the EU. The EP and the Council, on 29 April 2004, adopted Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 on official controls which identifies training as a key issue. Article 51 of the Regulation empowers the Commission to develop training programmes for staff of competent authorities of the Member States, which may be open to participants of third countries, in particular developing countries. This action will develop a White Paper on a Community training strategy in the area covered by Regulation (EC) No 882/2004. | 2005/SANCO/024 |

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 on animal by-products | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | The key objective is to review the health rules on ABPs taking into account the experience gained in applying Regulation 1774/2002. Removing disproportionate provisions and clarifying the scope of the Regulation would lead to a clear text, making the measures more effective and efficient. The review will reduce unnecessary burden and negative impacts, increasing benefits by simplifying and avoiding duplication of administrative procedures for national authorities and operators. | 2005/SANCO/058 |

Green Paper on the Review of the consumer protection regulatory framework (acquis) | Non-legislative action / Green Paper | Green paper will launch the public consultation in order to allow the Commission to: - analyse the transposition and application of the eight consumer directives constituting the acquis by the MS - start a comparative law analysis of the relevant national laws - identify regulatory problems and internal market barriers. The final purpose is: to rationalise and simplify the acquis in order to get rid of possible inconsistencies, overlaps, internal market barriers and distortions of competition, in order to complete the internal market and achieve better consumer protection. | 2006/SANCO/007 |

Commission Communication on a coordinated approach in Europe to tackle alcohol-related harm | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | Council Conclusions of 5 June 2001 on Community strategy to reduce alcohol-related harm invites the Commission to come forward with measures in this respect. The Council reiterated the invitation on 2 June 2004. The main policy objective is to reduce the health and social harm due to alcohol consumption and contribute to higher productivity and a sustainable economic development in EU in line with the objectives set out in the Lisbon Strategy. | 2005/SANCO/032 |

Extension of the competences of the European Rail Agency - Amendment of Directive 2004/59/EC | Legislative Proposal / Directive | La longueur et le coût des procédures nationales d'homologation des locomotives ne sont pas optimales. Il convient d'examiner les modalités de participations de l'agence ferroviaire pour faciliter/améliorer les procédures actuelles en favorisant les reconnaissances mutuelles. | 2006/TREN/005 |

Communication on the protection of critical transport and energy infrastructure | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | To reduce the likelihood of European critical transport and energy infrastructure being lost or damaged by identifying it and ensuring its adequate protection. | 2006/TREN/011 |

Communication on minimum maritime labour standards | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The general objective is to explore the integration of ILO consolidated Convention, possibly through an agreement of social partners, in order to be able to extend the port state control to labour standards applied on board all ships calling at European ports regardless of the flag and the nationality of seafarers. | 2006/TREN/007 |

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council modifying Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 with a view to extending the tasks of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to the domains of Air Traffic Management (ATM), Air Navigation Services (ANS) and airports | Legislative Proposal / Regulation | The extension of EASA's tasks related to rulemaking (safety & interoperability), certification, licensing and standardisation of services and organisations across Member States, in the domains of ATM, ANS and airports. | 2006/TREN/033 |


Title English | Type of proposal or act | Description of scope and objectives | Reference number |

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on an "EU Governance Facility for Africa" | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The EU will back African-owned efforts to improve governance. The EU must encourage and support African countries to systematically develop good governance plan within their national PRSP. A powerful tool to further boost efforts is, in particular, the voluntary African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) and the reforms that it will trigger. To this aim, the Commission will launch a Governance Initiative that will encourage participation in the APRM process and provide further support to African countries for the implementation of their APRM-driven reforms. This support should be additional to, and fully in line with, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and should respect African ownership both of the process and the reforms pursued. | 2006/DEV/005 |

EU-Africa partnership on infrastructure. A response to Africa's strategy for regional economic growth and integration | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | Ongoing efforts to develop and sustain Africa's infrastructure and access to services must accelerate for economic growth that contributes to reduce poverty. The Commission proposes to establish an EU-Africa Partnership for Infrastructure to support and develop sustainable Networks that facilitate interconnectivity at a continental level for the promotion of regional integration. The Partnership for Infrastructure should encompass investments in trans-boundary and regional infrastructure and their regulatory frameworks in the widest sense. African ownership will come through close engagement with African continental and regional institutions – the AU/NEPAD and the RECs. | 2006/DEV/006 |

Communication to the Council and the European Parliament on a EU Development Support Strategy for the Pacific Region | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | Update of EU/EC policy vis-à-vis the Pacific region to enhance efficiency of EC assistance. | 2006/DEV/002 |

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee on an EU development support strategy for the Caribbean | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Communication will provide for a political and implementation strategy framework to ensure that the EU supports the efforts of the Caribbean to tackle their vulnerabilities, complete their regional integration process and reposition themselves as a high potential added value region. The strategy will also contribute to the creation of a single coherent and comprehensive EU policy towards the Caribbean. | 2006/DEV/004 |

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the monitoring of Bulgaria and Romania composed of: • Summary Paper on the Comprehensive Monitoring Reports for Bulgaria and Romania • Comprehensive Monitoring Reports for Bulgaria and Romania | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Summary Paper for Bulgaria and Romania will specifically focus on the final preparations for accession by identifying the main gaps and make recommendations, if appropriate. The comprehensive monitoring reports cover the progress made by the 2 countries towards accession (Commission staff working papers - 100 pages) | 2006/ELARG/001 |

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the 2006 Enlargement Package composed of: • Strategy Paper on Enlargement • Progress Reports on Croatia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro/Kosovo • Comprehensive Monitoring Reports for Bulgaria and Romania | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Strategy Paper contains the main findings of the Progress and Monitoring Reports and includes proposals for policy recommendations. The Progress Reports contain the progress made by Croatia and Turkey towards accession as well as the progress made in implementing the Stabilisation and Association process by Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro including Kosovo (Commission staff working papers). The Comprehensive Monitoring Reports contain the progress made by Bulgaria and Romania towards accession. | 2006/ELARG/002 |

Communication concerning the Establishment of The Global Renewable Energy Fund of Funds -- An Innovative Public-Private Financing Mechanism in support of the Global Sustainable Development Agenda | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The Communication will provide an outline of the key features of the proposed innovative public-private financing mechanism which aims to (1) create affordable "patient" risk capital so as to increase access to risk capital for renewable energy entrepreneurs and project developers, (2) increase engagement of private sector experts and investors, and (3) increase the leverage of public sector funds. In addition to the strong focus on Developing Countries, Europe and its neighbouring countries will also be considered. | 2006/ENV/015 |

Communication on a EU External Relations Strategy to Counter Terrorism | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The communication is intended to develop a horizontal strategy to encourage projects aimed at countering terrorism in third states through the appropriate legal instruments under the new financial perspectives (2007-2013). | 2006/RELEX/012 |

Communication on a Strategy for non- proliferation and disarmament of WMD and Programming of the Community contribution | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The communication is intended to define a strategic framework for initiatives and projects against the proliferation of WMD, to be implemented through the appropriate legal instruments under the new financial perspectives (2007-2013). | 2006/RELEX/014 |

Commission Communication: "Conventional Disarmament as contribution to Human security" | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The communication aims at extending the scope of the Anti-Personnel Landmines Regulations (1724/01 and 1725/01), which provide a stepping stone for a wider action on weapons removal. This Communication will pave the way to the Multi-annual Programming exercises under appropriate legal instruments (e.g. Stability, Pre-accession, Neighbourhood and Development Instruments). | 2006/RELEX/013 |

Proposal for a Council decision establishing negotiating directives for an enhanced agreement to replace, or amend, the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States and Ukraine | Agr. with third countries / Draft or recom. for a neg. mandate | Content to be defined, subject to further discussion with Member States and Ukraine. Objective is to define the overall framework for EU - Ukraine relations after the end of the initial 10 year period of the PCA. | 2006/RELEX/019 |

New ENP action plans and first reviews of ENP Action Plan Implementation | Non-legislative action / Commission working paper | Action plans will be set up with Egypt, Lebanon, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. For Algeria a country report will be established. Première évaluation de la mise en oeuvre des plans Politique Européenne de Voisinage pour la Moldavie, l'Ukraine, le Maroc, la Tunisie, la Jordanie, Israël et l'Autorité palestinienne. Une communication accompagnera le document des services présentant les conclusions de cette évaluation. | 2006/RELEX/007 |

The EU and China | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | China’s rise as a major global player and the development of its relations with the EU make it necessary to define a new comprehensive strategy over the next five years. This strategy will bring together, in a single framework: – A Communication defining a new general strategy for EU-China relations over the next five years and updating the 2003 Communication. – A specific Communication offering a pro-active vision for trade and investment relations with China for the next five years. 2006 will be the final year of the 5 year transition period granted to China to fully implement her WTO commitments in most areas: a timely opportunity to comprehensively review China’s implementation of her WTO commitments and to propose a forward- looking strategy to "close the gaps” | 2005/RELEX+/040 |

Communication of the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee on External Aspects of Competitiveness | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | The top priority today is to restore sustainable dynamic growth and jobs in Europe with a view to put Europe back on track to long term prosperity, in accordance with the new Lisbon strategy. In the last decade, Europe's growth and productivity gains have failed to match those of its major economic partners. A low labour force participation and employment ratio give rise to sluggish internal demand, low investment and innovation, and directly feed oppositions to structural change as well as to open and competitive markets. Greater openness to trade and investment represents a major engine of growth and productivity gains through greater competition, better specialisation based on comparative advantage, innovations generated by greater competition, the technology included in foreign imports and investments, and increased economies of scale. Trade negotiations can offer new opportunities to open new markets for European exports and better rules to improve fair competition with a view to develop qualified jobs in Europe. The Communication will assess a critical review of the current trade policy impact on European competitiveness and make some recommendations on trade and trade-related policies to maximise their contribution to the main objectives of the new Growth and Jobs Strategy. The Communication will represent a general framework for new initiatives in trade and trade-related policies and will pave the way for more specific Communications and EU actions.i | 2006/TRADE/001 |

Communication of the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee on the renewed Market Access Strategy | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | L'adaptation des modalités d'action de la Stratégie Européenne d’Accès aux Marchés est nécessaire pour développer l'ouverture des marchés mondiaux, au bénéfice de l'Union européenne comme des pays tiers. Il s’agit d’utiliser au mieux l’ensemble des instruments de politique commerciale, qu’ils impliquent des négociations aux niveaux multilatéral régional et bilatéral ou qu’ils prennent la forme d’instruments spécifiques tels que le dialogue réglementaire qui vise à suivre la bonne mise en œuvre des engagements pris par nos partenaires. L’interactivité avec les entreprises européennes découlant de l’utilisation de la Base de Données Accès aux Marchés constitue à cet égard un atout qu’il convient d’exploiter plus finement. En termes de politique commerciale, les objectifs concernent la facilitation des exportations de biens et de services, et des investissements, notamment dans les pays émergents à fort potentiel de croissance Il s’agit aussi, en levant les barrières à l’accès aux marchés où qu’elles se trouvent, d’aider les entreprises européennes travaillant dans les secteurs à plus fort potentiel, à tirer profit de la spécialisation sectorielle mondiale par des économies d’échelle. Il est prévu que les critères d’importance de ces pays et secteurs soient énoncés dans une communication de la Commission prévue pour avril 2006 sur le thème des aspects externes de la compétitivité. | 2006/TRADE/002 |

Draft recommendation for a negotiation Mandate. Economic integration and free trade agreement with the Republic of Ukraine | Agr. with third countries / Draft or recom. for a neg. mandate | The proposal will request a mandate from the Council to negotiate an economic integration and free trade agreement with the Republic of Ukraine. The objectives of the agreement are to foster trade, investment and economic ties between the EU and Ukraine, which is an important neighbour of the enlarged EU. | 2006/TRADE+/003 |

Communication to the European Parliament and the Council on the development of energy markets with neighbouring countries | Non-legislative action / Commission Communication | La communication portera sur la création d'un marché de l'énergie avec les pays voisins fondé sur la complémentarité des stratégies énergétiques de l'Union et de ses voisins immédiats, qu'ils soient producteurs, consommateurs, ou pays de transits. L'objectif est de concourir par la création de ce marché à la sécurité de l'approvisionnement énergétique de l'Union Européenne qui, dans les décennies à venir, devrait demeurer fortement dépendante des sources externes d'énergies fossiles. | 2006/TREN+/015 |

[1] SEC(2005)791

[2] Barra minn hekk, l-anali|[pic]i ekonomika ser tissa'[pic]'[pic]a'[pic] fil-ka|[pic] ta 5 dossiers o'[pic]ra.

[3] L-uni[pic]i ka|[pic]ijiet fejn studju ta l-impatt mhuwiex ne[pic]essarju huwa g'[pic]all- Green Papers u konsultazzjonijiet ma l-imsie'[pic]ba so[pic]jali. F dawn il-ka|[pic]ijiet, studju ta l-impatminn hekk, l-analiżi ekonomika ser tissaħħaħ fil-każ ta’ 5 dossiers oħra.

[4] L-uniċi każijiet fejn studju ta’ l-impatt mhuwiex neċessarju huwa għall-Green Papers u konsultazzjonijiet ma’ l-imsieħba soċjali. F’dawn il-każijiet, studju ta’ l-impatt ser isegwi f’fażi aktar tard jekk l-inizjattiva għandha titkompla.

[5] COM (2002) 725 finali

[6] Komunikazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni lill-Parlament Ewropew, il-Kunsill, il-Kumitat Ekonomiku u Soċjali u l-Kumitat tar-Reġjuni – Strateġija għas-simplifikazzjoni ta’ l- acquis communautaire (COM(2005)535).
